CFD Feasibility Analysis of An Improved Cook Stove
CFD Feasibility Analysis of An Improved Cook Stove
CFD Feasibility Analysis of An Improved Cook Stove
in an effort towards reducing indoor air pollution (IAP) exposure for cookstove users, an improved biomass
cookstove has been proposed. A computational fluid dynamics (CFD) combustion study has been carried
out for the proposed cookstove to analyze the combustion and heat transfer behavior using ANSYS Fluent
Simulation. The wood combustion phenomenon inside the stove is modelled as gaseous combustion of
volatiles generated by pyrolysis. Temperature gradients, velocity profiles and combustion product
concentrations are presented. Based on comparison of CFD predicted results with a popular commercial
improved cook stove (ICS), it was concluded that the proposed cook stove yields reduced combustion
product concentrations as well as faster cooking resulting in better energy efficiency and a health friendly
cook stove.
This work is inserted on the access to energy topic focusing on the availability of clean cooking facilities
and related energy efficiency. Indeed, worldwide annually almost 1.5 million deaths from lung disease
could be associated with exposure to indoor air pollution, resulting from cooking with improper devices. In
order to avoid that, many Improved Cook Stoves (ICS) have been proposed, reducing wood use and
pollutant emissions. Nevertheless these improvements in low income countries, one of the main obstacles
to the adoption of ICSs is a lack in the users’ needs, such as the presence of a closed combustion chamber
that does not emit light, while this is necessary in the households. In order to overcome this limit the
application of thermoelectric generator (TEG) modules to ICS, allowing electricity production, is proposed.
The main goal of this work is to study the feasibility of TEG cells’ coupling with an Improved Cook Stove,
and, to do that, a computational thermal fluid dynamic analysis of wood combustion in the stove is carried
out. Specifically, the model is developed accordingly to an ICS chosen as suitable for Mozambique, since
that country is one of the most problematical concerning the access to energy issue. Finally, numerical
simulations verify the feasibility of TEG modules’ coupling with the ICS: the electrical production is about
3W, which is an amount, even if limited, sufficient to feed some small electrical devices, such as a LED
In order to study the feasibility of TEG modules’ coupling with the ICS in the first part of the paper
a specific ICS available in one of the most critical area for access to energy, Mozambique, is
selected. In the second part Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) approach is used for modeling
the wood combustion in the selected ICS in order to obtain its thermal fluid dynamic
characterization. Finally, the performance of TEG module selection coupled with the ICS are
2. The context: focus on Mozambique
The United Nations, through the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves, have defined some general
features that Improved Cook Stoves should have in order to achieve the goal of reducing health
damages, environmental threads and other risks caused by usage of non-commercial biomass. ICSs
have to reach highly technological design and best results, significantly reducing pollutant
emissions and fuel usage, and, in case of industrial production, they should also meet international
standards for performances and safety. Besides this, the stoves have to meet social, resources,
economic, and behavioral needs of users. Improved Cook Stoves can be classified accordingly to
different criteria; for instance, the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves identifies 7 main possible
categories, which are: (i) traditional ones, (ii) with rocket-type combustion chamber, (iii) gasifiers,
(iv) charcoal-burning, (v) liquid/gas fueled, (vi) fan-assisted, and (vii) wood-burning with
chimneys. Generally, the stoves which present the highest performances are the ones fueled by
liquids or gases, while, among the models that utilize wood or charcoal, the most performing are
the gasifiers. Nonetheless, the gasifiers have a complex configuration, while a good trade off
between complexity of the arrangement and elevated performances is represented by the rocket
stoves [6].
Cooking devices’ performances are tested through the Water Boiling Test, which is the standard
protocol for that. It consists of three main phases, during which a pot, containing simmering water,
is put on the top of the stove. Hence, stove’s characteristics are evaluated as average values for the
three phases, in terms of emissions, produced power and thermal efficiency. It is worth to say that
the performances observed on field cannot be as good as the ones recorded in the laboratories,
because of users’ behaviors; however, the improvement, in comparison with traditional devices, is
still clear [6].
Finally, the criteria which have to be employed to select a proper stove to be further studied and
developed, are here synthesized. These criteria should assure that the chosen stove is either
appropriate by the technical point of view, and sustainable, including the three aspects of
sustainability, which are the economic, the environmental and the social one. The criteria are:
o quality standards: the stove has to present high performances (technical aspect);
o proper category: the stove should be chosen among the ones classified in the rocket stoves’
category, as they are well performing (technical aspect) and with a simple configuration (social
o fuel: the stove has to be fueled by a material which can be easily available in the area of interest
(social aspect); furthermore, the fuel should be collected without causing environmental issues;
o economic aspect: the stove should be affordable for local populations;
o users’ needs: the stove should meet users’ requirements, respecting cultural traditions of the
local populations who should adopt it (social aspect);
o other peculiar features: it is better to prefer a portable stove designed for a single household
(social aspect).
The Envirofit G-3300 has been tested through the Emissions and Performance Test Protocol, the
new version of Water Boiling Test, elaborated by Colorado State University in 2009; the results
are reported in Table 1, together with stove’s characteristics and a comparison with traditional
devices. Finally, it can be said that even if this stove can be considered potentially successful, it
presents an important disadvantage in comparison with traditional devices: it does not provide the
necessary light in the household, as it has a closed combustion chamber. As already explained in
Paragraph 1, a possible solution to this is to equip the stove with thermoelectric generator modules:
the feasibility of this coupling will be investigated in the following paragraphs, thanks to CFD
4. CFD modelling
4.1. Overview of experimental and computational studies about ICSs As a first step, it is necessary
to carry out an extended literature research about ICSs’ studies and modeling. Available
documents can be divided into three main categories: pioneer, experimental and numerical ones.
The first two groups provide mainly qualitative or global information, while the numerical studies
report most useful data. Concerning the documents about experimental tests, some among the most
interesting documents are [9], [10], [11], [12]. Even more remarkable are the papers that deal with
numerical studies of the ICSs. Though some of the authors [13], in order to simplify the problem,
do not model the combustion but only hot gases’ distribution into the stove, there are some other
papers that simulate the combustion through the RANS k- and the Eddy Dissipation method,
available in the ANSYS/FLUENT code, for Turbulence-Chemistry
Interaction, such as [14], [15], [16], [17] and [18]. Then, among the ones that simulate the
combustion reaction, there are authors that study many different kinds of stove, such as a sawdust
stove [19], a plancha stove [20], a gasifier [21], or a pulverized stove [22], while Gupta et al. [23]
try to model an Indian wood stove. What is more, there are papers, such as [24], that focus on
pollutant emissions, and, hence, provide mainly global values. All these numerical studies can be
organized accordingly to different levels of complexity: the first ones do not model the
combustion, but actually they model exhausted gases distribution; the second ones simulate the
gaseous combustion of wood volatiles generated by pyrolysis; finally, the last ones model the
complete combustion, including also the pyrolysis. However, even if many documents are taken
into account, only few of them report useful data, and, therefore, it is necessary to proceed with a
validation for proximity [25], exploiting the available information.
Regarding the injections, volatiles’ mass flow is evaluated as it will be explained in Paragraph 4.5,
so that the produced power is 2.6 kW, the average value for the Envirofit stove.
4.4. Numerical settings
Here below, the complete 3D model of wood combustion in the Envirofit G-3300 stove is
with its settings, in accordance with literature data. The domain is three-dimensional and the model
steady state. A projection method for pressure-velocity coupling algorithm is used, while a second
order algorithm is used for pressure, momentum, species, and energy discretization.
4.5. Physical modeling
As already explained, wood combustion is represented as pyrolyzed volatiles’ burning; hence, the
working fluid is a mixture of volatiles (CO1.075H2.382) and air. Its physical properties are fixed
accordingly to FLUENT Database: thermal conductivity results to be 0.045 W/mK, the viscosity
1.7210(-5) kg/ms, and mass diffusivity is 2.88(-5) m2/s. Besides this, the specific heat is evaluated
mixing laws, while the density is estimated thanks to laws for incompressible ideal gases.
Finally, the operating conditions are fixed: the operating pressure is patm
gravity is activated (9.8 m/s2).
Turbulence approach
The case under analysis is quite problematical, hence, the RANS k-
employed, since it is particularly well-performing for flows with complex secondary flow features
[27]. Besides this, in [15], where a similar wood combustion model is presented, it is reported that
Realizable approach helps the achievement of convergence.
Combustion approach – Discrete Phase Model
The Chemistry-Turbulence interaction is modeled through the Eddy Dissipation approach,
available in
FLUENT for Volumetric reactions, when the Species Transport is used [27]. It is chosen as the
appropriate model, as also reported in [14]. This approach assumes that reaction rates are
controlled by
turbulence effects; in that way, it is possible to avoid expensive Arrhenius chemical kinetics
calculations. As said in Paragraph 4.1, wood combustion is represented as a gaseous combustion
of the
volatiles generated by pyrolysis; the use of the Discrete Phase Model (DPM), available in
[32], can be exploited to provide a realistic modelization of volatiles’ release. Fuel introduction is
represented as an injection of evaporating particles, whose mass flow is calculated (Equation 1) so
the sum of the mass introduced by all the injection points should generate the expected power (P).
= (, ) (1)
The value used for the Lower Heating Value (LHV) is evaluated in accordance with the fuel
employed in the area of interest, Mozambique, taking into account also the conditions in which it
used; usually, wood utilized for cooking in developing countries has an high moisture content,
since it
is burnt as it is collected in the forests. Hence, the estimated LHV is 8.5 MJ/kg; using this value
volatiles mass flow results to be = (-4) kg/s.
Radiation approach
Radiation is activated, and it is modeled through the P1 approach. It is selected as it is simple, and
well-performing for complex geometries [27]; it has also been applied in other wood combustion’s
cases, such as in [15].
5. CFD Results
The results obtained with these settings are presented in terms of temperature and combustion
(CO2 and H2O), and they are examined and compared with literature data.
Figure 4. Contours of
temperature on a vertical section
of the combustion chamber
(Tmin = 298 K, Tmax = 1550 K).
Figure 5. Contours of molar fraction of the combustion
products (CO2 and H2O) on a vertical section
of the combustion chamber
(xmin = 0.005, xmax = 0.205).
In particular, temperature and combustion products distributions, obtained through numerical
simulations, are represented in Figure 4 and Figure 5, respectively.
As expected, the flame develops in the central part of the combustion chamber, and exhausted
gases are led towards the upper part, next to the outlet, thanks to chimney effect; their values are
aligned with literature ones [13].
Finally, as the CFD model can be considered a realistic representation of stove’s wood combustion,
it can be used to study the feasibility of thermoelectric generator modules’ coupling with the
6. TEG modules’ coupling with an ICS
6.1. Thermoelectric generator modules
A thermoelectric generator (TEG) is a system that takes advantage of the Seebeck effect: this is a
phenomenon which permits to transform a temperature difference in electrical energy. TEG
utilize many semi-conductors (Bismuth Tellurid) connected in series, that capture energy from
thermally excited electrons. The thermoelectric module converts a fraction of thermal energy into
electricity, that flows to the load via two leads, while the remaining of the heat is rejected to the
environment, through a cold sink. These systems have limited efficiency, but they are robust and
simple components, since they have no moving parts; besides this, they are silent in operating and
maintenance-free. Therefore, this is a technology that could be useful to exploit waste energy, in
particular in the homes of the developing world that are not connected to the power grid [28]: home
stoves can be equipped with a thermoelectric generator, which should be cooled down through fins
other devices. The generated electrical power is proportional to the difference in temperature
hot and cold side of the module, according to laws that are specific for the different models. As it
already been said, thermoelectric generators’ efficiency is quite low; usually it ranges from 5 to
and even this value is related to temperature drop.
6.2. Feasibility study of the coupling with an ICS
Thanks to numerical simulations, temperature distribution in the combustion chamber, and hence
on the TEG modules, is known, and, consequently, it is possible to study if the thermoelectric
generators can produce enough electricity for a household’s basic needs. In order to do this, it is
necessary to consider also the cooling system for the cold side of the modules. Therefore, some
commercial thermoelectric modules and some arrangements for the cooling system are selected,
presented and compared.
First of all, the cooling system has to be chosen. Considering that the stove, provided with the TEG
cells, should be used in developing countries’ households, it is important to employ components
are robust and maintenance-free. Therefore, a finned heat sink (Figure 7), made up of aluminum,
considered appropriate for that, since it is simple and with no-moving parts. As already said, this
cooling system is not included in the domain of the numerical model, but it is represented as a
particular boundary condition: on the external walls of the TEG cells, a convective heat transfer is
represented. Hence, it is necessary to evaluate the equivalent convective coefficient for all the
considered finned heat sink’s configurations; it can be calculated with specific correlations
by [29]. Particularly, nine different arrangements are analyzed: they have a different fins’ length,
diverse number of fins, and different fins’ thickness. In Table 3, these configurations are reported,
with the relative equivalent convective coefficient.
It is worth noting that, in CFD simulations, the convective heat exchange is represented fixing both
the convective coefficient and the temperature of the air with the modules exchange; in all these
as fresh air temperature, it is established a value of 305 K, since it is assumed that the air around
stove would be slightly hotter than average ambient temperature (298 K).
Table 2. Nine finned heat sinks and related convective coefficients.
heat sink
length (m)
thickness (m)
Convective coefficient,
h (W/m2/K)
A 0.02 7 0.002 76.2
B 0.04 7 0.002 142.4
C 0.06 7 0.002 212.7
D 0.06 9 0.002 344.7
E 0.07 9 0.002 398.8
F 0.08 9 0.002 452.9
G 0.09 9 0.002 504.6
H 0.1 9 0.002 558.0
I 0.1 10 0.001 627.0
Figure 6. finned
heat sink
After this, various commercial TEG modules [30], [31] are considered (Figure 8); they are
presented, with their thermal conductivity, that is, in this analysis, the most influencing property
for a
TEG cell, in Table 4.
Table 3. Four commercial thermoelectric generator modules.
TEG module 1:
TECteg – TEG1-12610-5.1
k = 1.05 W/m/K
TEG module 2:
TECteg – TEG1B-12610-5.1
k = 1.37 W/m/K
TEG module 3:
Kryotherm – TGM-127-1,4-2,0
k = 2.01 W/m/K
TEG module 4:
Kryotherm – TGM-127-1,4-1,15
k = 2.81 W/m/K
Figure 7. Commercial
thermoelectric generator
It is worth to say that all the selected TEG modules’ area is 0.04 m x 0.04 m, which is the available
space next to the Envirofit stove’s combustion chamber.
Therefore, coupling the 9 finned heat sinks with the 4 selected TEG modules, 36 possible
arrangements are obtained.
Considering that TEG cells’ constructors indicate the maximum temperatures which the two sides
cannot overcome, some of those finned heat sinks have to be excluded, since they do not provide
sufficient temperature reduction to the modules. Maximum temperatures, for the cold side and the
side, respectively, are around Tcold, max = 160°C, Thot, max = 300°C. Therefore, the first three
configurations (finned heat sinks A, B, C) have to be eliminated, as the temperatures they allow
too high for the modules; besides this, it is preferred to use configurations F, G, H and I, since
thermoelectric generators’ performances are increased with lower cold side’s temperatures. Once
four selected modules and the four chosen finned heat sinks are coupled, it is possible to define
temperatures (TC temperature on the cold side and TH on the hot one) reached for the numerical
run with the 16 configurations. Now, it can be evaluated the generated electrical power, thanks to
correlations which connect temperature difference on modules’ sides and power, that are provided
the constructors, in terms of parametric curves or efficiencies for different temperatures’ ranges.
Considering that power production depends on temperature drop on the module, the most
performing configurations are 1H and 1I, for which the performances are comparable. However,
between these two, 1H (TC = 98°C, TH = 205°C) has to be preferred, since it uses a simpler finned
sink; indeed, a heat sink made up of thicker fins is more appropriate for a developing country’s
household, since it needs less maintenance and it is more robust. Using the correlations provided
the TEG module’s constructor, in terms of parametrical curves the produced power results to be
around 1.5W per module. Therefore, a total electrical power of 3W is available while cooking
operations are carried out.
Therefore, even if the amount is limited, a small LED light (1, 2 or even 3 W) could be fed, or,
alternatively, it is possible to employ a small USB devices charger (2.5 W). That allows to meet
needs in a more complete manner.
7. Conclusions
This work is inserted on the access to energy topic focusing on the availability of clean cooking
facilities and related energy efficiency.
The limit of Improved Cook Stove, used in developing countries, related with the users’ needs to
provide light in the household is faced. The application of thermoelectric generator (TEG) modules
an improved stove is investigated through CFD modeling of the wood combustion in the ICS.
The computational model is validated for proximity with available literature data and the feasibility
has been verified showing that an electrical power can be produced, thanks to the TEG-ICS
This quantity is sufficient to feed small electrical devices (3W for LED light) meeting the social
needs. That represents only a first access to energy, but, considering the critical areas where this
solution should be adopted, Mozambique, this is however an important step towards the complete
access to energy. Finally, it is worth to say that these electrical devices can be utilized only during
cooking operations, while, in order to have always available electrical energy, a storage system
be provided.
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