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KUKA System Technology

KUKA.Ethernet KRL 3.2

For KUKA System Software 8.7

Issued: 24.10.2019
KST Ethernet KRL 3.2 V1
KUKA Deutschland GmbH
KUKA.Ethernet KRL 3.2

© Copyright 2019
KUKA Deutschland GmbH
Zugspitzstraße 140
D-86165 Augsburg

This documentation or excerpts therefrom may not be reproduced or disclosed to third parties
without the express permission of KUKA Deutschland GmbH.
Other functions not described in this documentation may be operable in the controller. The user
has no claims to these functions, however, in the case of a replacement or service work.
We have checked the content of this documentation for conformity with the hardware and soft-
ware described. Nevertheless, discrepancies cannot be precluded, for which reason we are not
able to guarantee total conformity. The information in this documentation is checked on a regu-
lar basis, however, and necessary corrections will be incorporated in the subsequent edition.
Subject to technical alterations without an effect on the function.
Translation of the original documentation

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Book structure: KST Ethernet KRL 3.2 V1.1


Version: KST Ethernet KRL 3.2 V1

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KUKA.Ethernet KRL 3.2


1 Introduction.............................................................................................. 7
1.1 Target group.......................................................................................................... 7
1.2 Industrial robot documentation.............................................................................. 7
1.3 Representation of warnings and notes................................................................. 7
1.4 Terms used............................................................................................................ 8
1.5 Trademarks............................................................................................................ 9
1.6 Licenses................................................................................................................. 9

2 Product description................................................................................. 11
2.1 Product description................................................................................................ 11
2.2 Connection configuration....................................................................................... 11
2.2.1 Transmission protocol............................................................................................ 11
2.2.2 Behavior in the event of a lost connection.......................................................... 11
2.2.3 Monitoring a connection........................................................................................ 12
2.3 Data exchange...................................................................................................... 12
2.4 Saving data............................................................................................................ 13
2.5 Client-server mode................................................................................................ 14
2.6 Protocol types........................................................................................................ 14
2.7 Event messages.................................................................................................... 15
2.8 Error treatment...................................................................................................... 15
2.9 Intended use and misuse...................................................................................... 15

3 Safety......................................................................................................... 17

4 Installation................................................................................................ 19
4.1 System requirements............................................................................................. 19
4.2 Installation via WorkVisual.................................................................................... 19
4.2.1 Installing or updating KUKA.Ethernet KRL 3.2.................................................... 19
4.2.2 Uninstalling KUKA.Ethernet KRL 3.2.................................................................... 20
4.3 Installation via smartHMI....................................................................................... 20
4.3.1 Installing or updating KUKA.Ethernet KRL 3.2.................................................... 20
4.3.2 Uninstalling KUKA.Ethernet KRL 3.2.................................................................... 21

5 Configuration............................................................................................ 23
5.1 Network connection via the KLI of the robot controller....................................... 23

6 Programming............................................................................................ 25
6.1 Configuring an Ethernet connection..................................................................... 25
6.1.1 XML structure for connection properties.............................................................. 25
6.1.2 XML structure for data reception.......................................................................... 29
6.1.3 XML structure for data transmission..................................................................... 31
6.1.4 Configuration according to the XPath schema..................................................... 32
6.2 Functions for data exchange................................................................................ 33
6.2.1 Programming tips.................................................................................................. 34
6.2.2 Initializing and clearing a connection.................................................................... 35
6.2.3 Opening and closing a connection....................................................................... 36
6.2.4 Sending data......................................................................................................... 37
6.2.5 Reading out data................................................................................................... 40

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KUKA.Ethernet KRL 3.2

6.2.6 Deleting data memories........................................................................................ 42

6.2.7 EKI_STATUS: Structure for function-specific return values................................. 43
6.2.8 Configuration of event messages......................................................................... 44
6.2.9 Reception of complete XML data records............................................................ 45
6.2.10 Processing incomplete data records..................................................................... 46
6.2.11 EKI_CHECK(): Checking functions for errors....................................................... 46

7 Configuration and program examples.................................................. 49

7.1 Integrating the server program and examples..................................................... 49
7.1.1 Server program user interface.............................................................................. 50
7.1.2 Communication parameters in the server program.............................................. 52
7.2 “BinaryFixed” example........................................................................................... 52
7.3 “BinaryStream” example........................................................................................ 54
7.4 “XmlTransmit” example.......................................................................................... 55
7.5 “XmlServer” example............................................................................................. 57
7.6 “XmlCallback” example.......................................................................................... 58

8 Diagnosis.................................................................................................. 61
8.1 Displaying diagnostic data.................................................................................... 61

9 Messages.................................................................................................. 63
9.1 Error protocol (EKI logbook)................................................................................. 63
9.2 Information about the messages.......................................................................... 63
9.3 System messages from module: EthernetKRL (EKI)........................................... 63
9.3.1 EKI00002............................................................................................................... 63
9.3.2 EKI00003............................................................................................................... 65
9.3.3 EKI00006............................................................................................................... 67
9.3.4 EKI00007............................................................................................................... 68
9.3.5 EKI00009............................................................................................................... 69
9.3.6 EKI00010............................................................................................................... 71
9.3.7 EKI00011............................................................................................................... 72
9.3.8 EKI00012............................................................................................................... 74
9.3.9 EKI00013............................................................................................................... 75
9.3.10 EKI00014............................................................................................................... 76
9.3.11 EKI00015............................................................................................................... 80
9.3.12 EKI00016............................................................................................................... 81
9.3.13 EKI00017............................................................................................................... 84
9.3.14 EKI00018............................................................................................................... 88
9.3.15 EKI00019............................................................................................................... 90
9.3.16 EKI00020............................................................................................................... 92
9.3.17 EKI00021............................................................................................................... 96
9.3.18 EKI00022............................................................................................................... 97
9.3.19 EKI00023............................................................................................................... 99
9.3.20 EKI00024............................................................................................................... 100
9.3.21 EKI00027............................................................................................................... 101
9.3.22 EKI00512............................................................................................................... 102
9.3.23 EKI00768............................................................................................................... 104
9.3.24 EKI01024............................................................................................................... 105
9.3.25 EKI01280............................................................................................................... 105
9.3.26 EKI01536............................................................................................................... 109

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9.3.27 EKI01792............................................................................................................... 109

9.3.28 EKI02048............................................................................................................... 110

10 Appendix................................................................................................... 113
10.1 Extended XML structure for connection properties.............................................. 113
10.2 Increasing the memory.......................................................................................... 113
10.3 Deactivating message output and message logging........................................... 114
10.4 Command reference.............................................................................................. 115
10.4.1 Initializing, opening, closing and clearing a connection....................................... 115
10.4.2 Sending data......................................................................................................... 116
10.4.3 Writing data........................................................................................................... 117
10.4.4 Reading data......................................................................................................... 118
10.4.5 Checking a function for errors.............................................................................. 122
10.4.6 Clearing, locking, unlocking and checking a data memory................................. 122

11 KUKA Service........................................................................................... 125

11.1 Requesting support............................................................................................... 125
11.2 KUKA Customer Support...................................................................................... 125

Index 133

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KUKA.Ethernet KRL 3.2

1 Introduction

1.1 Target group

This documentation is aimed at users with the following knowledge and


• Advanced KRL programming skills

• Advanced knowledge of the robot controller system
• Advanced knowledge of XML
• Advanced knowledge of networks

For optimal use of KUKA products, we recommend the training courses

offered by KUKA College. Information about the training program can be
found at www.kuka.com or can be obtained directly from our subsidia-

1.2 Industrial robot documentation

The industrial robot documentation consists of the following parts:

• Documentation for the robot arm

• Documentation for the robot controller
• Documentation for the smartPAD-2 (if used)
• Operating and programming instructions for the System Software
• Instructions for options and accessories
• Spare parts overview in KUKA Xpert
Each of these sets of instructions is a separate document.

1.3 Representation of warnings and notes


These warnings are provided for safety purposes and must be observed.
These warnings mean that it is certain or highly probable that death or
severe injuries will occur, if no precautions are taken.

These warnings mean that death or severe injuries may occur, if no
precautions are taken.

These warnings mean that minor injuries may occur, if no precautions
are taken.

These warnings mean that damage to property may occur, if no precau-
tions are taken.

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Introduction KUKA.Ethernet KRL 3.2

These warnings contain references to safety-relevant information or gen-

eral safety measures.
These warnings do not refer to individual hazards or individual precau-
tionary measures.

This warning draws attention to procedures which serve to prevent or rem-

edy emergencies or malfunctions:
The following procedure must be followed exactly!

Procedures marked with this warning must be followed exactly.


These notices serve to make your work easier or contain references to

further information.
Tip to make your work easier or reference to further information.

1.4 Terms used

Term Description

Data stream Continuous sequences of data records of which the end cannot be
foreseen in advance:

• The individual data records may be of any fixed type.

• The amount of data records per unit of time (data rate) may
vary. Only sequential access to the data is possible.

EKI Ethernet KRL interface

EOS End Of Stream (end string)

String that indicates the end of a data record

Ethernet Data network technology for local data networks

Ethernet allows data to be exchanged between the connected devi-
ces in the form of data frames.

FIFO First In First Out

Procedure for processing a data memory
the elements saved first are taken first from the memory.

IP Internet Protocol
The Internet Protocol is used to define subnetworks by means of
physical MAC addresses.

KLI KUKA Line Interface

Ethernet interface of the robot controller (not real-time-capable) for
external communication.

KR C KUKA Robot Control

Robot controller

KRL KUKA Robot Language

KUKA robot programming language

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LIFO Last In First Out
Procedure for processing a data memory
the elements saved last are taken first from the memory.

smartHMI smart Human-Machine Interface

User interface on the smartPAD

smartPAD Programming device for the robot controller

The smartPAD has all the operator control and display functions re-
quired for operating and programming the industrial robot. 2 models

• smartPAD
• smartPAD-2
In turn, for each model there are variants, e.g. with different lengths
of connecting cables.
The designation “KUKA smartPAD” or “smartPAD” refers to both
models unless an explicit distinction is made.

Socket Software interface that links IP addresses to port numbers.

TCP Transmission Control Protocol

Protocol of the data exchange between devices of a network. TCP
constitutes a virtual channel between 2 sockets in a network con-
nection. Data can be transmitted on this channel in both directions.

UDP User Datagram Protocol

Connectionless protocol for the data exchange between the devices
of a network
UDP does not establish a connection to the network.

XML Extensible Markup Language

Standard for creating machine-readable and human-readable docu-
ments in the form of a specified tree structure

XPath XML Path Language

Language used to write and read sections of an XML document

1.5 Trademarks

.NET Framework is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.

Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.

1.6 Licenses

The KUKA license conditions and the license conditions of the open-
source software used can be found in the following folders:
• Under .\LICENSE on the data storage medium with the installation
files of the KUKA software
• Under D:\KUKA_OPT\Option package name\LICENSE after installation
on the robot controller
• In the license folder under the name of the option package in the Op-
tions catalog after installation in WorkVisual

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Introduction KUKA.Ethernet KRL 3.2

Further information about open-source licenses can be requested from

the following address: opensource@kuka.com

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KUKA.Ethernet KRL 3.2

Product description
2 Product description

2.1 Product description


KUKA.Ethernet KRL 3.2 is an option package for data exchange between

the robot controller and an external system via Ethernet during the pro-
gram runtime of the submit interpreter or robot interpreter.


• Receiving XML data from an external system

• Sending XML data to an external system
• Receiving binary data from an external system
• Sending binary data to an external system

2.2 Connection configuration

The Ethernet connection for data exchange is configured via an xml file. A
configuration file must be defined for each connection in the directory
C:\KRC\ROBOTER\Config\User\Common\EthernetKRL of the robot control-
ler. The configuration is read in when initializing a connection.
Ethernet connections can be created and operated by the robot interpreter
or by submit interpreters. The channels can be used crosswise, e.g. a
channel opened in a submit interpreter can also be operated by the robot
The deletion of a connection can be linked to robot interpreter and submit
interpreter actions or system actions.
If used crosswise, certain guidelines must be observed to avoid an unex-
pected program response.
(>>> 6.2.1 "Programming tips" Page 34)

2.2.1 Transmission protocol

Data are transmitted as standard via the TCP/IP protocol. It is possible to

use the UDP/IP protocol, but not recommended (connectionless network
protocol, e.g. no data loss detection).

2.2.2 Behavior in the event of a lost connection

The following properties and functions of the EKI ensure the received data
can be processed reliably:
• A connection is automatically closed when reaching the limit of a data
• A connection is automatically closed if a data reception error occurs.
• The data memories continue to be read out with the connection
• If a connection is lost, it can be restored without any influence on the
saved data.
• A lost connection can be indicated, for example, by a flag.
• The error message for the error which caused a lost connection can
be displayed on the smartHMI.

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Product description KUKA.Ethernet KRL 3.2

2.2.3 Monitoring a connection

A connection can be monitored by a ping on the external system

(<ALIVE…/> element in the connection configuration)
A flag or output can be set in the event of a successful connection, de-
pending on the configuration. The output or flag is set as long as the ping
is regularly sent and the connection to the external system is active. The
output or flag is deleted if the connection to the external system is abor-

2.3 Data exchange


The robot controller can receive data from an external system as well as
send data to an external system via EKI.

Fig. 2-1: System overview

Data reception

Basic sequence (marked in red) (>>> Fig. 2-1):

1. The external system sends data which are transmitted via a protocol
and received by the EKI.
2. The data are stored in a structured manner in a data memory.
3. The data are accessed from a KRL program in a structured manner.
KRL instructions are used to read the data and copy them into KRL

Data transmission

Basic sequence (marked in green) (>>> Fig. 2-1):

1. KRL instructions are used to write the data in a data memory in a

structured manner.
2. A KRL instruction is used to read the data out of the memory.
3. EKI sends the data to the external system via a protocol.

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KUKA.Ethernet KRL 3.2

Product description
It is possible to send data directly without first storing the data in a

2.4 Saving data


All data received are automatically saved and, in this way, are available to
KRL. XML and binary data are treated differently when saving them.
Each data memory is implemented as a memory stack. The individual
memories are read out in FIFO or LIFO mode.

XML data

The received data are extracted and stored type-specifically in different

memories (one memory per value).

Fig. 2-2: XML data memory

Binary data

The received data are not extracted or interpreted. Only one memory ex-
ists for a connection in binary mode.

Fig. 2-3: Binary data memory

Read-out methods

Data elements are taken out of the memory in the order in which they
were stored there (FIFO). The reverse method, in which the data element
stored last in the memory is taken out first, can be configured (LIFO).
Each memory is assigned a common maximum limit for the data which
can be saved. If the limit is exceeded, the Ethernet connection is immedi-
ately closed to prevent the reception of further data. The data currently re-
ceived are still saved and the memory is increased by "1". The memories
can still be further processed. The connection can be re-opened via the
EKI_OPEN() function.

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Product description KUKA.Ethernet KRL 3.2

Fig. 2-4: Read-out method overview

2.5 Client-server mode

The robot controller and external system are connected as a client and
server. The external system may be the client or server. The number of
active connections is limited to 16.

Fig. 2-5: Client-server mode

If the EKI is configured as a server, only an individual client can connect

to the server. If several connections are required, several EKI servers
should also be created. It is possible to operate several clients and serv-
ers simultaneously within the EKI.

2.6 Protocol types

The transmitted data can be packed in different formats.

The following formats are supported:

• Freely configurable XML structure

• Binary data set of fixed length
• Variable binary data set with end string

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Product description
Fig. 2-6: Protocol types

2.7 Event messages

The following events can be signaled by setting an output or flag:

• Connection is active.
• An individual XML element has arrived.
• A complete XML structure or complete binary data set has arrived.
(>>> 6.2.8 "Configuration of event messages" Page 44)

2.8 Error treatment

KUKA.Ethernet KRL 3.2 provides functions for data exchange between the
robot controller and an external system.
Each of these functions returns values. These return values can be quer-
ied and evaluated in the KRL program.
The following values are returned, depending on the function:
• Error number
• Number of elements still in the memory after the access.
• Number of elements read out of the memory
• Information on whether a connection exists
• Time stamp of the data element taken from the memory
(>>> 6.2.7 "EKI_STATUS: Structure for function-specific return values"
Page 43)
A message is generated for each error on the smartHMI and in the EKI
logbook. The automatic generation of messages can be deactivated.

2.9 Intended use and misuse


The KUKA.Ethernet KRL 3.2 option package is intended for data ex-
change between the robot controller and an external system via Ethernet
during the program runtime of the submit interpreter or robot interpreter.


Any use or application deviating from the intended use is deemed to be

misuse and is not allowed. The manufacturer cannot be held liable for any
resulting damage. The risk lies entirely with the user.
Examples of such misuse include:

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Product description KUKA.Ethernet KRL 3.2

• Communication via Ethernet is not a complete substitute for a field

bus system and is not intended for operation of the Automatic External
• KUKA.Ethernet KRL 3.2 does not guarantee deterministic time behav-
ior. In other words, it cannot be assumed that called data are available
at a constant time delay.
• KUKA.Ethernet KRL 3.2 is not suitable for establishing cyclic commu-
nication at the real-time cycle rate of the robot controller.

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KUKA.Ethernet KRL 3.2

3 Safety
This documentation contains safety instructions which refer specifically to
the option package described here.
The fundamental safety information for the industrial robot can be found in
the “Safety” chapter of the Operating and Programming Instructions for
System Integrators or the Operating and Programming Instructions for End
Comply with safety-relevant information
The safe use of this product requires knowledge of and compliance with
fundamental safety measures. Death, severe injuries or damage to prop-
erty may otherwise result.
• The “Safety” chapter in the operating and programming instructions
of the system software must be observed.

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Safety KUKA.Ethernet KRL 3.2

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4 Installation
The option package can either be installed on the robot controller via the
smartHMI or via WorkVisual.

4.1 System requirements


• KR C5 robot controller


• KUKA System Software 8.7

• WorkVisual 6.0

4.2 Installation via WorkVisual

4.2.1 Installing or updating KUKA.Ethernet KRL 3.2


The option package is installed in WorkVisual and added to the project.

During project deployment, the option package is automatically installed
on the robot controller.
It is advisable to archive all relevant data before updating a software


• User group “Expert”

• T1 or T2 mode
• No program is selected.
• Network connection to the robot controller
• The option package is available as a KOP file.


1. Install the KUKA.Ethernet KRL 3.2 option package in WorkVisual.

2. Load the active project from the robot controller.
3. Insert the KUKA.Ethernet KRL 3.2 option package into the project.
4. Configure the option package in WorkVisual as required.
5. Deploy the project from WorkVisual to the robot controller and activate
6. The request for confirmation Do you want to activate the project […]?
is displayed on the smartHMI. The active project is overwritten during
activation. If no relevant project will be overwritten: Answer the query
with Yes.
7. An overview with the changes and a request for confirmation are dis-
played on the smartHMI. Answer this with Yes. The option package is
installed and the robot controller carries out a reboot.

Information about procedures in WorkVisual is contained in the WorkVi-

sual documentation.

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Installation KUKA.Ethernet KRL 3.2

LOG file

A LOG file is created under C:\KRC\ROBOTER\LOG.

4.2.2 Uninstalling KUKA.Ethernet KRL 3.2


The option package can be uninstalled via WorkVisual.

It is advisable to archive all relevant data before uninstalling a software


• User group “Expert”

• T1 or T2 mode
• No program is selected.
• Network connection to the robot controller


1. Load the project from the robot controller.

2. Remove the KUKA.Ethernet KRL 3.2 option package from the project.
A window with modifications is displayed.
3. Deploy the project from WorkVisual to the robot controller and activate
4. Answer the request for confirmation Do you want to activate the
project […]? on the smartHMI with Yes.
5. An overview with the changes and a request for confirmation are dis-
played on the smartHMI. Answer this with Yes. The option package is
uninstalled and the robot controller carries out a reboot.

Information about procedures in WorkVisual is contained in the WorkVi-

sual documentation.

LOG file

A LOG file is created under C:\KRC\ROBOTER\LOG.

4.3 Installation via smartHMI

4.3.1 Installing or updating KUKA.Ethernet KRL 3.2

It is advisable to archive all relevant data before updating a software



• User rights: Function group General configuration

But at least the user group “Expert”
• T1 or T2 mode
• No program is selected.

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KUKA.Ethernet KRL 3.2

• USB stick with the option package (KOP file)

Data loss due to USB sticks from third-party manufacturers
Data may be lost if USB sticks from manufacturers other than KUKA
are used for activities on the robot controller.
• For activities on the robot controller requiring a USB stick, use a
KUKA stick.
The KUKA sticks are validated for use with the robot controller.


1. Connect the USB stick to the robot controller or smartPAD.

2. In the main menu, select Start-up > Additional software.
3. Press New software: The entry “KUKA.Ethernet KRL 3.2” must be
displayed in the Name column and drive E:\ or K:\ in the Path col-
If not, press Refresh.
4. If the specified entries are now displayed, continue with step 5.
Otherwise, the path from which the software is to be installed must be
configured first:
a. Press the Configure button.
b. Select a line in the Installation paths for options area.
Note: If the line already contains a path, this path will be overwrit-
c. Press Path selection. The available drives are displayed.
d. If the stick is connected to the robot controller: On E:\, select the
directory in which the software is located.
If the stick is connected to the smartPAD: K:\ instead of E:\
e. Press Save. The Installation paths for options area is displayed
again. It now contains the new path.
f. Mark the line with the new path and press Save again.
5. Set the check mark at “KUKA.Ethernet KRL 3.2” and press Install.
Confirm the installation query with OK.
6. The request for confirmation Do you want to activate the project […]?
is displayed. The active project is overwritten during activation. If no
relevant project will be overwritten: Answer the query with Yes.
7. An overview with the changes and a request for confirmation are dis-
played. Answer this with Yes. The option package is installed and the
robot controller carries out a reboot.
8. Remove the stick.

LOG file

A LOG file is created under C:\KRC\ROBOTER\LOG.

4.3.2 Uninstalling KUKA.Ethernet KRL 3.2

It is advisable to archive all relevant data before uninstalling a software



• User rights: Function group General configuration

But at least the user group “Expert”

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Installation KUKA.Ethernet KRL 3.2

• T1 or T2 mode
• No program is selected.


1. In the main menu, select Start-up > Additional software.

2. Activate the check mark at KUKA.Ethernet KRL 3.2 and press Unin-
stall. Answer the request for confirmation with Yes.
3. Answer the request for confirmation Do you want to activate the
project […]? with Yes.
4. An overview with the changes and a request for confirmation are dis-
played. Answer this with Yes. The option package is uninstalled and
the robot controller carries out a reboot.

LOG file

A LOG file is created under C:\KRC\ROBOTER\LOG.

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KUKA.Ethernet KRL 3.2

5 Configuration

5.1 Network connection via the KLI of the robot controller

A network connection must be established via the KLI of the robot control-
ler in order to exchange data via Ethernet.
Further information about KLI network configuration can be found in the
Operating and Programming Instructions for System Integrators for the
system software.

Further information about the available KLI Ethernet interfaces can be

found in the operating or assembly instructions for the robot controller.

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Configuration KUKA.Ethernet KRL 3.2

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6 Programming

6.1 Configuring an Ethernet connection

An Ethernet connection is configured via an xml file. A configuration file

must be defined for each connection in the directory C:\KRC\ROBOTER
\Config\User\Common\EthernetKRL of the robot controller.
xml files are case-sensitive. Upper/lower case must be taken into con-

The name of the xml file is also the access key in KRL.
Example: …\EXT.xml —> EKI_INIT("EXT")


Section Description
<CONFIGURATION> Configuration of the connection parame-
ters between the external system and the

(>>> 6.1.1 "XML structure for connection
properties" Page 25)
<RECEIVE> Configuration of the reception structure re-
ceived by the robot controller

(>>> 6.1.2 "XML structure for data recep-
tion" Page 29)
<SEND> Configuration of the transmission structure
sent by the robot controller

(>>> 6.1.3 "XML structure for data trans-
mission" Page 31)

6.1.1 XML structure for connection properties


The settings for the external system are defined in the section <EXTER-

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Programming KUKA.Ethernet KRL 3.2

Element Description
TYPE Defines whether the external system is to communi-
cate as a server or client with the robot controller

• Server: external system is a server.

• Client: external system is a client.
Default value: Server
IP IP address of the external system if it is defined as a
server (TYPE = server)
The IP address is ignored if TYPE = client.
PORT Port number of the external system if it is defined as
a server (TYPE = server)

• 1 … 65534
Note: When selecting the port, it must be ensured
that it is not being used by other services, e.g. by the
operating system. Otherwise, no connection can be
established via this port.
The port number is ignored if TYPE = client.
The settings for the EKI are defined in the section <INTERNAL> … </

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Element Attribute Description
ENVIRONMENT ——— Link the deletion of the connection to actions

• Program: deletion of the connection after

actions of the robot interpreter:
‒ Reset the program.
‒ Deselect program.
‒ Reconfigure I/Os.
• Submit: deletion of the connection after
actions of the system submit interpreter:
‒ Deselect the system submit interpret-
‒ Reconfigure I/Os.
• ExtSubmit1, ExtSubmit2 … ExtSubmit7:
Deletion of the connection after actions of
the set extended submit interpreter:
‒ Deselect the extended submit inter-
‒ Reconfigure I/Os.
• System: deletion of the connection after
system actions
‒ Reconfigure I/Os.
Default value: Program
BUFFERING Mode Method used to process all data memories

• FIFO: First In First Out

• LIFO: Last In First Out
Default value: FIFO
Limit Maximum number of data elements which
can be stored in a data memory (optional)

• 1 … 512
Default value: 16
BUFFSIZE Limit Maximum number of bytes which can be re-
ceived without being interpreted (optional)

• 1 … 65,534 bytes
Default value: 16,384 bytes
TIMEOUT Connect Time until the attempt to establish a connec-
tion is aborted (optional)
Unit: ms

• 0 … 65,534 ms
Default value: 2,000 ms

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Element Attribute Description

ALIVE Set_Out Sets an output or a flag for a successful con-
Set_Flag nection (optional)
Number of the output:

• 1 … 4096
Number of the flag:

• 1 … 1024
The output or flag is set as long as a connec-
tion to the external system is active. The out-
put or flag is deleted if the connection to the
external system is aborted.
Ping Interval for sending a ping in order to monitor
the connection to the external system (option-

• 1 … 65,534 s
IP ——— IP address of the EKI if it is defined as a
server (EXTERNAL/TYPE = client)
The IP address is ignored if EXTERNAL/
TYPE = server.
PORT ——— Port number of the EKI if it is defined as a
server (EXTERNAL/TYPE = client)

• 54600 … 54615
The port number is ignored if EXTERNAL/
TYPE = server.
PROTOCOL ——— Transmission protocol (optional)

Default value: TCP
It is recommended to always use the TCP/IP
MESSAGES Logging Deactivates the writing of messages in the
EKI logbook (optional).

• warning: warning messages and error

messages are logged.
• error: only error messages are logged.
• disabled: logging is deactivated.
Default value: error
Display Deactivates message output on smartHMI

• error: message generation is active.

• disabled: message output is deactivated.
Default value: error
(>>> 10.3 "Deactivating message output and message logging"
Page 114)

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<BUFFERING Mode="FIFO" Limit="10"/>
<BUFFSIZE Limit="16384"/>
<TIMEOUT Connect="60000"/>
<ALIVE Set_Out="666" Ping="200"/>
<MESSAGES Logging="error" Display="disabled"/>

6.1.2 XML structure for data reception


The configuration depends on whether XML data or binary data are re-
• An XML structure has to be defined for the reception of XML data:
<XML> … </XML>
• Raw data have to be defined for the reception of binary data: <RAW>
… </RAW>
Attributes in the elements of the XML structure <XML> … </XML>:
Element Attribute Description
ELEMENT Tag Name of the element
The XML structure for data reception is de-
fined here (XPath).
(>>> 6.1.4 "Configuration according to the
XPath schema" Page 32)
ELEMENT Type Data type of the element

Note: Optional if the tag is used only for
event messages. In this case no memory ca-
pacity is reserved for the element.
Event flag example: <ELEMENT Tag="Ext"

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Element Attribute Description

ELEMENT Set_Out Sets an output or flag after receiving the ele-
Set_Flag ment (optional)
Number of the output:

• 1 … 4096
Number of the flag:

• 1 … 1024
Note: If an output or flag is set by Set_Out/
Set_Flag, the associated system variable
$OUT[]/$FLAG[] must be reset again in the
program code.
ELEMENT Mode Method used to process a data record in the
data memory

• FIFO: First In First Out

• LIFO: Last In First Out
Only relevant if individual data records are to
be treated differently than configured under
Attributes for the element in the raw data <RAW> … </RAW>:
Element Attribute Description
ELEMENT Tag Name of the element
ELEMENT Type Data type of the element

• BYTE: Binary data set of fixed length

• STREAM: Binary data set with variable
end strings and variable length
ELEMENT Set_Out Sets an output or flag after receiving the ele-
Set_Flag ment (optional)
Number of the output:

• 1 … 4096
Number of the flag:

• 1 … 1024
Note: If an output or flag is set by Set_Out/
Set_Flag, the associated system variable
$OUT[]/$FLAG[] must be reset again in the
program code.
ELEMENT EOS End string of an elementary piece of informa-
tion (only relevant if Type = "STREAM")

• ASCII encoding: 1 … 32 characters

• Alternative end is separated by means of
the “Ι” character.

• <ELEMENT … EOS="123,134,21"/>
• <ELEMENT … EOS="123,134,21Ι13,10"/>

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Element Attribute Description
ELEMENT Size Fixed size of information if Type = "BYTE"

• 1 … 3600 bytes


<ELEMENT Tag="Ext/Str" Type="STRING"/>
<ELEMENT Tag="Ext/Pos/XPos" Type="REAL" Mode="LIFO"/>
<ELEMENT Tag="Ext/Pos/YPos" Type="REAL"/>
<ELEMENT Tag="Ext/Pos/ZPos" Type="REAL"/>
<ELEMENT Tag="Ext/Temp/Cpu" Type="REAL" Set_Out="1"/>
<ELEMENT Tag="Ext/Temp/Fan" Type="REAL" Set_Flag="14"/>
<ELEMENT Tag="Ext/Integer/AState" Type="INT"/>
<ELEMENT Tag="Ext/Integer/BState" Type="INT"/>
<ELEMENT Tag="Ext/Boolean/CState" Type="BOOL"/>
<ELEMENT Tag="Ext/Frames/Frame1" Type="FRAME"/>
<ELEMENT Tag="Ext/Attributes/@A1" Type="STRING"/>
<ELEMENT Tag="Ext/Attributes/@A2" Type="INT"/>
<ELEMENT Tag="Ext" Set_Flag="56"/>

<ELEMENT Tag="RawData" Type="BYTE" Size="1408"

<ELEMENT Tag="MyStream" Type="STREAM" EOS="123,134,21"
Size="836" Set_Flag="14"/>

6.1.3 XML structure for data transmission


The configuration depends on whether XML data or binary data are sent.
• An XML structure has to be defined for the transmission of XML data:
<XML> … </XML>
For transmission, the XML structure is created in the sequence in
which it is configured.

• The transmission of binary data is implemented directly in the KRL

programming. No configuration has to be specified.
Attribute in the elements of the XML structure <XML> … </XML>:

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Attribute Description
Tag Name of the element
The XML structure for data transmission is defined
here (XPath).


<ELEMENT Tag="Robot/Data/ActPos/@X"/>
<ELEMENT Tag="Robot/Data/ActPos/@Y"/>
<ELEMENT Tag="Robot/Data/ActPos/@Z"/>
<ELEMENT Tag="Robot/Data/ActPos/@A"/>
<ELEMENT Tag="Robot/Data/ActPos/@B"/>
<ELEMENT Tag="Robot/Data/ActPos/@C"/>
<ELEMENT Tag="Robot/Status"/>
<ELEMENT Tag="Robot/Mode"/>
<ELEMENT Tag="Robot/Complex/Tickcount"/>
<ELEMENT Tag="Robot/RobotType/Robot/Type"/>

6.1.4 Configuration according to the XPath schema


If XML is used to exchange data, it is necessary for the exchanged XML

documents to be structured in the same way. KUKA.Ethernet KRL uses
the XPath schema to write and read the XML documents.
The following cases are to be distinguished for XPath:

• Writing and reading elements

• Writing and reading attributes

Element notation

• Saved XML document for data transmission:


• Configured XML structure for data transmission:

<ELEMENT Tag="Robot/Mode" />
<ELEMENT Tag="Robot/RobotLamp/GrenLamp/LightOn" />
<SEND />

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Attribute notation

• Saved XML document for data transmission:

<ActPos X="...">
<LastPos A="..." B="..." C="..." X="..." Y="..." Z="...">

• Configured XML structure for data transmission:

<ELEMENT Tag="Robot/Data/LastPos/@X" />
<ELEMENT Tag="Robot/Data/LastPos/@Y" />
<ELEMENT Tag="Robot/Data/ActPos/@X" />
<SEND />

6.2 Functions for data exchange

EKI provides functions for data exchange between the robot controller and
an external system.
Exact descriptions of the functions can be found in the appendix.
(>>> 10.4 "Command reference" Page 115)
Initializing, opening, closing and clearing a connection

Sending data

Writing data

Reading data

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Reading data

Checking a function for errors


Clearing, locking, unlocking and checking a data memory

EKI_STATUS = EKI_ClearBuffer(CHAR[], CHAR[])
EKI_STATUS = EKI_CheckBuffer(CHAR[], CHAR[])

6.2.1 Programming tips

• The following points should be observed if a connection is created in

a submit interpreter:
‒ The <ENVIRONMENT> element must be used in the connection
configuration to specify which submit channel is involved.
‒ The channel opened in the submit interpreter can also be ad-
dressed by the robot interpreter.
‒ If the submit interpreter is deselected, the connection is automati-
cally deleted by means of the configuration.

• If the Submit interpreter and robot interpreter access a channel in par-

allel, the following points must be observed:
‒ If data are read via EKI_Get…(), the contents of this memory are
deleted. For this reason, it is not sensible to read data using the
Submit interpreter and robot interpreter in parallel.
‒ The Submit interpreter and robot interpreter can write to the same
channel using EKI_Set…(). In this case, the calls can reciprocally
overwrite the data if the same target element is accessed without
calling EKI_Send() in between.
‒ The execution times in different interpreters may vary relative to
one another, resulting in unexpected behavior in the case of com-
peting write or read access.

It is advisable to use a separate channel for each transmission and re-

ceiving task.

EKI instructions are executed in the advance run!

• If an EKI instruction is to be executed in the main run, instructions

must be used which trigger an advance run stop, e.g. WAIT SEC.
• Since each access to the memory consumes time, it is recommended
to call up large amounts of data with the field access functions
• A maximum of 512 array elements can be accessed via the function
EKI_Get…Array(). In KRL, larger arrays can be created, e.g. my-
Frame[1000], but only a maximum of 512 elements are readable.

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• There are various possibilities of waiting for data:
‒ By setting a flag or an output, it can be indicated that a certain da-
ta element or a complete data record has been received (Set_Flag
or Set_Out element in the XML structure for data reception).
Example: Interrupt of the KRL program by WAIT FOR $FLAG[x]
(>>> 7.6 "“XmlCallback” example" Page 58)
‒ The EKI_CheckBuffer() function can be used to check cyclically
whether the memory contains new data elements.

6.2.2 Initializing and clearing a connection


• A connection must be created and initialized with the EKI_Init() func-

‒ The connection configuration specified in the function is read in.
‒ A connection can be created both in the robot interpreter and in a
submit interpreter.
• A connection can be deleted again using the EKI_Clear() function.
‒ A connection can be deleted both in the robot interpreter and in a
submit interpreter.
• Optionally configurable via the <ENVIRONMENT> element in the con-
nection configuration:
‒ The deletion of a connection can be linked to robot interpreter and
submit interpreter actions or system actions.
(>>> 6.1.1 "XML structure for connection properties" Page 25)


Fig. 6-1: “Program” configuration

With this configuration, a connection is deleted after the following actions

of the robot interpreter:
• Reset the program.
• Deselect program.
• Reconfigure I/Os.

When reconfiguring the I/Os, the driver is reloaded and all initializations
are deleted.

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“Submit” or “ExtSubmit1” … “ExtSubmit7” ENVIRONMENT

Fig. 6-2: “Submit” configuration

With this configuration, a connection is deleted after the following actions

of the set submit interpreter:
• Cancel submit interpreter.
• Reconfigure I/Os.

When reconfiguring the I/Os, the driver is reloaded and all initializations
are deleted.


Fig. 6-3: “System” configuration

With this configuration, a connection is deleted after the following system

• Reconfigure I/Os.

When reconfiguring the I/Os, the driver is reloaded and all initializations
are deleted.

6.2.3 Opening and closing a connection


The connection to the external system is established by means of a KRL

program. Most KRL programs are structured as follows:

1 DEF Connection()
2 ...

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3 RET=EKI_Init("Connection")
4 RET=EKI_Open("Connection")
5 ...
6 Write data, send data or get received data
7 ...
8 RET=EKI_Close("Connection")
9 RET=EKI_Clear("Connection")
10 ...
11 END

Line Description
3 EKI_Init() initializes the channel used by the EKI to connect
to the external system.
4 EKI_Open() opens the channel.
6 KRL instructions used to write data in the memory, send
data or access received data
8 EKI_Close() closes the channel.
9 EKI_Clear() clears the channel.
It should be taken into account during programming whether the EKI is
configured as a server or client.

Server mode

EKI_Open() sets the EKI (= server) to a listening state if the external sys-
tem is configured as a client. The server waits for the connection request
of a client without interruption of the program run. If the <TIMEOUT Con-
nect="…"/> element is not assigned data in the configuration file, the serv-
er waits until a client requests a connection.
A connection request by a client is indicated by access to the EKI or by
an event message, e.g. via the <ALIVE SET_OUT="..."/> element.
An event flag or output has to be programmed, e.g. WAIT FOR $OUT[...],
if the program run is to be interrupted as long as the server waits for the
connection request.
It is recommended not to use EKI_Close() in server mode. In server
mode, the channel is closed from the external client.

Client mode

EKI_Open() interrupts the program run until the connection to the external
system is active if the external system is configured as a server.
EKI_Close() closes the connection to the external server.

6.2.4 Sending data


Depending on the configuration and programming, the following data can

be sent with EKI_Send():
For communication by means of XML structure:

• Complete XML structure

• Part of an XML structure:
• Random character string of variable length

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For communication by means of raw data:


• For binary data sets of fixed length (attribute Type = "BYTE"): Ran-
dom character string of fixed length
‒ The size of the character string (in bytes) must correspond exactly
to the configured attribute Size. If it is exceeded, an error mes-
sage is generated. If it is not reached, a warning message is gen-
‒ Binary data sets of fixed length must be read into the KRL pro-
gram with CAST_TO(). Only data of REAL type (4 bytes) are legi-
ble, not Double.

Detailed information on the CAST_TO() command can be found in

the CREAD/CWRITE documentation.

• For binary data sets with variable end strings (attribute Type =
"STREAM"): Random character string of variable length
The end string is sent automatically.


Sending XML data:

Sending a complete XML structure:
• Saved XML structure for data transmission:

<ActPos X="1000.12"></ActPos>

• Programming:



• Sent XML structure:

<ActPos X="1000.12"></ActPos>

Sending part of the XML structure:

• Saved XML structure for data transmission:

<ActPos X="1000.12"></ActPos>

• Programming:



• Sent XML structure:

<ActPos X="1000.12"></ActPos>

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Directly sending a character string:

• Saved XML structure for data transmission (not used in the case of di-
rect transmission):

<ActPos X="1000.12"></ActPos>

• Programming:



• Sent string:


Sending binary data:

Sending a binary data record of fixed length (10 bytes):
• Configured raw data:

<ELEMENT Tag="Buffer" Type="BYTE" Size="10" />

• Programming:


CHAR Bytes[10]

• Sent data:

"r?{ ? _I X"

Sending a binary data record with variable end strings and variable
• Configured raw data:

<ELEMENT Tag="Buffer" Type="STREAM" EOS="65,66" />

• Programming:


CHAR Bytes[64]
Bytes[]="Stream ends with:"

• Sent data:

"Stream ends with:AB"

Sending a binary data record with a maximum character limit and

with end strings and variable length:

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• Configured raw data:

<ELEMENT Tag="Buffer" Type="STREAM" EOS="65,66" />

• Programming:


CHAR Bytes[64]
Bytes[]="Stream ends with:"

• Sent data:


6.2.5 Reading out data

In order to read out data, the corresponding KRL variables have to be

initialized, e.g. by the assignment of values.


XML and binary data are treated differently when saved and read out:
• XML data are extracted by the EKI and stored type-specifically in dif-
ferent memories. It is possible to access each saved value individually.
All EKI_Get...() access functions can be used to read out XML data.
• Binary data records are not interpreted by the EKI and stored together
in a memory.
The EKI_GetString() access function must be used to read a binary
data record out of a memory. Binary data records are read out of the
memory as strings.
Binary data records of fixed length must be divided into individual var-
iables again in the KRL program with CAST_FROM().
Detailed information on the CAST_FROM() command can be found
in the CREAD/CWRITE documentation.


Reading XML data:

XML structure for data reception:

<ELEMENT Tag="Sensor/Message" Type="STRING" />
<ELEMENT Tag="Sensor/Status/IsActive" Type="BOOL" />


; Declaration
CHAR valueChar[256]

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; Initialization
FOR i=(1) TO (256)

RET=EKI_GetString("Channel_1", "Sensor/Message", valueChar[])

RET=EKI_GetBool("Channel_1", "Sensor/Status/IsActive",

XML document assigned with sensor data (received data):

<Message>Example message</Message>

Reading a binary data record of fixed length (10 bytes):

• Configured raw data:

<ELEMENT Tag="Buffer" Type="BYTE" Size="10" />

• Programming:

; Declaration
CHAR Bytes[10]
INT valueInt
REAL valueReal
BOOL valueBool
CHAR valueChar[1]

; Initialization
FOR i=(1) TO (10)


RET=EKI_GetString("Channel_1", "Buffer", Bytes[])


Reading out a binary data record with end string:

• Configured raw data:

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<ELEMENT Tag="Buffer" Type="STREAM" EOS="13,10" />

• Programming:

; Declaration
CHAR Bytes[64]

; Initialization
FOR i=(1) TO (64)

RET=EKI_GetString("Channel_1", "Buffer", Bytes[])

6.2.6 Deleting data memories


A distinction is to be made between the following cases when deleting da-

ta memories:
• Deletion with EKI_Clear(): Deleting all data memories and terminating
the Ethernet connection
• Deletion with EKI_ClearBuffer(): Deleting specific data memories with-
out terminating the Ethernet connection


The data memory that can be deleted with the command EKI_ClearBuff-
er() depends on whether communication occurs by means of raw data or
an XML structure.
For communication by means of raw data:

• The data memory for received data can be deleted.

For communication by means of XML structure:

• The data memory can be selectively deleted by entering the XPath ex-
pression of the element from the configured XML structure. This ap-
plies for both received and sent data.

XML data are extracted by the EKI and stored type-specifically in differ-
ent memories. When deleting individual memories, it must be ensured
that no data that belong together are lost.


For communication by means of raw data:

Deleting the data memory for received data:
• Configured raw data:

<ELEMENT Tag="RawData" Type="BYTE" Size="1408"

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• Programming:



For communication by means of XML structure:

Deleting the data memory for the tag <Flag>:
• Configured XML structure for data reception:

<ELEMENT Tag="Ext/Activ/Value" Type="REAL"/>
<ELEMENT Tag="Ext/Activ/Flag" Type="BOOL"/>
<ELEMENT Tag="Ext/Activ/Flag/Message" Type="STRING"/>

The data memory for the tag <Message> is also deleted since this tag
is subordinate to the tag <Flag>.
• Programming:



6.2.7 EKI_STATUS: Structure for function-specific return values


Each EKI function returns function-specific values. EKI_STATUS is the

global structure variable to which these values are written.



Connected, INT Counter

Explanation of the syntax

Element Description
Buff Number of elements still in the memory after access.
Read Number of elements read out of the memory
Msg_No Error number of the error that occurred during a func-
tion call or data reception.
If automatic message output has been deactivated,
EKI_CHECK() can be used to read out the error
number and display the error message on the
Connected Indicates whether a connection exists

• TRUE = connection present

• FALSE = connection interrupted

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Element Description
Counter Time stamp for received data packets
Data packets arriving in the memory are numbered
consecutively in the order in which they are stored in
the memory.
If individual data are read, the Counter structure ele-
ment is assigned the time stamp of the data packet
from which the data element originates.
(>>> 6.2.10 "Processing incomplete data records"
Page 46)

Return values

The following elements of the EKI_STATUS structure are assigned data,

depending on the function:
Function Buff Read Msg_No Connected Counter











6.2.8 Configuration of event messages

The following events can be signaled by setting an output or flag:

• Connection is active.
• An individual XML element has arrived.
• A complete XML structure or complete binary data set has arrived.

Event output

Fig. 6-4: Event output (active connection)

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$OUT[23] is set as long as the connection to the external system is ac-

tive. $OUT[23] is reset when the connection is no longer active.
The connection can be restored only with the EKI_OPEN() function.

Event flag

Fig. 6-5: Event flag (complete XML structure)

The XML structure <XY /> contains the “XY/@x” and “XY/@z” data ele-
ments. $FLAG[1] is set since the complete XML structure has arrived.
$FLAG[2] is set since the “x” element is contained in “XY”. $FLAG[3] is
not set since the “y” element has not been transferred.


(>>> 7.6 "“XmlCallback” example" Page 58)

6.2.9 Reception of complete XML data records


The EKI_Get...() access functions are disabled until all data of an XML
data record are in the memory.
If LIFO is configured and two or more XML data records arrive directly in
succession, it is no longer ensured that a data record can be fetched in a
non-fragmented condition from the memory. It may, for example, be the
case that the data of the second data record are already stored in the
memory although the first data record has not yet been completely pro-
cessed. The data record available in the KRL is inconsistent since, in LI-
FO mode, the data saved last are always accessed first.
To prevent the fragmentation of data records in LIFO mode, the process-
ing of newly received data must be disabled until all data belonging to-
gether have been fetched from the memory.



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6.2.10 Processing incomplete data records

Under certain circumstances an external system may send incomplete da-

ta records. Individual XML elements are either empty or missing entirely,
with the result that data from various data packets are present in one
memory layer.
If it is necessary for the data records to be of contiguous structure in
KRL, the Counter structure element of the EKI_STATUS variable can be
used. When EKI_Get…Array functions are used, temporally non-contigu-
ous data are recognized by the return of Counter = 0.

6.2.11 EKI_CHECK(): Checking functions for errors


For each error, KUKA.Ethernet KRL 3.2 displays a message on the

smartHMI. The automatic generation of messages can be deactivated.
(>>> 10.3 "Deactivating message output and message logging" Page 114)
If automatic message generation has been deactivated, it is recommended
to use the EKI_CHECK() function to check whether an error has occurred
during execution of a function.
• The error number is read out and the corresponding message is dis-
played on the smartHMI.
• If a channel name is specified in EKI_CHECK(), it is checked during
data reception whether errors have occurred.
(>>> 10.4.5 "Checking a function for errors" Page 122)
The program KRC:\R1\TP\EthernetKRL\EthernetKRL_USER.SRC is called
up each time EKI_CHECK() is called up. User-specific error responses
can be programmed in this program.


A connection is closed whenever a reception error occurs. An interrupt

can be programmed as a fault service function if the Ethernet connection
is terminated.
• It is defined in the XmlTransmit.XML configuration file that FLAG[1] is
set in the event of a successful connection. FLAG[1] is reset if the
connection is lost.

<ALIVE Set_Flag="1"/>

• The interrupt is declared and switched on in the KRL program. The in-
terrupt program is run if FLAG[1] is reset.

;FOLD Define callback


• EKI_CHECK() is used in the interrupt program to query what sort of

error occurred and then re-open the connection.

RET={Buff 0,Read 0, Msg_no 0, Connected false}

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Programming KUKA.Ethernet KRL 3.2

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Configuration and program examples

7 Configuration and program examples

7.1 Integrating the server program and examples


A server program as well as various example configurations and example

programs are contained in the scope of supply of the software package.
These example configurations and programs can be used to establish
communication between the server program and the robot controller.
Components Directory
Server program DOC\Example\Application

• EthernetKRL_Server.exe
Example program in KRL DOC\Example\Program

• BinaryFixed.src
• BinaryStream.src
• XmlCallback.src
• XmlServer.src
• XmlTransmit.src
Example configurations in XML DOC\Example\Config

• BinaryFixed.xml
• BinaryStream.xml
• XmlCallBack.xml
• XmlServer.xml
• XmlTransmit.xml
• XmlFullConfig.xml


External system:

• Windows operating system with .NET Framework 3.5 or higher instal-

Robot controller:

• “Expert” user group

• Operating mode T1 or T2


1. Copy the server program onto the external system.

2. Copy the XML example configurations into the directory C:\KRC\RO-
BOTER\Config\User\Common\EthernetKRL of the robot controller.
3. Copy the KRL example programs into the directory C:\KRC\ROBOTER
\KRC\R1\Program of the robot controller.
4. Start the server program on the external system.
(>>> 7.1.1 "Server program user interface" Page 50)
5. Select the menu button in the server program. The Communication
Properties window appears.
6. Set the communication parameters as required.

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(>>> 7.1.2 "Communication parameters in the server program"

Configuration and program examples

Page 52)
7. Close the Communication Properties window and select the Start
button in the server program. The port used for communication is dis-
played in the message window.
8. Set the IP address of the external system in the desired XML file.

7.1.1 Server program user interface


The server program enables the communication between an external sys-

tem and the robot controller to be tested by establishing a stable connec-
tion to the robot controller.
The server program has the following functions:
• Sending and receiving data (automatically or manually)
• Displaying the data received
• Displaying the data sent

Fig. 7-1: Server program user interface

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Configuration and program examples

Item Description
1 Message window
2 Display of the communication parameters set
(>>> 7.1.2 "Communication parameters in the server program"
Page 52)

• P: Port number
• E: Example data
‒ Xml: XML data
‒ BinaryFixed: Binary data of fixed length
‒ BinaryStream: Variable binary data stream with end
• A: Communication mode
‒ Autoreply: The server automatically responds to each
data package received.
‒ Manual: only manual data reception or data transmis-
3 Stop button
Communication with the robot controller is terminated and the
server is reset.
4 Start button
Data exchange between the server program and robot controller
is evaluated. The first incoming connection request is linked and
used as a communication adapter.
5 Menu button for setting the communication parameters
(>>> 7.1.2 "Communication parameters in the server program"
Page 52)
6 Display options

• Arrow pointing to the left: the received data are displayed.

• Arrow pointing to the right: the sent data are displayed.
7 Button for manual data reception
8 Button for manual data transmission
9 Display window
The sent or received data are displayed, depending on the dis-
play option set.

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Configuration and program examples KUKA.Ethernet KRL 3.2

7.1.2 Communication parameters in the server program


Fig. 7-2: Communication Properties window

Parameters Description
Example Select example data.

• Xml: XML data

• BinaryFixed: Binary data of fixed length
• BinaryStream: Variable binary data stream with
end string
Default: Xml
Autoresponder Select communication mode.

• Autoreply: The server automatically responds to

each data package received.
• Manual: only manual data reception or data
Default: Autoreply
Portnumber Enter the port number of the socket connection.
The external system awaits the connection request
from the robot controller at this port. A free number
that is not assigned a standard service must be se-
Default: 59152
Note: When selecting the port, it must be ensured
that it is not being used by other services, e.g. by the
operating system. Otherwise, no connection can be
established via this port.

7.2 “BinaryFixed” example

For communication with the robot controller, the appropriate example

data must have been set in the server program; in this case “Binary-

The EKI is configured as a client. Only binary data records with a fixed
length of 10 bytes and the element name "Buffer" can be received via this

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KUKA.Ethernet KRL 3.2

connection. The server program sends a data record. $FLAG[1] is set

Configuration and program examples

when the EKI has received external data.

XML file

<ELEMENT Tag="Buffer" Type="BYTE" Set_Flag="1"
Size="10" />

Binary data records of fixed length must be read into and out of the KRL
program with CAST_TO() and CAST_FROM(). Only data of REAL type
(4 bytes) are legible, not Double.
Detailed information on the CAST_TO() and CAST_FROM() commands
can be found in the CREAD/CWRITE documentation.


1 DEF BinaryFixed( )
2 Declaration
4 Initialize sample data
6 RET=EKI_Init("BinaryFixed")
7 RET=EKI_Open("BinaryFixed")
10 CAST_TO(Bytes[],OFFSET,34.425,674345,"R",TRUE)
12 RET=EKI_Send("BinaryFixed",Bytes[])
15 RET=EKI_GetString("BinaryFixed","Buffer",Bytes[])
19 CAST_FROM(Bytes[], OFFSET, valueReal, valueInt,
valueChar[], valueBool)
21 RET=EKI_Close("BinaryFixed")
22 RET=EKI_Clear("BinaryFixed")
23 END

Line Description
4 Initialization of KRL variables by the assignment of values
6 EKI_Init() initializes the channel used by the EKI to connect
to the external system.

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Configuration and program examples KUKA.Ethernet KRL 3.2

Line Description
7 EKI_Open() opens the channel and connects to the server.
9, 10 CAST_TO writes the values in the Bytes[] CHAR array.
12 EKI_Send() sends the Bytes[] CHAR array to the external
14 … 16 $FLAG[1] indicates the reception of the configured data ele-
EKI_GetString accesses the memory and copies the data
into the Bytes[] CHAR array.
$FLAG[1] is reset again.
18, 19 CAST_FROM reads the values out of the Bytes[] CHAR ar-
ray and copies them type-specifically into the specified vari-
21 EKI_Close() closes the channel.
22 EKI_Clear() clears the channel.

7.3 “BinaryStream” example

For communication with the robot controller, the appropriate example

data must have been set in the server program; in this case “Binary-

The EKI is configured as a client. Only binary data records with a maxi-
mum length of 64 bytes and the element name "Buffer" can be received
via this connection. The end of the binary data record must be indicated
with the end string CR, LF. FLAG[1] is set when the EKI has received this

XML file

<ELEMENT Tag="Buffer" Type="STREAM" Set_Flag="1"
Size="64" EOS="13,10" />


1 DEF BinaryStream( )
2 Declaration
4 Initialize sample data
6 RET=EKI_Init("BinaryStream")

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Configuration and program examples

7 RET=EKI_Open("BinaryStream")
9 Bytes[]="Stream ends with CR,LF"
11 RET=EKI_Send("BinaryStream",Bytes[])
14 RET=EKI_GetString("BinaryStream","Buffer",Bytes[])
17 RET=EKI_Close("BinaryStream")
18 RET=EKI_Clear("BinaryStream")
20 END

Line Description
4 Initialization of KRL variables by the assignment of values
6 EKI_Init() initializes the channel used by the EKI to connect
to the external system.
7 EKI_Open() opens the channel and connects to the server.
9 The Bytes[] CHAR array is assigned data.
11 EKI_Send() sends the Bytes[] CHAR array to the external
13 … 15 $FLAG[1] indicates the reception of the configured data ele-
EKI_GetString reads the string in the Bytes[] CHAR array
out of the memory.
$FLAG[1] is reset again.
17 EKI_Close() closes the channel.
18 EKI_Clear() clears the channel.

7.4 “XmlTransmit” example

For communication with the robot controller, the appropriate example

data have to be set in the server program; in this case “Xml”.

The EKI is configured as a client. Robot data are sent and the received
sensor data read out of the memory after a waiting time of 1 second.

XML file

<ELEMENT Tag="Sensor/Message" Type="STRING" />
<ELEMENT Tag="Sensor/Positions/Current/@X"
Type="REAL" />
<ELEMENT Tag="Sensor/Positions/Before/X" Type="REAL" />
<ELEMENT Tag="Sensor/Nmb" Type="INT" />

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Configuration and program examples KUKA.Ethernet KRL 3.2

<ELEMENT Tag="Sensor/Status/IsActive" Type="BOOL" />

<ELEMENT Tag="Sensor/Read/xyzabc" Type="FRAME" />
<ELEMENT Tag="Sensor/Show/@error" Type="BOOL" />
<ELEMENT Tag="Sensor/Show/@temp" Type="INT" />
<ELEMENT Tag="Sensor/Show" Type="STRING" />
<ELEMENT Tag="Sensor/Free" Type="INT" />
<ELEMENT Tag="Robot/Data/LastPos/@X" />
<ELEMENT Tag="Robot/Data/LastPos/@Y" />
<ELEMENT Tag="Robot/Data/LastPos/@Z" />
<ELEMENT Tag="Robot/Data/LastPos/@A" />
<ELEMENT Tag="Robot/Data/LastPos/@B" />
<ELEMENT Tag="Robot/Data/LastPos/@C" />
<ELEMENT Tag="Robot/Data/ActPos/@X" />
<ELEMENT Tag="Robot/Status" />
<ELEMENT Tag="Robot/Mode" />
<ELEMENT Tag="Robot/RobotLamp/GrenLamp/LightOn" />


1 DEF XmlTransmit( )
2 Declaration
3 Communicated data
5 Initialize sample data
7 RET=EKI_Init("XmlTransmit")
8 RET=EKI_Open("XmlTransmit")
10 Write data to connection
11 Send data to external program
12 Get received sensor data
14 RET=EKI_Close("XmlTransmit")
15 RET=EKI_Clear("XmlTransmit")
17 END

Line Description
5 Initialization of KRL variables by the assignment of values
7 EKI_Init() initializes the channel used by the EKI to connect
to the external system.
8 EKI_Open() opens the channel and connects to the
external system.
10 Writes data in the saved XML document for data transmis-
11 Sends the written XML document to the external system.
12 Reads the received sensor data out of the memory.
14 EKI_Close() closes the channel.
15 EKI_Clear() clears the channel.

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Configuration and program examples

7.5 “XmlServer” example

The EKI is configured as a server. $FLAG[1] is set as long as a connec-

tion to the external system exists.
If the EKI has been configured as a server, the server program cannot
be used on the external system. A simple client can be implemented
with Windows HyperTerminal.

XML file

<ALIVE Set_Flag="1" />
<ELEMENT Tag="Sensor/A" Type="BOOL" />
<ELEMENT Tag="Robot/B" />


1 DEF XmlServer( )
2 Declaration
5 RET=EKI_Init("XmlServer")
6 RET=EKI_Open("XmlServer")
8 ; wait until server is conntected
9 wait for $FLAG[1
10 ; wait until server is deconnected
11 wait for $FLAG[1]==FALSE
13 RET=EKI_Clear("XmlServer")
14 END

Line Description
5 EKI_Init() initializes the channel used by the external sys-
tem to connect to the EKI.
6 EKI_Open() opens the channel.
9 $FLAG[1] is set when the external client has connected
successfully to the server.

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Configuration and program examples KUKA.Ethernet KRL 3.2

Line Description
11 Since the EKI is configured as a server, the robot controller
expects the channel to be closed by the external client. In
this case, $FLAG[1] is deleted.
13 EKI_Clear() clears the channel.

7.6 “XmlCallback” example

For communication with the robot controller, the appropriate example

data have to be set in the server program; in this case “Xml”.

The EKI is configured as a client. Robot data are sent, sensor data re-
ceived and then $FLAG[1] awaited. $FLAG[1] indicates that the sensor
data have been read out.
It is configured in the XML file that $FLAG[998] is set when the EKI has
received all sensor data. This flag triggers an interrupt in the program.
The configuration of the "Sensor" tag as event tag ensures that the
sensor data are fetched only when all data are in the memories.
$FLAG[998] is reset and $FLAG[1] set when the sensor data have been
read out.

XML file

<ELEMENT Tag="Sensor/Message" Type="STRING" />
<ELEMENT Tag="Sensor/Positions/Current/@X"
Type="REAL" />
<ELEMENT Tag="Sensor/Positions/Before/X" Type="REAL" />
<ELEMENT Tag="Sensor/Nmb" Type="INT" />
<ELEMENT Tag="Sensor/Status/IsActive" Type="BOOL" />
<ELEMENT Tag="Sensor/Read/xyzabc" Type="FRAME" />
<ELEMENT Tag="Sensor/Show/@error" Type="BOOL" />
<ELEMENT Tag="Sensor/Show/@temp" Type="INT" />
<ELEMENT Tag="Sensor/Show" Type="STRING" />
<ELEMENT Tag="Sensor/Free" Type="INT" Set_Out="998" />
<ELEMENT Tag="Sensor" Set_Flag="998" />
<ELEMENT Tag="Robot/Data/LastPos/@X" />
<ELEMENT Tag="Robot/Data/LastPos/@Y" />
<ELEMENT Tag="Robot/Data/LastPos/@Z" />
<ELEMENT Tag="Robot/Data/LastPos/@A" />
<ELEMENT Tag="Robot/Data/LastPos/@B" />
<ELEMENT Tag="Robot/Data/LastPos/@C" />
<ELEMENT Tag="Robot/Data/ActPos/@X" />
<ELEMENT Tag="Robot/Status" />
<ELEMENT Tag="Robot/Mode" />

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Configuration and program examples

<ELEMENT Tag="Robot/RobotLamp/GrenLamp/LightOn" />


1 DEF XmlCallBack( )
2 Declaration
3 Communicated data
5 Define callback
7 RET=EKI_Init("XmlCallBack")
8 RET=EKI_Open("XmlCallBack")
10 Write data to connection
11 RET=EKI_Send("XmlCallBack","Robot")
13 ;wait until data read
16 RET=EKI_Close("XmlCallBack")
17 RET=EKI_Clear("XmlCallBack")
18 END
21 Declaration
22 Initialize sample data
23 Get received sensor data
24 Signal read

Line Description
5 Declaring and switching on the interrupt
7 EKI_Init() initializes the channel used by the EKI to connect
to the external system.
8 EKI_Open() opens the channel.
10 Writes data in the saved XML document for data transmis-
11 Sends the data.
14 Waits for $FLAG[1].
The event flag signals that all data have been read.
16 EKI_Close() closes the channel.
17 EKI_Clear() clears the channel.
20 … 24 initialization of KRL variables by assigning values and read-
ing out data
$FLAG[1] is set when all data have been read.

Data transmission

The XML document is assigned robot data by the KRL program and sent
to the external system via the EKI.

<LastPos X="..." Y="..." Z="..." A="..." B="..." C="...">

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Configuration and program examples KUKA.Ethernet KRL 3.2

<ActPos X="1000.12">

Data reception

The XML document is assigned sensor data by the server program and
received by the EKI.

<Message>Example message</Message>
<Current X="4645.2" />
<xyzabc X="210.3" Y="825.3" Z="234.3" A="84.2" B="12.3"
C="43.5" />
<Show error="0" temp="9929">Taginfo in attributes</Show>

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8 Diagnosis

8.1 Displaying diagnostic data


• User rights: Function group Diagnostic functions


1. In the main menu, select Diagnosis > Diagnostic monitor.

2. Select the EKI (EthernetKRL) module in the Module field.


Name Description
Total memory Total available memory (bytes)
Allocated memory Used memory (bytes)
Robot program con- Number of connections initialized by the robot
nections interpreter
Submit program con- Number of connections initialized by submit in-
nections terpreters
System connections Number of connections initialized by the system
Ethernet connections Number of open connections
Processing time Maximum time required to process received da-
ta (refreshed every 5 seconds)
Warning messages Number of warning messages
Error messages Number of error messages

The warning and error messages are also counted if the automatic mes-
sage output and message logging have been deactivated.

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Diagnosis KUKA.Ethernet KRL 3.2

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9 Messages

9.1 Error protocol (EKI logbook)

All error messages of the EKI are logged in a LOG file under C:\KRC\RO-

9.2 Information about the messages

If an error has occurred when a function is called or data are received,

EKI returns the error number. The error numbers are assigned a message
text which is displayed on the smartHMI. If the automatic generation of
messages is deactivated, the message can still be displayed on the
smartHMI by means of EKI_CHECK().
The “Messages” chapter contains selected messages. It does not cover all
the messages displayed in the message window.

9.3 System messages from module: EthernetKRL (EKI)

9.3.1 EKI00002

Message code EKI00002

Message text Out of system memory
Message type Error message

Effect Path-maintaining EMERGENCY STOP

Input of active commands (robot motions, program start) is blocked.

Possible cause(s) Cause: Reserved memory insufficient (>>> Page 63)

Solution: Increase the memory (>>> Page 64)

Cause: Connection configuration uses too much memory

(>>> Page 64)
Solution: Modify the connection configuration (>>> Page 65)

Cause: Several connections with high levels of data activated

(>>> Page 65)
Solution: Adjust the programming to use less memory
(>>> Page 65)

Cause: Reserved memory insufficient


The memory reserved for Ethernet KRL is insufficient.

Checking instructions

• Check whether the memory requirement can be reduced by another

type of configuration or programming.

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If this is not possible, the memory can be increased in consultation with


KUKA Deutschland GmbH.

Solution: Increase the memory

The memory may be increased only in consultation with KUKA Deutsch-

land GmbH. (>>> 11 "KUKA Service" Page 125)


• User rights:
‒ User group “Expert”

Depending on the configuration and the system software used, high-

er user rights may be required.

• T1, T2 or AUT mode


1. Open the file EthernetKRL.XML in the directory C:\KRC\ROBOTER

2. Enter the desired memory capacity in bytes in the <MemSize> ele-
ment in the <EthernetKRL> section.


3. Close the file and respond to the request for confirmation asking
whether the changes should be saved by pressing Yes.
4. Reboot the robot controller with the settings Cold start and Reload

Cause: Connection configuration uses too much memory


The configured Ethernet connections use too much memory.

Configuration file

An xml file must be configured for every Ethernet connection. The name
of the xml file is also the access key in KRL.
Directory C:\KRC\ROBOTER\Config\User\Common\EthernetKRL
File Example: …\EXT.xml —> EKI_INIT("EXT")

Checking instructions

• Check the xml file(s) to see if the Ethernet connection can be config-
ured so that less memory is used.

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Solution: Modify the connection configuration


The connection configuration must be modified in such a way that less

memory is used.


• “Expert” user group

• T1, T2 or AUT mode


1. Modify the xml file as required and save the changes.

2. If the xml file has been modified offline, copy it into the intended direc-
tory and overwrite the old xml file.

Cause: Several connections with high levels of data activated


If several connections with high levels of data are activated simultaneous-

ly, this can lead to too much memory being used.

Checking instructions

• Check the programming to see if it can be modified so that less mem-

ory is used.

Solution: Adjust the programming to use less memory


The programming must be adjusted in such a way that less memory is


9.3.2 EKI00003

Message code EKI00003

Message text File access failed
Message type Error message

Effect Path-maintaining EMERGENCY STOP

Input of active commands (robot motions, program start) is blocked.

Possible cause(s) Cause: xml file containing the connection configuration not present
(>>> Page 66)
Solution: Restore xml file containing the connection configuration
(>>> Page 66)

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Messages KUKA.Ethernet KRL 3.2

Cause: xml file containing the connection configuration not readable

(>>> Page 67)
Solution: Restore xml file containing the connection configuration
(>>> Page 67)

Cause: xml file containing the connection configuration not present


The Ethernet connection was not initialized because no xml file is saved
under the name specified in the function EKI_Init().

Configuration file

An xml file must be configured for every Ethernet connection. The name
of the xml file is also the access key in KRL.
Directory C:\KRC\ROBOTER\Config\User\Common\EthernetKRL
File Example: …\EXT.xml —> EKI_INIT("EXT")
The procedure for checking whether the xml file is present is as fol-


• User group “Expert”

• Program is selected or open.

Checking instructions

1. Note the file name used in the function EKI_Init().

RET = EKI_Init("file name")
• File name: Name of the xml file with the connection configuration
2. Open the directory in which the xml files are stored and check wheth-
er an xml file with the name specified in the function EKI_Init() is

Solution: Restore xml file containing the connection configuration


The xml file with the connection configuration must be restored and
copied to the directory C:\KRC\ROBOTER\Config\User\Common\Ether-


• “Expert” user group

• T1, T2 or AUT mode


• Copy the xml file with the connection configuration into the designated

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KUKA.Ethernet KRL 3.2

Cause: xml file containing the connection configuration not readable


The Ethernet connection was not initialized since the xml file named in the
function EKI_Init() is not readable. The xml file is damaged and cannot be

Configuration file

An xml file must be configured for every Ethernet connection. The name
of the xml file is also the access key in KRL.
Directory C:\KRC\ROBOTER\Config\User\Common\EthernetKRL
File Example: …\EXT.xml —> EKI_INIT("EXT")
The procedure for checking whether the xml file is damaged is as


• User group “Expert”

• Program is selected or open.

Checking instructions

1. Note the file name used in the function EKI_Init().

RET = EKI_Init("file name")
• File name: Name of the xml file with the connection configuration
2. Open the directory in which the xml file is stored and check whether
the xml file can be opened.

Solution: Restore xml file containing the connection configuration


The xml file with the connection configuration must be restored and
copied to the directory C:\KRC\ROBOTER\Config\User\Common\Ether-


• “Expert” user group

• T1, T2 or AUT mode


• Copy the xml file with the connection configuration into the designated

9.3.3 EKI00006

Message code EKI00006

Message text Interpretation of configuration failed
Message type Error message

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Messages KUKA.Ethernet KRL 3.2

Effect Path-maintaining EMERGENCY STOP

Input of active commands (robot motions, program start) is blocked.

Possible cause(s) Cause: Schema error in the xml file with the connection configura-
tion (>>> Page 68)
Solution: Eliminating errors in the xml file (>>> Page 68)

Cause: Schema error in the xml file with the connection configuration


The xml file with the connection configuration cannot be read due to a
schema error.
KUKA.Ethernet KRL uses the XPath schema. The syntax specified by the
schema must be followed exactly. For example, no punctuation marks or
structure elements may be missing.
The manner in which the elements and attributes in the xml file are
written – including uppercase and lowercase letters – is specified and
must be followed exactly.
Further information about the XPath schema can be found in the KU-
KA.Ethernet KRL documentation.

Configuration file

An xml file must be configured for every Ethernet connection. The name
of the xml file is also the access key in KRL.
Directory C:\KRC\ROBOTER\Config\User\Common\EthernetKRL
File Example: …\EXT.xml —> EKI_INIT("EXT")

Solution: Eliminating errors in the xml file


The errors in the xml file must be eliminated.


• “Expert” user group

• T1, T2 or AUT mode


1. Modify the xml file as required and save the changes.

2. If the xml file was modified offline, copy it into the intended directory
and overwrite the old xml file.

9.3.4 EKI00007

Message code EKI00007

Message text Writing of data to send failed

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Message type Error message

Effect Path-maintaining EMERGENCY STOP

Input of active commands (robot motions, program start) is blocked.

Possible cause(s) Cause: XML structure for data transmission designed incorrectly
(>>> Page 69)
Solution: Designing the XML structure according to the XML docu-
ments to be sent (>>> Page 69)

Cause: XML structure for data transmission designed incorrectly


The XML structure for data transmission cannot be described because the
XML structure is designed according to a schema other than that of the
XML document to be sent. KUKA.Ethernet KRL uses the XPath schema.
Further information about the XPath schema can be found in the KU-
KA.Ethernet KRL documentation.

Solution: Designing the XML structure according to the XML documents to be



The XML structure for sending data must be designed following the XPath
schema in accordance with the XML documents to be sent.

9.3.5 EKI00009

Message code EKI00009

Message text Connection not available
Message type Error message

Effect Path-maintaining EMERGENCY STOP

Input of active commands (robot motions, program start) is blocked.

Possible cause(s) Cause: EKI_Init() is programmed incorrectly or not at all

(>>> Page 69)
Solution: Program the function correctly (>>> Page 70)

Cause: EKI_Init() is programmed incorrectly or not at all


The Ethernet connection was not initialized because the function EKI_Init()
is programmed incorrectly or not at all.

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KUKA.Ethernet KRL 3.2

A connection must always be created and initialized with the EKI_Init()


function. The xml file containing the connection configuration specified in

the function is loaded.
RET = EKI_Init(CHAR[])
Function Initializes a channel for Ethernet communication
The following actions are performed:

• The connection configuration is loaded.

• The data memories are created.
• The Ethernet connection is prepared.
Parameters Type: CHAR
Name of the channel (= name of the xml file with
the connection configuration)
Return values of the function
Example RET = EKI_Init("Channel_1")

Configuration file

An xml file must be configured for every Ethernet connection. The name
of the xml file is also the access key in KRL.
Directory C:\KRC\ROBOTER\Config\User\Common\EthernetKRL
File Example: …\EXT.xml —> EKI_INIT("EXT")
The procedure for checking whether the function is correctly pro-
grammed is as follows:


• User group “Expert”

• Program is selected or open.

Checking instructions

1. Check whether the following line has been programmed:

RET = EKI_Init("file name")
• File name: Name of the xml file with the connection configuration
2. Check whether the file name specified in the function EKI_Init() match-
es the name of the xml file with the connection configuration.

Solution: Program the function correctly


The function must be correctly programmed.


• User rights:
‒ User group “Expert”

Depending on the configuration and the system software used, high-

er user rights may be required.

• T1, T2 or AUT mode

70/134 | www.kuka.com KST Ethernet KRL 3.2 V1 | Issued: 24.10.2019

KUKA.Ethernet KRL 3.2


1. Select the program in the Navigator and press Open. The program is
displayed in the editor.
2. Search for the corresponding position in the program and edit it.
3. Close the file and respond to the request for confirmation asking
whether the changes should be saved by pressing Yes.

9.3.6 EKI00010

Message code EKI00010

Message text Ethernet is disconnected
Message type Error message

Effect Path-maintaining EMERGENCY STOP

Input of active commands (robot motions, program start) is blocked.

Possible cause(s) Cause: EKI_Open() is programmed incorrectly or not at all

(>>> Page 71)
Solution: Program the function correctly (>>> Page 72)

Cause: EKI_Open() is programmed incorrectly or not at all


The Ethernet connection is initialized but not open because the function
EKI_Open() is programmed incorrectly or not at all.
RET = EKI_Open(CHAR[])
Function Opens an initialized channel
If the EKI is configured as a client, the EKI connects
to the external system (= Server).
If the EKI has been configured as a server, the EKI
waits for the connection request from the external
system (= Client).
Parameters Type: CHAR
Name of the channel
Name of the channel (= name of the xml file with
the connection configuration)
Example RET = EKI_Open("Channel_1")

Configuration file

An xml file must be configured for every Ethernet connection. The name
of the xml file is also the access key in KRL.
Directory C:\KRC\ROBOTER\Config\User\Common\EthernetKRL
File Example: …\EXT.xml —> EKI_INIT("EXT")

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KUKA.Ethernet KRL 3.2

The procedure for checking whether the function is correctly pro-


grammed is as follows:


• User group “Expert”

• Program is selected or open.

Checking instructions

1. Check whether the following line has been programmed:

RET = EKI_Open("file name")
• File name: Name of the xml file with the connection configuration
2. Check whether the file name specified in the function EKI_Open()
matches the file name used in the function EKI_Init().

Solution: Program the function correctly


The function must be correctly programmed.


• User rights:
‒ User group “Expert”

Depending on the configuration and the system software used, high-

er user rights may be required.

• T1, T2 or AUT mode


1. Select the program in the Navigator and press Open. The program is
displayed in the editor.
2. Search for the corresponding position in the program and edit it.
3. Close the file and respond to the request for confirmation asking
whether the changes should be saved by pressing Yes.

9.3.7 EKI00011

Message code EKI00011

Message text Ethernet connection to external system established
Message type Error message

Effect Path-maintaining EMERGENCY STOP

Input of active commands (robot motions, program start) is blocked.

Possible cause(s) Cause: The Ethernet connection is already open with EKI_Open()
(>>> Page 73)
Solution: Delete overprogrammed function (>>> Page 73)

72/134 | www.kuka.com KST Ethernet KRL 3.2 V1 | Issued: 24.10.2019

KUKA.Ethernet KRL 3.2

Cause: The Ethernet connection is already open with EKI_Open()


The Ethernet connection has already been opened with the function
RET = EKI_Open(CHAR[])
Function Opens an initialized channel
If the EKI is configured as a client, the EKI connects
to the external system (= Server).
If the EKI has been configured as a server, the EKI
waits for the connection request from the external
system (= Client).
Parameters Type: CHAR
Name of the channel
Name of the channel (= name of the xml file with
the connection configuration)
Example RET = EKI_Open("Channel_1")

Configuration file

An xml file must be configured for every Ethernet connection. The name
of the xml file is also the access key in KRL.
Directory C:\KRC\ROBOTER\Config\User\Common\EthernetKRL
File Example: …\EXT.xml —> EKI_INIT("EXT")
The procedure for checking whether the connection is already open:


• User group “Expert”

• Program is selected or open.

Checking instructions

• Check if the following line between the initialization and the closing of
the connection is programmed multiple times:
RET = EKI_Open("file name")
‒ File name: Name of the xml file with the connection configuration

Solution: Delete overprogrammed function


The overprogrammed function must be deleted.


• User rights:
‒ User group “Expert”

Depending on the configuration and the system software used, high-

er user rights may be required.

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Messages KUKA.Ethernet KRL 3.2

• T1, T2 or AUT mode


1. Select the program in the Navigator and press Open. The program is
displayed in the editor.
2. Search for the corresponding position in the program and edit it.
3. Close the file and respond to the request for confirmation asking
whether the changes should be saved by pressing Yes.

9.3.8 EKI00012

Message code EKI00012

Message text Create server failed
Message type Error message

Effect Path-maintaining EMERGENCY STOP

Input of active commands (robot motions, program start) is blocked.

Possible cause(s) Cause: IP address and/or port number for the EKI entered incorrect-
ly or not at all (>>> Page 74)
Solution: Entering the correct IP address and port number in the
xml file (>>> Page 75)

Cause: IP address and/or port number for the EKI entered incorrectly or not at all


The EKI is configured as a server and the external system as a client. In

the xml file with the connection configuration, the IP address and/or port
number for the EKI have not been entered or have been formally entered
incorrectly. In order to ensure network security, it is possible to define the
subnet from which EKI can be accessed.


Connection only possible via subnet 192.168.X.X to port 54600:


Connection possible via all subnets configured in KLI to port 54600:


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KUKA.Ethernet KRL 3.2

Configuration file

An xml file must be configured for every Ethernet connection. The name
of the xml file is also the access key in KRL.
Directory C:\KRC\ROBOTER\Config\User\Common\EthernetKRL
File Example: …\EXT.xml —> EKI_INIT("EXT")

Checking instructions

• In the xml file with the connection configuration, check if the IP ad-
dress and port number have been entered correctly.

Solution: Entering the correct IP address and port number in the xml file


• “Expert” user group

• T1, T2 or AUT mode


1. Modify the xml file as required and save the changes.

2. If the xml file was modified offline, copy it into the intended directory
and overwrite the old xml file.

9.3.9 EKI00013

Message code EKI00013

Message text Initialization of Ethernet parameters failed
Message type Error message

Effect Path-maintaining EMERGENCY STOP

Input of active commands (robot motions, program start) is blocked.

Possible cause(s) Cause: IP address and/or port number for the external system not
entered or entered incorrectly (>>> Page 75)
Solution: Entering the correct IP address and port number in the
xml file (>>> Page 76)

Cause: IP address and/or port number for the external system not entered or en-
tered incorrectly


The EKI is configured as a client and the external system as a server. In

the xml file with the connection configuration, the IP address and/or port
number for the external system have not been entered or have been for-
mally entered incorrectly.
The IP address and port number for the external system must be entered
in section <EXTERNAL> … </EXTERNAL> of the xml file as follows:
• <IP>IP address</IP>

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Messages KUKA.Ethernet KRL 3.2

• <PORT>Port number</PORT>

Configuration file

An xml file must be configured for every Ethernet connection. The name
of the xml file is also the access key in KRL.
Directory C:\KRC\ROBOTER\Config\User\Common\EthernetKRL
File Example: …\EXT.xml —> EKI_INIT("EXT")

Checking instructions

• In the xml file with the connection configuration, check if the IP ad-
dress and port number have been entered correctly.

Solution: Entering the correct IP address and port number in the xml file


• “Expert” user group

• T1, T2 or AUT mode


1. Modify the xml file as required and save the changes.

2. If the xml file was modified offline, copy it into the intended directory
and overwrite the old xml file.

9.3.10 EKI00014

Message code EKI00014

Message text Ethernet connection to external system failed
Message type Error message

Effect Path-maintaining EMERGENCY STOP

Input of active commands (robot motions, program start) is blocked.

Possible cause(s) Cause: Incorrect IP address and/or port number entered

(>>> Page 77)
Solution: Entering the correct IP address and port number in the
xml file (>>> Page 78)

Cause: Different subnetworks in the Realtime OS Network Adapter

and KUKA.VisionTech (>>> Page 78)
Solution: Adapt the IP address in VisionTechConfig.xml
(>>> Page 78)

Cause: Network cable defective or not connected correctly

(>>> Page 79)
Solution: Exchange network cable or connect it correctly
(>>> Page 79)

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KUKA.Ethernet KRL 3.2

Cause: No Ethernet connection due to software error, external sys-
tem (>>> Page 79)
Solution: Eliminating errors in the software of the external system
(>>> Page 79)

Cause: No Ethernet connection due to hardware error, external sys-

tem (>>> Page 79)
Solution: Eliminating the hardware error of the external system
(>>> Page 79)

Cause: Incorrect IP address and/or port number entered


In the xml file with the connection configuration, the incorrect IP address
and/or port number are entered. They do not match the external system
or the EKI.
Depending on whether the external system is configured as a server or
client, the IP address and port number must be entered as follows:
• section <EXTERNAL> … </EXTERNAL>
‒ <TYPE>Server</TYPE> or <TYPE> not specified: The external
system is configured as a server.
‒ <TYPE>Client</TYPE>: The external system is configured as a
‒ If TYPE = Server, the IP address and port number of the external
system must here be specified as:
‒ <IP>IP address</IP>
‒ <PORT>Port number</PORT>
If TYPE = Client, the specified connection parameters are ignored
• Section <INTERNAL> … </INTERNAL>
‒ If TYPE = Client, the IP address and port number of the EKI must
here be specified as:
‒ <IP>IP address</IP>
‒ <PORT>Port number</PORT>
If TYPE = Server, the specified connection parameters are ignored

Configuration file

An xml file must be configured for every Ethernet connection. The name
of the xml file is also the access key in KRL.
Directory C:\KRC\ROBOTER\Config\User\Common\EthernetKRL
File Example: …\EXT.xml —> EKI_INIT("EXT")

Checking instructions

• In the xml file with the connection configuration, check if the IP ad-
dress and port number have been entered correctly.

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KUKA.Ethernet KRL 3.2

Solution: Entering the correct IP address and port number in the xml file


• “Expert” user group

• T1, T2 or AUT mode


1. Modify the xml file as required and save the changes.

2. If the xml file was modified offline, copy it into the intended directory
and overwrite the old xml file.

Cause: Different subnetworks in the Realtime OS Network Adapter and KUKA.Vi-



The Ethernet connection allows KUKA.VisionTech to establish internal

communication between VxWorks and Windows within the controller. The
IP addresses in the Realtime OS Network Adapter and in VisionTech-
Config.xml are not in the same subnetwork.

Configuration file

Directory C:\KRC\Roboter\Config\User\Common\EthernetKRL
File VisionTechConfig.xml
The procedure for checking whether the IP addresses are in the
same subnetwork is as follows:

Checking instructions

1. In the main menu, select Start-up > Network configuration. The Net-
work configuration window opens.
2. Click on Advanced. The window for advanced network configuration
3. Select the Internal subnets tab. The number range is displayed in the
Shared memory network box.
4. Open file.
5. Search for <External>.
The IP address can be found under <IP>.
6. Check whether the number ranges on the KUKA.HMI and in the file

Solution: Adapt the IP address in VisionTechConfig.xml


The IP address must be adapted in VisionTechConfig.xml.


1. Open the configuration file.

2. Search for <External>.
Enter the IP address of the Realtime OS Network Adapter at <IP>.

78/134 | www.kuka.com KST Ethernet KRL 3.2 V1 | Issued: 24.10.2019

KUKA.Ethernet KRL 3.2

Cause: Network cable defective or not connected correctly


The network cable is defective or the plug connection is incorrect.

The procedure for checking whether the network cable and connec-
tors are correctly connected is as follows:

Checking instructions

1. Check that the network cables are correctly connected and fitted se-
2. Interchange the network cables.

Solution: Exchange network cable or connect it correctly


• Exchange network cable or connect it correctly.

Cause: No Ethernet connection due to software error, external system


Due to an error in the software of the external system, there is not Ether-
net connection.

Checking instructions

• Check external system for software errors.

Solution: Eliminating errors in the software of the external system


The errors in the software of the external system must be eliminated.

Cause: No Ethernet connection due to hardware error, external system


Due to an error in the hardware of the external system (i.e. loose socket
connection, defective network card, etc.) there is not Ethernet connection.

Checking instructions

• Check external system for hardware errors.

Solution: Eliminating the hardware error of the external system


The hardware error of the external system must be eliminated.

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Messages KUKA.Ethernet KRL 3.2

9.3.11 EKI00015

Message code EKI00015

Message text Access to empty element memory
Message type Error message

Effect Path-maintaining EMERGENCY STOP

Input of active commands (robot motions, program start) is blocked.

Possible cause(s) Cause: Empty data memory when accessed using EKI_Get…()
(>>> Page 80)
Solution: Alter the program. (>>> Page 80)

Cause: Empty data memory when accessed using EKI_Get…()


Access to an empty memory was achieved using an EKI_Get…() function.

Access to an empty memory can be prevented by polling and evaluating
the corresponding return value of the access function.
EKI_STATUS is the global structure variable into which the return values
of the function are written. The element Buff from the EKI_STATUS is
relevant for the evaluation.
Buff contains the following value:
• Number of elements still in the memory after access.



Connected, INT Counter


ret = EKI_GetInt("MyChannel", "Root/Number", value)
UNTIL (ret.Buff < 1)

Solution: Alter the program.


• “Expert” user group

• T1, T2 or AUT mode


1. Select the program in the Navigator and press Open. The program is
displayed in the editor.
2. Search for the corresponding position in the program and edit it.

80/134 | www.kuka.com KST Ethernet KRL 3.2 V1 | Issued: 24.10.2019

KUKA.Ethernet KRL 3.2

3. Close the file and respond to the request for confirmation asking
whether the changes should be saved by pressing Yes.

9.3.12 EKI00016

Message code EKI00016

Message text Element not found
Message type Error message

Effect Path-maintaining EMERGENCY STOP

Input of active commands (robot motions, program start) is blocked.

Possible cause(s) Cause: Element in XML structure for data reception configured in-
correctly or not at all (>>> Page 81)
Solution: Eliminating errors in the xml file (>>> Page 82)

Cause: Element name in access function configured incorrectly

(>>> Page 83)
Solution: Program the function correctly (>>> Page 84)

Cause: Element in XML structure for data reception configured incorrectly or not
at all


The element specified in an access function is not configured in the XML

structure for data reception or does not match the configured element.

Access functions

Parameter 2 of an access function always specifies the element that is to

be accessed.
Access functions

Configuration file

An xml file must be configured for every Ethernet connection. The name
of the xml file is also the access key in KRL.

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Messages KUKA.Ethernet KRL 3.2

Directory C:\KRC\ROBOTER\Config\User\Common\EthernetKRL
File Example: …\EXT.xml —> EKI_INIT("EXT")
The reception structure is configured in the <RECEIVE> … </RECEIVE>
section of the xml file. The attribute Tag defines the elements that can be

Checking instructions

1. Check whether the element you were attempting to access is config-

ured in the reception structure.
2. Check whether the programmed element name matches the config-
ured element name.


Reading XML data:

XML structure:

<ELEMENT Tag="Sensor/Message" Type="STRING" />
<ELEMENT Tag="Sensor/Status/IsActive" Type="BOOL" />


RET=EKI_GetString("Channel_1", "Sensor/Message", valueChar[])

RET=EKI_GetBool("Channel_1", "Sensor/Status/IsActive",

Reading a binary data record of fixed length (10 bytes):

• Raw data:

<ELEMENT Tag="Buffer" Type="BYTE" Size="10" />

• Programming:

RET=EKI_GetString("Channel_1", "Buffer", Bytes[])

Solution: Eliminating errors in the xml file


The errors in the xml file must be eliminated.


• “Expert” user group

• T1, T2 or AUT mode


1. Modify the xml file as required and save the changes.

2. If the xml file was modified offline, copy it into the intended directory
and overwrite the old xml file.

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KUKA.Ethernet KRL 3.2

Cause: Element name in access function configured incorrectly


The element name specified in an access function does not match the el-
ement name configured in the XML structure for data reception.

Access functions

Parameter 2 of an access function always specifies the element that is to

be accessed.
Access functions

Configuration file

An xml file must be configured for every Ethernet connection. The name
of the xml file is also the access key in KRL.
Directory C:\KRC\ROBOTER\Config\User\Common\EthernetKRL
File Example: …\EXT.xml —> EKI_INIT("EXT")
The reception structure is configured in the <RECEIVE> … </RECEIVE>
section of the xml file. The attribute Tag defines the elements that can be

Checking instructions

• Check whether the programmed element name matches the config-

ured element name.


Reading XML data:

XML structure:

<ELEMENT Tag="Sensor/Message" Type="STRING" />
<ELEMENT Tag="Sensor/Status/IsActive" Type="BOOL" />


RET=EKI_GetString("Channel_1", "Sensor/Message", valueChar[])

RET=EKI_GetBool("Channel_1", "Sensor/Status/IsActive",

Reading a binary data record of fixed length (10 bytes):

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Messages KUKA.Ethernet KRL 3.2

• Raw data:

<ELEMENT Tag="Buffer" Type="BYTE" Size="10" />

• Programming:

RET=EKI_GetString("Channel_1", "Buffer", Bytes[])

Solution: Program the function correctly


The function must be correctly programmed.


• User rights:
‒ User group “Expert”

Depending on the configuration and the system software used, high-

er user rights may be required.

• T1, T2 or AUT mode


1. Select the program in the Navigator and press Open. The program is
displayed in the editor.
2. Search for the corresponding position in the program and edit it.
3. Close the file and respond to the request for confirmation asking
whether the changes should be saved by pressing Yes.

9.3.13 EKI00017

Message code EKI00017

Message text Assembly of data to send failed
Message type Error message

Effect Path-maintaining EMERGENCY STOP

Input of active commands (robot motions, program start) is blocked.

Possible cause(s) Cause: XML structure for data transmission configured incorrectly
(>>> Page 85)
Solution: Eliminating errors in the xml file (>>> Page 86)

Cause: EKI_Send() programmed incorrectly (>>> Page 86)

Solution: Program the function correctly (>>> Page 88)

84/134 | www.kuka.com KST Ethernet KRL 3.2 V1 | Issued: 24.10.2019

KUKA.Ethernet KRL 3.2

Cause: XML structure for data transmission configured incorrectly


The XML structure for data transmission does not match the XML docu-
ment to which the XML data are to be written. It also potentially does not
match the programming of the EKI_Send() function.
Function Sends data via a channel.
(>>> 6.2.4 "Sending data" Page 37)
Parameter 1 Type: CHAR
Name of the channel to be used for sending
Parameter 2 Type: CHAR
Defines the quantity of data to be sent.
For communication by means of XML structure:

• XPath expression of the element to be transmitted from the configured

XML structure for data transmission.
‒ If only the root element is specified, the entire XML structure is
transferred (see example 1).
‒ If only part of the XML structure is to be transferred (i.e. the ele-
ment of a subordinate level), the path to this element from the root
element must be specified (see example 2).
• Alternatively: random character string of variable length which is to be
For communication by means of raw data:

• Random character string which is to be transferred:

‒ For binary data sets of fixed length (attribute Type = "BYTE"):
Random character string of fixed length
The size of the character string (in bytes) must correspond exactly
to the configured attribute Size. If it is exceeded, an error mes-
sage is generated. If it is not reached, a warning message is gen-
‒ For binary data sets with variable end strings (attribute Type =
"STREAM"): Random character string of variable length
The end string is sent automatically.
Note: If a random character string of variable length contains an ASCII
NULL character, only the portion up to this character is transferred. If this
is not desired, parameter 3 must be defined accordingly.
Parameter 3 (op- Type: INT
Only relevant for sending random character strings of variable length (see
parameter 2): Maximum number of characters to be sent.
Return values of the function
Example 1 RET = EKI_Send("Channel_1", "Root")
Example 2 RET = EKI_Send("Channel_1", "Root/Test")
Example 3 RET = EKI_Send("Channel_1", MyBytes[])
Example 4 RET = EKI_Send("Channel_1", MyBytes[], 6)

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Messages KUKA.Ethernet KRL 3.2

Configuration file

An xml file must be configured for every Ethernet connection. The name
of the xml file is also the access key in KRL.
Directory C:\KRC\ROBOTER\Config\User\Common\EthernetKRL
File Example: …\EXT.xml —> EKI_INIT("EXT")
The transmission structure is configured in the <SEND> … </SEND> sec-
tion of the xml file.

Checking instructions

1. Check the configuration of the transmission structure in the xml file.

2. Check whether the programming of the data sent matches the config-

Solution: Eliminating errors in the xml file


The errors in the xml file must be eliminated.


• “Expert” user group

• T1, T2 or AUT mode


1. Modify the xml file as required and save the changes.

2. If the xml file was modified offline, copy it into the intended directory
and overwrite the old xml file.

Cause: EKI_Send() programmed incorrectly


The data to be transmitted are entered incorrectly in the EKI_Send() func-

tion. They potentially do not match the configured XML structure for data
Function Sends data via a channel.
(>>> 6.2.4 "Sending data" Page 37)
Parameter 1 Type: CHAR
Name of the channel to be used for sending

86/134 | www.kuka.com KST Ethernet KRL 3.2 V1 | Issued: 24.10.2019

KUKA.Ethernet KRL 3.2

Parameter 2 Type: CHAR
Defines the quantity of data to be sent.
For communication by means of XML structure:

• XPath expression of the element to be transmitted from the configured

XML structure for data transmission.
‒ If only the root element is specified, the entire XML structure is
transferred (see example 1).
‒ If only part of the XML structure is to be transferred (i.e. the ele-
ment of a subordinate level), the path to this element from the root
element must be specified (see example 2).
• Alternatively: random character string of variable length which is to be
For communication by means of raw data:

• Random character string which is to be transferred:

‒ For binary data sets of fixed length (attribute Type = "BYTE"):
Random character string of fixed length
The size of the character string (in bytes) must correspond exactly
to the configured attribute Size. If it is exceeded, an error mes-
sage is generated. If it is not reached, a warning message is gen-
‒ For binary data sets with variable end strings (attribute Type =
"STREAM"): Random character string of variable length
The end string is sent automatically.
Note: If a random character string of variable length contains an ASCII
NULL character, only the portion up to this character is transferred. If this
is not desired, parameter 3 must be defined accordingly.
Parameter 3 (op- Type: INT
Only relevant for sending random character strings of variable length (see
parameter 2): Maximum number of characters to be sent.
Return values of the function
Example 1 RET = EKI_Send("Channel_1", "Root")
Example 2 RET = EKI_Send("Channel_1", "Root/Test")
Example 3 RET = EKI_Send("Channel_1", MyBytes[])
Example 4 RET = EKI_Send("Channel_1", MyBytes[], 6)

Configuration file

An xml file must be configured for every Ethernet connection. The name
of the xml file is also the access key in KRL.
Directory C:\KRC\ROBOTER\Config\User\Common\EthernetKRL
File Example: …\EXT.xml —> EKI_INIT("EXT")
The transmission structure is configured in the <SEND> … </SEND> sec-
tion of the xml file.

Checking instructions

1. Check the configuration of the transmission structure in the xml file.

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Messages KUKA.Ethernet KRL 3.2

2. Check whether the programming of the data sent matches the config-

Solution: Program the function correctly


The function must be correctly programmed.


• User rights:
‒ User group “Expert”

Depending on the configuration and the system software used, high-

er user rights may be required.

• T1, T2 or AUT mode


1. Select the program in the Navigator and press Open. The program is
displayed in the editor.
2. Search for the corresponding position in the program and edit it.
3. Close the file and respond to the request for confirmation asking
whether the changes should be saved by pressing Yes.

9.3.14 EKI00018

Message code EKI00018

Message text Send data failed
Message type Error message

Effect Path-maintaining EMERGENCY STOP

Input of active commands (robot motions, program start) is blocked.

Possible cause(s) Cause: Network cable defective or not connected correctly

(>>> Page 89)
Solution: Exchange network cable or connect it correctly
(>>> Page 89)

Cause: No Ethernet connection due to software error, external sys-

tem (>>> Page 89)
Solution: Eliminating errors in the software of the external system
(>>> Page 89)

Cause: No Ethernet connection due to hardware error, external sys-

tem (>>> Page 89)
Solution: Eliminating the hardware error of the external system
(>>> Page 89)

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KUKA.Ethernet KRL 3.2

Cause: Network cable defective or not connected correctly


The network cable is defective or the plug connection is incorrect.

The procedure for checking whether the network cable and connec-
tors are correctly connected is as follows:

Checking instructions

1. Check that the network cables are correctly connected and fitted se-
2. Interchange the network cables.

Solution: Exchange network cable or connect it correctly


• Exchange network cable or connect it correctly.

Cause: No Ethernet connection due to software error, external system


Due to an error in the software of the external system, there is not Ether-
net connection.

Checking instructions

• Check external system for software errors.

Solution: Eliminating errors in the software of the external system


The errors in the software of the external system must be eliminated.

Cause: No Ethernet connection due to hardware error, external system


Due to an error in the hardware of the external system (i.e. loose socket
connection, defective network card, etc.) there is not Ethernet connection.

Checking instructions

• Check external system for hardware errors.

Solution: Eliminating the hardware error of the external system


The hardware error of the external system must be eliminated.

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Messages KUKA.Ethernet KRL 3.2

9.3.15 EKI00019

Message code EKI00019

Message text No data to send
Message type Error message

Effect Path-maintaining EMERGENCY STOP

Input of active commands (robot motions, program start) is blocked.

Possible cause(s) Cause: EKI_Send() contains no data to be sent (>>> Page 90)
Solution: Program the function correctly (>>> Page 91)

Cause: EKI_Send() contains no data to be sent


An ‘EKI_Send()’ send function contains no data to be sent (parameter 2).

Function Sends data via a channel.
(>>> 6.2.4 "Sending data" Page 37)
Parameter 1 Type: CHAR
Name of the channel to be used for sending

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KUKA.Ethernet KRL 3.2

Parameter 2 Type: CHAR
Defines the quantity of data to be sent.
For communication by means of XML structure:

• XPath expression of the element to be transmitted from the configured

XML structure for data transmission.
‒ If only the root element is specified, the entire XML structure is
transferred (see example 1).
‒ If only part of the XML structure is to be transferred (i.e. the ele-
ment of a subordinate level), the path to this element from the root
element must be specified (see example 2).
• Alternatively: random character string of variable length which is to be
For communication by means of raw data:

• Random character string which is to be transferred:

‒ For binary data sets of fixed length (attribute Type = "BYTE"):
Random character string of fixed length
The size of the character string (in bytes) must correspond exactly
to the configured attribute Size. If it is exceeded, an error mes-
sage is generated. If it is not reached, a warning message is gen-
‒ For binary data sets with variable end strings (attribute Type =
"STREAM"): Random character string of variable length
The end string is sent automatically.
Note: If a random character string of variable length contains an ASCII
NULL character, only the portion up to this character is transferred. If this
is not desired, parameter 3 must be defined accordingly.
Parameter 3 (op- Type: INT
Only relevant for sending random character strings of variable length (see
parameter 2): Maximum number of characters to be sent.
Return values of the function
Example 1 RET = EKI_Send("Channel_1", "Root")
Example 2 RET = EKI_Send("Channel_1", "Root/Test")
Example 3 RET = EKI_Send("Channel_1", MyBytes[])
Example 4 RET = EKI_Send("Channel_1", MyBytes[], 6)

Checking instructions

• In the KRL program, check whether the data to be sent are specified.

Solution: Program the function correctly


The function must be correctly programmed.


• User rights:

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Messages KUKA.Ethernet KRL 3.2

‒ User group “Expert”

Depending on the configuration and the system software used, high-

er user rights may be required.

• T1, T2 or AUT mode


1. Select the program in the Navigator and press Open. The program is
displayed in the editor.
2. Search for the corresponding position in the program and edit it.
3. Close the file and respond to the request for confirmation asking
whether the changes should be saved by pressing Yes.

9.3.16 EKI00020

Message code EKI00020

Message text Mismatch in type of data
Message type Error message

Effect Path-maintaining EMERGENCY STOP

Input of active commands (robot motions, program start) is blocked.

Possible cause(s) Cause: Data type in XML structure for data reception configured in-
correctly (>>> Page 92)
Solution: Eliminating errors in the xml file (>>> Page 94)

Cause: Data type in access function programmed incorrectly

(>>> Page 94)
Solution: Program the function correctly (>>> Page 95)

Cause: Data type in XML structure for data reception configured incorrectly


The data type specified for an element in an access function does not
match the data type configured in the XML structure for data reception.

Access functions

Parameter 3 of an access function always specifies the data type of the

element that is to be accessed.
Access functions

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KUKA.Ethernet KRL 3.2

Access functions

Configuration file

An xml file must be configured for every Ethernet connection. The name
of the xml file is also the access key in KRL.
Directory C:\KRC\ROBOTER\Config\User\Common\EthernetKRL
File Example: …\EXT.xml —> EKI_INIT("EXT")
The reception structure is configured in the <RECEIVE> … </RECEIVE>
section of the xml file. The attribute Type defines the data type of an ele-

Checking instructions

• Check whether the programmed data type matches the data type of
the element configured in the reception structure.


Reading XML data:

XML structure:

<ELEMENT Tag="Sensor/Message" Type="STRING" />
<ELEMENT Tag="Sensor/Status/IsActive" Type="BOOL" />


CHAR valueChar[256]
RET=EKI_GetString("Channel_1", "Sensor/Message", valueChar[])
RET=EKI_GetBool("Channel_1", "Sensor/Status/IsActive",

Reading a binary data record of fixed length (10 bytes):

• Raw data:

<ELEMENT Tag="Buffer" Type="BYTE" Size="10" />

• Programming:

CHAR Bytes[10]
RET=EKI_GetString("Channel_1", "Buffer", Bytes[])

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KUKA.Ethernet KRL 3.2

Solution: Eliminating errors in the xml file



The errors in the xml file must be eliminated.


• “Expert” user group

• T1, T2 or AUT mode


1. Modify the xml file as required and save the changes.

2. If the xml file was modified offline, copy it into the intended directory
and overwrite the old xml file.

Cause: Data type in access function programmed incorrectly


The data type specified for an element in an access function does not
match the data type configured in the XML structure for data reception.

Access functions

Parameter 3 of an access function always specifies the data type of the

element that is to be accessed.
Access functions

Configuration file

An xml file must be configured for every Ethernet connection. The name
of the xml file is also the access key in KRL.
Directory C:\KRC\ROBOTER\Config\User\Common\EthernetKRL
File Example: …\EXT.xml —> EKI_INIT("EXT")
The reception structure is configured in the <RECEIVE> … </RECEIVE>
section of the xml file. The attribute Type defines the data type of an ele-

Checking instructions

• Check whether the programmed data type matches the data type of
the element configured in the reception structure.

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KUKA.Ethernet KRL 3.2


Reading XML data:

XML structure:

<ELEMENT Tag="Sensor/Message" Type="STRING" />
<ELEMENT Tag="Sensor/Status/IsActive" Type="BOOL" />


CHAR valueChar[256]
RET=EKI_GetString("Channel_1", "Sensor/Message", valueChar[])
RET=EKI_GetBool("Channel_1", "Sensor/Status/IsActive",

Reading a binary data record of fixed length (10 bytes):

• Raw data:

<ELEMENT Tag="Buffer" Type="BYTE" Size="10" />

• Programming:

CHAR Bytes[10]
RET=EKI_GetString("Channel_1", "Buffer", Bytes[])

Solution: Program the function correctly


The function must be correctly programmed.


• User rights:
‒ User group “Expert”

Depending on the configuration and the system software used, high-

er user rights may be required.

• T1, T2 or AUT mode


1. Select the program in the Navigator and press Open. The program is
displayed in the editor.
2. Search for the corresponding position in the program and edit it.

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Messages KUKA.Ethernet KRL 3.2

3. Close the file and respond to the request for confirmation asking
whether the changes should be saved by pressing Yes.

9.3.17 EKI00021

Message code EKI00021

Message text System memory insufficient with maximum data storage
Message type Error message

Effect Path-maintaining EMERGENCY STOP

Input of active commands (robot motions, program start) is blocked.

Possible cause(s) Cause: Reserved memory insufficient (>>> Page 96)

Solution: Increase the memory (>>> Page 96)

Cause: Connection configuration uses too much memory

(>>> Page 97)
Solution: Modify the connection configuration (>>> Page 97)

Cause: Reserved memory insufficient


The memory reserved for Ethernet KRL is insufficient.

Checking instructions

• Check whether the memory requirement can be reduced by another

type of configuration or programming.
If this is not possible, the memory can be increased in consultation with
KUKA Deutschland GmbH.

Solution: Increase the memory

The memory may be increased only in consultation with KUKA Deutsch-

land GmbH. (>>> 11 "KUKA Service" Page 125)


• User rights:
‒ User group “Expert”

Depending on the configuration and the system software used, high-

er user rights may be required.

• T1, T2 or AUT mode


1. Open the file EthernetKRL.XML in the directory C:\KRC\ROBOTER


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KUKA.Ethernet KRL 3.2

2. Enter the desired memory capacity in bytes in the <MemSize> ele-
ment in the <EthernetKRL> section.


3. Close the file and respond to the request for confirmation asking
whether the changes should be saved by pressing Yes.
4. Reboot the robot controller with the settings Cold start and Reload

Cause: Connection configuration uses too much memory


The configured Ethernet connections use too much memory.

Configuration file

An xml file must be configured for every Ethernet connection. The name
of the xml file is also the access key in KRL.
Directory C:\KRC\ROBOTER\Config\User\Common\EthernetKRL
File Example: …\EXT.xml —> EKI_INIT("EXT")

Checking instructions

• Check the xml file(s) to see if the Ethernet connection can be config-
ured so that less memory is used.

Solution: Modify the connection configuration


The connection configuration must be modified in such a way that less

memory is used.


• “Expert” user group

• T1, T2 or AUT mode


1. Modify the xml file as required and save the changes.

2. If the xml file has been modified offline, copy it into the intended direc-
tory and overwrite the old xml file.

9.3.18 EKI00022

Message code EKI00022

Message text Error while reading the configuration. XML not valid.

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Messages KUKA.Ethernet KRL 3.2

Message type Error message

Effect Path-maintaining EMERGENCY STOP

Input of active commands (robot motions, program start) is blocked.

Possible cause(s) Cause: Schema error in the xml file with the connection configura-
tion (>>> Page 98)
Solution: Eliminating errors in the xml file (>>> Page 98)

Cause: Schema error in the xml file with the connection configuration


The xml file with the connection configuration cannot be read due to a
schema error.
KUKA.Ethernet KRL uses the XPath schema. The syntax specified by the
schema must be followed exactly. For example, no punctuation marks or
structure elements may be missing.
The manner in which the elements and attributes in the xml file are
written – including uppercase and lowercase letters – is specified and
must be followed exactly.
Further information about the XPath schema can be found in the KU-
KA.Ethernet KRL documentation.

Configuration file

An xml file must be configured for every Ethernet connection. The name
of the xml file is also the access key in KRL.
Directory C:\KRC\ROBOTER\Config\User\Common\EthernetKRL
File Example: …\EXT.xml —> EKI_INIT("EXT")

Solution: Eliminating errors in the xml file


The errors in the xml file must be eliminated.


• “Expert” user group

• T1, T2 or AUT mode


1. Modify the xml file as required and save the changes.

2. If the xml file was modified offline, copy it into the intended directory
and overwrite the old xml file.

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KUKA.Ethernet KRL 3.2

9.3.19 EKI00023

Message code EKI00023

Message text Initialization already performed
Message type Error message

Effect Path-maintaining EMERGENCY STOP

Input of active commands (robot motions, program start) is blocked.

Possible cause(s) Cause: Ethernet connection already initialized with EKI_Init()

(>>> Page 99)
Solution: Delete overprogrammed function (>>> Page 100)

Cause: Ethernet connection already initialized with EKI_Init()


The Ethernet connection has already been initialized with the function
RET = EKI_Init(CHAR[])
Function Initializes a channel for Ethernet communication
The following actions are performed:

• The connection configuration is loaded.

• The data memories are created.
• The Ethernet connection is prepared.
Parameters Type: CHAR
Name of the channel (= name of the xml file with
the connection configuration)
Return values of the function
Example RET = EKI_Init("Channel_1")
The procedure for checking whether the connection is already initial-


• User group “Expert”

• Program is selected or open.

Checking instructions

• Check if the following line between the first initialization and the clos-
ing of the connection is programmed multiple times:
RET = EKI_Init("file name")
‒ File name: Name of the xml file with the connection configuration

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KUKA.Ethernet KRL 3.2

Solution: Delete overprogrammed function



The overprogrammed function must be deleted.


• User rights:
‒ User group “Expert”

Depending on the configuration and the system software used, high-

er user rights may be required.

• T1, T2 or AUT mode


1. Select the program in the Navigator and press Open. The program is
displayed in the editor.
2. Search for the corresponding position in the program and edit it.
3. Close the file and respond to the request for confirmation asking
whether the changes should be saved by pressing Yes.

9.3.20 EKI00024

Message code EKI00024

Message text Link to internal parameters (Port, IP) failed
Message type Error message

Effect Path-maintaining EMERGENCY STOP

Input of active commands (robot motions, program start) is blocked.

Possible cause(s) Cause: IP address and/or port number for the EKI entered incorrect-
ly or not at all (>>> Page 100)
Solution: Entering the correct IP address and port number in the
xml file (>>> Page 101)

Cause: IP address and/or port number for the EKI entered incorrectly or not at all


The EKI is configured as a server and the external system as a client. In

the xml file with the connection configuration, the IP address and/or port
number for the EKI have not been entered or have been formally entered
incorrectly. In order to ensure network security, it is possible to define the
subnet from which EKI can be accessed.


Connection only possible via subnet 192.168.X.X to port 54600:


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KUKA.Ethernet KRL 3.2


Connection possible via all subnets configured in KLI to port 54600:


Configuration file

An xml file must be configured for every Ethernet connection. The name
of the xml file is also the access key in KRL.
Directory C:\KRC\ROBOTER\Config\User\Common\EthernetKRL
File Example: …\EXT.xml —> EKI_INIT("EXT")

Checking instructions

• In the xml file with the connection configuration, check if the IP ad-
dress and port number have been entered correctly.

Solution: Entering the correct IP address and port number in the xml file


• “Expert” user group

• T1, T2 or AUT mode


1. Modify the xml file as required and save the changes.

2. If the xml file was modified offline, copy it into the intended directory
and overwrite the old xml file.

9.3.21 EKI00027

Message code EKI00027

Message text CHAR[] Array too small.
Message type Error message

Effect Path-maintaining EMERGENCY STOP

Input of active commands (robot motions, program start) is blocked.

Possible cause(s) Cause: CHAR array too small for received data (>>> Page 102)
Solution: Increasing the memory size for the CHAR array
(>>> Page 102)

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KUKA.Ethernet KRL 3.2

Cause: CHAR array too small for received data



The CHAR array defined in the KRL program is too small for the received

Checking instructions

• Check the maximum acceptable lengths for the data sets sent by the
external system.

Solution: Increasing the memory size for the CHAR array


The memory size for the CHAR array must be increased.


• User rights:
‒ User group “Expert”

Depending on the configuration and the system software used, high-

er user rights may be required.

• T1, T2 or AUT mode


1. Select the program in the Navigator and press Open. The program is
displayed in the editor.
2. Search for the corresponding position in the program and edit it.
3. Close the file and respond to the request for confirmation asking
whether the changes should be saved by pressing Yes.

9.3.22 EKI00512

Message code EKI00512

Message text Ethernet connection disrupted
Message type Error message

Effect Path-maintaining EMERGENCY STOP

Input of active commands (robot motions, program start) is blocked.

Possible cause(s) Cause: Network cable defective or not connected correctly

(>>> Page 103)
Solution: Exchange network cable or connect it correctly
(>>> Page 103)

Cause: No Ethernet connection due to software error, external sys-

tem (>>> Page 103)
Solution: Eliminating errors in the software of the external system
(>>> Page 103)

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KUKA.Ethernet KRL 3.2

Cause: No Ethernet connection due to hardware error, external sys-
tem (>>> Page 103)
Solution: Eliminating the hardware error of the external system
(>>> Page 104)

Cause: Network cable defective or not connected correctly


The network cable is defective or the plug connection is incorrect.

The procedure for checking whether the network cable and connec-
tors are correctly connected is as follows:

Checking instructions

1. Check that the network cables are correctly connected and fitted se-
2. Interchange the network cables.

Solution: Exchange network cable or connect it correctly


• Exchange network cable or connect it correctly.

Cause: No Ethernet connection due to software error, external system


Due to an error in the software of the external system, there is not Ether-
net connection.

Checking instructions

• Check external system for software errors.

Solution: Eliminating errors in the software of the external system


The errors in the software of the external system must be eliminated.

Cause: No Ethernet connection due to hardware error, external system


Due to an error in the hardware of the external system (i.e. loose socket
connection, defective network card, etc.) there is not Ethernet connection.

Checking instructions

• Check external system for hardware errors.

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KUKA.Ethernet KRL 3.2

Solution: Eliminating the hardware error of the external system



The hardware error of the external system must be eliminated.

9.3.23 EKI00768

Message code EKI00768

Message text Ping reports no contact
Message type Error message

Effect Path-maintaining EMERGENCY STOP

Input of active commands (robot motions, program start) is blocked.

Possible cause(s) Cause: Network cable defective or not connected correctly

(>>> Page 104)
Solution: Exchange network cable or connect it correctly
(>>> Page 104)

Cause: No Ethernet connection due to hardware error, external sys-

tem (>>> Page 104)
Solution: Eliminating the hardware error of the external system
(>>> Page 105)

Cause: Network cable defective or not connected correctly


The network cable is defective or the plug connection is incorrect.

The procedure for checking whether the network cable and connec-
tors are correctly connected is as follows:

Checking instructions

1. Check that the network cables are correctly connected and fitted se-
2. Interchange the network cables.

Solution: Exchange network cable or connect it correctly


• Exchange network cable or connect it correctly.

Cause: No Ethernet connection due to hardware error, external system


Due to an error in the hardware of the external system (i.e. loose socket
connection, defective network card, etc.) there is not Ethernet connection.

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KUKA.Ethernet KRL 3.2

Checking instructions

• Check external system for hardware errors.

Solution: Eliminating the hardware error of the external system


The hardware error of the external system must be eliminated.

9.3.24 EKI01024

Message code EKI01024

Message text Error while reading received XML data
Message type Error message

Effect Path-maintaining EMERGENCY STOP

Input of active commands (robot motions, program start) is blocked.

Possible cause(s) Cause: Sent XML document does not correspond to the XPath
schema (>>> Page 105)
Solution: Designing the sent XML document according to the XPath
schema (>>> Page 105)

Cause: Sent XML document does not correspond to the XPath schema


The XML document sent by the external system does not correspond to
the XPath schema.
Further information about the XPath schema can be found in the KU-
KA.Ethernet KRL documentation.

Solution: Designing the sent XML document according to the XPath schema


The XML document sent by the external system must be designed ac-
cording to the XPath schema.

9.3.25 EKI01280

Message code EKI01280

Message text Limit of element storage reached
Message type Error message

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Messages KUKA.Ethernet KRL 3.2

Effect Path-maintaining EMERGENCY STOP

Input of active commands (robot motions, program start) is blocked.

Possible cause(s) Cause: Memory limit reached (number of data elements per memo-
ry) (>>> Page 106)
Solution: Increase the memory limit in the xml file (>>> Page 106)

Cause: Memory limit reached (number of data elements per memo-

ry) (>>> Page 107)
Solution: Cyclically checking the data memory and disabling before
reaching the limit (>>> Page 107)

Cause: EKI memory is not read (>>> Page 108)

Solution: Alter the program. (>>> Page 108)

Cause: Memory limit reached (number of data elements per memory)


The number of data elements that can be saved in the memory is limited.
This memory limit has been reached. The Ethernet connection has been
closed to prevent the reception of further data.
The maximum number of elements that can be saved in the memory is
defined in the xml file with the connection configuration:
• Section <INTERNAL> … </INTERNAL>
• Element <BUFFERING … Limit="…"/>
‒ Maximum possible number: 512
• If the BUFFERING element is not configured, the default value ap-
‒ <BUFFERING Mode="FIFO" Limit="16"/>

Configuration file

An xml file must be configured for every Ethernet connection. The name
of the xml file is also the access key in KRL.
Directory C:\KRC\ROBOTER\Config\User\Common\EthernetKRL
File Example: …\EXT.xml —> EKI_INIT("EXT")

Checking instructions

• In the xml file with the connection configuration, check which value is
set as the limit number of elements that can be saved.

Solution: Increase the memory limit in the xml file


The memory limit in the xml file can be increased.


• “Expert” user group

• T1, T2 or AUT mode

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KUKA.Ethernet KRL 3.2


1. Modify the xml file as required and save the changes.

2. If the xml file was modified offline, copy it into the intended directory
and overwrite the old xml file.

Cause: Memory limit reached (number of data elements per memory)


The number of data elements that can be saved in the memory is limited.
This memory limit has been reached. The Ethernet connection has been
closed to prevent the reception of further data.
The maximum number of elements that can be saved in the memory is
defined in the xml file with the connection configuration:
• Section <INTERNAL> … </INTERNAL>
• Element <BUFFERING … Limit="…"/>
‒ Maximum possible number: 512
• If the BUFFERING element is not configured, the default value ap-
‒ <BUFFERING Mode="FIFO" Limit="16"/>

Configuration file

An xml file must be configured for every Ethernet connection. The name
of the xml file is also the access key in KRL.
Directory C:\KRC\ROBOTER\Config\User\Common\EthernetKRL
File Example: …\EXT.xml —> EKI_INIT("EXT")

Checking instructions

• In the xml file with the connection configuration, check which value is
set as the limit number of elements that can be saved.

Solution: Cyclically checking the data memory and disabling before reaching the


Programming can be used to prevent the memory limit being reached. For
this, cyclically check how many data elements are currently in the data
memory and temporarily disable the memory before reaching the limit.
The following functions are required:
• EKI_STATUS = EKI_CheckBuffer(CHAR[], CHAR[])
Checks how much data is still in the memory. The memory is not
Disables the processing of received data. The data can no longer be
stored in the memory.
Enables the processing of received data. The data are stored in the
memory again.

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KUKA.Ethernet KRL 3.2

EKI_STATUS is the global structure variable into which the return values

of the function are written. The element Buff from the EKI_STATUS is
relevant for the evaluation.
Buff contains the following value:
• Number of elements still in the memory after access.



Connected, INT Counter


DECL INT limit
limit = 16

ret = EKI_CheckBuffer("MyChannel", "MyData")

IF(ret.Buff >= limit - 1) THEN

ret = EKI_Lock("MyChannel")
ret = EKI_Unlock("MyChannel")

Cause: EKI memory is not read


The external system writes data to the EKI memory. If these data are not
called, the EKI memory fills up. To prevent loss of data, the connection is
closed when the EKI memory is full. The TCP protocol detects the closed
connection and interrupts data exchange. The maximum number of data
elements has been written to the EKI memory without them being read.
The procedure for checking whether the EKI memory in the KRL pro-
gram is read is as follows:


• Program is selected or open.

Checking instructions

• Check whether the data is read via EKI_Get…().

Solution: Alter the program.


• “Expert” user group

• T1, T2 or AUT mode


1. Select the program in the Navigator and press Open. The program is
displayed in the editor.
2. Search for the corresponding position in the program and edit it.

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KUKA.Ethernet KRL 3.2

3. Close the file and respond to the request for confirmation asking
whether the changes should be saved by pressing Yes.

9.3.26 EKI01536

Message code EKI01536

Message text Received string too long
Message type Error message

Effect Path-maintaining EMERGENCY STOP

Input of active commands (robot motions, program start) is blocked.

Possible cause(s) Cause: Character string sent by the external system too long
(>>> Page 109)
Solution: Adjusting the programming of the external system
(>>> Page 109)

Cause: Character string sent by the external system too long


A character string sent by the external system exceeds the maximum per-
missible length. Up to 3600 characters are permitted.

Checking instructions

• Check the length of the data sent by the external system.

Solution: Adjusting the programming of the external system


The programming of the external system must be adjusted in such a way

that character strings of excessive length can no longer be sent.

9.3.27 EKI01792

Message code EKI01792

Message text Limit of element memory reached
Message type Error message

Effect Path-maintaining EMERGENCY STOP

Input of active commands (robot motions, program start) is blocked.

Possible cause(s) Cause: Memory limit reached (number of bytes for total memory)
(>>> Page 110)
Solution: Increase the memory limit in the xml file (>>> Page 110)

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KUKA.Ethernet KRL 3.2

Cause: Memory limit reached (number of bytes for total memory)



The number of bytes that can be saved in the memory is limited. This
memory limit has been reached. The Ethernet connection has been closed
to prevent the reception of further data.
The maximum number of bytes that can be saved in the memory is de-
fined in the xml file with the connection configuration:
• Section <INTERNAL> … </INTERNAL>
• Element <BUFFSIZE Limit="…"/>
‒ Maximum possible number: 65,534
• If the BUFFSIZE element is not configured, the default value applies:
‒ <BUFFSIZE Limit="16384"/>

Configuration file

An xml file must be configured for every Ethernet connection. The name
of the xml file is also the access key in KRL.
Directory C:\KRC\ROBOTER\Config\User\Common\EthernetKRL
File Example: …\EXT.xml —> EKI_INIT("EXT")

Checking instructions

• Check in the xml file with the connection configuration to see which
byte number is the limit.

Solution: Increase the memory limit in the xml file


The memory limit in the xml file can be increased.


• “Expert” user group

• T1, T2 or AUT mode


1. Modify the xml file as required and save the changes.

2. If the xml file was modified offline, copy it into the intended directory
and overwrite the old xml file.

9.3.28 EKI02048

Message code EKI02048

Message text Server time limit reached
Message type Error message

Effect Path-maintaining EMERGENCY STOP

Input of active commands (robot motions, program start) is blocked.

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Possible cause(s) Cause: Software error on the external system leads to timeout
(>>> Page 111)
Solution: Eliminating errors in the software of the external system
(>>> Page 111)

Cause: Software error on the external system leads to timeout


The EKI is configured as a server and is waiting for the connection re-
quest from the external system.
A value for <TIMEOUT Connect="…"/> is entered in the xml file with the
connection configuration. This time has elapsed without the external sys-
tem establishing a connection to the server. The cause is a fault in the
software of the external system.

Checking instructions

• Check external system for software errors.

Solution: Eliminating errors in the software of the external system


The errors in the software of the external system must be eliminated.

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Messages KUKA.Ethernet KRL 3.2

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10 Appendix

10.1 Extended XML structure for connection properties

The extended xml structure may only be used in consultation with

KUKA Deutschland GmbH. (>>> 11 "KUKA Service" Page 125)


Further properties for the EKI can be configured in the section <INTER-
NAL> … </INTERNAL> of the configuration file:
Element Attribute Description
TIMEOUT Receive Time until the attempt to receive data is abor-
ted (optional)

• 0 … 65,534 ms
Default value: 0 ms
Send Time until the attempt to send data is aborted

• 0 … 65,534 ms
Default value: 0 ms
BUFFSIZE Receive Size of the socket used to receive data (op-

• 1 … 65,534 bytes
Default value: Predefined by the system
Send Size of the socket used to send data (option-

• 1 … 65,534 bytes
Default value: Predefined by the system

10.2 Increasing the memory

The memory may be increased only in consultation with KUKA Deutsch-

land GmbH. (>>> 11 "KUKA Service" Page 125)


If the available memory is insufficient, it is recommended to check the pro-

gramming method in KRL as well as the configuration.
• Check whether a connection is configured in such a manner that the
memory is completely occupied with received data.
• Check whether several connections with high levels of data have been
defined and activated.


• User rights for editing the file:

‒ Function group File operations
• User rights for shutdown with Reload files:
‒ Function group Critical configurations

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Appendix KUKA.Ethernet KRL 3.2

• T1, T2 or AUT mode


1. Open the file EthernetKRL.XML in the directory C:\KRC\ROBOTER

2. Enter the desired memory capacity in bytes in the <MemSize> ele-
ment in the <EthernetKRL> section.


3. Close the file and respond to the request for confirmation asking
whether the changes should be saved by pressing Yes.
4. Reboot the robot controller with the settings Cold start and Reload

10.3 Deactivating message output and message logging


It is recommended for automatic message output on the smartHMI to be

deactivated in the following cases:
• Runtime errors occur.
• EKI is used in a submit interpreter.
If automatic message output is deactivated, all error messages are still
logged by default. If these errors or warnings are to be deliberately ignor-
ed, e.g. because logging the messages causes a high system load and
slows down performance, this mechanism can likewise be deactivated.


• User rights: Function group File operations

But at least the user group “Expert”


1. Open the configuration file of the Ethernet connection in the directory

C:\KRC\ROBOTER\Config\User\Common\EthernetKRL of the robot
2. Enter the following line in the section <INTERNAL> … </INTERNAL>
of the XML file:

<MESSAGES Logging="disabled" Display="disabled"/>

3. Save the changes and close the file.

If automatic message output is deactivated, the EKI_CHECK() function

can be used to check individual EKI instructions for errors.

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10.4 Command reference

10.4.1 Initializing, opening, closing and clearing a connection

RET = EKI_Init(CHAR[])
Function Initializes a channel for Ethernet communication
The following actions are performed:

• The connection configuration is loaded.

• The data memories are created.
• The Ethernet connection is prepared.
Parameters Type: CHAR
Name of the channel (= name of the xml file with
the connection configuration)
Return values of the function
Example RET = EKI_Init("Channel_1")

RET = EKI_Open(CHAR[])
Function Opens an initialized channel
If the EKI is configured as a client, the EKI connects
to the external system (= Server).
If the EKI has been configured as a server, the EKI
waits for the connection request from the external
system (= Client).
Parameters Type: CHAR
Name of the channel
Name of the channel (= name of the xml file with
the connection configuration)
Example RET = EKI_Open("Channel_1")

RET = EKI_Close(CHAR[])
Function Closes an open channel
Parameters Type: CHAR
Name of the channel (= name of the xml file with
the connection configuration)
Return values of the function
Example RET = EKI_Close("Channel_1")

RET = EKI_Clear(CHAR[])
Function Deletes a channel as well as all associated data
memory and terminates the Ethernet connection.
Parameters Type: CHAR
Name of the channel (= name of the xml file with
the connection configuration)

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Appendix KUKA.Ethernet KRL 3.2

RET = EKI_Clear(CHAR[])
Return values of the function
Example RET = EKI_Clear("Channel_1")
Information about the return values of the relevant function can be found
here: (>>> "Return values" Page 44)

10.4.2 Sending data


Function Sends data via a channel.
(>>> 6.2.4 "Sending data" Page 37)
Parameter 1 Type: CHAR
Name of the channel to be used for sending
Parameter 2 Type: CHAR
Defines the quantity of data to be sent.
For communication by means of XML structure:

• XPath expression of the element to be transmitted from the configured

XML structure for data transmission.
‒ If only the root element is specified, the entire XML structure is
transferred (see example 1).
‒ If only part of the XML structure is to be transferred (i.e. the ele-
ment of a subordinate level), the path to this element from the root
element must be specified (see example 2).
• Alternatively: random character string of variable length which is to be
For communication by means of raw data:

• Random character string which is to be transferred:

‒ For binary data sets of fixed length (attribute Type = "BYTE"):
Random character string of fixed length
The size of the character string (in bytes) must correspond exactly
to the configured attribute Size. If it is exceeded, an error mes-
sage is generated. If it is not reached, a warning message is gen-
‒ For binary data sets with variable end strings (attribute Type =
"STREAM"): Random character string of variable length
The end string is sent automatically.
Note: If a random character string of variable length contains an ASCII
NULL character, only the portion up to this character is transferred. If this
is not desired, parameter 3 must be defined accordingly.
Parameter 3 (op- Type: INT
Only relevant for sending random character strings of variable length (see
parameter 2): Maximum number of characters to be sent.
Return values of the function
Example 1 RET = EKI_Send("Channel_1", "Root")

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KUKA.Ethernet KRL 3.2

Example 2 RET = EKI_Send("Channel_1", "Root/Test")
Example 3 RET = EKI_Send("Channel_1", MyBytes[])
Example 4 RET = EKI_Send("Channel_1", MyBytes[], 6)
Information about the return values of the relevant function can be found
here: (>>> "Return values" Page 44)

10.4.3 Writing data


Function Writes a Boolean value in a memory
Parameter 1 Type: CHAR
Name of the open channel
Parameter 2 Type: CHAR
Name of the position in the XML structure
Parameter 3 Type: BOOL
Value written in the memory
Return values of the function
Example RET = EKI_SetBool("Channel_1", "Root/Activ", true)


Function Writes a FRAME type value in a memory
Parameter 1 Type: CHAR
Name of the open channel
Parameter 2 Type: CHAR
Name of the position in the XML structure
Parameter 3 Type: FRAME
Value written in the memory
Return values of the function
Example RET= EKI_SetFrame("Channel_1", "Root/BASE", {X
0.0, Y 0.0, Z 0.0, A 0.0, B 0.0, C 0.0})


Function Writes an integer value in a memory
Parameter 1 Type: CHAR
Name of the open channel
Parameter 2 Type: CHAR
Name of the position in the XML structure
Parameter 3 Type: INT
Value written in the memory
Return values of the function

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Appendix KUKA.Ethernet KRL 3.2


Example RET = EKI_SetInt("Channel_1", "Root/List", 67234)


Function Writes a floating point value in a memory
Parameter 1 Type: CHAR
Name of the open channel
Parameter 2 Type: CHAR
Name of the position in the XML structure
Parameter 3 Type: REAL
Value written in the memory
Return values of the function
Example RET = EKI_SetReal("Channel_1", "Root/Number",

RET = EKI_SetString(CHAR[], CHAR[], CHAR[])

Function Writes a string in a memory
Parameter 1 Type: CHAR
Name of the open channel
Parameter 2 Type: CHAR
Name of the position in the XML structure
Parameter 3 Type: CHAR
String written in the memory
Maximum number of characters:

• 3,600
Return values of the function
Example RET = EKI_SetString("Channel_1", "Root/Message",
Information about the return values of the relevant function can be found
here: (>>> "Return values" Page 44)

10.4.4 Reading data


Function Reads a Boolean value out of a memory
Parameter 1 Type: CHAR
Name of the open channel
Parameter 2 Type: CHAR
Name of the position in the XML structure
Parameter 3 Type: BOOL
Value read out of the memory

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KUKA.Ethernet KRL 3.2

Return values of the function
Example RET = EKI_GetBool("Channel_1", "Root/Activ", My-

RET = EKI_GetBoolArray(CHAR[], CHAR[], BOOL[])

Function Reads a Boolean value out of the memory and cop-
ies the value into the array transferred by the KRL
Values are read until the array is full or no element
is present anymore.
Parameter 1 Type: CHAR
Name of the open channel
Parameter 2 Type: CHAR
Name of the position in the XML structure
Parameter 3 Type: BOOL
Array read out of the memory
Maximum number of readable array elements:

• 512
Return values of the function
Example RET = EKI_GetBoolArray("Channel_1", "Root/Activ",


Function Reads an integer value out of a memory
Parameter 1 Type: CHAR
Name of the open channel
Parameter 2 Type: CHAR
Name of the position in the XML structure
Parameter 3 Type: INT
Value read out of the memory
Return values of the function
Example RET = EKI_GetInt("Channel_1", "Root/Numbers/
One", MyInteger)

RET = EKI_GetIntArray(CHAR[], CHAR[], INT[])

Function Reads an integer value out of a memory and copies
the value into the array transferred by the KRL pro-
Values are read until the array is full or no element
is present anymore.
Parameter 1 Type: CHAR
Name of the open channel

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Appendix KUKA.Ethernet KRL 3.2

RET = EKI_GetIntArray(CHAR[], CHAR[], INT[])

Parameter 2 Type: CHAR
Name of the position in the XML structure
Parameter 3 Type: INT
Array read out of the memory
Maximum number of readable array elements:

• 512
Return values of the function
Example RET = EKI_GetIntArray("Channel_1", "Root/
Numbers/One", MyInteger[])


Function Reads a floating point value out of a memory
Parameter 1 Type: CHAR
Name of the open channel
Parameter 2 Type: CHAR
Name of the position in the XML structure
Parameter 3 Type: REAL
Value read out of the memory
Return values of the function
Example RET = EKI_GetReal("Channel_1", "Root/Position",

RET = EKI_GetRealArray(CHAR[], CHAR[], REAL[])

Function Reads a floating point value out of a memory and
copies the value into the array transferred by the
KRL program
Values are read until the array is full or no element
is present anymore.
Parameter 1 Type: CHAR
Name of the open channel
Parameter 2 Type: CHAR
Name of the position in the XML structure
Parameter 3 Type: REAL
Array read out of the memory
Maximum number of readable array elements:

• 512
Return values of the function
Example RET = EKI_GetRealArray("Channel_1", "Root/Posi-
tion", MyReal[])

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RET = EKI_GetString(CHAR[], CHAR[], CHAR[])
Function Reads a string out of a memory
Parameter 1 Type: CHAR
Name of the open channel
Parameter 2 Type: CHAR
Name of the position in the XML structure or name
of the element in the raw data
Parameter 3 Type: CHAR
String read out of the memory
Maximum number of characters:

• 3,600
Return values of the function
XML example RET = EKI_GetString("Channel_1", "Root/Message",
Binary example RET = EKI_GetString("Channel_1", "Streams", My-


Function Reads a FRAME type value out of a memory
Parameter 1 Type: CHAR
Name of the open channel
Parameter 2 Type: CHAR
Name of the position in the XML structure
Parameter 3 Type: FRAME
Value read out of the memory
Return values of the function
Example RET = EKI_GetFrame("Channel_1", "Root/TCP", My-

RET = EKI_GetFrameArray(CHAR[], CHAR[], FRAME[])

Function Reads a FRAME type value out of a memory and
copies the value into the array transferred by the
KRL program
Values are read until the array is full or no element
is present anymore.
Parameter 1 Type: CHAR
Name of the open channel
Parameter 2 Type: CHAR
Name of the position in the XML structure
Parameter 3 Type: FRAME
Array read out of the memory
Maximum number of readable array elements:

• 512

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Appendix KUKA.Ethernet KRL 3.2

RET = EKI_GetFrameArray(CHAR[], CHAR[], FRAME[])

Return values of the function
Example RET = EKI_GetFrameArray("Channel_1", "Root/
TCP", MyFrame[])
Information about the return values of the relevant function can be found
here: (>>> "Return values" Page 44)

10.4.5 Checking a function for errors


Function Checks whether an error occurred during execution of a function:

• The error number is read out and the corresponding message is dis-
played on the smartHMI. (see parameter 1)
• Optional: If the channel name is specified, it is checked during data re-
ception whether errors have occurred (see parameter 3)
Parameter 1 EKI_STATUS
Return values of the checked function
Parameter 2 Type: ENUM
Type of message displayed on the smartHMI:

• #NOTIFY: Notification message

• #STATE: Status message
• #QUIT: Acknowledgement message
• #WAITING: Wait message
Parameter 3 (op- Type: CHAR
Name of the open channel to be checked
Example 2 EKI_CHECK(RET,#NOTIFY,"MyChannelName")
Information about the return values of the relevant function can be found
here: (>>> "Return values" Page 44)

10.4.6 Clearing, locking, unlocking and checking a data memory

RET = EKI_Clear(CHAR[])
Function Deletes a channel as well as all associated data
memory and terminates the Ethernet connection.
Parameters Type: CHAR
Name of the channel (= name of the xml file with
the connection configuration)
Return values of the function
Example RET = EKI_Clear("Channel_1")

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KUKA.Ethernet KRL 3.2

RET = EKI_ClearBuffer(CHAR[], CHAR[])
Function Clears the defined data memory without terminating
the Ethernet connection
(>>> 6.2.6 "Deleting data memories" Page 42)
Parameter 1 Type: CHAR
Name of the channel
Parameter 2 Type: CHAR
Defines the data memory to be deleted
For communication by means of raw data:

• Name of the raw data to be deleted from the

configured XML structure for data reception
For communication by means of XML structure:

• XPATH expression of the element for which the

data memory is to be deleted – from the config-
ured XML structure for data reception or from
the XML structure for data transmission
Return values of the function
Example 1 RET = EKI_ClearBuffer("Channel_1", "RawData")
Example 2 RET = EKI_ClearBuffer("Channel_1", "Ext/Activ/

RET = EKI_Lock(CHAR[])
Function Disables the processing of received data. The data
can no longer be stored in the memory.
Parameter Type: CHAR
Name of the channel
Return values of the function

RET = EKI_Unlock(CHAR[])
Function Enables the processing of received data. The data
are stored in the memory again.
Parameter Type: CHAR
Name of the channel
Return values of the function

RET = EKI_CheckBuffer(CHAR[], CHAR[])

Function Checks how much data is still in the memory. The
memory is not changed.
Additionally, the time stamp of the next data element
ready to be taken from the memory is returned.
Parameter 1 Type: CHAR
Name of the channel

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Appendix KUKA.Ethernet KRL 3.2

RET = EKI_CheckBuffer(CHAR[], CHAR[])

Parameter 2 Type: CHAR
Defines the data memory to be checked
For communication by means of raw data:

• Name of the raw data to be checked from the

configured XML structure for data transmission
For communication by means of XML structure:

• XPATH expression of the element for which the

data memory is to be checked – from the config-
ured XML structure for data reception or from
the XML structure for data transmission
Return values of the function
Example 1 RET = EKI_CheckBuffer("Channel_1", "RawData")
Example 2 RET = EKI_CheckBuffer("Channel_1", "Ext/Activ/
Information about the return values of the relevant function can be found
here: (>>> "Return values" Page 44)

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KUKA.Ethernet KRL 3.2

KUKA Service
11 KUKA Service

11.1 Requesting support


This documentation provides information on operation and operator con-

trol, and provides assistance with troubleshooting. For further assistance,
please contact your local KUKA subsidiary.


The following information is required for processing a support re-

• Description of the problem, including information about the duration
and frequency of the fault
• As comprehensive information as possible about the hardware and
software components of the overall system
The following list gives an indication of the information which is rele-
vant in many cases:
‒ Model and serial number of the kinematic system, e.g. the manip-
‒ Model and serial number of the controller
‒ Model and serial number of the energy supply system
‒ Designation and version of the system software
‒ Designations and versions of other software components or modifi-
‒ Diagnostic package KRCDiag
Additionally for KUKA Sunrise: existing projects including applica-
For versions of KUKA System Software older than V8: archive of
the software (KRCDiag is not yet available here.)
‒ Application used
‒ External axes used

11.2 KUKA Customer Support


KUKA Customer Support is available in many countries. Please do not

hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

Ruben Costantini S.A. (Agentur)
Luis Angel Huergo 13 20
Parque Industrial
2400 San Francisco (CBA)
Tel. +54 3564 421033
Fax +54 3564 428877

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KUKA Service KUKA.Ethernet KRL 3.2

KUKA Robotics Australia Pty Ltd
45 Fennell Street
Port Melbourne VIC 3207
Tel. +61 3 9939 9656

KUKA Automatisering + Robots N.V.
Centrum Zuid 1031
3530 Houthalen
Tel. +32 11 516160

KUKA Roboter do Brasil Ltda.
Travessa Claudio Armando, nº 171
Bloco 5 - Galpões 51/52
Bairro Assunção
CEP 09861-7630 São Bernardo do Campo - SP
Tel. +55 11 4942-8299
Fax +55 11 2201-7883

Robotec S.A. (Agency)
Santiago de Chile
Tel. +56 2 331-5951
Fax +56 2 331-5952

KUKA Robotics China Co., Ltd.
No. 889 Kungang Road
Xiaokunshan Town
Songjiang District
201614 Shanghai
P. R. China
Tel. +86 400 820 8865
Fax +86 21 5707 2607
864008208865@kuka.com oder CN-ROB-CS-Hotline@kuka.com

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KUKA Service
KUKA Deutschland GmbH
Zugspitzstr. 140
86165 Augsburg
Tel. +49 821 797-1926
Fax +49 821 797-41 1926

KUKA Automatisme + Robotique SAS
6, Avenue du Parc
91140 Villebon S/Yvette
Tel. +33 1 6931660-0
Fax +33 1 6931660-1

KUKA India Pvt. Ltd.
Office Number-7, German Centre,
Level 12, Building No. - 9B
DLF Cyber City Phase III
122 002 Gurgaon
Tel. +91 124 4635774
Fax +91 124 4635773

KUKA Roboter Italia S.p.A.
Via Pavia 9/a - int.6
10098 Rivoli (TO)
Tel. +39 011 959-5013
Fax +39 011 959-5141

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KUKA Service KUKA.Ethernet KRL 3.2

KUKA Japan K.K.
YBP Technical Center
134 Godo-cho, Hodogaya-ku
Yokohama, Kanagawa
240 0005
Tel. +81 45 744 7531
Fax +81 45 744 7541

KUKA Robotics Canada Ltd.
2865 Argentia Road, Unit 4-5
Ontario L5N 8G6
Tel. +1 905 858‑5852
Fax +1 905 858-8581

KUKA Robotics Korea Co. Ltd.
RIT Center 306, Gyeonggi Technopark
1271-11 Sa 3-dong, Sangnok-gu
Ansan City, Gyeonggi Do
Tel. +82 31 501-1451
Fax +82 31 501-1461

KUKA Robot Automation (M) Sdn Bhd
South East Asia Regional Office
No. 7, Jalan TPP 6/6
Taman Perindustrian Puchong
47100 Puchong
Tel. +60 (03) 8063-1792
Fax +60 (03) 8060-7386

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KUKA Service
KUKA de México S. de R.L. de C.V.
Progreso #8
Col. Centro Industrial Puente de Vigas
Tlalnepantla de Baz
54020 Estado de México
Tel. +52 55 5203-8407
Fax +52 55 5203-8148

KUKA Sveiseanlegg + Roboter
Sentrumsvegen 5
2867 Hov
Tel. +47 61 18 91 30
Fax +47 61 18 62 00

Gruberstraße 2-4
4020 Linz
Tel. +43 732 784 752 0
Fax +43 732 793 880

KUKA CEE GmbH Poland
Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością
Oddział w Polsce
Ul. Porcelanowa 10
40-246 Katowice
Tel. +48 327 30 32 13 or -14
Fax +48 327 30 32 26

Rua do Alto da Guerra n° 50
Armazém 04
2910 011 Setúbal
Tel. +351 265 729 780
Fax +351 265 729 782

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KUKA Service KUKA.Ethernet KRL 3.2

1-y Nagatinskiy pr-d, 2
117105 Moskau
Tel. +7 495 665-6241

KUKA Svetsanläggningar + Robotar AB
A. Odhners gata 15
421 30 Västra Frölunda
Tel. +46 31 7266-200
Fax +46 31 7266-201

KUKA Roboter CEE GmbH
Steyregg, Zweigniederlassung Buchs
Heinrich Wehrli-Strasse 27
5033 Buchs
Tel. +41 62 837 43 20

organizačná zložka
Bojnická 3
831 04 Bratislava
Tel. +420 226 212 273

KUKA Iberia, S.A.U.
Pol. Industrial
Torrent de la Pastera
Carrer del Bages s/n
08800 Vilanova i la Geltrú (Barcelona)
Tel. +34 93 8142-353

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KUKA Service
South Africa
Jendamark Automation LTD (Agentur)
76a York Road
North End
6000 Port Elizabeth
South Africa
Tel. +27 41 391 4700
Fax +27 41 373 3869

KUKA Automation Taiwan Co. Ltd.
1F, No. 298 Yangguang ST.,
Nei Hu Dist., Taipei City, Taiwan 114
Tel. +886 2 8978 1188
Fax +886 2 8797 5118

KUKA (Thailand) Co. Ltd.
No 22/11-12 H-Cape Biz Sector Onnut
Sukhaphiban 2 road, Prawet
Bangkok 10250
Tel. +66 (0) 90-940-8950

Czech Republic
KUKA Roboter CEE GmbH
organizační složka
Pražská 239
25066 Zdiby
Czech Republic
Tel. +420 226 212 273

Şerifali Mah.
Bayraktar Bulv. Beyit Sok. No:9-11
34775 Ümraniye/Istanbul
Tel. +90 216 508 14 04
hotline-tr@kuka.com; servis-tr@kuka.com

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KUKA Service KUKA.Ethernet KRL 3.2

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2335 Taksony
Tel. +36 24 501609
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KUKA Robotics Corporation
51870 Shelby Parkway
Shelby Township
Tel. +1 866 873-5852
Fax +1 866 329-5852

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KUKA.Ethernet KRL 3.2

Index Error protocol..................................................63

Error response, programming........................ 46
Error treatment............................................... 15
Ethernet............................................................ 8
A Ethernet connection, configuration................ 25
Appendix....................................................... 113 Ethernet, interfaces........................................ 23
EthernetKRL_Server.exe................................ 49
Event messages.......................................15, 44
C Examples, integrating..................................... 49
CAST_FROM()......................................... 40, 53
CAST_TO()...............................................38, 53
Client mode.............................................. 14, 37 F
Command reference..................................... 115 FIFO........................................................... 8, 13
Configuration...................................................23 Fragmentation.................................................45
Configuration examples..................................49 Functions.........................................................11
Configuration, Ethernet connection................25 Functions, data exchange.............................. 33
Connection configuration................................ 11
Connection, monitoring...................................12
D via smartHMI............................................. 20
Data exchange............................................... 12 via WorkVisual...........................................19
Data exchange, functions.............................. 33 Intended use...................................................15
Data stream...................................................... 8 Introduction....................................................... 7
Defragmentation............................................. 45 IP.......................................................................8
Diagnosis........................................................ 61
Diagnostic data, displaying............................ 61
Diagnostic monitor (menu item).....................61
Documentation, industrial robot....................... 7
KLI.............................................................. 8, 23
Knowledge, required.........................................7
KR C................................................................. 8
E KRL................................................................... 8
EKI.................................................................... 8 KUKA Customer Support............................. 125
EKI_CHECK().................................. 43, 46, 122 KUKA Service...............................................125
EKI_CheckBuffer()......................... 35, 123, 124
EKI_Clear()............................ 42, 115, 116, 122
EKI_ClearBuffer()................................... 42, 123
EKI_Close()............................................ 37, 115
EKI_GetBool()....................................... 118, 119
LIFO..................................................... 9, 13, 45
EKI_GetBoolArray()...................................... 119
Logbook.......................................................... 63
Lost connection...............................................11
EKI_GetFrameArray()...........................121, 122
EKI_GetInt().................................................. 119
EKI_GetIntArray()................................. 119, 120
EKI_GetReal()...............................................120 M
EKI_GetRealArray()...................................... 120 Memory, increasing.......................................113
EKI_GetString()...................................... 40, 121 Messages........................................................63
EKI_Init()......................................................... 35 Messages, deactivating................................ 114
EKI_Lock().................................................... 123 Misuse.............................................................15
EKI_Open()................................ 37, 71, 73, 115 Monitoring, connection................................... 12
EKI_Send()............37, 85–87, 90, 91, 116, 117
EKI_SetBool()............................................... 117
EKI_SetFrame()............................................ 117 N
EKI_SetInt().......................................... 117, 118 Network connection........................................ 23
EKI_SetReal()............................................... 118
EKI_SetString()............................................. 118
EKI_STATUS...................................................43 O
Open source..................................................... 9
End string......................................................... 8
EOS.................................................................. 8

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KUKA.Ethernet KRL 3.2

Product description......................................... 11
Program examples......................................... 49
Programming.................................................. 25
Programming tips........................................... 34
Protocol types.................................................14

Safety instructions............................................ 7
Saving data.....................................................13
Server mode.............................................14, 37
Server program...............................................49
Server program, communication parameters 52
Server program, user interface......................50
smartHMI.......................................................... 9
Socket............................................................... 9
Support request............................................ 125
System requirements
Hardware................................................... 19

Target group..................................................... 7
Terms used....................................................... 8
Time stamp..................................................... 44
Trademarks....................................................... 9
Training............................................................. 7
Transmission protocol.....................................11

UDP.................................................................. 9
via smartHMI............................................. 21
via WorkVisual...........................................20
Updating via smartHMI...................................20
Updating via WorkVisual................................ 19

Warnings........................................................... 7

XPath................................................... 9, 29, 32

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