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Intel® RealSense™ Camera SR300

Embedded Coded Light 3D Imaging System

with Full High Definition Color Camera
Product Datasheet

Intel Production Part Numbers: MM#943228, H89061-XXX†

(X) Numeric characters representing configuration or programmed firmware at manufacturing

June 2016

Revision 1.0

Document: 334531-001
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2 334531-001
1 Description and Features ....................................................................................9
2 Overview ....................................................................................................... 10
2.1 Components ........................................................................................ 10
2.2 Storage and Operating Conditions ........................................................... 11
2.3 Handling Conditions .............................................................................. 11
3 Component Specification .................................................................................. 12
4 Functional Specification ................................................................................... 13
4.1 Embedded 3D Imaging System .............................................................. 13
4.1.1 Depth Video Data Capture Flow ................................................. 14
4.1.2 Infrared Video Data Capture Flow .............................................. 14
4.2 Camera Video Stream Formats ............................................................... 15
4.3 Camera Video Stream Modes ................................................................. 16

5 Firmware Update ............................................................................................ 17

5.1 Update ............................................................................................... 17
5.1.1 Update Limits ......................................................................... 17
5.2 Recovery............................................................................................. 17

6 Client Software ............................................................................................... 18

6.1 Depth Camera Functions ....................................................................... 18
6.1.1 Projector Power Settings .......................................................... 19
6.1.2 Filter Option Settings ............................................................... 19
6.1.3 Preset Settings ....................................................................... 19
6.1.4 Auto Range (AR) ..................................................................... 20
6.2 Color Camera Functions ........................................................................ 21
6.2.1 Standard Functions .................................................................. 21
6.2.2 Extended Functions ................................................................. 21
6.3 Control Persistence ............................................................................... 22
6.4 Privacy ............................................................................................... 22

7 System Interoperability ................................................................................... 24

7.1 USB Composite Device .......................................................................... 24
7.1.1 Device Endpoints..................................................................... 24
7.1.2 System Endpoints ................................................................... 24
7.1.3 Typical Power Consumption ...................................................... 25
7.2 Infrared Projector Interference ............................................................... 25
8 System Integration ......................................................................................... 26
8.1 Placement ........................................................................................... 26
8.2 Grounding ........................................................................................... 27
8.2.1 Motherboard Receptacle ........................................................... 27
8.3 Attachment and Alignment .................................................................... 28
8.4 System Through-Holes .......................................................................... 28
8.4.1 Cover Material Transmission ..................................................... 29
8.5 Thermals............................................................................................. 29

334531-001 3
8.5.1 Thermal Interface Material (TIM) ............................................... 30
8.5.2 Passive Heat Spreader ............................................................. 30
8.6 Electrical ............................................................................................. 31
8.6.1 Receptacle ............................................................................. 32
8.6.2 High Speed Cable Assembly ...................................................... 32
8.6.3 System Receptacle .................................................................. 34
8.7 Power Sequence Timings ....................................................................... 34
8.8 Acoustics ............................................................................................ 36

9 System BIOS.................................................................................................. 37
9.1 UPC (USB Port Capabilities) ................................................................... 37
9.2 PLD (Physical Device Location) ............................................................... 37
9.3 Recovery Device Interface ..................................................................... 38
9.3.1 DSM (Device Specific Method) ................................................... 38
9.4 Power Resource ................................................................................... 39
10 System Assembly and Rework .......................................................................... 40
10.1 System Assembly ................................................................................. 40
10.1.1 Attaching Cable Assembly......................................................... 41
10.1.2 Pressure Force Allowed Areas .................................................... 41
10.2 Removal and Replace ............................................................................ 42
10.3 Cleaning ............................................................................................. 42

11 Labeling ........................................................................................................ 43
12 Mechanical Drawing......................................................................................... 44
13 Regulatory Compliance .................................................................................... 47
14 SR300 Cable Drawings..................................................................................... 49
15 SR300 USB Adapter ........................................................................................ 50
15.1 Design Reference ................................................................................. 51

16 Schematic Checklist ........................................................................................ 53

4 334531-001
List of Figures
Figure 2-1: Component Locations (Front View) .................................................... 10
Figure 2-2: Component Locations (Rear View) ..................................................... 10
Figure 2-3: Electrostatic Discharge Caution ......................................................... 11
Figure 4-1: Embedded 3D Imaging System ......................................................... 13
Figure 4-2: Depth Video Data Flow .................................................................... 14
Figure 4-3: IR Video Data Flow ......................................................................... 14
Figure 6-1: Privacy Image Output ..................................................................... 23
Figure 7-1: Interference................................................................................... 25
Figure 8-1: Front Facing Camera Placement ........................................................ 26
Figure 8-2: No Ground or Electrical Contact ........................................................ 27
Figure 8-3: Receptacle Ground Bar Motherboard Connections ................................ 27
Figure 8-4: Attachment Area and Alignment Pins ................................................. 28
Figure 8-5: Through-Hole Design Considerations ................................................. 28
Figure 8-6: Thermocouple Test Locations ........................................................... 30
Figure 8-7: Passive Heat Spreader..................................................................... 31
Figure 9-1: PLD System Design Considerations ................................................... 38
Figure 10-1: Plastic Protective Liner ................................................................... 40
Figure 10-2: Attaching Cable Assembly .............................................................. 41
Figure 10-3: Cable Plug Orientation ................................................................... 41
Figure 10-4: Pressure Force Allowed Areas ......................................................... 42
Figure 11-1: Product Labeling ........................................................................... 43
Figure 14-1: Cable Mechanical Drawing .............................................................. 49
Figure 15-1: SR300 Adapter 3D ........................................................................ 50
Figure 15-2: SR300 Adapter 2D ........................................................................ 51
Figure 15-3: SR300 USB Adapter Schematics ...................................................... 51

334531-001 5
List of Tables
Table 2-1: Component Descriptions ................................................................... 10
Table 2-2: Storage and Operating Conditions ...................................................... 11
Table 3-1: Infrared and Color Camera Properties ................................................. 12
Table 3-2: Infrared Projector Parameters............................................................ 12
Table 4-1: Depth and Infrared Data Formats ....................................................... 15
Table 4-2: Depth and Infrared Video Stream Configurations .................................. 15
Table 4-3: Depth Modes, Nominal Frame Rates ................................................... 16
Table 4-4: Color Modes, Nominal Frame Rates .................................................... 16
Table 4-5: Infrared Modes, Nominal Frame Rates ................................................ 16
Table 6-1: Depth Properties.............................................................................. 18
Table 6-2: Depth Property Values ...................................................................... 18
Table 6-3: Depth Projector Power ...................................................................... 19
Table 6-4: Filter Properties ............................................................................... 19
Table 6-5: Presets........................................................................................... 20
Table 6-6: Preset Setting Values ....................................................................... 20
Table 6-7: Auto Range ..................................................................................... 20
Table 6-8: Standard Color Properties ................................................................. 21
Table 6-9: Standard Color Property Values ......................................................... 21
Table 6-10: Standard Color Properties ............................................................... 22
Table 6-11: Extended Color Property Values ....................................................... 22
Table 6-12: Control Persistence ........................................................................ 22
Table 6-13: Customized Privacy Images ............................................................. 23
Table 7-1: USB Composite Device Hardware ID ................................................... 24
Table 7-2: USB Composite Device Endpoints ....................................................... 24
Table 7-3: System Device Endpoints .................................................................. 24
Table 7-4: Typical Power Consumption ............................................................... 25
Table 8-1: Rotational Angles Relative to Glass ..................................................... 26
Table 8-2: Component Transmission .................................................................. 29
Table 8-3: Power and TDP at Max Operating Mode ............................................... 29
Table 8-4: Case Temperature Limits (Still Air) ..................................................... 30
Table 8-5: Electrical Characteristics ................................................................... 31
Table 8-6: Receptacle Pin Out ........................................................................... 32
Table 8-7: Receptacle Characteristic .................................................................. 32
Table 8-8: Plug Characteristics.......................................................................... 33
Table 8-9: Cable Assembly Specification ............................................................. 33
Table 8-10: Cable Assembly Interconnect Properties ............................................ 33
Table 8-11: System Receptacle Properties .......................................................... 34
Table 8-12: Power Sequence ............................................................................ 34
Table 8-13: Power Sequence Timings................................................................. 35
Table 9-1: UPC Elements ................................................................................. 37
Table 9-2: UPC Return Package Values............................................................... 37
Table 9-3: PLD Elements .................................................................................. 38
Table 9-4: Recovery Device Method Arguments ................................................... 39
Table 9-5: Power Resource Methods .................................................................. 39
Table 11-1: Scan Code Fields............................................................................ 43
Table 11-2: Product Code Details ...................................................................... 43
Table 14-1: Cable Ordering Logistics.................................................................. 49
Table 15-1: Mechanical Dimensions ................................................................... 50
Table 15-2: USB Test Adapter Designator Description .......................................... 51

6 334531-001
Table 16-1: Motherboard Connector Signals ........................................................ 53
Table 16-2: USB_RX Motherboard Signals .......................................................... 53
Table 16-3: USB_TX Motherboard Signals ........................................................... 53
Table 16-4: Power Signals ................................................................................ 54

334531-001 7
Revision History

Revision Description Date

1.0 • Initial Release May 2016


8 334531-001
Description and Features

1 Description and Features

SR300 Description Applications(1)

• Face Analytics and Tracking
The Intel® RealSenseTM Camera SR300 is a subassembly
product that implements a short range, coded light 3D • Scanning and Mapping
imaging system. • Scene Segmentation
• Hand and Finger Tracking
The small size of the SR300 subassembly provides system
• Augmented Reality
integrators flexibility to design into a wide range of
products. (1)
Additional software must be installed to enable these
The broad range of 3D mode configurations and
synchronization capabilities of the SR300 enable the
product to be an optimal solution for 3D imaging

Features Minimum System Requirements

• Onboard Imaging ASIC • 6th Generation Intel® Core™ i3 Processor(1)
• Depth Capture from 0.2 to 1.5m • Windows* 10 Desktop (64bit)
• Infrared (IR) Laser Projector System • 8GB Disk Storage Space(1)
• Synchronized Depth, Color, Infrared Video • 4GB Memory(1)
• Texture Mapping of Depth to Color • USB3
• Depth Unprojection to World Coordinates • SR300 Interconnect Cable(2)
• Up to 60FPS Depth at 640x480 (VGA) (1)
Additional CPU performance, memory and disk space
• Up to 30FPS Color at 1920x1080 (FHD)
may be required for certain applications. Please
• Up to 200FPS Infrared at 640x480 (VGA) refer to application requirements.
• 110mm Width x 12.6mm Height Provided by the system integrator. Cable design is
specific to system definition and meets SR300 cable
• 4.1mm Maximum Thickness (3.8 – 4.1mm) design specifications.
• Green Activity LED
• Class 1 Laser Compliant
• Skype* 2.0

Software may optimize within this range.


334531-001 9

2 Overview
2.1 Components
Table 2-1: Component Descriptions


Imaging ASIC USB3 only, primary interface to subassembly components

Infrared Camera 640x480 (VGA) monochromatic infrared sensor

Color Camera 1920x1080 (FHD) chromatic sensor with discrete ISP

Infrared Projector Class 1 laser compliant coded light infrared projector system

Activity LED Green LED, illuminates when transmitting video over USB3

Cable Receptacle 10pin connector to system cable assembly

Alignment Holes Round and oval holes to secure placement via system alignment pins

Label Manufacture and product identifier information

Adhesive Liner Thermal connection to the system

Figure 2-1: Component Locations (Front View)

Figure 2-2: Component Locations (Rear View)

10 334531-001

2.2 Storage and Operating Conditions

Table 2-2: Storage and Operating Conditions


Storage (Still Air), Not Temperature (Sustained, Controlled)(1) 0 40 o

Temperature (Short Exposure)(2) -30 65 o
Humidity, Non-Condensing 90% RH, 30 C
(3) o
Operating (Still Air) Temperature 0 35 C

(1) Controlled conditions should be used for long term storage of product.
(2) Short exposure represents temporary max limits acceptable for transportation conditions.
(3) Component case temperature limits must be met for all operating temperatures.

2.3 Handling Conditions

The SR300 has limited ESD protection built into the subassembly.

Figure 2-3: Electrostatic Discharge Caution

To provide a consistent ESD protection level during SR300 system

assembly and rework, it is recommended that the JEDEC JESD625-
A requirements standard be incorporated into the ESD environment


334531-001 11
Component Specification

3 Component Specification
Table 3-1: Infrared and Color Camera Properties


Active Pixels 640x480 1920x1080

Sensor Aspect Ratio 4:3 16:9

Vertical Field of View 55o +/-2o 41.5o +/-2o

Horizontal Field of View 71.5o +/-2o 68o +/-2o

Diagonal Field of View 88o +/-3o 75.2o +/-4o

Inclination +/-1o Yaw/Pitch Tilt +/-1o Yaw/Pitch Tilt

Table 3-2: Infrared Projector Parameters


Projector Coded Light

Laser Wavelength 860nm Nominal

Laser Compliance Class 1, IEC 60825-1:2014 Ed 3

Vertical Field of Projection 60o +/-4o

Horizontal Field of Projection 72.5o +/-2o

Inclination 5o+/-2o Yaw Tilt (Towards IR Camera)


12 334531-001
Functional Specification

4 Functional Specification

4.1 Embedded 3D Imaging System

The IR projector and IR camera operate in tandem using coded light patterns to
produce a 2D array of monochromatic pixel values. These values are processed by
the imaging ASIC to generate depth and/or infrared video frames which are
transmitted to the client system via USB3.

The color camera consists of a chromatic sensor and an image signal processor which
captures and processes chromatic pixel values. These values generate color video
frames which are transmitted to the imaging ASIC and then transmitted to the client
system via USB3. The color camera can function independently from the infrared
camera or function synchronously to create color + infrared + depth video frames.

Figure 4-1: Embedded 3D Imaging System

334531-001 13
Functional Specification

4.1.1 Depth Video Data Capture Flow

To generate a depth frame, the IR projector illuminates the scene with a set of
predefined, increasing spatial frequency coded IR vertical bar patterns. These
patterns are warped by the scene, reflected back and captured by the IR camera. The
IR camera pixel values are then processed by the imaging ASIC to generate a depth
frame. Subsequent depth frames create a video stream that is transmitted to the
client system.

Figure 4-2: Depth Video Data Flow

4.1.2 Infrared Video Data Capture Flow

To generate an IR frame, the IR projector illuminates the scene with a white (I1)
pattern. This pattern is reflected by the scene and captured by the IR camera. The IR
camera pixel values are processed by the imaging ASIC to generate an IR frame.
Subsequent IR frames create a video stream that is transmitted to the client system.

Figure 4-3: IR Video Data Flow

14 334531-001
Functional Specification

4.2 Camera Video Stream Formats

Table 4-1: Depth and Infrared Data Formats


Depth Z 16b Depth format equating to the 1/8mm sub-pixel distance from
UINT the SR300 subassembly planar surface to the object.
Depth Z 32b Depth format equating to the absolute distance (mm) from
FLOAT the SR300 subassembly planar surface to the object.

Infrared I 10b IR format which equates to illuminating scene with a fully

UINT illuminated I1 pattern.
Texture U,V 32b Surface map calculated by client software to project depth
FLOAT video pixel values onto the color video pixels.
Vertices X,Y 32b Surface map calculated by client software to un-project each
FLOAT depth video pixel value into world coordinate space.
Confidence C 4b Provides a per pixel confidence value, 0xF equals high
UINT confidence and 0x0 represents low confidence.

(1) The effective range of the camera is up to 1.5m, but the 16b UINT depth format is
interpolated over an 8m range (or 1/8mm sub-pixel resolution).
(2) The SR300 uses client software to process the UV and XY surface maps as well as the Z
FLOAT and C UINT formats. The UV and XY maps are calculated based on the calibration
coefficients stored on the SR300. Confidence is sent as 4 bits within a single byte.

All video stream formats are transmitted as 16b aligned formats from the camera.

Table 4-2: Depth and Infrared Video Stream Configurations


Z 16b/32b

I 16b

ZI 16b/32b 16b

ZC 16b/32b 8b(C)

ZUV 16b/32b 32b+32b

ZIUV 16b/32b 16b 32b+32b

ZXY 16b/32b 32b+32b

ZIXY 16b/32b 16b 32b+32b
ZIUVXY 16b/32b 16b 32b+32b 32b+32b

(1) For these modes, the, the Infrared data can be replaced with Confidence map data. Infrared
and Confidence cannot be transmitted simultaneously for a given configuration.

334531-001 15
Functional Specification

4.3 Camera Video Stream Modes

Table 4-3: Depth Modes, Nominal Frame Rates



Depth (Z) 640x480 (VGA)(1) 4:3 • • •

Depth (Z) 640x480 (VGA) 4:3 • • •
(1) Enabled automatically based on MvR exposure setting less than or equal to 8. This format
will provide interpolated HVGA as VGA.

Table 4-4: Color Modes, Nominal Frame Rates



YUY2 (YUV 4:2:2) 1920x1080 (1080P FHD) 16:9 • •

YUY2 (YUV 4:2:2) 1280x720 (720P HD) 16:9 • • •
YUY2 (YUV 4:2:2) 960x540 (540P) 16:9 • • •
YUY2 (YUV 4:2:2) 848x480 (480P) 16:9 • • •
YUY2 (YUV 4:2:2) 640x480 (VGA) 4:3 • • •
YUY2 (YUV 4:2:2) 640x360 (360P) 16:9 • • •
YUY2 (YUV 4:2:2) 424x240 (240P) 16:9 • • •
YUY2 (YUV 4:2:2) 320x240 (QVGA) 4:3 • • •
YUY2 (YUV 4:2:2) 320x180 (180P) 16:9 • • •

Table 4-5: Infrared Modes, Nominal Frame Rates



IR (I1) 640x480 (VGA) 4:3 • • • •

All frame rates are expressed as nominal. Effective frame rates can vary depending
on the exposure settings of the camera. Camera settings that increase the exposure
time can decrease the effective frame rate.


16 334531-001
Firmware Update

5 Firmware Update
5.1 Update
During a firmware update, the firmware utility will issue a device firmware update
command to the SR300. The SR300 will then reset into firmware update mode. The
firmware utility uses a single binary file to maintain the firmware image and is
executed during the DCM system software installation. The firmware utility compares
the firmware version installed on the camera to the firmware version file to be
updated. Based on the comparison, the firmware utility will downgrade, upgrade, or
skip if the versions match.

The firmware version programmed by the firmware utility is tightly coupled with the
DCM runtime version. This is why the firmware utility is bundled with the DCM
system software installer and should not be decoupled. If there is a mismatch
between firmware and DCM versions, features can cease to function or unknown
behaviors can occur.

5.1.1 Update Limits

The firmware update engine does not allow infinite update cycles between older and
current versions of firmware. The engine will establish a baseline version of firmware
based on the latest firmware version installed. The engine will allow a return to a
previous version or baseline version of firmware up to 20 times. After the 20th
update, the engine will only allow an update to a firmware revision higher than the
baseline version.

5.2 Recovery
A read only boot sector is built into firmware which enables basic operation regardless
of the integrity of the operation instructions region. This ensures the SR300 can
function in the case of firmware not be written properly. When a firmware recovery is
required, the firmware utility will communicate with the recovery driver to set the
interrupt pin low and reset the SR300 in recovery mode.

Recovery is only supported if the system BIOS implements the INT33A3 HID device
and methods for interrupt and power control. The recovery driver installation and
recovery functions will FAIL if not implemented.


334531-001 17
Client Software

6 Client Software
The SR300 requires the Depth Camera Manager (DCM) software for Windows* to be
installed on the client system to enable all capabilities. The DCM provides camera
access to RealSenseTM SDK application through the SDK runtimes as well as access to
standard camera applications. The DCM allows multiple applications to access the
camera simultaneously as well as provide firmware update and recover capabilities
through the DCM installer. The DCM should be installed before any RealSenseTM
applications or RealSenseTM SDK runtimes are installed.

To ensure the camera implements current functions and property values ranges,
install the latest DCM and firmware version.

6.1 Depth Camera Functions

Table 6-1: Depth Properties


DEPTH_PROJECTOR_POWER Set the power output level of the projector. •

DEPTH_ACCURACY Set the number of patterns projected per frame.

DEPTH_FILTER_OPTION Set the filter to apply to each depth frame.

DEPTH_MOTION_RANGE Set the exposure time for each pattern. •

DEPTH_CONFIDENCE Set the threshold between valid and invalid values.

DEPTH_PRIVACY Replace depth stream with static privacy image.

DEPTH_PRESET Set depth setting preset based on specific usage.

Table 6-2: Depth Property Values


DEPTH_PROJECTOR_POWER 0 - 16 (see projector settings) 16

DEPTH_ACCURACY 1 (max) – 3 (min) 1

DEPTH_FILTER_OPTION 0 – 7 (see filter settings) 5

DEPTH_MOTION_RANGE 0 (motion) – 220 (range) 9

DEPTH_CONFIDENCE 0 (min) – 15 (max) 3

DEPTH_PRIVACY 0 (disabled) – 1 (enabled) 0

DEPTH_PRESET 0 – 9 (see preset settings) N/A

(1) Accuracy values of 2 and 3 will produce the same result as both settings generate same
number of patterns.

18 334531-001
Client Software


(2) When accuracy is set to 1 (max), each increase in MvR increments total depth frame
exposure by approximately 1.0ms.
(3) No preset is enabled by default, start up is based on the default settings of the individual
depth properties.

6.1.1 Projector Power Settings

Table 6-3: Depth Projector Power


PROJECTOR_DISABLED Projector is shut down. 0

PROJECTOR_AUTO Control power based on infrared camera. 1

PROJECTOR_ENABLE Projector operating at maximum power. 2-16

(1) Projector values between 2-16 enables projector at max power. Any value within this range
will produce the same result.

6.1.2 Filter Option Settings

Table 6-4: Filter Properties

FILTER_SKELETON High fidelity pixels only. up to 4m 0

FILTER_RAW Raw image with no processing. up to 4m 1

FILTER_RAW_GRADIENT Raw image with gradient filter applied. up to 4m 2

FILTER_SCANNING Very low smoothing, close range scans. up to 2m 3

FILTER_LOW_SMOOTH Low smoothing, high sharpness. up to 2m 4

FILTER_MED_SMOOTH Moderate smoothing and sharpness. up to 2m 5

FILTER_MOTION High smoothing, object motion. up to 4m 6

FILTER_BLOB High smoothing, long range blob. up to 4m 7

(1) Specifies filter range and not optimized camera range. For depth camera settings which
enable objects to be seen further than the optimized camera range, the applicable filter
range may apply.

6.1.3 Preset Settings

Presets configure the SR300 depth settings to Intel recommended values based on a
predefined usage. Depth settings can be set to these values individually, but using
presets provides a more convenient mechanism.

334531-001 19
Client Software

Table 6-5: Presets


PRESET_SHORT_RANGE Objects are near the camera.

PRESET_MID_RANGE Objects are in middle of range of camera.

PRESET_LONG_RANGE Objects are far from the camera.

PRESET_SEGMENTATION Removing background from foreground.

PRESET_GESTURE Hand tracking and finger tracking.

PRESET_CURSOR_MODE Use hand/finger as single cursor point for navigation.

PRESET_SCANNING Object scanning.

PRESET_FACE_ANALYTICS Face tracking and mapping.

PRESET_FACE_LOGIN User authentication.

PRESET_IR_ONLY Generic usage of infrared camera modes.

Table 6-6: Preset Setting Values












6.1.4 Auto Range (AR)

The SR300 supports the ability to dynamically adjust the projector power and infrared
camera exposure based on the scene. This feature is functional for VGA modes only.

Table 6-7: Auto Range




20 334531-001
Client Software

6.2 Color Camera Functions

6.2.1 Standard Functions

Table 6-8: Standard Color Properties


COLOR_EXPOSURE Manual setting when auto exposure is disabled. •

COLOR_BRIGHTNESS Sets brightness when auto-exposure is enabled.

COLOR_CONTRAST Sets contrast based on the brightness of the scene.

COLOR_SATURATION Sets saturation adjustment applied to the frame.

COLOR_HUE Sets hue adjustment applied to the frame.

COLOR_GAMMA Sets gamma correction applied to the frame.

COLOR_WHITE_BALANCE Manual setting when auto white balance is disabled. •

COLOR_SHARPNESS Sets sharpening adjustment applied to the frame.

COLOR_BACK_LIGHT_COMP Sets weight amount based on scene brightness.

COLOR_GAIN Sets gain level when auto-exposure is disabled.

Table 6-9: Standard Color Property Values


COLOR_EXPOSURE -8 (min) – 0 (max) AUTO

COLOR_BRIGHTNESS 0 (min) – 255 (max) 0

COLOR_CONTRAST -0 (min) – 100 (max) 50

COLOR_SATURATION 0 (min) – 100 (max) 64

COLOR_HUE -180 (min) – 180 (max) 0

COLOR_GAMMA 100 (min) – 500 (max) 300

COLOR_WHITE_BALANCE 2800 (min) – 6500 (max) AUTO

COLOR_SHARPNESS 0 (min) – 100 (max) 50

COLOR_BACK_LIGHT_COMP 0 (min) - 4 (max) 0

COLOR_GAIN 0 (min) – 128 (max) 64

6.2.2 Extended Functions

There is no native UVC support for these functions. These extended functions can
only be accessed through client software installed on top of UVC driver.

334531-001 21
Client Software

Table 6-10: Standard Color Properties


COLOR_PWR_LINE_FREQ Flicker avoidance based on power line frequency •

COLOR_EXP_PRIORITY Set FPS to be static regardless of lighting condition.

Table 6-11: Extended Color Property Values



COLOR_EXP_PRIORITY 0 (enable) – 1 (disable) 0

6.3 Control Persistence

The SR300 firmware and DCM provide persistence function based on the control
requested and if a client application is running or not. Persistence ensures that the
color and depth settings programmed before SR300 power was removed will be the
same after SR300 power is restored. The SR300 enables color setting persistence by

Table 6-12: Control Persistence


Color Settings Firmware Settings persisted even when power is removed.

Depth Settings DCM Persist when client running before system standby.

If a client application requires specific color and depth settings these should be
verified and programmed each time the application is executed.

6.4 Privacy
Privacy can be enabled by client software individually for the depth and color
endpoints. When enabled, the depth or color video frame data is replaced by the
SR300 firmware with a custom image. The depth privacy image is used for the
infrared privacy image.

22 334531-001
Client Software

Figure 6-1: Privacy Image Output


The custom privacy image will be scaled based on the resolution set for the depth and
color video streams. The privacy images are compressed as RLE (run-length
encoding) and stored in firmware based on set quantization level.

Table 6-13: Customized Privacy Images


Color Privacy Image RLE (Greyscale) 360P (16:9) and VGA (4:3)

Depth Privacy Image RLE (Greyscale) QVGA (4:3)

Depth and color privacy controls are separated for usages in which privacy control for
an application using color can be enabled without sacrificing usages which require
only depth.


334531-001 23
System Interoperability

7 System Interoperability

7.1 USB Composite Device

The SR300 imaging ASIC is a USB3 composite device which exposes all hardware
endpoints to the operating system. The imaging ASIC is a bulk device and transmits
depth and color videos streams in data bursts rather than as constant video streams.

Table 7-1: USB Composite Device Hardware ID


Vendor ID [15:0] 0x8086

Device ID [15:0] 0x0AA5

Revision ID [15:12] Firmware Major Version

[11:4] Firmware Minor Version

[3:0] Firmware Sub-Minor Version

7.1.1 Device Endpoints

Table 7-2: USB Composite Device Endpoints


USB Composite Device •

Intel RealSense™ Camera SR300 RGB •
Intel® RealSense™ Camera SR300 Depth •
Intel® RealSense™ Camera SR300 •
Intel® RealSense™ Camera SR300 Device •

7.1.2 System Endpoints

Table 7-3: System Device Endpoints


ACPI Intel® RealSense™ Camera (SR300) • •

The platform endpoint is required to support SR300 recovery. If the FW becomes

corrupted this is the only mechanism to update.

24 334531-001
System Interoperability

7.1.3 Typical Power Consumption

Table 7-4: Typical Power Consumption



OFF OFF 1080P, 30FPS 650 mW


VGA, 30FPS VGA, 30FPS OFF 1150 mW

VGA, 60FPS VGA, 60FPS OFF 1450 mW

VGA, 60FPS VGA, 60FPS 1080P, 30FPS 1800 mW

7.2 Infrared Projector Interference

Interference can occur if the SR300 is capturing infrared patterns projected from
multiple infrared projectors simultaneously. Low interference assumes a user is in
front of each SR300 and comfortably spaced apart.

Figure 7-1: Interference



334531-001 25
System Integration

8 System Integration
The small size of the SR300 subassembly provides system integrators flexibility to
design into a wide range of products.

Figure 8-1: Front Facing Camera Placement

8.1 Placement
The placement of the SR300 within the system should ensure the visibility of the user
or target is maximized. If the system is intended to be designed for face based
applications, the SR300 should be placed so that the intended location of the user’s
face is centered with respect to the SR300 module.

For some designs a rotational placement within the system may be required. The
optimal rotational angles are dependent on the product height, component field of
views, and target usage. The optical interaction between the IR projector, IR camera,
and display glass should be evaluated to ensure depth quality or field of view is not
impacted. Rotational angles will also have an impact on the through-hole design.

Table 8-1: Rotational Angles Relative to Glass


Pitch -30 30 degrees

Roll(1) -180 180 degrees

Yaw(2) 0 0 degrees

(1) Client software that requires location descriptor of rotation must align to physical value.
(2) A yaw rotation can create projector reflections into the IR sensor which can lead to
unwanted artifacts in the image.

Some applications may have very specific requirements for SR300 placement. If a
system is intended to be compliant to those requirements, refer to those respective

26 334531-001
System Integration

8.2 Grounding
Testing should be performed to quantify the level of grounding required. It is
recommended that there be at least two ground contact points to the system.
• It is not recommended that the adhesive liner be used as primary grounding to
avoid accidently grounding the test points.
• The assembly frame can be used as the primary ground contact point to the
• Openings at the system for each of the SR300 components should be as small as

Figure 8-2: No Ground or Electrical Contact

Placement and assembly of any EMI gaskets on the assembly frame must not cause
SR300 camera component occlusions. Grounding material must not make contact
with any non-GND subassembly components, pads, or signals.

8.2.1 Motherboard Receptacle

It is recommended that the motherboard receptacle by grounded as well as ground
bar pads implemented.

Figure 8-3: Receptacle Ground Bar Motherboard Connections

334531-001 27
System Integration

8.3 Attachment and Alignment

The SR300 aligns to the system chassis by two 1.4 ± 0.05mm alignment pins
separated by 107.4 ± 0.1mm. The SR300 consists of two corresponding alignment
holes to ensure the subassembly cannot rotate after being assembled into the system.

Figure 8-4: Attachment Area and Alignment Pins

One alignment hole is a 1.5 ± 0.05mm round for securing placement and one hole is a
1.5 ± 0.05mm oval for accommodating manufacturing tolerances.

8.4 System Through-Holes

The system design through-holes should be designed to accommodate the maximum
component field of view tolerances. The sensor field of view specifications are defined
for the cameras and should be used for the through-hole evaluation.

Figure 8-5: Through-Hole Design Considerations

28 334531-001
System Integration

A system CAD evaluation should be completed with the SR300 CAD to validate that
the dimensions of the system through-holes are sized to not intersect the sensor and
projector FOV parts.

8.4.1 Cover Material Transmission

The SR300 components must be covered to minimize dust and humidity. The cover
material stack-up used must provide acceptable transmission based on the component
wavelengths, intended usage, and expected image quality for the system.

Table 8-2: Component Transmission


Color Camera Visible Spectrum nm

Infrared Projector 860 @ 92% Transmission nm

Infrared Sensor 860 @ 92% Transmission nm

Glass or transparent layers covering the laser projector and infrared sensor must
have a uniform thickness and no perceivable curving or bending to minimize the
distortion of the transmitted and reflected patterns.

8.5 Thermals
The system thermal design must ensure the SR300 component case temperature and
system skin temperature limits are not exceeded for max operating conditions.

Table 8-3: Power and TDP at Max Operating Mode

(1) (2)

All Components 2300W 2200 mW

(1) The values were measured with an ambient light of 200 Lux and with a white screen 20 cm
in front of the camera filling the cameras FOV.
(2) The IR projector and activity LED TDP is lower than power due to a percentage of energy
dissipated as photonic emissions rather than heat.

334531-001 29
System Integration

Figure 8-6: Thermocouple Test Locations

Table 8-4: Case Temperature Limits (Still Air)



TC1 Imaging ASIC 0 N/A 85 C
(2) o
TC2 Infrared Camera 0 50 60 C
(2) o
TC3 Color Camera 0 50 60 C
(2) o
TC4 Infrared Projector 0 50 60 C

(1) Typical represents the recommended TCase temperature limit for standard runtime
scenarios at 25oC TA (temperature ambient).
(2) 60oC for the camera and projector components is worst case and must not be designed for
typical operation. The camera sensor noise above the max temperature will exceed
acceptable limits for image quality.

8.5.1 Thermal Interface Material (TIM)

It is recommended that either the 3M 8805 or 3M 9882 thermal-only conductive
adhesive strip be used to attach the module to the system chassis. To maximize heat
transfer, the TIM area should be maximized as much as possible to cover the area of
the SR300 adhesive liner.

8.5.2 Passive Heat Spreader

To minimize the need or size for an internal passive heat spreader, it is recommended
that a metal chassis material with a thermal conductance greater than 20 [W/mK] and
an effective thermal resistance of less than 8 [K/W] be used. If a plastic chassis
material is used, this will generally require a passive heat spreader solution.

30 334531-001
System Integration

Figure 8-7: Passive Heat Spreader

8.6 Electrical
To support the bandwidth required by the camera video stream modes, a USB3
interface is required. To ensure the best of quality of service, the SR300 must be
connected to a dedicated USB3 root port within the client system.

To support all operating modes, the SR300 requires a controllable 5V ± 5% power

resource. The system design must accommodate for voltage drops within the
topology to ensure the minimum input voltage is met for VDD. The controllable power
resource should be driven by a core power rail.

To support firmware recovery, a 3.3V controllable interrupt must be connected to the

SR300 INT pin.

Table 8-5: Electrical Characteristics


VDD Supply Voltage 4.5 5 5.5 V

IDD Supply Current N/A 0.6 N/A A
INT VIH Input High Voltage 2.0 3.3 3.6 V
INT VIL Input Low Voltage 0 0 0.8 V

INT Pull Up Resistance 20 N/A 60 kΩ

(1) The SR300 power resource should be capable of supplying at least 2.5W through a 5V
nominal power source. The SR300 implements two 5V pins with a rated current of 0.3A for
each pin.
(2) Voltage is as measured by SR300 ASIC pin.

334531-001 31
System Integration

8.6.1 Receptacle
Table 8-6: Receptacle Pin Out


1 GND - Ground

2 USB3_SSTX- OUT USB3 Transmitter Negative

3 USB3_SSTX+ OUT USB3 Transmitter Positive

4 GND - Ground

5 USB3_SSRX- IN USB3 Receiver Negative

6 USB3_SSRX+ IN USB3 Receiver Positive

7 GND - Ground

8 INT IN Firmware Recovery Interrupt

9 VDD - Supply Voltage, Connect to 5V

10 VDD - Supply Voltage, Connect to 5V

The system USB3 transmit signals must be connected to the imaging module USB3
receive signals. The system USB3 receive signals must be connected to the imaging
module USB3 transmit signals.

Table 8-7: Receptacle Characteristic


Shell Finish Tin (Sn)

Lock Yes

Ground Bar Yes

Alignment Boss No

Part Number IPEX 20347-310E-12R

8.6.2 High Speed Cable Assembly

The high speed cable assembly is developed and procured by the system integrator.
The cable assembly design is specific to the system definition and must meet SR300
cable assembly design specification.

32 334531-001
System Integration

Table 8-8: Plug Characteristics


Shell Finish Tin (Sn)

Friction Lock Yes

Ground Bar Yes

Plug Part Number IPEX 2047-0103

Housing Part Number IPEX 20346-010T-31

The cable should not be connected/disconnected from the SR300 more than 10 times.

Table 8-9: Cable Assembly Specification


Cable Length 508mm ± 10mm (~20 inches)

Controlled Impedance 50Ω ± 10%

Max Insertion Loss 7.5dB at 2.5Ghz

Cable Shielding Each plug connected to the receptacle shield and GND bar.

Minimum Gauge 40 AWG for micro-coax, 36 AWG for wire.

Deviation from these properties is allowed, but the compatibility with the SR300
receptacle must be maintained. Longer cable lengths is allowed, but signal integrity
should be evaluated by the system integrator.

Table 8-10: Cable Assembly Interconnect Properties


1 GND GND 40 50Ω micro-coax, shield soldered to GND bar.

2 USB3_TXN USB3_RXN 40 50Ω micro-coax, shield soldered to GND bar.

3 USB3_TXP USB3_RXP 40 50Ω micro-coax, shield soldered to GND bar.

4 GND GND 40 50Ω micro-coax, shield soldered to GND bar.

5 USB3_RXN USB3_TXN 40 50Ω micro-coax, shield soldered to GND bar.

6 USB3_RXP USB3_TXP 40 50Ω micro-coax, shield soldered to GND bar.

7 GND GND 36 UL 10064 Wire (Rated at least 0.3A.)

8 INT INT 36 UL 10064 Wire

9 VDD 5V 36 UL 10064 Wire (Rated at least 0.3A.)

10 VDD 5V 36 UL 10064 Wire (Rated at least 0.3A.)

334531-001 33
System Integration

8.6.3 System Receptacle

Table 8-11: System Receptacle Properties


Differential Impedance 75 to 105Ω (USB3 Signals)

Rise Time 50ps (20% - 80%)

Max Cross Talk -34dB up to 2.5GHz.

Current Rating 0.3A ± 5%

Shielding Metal shielding, connected to GND plane.

Grounding Two ground bar connections in addition to the connector GND.

8.7 Power Sequence Timings

Table 8-12: Power Sequence


S0 Runtime 5V 3.3V

S0 Recovery 5V 0V

S3/S4/S5 Shut Down 0V 0V

Due to internal capacitance, a 200ms minimum delay is required to discharge the

SR300 before power is restored. The SR300 interrupt must be set LOW anytime
power is removed.

34 334531-001
System Integration

Table 8-13: Power Sequence Timings


A 0 100 ms


A 0 50 ms


A 0 50 ms

B 200 N/A ms

C 0 100 ms


A 0 50 ms

B 200 N/A ms

334531-001 35
System Integration

8.8 Acoustics
System elements in contact with the SR300 can cause acoustics generated by the
SR300 to be transferred and amplified. To minimize this effect, the following
considerations are recommended.
• The only chassis contact with the module is the adhesive liner to the adhesive TIM
and SR300 alignment holes to the chassis alignment pins.
• Any chassis element around the module (metal/plastic), or any gaskets from the
glass/bezel should be spaced at least 50-300um from the module.
• Avoid any hard connection between the camera module assembly frame and the
chassis (plastic frame/glass).
• Maintain a minimum air-gap of 50-300um.

Acoustic measurements should be taken with SR300 integrated into the system.
Measurements are not intended to be taken with respect to standalone module.


36 334531-001
System BIOS

9 System BIOS
The BIOS must map the integrated USB3 port to the SR300 and report the location for
each camera. The BIOS must declare the SR300 power resource methods and creates
an interface to directly control the power resource and interrupt pin through a GPIO.

9.1 UPC (USB Port Capabilities)

The USB3 port in the USB port allocation must be a non-companion port.

Table 9-1: UPC Elements


Port Is Connectable Integer (BYTE) Yes 0xFF

Port Connector Type Integer (BYTE) Fixed 0xFF

Reserved 0 Integer N/A 0x00000000

Reserved 1 Integer N/A 0x00000000

Table 9-2: UPC Return Package Values

Name(_UPC, Package()) {

0xFF, // Port is Connectable and Internal

0xFF, // Connector is Proprietary and Fixed
0x00000000, // Reserved 0, must be zero
0x00000000}) // Reserved 1, must be zero

9.2 PLD (Physical Device Location)

An independent _PLD table must be mapped to each camera’s address. The address
(_ADR) for the color camera (offset 0x0) and infrared camera (offset 0x2) are
dependent on the USB port that the SR300 is mapped.

For example, if the SR300 was mapped to USB port 15 (0x0F), the color camera _ADR
value is 0x0F and infrared camera _ADR value is 0x11. The UVC OS Address property
can be used to verify this value.

334531-001 37
System BIOS

Table 9-3: PLD Elements


Revision [6:0] Current 2

Color [7] Ignore 0

User Visible [64] Integrated 0

Panel Surface [69:67] Front Surface 4

Vertical Position [71:70] Upper 0

Horizontal Position [73:72] Center 1

Group Position [94:87] Non-Companion USB3 Port Unique Port Value

Rotation [118:115] Default Orientation, No Rotation 0

Vertical Offset [143:128] Offset from Panel Surface Origin System Specific

Horizontal Offset [159:144] Offset from Panel Surface Origin System Specific

Figure 9-1: PLD System Design Considerations

9.3 Recovery Device Interface

INT33A3 is the unique HID identifier for the SR300 recovery device interface. This
device is a fixed platform device, independent from the SR300 device state, and is
always exposed.

9.3.1 DSM (Device Specific Method)

The recovery device interface must implement methods to control the INT_GPIO and
VDD_GPIO directly. These methods are used by the firmware utility to configure the
SR300 into recovery mode. VDD_GPIO and INT_GPIO system design locations are
defined by the integrator and abstracted through a write to GPIO (WTGP) function.

38 334531-001
System BIOS

Table 9-4: Recovery Device Method Arguments


Arg0 Unique Function Identifier F5CF0FF7-5D60-4842-82C0-FA1A61D873F2

Arg1 Integer Revision Level 0

Arg2 Integer Function Index 0: QUERY, 1: INT_GPIO, 2: VDD_GPIO

Arg3 Package Parameters 0: Disable, 1: Enable

9.4 Power Resource

The BIOS needs to specify the serialized power resource methods for enabling and
disabling VDD_GPIO based on the OSPM policies.

Table 9-5: Power Resource Methods


_OFF Disable the power resource.

_ON Enable the power resource.

_STA Evaluate enable/disable state of the power resource.

Adding the serialized statement ensure that multiple operations are not attempted


334531-001 39
System Assembly and Rework

10 System Assembly and Rework

The system assembly and rework flows are specific to the recommended 3M 8805 and
3M 9882 thermal conductive strip.

10.1 System Assembly

The SR300 system assembly flow for the adhesive thermal conductive strip is as
1. Clean the imaging module attachment area and system chassis attachment
area with isopropyl alcohol (IPA).
2. Once both attachment areas are dry, release one side of the adhesive strip
and place securely on the system chassis attachment area(1). Ensure flush
attachment, no wrinkles or bubbles.
3. Release second side of adhesive strip.
4. Attach the SR300 adhesive liner area to the adhesive strip on the system
chassis attachment area, use alignment pins as guides. The external force
applied to the SR300 assembly frame should not exceed 180N or 20 PSI.
Refer to the TIM strip bonding force specification for minimum force requried.
5. Remove the plastic protective liner from the SR300 using the pull tab. Verify
no excess charge has accumulated around the components.
Refer to the application pressure guidelines of the adhesive strip to ensure proper
“flexible to rigid” surface connection of the imaging module to the system.

Figure 10-1: Plastic Protective Liner

If the plastic protective liner is not removed, this will cause significant impact to
SR300 image quality and performance.

40 334531-001
System Assembly and Rework

10.1.1 Attaching Cable Assembly

The top and bottom area near the label should be used to grasp the module when
attaching the cable assembly. This will prevent stress and the possibility of module
bending or cracking.

Figure 10-2: Attaching Cable Assembly


Ensure the plug of the cable assembly is orientated correctly before connecting to the
module receptacle. Check with your cable assembly provider.

Figure 10-3: Cable Plug Orientation


10.1.2 Pressure Force Allowed Areas

Care must be taken to ensure that no force is applied to the optical components,
including camera sensors, projector and activity LED areas.

334531-001 41
System Assembly and Rework

Figure 10-4: Pressure Force Allowed Areas

10.2 Removal and Replace

The SR300 removal and rework flow for the recommended adhesive thermal-electrical
conductive strip is as follows:
1. Release SR300 from its place in the system form factor.
2. Release adhesive strip from its place in the system chassis.
3. Repeat the SR300 system assembly flow.

Based on the 3M 8805 and 3M 9882 adhesive strip bonding force specification, the
force required to remove the SR300 may cause structural damage to the unit. The
cable should not be connected/disconnected from the SR300 more than 10 times.

10.3 Cleaning
If the window of the IR projector accumulates dust or oils, gently wipe the window
with a lint free cloth. If dust or oils are still present, dampen the lint free cloth with a
couple drops of isopropyl alcohol (IPA) and gently wipe the window again. Care
should be taken in the amount of pressure used and to avoid any scratching of the IR
projector window surface.

Do not apply isopropyl alcohol to the window surface directly.


42 334531-001

11 Labeling
The SR300 label is located on the front side of the module.

Figure 11-1: Product Labeling


A Label Width 7.0 mm

B Label Height 7.0 mm

C Scan Code Width 3.5 mm

D Scan Code Height 3.5 mm

Scan Code Format


Table 11-1: Scan Code Fields


Company Intel Manufacturer Static

Model Number SR300 Camera Model Number Static

Product Assembly Number XXXXXX Product Identifier Code Static

-XXX Manufacture Configuration Code Dynamic

OOOOOO Product Material Code Static

Serial Number XXXXXXXXXXXX Manufacture Unit Code Dynamic

Table 11-2: Product Code Details


H89061 943228


334531-001 43
Mechanical Drawing

12 Mechanical Drawing

44 334531-001
Mechanical Drawing

334531-001 45
Mechanical Drawing




46 334531-001
Regulatory Compliance

13 Regulatory Compliance

System integrators should refer to their respective regulatory and compliance

owner to finalize regulatory requirements for a specific geography.

This product is in conformity with performance standards for laser products under 21
CFR 1040, except with respect to those characteristics authorized by Variance Number
FDA-2015-V-0275-001 effective February 11, 2016. This product is classified as Class
1 under IEC 60825-1 edition 3, 2014, internationally. The use of the edition 3 for
classification also in the US is allowed by the terms of the aforementioned US FDA
CDRH variance at the time of manufacture.

Caution--use of controls or adjustments or performance of procedures other than

those specified herein may result in hazardous radiation exposure.
Manufactured by Intel Corporation
2200 Mission College Blvd., Santa Clara, CA 95054
Model Number: SR300

U.S. FDA accession number is 1420377-001.

There are no service/maintenance, modification, or disassembly procedures for

SR300 and infrared projector. The system integrator must either notify Intel or
return modules before any failure analysis is performed.
• Do not attempt to open any portion of this laser product.
• There are no user serviceable parts with this laser product.
• Modification or service of the SR300, specifically the infrared projector, may cause
the emissions to exceed Class 1.

This device is EU RoHS 2 (Directive 2011/65/EU) compliant and low halogen (PCB).
For additional details please download the SR300 Material Declaration Data Sheet.

334531-001 47
Regulatory Compliance

The Intel(R) RealSense(TM) Camera / SR300, has passed the USB-IF Test Procedure
for USB 3.1 Gen 1 products.
TID: 310000184


48 334531-001
SR300 Cable Drawings

14 SR300 Cable Drawings

The interconnect cable can be used to connect the SR300 to the motherboard
receptacle or to the receptacle on the USB adapter card.

Table 14-1: Cable Ordering Logistics


Amphenol H26311-001 100mm AX1

Bruce Motavaf
Amphenol H26312-001 150mm AX1 AGIS - Sales Engineer
Amphenol H26313-001 300mm AX1
Amphenol H26314-001 500mm AX1

Figure 14-1: Cable Mechanical Drawing


334531-001 49
SR300 USB Adapter

15 SR300 USB Adapter

The SR300 is designed to be integrated into a client system as a subassembly
component through an internal interconnecting cable. If a system configuration
requires the SR300 to be connected through a standard USB connection, an adapter is
required to convert the SR300 receptacle connection to a standard USB plug.

Figure 15-1: SR300 Adapter 3D

Table 15-1: Mechanical Dimensions


Width 28(1) mm
Height 41 mm
Depth 5.3 mm

(1) Measured from USB micro-B receptacle edge to PCB edge.

(2) Measured from PCB edge to PCB edge.
(3) Measured from SR300 cable receptacle edge to toggle switch edge.

Intel provides an adapter design schematic for reference purposes only. This adapter
board design converts the SR300 receptacle connection to a standard USB3 micro-B
receptacle on a single subassembly. A 10 pin cable with an SR300 plug on either end
is required to connect the SR300 to this adapter board. A standard USB3 micro-B to
USB3 type-A cable is required to connect the adapter board to a standard USB3
external port.

The USB test adapter design is for reference purposes only. Intel disclaims all express
and implied warranties, including without limitation, the implied warranties of
merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement, as well as any
warranty arising from course of performance, course of dealing, or usage in trade.

50 334531-001
SR300 USB Adapter

15.1 Design Reference

Figure 15-2: SR300 Adapter 2D


Table 15-2: USB Test Adapter Designator Description


J1 Receptacle SR300 cable connection.

J2 Receptacle for USB3 micro-B cable connection.

SW1 Toggles the INT pin from HIGH to LOW.

D1 ESD Diode Pack

D3 VDD Green LED Indicator

Figure 15-3: SR300 USB Adapter Schematics

334531-001 51
SR300 USB Adapter


52 334531-001
Schematic Checklist

16 Schematic Checklist
The following checklist should be compared to the motherboard design.

Table 16-1: Motherboard Connector Signals


Pin 1 Routed to GND Y

Pin 2 Routed to USB3_RXN Y

Pin 3 Routed to USB3_RXP Y

Pin 4 Routed to GND Y

Pin 5 Routed to USB3_TXN Y

Pin 6 Routed to USB3_TXP Y

Pin 7 Routed to GND Y

Pin 8 Routed to RECOVERY 3.3V GPIO Y

Pin 9 Routed to 5V Supply Y

Pin 10 Routed to 5V Supply Y

Connector Routed to GND Y

Connector Routed to GND Y

Ground Bar Routed to GND Y

Ground Bar Routed to GND Y

Table 16-2: USB_RX Motherboard Signals


Pin 2 ESD protection diode connected to GND. Optional

Pin 3 ESD protection diode connected to GND. Optional

Table 16-3: USB_TX Motherboard Signals


Pin 5 Inline 80ohm choke placed close to connector. Y

Pin 5 Inline 0.1uF AC capacitor placed close to the connector. Y

Pin 5 ESD protection diode connected to GND. Optional

Pin 6 Inline 80ohm choke placed closed to connector. Y

Pin 6 Inline 0.1uF AC capacitor placed close to the connector. Y

Pin 6 ESD protection diode connected to GND. Optional

334531-001 53
Schematic Checklist

Table 16-4: Power Signals


Pin 9/10 Series components rated for at least 1A. Y

Pin 9/10 Independent 5V controllable FET Y

Pin 9/10 Routed 5V FET control GPIO Y


54 334531-001

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