56th IBA MBA Questions Solution PDF

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their traps in the early morning, a. which is where b. the location where pe fe ©. none of these If there is nothing to absorb the energy of sound waves, th s s, they travei on their intensity __as they travel further from th a, erratically ~ mitigates b. eternally — atic om d, steadily — stabilizes e, indefinitely — diminish 4, A number of scientific theories that are ae by the scientific establishment. ©. a place at which » but ©. forever — increases today, were once treated with a. corroborated — approval b. dismissed — contempt ¢. accepted — approbation dun enged ~ disdain e, unrivalled — reverence 4, Becareful when driving ____ weather conditions. a. under averse b. under adver: ¢. into adverse d, while adverse e. during averse 5, Having such a rich family inheritan ___ had its effect on Rajon, a, must b. must be having c. must have __d. having e. must had 6 WhenTasked Asif____ my mother, he said he had no idea where she was, b. he could see c. if he has seen a. if he did see d. if he had seen e. that he had seen 7. Don’t get hyped up about all the offers in the internet; I'm afraid most of these are all a a. sham b. charade c. fraud d. imitation _e. myth ee It was the Director’s subtle way of __ that the project would henceforth be leac by his rival. ing oo disempowering 4. intim: : i cee hen everything around i i y yuncin; a. relegating b. annot acini _ It takes great courage to keep up pulling you down. ..an impression mpressed at the lengt! E laces. . the text at several plac canal ine b.afeeling c. a show h he has gone through to c, unrav A] seta cartes aterm carats where wes | ~. Answer (A) ae xen Coast (ir) = Ete! fare; amet | trap Gy) = FIT Borger rere goue, era He AeA aE Foe Te ea or oa : PTY CILHTA SICA IH CATE AT 1 . (ome) = OE CHT wave (sme) = OT = Syer travel = Sa Fa 1 (woe) Baia: 41 stabilize Gone) = Few Rea (BAF) erratically (@asfbenf) = Fate aH aay eternally = feral ora 1 CPaferrg) rR (sina fez) = Freire tee 1 indefinitely (2refeRARA) = offre ru ae | wedge erACA indefinitely ae diminish A | SoS 4 BACH CAR A OKT TH +. Answer (c) _ unchallenged (strscrIs@) +H ware afew xf at SEE AACR eA aailee way Rew Beoi cae a Sit SP ART (eR) = Fw; = Sta Sat | (Sortarer) = qc = i wT et Pat = Saar) ari es FM (eRe) (orcerg) = age: ogIs; Safed) a ART CARIES fraud-% werd sq | ‘feo Gra me ore ~ Answer (c) eae SE) Rraacda oe cea wh Bong SECT STA | STH C1 GH are See em ag | 3, subtle (aR) eal A va rival TT BAYS ane | OR eae Hm de (Ren) =aeea ane SISGH CART | announce (

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