Lesson 2: Art Appreciation: Creativity, Imagination and Expression

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Some key takeaways are that art can be used to manage stress, promote positive thinking, and help make sense of emotions. Different art forms like music, theatre, and visual arts were discussed.

Art can be used for self-expression to reflect one's thoughts and feelings. It can also create opportunities for community dialogue and shared cultural experiences. Artistic expression benefits both individuals and communities.

Examples given include how the Mona Lisa's expression shows creativity in visual art and how films can convey feelings and emotions in storytelling. Theatre and performance art also utilize creativity through characterizations and storytelling.


1. In one of your encounters with art through museum visits, exhibits, musical, and plays, among
others, have you ever felt disconnected from an artwork? Was there a point in time when you
did not understand what message the art was trying to convey? If yes, write the name of the
artwork in the box and attach an image of the artwork, if possible. Explain why you think you
did not understand the art using the box provide below.

By Martin Jansen- Presley Expressionism

 For me yes, as I encountered different arts through museum visits exhibit,

musical, and plays and among others, I felt sometimes disconnected of that
artwork. Maybe it’s because that artwork was not mine or not my creation,
however there are certain angle of that art that I can understand what message
trying to convey. And the pictures above was my example of art that I can say, I
cannot understand what was the message of that art trying to convey us. Because
we know that art is an expressions of an imaginations of an artist.

2. Answer the ff. questions as precisely as thoroughly as possible.

a. What art field will you explore? Why?
 The art that I want to explore is the Artfield Music  and Theatre, because music is an integral
part of a play. We use music to establish a mood, provide background noise, and fill that dead
air during those scene changes and many other things. It reduces stress and  can boost your
immune system. It promotes positive thinking instead of negative thinking. But even if the
performance is not a comedy, you can still benefit from watching it. I mentioned before
how theatre helps actors make sense of their emotions, but it has a similar effect on the

b. How can you utilize the arts to express yourself, your community, and your relation to
 Artistic expression has many benefits to myself, it takes my mind off to negative emotions and
allows me to express these feelings in a healthy way. Work it out rather than brooding and
letting stress, sadness, or anger get the better of you, transform it into something else. And in
my community and others, Artistic expression, also called self-expression, helps us to
distinguish among others, to reflect our thoughts, believes, feelings, needs, etc. Thus,  arts and
culture can create opportunities for political expression,  community dialogue, shared cultural
experiences, and civic work. Within the arts, there is a vital yet lesser-known field of practice
that strives to develop cultural understanding and civic engagement .
3. Using the table below, write down examples of the different art forms studied in this lesson.
Provide ways on how these art form express and unmask creativity from artist.
Types of arts Example ( name and photo How does this express How does this unmask
Expressions of art sample) the artist’s creativity?
1. Visual arts Mona Lisa, also known as Thefacial expression of Mon Visual arts promotes
(2D & 3D) ‘La Gioconda’ by Leonardo a Lisa was long thought to more divergent thinking
da Vinci be one of the main reasons —a key element
for its great appeal: Is she of creativity.The faces
happy or sad? It is a visual show the muscles that
representation of the idea of control the lips and other
happiness suggested by the elements of expression. In
word "gioconda" in Italian. the“Painting,” he wrote,
“embraces not only
the works of nature but
also infinite.
2. Film  Intolerance is a 1916 epic D.W. Griffith's epic intercuts Film can express feeling
( digital silent film directed by D. W. between four separate s and emotions,
art/analog Griffith. Subtitles include stories about man's conveying a message to
Love's Struggle Throughout inhumanity to man. In the audience. Film is
ue) the Ages and A Sun-Play of Babylon, pacifist Prince a movie or series of
the Ages. Belshazzar is brought down pictures that are moving
by warring religious factions. usually shown on
In Judea, the last days of television or in cinema
Christ (Howard Gaye) are
depicted in the style of a
Passion play. In France,
Catherine de Medici presides
over the slaughter of the
Huguenots. And in
California, a woman (Mae
Marsh) pleads for the life of
her husband (Robert Harron)
when he is sentenced to
hang for a murder he did not
3. Performanc Mindanao theater  Sita: The Ramayana Performing arts refers to
e art convergence” Sita Revisited, through its forms of art in which
Ramayana’’ utilization of gongs and artists use their voices,
drums, smoothly and bodies or inanimate
creatively played with a objects to convey artistic
thousand-year-old lore expression. It is different
from visual arts, which is
through modern Filipino
when artists use paint,
canvas or various
materials to create
physical or static art
4. Poetry Ode to a Nightingale The many portraits depicting Making a "death mask"
performanc Poem by John Keats Keats reading testify to his of the deceased was a
e avid interest in literature and common memorial
his belief that the beauties of practice of the
literature might provide one painting and consider
way for humans to transcend how they reflect the
the evils and sufferings of theme of "Ode to a
this world and capture Nightingale": can ...
eternal truth. See Keats' Keats' sketch of this
attitude toward the Grecian urn suggests his
continuing power of classic concern with the power
literature in his poems "On of art to.
First Looking Into Chapman's
Homer" and "To Homer."
Keats himself hoped to make
a lasting contribution to
literature and be numbered
among the great English
poets after his death

5. Architectur Renaissance architecture Renaissance architecture is Renaissance

e the European architecture of style places emphasis on
the period between the early symmetry, proportion,
14th and early 16th centuries geometry and the
in different regions, regularity of parts, as
demonstrating a conscious they are demonstrated in
revival and development of the architecture of
certain elements of ancient classical antiquity and in
Greek and Roman thought particular ancient
and material culture. Roman architecture, of
which many examples
6. Dance Pandanggo sa ilaw Pandanggo sa Ilaw, which Pandanggo is a Philippine
(Philippine Folk Dance) originated from Lubang Island, folk dance which has
Mindoro, involves the dancers become popular in the
performing while balancing rural areas of the
lights. Philippines. The dance
evolved from Fandango, a
Spanish folk dance, which
arrived in the Philippines
during the Hispanic
period. The dance is
accompanied by

7. Literacy art Reading and the Brain: The ability to hear, identify, Artistic literacy is the
Understanding How manipulate, and substitute knowledge and
Learners Build Basic phonemes the smallest units understanding required
Literacy Skills of sound that can to participate.
differentiate meaning in
spoken words. ...

8. Theatre art A Disney musical theater Theatre, also spelled theater, Performing arts refers to
presentation in CSA Makati in dramatic arts, forms of art in which
from Kids Acts Philippines an art concerned almost artists use their voices,
exclusively with live bodies or inanimate
performances in which the objects to convey artistic
action is precisely planned to expression.
create a coherent and
significant sense of drama.
9. Applied Last Supper: Leonardo da The painting represents the The Last Supper (Italian:
arts Vinci scene of the Last Supper of Il Cenacolo [il tʃeˈnaːkolo]
(Fashion & Jesus with his apostles, as it or L'Ultima Cena [ˈlultima
is told in the Gospel of John, ˈtʃeːna]) is a late 15th-
furniture) 13:21. Leonardo has century mural painting by
depicted the consternation Italian artist Leonardo da
that occurred among the Vinci housed by the
Twelve Apostles when Jesus refectory of the Convent
announced that one of them of Santa Maria delle
would betray him. Grazie in Milan, Italy. It is
one of the Western
world's most
recognizable paintings.


1. Answer the ff. question as precisely yet as thoroughly as possible.

a. What art form/artwork has change something in your life? Why?

 I have a lot of art form or artwork that could change my life. One of them is the music
, it has something that change in my life. I like to music based on my feelings, and imagine my
life. It helps improve good memory, manage stress and helps me to be relax. Though I’m not
good in singing, I’d like to listened & sing music because I know music can give me relaxation
and that is one way how to forget all my problem.

b. Does art always have function? Why? Support your response. Provide your own example.
 For me yes, every art has always function as what the artist imaginations. Because art
is something humans enjoy and have enjoyed across all cultures and all of history.
 Art still has a function in our lives, and for as long as we're humans that will never change. As
what I said above that Music helps me to manage all stressors in life and that is my example of

c. If an artwork ceased to have function, will it remain an art? Why?

 If an artwork ceased to have function, it can still be considered  art, If it communicates anything to any
viewer, or makes them feel anything, even if not what the artists intended. Art only ceases to function
when it communicates anything to any viewer at all.

2. Look around your house and identify a product of art. In the box below paste a picture of
that art in your household. Trace the beginning or history of this item and identify what
functions it has played in history.

 These lechon tray, spoon & pork, glass rack and ancla/achor wall clock are the
product that was made up of Magkuno Tree. We bought those items above during
our vacation last December 2019 at Britania, Surigao City Del Sur. Lots of visitors
was there bought different stuffs of Magkuno tree. It is also known in the Philippines as
ironwood, is a very hard tropical wood that has the reputation of being the
hardest wood in the world. According to them that Magkono tree was very hard and
thick. To cut the tree, it requires at least four days using a diamond-point saws because
of its hardness and high density.
Lesson 2: art creativity,
imagination & expression
Lesson 3: functions &
philosophical perspective on

Submitted by:
rudy p. Fernandez

submitted to:
ms. princess a. driz

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