María Del Carmen González - 2016 - Resume
María Del Carmen González - 2016 - Resume
María Del Carmen González - 2016 - Resume
1998-2000 Education Liaison for MoMA 2000 Exhibition, “ModernStarts: People, Places, Things”
(October 7, 1999-March 14, 2000)
• Co-edited and co-authored millennium exhibition publications
• Co-organized exhibition planning and design, including exhibition brochures,
website, wall texts, extended labels, etc., and public and educational programming
2015 Proyecto Arte como Educación, keynote speech, III Semana de la Educación Artística,
Consejo Nacional de la Cultura y las Artes, Santiago, Chile (May 11-15, 2015)
Art as Education, Conversations Across Cultures, Perspectives on Art Education
Symposium, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York (May 28-30, 2015)
2014 Co-author of the teachers’ guide for the exhibition Under the Same Sun: Art from Latin
America Today, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York (June 13-October 1, 2014)
2012 La incomodidad de preguntar, Seminario Internacional Arte e Integración Social II,
Fundación PROA, Buenos Aires, Argentina (October 1-3, 2012)
What is modern art to you? Designing an Interactive Educational Exhibition and Thinking
Laboratory, American Association of Museums Annual Meeting (May 2, 2012)
¿Qué es el arte moderno para ti? ¿Llenar los ojos o abrir las mentes?,Programa en
Estudios Curatoriales, Maestría en Historia del Arte, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de
México, Museo Universitario de Arte Contemporáneo, Mexico City, Mexico
(May 14, 2012)
2011 ¿Arte según y para quién?, Seminario arte e inclusión social, Prácticas en América,
Museo Picasso Málaga, Málaga, Spain (September 15-16, 2011)
El arte en las escuelas no es juego de niños, Errata, Revista de artes visuales,
Bogotá, Colombia, Número 4 abril 2011
Diseñando una exposición pedagógica ¿Qué es el arte moderno para ti? Seminario
de Educación 12mo Encuentro Internacional (23mo Nacional) de Educación y
Pensamiento, Universidad de Puerto Rico, Recinto de Río Piedras Ponce, Puerto Rico
(November 3-5, 2011)
2010 Co-author of the educator’s guide for the exhibition Desenhar no Espaço – Artistas
abstratos do Brasil e da Venezuela na Coleção Patricia Phelps de Cisneros / Drawing in
Space – Abstract artists from Brazil and Venezuela in the Colección Patricia Phelps de
Cisneros, Fundação Iberê Camargo, Porto Alegre, Brazil (July 30th - October 31st, 2010)
Co-editor of the family guide for the exhibition Constructive Spirit: Abstract Art in South
and North America, 1920’s-50’s, Newark Museum, Newark, New Jersey (February-May
23, 2010)
Educación y arte en la Colección Patricia Phelps de Cisneros, Mesa Redonda sobre Arte y
Educación, Departamento de Arte, Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico City, Mexico
(October 26, 2010)
2009 Piensa en arte, Simposio Internacional de Educacion en Museos, La Aportación Educativa
de los Museos a La Sociedad, organized by the Museo de Arte de Ponce, at the Universidad
de Puerto Rico, Recinto de Río Piedras, San Juan, Puerto Rico (May 13-14, 2009)
Editor of family and educator’s guide for the exhibition Acciones disolventes:
videoarte latinoamericano Centro Cultural Chacao, Caracas, Venezuela (June 18-
August 16, 2009)
2008 Co-editor of the exhibition catalogue and co-author of the educator’s guide for the
exhibition Correspondences: Contemporary art from The Colección Patricia Phelps de
Cisneros, Beard and Weil Galleries, Wheaton College, Norton, Massachusetts (February 4-
April 10, 2008)
Art Education in the Colección Patricia Phelps de Cisneros, Education Dialogue, Miami
Art Museum (May 1-3, 2008)
Piensa en arte, keynote speech, I Congreso Nacional de Arte y Educación, Colegio de
Licenciados y Profesores en Letras, Filosfía, Ciencias y Artes, San José, Costa Rica (June
4-6, 2008)
Co-author of the educator’s guide for the exhibition Geografías (in) visible. Arte
contemporáneo latinoamericano en la Colección Patricia Phelps de Cisneros (June 26-
September 21, 2008)
2007 Co-author of the Piensa en arte/Think Art educator’s guides for Argentina, Costa Rica, the
Dominican Republic and the United States
Keynote Speech “Think Globally Act Locally: Guiding our Changing World” Sixth
Celebration of Inquiry Conference 2007 Coastal Carolina University, Conway, South
Carolina (February 14-17, 2007)
2006 Author of the educator’s guide for the exhibition Ecos y contrastes. Arte Contemporáneo en la
Colección Patricia Phelps de Cisneros, Museo de Arte de El Salvador, San Salvador, El
Salvador (April 4-June 11, 2006); Museo de Arte y Diseño Contemporáneo, San José, Costa
Rica (December 7, 2005-February 19, 2006)
Author of Piensa en arte Think Art educator’s guide for the exhibition Cruce de miradas.
Visiones de América Latina. Colección Patricia Phelps de Cisneros, Museo del Palacio
de Bellas Artes, Mexico City, Mexico (August 2-October 22, 2006)
2004 Author of MoMA at El Museo Educators’ Guide published by The Museum of Modern Art
in conjunction with the exhibition MoMA at El Museo: Latin American and Caribbean Art
from The Museum of Modern Art (March 4-July 25, 2004)
2003 Co-author of Looking at Matisse and Picasso exhibition catalogue for young audiences
in conjunction with the exhibition Matisse Picasso, Museum of Modern Art, New York
(February 13-May 19, 2003)
Building bridges of inclusion through the arts, A World for All Cultura Pacis, International
Conference on Social Inclusion, Trinity College, Carmarthen, Wales, UK (June 17-19,
1999 Co-author and co-editor of exhibition catalogue ModernStarts: People, Places, Things,
MoMA 2000, The Museum of Modern Art (October 7, 1999-March 14, 2000)
Co-author of exhibition catalogue Body Language, for ModernStarts: People, Places, Things”
(October 7, 1999-March 14, 2000)
University of Rio Grande (Rio Grande, OH)
Master of Education with a concentration in Fine Arts
School of Visual Arts (New York, NY)
Bachelor of Fine Arts
Majors: Fine Arts/Art Education (K-12)
Awards: Four-year full-tuition scholarship, Stacey Sussman Cavrell Memorial Traveling Fellowship
Queen’s University (Belfast, Northern Ireland)
15th International Conference on Thinking (June 20-24, 2011)
Harvard Graduate School of Education (Cambridge, Massachusetts)
Future of Learning (August 2-6, 2010)
Harvard Graduate School of Education (Cambridge, Massachusetts)
Future of Learning (August 4-7, 2009)
Harvard Graduate School of Education (Cambridge, Massachusetts)
The Project Zero Classroom (July 27-August 1, 2009)
Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza (Madrid, Spain)
I Congreso Internacional Los Museos en la Educación La Formación y los Educadores
(April 9-11, 2008)
Languages: Fluent in Spanish