Once Upon A Time A Strange Bird Lived by The Side of A River. His Name
Once Upon A Time A Strange Bird Lived by The Side of A River. His Name
Once Upon A Time A Strange Bird Lived by The Side of A River. His Name
His name
was Parundam. He had two heads and one stomach.
For the two heads there were two mouths one for each one.
One day the bird was wandering for his food. After a long time he got a
prey. It was very happy.
The first mouth was about to eat the full prey. The second mouth stopped
the first mouth and demanded half of the prey.
“I will not give you anything," said the first mouth and ate all the prey.
The other mouth got angry. In order to take revenge, it decided to do one
thing. It searched and gulped the poison it found.
“Though the mouths are two, the stomach is only one...The same
stomach...it not it?"
So the poison spread all over the body. The strange bird died.
So, I was walking along the street on my way to work as usual, but for some reason I was in a hurry. I wasn't
really sure why I was in a hurry. And then I realised that I was holding a banana in my hand. I didn't know why
I was holding a banana in my hand, but I knew that the banana was really important for some reason. The
banana had something to do with the reason that I was late and in a hurry. It was a really important banana,
only I didn't know why the banana was so important. Then I met my Aunty Ethel on the street corner. It was
strange, because I hadn't seen Aunty Ethel for about twenty years.
'Hello!' I said to her. 'I haven't seen you for about twenty years!'
I was really surprised to see her, but she didn't seem surprised to see me.
'Be careful with that banana!' she said. And I laughed, because I knew that it was a really important banana
and, yes, I had to be careful with it. Aunty Ethel decided to walk to work with me, which was a problem
because I was late and in a hurry, and she walked really, really slowly. Then, when we went round the corner,
there was an elephant blocking the street. It depends where you live, I guess, but in Manchester it's pretty
strange to see an elephant blocking the street. The strange thing was, though, that I wasn't really that surprised.
'Oh no!' I was thinking. 'Another elephant blocking the street … what a pain! Especially this morning when I'm
late and in a hurry, and with Aunty Ethel, and this really important banana …' Then I started to get really
worried, and then … I woke up.
I breathed a sigh of relief. 'Thank goodness for that,' I thought. How strange dreams are … I wonder why I was
dreaming about elephants and bananas and Aunty Ethel. The radio was already on. The radio comes on
automatically at 7 o'clock to wake me up. I looked at the clock. It was already ten past seven. I had to get up
quickly. I went into the shower, and I could hear the news on the radio. I couldn't hear it very well, but there
was a story on the news about an elephant that had escaped from a local circus. The elephant was causing a lot
of trouble walking around the town. I thought this was an incredible coincidence, but then I realised that I had
probably heard the news story on the radio when I was half asleep. That was why I was dreaming about an
elephant. I quickly got dressed and went into the kitchen to get some coffee before I went to work. I work for a
film company. We get ideas for films and film scripts and then we try to produce the films. I thought a film
about an elephant in Manchester would be great.
There was a note on the kitchen table. It was from my wife. 'Don't forget to buy bananas on your way home
from work today!!!' it said. It was a good job she had written the note, because I had completely forgotten
about the fact that she has to eat a lot of bananas because of the crazy diet she's on at the moment. I tried to
remember to buy bananas on my way home from work and rushed out of the house. As I was walking down
the road my mobile rang. It was my mum.
'Hello, Mum!' I said. 'What are you ringing at this time for?'
'I've got some sad news, I'm afraid, love,' she said. 'Do you remember your Aunty Ethel?'
'Just about,' I said. 'But I haven't seen Aunty Ethel for about twenty years.'
'Yes, well, she was very old … and I'm afraid she died last night. She'd been very ill … I told you a couple of
weeks ago …'
So there I was, walking down the street, late for work, thinking about Aunty Ethel and bananas and elephants,
and of course I realised that it was all exactly the same as my dream. And as I started to think more about this,
I realised I was walking more and more slowly, and I looked down and saw that the street was turning into hot,
wet, sticky toffee, and it was sticking to my shoes, and the quicker I tried to walk, the slower I went. I looked
at my watch and saw that my watch was going backwards. 'That's OK,' I was thinking. 'If my watch is going
backwards, then it means that it's early and not late, so I'm not late for work at all …' And then I woke up.
Now this was strange. This was very, very strange. I got up and pinched myself to make sure I was really
awake this time. 'Ouch!' The pinch hurt. This meant I really was awake, and not dreaming this time. It was
early. I wasn't late. The radio alarm clock hadn't come on yet. It was only half past six. My wife was still at
'Have you got enough bananas?' I asked her. She looked at me as if I was crazy.
'I thought you had to eat lots of bananas for your special diet …'
'I have no idea what you're on about!' she said. 'Why? Do you think I need to go on a diet? Do you mean that
I'm fat?'
'No, no, no … not at all … By the way, have you heard anything about an elephant?'
'An elephant?'
'Yes, an elephant which has escaped from a circus …'
'We live in Manchester. There aren't any circuses in Manchester. And there certainly aren't any elephants.
Listen, are you suffering from stress or something? You're working too hard on that new film you're trying to
produce, aren't you? Perhaps you should just stay at home today, take it easy …'
'Why do you need to phone your mum at half past six in the morning?'
'Well, I'm off to work. See you later, and take it easy today, OK?'
I phoned my mum.
'Hello, Mum!'
'Of course I do … but I haven't seen her for about twenty years or so …'
'How is she?'
'I've got no idea. Why on earth are you worried about your Aunty Ethel who you haven't seen for twenty
I made a cup of tea and went back to bed. Perhaps my wife was right. Perhaps I should just relax and take it
easy today. I phoned up my boss.
'Listen,' I said, 'I'm not feeling too good today … perhaps too much stress with the production schedule of the
new film project …'
'That's a shame,' said my boss. 'We've just got a really exciting new idea for a film … I wanted to talk to you
about it today. It's a kind of action movie. It's a great story. You have to hear this – an elephant escapes from a
circus in a big city and it has eaten some strange, radioactive bananas, so it's going completely crazy. They
eventually manage to stop the elephant by covering all the streets with sticky toffee, so that it can't walk!'
'I see,' I said. 'And where does my Aunty Ethel come into it?'
'Aunty who?'
I hung up the phone and hoped that I would wake up. Soon.
Chris Rose
“Can you throw your ears over your shoulders like a regimental soldier?" asked the boy. The
puppy put his head on the ground and whimpered. The little boy laughed and hugged the
puppy. The puppy wagged his tail happily. efugees international grants.
There was a little boy who just celebrated his birthday. His parents bought him a puppy as a
birthday present. The puppy had very long ears.
One evening, he was playing with his puppy. The puppy was happily jumping about and
wagging his tail. Then the little boy tried to tie the puppy’s ears into a knot. The puppy
stopped wagging his tail.
The little boy then tried to tie the puppy’s ears into a bow. The boy chuckled but the puppy
became quiet.
“Can you throw your ears over your shoulders like a regimental soldier?" asked the boy. The
puppy put his head on the ground and whimpered. The little boy laughed and hugged the
puppy. The puppy wagged his tail happily.
Doctor Foster
One day, Dr. Foster wanted to go to Gloucester to do his work. It had been raining since
morning and had not stopped. But he still went there nonetheless.
Once he finished his work, he set off home immediately. But it was still raining. The road
was wet and slippery. Dr. Foster walked quickly.
Suddenly, he stepped into a puddle full of water and sank up to his waist. He was scared
and wet all over. He was so frustrated with his bad luck that he promised never to go to
Gloucester again.
You should be careful of where you are going to avoid any accident.
Cock-a-doodle doo
In a faraway land, there was a rooster who lived with his master and the wife. Every early
morning, the rooster would make a very loud cook-a-doodle-doo sound. This shocked his
master and the wife so much that they jumped up from their sleep.
One day, the rooster heard that his master and the wife wanted to slaughter him for dinner.
He was afraid. He wanted to run away. But before he went off, he quickly took one of the
wife’s shoes and the master’s fiddling stick. Then he ran off into the forest feeling happy
and satisfied.
Always be careful of someone that you know. Because sometimes they have bad ideas
towards you.
Come To the Window
One night, there was a little baby who was still not asleep. His mother already tried rocking
the baby to sleep but he was still wide awake. So, his mother took him to the window to see
the stars.
The stars shone on the sea. The mother told the baby some stories about the stars. She
said that there were two little stars that played peek-a-boo with two little fishes in the deep
blue sea. And there were two little frogs that cried ‘Neap, neap, neap. We also see a dear
little baby who should be asleep!’
The baby was happy and delighted. Soon, the little baby grew sleepy and fell asleep in his
mother’s arms.
There was a little boy called John. He was very playful. He played hard at the playground
and was exhausted when he got home. His father told him to get undressed and ready for a
bath. The little boy nodded and went straight to his room.
His father was waiting for John at the bathroom but he never came. His father went to
John’s room. He saw that John was already asleep in his bed fully clothed. And one shoe
was off but one shoe was still on his right foot.
His father took off John’s shoe and his trousers. He dressed him in his pyjamas and left him
to sleep.
Avoid playing too much until you are too tired to do anything else.