Computer Software: Kuliah 4

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Kuliah 4

Computer Software
Pokok bahasan: Coky Fauzi Alfi
e-mail :
1. Fungsi dan cara kerja operating system (OS)
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2. Fungsi dan cara kerja Word, Excel, Power Point, Access mobile : 0812.192.67.985
The Operating System

The operating system is a system software programs

that monitor and control all I/O and processing activities
within a computer system.

The Operating System Objectives
1. To facilitate communication between the computer system and the user
2. To facilitate communication among computer system components
3. To maximize throughput
4. To minimize the time needed to execute a user command
5. To optimize the use of computer system resources
6. To keep track of all files in disk storage
7. To provide an envelope of security for the computer system
8. To monitor all system capabilities and alert the user of system failure or
potential problems

The Popular Operating System

PCs Workstations
Windows XP Windows NT
Windows ME Windows 2000 Server
Windows Vista
Windows 7
Mac OS X Mac OS X
Linux Linux

Server vs PC

Server : Multi-user operating system

PC : Single-user operating system


The concurrent execution of more than one program

at a time, is a common feature on modern operating

Graphic User Interface (GUI)

Text-based Software GUI-based Software

Text-Based vs GUI
Text-based OS
• 1980s, MS-DOS=Microsoft-Disk Operating System
• Commands by typing syntax

GUI-based OS
• Graphics-oriented environment
• Commands by pointing and clicking with a mouse
• Icons and menus

Multiplatform Environment
Windows OS

Mac OS Unix OS

Linux OS

Windows Operating System Timeline

Word Processing Software

• Format a document
• Writing tools
• Enhancing the appearance and readability of documents
• Merging data in a database with the text of a document
• Converting a document

Presentation Software

1. Select a template
2. Create an outline for the presentation
3. Compile and create other nontext resources
4. Add special effects
5. Add notes
6. Make the presentation

Spreadsheet Software

• Row, Column, Cell

• Arithmetic operators
• Function
• Charts

Database Software

Database software uses the relational database approach to data

management. Relational database are organized in tables in
which a row is a record and a column is a field.

Terima Kasih


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