Right To Education
Right To Education
Right To Education
UID: SM0116036
1.1 Abstract
1.2 Overview
1.3 Scope and objectives
1.4 Literature review
1.5 Research questions
1.6 Research methodology
2. International perspective regarding right to education
3. Constitutional perspective regarding right to education in India
4. Judicial Contribution towards RTE
5. Enactment of the Right to free and compulsory education Act, 2009: Some
6. Conclusion
7. Bibliography
Abstract: Education as a tool is the most potent mechanism for the advancement of human
beings. Education emancipates the human beings and leads to liberation from ignorance.
Education is now being visioned as a human right and an instrument of social change.
Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948 by way of Article 26(1) lays down that everyone
has the right to education. Education shall be free, at least in the elementary and fundamental
stages. Thus, UN recommendation has been re-enforced in the provisions of the Right of
Children to Free and Compulsory Education (RTE) Act 2009, which came into effect as on 1st
April 2010. Infact, this act lays down the state’s responsibility towards education. In this paper
an attempt has been made by the authors to highlight the constitutional and legislative
perspective of the right to free and compulsory education under Article 21-A. This paper
significantly aims to explore the attitude of Indian system towards compulsory education and
to pinpoint the flaws in the existing RTE Act.
Right to Education; Free and Compulsory Education; Internal Declaration; Implementation;
Constitution; Implementation, Combating Challenges, Fundamental Right, Higher Education.
Education is the basis for development and empowerment of every nation. Education is the
most powerful weapon which can be used to change the world. In fact, education has its
functionalism in almost all spheres of life. Its signification can never be marginalized. An
education can create educated society which prepares the present generation for a bright future
and enables the individual to galvanize the capacity of collective.1 According to ancient
thinkers in India, Vidya or knowledge or learning or education is the ‘third eye of man, which
gives him an insight into all affairs and teaches him how to act; it leads us to our salvation; in
the mundane sphere it leads us to all round progress and prosperity.2
Emile Durkheim defined education as, “the action exercised by the older generations upon
those who are not ready for the social life. Its object is to awaken and develop in the child those
physical, intellectual and moral states which are required of him / her both by his society as a
whole and by the milieu for which he is specially destined.3 Presently, education is a
fundamental human right4 and essential for the exercise of all other human rights. It promotes
Thus, the purpose of education is manifold. Someone has rightly called it the utility of learning. It has energy,
prowess, animation, activation and inherent potentiality of transformation.
S. Gupta, Education in Emerging India,2nd Ed. (2008), Shipra Publications, Delhi, p.1.
Emile Durkhem, Education et. Sociologie (1992) T.B. Bottomore, Society (1986) p. 262.
See Badhua Mukti Morcha vs. Union of India, AIR 1984 SC 802; Mohini Jain vs. State of Karnataka, Air 1992
SC 1858.
individual freedom and empowerment and yields important development benefits. The right to
education has been universally recognized since the Universal Declaration of Human Rights,
1948 and has since been enshrined in various international conventions, national constitutions
and development plans. The enacted Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act,
2009 is a milestone in the field of educating millions of children, who are unable to reach the
schools due to poverty and illiteracy of parents.
Scope and objectives:
The scope and objective of this paper is to try and understand the international, constitutional
and judicial perspective behind right to education and also view observations regarding the
Right to free and compulsory Education Act, 2009.
Literature review:
M.P. Jain, INDIAN CONSTIUTIONAL LAW, 7th ed. LexisNexis publication 2014
The book critically examines the salient features of this most unique of Constitutions.
The present work follows a similar format, organization and methodology of treatment
of the subject matter as did the various earlier editions. Relevant facts of important
cases and a summary of the law laid down in them, have been given in the body of the
text so as to enable the readers to better understand the subject. The book provides the
complete text of crucial documents on the historical development of the Indian.
Constitution. The dynamic judicial approach of these years has given a new dimension
to the concept and scope of fundamental rights and Right to Education.
J.N. Panday, “CONSTITUTIONAL LAW OF INDIA”, 24th ed., Allahabad publication
This work is poised as a standard commentary on the Constitution which follows the
set pattern of most commentaries. That is, it sets out by first mooting the provisions
followed by a discussion on the principle behind it. A salient feature of this article
especially with relation to the Right to Education is the detailed historical analysis of
the fundamental rights.
Perfect Publication Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi
The work adopts a mixed approach between the topic wise and section wise format,
thus providing a holistic view of both the concepts and the section wise nuances. More
importantly, this article places the topics and opinions in juxtaposition providing a
searching insight of Right to Education which might not be provided by the other texts
on the subject.
Sanjay Sindhu, Fundamental Right to Education in India: An overview, Published by
Global Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences.
An attempt has been made by the authors in this paper to highlight the constitutional
and legislative perspective of the right to free and compulsory education under Article
21-A. This paper significantly aims to explore the attitude of Indian system towards
compulsory education and to pinpoint the flaws in the existing RTE Act.
Research questions:
What is the international perspective regarding right to education?
What is the constitutional perspective regarding right to education in India?
What is the judicial contribution towards right to free and compulsory education?
What are the observations made after enactment of right to free and compulsory
education act, 2009?
Research methodology:
In this paper doctrinal research was involved. Doctrinal research is a type of research in which
secondary sources are used and materials are collected from libraries, archives, etc. books,
journals and articles were used while making this project.
Everyone has the right to education. Education shall be free, at least in the elementary and
fundamental stages. Elementary education shall be compulsory. Technical and professional
education shall be made generally available and higher education shall be equally accessible
to all on the basis of merit.5
Besides this the principal global treaty which covers this right in the International Covenant on
Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR), which under Article 13 also recognizes the
general right to education enumerated by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR).
As per this covenant, the state parties to the present covenant recognize the right of everyone
to education. The states parties to the covenant recognize that primary education shall be
compulsory and available free to all. Secondary education in its different forms, including
technical and vocational secondary education, shall be made generally available and accessible
to all by every appropriate means, and in particular by the progressive introduction of free
It is worthwhile to mention here that recently about 140 countries enacted right to education
In fact, this was adopted and proclaimed by General Assembly Resolution 217 (III) of 10 December 1948.
For more details see Article 13 of International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, (Adopted
and opened for signature, ratification and accessories by General Assembly Resolution 2200A (XXI) of 16
December 1966 and applicable w.e.f. 03.01.1976.
See, Constitution of Bangladesh, Article 17.
See, Constitution of Canada, Article 23
See, Constitution of China, Article 19.
See, Constitution of Germany, Article 07.
See, Constitution of India, Article 21-A
See, Constitution of Japan, Article 26.
See, Constitution of Nepal, Article 18.
See, Constitution of Pakistan, Article 22.
See, Constitution of Singapore, Article 16.
Africa,16Switzerland,17United Kingdom18and USA19also elementary education in their
Education is the most potent mechanism for the advancement of human beings. It enlarges,
enriches and improves the individual’s image of the future. The founding fathers of the nation
recognizing the importance and significance of right to education made it a constitutional goal,
and placed the same under the constitution of India. The commitment enshrined in the preamble
and various articles of the constitution.
-Article 24 prohibits employment of children below the age of 14 years in hazardous jobs.
-Article 39(f) recommends the protection of childhood again exploitation and moral and
material abandonment. The founding fathers made these safeguards to protect interest of the
weaker sections of the society.
-Article 45 directs the state to provide free and compulsory education to all the children under
the age of 14 years.
Further, Article 46 declares that state shall promote with special care the education and
economic interest of the weaker section of the people. It is important to mention here that
among several Articles enshrined in Part IV; Article 45 has been given much importance as
education is the basic necessity of the democracy. In simple words, compulsory education is
one of the elements for stability of democracy, social integration and to eliminate social evils
The judiciary showed keen interest in providing free and compulsory education to all the
children below the age of 14 years. In the year the Supreme Court of India decided two Public
See, Constitution of South Africa, Article 29.
See, Constitution of Switzerland, Article 19.
See, Constitution of United Kingdom, Article 28.
See, Constitution of USA, Article 05.
Interest Litigation cases i.e. Mohini Jain and Unni Krishnan case in which the court enforced
right to education. In reality, both cases concerned the impact of certain state laws on private
educational institutions of higher learning, the court took the opportunity to develop a
precedent that also governed the public provision of elementary education. In Mohan Jain vs.
State of Karnataka,20popularly known as the ‘capitation fee case’, the Supreme Court has held
that the right to education is a fundamental right under Article 21 of the constitution which
cannot be denied to a citizen by charging higher fee known as the captivation fee. The right to
education flows from right to life. In the instant case the petitioner had challenged the validity
of a notification issued by the government under the Karnataka Education Institution
(Prohibition of Captivation Fee) Act 1984 passed to regulate tuition fee to be charged by the
private medical colleges in the state. The division bench of two judges held that the right to
education at all level is a fundamental to citizen under Article 21 of the constitution and
charging captivation fee for admission to education institutions is illegal and amount to denial
to citizen’s right to education and also violative of Article 14 being arbitrary, unfair and unjust.
Subsequently, in Unni Krishna vs. State of Andhra Pradesh,21the Apex court was asked to
examine the correctness of the decision given by the court in Mohini Jain case. The five judge
bench by 3-2 majority partly agreed with the Mohini Jain Decision and held that right to
education is a fundamental right under Article 21 of the constitution as ‘it directly flows’ from
right to life. But as regards its content the court partly overruled the Mohini Jain’s case, and
held that the right to free education is available only to children until they complete the age of
14 years, but after the obligation of the state to provide education is subject to the limits of its
economic capacity and development. The obligation created by Article 41, 45 and 46 can be
discharged by State either establishing its own institutions or by aiding, recognizing or granting
affiliation to private institutions. Thus, the Supreme Court by rightly and harmoniously
construing the provision of Part III and Part IV of the Constitution has made right to education
a basic fundamental right.
In the case of Bandhuwa Mukti Morcha vs. Union of India and others,22it has been held that it
is the solemn duty of the state to provide basic education to children also working in different
industries or factories and the court directed the government to take such steps and evolve
(1992) 3 SCC 666.
(1993) 1 SCC 6.
(1991) 4 SCC 177.
scheme assuring education to all children either by the industry itself or in co-ordination with
In the case of TMA Pai Foundation vs. State of Karnataka23the scheme formulated by the court
in the case of Unni Krishnan was held to be an unreasonable restriction within the meaning of
Article 19(6) of the Constitution as it resulted in revenue shortfalls making it difficult for the
educational institutions. Consequently, all order sand directions issued by the state in
furtherance of the directions in Unni Krishnan’s case was held to be unconstitutional. The court
observed that right to establish and administer an institution includes the right to admit
students; rights to set up a reasonable fee structure; right to constitute a governing body; right
to appoint staff and right to take disciplinary action.
Frankly speaking, TMA Pai foundation’s case for the first time brought into existence the
concept of education as in ‘occupation’, a term used in Article 19(1)(g) of the Constitution.
The majority held that Article 19(1)(g) and Article 26 confer rights on all citizens and religious
denominations respectively to establish and maintain educational institutions. Additionally,
Article 30(1) gives the right to religious and linguistic minorities to establish and administer
educational institution of their choice.
In Islamic Academy of Education vs. State of Karnataka,24another issue arose for the
determination of fees structure in private unaided professional educational institutions. It was
submitted that management has been given complete autonomy not only as regard to admission
of students but also as regards to fee structure which could include a reasonable revenue surplus
for the purpose of development of education and expansion of education.
The Apex Court also held that right of education further means that a citizen has a right to call
upon the state to provide educational facilities within the limits of its economic capacity and
development.25In connection to this, the Supreme Court in the case of State of Bihar and others
vs. Project Uchcha Vidhya, Sikshak Sangh and others vs. Union of India,26also observed that
establishment of High Schools may not be a constitutional function in the sense that citizens of
India above 14 years might not have any fundamental right in relation thereto, but education
AIR 2003 SC 355; (2002 AIR SCW 4957)
(2003) 6 SCC 697; AIR 2003 SC 3724
Modern School v. Union of India, AIR 2004 SC 2236
2006 (2) SCC 177.
as a part of human development indisputably is a human right. Chief Justice of India Dr. A.K.
Lakshmanan rightly observed:27
“(E)ducation is perhaps the most important function of state and a local government. It is
required in the performance of our most basic responsibilities, even service in the armed
forces. It is the very foundation of good citizenship. Today, it is the principal instrument in
awakening the child to cultural values, in preparing him for later professional training, and in
helping him to adjust normally to his environment. In these days, it is doubtful and child may
reasonable be expected to succeed in life if he is denied the opportunity of education.”28
The similar kind of observations regarding fundamental significance of education has also been
made by Justice S.B. Sinha in the case of Election Commission of India vs. Sant Merry’s School
& Others.29In the case of Ashoka Kumar Thakur vs. Union of India and others30rightly
observed that India has suffered in the past because of severe under investment in higher
education. This has been caused partly by the thinking that looks at primary and higher
education in an either or manner. Thus, truly speaking special care is needed to strengthen the
nation to properly re-construct education system. Justice K. Ramaswamy and Justice Sagar
Ahmad, has observed:31
Illiteracy has many adverse efforts in a democracy governed by rule of law. Educated citizen
could meaningfully exercise his political rights, discharge social responsibilities satisfactorily
and develop spirit of tolerance and reform.32
Thus, compulsory education is one of the duties of the states for stability of democracy, social
integration and to eliminate social evils. The Supreme Court by rightly and harmoniously
construing the provision of Part III and IV of the Constitution has made right to education a
basic fundamental right. The Government of India by Constitutional (86thAmendment) Act,
2002 had added a new Article 21-A which provides that, “the state shall provide free and
compulsory education to all children of the age of 6 to 14 years as the state may, by law
determine.”33It is submitted that on the basis of constitutional mandate provided in Article 41,
45, 46, 21A as well as, as per the various judgments’ of the Supreme Court, the Government
Ajay Goswami v. Union of India & others, AIR 2007 SC 493.
AIR 2008 SC 655.
2010 (4) SCR 1.
See Bandhua Mukti Morcha v. Union of India.
See, Constitution of India, 1950, Article 21-A.
of India has taken several steps to eradicate illiteracy, improvement the quality of education
and make children back to school who left the schools for one or the other reasons.34
Presently, as a fundamental right, the provision of free and compulsory education to children
was added by the Constitution (Eighty Sixth Amendment) Act, 2002 and Article 21-A is
inserted. The Right of Children to free and Compulsory Education Act or Right to Education
Act (RTE) passed by the Indian Parliamentary on 4thAugust 2009. In reality, this Act is a
milestone which provides for institutional instructions so that education as a fundamental right
spreads to all children between the age group of 6-14 years. The Act intends to provide full
time elementary education to every child in a formal school, which satisfies certain essential
norms and standards. Private education institutions have to reserve 25% of their seats starting
from Class I. Strict criteria for the qualification of teachers is also one of the important
provisions. There is a requirement of a teacher student ratio of 1:30 at each of these schools
that ought to be met within a given time frame. The school needs to have certain minimum
facilities like adequate teachers, playground and infrastructure etc. The Government will
evolve some mechanism to help marginalized schools comply with the provisions of the Act.
Moreover, the concept of neighbourhood schools that has been devised. This would imply that
the state government and local authorities will establish primary schools within walking
distance of one kilometer of the neighborhood. In case of children for class VI to VIII, the
school should be within a walking distance of three kilometers of the neighborhood. Moreover,
unaided and private schools shall ensure that children from weaker sections and disadvantaged
groups shall not be segregated from the other children in the classrooms nor shall their classes
be held at places and timings different.While highlighting the main aspects of the Right to
Education Act 2009, there are certain limitations like, children below the age group of six are
not covered; Act failed to promote a common school system; lack of provisions for children
with disabilities; criteria for reservations of seats; financial assistance; provision regarding
reimbursement to the private school; lack of clear cut provision for competent authority;
Some of these programmes are National Technology Mission, District Primary Education Programme and
Nutrition Support for Primary Education, National Open School, Mid Day Meal Scheme, Sarva Siksha Abhiyan
and other state specific initiatives.
assuring quality standards; action against government authorities in case of negligence in
services etc.
Above all, the implementation of the Right to Compulsory and Free Education Act 2009 must
be implemented in letter and spirit to fulfill the desired objectives. The Right to Education Act
also doesn’t speak about millions of children who are in the age group below five years. There
must be appropriate provisions for penalties for those flouting norms. Families and
communities need to play a vital role to make the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory
Education Act, 2009 a major success in India. Mental disorder children also need basic
facilities or necessary training and mental development scheme to be at once launched. As per
the Act, existing schools were also required to make basic infrastructures available within three
years of enforcement of the Act. But unfortunately, five years have already been going to pass
after the enforcement of RTE Act, still majority of schools are lacking requisite infrastructures
in India. The government should immediately taken action to ensure all the basic facilities in
the school like proper food, drinking water, sanitation, library, playground etc. Besides these
basic necessities the schools must also provide proper teaching by way of visual aids, globes,
charts, pictures, through projects etc. They must also ensure co-curricular activities, excursions,
paintings, games, dance, music, quizzes to attract the students and help them in their personality
At the government level, allocation of funds required for effective implementation of free and
compulsory education as per the RTE Act 2009 should be estimated by the department. The
allocation must be planned in different phases. There is a great need for coordinating with
various government departments for effective implementation of government programmes and
avoid duplication of beneficiaries, fund utilizations etc. At last but not the least, existing
monitoring system may be streamlined and a comprehensive monitoring system that looks into
academics and administration should be designed to achieve the desired objectives.
S. Gupta, Education in Emerging India,2nd Ed. (2008), Shipra Publications,
J.N. Panday, “CONSTITUTIONAL LAW OF INDIA”, 24th ed., Allahabad
publication 2014.
Vijay Rai Narendra Kumar, “RIGHT TO EDUCATION THE WAY
FORWARD”, Perfect Publication Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi.
M.P. Jain, INDIAN CONSTIUTIONAL LAW, 7th ed. LexisNexis publication
Sanjay Sindhu, Fundamental Right to Education in India: An overview,
Published by Global Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences.