Art Therapy Article
Art Therapy Article
Art Therapy Article
books, flowers,
lems and pleasures of art, not fruit, sweets, newspapers, bis-
only to alleviate the dullness cuits, and ink bottles,, all pro-
of a long illness, but to foster vided material for His brush
a lasting appreciation for art and pencil. Time passed
when the patient is restored swiftly, and the entrance of his
to health. Adrian Hill's idea tea tray, once an important
is a simple one. He likes to event of the
day, became an
tell you that 90 years ago Flor- unwelcome interruption. The
ence Nightingale was groping professional artist had returned
towards idea of
some art to his craft, while the bored
therapy. In 1860 she wrote: "The
effect in sickness of beautiful
Objects and.
especially of
. .
patient was rapidly becoming
a back number.
brilliancy of colours, is
at all appreciated variety . . .
Nothing perhaps would have
of form and brilliancy of colour come of it if Adrian Hill had
in the objects presented to not decided that, since art had
patients is an actual means to helped him to regain his
recovery." She even recom-
health, why not apply this to
mended others? He tackled the prob-
showing engravings to
patients. But lem with the thoroughness of
with the thoroughness of the former germ can help enor-
a true missionary. He sin- in latter
mously banishing the
cerely believes that a natural bug." (The patients' interest
feeling for art lies in all of us, quickens.) "And this is not
only waiting for the right soft quack medicine," he continues.
of encouragement to be fully "It is not a stunt. It is just
developed. As an "out- common sense. We are all