Career Counselling Sop

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Career counseling is a lifelong process. There are a number of factors that influence career
development, including students’ interests, abilities, values, personality, background, and
circumstances. Career Counseling is a process that will help students to know and
understand themselves and the world of work in order to make career, educational, and life
decisions. Career counseling is more than just choosing a specialization or a job. It really is
a lifelong process, meaning that throughout a person’s life they will change, situations will
change, and they will continually have to make career and life decisions. The goal of Career
Counseling, therefore, is to not only help students make the decisions they need to make
now, but also to give them the knowledge and skills they need to make future career and
life decisions.


The process of career counseling that shall be followed at DAIMSR is as given below:

1. Students at DAIMSR shall be administered with psychometric & personality type

detection tests which would help the students to understand their inclination
towards a particular type of work.
2. The career counselor shall maintain a database of students who are interested in
placement assistance. This database should include the personal information,
curricular records and details of projects and internships done by the students. This
will help the counselor in understanding the students’ background & interests.
3. Apart from the companies visiting the institute’s campus, the counselor shall share
with students the job opportunities available in various public and private sector
4. The career counselor should also provide information about various certifications
and add on courses which the students may undertake to enhance their
5. An orientation session shall be held for the students of the second semester
whereby they are informed about various job profiles available in the domains such
as Marketing, Finance, HRM, Operations, etc. Industry experts and alumni of the
institute may be invited to share their corporate job experiences in such sessions.
6. A comprehensive JD which includes the details of job responsibilities, necessary
skills & qualifications, advancement prospects, salary details and joining dates must
be displayed on the notice board and communicated to the students prior to every
campus recruitment.
7. Every campus recruitment process of the key recruiters shall be preceded by an
orientation session about the sector, company and the job profile. Industry experts
from that domain may be summoned to orient the students if deemed necessary by
the career counselor.
8. Those students who have any doubts about the suitability of a particular job offer
for them must discuss the same with their mentor or the career counselor.
9. The career counselor shall maintain the records of all the campus recruitments in
formats prescribed by the IQAC. The analysis reports of these records shall be
shared with the Director on a periodic basis.


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