The Effect of Vaccination On Nutritional Status of Pre-School Children in Rural and Urban Lucknow
The Effect of Vaccination On Nutritional Status of Pre-School Children in Rural and Urban Lucknow
The Effect of Vaccination On Nutritional Status of Pre-School Children in Rural and Urban Lucknow
ISSN: 2278-5213
©Youth Education and Research Trust (YERT) Ali Jafar Abedi & Srivastava, 2012
J. Acad. Indus. Res. Vol. 1(4) September 2012 174
Interview was started with general discussion to gain Results and discussion
confidence and it slowly extended to specific points. A total of 402 pre-school children was studied spreading
Using a pre-tested interview schedule, the respondents in 10 villages and 11 urban mohallas. The study
were inquired about background information and population of 402 children differed little in religion, area of
immunization status of children. Prasad's classification residence and sex. Majority of them were born to
(1961) based on the per capita monthly income and later uneducated mothers (43.5%) of social class V (60.9%)
modified in 1968 and 1970, was used. In order to offset (Table 1 and 2). Table 3 shows the immunization status
inflationary trends, All India Whole Price Index (AIWPI) of in preschool children. Two fifty hundred and fifty one
year 2010 was used (Agarwal, 2008). The tools of family had immunization card with them, in others
investigation were: Interview Schedule, Calendar of local immunization status was ascertained through recall. It
events, spring balance scale, Non stretchable height was noted that 176 (43.8%) children were fully
measuring scale, Wooden Length Board and WHO immunized, 168(41.8%) and 58(14.4%) children were
growth standards. The schedule was pretested on a partially immunized and unimmunized. Immunization
sample of 40 children, 20 each for rural and urban areas. status of urban children was better than rural children
Necessary modification was made in the schedule to (p=0.029). As depicted in Table 4, the most common
overcome the difficulties encountered in pretesting. form of malnutrition seen was stunting (51.4%), followed
by underweight (43.5%) and 21.7% of children had
Mother of child was preferred as primary respondent. In wasting. Nutrition status parameters were analyzed with
the absence of mother, father was taken as respondent. immunization status of children, it was observed that fully
In case of absence of both of them, the adult in the immunized children had better nutrition status.
household who remained with the child for most of the
time was taken as respondent. Help of other available
adult member of the household or nearby household who Table 1. Socio-demographic characteristics of
was present at the time of birth of child was taken as studied population (n= 402).
respondent in case mother was not able to recall the Characteristics n (%)
event or absent. Respondents were asked for Religion
immunization card, if it was not available, then mothers Hindu 193(48.0)
were asked leading questions and immunization status Muslim 209(52.0)
was ascertained. BCG scar was also seen for Locality
verification. The immunization status was categorized as: Rural 194(48.3)
Fully immunized: administered BCG, three doses of DPT Urban 208 (51.7)
and OPV and measles, partially immunized: child was Mother’s education
administered some but not all vaccines and not Uneducated 175(43.5)
immunized: child was not given any of the above Primary 89(22.1)
vaccine. Anthropometry was performed by standard Junior high school 42(10.4)
High school 27(6.7)
Inter 19(4.7)
Anthropometry: Anthropometric data was entered in
Graduate 39(9.7)
WHO Anthro (version 2, 2005) and macros, and Z scores
Post Graduate 11(2.7)
of Weight, Height/length and Weight for height were
Social class
computed. Children were graded as stunted (height for
age Z score <-2), wasted (the weight for height Z score II 22(5.5)
of < -2) as severe wasting, similarly a weight for age Z III 47(11.7)
score of -2 was graded as underweight (WHO, 2007). IV 88 (21.9)
Data was entered by two different persons separately on V 245(60.9)
Microsoft Access and cross matched to detect any
discrepancy in data entry before the data was analyzed
using SPSS software version 17.01 for Windows XP.
Table 2. Distribution of pre-school children according to age, sex and area of residence.
Rural (192) Urban (210) Total (402)
Age group
Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
n (%) n (%) n (%) n (%) n (%) n (%) n (%) n (%) n (%)
12-23 23(12.0) 28(14.6) 51(26.6) 40(19.0) 27(12.9) 67(31.9) 63(15.7) 55(13.7) 118(29.4)
24-35 36(18.8) 24(12.5) 60(31.3) 32(15.2) 29(13.8) 61(29.0) 68(16.9) 53(13.2) 121(30.1)
36- 47 22(11.5) 29(15.1) 51(26.6) 22(10.5) 29(13.8) 51(24.3) 44(10.9) 58(14.4) 102(25.4)
48-59 10(5.2) 20(10.4) 30(15.6) 17(8.1) 14(11.4) 31(14.8) 27(6.7) 44(10.9) 61(15.2)
Total 91(47.4) 101(52.6) 192(100) 111(52.9) 109(51.9) 210(100) 202(50.2) 200(49.8) 402(100)
©Youth Education and Research Trust (YERT) Ali Jafar Abedi & Srivastava, 2012
J. Acad. Indus. Res. Vol. 1(4) September 2012 175
Significant association was found with immunization This suggests that vaccination programs-in addition to
status of the pre-school child with underweight and being a major intervention for reducing child mortality
stunting rates (p<0.005) (Table 5). Vaccination provides might be considered a tool for mitigating under
protection against morbidity and this in long run improves malnutrition. Thus, efforts should be directed towards
nutrition status as repeated illness leads to deterioration improving vaccination coverage to combat malnutrition.
of health. The study showed that the nutrition status of
children with almost 50% suffering from any of the forms References
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comparison to fully immunized children (62.07%). This 6. Ray, S.K., Biswas, A.B, Gupta, S.D., Mukherjee, D., Kumar
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measles and contributing to the vicious cycle of 7. WHO Anthro for personal computers, version 2, 2007:
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Conclusion 8. WHO expert committee. 1995. Physical status: The use and
The study concludes that the vaccination coverage and interpretation of anthropometry. WHO technical report
nutrition status of children under 5 years of age is series. 854: 424-438.
alarmingly poor. Children who had been fully vaccinated
had better nutrition status than unvaccinated or partially
vaccinated children.
©Youth Education and Research Trust (YERT) Ali Jafar Abedi & Srivastava, 2012