Total:: Solo Recital Rubric 4 Year Practical in Music

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Solo Recital Rubric

4th Year Practical in Music

Name: ___________________________________________ Section: _________________

Instrument: __________________________ Song title: ____________________________

15 pts. 16 pts. 18 pts. 20 pts.

Tone Quality The tone is often Tone is often Tone is focused, Tone is
not focused, focused, clear consistently
clear or centered clear and and centered focused, clear, and
regardless of centered, but through centered
the range being sometimes the the normal playing throughout the
played , tone is range range of the
significantly uncontrolled in of the instrument. instrument.
detracting from the Extremes in range Tone has
the overall normal playing sometimes cause professional
performance. range.Extremes in tone to quality.
range areusually be less controlled.
uncontrolled. Tone
Occasionally the quality typically
tonequality does not
detracts from detract from the
overall performance.
Technical Demonstration of Demonstration of Demonstration of Demonstration of
competence no competency some competency appropriate exceptional
and of no and of some competency and competency and
evidence of evidence of of appropriate of exceptional
experience as a experience as a evidence of experience as a
professional professional experience as a professional
performing performing professional performing
musician in the musician in the performing musician in the
area of area of musician in the area of
Performance Performance area of Performance
Emphasis Emphasis Performance Emphasis
Style and The style and Some parts of the Most of the piece The performance
interpretation interpretation of piece are is performed using of the piece is
the piece is not performed using correct style and beautifully
executed during both style and interpretation. executed with
performance. interpretation. both appropriate
style and
Repertoire Student played a Student played a Student played a Students played
folk song /nursery pop song / Pop song but Classical Music
rhyme/ Kundiman using purely melodic e.g
C hristmas/Bday a chord / beat and Instrumental. Composers
song and the sung a few lines… Mozart,
likes… Beethoven, Bach

Additional : Comment/s:
Date of Recital (Encircle One)
1st week of January – 10 pts
2nd week of January – 9 pts
3rd week of January – 8 pts

4th week of January – 7 pts TOTAL:

1st week of February– 6 pts
2nd week of February – 5 pts
3rd week of February – 4 pts
4th week of February– 3pts
1st week of March – 2 pts .
Solo Recital Rubric
4th Year Practical in Music

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