Fire and Ice Student Inquiry Into Heat

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Research Topic task started on Mon Jul 9, 2007 at 7:58 PM

4 Research Topic candidates were identified in CAPLUS and MEDLINE.

using the phrase "inquiry in teaching chemistry"

Selected 1 of 4 candidate topics.

155 references were found containing the two concepts "inquiry" and "teaching chemistry" closely
associated with one another.


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Bibliographic Information

Inquiry based teaching in the chemistry laboratory. Hammond, Dale A. Biochemistry and
Physical Sciences, Brigham Young University Hawaii, Laie, HI, USA. Abstracts, 62nd Northwest
Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Boise, ID, United States, June 17-20 (2007), NW-
182. Publisher: American Chemical Society, Washington, D. C CODEN: 69JFBU Conference; Meeting
Abstract written in English. AN 2007:701376 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))


In the Carnegie Foundation Report "Reinventing Undergraduate Education", they encourage every
undergraduate curriculum to provide opportunities for discovery-based exploration. This talk will present
the authors experience in inquiry-based expt. in General and Anal. Chem. labs. using the MicroLab 402
and later the FS-522 Interface with the FASTSpec 16 wavelength scanning spectrophotometer. The
presentation will show how the students begin with an initial simple qual. expt., then collect and analyze
that data. They are then presented with a list of questions to consider which leads them to redesign the
expt. to collect quant. data and derive a math. relationship to understand the variables involved. Two
example expts. will be discussed, along with some philosophical bases for this type of learning

Bibliographic Information
The effects of inquiry-based instruction on elementary teaching majors; chemistry content
knowledge. Sanger, Michael J. Department of Chemistry, Middle Tennessee State University,
Murfreesboro, TN, USA. Journal of Chemical Education (2007), 84(6), 1035-1039. Publisher:
Journal of Chemical Education, Dept. of Chemistry, CODEN: JCEDA8 ISSN: 0021-9584. Journal
written in English. AN 2007:555246 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))


This study compared the chem. content knowledge of elementary teaching majors enrolled in an inquiry-
based phys. science course with those of science majors enrolled in traditional, lecture-based introductory
chem. courses taught by the same instructor. The results of this comparison over five topics in chem. (d.,
gas compressibility, ionic crystals, surface area and evapn., and the immiscibility of oil and water) suggest
that the chem. content knowledge of these two groups was comparable. Although the phys. science
students scored better than the general chem. students on all five topics, this difference was significant
for only one of the topics (d.). These results suggest that the inquiry-based phys. science course helped
students learn chem. concepts at least as well as (and perhaps a little better than) a traditional, lecture-
based, introductory chem. course, and are in direct contradiction to the notion that hands-on chem.
lessons are somehow "watered down" versions of the lessons presented in traditional lecture courses.

Bibliographic Information

On the successful use of inquiry-driven experiments in the organic chemistry laboratory.

Mohrig, Jerry R.; Hammond, Christina Noring; Colby, David A. Department of Chemistry, Carleton
College, Northfield, MN, USA. Journal of Chemical Education (2007), 84(6), 992-998. Publisher:
Journal of Chemical Education, Dept. of Chemistry, CODEN: JCEDA8 ISSN: 0021-9584. Journal
written in English. AN 2007:555235 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))

Bibliographic Information

Service Learning in Chemistry for Widener Students. Liable-Sands, Louise; Filewicz, Jillian;
Graffeo, Carly; Pinel, Jennifer; Bradley, Mark. Department of Chemistry, Widener University, Chester,
PA, USA. Abstracts, 39th Middle Atlantic Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society,
Collegeville, PA, United States, May 16-18 (2007), MARM-184. Publisher: American Chemical
Society, Washington, D. C CODEN: 69JFDW Conference; Meeting Abstract written in English. AN
2007:520613 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))


An inquiry-based lab. course to accompany an introductory general chem. course for elementary
education majors has been developed to enhance the science experience and to help both Widener
students and elementary school teachers meet state and national science teaching stds. Students
completing this course experienced a chem. activity three times, first by performing the activity, second by
writing about the activity in a lesson plan and relating it to state teaching stds. and lastly by teaching the
activity in an elementary school classroom. This experience gave the students multiple methods of
understanding each activity, namely, to learn by doing, by writing, and by teaching it to a middle school
class. The Widener students worked with a middle school science teacher at Stetzer Elementary School
for the fall semester of 2006. Initially, the activities were to be performed at the same time that the theory
was being covered by the teacher. However, there was no science curriculum being covered during this
time. Consequently, the middle school students were taught the theory while they performed hands-on
science activities. This reduced the no. of activities performed during the semester, but the overall impact
on the middle school students was pos. since this course provided at least some exposure to science.
The middle school students were exposed to inquiry-based chem. activities that engaged them in problem
solving and empowered them by requiring them to become active learners. It also provided the middle
school teacher with inquiry-based chem. activities that can be used in the future since the activities utilize
readily available, safe and inexpensive materials. The Widener students saw firsthand the benefits of
employing inquiry-based activities in engaging elementary school students to learn by doing. They also
learned how to adapt their lesson plans based on the limitations presented in the elementary school

Bibliographic Information

Incorporating guided-inquiry learning into the organic chemistry laboratory. Gaddis, Barbara A.;
Schoffstall, Allen M. Science Learning Center, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, Colorado
Springs, CO, USA. Journal of Chemical Education (2007), 84(5), 848-851. Publisher: Journal of
Chemical Education, Dept. of Chemistry, CODEN: JCEDA8 ISSN: 0021-9584. Journal written in
English. AN 2007:446176 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))


Inclusion of guided-inquiry expts. in org. chem. lab. courses is desirable to improve conceptual
understanding. The literature suggests that students tend to be more interested in and learn better from
guided-inquiry expts. than from expository expts. Several different types of guided-inquiry expts. have
been categorized and discussed. Guided-inquiry expts. can also be created by modifying existing
expository expts. to incorporate more unknown compds. and uncertainty on the student's part about the
outcome, thus generating greater interest in the expt. and what the expt. is intended to illustrate.

Bibliographic Information

Survey of chemistry teachers' perceptions and teaching style on chemistry I course. Lee, Eun-
Ju; Cho, Young-Ja; Kim, Eun-Suk; Ryu, Ran-Yeong; Kim, Dong-Jin; Park, Kuk-Tae. Department of
Chemistry Education, Korea National University of Education, Chungbuk, S. Korea. Journal of the
Korean Chemical Society (2007), 51(1), 73-81. Publisher: Korean Chemical Society, CODEN: JKCSEZ
ISSN: 1017-2548. Journal written in Korean. AN 2007:366172 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS
on SciFinder (R))


The purpose of this study was to find out chem. teachers' perceptions on the aims and characteristics of
the chem. I course from the 7th national curriculum by means of investigating how frequently particular
learning contents were selected and what the teachers' teaching styles were in order to find out how
effectively teachers were working with the 7th national curriculum in teaching. For this study, data was
collected by means of questionnaires, which was answered by 44 chem. teachers in 40 different high
schools. Results from this study are as follows: As for the perception on the aim and characteristics of
chem. I course, many chem. teachers have already perceived that the aim of the course was to promote
democratic citizens with the knowledge of chem. And the most appropriate way of teaching chem. I
course was inquiry-centered teaching such as expt.-practice and inquiry-discussion. However, these
perceptions were not reflected when they actually taught students in the classroom. Instead, most of the
class was concepts learning and there were a lot of differences in selecting learning contents among
chem. teachers. Furthermore, although chem. I course was considered a good subject to make students
have interest and curiosity in chem., it was not appropriate to make students understand the concepts of
chem. Therefore, learning contents in chem. I course need to improve. In conclusion, as the goal of 7th
national curriculum of chem. I course was to emphasize inquiry teaching, inquiry based teaching should
be practiced in the class. Moreover, sufficient teacher training should be accompanied and alternative
addnl. teaching contents should be developed. Finally teachers' experiences should be reflected in the
national curriculum when it is revised.

Bibliographic Information

Is inquiry-based instruction good for elementary teaching majors? The effects on chemistry
content knowledge and views about teaching and learning science. Sanger, Michael J.
Department of Chemistry, Middle Tennessee State University, Murfreesboro, TN, USA. AIP
Conference Proceedings (2007), 883(2006 Physics Education Research Conference), 7-10. Publisher:
American Institute of Physics, CODEN: APCPCS ISSN: 0094-243X. Journal written in English. AN
2007:348053 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))


Although science educators have advocated that elementary teaching majors learn science concepts
using inquiry-based methods, many college professors believe that these courses are merely "watered
down" versions of traditional lecture-based courses. This study compared the chem. content knowledge
of elementary teaching majors enrolled in an inquiry-based course and science majors enrolled in
traditional lecture-based courses. It also compared the elementary teaching majors' views of how science
is taught and learned to the views of secondary science teaching majors. The elementary teaching
majors developed chem. content knowledge comparable to the students enrolled in the traditional lecture-
based course, but they developed views regarding how science is taught and learned that were more in
line with the constructivist ideals than the secondary science teaching majors. The elementary teaching
majors also improved their interest and confidence in teaching science in the elementary school setting.
These results suggest that both sets of teaching majors would benefit more from inquiry-based science
courses than lecture-based courses.

Bibliographic Information

Fire and ice: Student inquiry into heat. Bauer, Christopher F. Department of Chemistry,
University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, USA. Abstracts of Papers, 233rd ACS National Meeting,
Chicago, IL, United States, March 25-29, 2007 (2007), CHED-1677. Publisher: American Chemical
Society, Washington, D. C CODEN: 69JAUY Conference; Meeting Abstract; Computer Optical Disk
written in English. AN 2007:292256 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))


"Fire and Ice" focuses on perception, movement, creation, and use of heat. An Inquiry Course in the new
UNH general education Discovery Program, "Fire and Ice" bridges chem., physics, and biol. The program
required inquiry-based student-centered pedagogic structure. A question bank generated by student
brainstorming provided initial points of exploration. Instead of a text, the instructor identified internet
resources to divide among students in a jigsaw discussion structure to establish background ideas and
build understanding of applications. Hands-on activities explored phenomena including human
perception of temp., whether cold things have heat, visualization of mechanisms of heat movement,
chem. energy and prodn. of electricity. Results were reported by poster and then recorded as images on
Blackboard. Readings included original 18th Century articles in "Philosophical Transactions", and
addressed the historical conflict between caloric and particulate models of heat. Exams included
individual and group components. Specific details and students outcomes will be presented.

Bibliographic Information

Extending guided-inquiry experiments to research proposals in general chemistry. Hall,

Marilena F.; Anzivino, Barbara. Department of Chemistry, Stonehill College, Easton, MA, USA.
Abstracts of Papers, 233rd ACS National Meeting, Chicago, IL, United States, March 25-29, 2007 (2007),
CHED-855. Publisher: American Chemical Society, Washington, D. C CODEN: 69JAUY Conference;
Meeting Abstract; Computer Optical Disk written in English. AN 2007:291233 CAPLUS (Copyright
(C) 2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))


The guided-inquiry lab. format challenges students to contribute to the exptl. design of a procedure aimed
at answering a testable question. During the CWCS workshop Chemical Education: Supporting Student
Laboratory Learning, each guided-inquiry expt. was followed by a discussion of addnl. tests that could
expand upon the knowledge gained during the expt. At Stonehill College we extended this post-expt.
brainstorming to have general chem. students write actual research proposals aimed at exploring a
particular concept in more depth or in a different context. Students wrote proposals in a std. format
including background and significance, required materials, exptl. outline, and possible results. Students
performed the proposed expts. during an open lab. period and wrote formal reports communicating their
findings. Examples of proposed projects as well as student feedback from course evaluations will be

Bibliographic Information

Teacher and student reflections on using guided inquiry to teach high school chemistry.
Krystyniak, Rebecca A.; Stacy, Angy. Department of Chemistry, St. Cloud State University, St. Cloud,
MN, USA. Abstracts of Papers, 233rd ACS National Meeting, Chicago, IL, United States, March 25-29,
2007 (2007), CHED-835. Publisher: American Chemical Society, Washington, D. C CODEN:
69JAUY Conference; Meeting Abstract; Computer Optical Disk written in English. AN 2007:291213
CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))


Living by Chem. (LBC) is a high school chem. curriculum project that uses guided inquiry, among other
techniques, to teach chem. In addn. to investigating the mechanics of the implementation, the change in
the role of the instructor as well as the classroom environment were identified. Student response to the
curriculum and the guided-inquiry format were documented. Data sources included written evaluations of
the lessons from the teachers, classroom observations, and focus groups of both teachers and students.
Teacher's views on inquiry before and after the implementation of the curriculum will be presented as well
as student's reflections on learning through guided inquiry and its perceived effect on their achievement.

Bibliographic Information

Target inquiry: How does a chemistry research experience impact teachers' perceptions of
science inquiry. Luxford, Cynthia; Herrington, Deborah G.; Yezierski, Ellen J. Department of
Chemistry, Grand Valley State University, Allendale, MI, USA. Abstracts of Papers, 233rd ACS
National Meeting, Chicago, IL, United States, March 25-29, 2007 (2007), CHED-444. Publisher:
American Chemical Society, Washington, D. C CODEN: 69JAUY Conference; Meeting Abstract;
Computer Optical Disk written in English. AN 2007:290830 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on
SciFinder (R))


Teachers often have a no. of concerns about implementing inquiry instruction in their classrooms. This is
not surprising given that most college science programs rely primarily on lecture and "cookbook" lab.
experiences, therefore, providing teachers with little inquiry experience. Target Inquiry is an innovative
professional development program for high school chem. teachers that uses an authentic chem. research
experience to help teachers better understand science inquiry so that they can create a meaningful
inquiry-based science program for their students. To implement inquiry instruction aligned with the
National Science Education Stds., teachers must understand that science is more complex than the 5-
step process many textbooks label the "scientific-method." Data from teacher interviews and journal
entries were collected to det. how teachers' perceptions of the process of science inquiry and their self-
efficacy with respect to teaching using inquiry were impacted by their summer research experiences.

Bibliographic Information

Chemistry content transfer from professional development to the K-8 classroom: Teachers'
motivations and adaptations. Gay, Andrea. Center for Inquiry in Science Teaching and Learning,
Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, MO, USA. Abstracts of Papers, 233rd ACS National
Meeting, Chicago, IL, United States, March 25-29, 2007 (2007), CHED-238. Publisher: American
Chemical Society, Washington, D. C CODEN: 69JAUY Conference; Meeting Abstract; Computer Optical
Disk written in English. AN 2007:290628 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))

Teachers' motivations and adaptations for transferring chem. content and activities from a professional
development (PD) course to their own classrooms is the focus of this study. The purpose of the graduate
education course "Matter and Energy" was to deepen K-8 in-service teachers' knowledge of chem. and
inquiry pedagogies. Reflection on applications to the classroom was an integral component of class
discussions and weekly journal writing. A case study methodol. provided insight into how teachers
conceptualize transfer from PD to the classroom. Educational factors encouraging transfer were
illuminated as well as the reasons teachers chose to make adaptations. Teacher adaptations often tried
to make content more relevant to students' lives and interests. This study suggests that PD courses need
to incorporate more real world contexts because teachers perceive they need knowledge of contexts in
order to make content meaningful for their students.

Bibliographic Information

Target inquiry: The importance of an authentic science inquiry experience in creating an inquiry-
based high school science program. Herrington, Deborah G.; Yezierski, Ellen J. Department of
Chemistry, Grand Valley State University, Allendale, MI, USA. Abstracts of Papers, 233rd ACS
National Meeting, Chicago, IL, United States, March 25-29, 2007 (2007), CHED-232. Publisher:
American Chemical Society, Washington, D. C CODEN: 69JAUY Conference; Meeting Abstract;
Computer Optical Disk written in English. AN 2007:290622 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on
SciFinder (R))


"Teachers of science will plan an inquiry-based science program for their students" (National Science
Education Stds.). Many States echo the need for an inquiry-based program to help students develop
science skills and habits of mind. Unfortunately, many teachers have not themselves engaged in
authentic science inquiry. Furthermore, most science courses in teacher prepn. programs are traditional
lectures with verification lab. activities. Therefore, it is understandable that many teachers struggle with
implementing an inquiry-based science program. Target Inquiry is an innovative professional
development program for high school chem. teachers that incorporates a chem. research experience to
help teachers better understand science inquiry, so that they can create a meaningful inquiry-based
science program. This talk will focus on how teachers' understanding of the process of science and their
ideas about implementing inquiry activities change throughout summer research experiences.
Implications for teacher prepn. and teacher professional development programs will also be discussed.

Bibliographic Information

Whose science is it anyway? Models of science according to chemistry students, faculty, and
teachers. Kennedy, Laura M.; Yezierski, Ellen J.; Herrington, Deborah G. Department of Chemistry,
Grand Valley State University, Hudsonville, MI, USA. Abstracts of Papers, 233rd ACS National
Meeting, Chicago, IL, United States, March 25-29, 2007 (2007), CHED-146. Publisher: American
Chemical Society, Washington, D. C CODEN: 69JAUY Conference; Meeting Abstract; Computer Optical
Disk written in English. AN 2007:290536 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))


Target Inquiry (TI) at Grand Valley State University is an innovative professional development and
graduate program for chem. teachers designed to impact the quality and frequency of inquiry teaching.
Following a lab. research experience, teachers in the TI program were interviewed and asked to create a
model to represent scientific inquiry. Data indicated a variety of models and conceptions about the
processes of science. To det. how conceptions of scientific inquiry change over time and how students,
scientists, and teachers represent the process of science differently, eight chem. majors and five chem.
faculty were interviewed. Participants were asked to create models to represent the processes of
scientific inquiry and explain them. Participants also compared their models with other existing models,
including Harwood's Activity Model. Findings will be presented.

Bibliographic Information

Inquiry-based teaching: Lessons learned in the laboratory. Ewald, Tim; Winchester, William R.
Black River Public School, Holland, MI, USA. Abstracts of Papers, 233rd ACS National Meeting,
Chicago, IL, United States, March 25-29, 2007 (2007), CHED-139. Publisher: American Chemical
Society, Washington, D. C CODEN: 69JAUY Conference; Meeting Abstract; Computer Optical Disk
written in English. AN 2007:290529 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))


As part of the Target Inquiry program for secondary school chem. teachers, research on an org. synthesis
project was undertaken, with special consideration given to the educational and metacognitive aspects of
this experience. The expectation was to take the variety of skills and habits of mind cultivated and honed
from this summer and bring them into the high school experience, providing for high school students an
opportunity to learn and be involved in science in a more fresh, active, and insightful manner. In this
poster, the results of this experience will be discussed with special consideration given to the project - the
synthesis of chiral silanes using Grignard reagents as catalyzed by (-)-sparteine.

Bibliographic Information

Inquiry-based lesson plans: A workshop for middle-school science teachers. Donovan, William
J.; Calvo, Kim; Horvath, Stephen; Turner, Donna; Williams, Diana. Department of Chemistry, The
University of Akron, Akron, OH, USA. Abstracts of Papers, 233rd ACS National Meeting, Chicago, IL,
United States, March 25-29, 2007 (2007), CHED-137. Publisher: American Chemical Society,
Washington, D. C CODEN: 69JAUY Conference; Meeting Abstract; Computer Optical Disk written in
English. AN 2007:290527 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))


The Northeast Ohio Center of Excellence (NEOCEx) in Mathematics and Science Teacher Education
encourages collaboration among faculty and administrators at regional higher education and K-12
institutions to promote the effective teaching and learning of mathematics and science. Inquiry-based
lesson plans are developed by university faculty and high school teachers, and piloted in introductory
college chem. courses. The content of each lesson is aligned with specific national and state content
stds. and outcomes. Middle-school science teachers attend workshops (facilitated by the high school
teachers) where they run the tested lessons as students. The teachers take the lessons back to their
schools for continued implementation. The lesson plans are also shared online through the Ohio
Resource Center. We will discuss the results of the 2006 chem. workshop including results of the pre-
and post-test Chem. Concepts Inventory and teacher attitudes.

Bibliographic Information

Promoting conceptual understanding through inquiry-based instruction. Kern, Anne L.; Sande,
Mary; Roehrig, Gillian. Department of Curriculum and Instruction, University of Minnesota,
Minneapolis, MN, USA. Abstracts of Papers, 233rd ACS National Meeting, Chicago, IL, United States,
March 25-29, 2007 (2007), CHED-136. Publisher: American Chemical Society, Washington, D. C
CODEN: 69JAUY Conference; Meeting Abstract; Computer Optical Disk written in English. AN
2007:290526 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))


This research paper will present the findings from a quasi-exptl. study conducted in a high school chem.
classroom. Two classes were taught using traditional lecture and verification lab. activities and two
classes were taught using inquiry-based activities covering the same chem. concepts (at. structure,
Periodic table, bonding, balancing equations, and rates of reactions). Students' understanding of chem.
at the symbolic, macroscopic, and microscopic levels was assessed using multiple-choice, short answer,
drawings, and lab. assessments throughout a semester. Students in the inquiry-based classes scored
significantly better on classroom assessments. This paper will share the nature of the inquiry activities
and assessments and explore the implications of this work for the teaching of high school chem.

Bibliographic Information

Contextualizing chemistry content knowledge for middle and high school teachers: Which
chemistry knowledge sticks and how is knowledge impacted by teaching it? Sevian, Hannah.
Departments of Education and Chemistry, W-4-181, University of Massachusetts Boston, Boston, MA,
USA. Abstracts of Papers, 233rd ACS National Meeting, Chicago, IL, United States, March 25-29, 2007
(2007), CHED-007. Publisher: American Chemical Society, Washington, D. C CODEN: 69JAUY
Conference; Meeting Abstract; Computer Optical Disk written in English. AN 2007:290398 CAPLUS
(Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))


About 80% of science teachers in the urban district served by our NSF math science partnership do not
have adequate content background to teach the subjects they teach. We studied teacher content
knowledge gains in two graduate-level chem. content courses for middle and high school teachers of
chem. and phys. science. The courses, which are co-taught by an instructional team that includes both
K12 science teacher leaders and university chem. faculty, are contextualized to inquiry-based curricula
taught in the district that meets these stds., Living by Chem. and FOSS Chem. Interactions. We present
our findings around which chem. content themes were easier and more difficult for teachers to learn,
whether there is a difference between how middle and high school teachers learn these concepts, and
whether the persistence of understanding is pos., neg. or negligibly impacted by teaching content for
which the summer courses provided the adult-level content knowledge.

Bibliographic Information

Teaching mass spectrometry at the secondary level using inquiry lessons and a simple model.
Payne, Tiffany A.; Holt, Crystal A.; Day, Elizabeth F. Department of Chemistry, University of the Pacific,
Stockton, CA, USA. Chemical Educator (2007), 12(1), 10-14. Publisher: Chemical Educator,
CODEN: CHEDF5 ISSN: 1430-4171.
Journal; Online Computer File written in English. AN 2007:222035 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007
ACS on SciFinder (R))


Mass spectrometry is a powerful anal. tool. Presenting mass spectrometry fundamentals to high school
students is an excellent opportunity to show the value of these instruments to enhance chem.
understanding and to interest students in a career in science. This study employs an integrated approach
to teach mass spectrometry at the secondary level. Students received inquiry-based lessons, were
allowed hands-on manipulation of a model, and participated in learning about different types of mass
spectrometers through an interactive tour of a mass spectrometry facility. Student interest and
comprehension were evaluated periodically to assess the teaching methods. Student interest and
comprehension improved using this integrated method with the hands-on portion showing the largest
gains in both areas.

Bibliographic Information

An inquiry-based chemistry laboratory promoting student discovery of gas laws. Bopegedera,

A. M. R. P. Department of Chemistry, Lab I, The Evergreen State College, Olympia, WA, USA.
Journal of Chemical Education (2006), Volume Date 2007, 84(3), 465-468. Publisher: Journal of
Chemical Education, Dept. of Chemistry, CODEN: JCEDA8 ISSN: 0021-9584. Journal written in
English. AN 2007:208021 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))


Gas laws are taught in most undergraduate general chem. courses and even in some high school chem.
courses. The article describes the author's experience of using the lab. to allow students to "discover"
gas laws instead of the conventional approach of using the lecture to teach this concept. Students
collected data using Vernier sensors and software and then graphed the data for anal. using Microsoft

Bibliographic Information

A professional development program for high school chemistry teachers on inquiry teaching.
Banerjee, Anil C. Department of Chemistry & Geology, Columbus State University, Columbus, GA,
USA. Abstracts, 58th Southeast Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Augusta, GA,
United States, November 1-4 (2006), SRM06-618. Publisher: American Chemical Society,
Washington, D. C CODEN: 69INUY Conference; Meeting Abstract written in English. AN
2006:1191147 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))


12 high school chem. teachers are participating in this 15 mo Federal Teacher Quality grant project on
inquiry teaching to implement Georgia Performance stds. Teachers attended a 5 PLU credit summer
workshop in 2006 to learn advanced concepts, teaching strategies and labs on inquiry learning in chem.
The teachers are trying out inquiry teaching and inquiry labs in their classrooms this fall semester. The
project has strong components of academic support, classroom observation and interaction with teachers.
The project plans and the initial story of how teachers are working on this project and trying out inquiry
teaching, and guided and open ended inquiry labs will be presented.

Bibliographic Information

Teaching High School Chemistry as a Team Oriented, Inquiry Based, Multiple Intelligence Derived
Science. Lee, William Bradford. Science, Holbrook Junior-Senior High School, Holbrook, MA,
USA. Abstracts, 35th Northeast Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Binghamton, NY,
United States, October 5-7 (2006), NRM-224. Publisher: American Chemical Society, Washington, D.
C CODEN: 69INQU Conference; Meeting Abstract written in English. AN 2006:1071387 CAPLUS
(Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))


Chem. in High School is too often taught as if it were a collection of facts which each individual student
must hear, read, mark, learn and inwardly digest so that he/she can individually regurgitate the correct
information on the next quiz, test, or examn. The typical "cookbook" labs. simply reinforce the facts that
are transferred from the lecture and textbook into the students notebook and mind only to be recalled
correctly on the next cognitive assessment. The student learns nothing about the actual practice of chem.
Beginning with a constructionist position, this double session will show how real life team based, inquiry
oriented chem. can be taught in High School. Various methods for presenting Chem. as a process
(including songs, web based activities, dramatic reenactments and art work) will be explored. A variety of
assessments including not only quizzes, tests, and exams, but also projects, portfolios, discussions, and
open-ended inquiry labs. will be explored.

Bibliographic Information

An ethnographic study of how newly designed organic experiments that address different
learning styles affect the teaching-learning process. Sanabria-Rios, David J.; Montes, Ingrid.
Department of Chemistry, University of Puerto Rico, San Juan, P. R. Abstracts of Papers, 232nd ACS
National Meeting, San Francisco, CA, United States, Sept. 10-14, 2006 (2006), CHED-391. Publisher:
American Chemical Society, Washington, D. C CODEN: 69IHRD Conference; Meeting Abstract;
Computer Optical Disk written in English. AN 2006:857999 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on
SciFinder (R))


Many controlled studies have been reported about the effects in the improvement of the teaching-learning
process of nontraditional lab. experiences such as open-inquiry, guided-inquiry and problem-based lab.
experiences. It is well documented that these nontraditional experiences promote the development of
higher order cognitive skills. However, ethnog. studies related to how newly design inquiry-based expts.
that address different learning styles affect the teaching-learning process have not been reported to date.
Our hypothesis is that inquiry-based lab. experiences that address different learning styles affect pos. the
teaching-learning process in the org. chem. lab. course. With these experiences, we performed an
ethnog. study of how the students with different learning styles respond toward this type of lab.
experiences. Due to the limitation of not having a control group, an ethnog. framework was selected as a
qual. study. The study includes different qual. data collection methods to generate results that have
internal and external validity, in which triangulation was selected as a cross-validation method.
Triangulation correlates data obtained from qual. data such as crit. comparative essays, scores in
exams/quizzes, one-minute papers and interviews. In this way, we can perform a general description
about how the students' learning styles affect the students' achievement in the lab. course and perhaps
the teaching-learning process. Some interesting results will be discussed. Work supported by AGEP

Bibliographic Information

A unit on chemical reactions for the 5th grade classroom. Martin, Rachel J.; Neff, Grace A.
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo,
CA, USA. Abstracts of Papers, 232nd ACS National Meeting, San Francisco, CA, United States, Sept.
10-14, 2006 (2006), CHED-248. Publisher: American Chemical Society, Washington, D. C CODEN:
69IHRD Conference; Meeting Abstract; Computer Optical Disk written in English. AN 2006:857856
CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))


In order to get students engaged in science at a young age, interactive teaching methods must be used.
Students tend to enjoy and effectively learn from a lesson in which they can experience the learning on
their own in an active manner. Also, students engaged in this way learn problem solving skills and
creative thinking. A unit on chem. change from the ACS text "Inquiry in Action," was utilized in a
professional development workshop for 5th grade teachers, and will be adapted for use in a classroom as
part of a senior thesis. In this unit, teachers and students will observe characteristics of a chem. change,
including gas prodn., change in temp., or formation of a ppt. Also, the students will create their own
testing procedure to give a desired outcome, and then draw conclusions about an unknown powder using
information gained from known reactions.

Bibliographic Information

POGIL in an inner-city, advanced high school chemistry course. Prilliman, Stephen G. Science
Department, Harding Charter Preparatory High School, Oklahoma City, OK, USA. Abstracts of
Papers, 232nd ACS National Meeting, San Francisco, CA, United States, Sept. 10-14, 2006 (2006),
CHED-169. Publisher: American Chemical Society, Washington, D. C CODEN: 69IHRD Conference;
Meeting Abstract; Computer Optical Disk written in English. AN 2006:857777 CAPLUS (Copyright
(C) 2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))

The Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning (POGIL) method was used to teach Advanced Placement-
(AP) Chem. in an inner-city, mixed ability classroom. The POGIL method was chosen because of the
need to address both difficult material and student's deficiencies in basic scientific skills. A no. of
problems were encountered. Structural issues included short classes (45 or 50 min), lack of funding for
materials and the need to cover the expansive AP Chem. Student attitudes also posed problems.
Students reported that POGIL was a good idea in principle but were resistant to working in groups,
preferring lectures, and complained that the material was "not being taught". Solns. included creation of
more concise, focused POGIL activities, use of "guided" POGIL activities (using POGIL's as class guides
for Socratic learning), and integration of POGIL activities with lab. exercises. Future plans include the use
of student "teaching assistants" and student authored POGIL's.

Bibliographic Information

Research on the use of inquiry approach in teaching university chemistry: My experience.

Szeto, Alan K. Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, California State University, Long Beach,
Long Beach, CA, USA. Abstracts of Papers, 232nd ACS National Meeting, San Francisco, CA, United
States, Sept. 10-14, 2006 (2006), CHED-129. Publisher: American Chemical Society, Washington, D.
C CODEN: 69IHRD Conference; Meeting Abstract; Computer Optical Disk written in English. AN
2006:857737 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))


My experience in carrying out research in the use of inquiry approach will be shared, including my past
experience in Singapore. First-year chem. majors at the National U. of Singapore are often being
characterized by having strong content knowledge but inadequate inquiry skills. Hence, two special
guided-inquiry lessons, both on the topic of at. structure, were designed and delivered to a small group of
students enrolled in an Introductory Chem. course in the first semester of Academic Year 2004/2005.
These students were obsd. during the lessons and tested once before and twice after the lessons.
Analyses of both qual. and quant. data revealed that the students had gained new knowledge more
effectively and in a way that they enjoyed better, although large-scale implementation of the guided-
inquiry approach to teaching university chem. in Singapore is probably very far from a reality.

Bibliographic Information

Chemistry of life: Teaching chemistry to elementary school teachers. Caldera, Patricia S.;
Nielsen, Katherine. Science & Health Education Partnership, University of California, San Francisco,
San Francisco, CA, USA. Abstracts of Papers, 232nd ACS National Meeting, San Francisco, CA,
United States, Sept. 10-14, 2006 (2006), CHED-081. Publisher: American Chemical Society,
Washington, D. C CODEN: 69IHRD Conference; Meeting Abstract; Computer Optical Disk written in
English. AN 2006:857689 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))


Elementary school teachers in California are under pressure to teach chem. to comply with the California
Science Stds. and the State's testing demands. For the majority of these teachers their last chem. course
was in high school. In addn., most teachers recall their experiences in chem. classes as being very
unpleasant and they are chemo-phobic. This poster will address teacher's conceptions and views of
chem. before and after one-week course that is inquiry-based, hands-on and designed to foster curiosity
and appreciation for chem.

Bibliographic Information

When undergraduates ask "why," chemical biology answers. Kritzer, Joshua A. Whitehead Inst.
Biomedical Res., Cambridge, MA, USA. ACS Chemical Biology (2006), 1(7), 411-413. Publisher:
American Chemical Society, CODEN: ACBCCT ISSN: 1554-8929. Journal written in English. CAN
145:271124 AN 2006:829556 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))


Training the next generation of chem. biologists requires an undergraduate education that values a wide
exposure to a variety of interrelated fields, from cancer evolution to robotics or from immunol. to image
anal. But how can undergraduates gain exposure to diverse subject matter without becoming jacks of all
trades and masters of none. Inquiry-based approaches are a natural way to broaden the experience of
future chem. biologists. Educating the next generation of scientists to take advantage of the increasingly
interdisciplinary nature of research will require major shifts in strategy, including broader implementation
of inquiry-based teaching methods. New programs such as Chem. Biol. for Sophomores! are
demonstrating that the breadth and innovation inherent to chem. biol. can facilitate student-led inquiry in
the classroom and the teaching lab. In return, undergraduates are demonstrating that, in parallel to in-
depth study of a chosen major, they have the interest and ability to pursue a range of topics at the chem.-
biol. interface.

Bibliographic Information

Teaching lab report writing through inquiry: a green chemistry stoichiometry experiment for
general chemistry. Cacciatore, Kristen L.; Sevian, Hannah. Dedham High School, Dedham, MA,
USA. Journal of Chemical Education (2006), 83(7), 1039-1041. Publisher: Journal of Chemical
Education, Dept. of Chemistry, CODEN: JCEDA8 ISSN: 0021-9584. Journal written in English. CAN
145:504925 AN 2006:581782 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))


A novel expt. suitable for advanced placement high school chem. or first-year undergraduate chem. is
presented. This expt. has four key features: students utilize stoichiometry, learn and apply principles of
green chem., engage in authentic scientific inquiry that promotes optimal science learning, and discover
why each part of a scientific lab report is necessary.

Bibliographic Information

Teaching Inquire-based Chemistry: Creating Student-led Scientific Communities by Joan

Gallagher-Bolos and Dennis W. Smithenry. Frech, Cheryl Baldwin. Department of Chemistry,
University of Central Oklahoma, Edmond, OK, USA. Journal of Chemical Education (2006), 83(7),
975. Publisher: Journal of Chemical Education, Dept. of Chemistry, CODEN: JCEDA8 ISSN: 0021-
9584. Journal; Book Review written in English. AN 2006:579965 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS
on SciFinder (R))

Bibliographic Information

The Effect of Guided Inquiry on Student Misconceptions in Chemistry. McSparrin, Leslie.

Sharpsville Area High School, Sharon, PA, USA. Abstracts, 38th Central Regional Meeting of the
American Chemical Society, Frankenmuth, MI, United States, May 16-20 (2006), CRM-228. Publisher:
American Chemical Society, Washington, D. C CODEN: 69ICV2 Conference; Meeting Abstract written
in English. AN 2006:436289 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))


The research in this study was designed to answer the research question: Does teaching chem. by the
method of guided inquiry correct student misconceptions. Two chem. concepts were the focus of the
study. One concept studied was the prodn. of light by at. emissions (including characteristic properties of
both waves and light). The other concept studied was acid/base theory. A two-tiered multiple-choice
pretest was administered to participants before the start of each unit. Following each unit, the same two-
tiered multiple-choice test was administered as a posttest. Sixty-four students from a semi-rural high
school in Northwestern Pennsylvania participated in the study across three levels of chem.: Advanced
Placement Chem., Chem. I, and Conceptual Chem. The mean score increased in the pos. direction for
participants in all three levels of chem. by the time of the posttests. In addn., many students provided
answers with written responses that indicated that certain previously documented misconceptions had
been cor. Also, most of the participants were able to successfully apply the scientific method to complete
culminating authentic assessments during the study. These conclusions are substantiated by both quant.
statistical data and qual. written response and interview data. Students in Chem. I experienced the most
substantial gains among the participants. The students in this study reported that they had gained more
understanding from guided inquiry activities and preferred this form of science instruction in chem.

Bibliographic Information

The carbon dioxide problem. Cheung, Derek. Department of Curriculum and Instruction, The
Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, Hong Kong. Education in Chemistry (2006), 43(2), 46-48.
Publisher: Royal Society of Chemistry, CODEN: EDCHAU ISSN: 0013-1350. Journal written in English.
CAN 145:454515 AN 2006:371424 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))


Measuring carbon dioxide from plant debris provides an opportunity for an inquiry-based expt. aimed at
14-15 yr olds. Similar expts. are done by soil scientists and ecologists in their efforts to understand the
global carbon cycle. An inquiry-based expt. that provides students the opportunity to understand part of
the global carbon cycle is presented.

Bibliographic Information

Strategies for Teaching Assistant training and support during implementation of Process-
Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning (POGIL) in recitation sections for a large general chemistry
lecture course. Schwartz, Jennifer K.; Zuleta, Ignacio A.; Sabol, Jeremy; Dunbar, Robyn; Scharberg,
Maureen A.; Chidsey, Christopher E. D. Department of Chemistry, Stanford University, Stanford, CA,
USA. Abstracts of Papers, 231st ACS National Meeting, Atlanta, GA, United States, March 26-30, 2006
(2006), CHED-1248. Publisher: American Chemical Society, Washington, D. C CODEN: 69HYEC
Conference; Meeting Abstract; Computer Optical Disk written in English. AN 2006:245310 CAPLUS
(Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))


While Teaching Assistant training programs are becoming more common at many universities, the
traditional training is usually unsuited to the unique demands of a POGIL setting. Lack of training and
exposure to this new method can create resistance from TA's in the classroom, which can propagate
through the students and undermine the program. Here we examine the challenges seen at Stanford
University during our implementation of POGIL style recitation sections for the large two-quarter general
chem. course. We have found that introducing the POGIL teaching method during the chem.
department's initial TA training, as well as immediately and continually addressing concerns through
constructive group dialogue during weekly meetings, has been instrumental in our TA's success.
Extensive TA feedback has also been a key tool in maintaining TA motivation as well as providing crit.
assessment of these strategies and their contributions to TA preparedness, satisfaction, and overall
success in the classroom.

Bibliographic Information

POGIL methodology and the professional development of HS teachers. Padwa, Linda; Hanson,
David. Department of Chemistry/Science Education, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY, USA.
Abstracts of Papers, 231st ACS National Meeting, Atlanta, GA, United States, March 26-30, 2006 (2006),
CHED-623. Publisher: American Chemical Society, Washington, D. C CODEN: 69HYEC Conference;
Meeting Abstract; Computer Optical Disk written in English. AN 2006:244692 CAPLUS (Copyright
(C) 2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))


Process-Oriented Guided-Inquiry Learning (POGIL) activities provide a vehicle for the introduction of
guided-inquiry activities into the high school chem. classroom. Teachers sometimes feel that inquiry
activities take too much instructional time, time that they say could be better spent in "covering" the
curriculum. POGIL is a tool that can help overcome this concern. With support of appropriate
professional development programs, high school chem. teachers find that the POGIL methodol. can lead
to increased student understanding and retention of chem. concepts, and increased student satisfaction
with their experience as chem. students. The professional development programs can take many forms,
such as one-day workshops, multi-day workshops, and activity writing workshops. The guidance offered
through these programs, in conjunction with the teachers' prior knowledge of cooperative learning
techniques, has proven to be a successful approach to introducing more guided-inquiry activities into
some high school chem. programs.

Bibliographic Information

Target inquiry: A new model for high school chemistry teacher professional development.
Yezierski, Ellen J.; Herrington, Deborah G. Department of Chemistry, Grand Valley State University,
Allendale, MI, USA. Abstracts of Papers, 231st ACS National Meeting, Atlanta, GA, United States,
March 26-30, 2006 (2006), CHED-141. Publisher: American Chemical Society, Washington, D. C
CODEN: 69HYEC Conference; Meeting Abstract; Computer Optical Disk written in English. AN
2006:244215 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))


The Target Inquiry (TI) model emphasizes the importance of the inquiry process in teaching and learning
chem. by combining a research experience for teachers with curriculum adaptation and action research.
TI has been translated into a chem. emphasis for an existing M.Ed. Program at Grand Valley State
University, integrating the key features of effective professional development programs with experiences
designed to impact instruction and student outcomes in chem. The chem. emphasis is comprised of
seven new courses with a majority of the work to be completed over three summers. The first cohort of
ten teachers has been selected and will begin when TI launches in winter 2006. The model, its
underlying theory, organizing principles, and planned implementation will be discussed.

Bibliographic Information

Edible chemistry: Teaching chemistry with food. Peacock, Jeremy S.; Rowley, Amy M.
Department of Food Science and Technology, University of Georgia, Athens, GA, USA. Abstracts of
Papers, 231st ACS National Meeting, Atlanta, GA, United States, March 26-30, 2006 (2006), CHED-
032. Publisher: American Chemical Society, Washington, D. C CODEN: 69HYEC Conference; Meeting
Abstract; Computer Optical Disk written in English. AN 2006:244106 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007
ACS on SciFinder (R))


Food is a top priority in teenagers' lives. Thus, food science provides an engaging, real-world context for
high school chem. instruction. Graduate teaching fellows from the University of Georgia's National
Science Foundation GK-12 program, The Science Behind Our Food, have partnered with high school
science teachers to develop and implement innovative, inquiry-based lessons that present chem. from a
food science perspective. This application-based approach allows students to relate basic chem.
concepts to their daily lives, thus enhancing student interest and engagement and exposing students to
new opportunities for advanced study and careers in the sciences. In this workshop, graduate teaching
fellows will present an overview of lessons that use food science to meet the National Science Education
Stds. for chem. and will lead teachers through a variety of hands-on activities that demonstrate key chem.

Bibliographic Information

A diaper a day and what's going on with Gaviscon?: two lab activities focusing on chemical
bonding concepts. Criswell, Brett. Department of Chemistry, Central Columbia High School,
Bloomsburg, PA, USA. Journal of Chemical Education (2006), 83(4), 574-576. Publisher: Journal of
Chemical Education, Dept. of Chemistry, CODEN: JCEDA8 ISSN: 0021-9584. Journal written in
English. CAN 145:166518 AN 2006:229700 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))


Inquiry-based instruction provides a very powerful means to the end of promoting genuine conceptual
understanding. Many individuals will argue that there are various topics within the realm of chem. that do
not seem to lend themselves well to this approach. One of them is chem. bonding. Two relatively simple
expts. that will attempt to fill the void of inquiry-based activities related to the topic of chem. bonding are
described. In the first activity, A Diaper a Day, the students investigate how a gel made by combining
sodium polyacrylate with water is affected by contact with a series of randomly organized compds. A
second expt., What's Going on with Gaviscon, describes an investigation where students see clear visual
evidence for periodic-based bonding patterns through their observations of how Gaviscon (a liq. antacid)
interacts with solns. made from chloride salts of various members of the group I elements (the alkali
metals) and group II elements (the alk. earth metals).

Bibliographic Information

Preparation and viscosity of biodiesel from new and used vegetable oil. An inquiry-based
environmental chemistry laboratory. Clarke, Nathan R.; Casey, John Patrick; Brown, Earlene D.;
Oneyma, Ezenwa; Donaghy, Kelley J. Department of Chemistry, American University, Washington,
DC, USA. Journal of Chemical Education (2006), 83(2), 257-259. Publisher: Journal of Chemical
Education, Dept. of Chemistry, CODEN: JCEDA8 ISSN: 0021-9584. Journal written in English. CAN
144:149759 AN 2006:52981 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))


In this lab. exercise, the students develop a synthesis to make biodiesel from vegetable oils. In addn. to
experimenting with org. synthesis, students use viscosity measurements to gain an understanding of an
intermol. property of the biodiesel. There are many expts. in the literature that involve the use of viscosity
but few focus on the use of viscosity to answer real-world questions. In this lab. students use viscosity to
understand an important factor that has limited the implementation of biodiesel on a wide scale basis,
solidification at low temp. Students are not given a cookbook recipe to synthesize the biofuel, but instead
are expected to use the primary literature to develop a synthetic path. This inquiry-based lab. enhances
student learning by fostering crit. and creative thinking. In performing this lab., the students learn a no. of
skills and concepts, such as (i) the ability to research and develop a synthetic protocol, (ii) an
understanding of transesterification, (iii) crit. anal. of Internet sources, (iv) fundamentals of viscosity, (v)
anal. of data in the problem context, and (v) how to write a scientific report that includes a memo to an
outside source.

Bibliographic Information

Using visible spectrophotometers and pH measurements to study speciation in a guided-inquiry

laboratory. Otto, William H.; Larive, Cynthia K.; Mason, Susan L.; Robinson, Janet B.; Heppert,
Joseph A.; Ellis, James D. Department of Environmental and Biological Sciences, University of Maine
at Machias, Machias, ME, USA. Journal of Chemical Education (2005), 82(10), 1552-1554.
Publisher: Journal of Chemical Education, Dept. of Chemistry, CODEN: JCEDA8 ISSN: 0021-9584.
Journal written in English. CAN 143:405325 AN 2005:1012343 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS
on SciFinder (R))

A guided-inquiry lab. expt. was developed for the second-semester general chem. students to increase
student conceptual understanding of equil. and speciation phenomena. The expt. allows students to
monitor soln. pH, and therefore phosphate speciation, while simultaneously quantifying concns. of the
acid and base forms of a visible pH indicator using UV-visible absorbance measurements. Because this
approach provides real-time, online acquisition of exptl. results it allows the students to focus on data
interpretation rather than data acquisition.

Bibliographic Information

Sherlock Holmes and the case of the raven and the ambassador's wife: An inquiry-based murder
mystery. Grove, Nathaniel; Bretz, Stacey Lowery. Department of Chemistry, Youngstown State
University, Youngstown, OH, USA. Journal of Chemical Education (2005), 82(10), 1532-1533.
Publisher: Journal of Chemical Education, Dept. of Chemistry, CODEN: JCEDA8 ISSN: 0021-9584.
Journal written in English. CAN 143:405320 AN 2005:1012337 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS
on SciFinder (R))


Inquiry-based expts. are described that allow students to actively involve in helping Sherlock Holmes
solve a suspicious death by devising a series of lab. expts. that will prove the guilt of the accused
murderer. Hints are placed throughout the story to help students focus their intended course of action.
The expts. in the activity include molar mass detn. using f.p. depression, flame tests, qual. anal., and the
identification of crystal shape. In order to assist Holmes, students will need to examine crystals in the
bottom of a teacup to det. whether they are sugar or a poisonous substance. Potassium sulfate was
chosen as the "poison".

Bibliographic Information

Teaching high school chemistry as a second career. Summary of a presidential symposium.

Scharberg, Maureen A. Department of Chemistry and Science Education Program, San Jose State
University, San Jose, CA, USA. Journal of Chemical Education (2005), 82(9), 1281, 1283-1285.
Publisher: Journal of Chemical Education, Dept. of Chemistry, CODEN: JCEDA8 ISSN: 0021-9584.
Journal written in English. AN 2005:824685 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))


Presenters in this symposium provided unique insights into their experiences as second-career high
school chem. teachers. If you are interested in pursuing a career in high school chem. teaching,
volunteer in a high school chem. classroom. Contact your local college or university that offers secondary
science credentials. Most importantly, find a mentor who can provide you with much-needed advice on
how to become a successful high school chem. teacher in your area. The demand for highly qualified
chem. teachers is high and you can make a difference if you provide relevant, stds.-based and inquiry-
based chem. learning experiences to your students.

Bibliographic Information

POGIL in physical chemistry: Can there be too few students? Tribe, Lorena. Division of
Science, Penn State University Berks-Lehigh Valley, Reading, PA, USA. Abstracts of Papers, 230th
ACS National Meeting, Washington, DC, United States, Aug. 28-Sept. 1, 2005 (2005), CHED-376.
Publisher: American Chemical Society, Washington, D. C CODEN: 69HFCL Conference; Meeting
Abstract; Computer Optical Disk written in English. AN 2005:737362 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007
ACS on SciFinder (R))

The POGIL method was used to teach Phys. Chem. to a class of four students at Penn State Berks, using
Phys. Chem.: A Guided Inquiry Thermodn., J. N. Spencer, R. S. Moog, J. J. Farrell; Houghton Mifflin:
Boston, 2004 and Phys. Chem., Peter Atkins and Julio de Paula, Seventh Edition; W. H. Freeman and
Company, New York 2002. The advantages and disadvantages of this method will be discussed,
including feedback from the participating students.

Bibliographic Information

Collaborative integration of information literacy into the 21st century chemistry course. Oh,
Jung R.; Collins, Judith; Kissick, Beverlee; Starkey, Alysia. Department of Arts, Sciences and Business,
Kansas State University-Salina, Salina, KS, USA. Abstracts of Papers, 230th ACS National Meeting,
Washington, DC, United States, Aug. 28-Sept. 1, 2005 (2005), CHED-290. Publisher: American
Chemical Society, Washington, D. C CODEN: 69HFCL Conference; Meeting Abstract; Computer Optical
Disk written in English. AN 2005:737276 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))


For "Information Literacy (IL)" instruction, faculty in Chem., Tech. Writing, and Library have collaborated
with cross-curricular teaching and learning activities. The keys of this IL instruction are for students to (1)
identify the need for information, (2) find the information, (3) evaluate the information and revise search
strategy, (4) use and share the information appropriately, and (5) become lifelong learners in the 21st
century. This presentation describes the collaborative efforts and results of infusing curriculum with IL. It
shares the process and experiences of developing discipline-specific assignments for defining and
assessing context-sensitive IL. University General Education Chem. course assignment examples
include (1) pre-lab search summary integrated with library In-service lecture, prior to inquiry lab on
"chromatog." and (2) search on "chems. in consumer products" to evaluate benefits and precautions.
Outcomes of this collaboration are rewarding, based on student perception survey responses and teacher
observation of student work.

Bibliographic Information

Inquiry-based chemistry activities for elementary education majors incorporating state and
national teaching standards. Liable-Sands, Louise M.; Bradley, Mark G.; Fryberger, Nicole; Struble,
Christopher; DeMoss, Thomas. Department of Chemistry, Widener University, Chester, PA, USA.
Abstracts of Papers, 230th ACS National Meeting, Washington, DC, United States, Aug. 28-Sept. 1, 2005
(2005), CHED-054. Publisher: American Chemical Society, Washington, D. C CODEN: 69HFCL
Conference; Meeting Abstract; Computer Optical Disk written in English. AN 2005:737040 CAPLUS
(Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))


An inquiry-based lab. course to accompany an introductory one-semester general chem. course for
elementary education majors has been developed to enhance the science experience and to help meet
state and national science teaching stds. Students completing this course will have accumulated a
portfolio of hands-on lab. activities and lesson plans incorporating teaching stds. for use in the elementary
school science curriculum. These activities are designed to utilize readily available, safe and inexpensive
materials. The exercises illustrate fundamental scientific principles, utilize inquiry-based learning and can
be used to introduce or reinforce concepts from the science curriculum. Each exercise begins with a
charge to develop a method to carry out a particular lab. expt. Exptl. activities include a discussion of the
scientific method, d. of common materials, sepn. of a mixt. based on phys. properties, recycling and
identification of common plastics, scavenger hunt for pure elements, forensic anal. using chromatog. and
acid/base properties of household chems. These compliment learning goals and stds. in the elementary
science curriculum and allow sophisticated scientific concepts to be discussed in connection with hands-
on inquiry expts. for the students.
Bibliographic Information

Effect of the teacher implementation on student performance in a Process Oriented Guided

Inquiry Learning (POGIL) approach to general chemistry. Daubenmire, Patrick L.; Bunce, Diane M.
Office of Science, Loyola Blakefield School, Baltimore, MD, USA. Abstracts of Papers, 230th ACS
National Meeting, Washington, DC, United States, Aug. 28-Sept. 1, 2005 (2005), CHED-051.
Publisher: American Chemical Society, Washington, D. C CODEN: 69HFCL Conference; Meeting
Abstract; Computer Optical Disk written in English. AN 2005:737037 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007
ACS on SciFinder (R))


With increasing adoption of student-centered instructional practices, the role of teacher has changed from
that of traditional approaches. The transition has predominantly been from sage to mentor. Cooperative
learning techniques, in particular, have demonstrated pos. effects on students' achievement, enrollment
retention, and students' attitudes and perceptions about courses. This study, using a mixed-methods
approach, suggests that the teacher is still the key even when implementing student-centered
approaches. Small variations in implementation of a cooperative learning POGIL approach demonstrated
different effects on student achievement. Traditional (math.-based) achievement of low logical reasoning
ability students as measured by the Group Assessment of Logical Thinking (GALT) test was improved
with direct answering of questions by the teacher. Conceptual achievement of all students was improved
when they were required to explain or justify their responses more often in discussions or on tests.

Bibliographic Information

Development of the formal reasoning abilities of college students in a general chemistry guided-
inquiry laboratory. Monteyne, Kereen. Univ. of Montana, Missoula, MT, USA. Avail. UMI, Order
No. DA3138420. (2004), 327 pp. From: Diss. Abstr. Int., B 2004, 65(6), 2909. Dissertation written in
English. CAN 143:132784 AN 2005:625062 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))

Bibliographic Information

Student opinions regarding inquiry-based labs. Deters, Kelly Morgan. Hayden High School,
Topeka, KS, USA. Journal of Chemical Education (2005), 82(8), 1178-1180. Publisher: Journal of
Chemical Education, Dept. of Chemistry, CODEN: JCEDA8 ISSN: 0021-9584. Journal written in
English. CAN 143:325680 AN 2005:621975 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))


Inquiry labs are prevalent in science education literature and teaching methods courses. Comments from
students in a high school chem. course who were required to turn in portfolios of their work at the end of
each semester are presented. The students collected their best work satisfying a list of criteria. Certainly
there are times when it is more appropriate to give students a procedure; for example when a particular
technique is being taught. There are also benefits to students learning how to read and perform a given
set of steps. Students can still experience in-depth anal. and understanding with good questioning and
discussion after a non-inquiry lab. However, the inconveniences that inquiry may cause an instructor or
students are outweighed by the benefits to the students. Therefore, inquiry-based approaches should be
used as often as is practical.

Bibliographic Information

Students prefer a guided-inquiry format for general chemistry laboratory. Friel, Robert F.;
Albaugh, Catherine E.; Marawi, Isam. Department of Chemistry, Xavier University, Cincinnati, OH,
USA. Chemical Educator (2005), 10(3), 176-178. Publisher: Chemical Educator, CODEN: CHEDF5
ISSN: 1430-4171. Journal; Online
Computer File written in English. CAN 143:346426 AN 2005:578174 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007
ACS on SciFinder (R))


Lab. classes in an instructional chem. program are very important as a tool to reinforce what is being
taught in the lecture. The question is "are the students getting the full benefit out of the lab. time". Should
the lab. time be used as an opportunity to teach theor. concepts, or should it be used only to verify
practical aspects of what has been taught in the lecture. Students who have had general chem. lab.
instruction in verification format for a semester and guided-inquiry (GI) format for another semester
expressed in a qual. fashion that the guided-inquiry format utilizes the lab. time more effectively, is more
engaging, and is more effective in promoting learning and building their confidence. They commented
that the guided-inquiry format made them work harder and, therefore, enhanced their understanding of
the concepts and materials taught in the lectures.

Bibliographic Information

Recreating a periodic table: a tool for developing pedagogical content knowledge. Talanquer,
Vicente. Department of Chemistry, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA. Chemical Educator
(2005), 10(2), 95-99. Publisher: Chemical Educator, CODEN: CHEDF5 ISSN: 1430-4171. Journal; Online Computer File written in
English. CAN 143:346419 AN 2005:578159 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))


An inquiry-based activity designed to develop the pedagogical content knowledge of prospective chem.
teachers is described. The investigation asks students to analyze data to derive an imaginary periodic
table in a parallel universe. The activity allows future teachers to revise and integrate central concepts
and ideas in chem. and to analyze and reflect on important pedagogical issues in the learning and
teaching of chem. The proposed activity may also be appropriate for students enrolled in advanced-
placement courses at the high school level and in general chem. courses at the college level.

Bibliographic Information

POGIL: A Student-Centered Approach to Teaching Chemistry. Moog, Richard S. Department of

Chemistry, Franklin & Marshall College, Lancaster, PA, USA. Abstracts, 37th Middle Atlantic Regional
Meeting of the American Chemical Society, New Brunswick, NJ, United States, May 22-25, 2005 (2005),
GENE-677. Publisher: American Chemical Society, Washington, D. C CODEN: 69GVWG Conference;
Meeting Abstract written in English. AN 2005:543069 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on
SciFinder (R))


Process-Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning (POGIL) is a teaching strategy that involves students working
in groups on specially designed classroom activities that guide them to the development of an important
chem. concept. In addn., there is an emphasis on the development of important learning skills such as
information processing, problem solving, crit. thinking, and communication. In this workshop, participants
will be introduced to the pedagogic basis of this approach, and will also experience a POGIL classroom
from the student perspective. Data supporting the effectiveness of the approach will also be presented.

Bibliographic Information

The inquiry wheel, an alternative to the scientific method. Reply to Comments. Harwood,
William S. Department of Curriculum and Instruction, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, USA.
Journal of Chemical Education (2005), 82(5), 682-683. Publisher: Journal of Chemical Education, Dept.
of Chemistry, CODEN: JCEDA8 ISSN: 0021-9584. Journal written in English. CAN 142:410635 AN
2005:315310 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))


A polemic in response to Wink (J. Chem. Educ., 2005, 82, 682) is presented. Wink raises some excellent
issues regarding Harwood's initial model for the process of scientific inquiry, but it appears that he is
confusing the discussion of how science is done (the process of scientific inquiry) with the broader issue
of what science is (the nature of science). Harwood's model can provide one framework in which to
explore how social issues impact the choices scientists make with regard to their inquiries. It is also
important to recognize that models are mutable, subject to refinement based on new data. Thus,
Harwood's initial model of the Inquiry Wheel has been refined to become the Activity Model, and so far,
academic research scientists from a no. of institutions have indicated that the refined Activity Model
describes what they do.

Bibliographic Information

The inquiry wheel, an alternative to the scientific method. Comments. Wink, Donald J.
Department of Chemistry, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA. Journal of Chemical
Education (2005), 82(5), 682. Publisher: Journal of Chemical Education, Dept. of Chemistry, CODEN:
JCEDA8 ISSN: 0021-9584. Journal written in English. CAN 142:410634 AN 2005:315309
CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))


A polemic in response to William Robinson (J. Chem. Educ., 2004, 81, 791) is presented. Robinson
discusses the presentation of "can alternative to the scientific method" as reported by Harwood et al. The
author concurs with Robinson that Harwood's work provides significant insight into the ways scientists
describe their work on a daily basis, but there are three problems in that original study and its ref. to the
literature. The first problem is the complete absence of any connection to a proper understanding of
hypothesis. The second problem relates to theory, and as with hypothesis, the neglect of theory as a
category by Harwood and coworkers suggests there is no overall project, no overall goal, no overall result
to the scientific method. The third problem relates to the social context of science. The view of science
done in isolation from external factors is highly problematic and the only external factor Harwood and
coworkers document is when critique by the scientific community prompts investigators to pose new
questions. The author suggest that Hardwood's work although well done and potentially quite valuable
represents only inquiry in a day-to-day sense. A proper view of "the scientific method", thus, includes
Harwood's findings as a component, not the entire story.

Bibliographic Information

A guided inquiry experiment for the measurement of activation energies in the biophysical
chemistry laboratory. Decarboxylation of pyrrole-2-carboxylate. Hutchinson, Kelly M.; Bretz,
Stacey Lowery; Mettee, Howard D.; Smiley, Jeffrey A. Nazareth College, Rochester, NY, USA.
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education (2005), 33(2), 123-127. Publisher: American Society for
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, CODEN: BMBECE ISSN: 1470-8175. Journal written in English.
CAN 143:7114 AN 2005:308091 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))


A lab. expt. for undergraduate biophys. chem. is described, in which the acid concn. and temp.
dependences of the decarboxylation of pyrrole-2-carboxylate are measured using a continuous UV
spectrophotometric assay. Data collection and anal. are structured using principles of guided inquiry.
Data leading to the calcn. of multiple rate consts. at varying temps. and acid concns. can be collected
within one lab. period, using inexpensive reagents and std. instrumentation. These expts. permit detn. of
activation energies that are lower at high acid concn., indicative of a subtle change in the reaction
mechanism with decreasing pH. The reaction is readily observable by students as they collect UV
spectrophotometry data, and the decarboxylation reaction is related to biol. relevant enzymic reactions.

Bibliographic Information

A comparative analysis of contents levels required by high school chemistry II textbooks by the
7th national education curriculum and cognitive levels of 12th grade students. Song, Su-Hyun;
Park, Kwang-Seo; Kim, Dong-Jin; Kim, Eun-Suk; Park, Kuk-Tae. Department of Chemistry Education,
Korea National University of Education, Chungbuk, S. Korea. Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
(2005), 49(1), 96-104. Publisher: Korean Chemical Society, CODEN: JKCSEZ ISSN: 1017-2548.
Journal written in Korean. AN 2005:250221 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))


The purpose of this study was to find out whether high school chem. II textbooks standardized by the 7th
national education curriculum had been organized properly concerning students of cognitive levels, by
comparing the contents levels of chem. II textbooks with students cognitive levels, and also analyzing
them. For this study, the contents levels of matter state and soln. chapter in chem. II textbooks were
analyzed using CAT (curriculum anal. taxonomy) and the cognitive levels of 468 students at 12th grade
who had been selected from 7 areas including big cities and small towns were surveyed using short-
version GALT (group assessment of logical thinking). The results showed that each chem. II textbooks by
the 7th national education curriculum had a little differences in the scientific concepts presented and in
the contents levels that scientific concepts were explained. And the scientific concepts of textbooks were
required most formal operational levels, but the content levels of the inquiry activities were required from
concrete operational levels to formal operational levels. As a result of the analyzing the cognitive levels of
the surveyed 12th grade students, 74.6%, reached the formal operational levels, 20.5%, transitional
levels, and 4.9%, concrete operational levels. The content levels of scientific concepts in high school
chem. II textbooks by the 7th national education curriculum appeared higher than the cognitive levels of
the students, but levels of the inquiry activities were similar to the cognitive levels of the students. Chem.
teachers who were asked about chem. II textbooks by the 7th national education curriculum answered
that they thought the contents and contents level of the chem. II textbooks were similar to those of the 6th
national education curriculum. But they thought that the way to explain scientific concepts in the chem. II
textbooks by the 7th national education curriculum was different from the chem.
II textbooks by the 6th national education curriculum and various instruction activities would be possible
because inquiry activities were various and plenty of learning materials were presented. Consequently,
the way to make the best use of inquiry activities properly for teaching and various teaching and learning
methods to be suitable for the students' cognitive levels are required.

Bibliographic Information

Reflections on future faculty development: Then (1980) and now (2005). Coppola, Brian P.
Department of Chemistry, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA. Abstracts of Papers, 229th
ACS National Meeting, San Diego, CA, United States, March 13-17, 2005 (2005), YCC-010.
Publisher: American Chemical Society, Washington, D. C CODEN: 69GQMP Conference; Meeting
Abstract written in English. AN 2005:194718 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))


As a graduate student at UW-Madison (1978-82), my concept of future faculty development was limited in
scope: becoming my graduate advisor, with other options existing on a declining hierarchy (lower-archy)
of support and respect. My experiences, and ultimate career path, have shaped my professional interest
in assembling a detailed infrastructure that permits undergraduate through post-doctoral students with the
opportunity to add a formal education in teaching and learning - as an emergent area of inquiry - to their
work in chem. The Carnegie Foundation's Mary Huber has included my story in her new book, Balancing
Acts. In this talk, I will trace the influences of my experiences from 25 years ago in shaping the design of
my current work, as well as speculate on the future.
Bibliographic Information

Engineering connections in G11-13 chemistry courses: Applying stoichiometry and the ideal gas
law to tuning an automobile engine. Gilbert, Thomas R.; Dietz, Beth. Department of Chemistry
and School of Education, Northeastern University, Boston, MA, USA. Abstracts of Papers, 229th ACS
National Meeting, San Diego, CA, United States, March 13-17, 2005 (2005), CHED-1440. Publisher:
American Chemical Society, Washington, D. C CODEN: 69GQMP Conference; Meeting Abstract
written in English. AN 2005:188567 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))


This inquiry began in a chem. course for freshmen engineering majors. Groups of students detd. the
max. vol. of octane (mimicking the phys. and chem. properties of gasoline) that could be completely
burned by the oxygen taken into one of the cylinders of an 8.3L V-10 sports car engine. To calc. this "full
throttle" quantity of fuel the students had to complete and balance a chem. equation for the combustion of
octane, use the ideal gas law and Dalton's law of partial pressures to calc. the quantity of oxygen in that
vol. of air, and then calc. the vol. of a octane that could react with that much oxygen. The inquiry was
then adapted to teach chem. to students in an automobile mechanics class at a vocational high school.
The students adjusted the fuel/air ratio of a test-stand automobile engine equipped with an exhaust gas
analyzer in a manner predicted by the stoichiometry of the combustion reaction and confirmed that the
engine was properly tuned by testing the compn. of the exhaust gases. We will describe the reactions of
both groups of students to these inquiry-based modes of instruction.

Bibliographic Information

Collaborative professional development for high school chemistry teachers. Banerjee, Anil C.
Department of Chemistry, Texas A&M University Commerce, Commerce, TX, USA. Abstracts of
Papers, 229th ACS National Meeting, San Diego, CA, United States, March 13-17, 2005 (2005),
CHED-1374. Publisher: American Chemical Society, Washington, D. C CODEN: 69GQMP Conference;
Meeting Abstract written in English. AN 2005:188502 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on
SciFinder (R))


A collaborative one academic year professional development program for high school chem. teachers is
under implementation in eight high schools in North East Texas as a part of a Teacher Quality Grant. The
program includes two graduate courses in chem. teaching methods for teachers on conceptual
development of basic chem. concepts, inquiry lab. expts. and one academic year of classroom
observation using RTOP (Reformed Teaching Observation Protocol) instrument, and extensive discussion
with teachers. The program is evaluated through pre-post content tests, RTOP indicators of reformed
effective teaching and feedback from teachers. The qual. research includes recording of classroom
discourses, anal. and linking teacher/student success to school effectiveness. The midterm evaluation
during summer through fall 2004 indicates that the 10 experienced high school chem. teachers have
better conceptual understanding in many areas of chem. and are teaching chem. concepts more
effectively and reflectively using inquiry and other teaching methods.

Bibliographic Information

Teaching lab report writing through inquiry: A novel Green Chemistry first-year undergraduate
experiment. Cacciatore, Kristen L.; Sevian, Hannah. Science Department, Dedham High School,
Dedham, MA, USA. Abstracts of Papers, 229th ACS National Meeting, San Diego, CA, United States,
March 13-17, 2005 (2005), CHED-1363. Publisher: American Chemical Society, Washington, D. C
CODEN: 69GQMP Conference; Meeting Abstract written in English. AN 2005:188491 CAPLUS
(Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))

We present an alternative to a traditional freshman chem. lab. fulfilling required AP Lab. #9. This expt.
has four innovative features: adherence to the Green Chem. tenets of low toxicity and atom economy, an
emphasis on the important features of oral and written scientific communication, a link to literacy, and
features of inquiry. The importance and essential qualities of written and verbal communication between
scientists are discovered by students themselves as they expt. by attempting to replicate different sample
written lab reports each lacking some essential information. Experimenting in this way meets several
freshman chem. needs simultaneously: completion of an expt. on mass/mol relationships in a chem.
reaction, demonstration of Green Chem. ideas in action, and most importantly, instruction on how and
why scientists communicate in a std. written format. In fact, students invent these stds. themselves as
they discover this crit. process skill through inquiry!.

Bibliographic Information

Engaging students with inquiry. Cole, Renee. Department of Chemistry and Physics, Central
Missouri State University, Warrensburg, MO, MO, USA. Abstracts of Papers, 229th ACS National
Meeting, San Diego, CA, United States, March 13-17, 2005 (2005), CHED-720. Publisher: American
Chemical Society, Washington, D. C CODEN: 69GQMP Conference; Meeting Abstract written in
English. AN 2005:187857 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))


When I began my position as a faculty member teaching phys. chem., one of my goals was to make phys.
chem. more engaging and interesting. I became aware of the work that Jim Spencer was doing with
Guided Inquiry through workshops and articles published in the Journal of Chem. Education. After that
first workshop in 2000, Jim was willing to both share the materials he had helped develop and to take on
the role of mentor. Now five years later, his work has expanded its impact, and I've become significantly
involved in the creation and dissemination of guided inquiry materials and teaching strategies. In this
presentation I will outline some of these strategies and materials and how they have changed my courses
(including introductory chem.) for the better. I will also describe how my involvement in the POGIL project
has developed and the impact it has had on both myself and colleagues.

Bibliographic Information

Development of inquiry centered activities for the secondary chemistry classroom. Durham,
Debra A.; Stamback, Jodi; Hiley, Shauna L. Department of Chemistry, Missouri Western State College,
St. Joseph, MO, USA. Abstracts of Papers, 229th ACS National Meeting, San Diego, CA, United
States, March 13-17, 2005 (2005), CHED-689. Publisher: American Chemical Society, Washington,
D. C CODEN: 69GQMP Conference; Meeting Abstract written in English. AN 2005:187827 CAPLUS
(Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))


One Missouri Western State College (MWSC) chem. education major and one high school junior
collaborated to revise an expt. currently used in the MWSC CHE 101 Introductory Chem. course, with the
goal of better engaging the students by incorporating inquiry centered activities. Students from different
lab sections of CHE 101 performed the old and new expts., which cover concepts on measurement and d.
They were then quizzed to det. their retention of the material. The quiz results led the group to the
realization that instructors new to guided inquiry needed more complete pedagogical guidelines to ensure
completion of the expt. On the second testing of the expt., more consistent results were obtained by
providing and discussing a more rigorous set of guidelines, including a needed schedule for completion of
tasks. The research team concluded that future efforts must include development of complete
pedagogical guides as well as the exptl. directions.

Bibliographic Information
Food science in the classroom: An application-based approach to high school chemistry
instruction. Rowley, Amy M.; Peacock, Jeremy S.; Armstrong, Danielle D.; Blais, Paul B.
Department of Food Science and Technology, University of Georgia, Athens, GA, USA. Abstracts of
Papers, 229th ACS National Meeting, San Diego, CA, United States, March 13-17, 2005 (2005),
CHED-152. Publisher: American Chemical Society, Washington, D. C CODEN: 69GQMP Conference;
Meeting Abstract written in English. AN 2005:187295 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on
SciFinder (R))


The most effective approaches to science instruction present scientific concepts in terms relevant and
meaningful within students' lives. As food is one of our most basic interests in life and a top priority in
teenagers' lives, the science behind our food is a natural perspective from which to approach high school
chem. instruction. To enhance student interest and engagement, graduate teaching fellows from the U. of
Georgia NSF GK-12 program, The Science Behind Our Food, have partnered with high school science
teachers to develop and implement innovative, inquiry-based lessons that present chem. from a food
science perspective. This application-based approach allows students to relate basic chem. concepts to
their lives, thus enhancing student interest and engagement and exposing students to opportunities for
advanced study and careers in the chem. sciences. We present an overview of lessons that use food
science to meet the National Science Education Stds. for chem.

Bibliographic Information

Expanding graduate students' views of effective teaching through the development of inquiry-
based high school chemistry lessons. Eikey, Rebecca A.; Rudd, James A.; Freking, Frederick W.;
Gerdeman, R. Dean; Russell, Arlene A. Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of
California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, USA. Abstracts of Papers, 229th ACS National Meeting,
San Diego, CA, United States, March 13-17, 2005 (2005), CHED-140. Publisher: American Chemical
Society, Washington, D. C CODEN: 69GQMP Conference; Meeting Abstract written in English. AN
2005:187283 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))


In the UCLA NSF GK-12 program, science graduate students (Fellows) are paired with first year
secondary science teachers in urban schools. Together, they design and implement inquiry-based
lessons. Over the past year, approx. a dozen lessons have been developed and field-tested in chem.
These lessons, some of which will be presented, represent an effort to improve urban science instruction.
A key outcome of the project has been a broadening of Fellows' views of effective teaching, such as the
use of inquiry-based instruction and strategies for teaching diverse learners. In the words of one Fellow:
"I have definitely changed some of my basic thinking about science teaching. "I had always assumed that
book teaching and learning from just reading about a topic was effective as long as it was discussed and
tested-I found that that approach was really ineffective and that engaging [the students] during the entire
lesson was very important.".

Bibliographic Information

A comparative analysis of cognitive levels of the 11th grade students and cognitive levels
required by high school chemistry I textbooks. Kim, Eun-Suk; Park, Kwang-Seo; Oh, Chang-Ho;
Kim, Dong-Jin; Park, Kuk-Tae. Department of Chemistry Education, Korea National University of
Education, Chungbuk, S. Korea. Journal of the Korean Chemical Society (2004), 48(6), 645-653.
Publisher: Korean Chemical Society, CODEN: JKCSEZ ISSN: 1017-2548. Journal written in Korean.
AN 2005:139148 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))


The purpose of this study was to compare and analyze the cognitive levels of 11th grade students and
those required in high school chem. I textbooks standardized by the 7th national education curriculum.
For this study, the cognitive development stages of 456 11th grade students were surveyed using short-
version GALT (group assessment of logical thinking). Furthermore, 15 basic concepts were extd. from
the contents on water and air, 2 units in chem. I order to analyze the cognitive levels necessary for
understanding high school textbooks, using CAT (curriculum anal. taxonomy). The results showed that
52.5% of the surveyed 11th grade students reached the formal operational level, 28.3% transitional levels,
and 19.5% concrete operational levels, 68.9% of the academic high school students and 6.6% of the tech.
high school students reached the formal operational levels, and the ratio of formation was very different in
each logics. As a result of the analyzing the cognitive levels needed for understanding chem. I textbook
contents, in spite of a change in national education curriculum, there were no great change in cognitive
levels required by scientific concept except some inquiry activities. The cognitive levels in high school
chem. I textbooks by the 7th national education curriculum appeared higher than the cognitive levels of
11th grade student, but cognitive levels of inquiry activities were similar to the cognitive levels of the
students. Chem. teachers thought of chemisty I textbooks by the 7th national education cirriculum as
desirable because scientific concepts levels compared with chem. I textbooks because scientific concepts
were greatly reduced in chem. I textbooks. The cognitive levels required in chem. I textbooks still
appeared higher than those of the students. Consequently, various teaching and learning methods and
materials will have to be developed to be suitable for the students' cognitive levels.

Bibliographic Information

The laboratory in chemistry education: Thirty years of experience with developments,

implementation, and research. Hofstein, Avi. Department of Science Teaching, The Weizmann
Institute of Science, Israel. Chemistry Education: Research and Practice (2004), 5(3), 247-264.
Publisher: University of Ioannina, CODEN: CERPCE Journal; Online Computer File written in
English. CAN 142:446685 AN 2005:58529 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))


Since the 1970s', the author was involved in researching the lab. work. The research focused on the
various issues concerning the lab. as a unique learning environment. Most of these studies are included
in this review. They were mainly conducted at the Department of Science Teaching, The Weizmann
Institute of Science, in the context of chem. curriculum development, implementation and evaluation. The
review of the research studies and its related publication is organized under the following key issues: (1)
The chem. lab.: A unique mode of learning, instruction, and assessment, (2). Assessing students'
performance and achievement using different modes of presentation in the chem. lab., (3) Students'
attitude towards and interest in school chem. lab. work, and (4) Students' perceptions of the lab.
classroom learning environment.

Bibliographic Information

Departing from lectures: An evaluation of a peer-led guided inquiry alternative. Lewlis, Scott E.;
Lewis, Jennifer E. Department of Chemistry, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL, USA. Journal
of Chemical Education (2005), 82(1), 135-139. Publisher: Journal of Chemical Education, Dept. of
Chemistry, CODEN: JCEDA8 ISSN: 0021-9584. Journal written in English. CAN 142:316111 AN
2004:1130319 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))


A more student-centered learning experience is possible by employing a reform method based on the
Peer-Led Team Learning (PLTL) developed by the National Science Foundation systemic change
initiative. The PLTL scenario facilitates the implementation of the guided-inquiry methods, which can be
used in smaller groups within the already small groups of a typical PLTL workshop. This combination
results in peer-led guided inquiry (PLGI). The pedagogical focus of PLGI is on student-student
interactions within small groups, with a peer leader acting as a facilitator for those interactions.
Comparison of the performance of students on the course exam and final exam provides an indication of
the effectiveness of PLGI intervention.

Bibliographic Information

An inquiry-based classroom activity on states of matter. Wilcox, C. Jayne. Department of

Chemistry, William Rainey Harper College, Palatine, IL, USA. Chemical Educator (2004), 9(5), 270-
271. Publisher: Chemical Educator, CODEN: CHEDF5 ISSN: 1430-4171. Journal; Online Computer File written in
English. CAN 142:316070 AN 2004:988196 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))


Chlorine, bromine, and iodine are used to illustrate how intermol. force of attraction play a key role in
detg. the phys. state of these elements. An existing lab. exercise has been modified to a student inquiry-
based classroom exercise, suitable for a high school AP chem. class or a college freshman- level
introductory chem. course.

Bibliographic Information

Instrumental analysis: A Guided Inquiry Collaborative Learning chemistry class. MacInnes,

David. Chemistry, Guilford College, Greensboro, NC, USA. Abstracts, 56th Southeast Regional
Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Research Triangle Park, NC, United States, November 10-13
(2004), GEN-101. Publisher: American Chemical Society, Washington, D. C CODEN: 69FWAQ
Conference; Meeting Abstract written in English. AN 2004:982748 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007
ACS on SciFinder (R))


The techniques of guided inquiry and collaborative learning have been applied to an upper level chem.
class. While Guided Inquiry has been successfully used in teaching both general chem. and phys. chem.,
it has not been applied to other chem. courses. I have developed a collection of group activities (each
group has three or four students) that are to be accomplished in the presence of a mentor (instructor).
Each group activity has one or more models (model, data, prose or figures that represent the core of
some chem. concept) followed by a series of crit. thinking questions, exercises and questions. Students
have to explain concepts to each other which helps them better understand the concepts in the module.
They also learn how to ask questions that clearly and concisely describe what they do not understand.
Finally, since groups (teams) have become essential in identifying, defining, and solving problems in our
society, it is important that they learn how to be active and productive members of a group. There are 12
modules in the course which link closely to 9 different expts. Class sizes have ranged from 6 to 26
students and include both traditional aged and adult students.

Bibliographic Information

Chemical Concepts and Connections for Teacher Leaders: A Professional Development Program.
Deese, William C.; Ramsey, Linda L.; Cox, Cathi. Department of Chemistry, Louisiana Tech University,
Ruston, LA, USA. Abstracts, 60th Southwest Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Fort
Worth, TX, United States, September 29-October 4 (2004), SEPT04-384. Publisher: American
Chemical Society, Washington, D. C CODEN: 69FVXC Conference; Meeting Abstract written in
English. AN 2004:810481 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))


Chem. Concepts and Connections for Teacher Leaders is a 3-yr professional development program
funded by the National Science Foundation since 2001. It is held in northern Louisiana on the campus of
Louisiana Tech U. Approx. 150 phys. science and chem. teachers from three states attend the program.
Components of the program include an intensive 2-wk institute each summer and academic year follow-
up through workshops, newsletters, classroom visits, and electronic learning community. Resources
provided for project participants include guidelines for all learning experiences, assessments, and
demonstrations as well as a manual describing all instructional strategies used in the program. In addn.,
participants receive "Chem. Careers in Louisiana", a manual geared to interest students in pursuing
careers related to chem. The program integrates history of science, chem. content, teaching through
inquiry, and leadership skills and is team taught by university faculty and an experienced K-12 teacher.

Bibliographic Information

A professional development program for chemistry teachers. Banerjee, Anil C. Department of

Chemisitry, Texas A&M University-Commerce, Commerce, TX, USA. Abstracts, 60th Southwest
Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Fort Worth, TX, United States, September 29-
October 4 (2004), SEPT04-383. Publisher: American Chemical Society, Washington, D. C CODEN:
69FVXC Conference; Meeting Abstract written in English. AN 2004:810417 CAPLUS (Copyright (C)
2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))


A professional development program for high school chem. teachers was developed under a U.S.
Department of Education grant from the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. The major
objectives of this year long professional development program are conceptual development of basic
concepts in chem., inquiry teaching and inquiry labs, equipping teachers to teach the Texas Essential
Skills and Knowledge (TEKS) effectively, and relating TEKS to TAKS (Texas Assessment of Knowledge
and Skills). The program is under implementation with 16 high school chem. teachers from North -East
Texas region during May 2004-May 2005. The program includes two graduate courses on advanced
chem. teaching methods in summer and fall 2004, and interaction and classroom observations during
academic year 2004-2005. The research design includes pre-post content understanding tests, test on
nature of science and classroom observation using RTOP (Reformed Teaching Observation Protocol)
Instrument. The 16 teachers are experienced high school chem. teachers. The mean score was 60% on
an ACS general chem. pre-test indicating that the teachers did not have adequate content understanding
in chem. even though they have been teaching chem. for some years, and had taken the required no. of
chem. courses for a teacher certification program. Anal. of the responses on some of the test items
showed widespread misconceptions and conceptual difficulties. The first methods course in summer
2004 was mainly on refined conceptual understanding on energetics and equil., and guided and open
inquiry labs. A content test administered at the end of the four-week summer course reflected lesser
misconceptions in some areas though teachers continued to have conceptual difficulties. Most teachers
did not have the required knowledge and skills to conduct open-ended inquiry. Hence, training on the
process and nature of scientific inquiry became another focus of this program. The detail of the program
and conceptual difficulties will be presented.

Bibliographic Information

Inquiry-Based Experiments in Chemistry. Lechtanski, Valerie Ludwig. USA. (2000), 252 pp.
Publisher: (ACS, Washington, D. C.) Book written in English. CAN 142:155209 AN 2004:797645
CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))

Bibliographic Information

Inquiry teaching in high school chemistry classrooms: The role of knowledge and beliefs.
Roehrig, Gillian H.; Luft, Julie A. Center for Research in Mathematics and Science Education, San
Diego State University, San Diego, CA, USA. Journal of Chemical Education (2004), 81(10), 1510-
1516. Publisher: Journal of Chemical Education, Dept. of Chemistry, CODEN: JCEDA8 ISSN: 0021-
9584. Journal written in English. CAN 142:260914 AN 2004:763387 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007
ACS on SciFinder (R))

The factors that affect the inquiry-based instruction of ten novice secondary chem. teachers were studied.
In particular, the influence of teaching beliefs and practices over a year in a context of their previous
educational and science related experiences were examd. The study showed a connection between
teaching beliefs and classroom practice for secondary chem. teachers that hold for a range of content and
pedagogical preparedness. The quality of inquiry lessons, however, was found to depend on the
teachers' knowledge of chem. content. Thus, teachers need specialized content support and inservice
training to translate their knowledge of inquiry teaching.

Bibliographic Information

TA training for inquiry-based laboratories. Williamson, Vickie; Lindsay, Lorraine; Mealey, Gina.
Department of Chemistry, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA. Abstracts of Papers,
228th ACS National Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, United States, August 22-26, 2004 (2004), CHED-026.
Publisher: American Chemical Society, Washington, D. C CODEN: 69FTZ8 Conference; Meeting
Abstract written in English. AN 2004:656180 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))


Teaching assistants play an important role in undergraduate lab. courses at large universities. The level
of training the teaching assistants receive varies widely from university to university and department to
department. Some teaching assistants receive formal educational training while others receive no
training at all. This study examines a practice program for inquiry-based General Chem. labs. that
focuses on prepg. teaching assistants by familiarizing them with the expts. and by modeling inquiry
teaching. Data were collected during three semesters from teaching assistants, which included
interviews, surveys, and student evaluations. Teaching assistants feel that the practices are helpful in
prepg. them to teach undergraduate level labs. and are also well satisfied with the practice experience.
Differences were found between subgroups of teaching assistants. Recommendations for those trying to
implement inquiry labs. were generated.

Bibliographic Information

More effective approach to the professional development of chemistry teachers. Priestley, W.

Joseph; Priestley, Holly. Science Dept, Bristol Twp (PA) School District, Levittown, PA, USA.
Abstracts of Papers, 228th ACS National Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, United States, August 22-26, 2004
(2004), CHED-015. Publisher: American Chemical Society, Washington, D. C CODEN: 69FTZ8
Conference; Meeting Abstract written in English. AN 2004:656169 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007
ACS on SciFinder (R))


Short term workshop-style professional development experiences addressing reform in chem. instruction
were shown to be ineffective. A series of studies detd. the impact of longer term inquiry/discovery-
oriented professional development experiences on the role of the lab. in chem. instruction. The primary
goal of these inservice experiences was to reform teaching from a traditional model where lab.
experiences are used to verify lecture presentations to one in which data collected during lab. activities is
used to drive further instruction. Pre- and post-lab. instruction was videotaped in chem. teachers'
classrooms and analyzed using Inquiry/Discovery Matrix. The longer-term inservice instruction resulted in
significant changes in the teachers' course organization and in the teaching strategies used in the lab.
sessions as well as an overall increase in the level of inquiry/discovery-oriented instruction.

Bibliographic Information

Novel approach to safety training for secondary science educators. Ratcliffe, Ann.
Mathematics and Science Teaching (MAST) Institute, University of Northern Colorado, Greeley, CO,
USA. Abstracts of Papers, 228th ACS National Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, United States, August 22-26,
2004 (2004), CHAS-020. Publisher: American Chemical Society, Washington, D. C CODEN: 69FTZ8
Conference; Meeting Abstract written in English. AN 2004:656145 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007
ACS on SciFinder (R))


Announcements requiring attendance at safety training sessions are often met with yawns and "Oh no,
not again!", and holding a captive audience's interest for an entire day of safety presentations can be
daunting for the presenter. Complicating the issue is the reality that safety training for secondary teachers
must cover all science disciplines. To engage science educators more deeply in the process of their own
training, we have developed a hands-on two-day workshop, delivered in a chem. lab., that models the
National Science Education Stds. for inquiry learning. Interspersed with information on the Lab. Std.,
ANSI Z87.1, and general lab. and field safety issues, participants do eight expts., ranging from analyzing
lab and field situations for safety violations to developing and carrying out student expts. that teach waste
minimization and environmental consciousness to use in their own classrooms.

Bibliographic Information

Discrepant event: the great bowling ball float-off. Mason, Diana; Griffith, William F.; Hogue,
Sharon E.; Holley, Kathleen; Hunter, Kirk. Department of Chemistry, University of North Texas, Denton,
TX, USA. Journal of Chemical Education (2004), 81(9), 1309-1312. Publisher: Journal of Chemical
Education, Dept. of Chemistry, CODEN: JCEDA8 ISSN: 0021-9584. Journal written in English. CAN
142:218621 AN 2004:650519 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))


Students need opportunities to explore ways that enhance their understanding of phys. properties of solid
objects. An inquiry-based activity is described that addresses both using an interactive, cross-disciplinary,
open-ended investigation centered on detg. math. whether a bowling ball will sink or float in water. In this
activity students investigate d. and develop geometry skills using bowling balls of different wts. Students
review math. concepts relating to vol. calcn. of a sphere to mass with a subsequent detn. of a solid
object's d. Each ball chosen for this investigation has a similar vol. but a different d. value that constitutes
the different buoyancies. This open-ended activity, which encourages students to develop and discuss
their individual protocol for performing investigation, is developmentally appropriate at many levels and
serves to promote learning by engaging students' curiosity.

Bibliographic Information

The problem with organic chemistry labs. Mohrig, Jerry R. Chemistry Department, Carleton
College, Northfield, MN, USA. Journal of Chemical Education (2004), 81(8), 1083, 1085. Publisher:
Journal of Chemical Education, Dept. of Chemistry, CODEN: JCEDA8 ISSN: 0021-9584. Journal
written in English. CAN 142:197344 AN 2004:593336 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on
SciFinder (R))


Although there has been repeated criticism of traditional org. chem. expts., the majority of org. chem.
labs. are still based on these cookbook verification expts. A crucial part of these expts., which is usually
missing, is the interpretation of exptl. results and drawing reasonable conclusions from data. Thus, there
is a need to recast expts. so that a question or problem comes first, which serves as the basis for lab.
investigation. The object of the lab. becomes the creation of a situation where the student can discover
the answer to a question from the results of his or her exptl. work. This question-driven, guided-inquiry
approach can bring back the life into org. chem. teaching labs. and can let students participate effectively
in the process of science.
Bibliographic Information

A national science standards-based study of web-based inquiry in chemistry. Shive, Louise E.;
Bodzin, Alec M.; Cates, Ward Mitchell. Education Department, Muhlenberg College, Allentown, PA,
USA. Journal of Chemical Education (2004), 81(7), 1066-1072. Publisher: Journal of Chemical
Education, Dept. of Chemistry, CODEN: JCEDA8 ISSN: 0021-9584. Journal written in English. CAN
141:224780 AN 2004:502786 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))


The pedagogical and design characteristics of chem.-related Web sites offering Web-based inquiry
activities in the public domain were investigated. Web sites were considered chem.-related if they
included subject matter traditionally covered in widely used introductory chem. textbooks. Of the 137
sites examd., only 17 were identified as Web based inquiry activities (WBIs). In these WBIs, 14 involve
aspects of water chem., one teaches the concepts of heat, temp., sp. heat, and energy transfer. Another
is a study of influences on b.p., and the last includes concepts in chem. bonding.

Bibliographic Information

Reforming a Chemistry Course for Pre-Service Elementary Teachers: Scientific Inquiry and
Inquiry Teaching. Harwood, William S. Science Education, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN,
USA. Abstracts, 36th Central Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Indianapolis, IN,
United States, June 2-4 (2004), INV-210. Publisher: American Chemical Society, Washington, D. C
CODEN: 69FMAU Conference; Meeting Abstract AN 2004:435348 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007
ACS on SciFinder (R))


It is well documented that teachers tend to teach the way they were taught. Thus, if we are to improve
the quality of pre-college education, it is imperative that we reform the college science instruction that pre-
service teachers receive. I recently became coordinate for a large multi-section chem. course required for
elementary education majors. The course serves between 240 and 280 students per semester.
Traditionally, the course has focused on developing basic skills through highly structured lab.
experiences. In my view, course reform is much like doing research. Specific portions of the course are
revised and the outcome is evaluated to guide a next iteration of reform. In this presentation I will
describe my use of the Activity Model for the process of scientific inquiry as a guiding framework for
reforming the course. The Activity Model describes the process used in authentic scientific research and
helps me guide students toward approaching investigations in a way that is more like authentic scientific
inquiry. The use of a lightly guided semester long inquiry and its outcome will be discussed. In addn. to a
semester long inquiry project, it is necessary to do smaller inquiry projects that are more guided. I will
describe one lab unit that was changed. The change revealed a fundamental misconception in chem.
held by the students. Addnl. outcomes from the reform of this unit will be discussed and their impact on
the next iteration of reform in the fall.

Bibliographic Information

The inquiry wheel, an alternative to the scientific method: a view of the science education
research literature. Robinson, William R. Department of Chemistry, Purdue University, West
Lafayette, IN, USA. Journal of Chemical Education (2004), 81(6), 791-792. Publisher: Journal of
Chemical Education, Dept. of Chemistry, CODEN: JCEDA8 ISSN: 0021-9584. Journal written in
English. CAN 141:71034 AN 2004:415974 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))


This study provides an insight into scientists' beliefs regarding scientific inquiry; i.e., what scientists
believe they do and the general approach they believe they use. Results suggest that the approach to
scientific inquiry is common to the diverse group of scientists who participated in the study regardless of
discipline. The tools and techniques that scientists use in a particular study will vary with the goals of the
study. It is clear that the formal rules that scientists use for reporting out the results of their scientific
inquiries differ from discipline to discipline. Thus, the process of scientific inquiry is discipline-free, while
its implementation is discipline specific.

Bibliographic Information

Integrated lecture and laboratory chemistry components of science education program for early
and middle childhood education majors. Lunsford, S. K. Department of Chemistry, Wright State
University, Dayton, OH, USA. Journal of Chemical Education (2004), 81(5), 685-687. Publisher:
Journal of Chemical Education, Dept. of Chemistry, CODEN: JCEDA8 ISSN: 0021-9584. Journal
written in English. CAN 141:224748 AN 2004:329702 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on
SciFinder (R))


One of the goals in developing the new chem. courses was to foster pos. student attitudes toward chem.
and to capitalize on both pos. and neg. experiences in helping students to see how teachers can
influence students' interests in science with inquiry-based and discovery learning. Two newly designed
courses developed for early and middle childhood education majors have been successful in developing
student conceptual understanding and ability to apply this understanding in problem solving. The
Concepts in Chem. I focuses on topics such as heat and temp., phys. vs. chem. properties, phys. vs.
chem. changes, periodic table, atoms, states of matter, gas laws, chem. reactions, solns., acids, and
bases, oxidn. and redn., and introduction to org. chem. Concepts in Chem. II includes the topics of
periodic trends, chem. reactions related to the world today, kinetics, equil., acids and bases with equil.,
oxidn. and redn., and org. chem. Addnl., the courses have been successful in helping students become
better inquiry science learners, which in turn, will help them become better inquiry science teachers as
called for in the National Science Education Stds. Other science educators at the University have noted
in subsequent science courses of the program that students are better prepd. with respect to content,
approaches reward learning, and attitudes toward inquiry science teaching since the inception of the
chem. components of the program.

Bibliographic Information

Guided inquiry in the laboratory: Student perceptions and performance. Verdel, Ellen F.
Department of Chemistry, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL, USA. Abstracts of Papers, 227th
ACS National Meeting, Anaheim, CA, United States, March 28-April 1, 2004 (2004), CHED-1154.
Publisher: American Chemical Society, Washington, D. C CODEN: 69FGKM Conference; Meeting
Abstract written in English. AN 2004:223471 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))


During the current academic year, the General Chem. labs at the U. of South Florida have undergone a
transformation from verification to guided inquiry format. Although many chem. educators embrace the
guided inquiry format in the lab., chem. students do not necessarily have the same fondness for this
approach. Data have been collected and analyzed that describe students reactions to the guided inquiry
format as well as their perceptions/understanding of chem. concepts upon completion of the expts.
Successes, failures and methods of promoting a smooth transition from verification to guided inquiry (esp.
in a large university environment) will be addressed.

Bibliographic Information

Effects of molecular visualization training on teachers' attitudes, content knowledge, and spatial
ability. Williamson, Vickie M.; Jose, Thomas J. Department of Chemistry, Texas A&M University,
College Station, TX, USA. Abstracts of Papers, 227th ACS National Meeting, Anaheim, CA, United
States, March 28-April 1, 2004 (2004), CHED-1137. Publisher: American Chemical Society,
Washington, D. C CODEN: 69FGKM Conference; Meeting Abstract written in English. AN
2004:223454 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))


The TAMU Information Technol. in Science Center for Teaching and Learning provides teachers the
opportunity to learn how science is done, how science is taught, how learning is assessed, and how to
develop communities of learners, all through the use of information technol. One project team, involved
with the first cohort of science education specialists, focused on use of mol. visualization in the
classroom. During 2, 3-wk intensive summer sessions, participants became familiar with relevant chem.
education literature, learned to use visualization software, and developed inquiry-based multimedia
teaching modules. Over the two-year period, participants were tested with respect to their logical thinking
ability, their spatial ability, their attitudes toward teaching and learning, and their content knowledge in
chem. Preliminary data show significant increases in attitude toward group learning and personal
classroom performance and a significant increase in spatial ability. A complete anal. of the participant
data will be presented.

Bibliographic Information

Using inquiry and the science writing heuristic to improve students' understanding of chemistry.
Poock, Jason; Burke, K. A.; Greenbowe, Thomas J.; Hand, Brian M. Department of Chemistry, Iowa
State University, Ames, IA, USA. Abstracts of Papers, 227th ACS National Meeting, Anaheim, CA,
United States, March 28-April 1, 2004 (2004), CHED-1116. Publisher: American Chemical Society,
Washington, D. C CODEN: 69FGKM Conference; Meeting Abstract written in English. AN
2004:223433 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))


Considerable time and effort was devoted to training chem. teaching assistants a large mid-west
university to implement guided-inquiry chem. expts. and the use of the science writing heuristic for the
format of the lab. notebook in a general chem. course for science and engineering students. The
teachings assistants received training prior to the start of classes and received assistance from a peer
mentor placed in their classroom. Two independent observers rated the degree to which the twenty-two
teaching assistant successfully implemented both guided-inquiry and the science writing heuristic. The
observers also rated the degree to which the students successfully used guided-inquiry and the science
writing heuristic format. The teaching assistants and students were classified into one of three groups:
high, medium and low with respect to inquiry. A pre-test demonstrated that all groups had about the same
av. score at the start of the course. Students in all but one section that were classified as high inquiry
scored statistically significantly better on an ACS general chem. exam and on the total points earned in
the lecture course compared to students in sections classified as low inquiry and having a teaching
assistant classified as low inquiry. Females in high inquiry groups benefited more than males and more
than females in a low inquiry groups. This is one of the few studies that has shown a pos. connection
between student work in an academic general chem. lab. and their performance on lecture examns.

Bibliographic Information

Remote inquiry based experiments for secondary chemical education. Zerger, Richard; Histand,
Gary. Department of Chemistry, Bethel College, N. Newton, KS, USA. Abstracts of Papers, 227th
ACS National Meeting, Anaheim, CA, United States, March 28-April 1, 2004 (2004), CHED-096.
Publisher: American Chemical Society, Washington, D. C CODEN: 69FGKM Conference; Meeting
Abstract written in English. AN 2004:222416 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))


Using LabView, National Instruments interface hardware and lab. instrumentation secondary school
students are provided with Web based control of expts. This project makes available inquiry based
learning experiences typically not available to secondary school students. Experiences include 1)
exploring the differences in the response of two model aquatic environments following an acid rain event
as monitored by pH, and CO2 measurements. Variables include changes to the type and amt. of acid,
and the naturally occurring material responsible for remediation 2) exploring the changes in equil. effected
by modifications in product and reactant concn., common ion/pH and temp. monitored by UV-Vis
spectrophotometric methods. Educational advantages include 1) expts. and data collection can be
carried out over long periods of times 2) datasets in electronic form are readily available to the students
for subsequent anal., graphing and discussion 3) exptl. conditions are student controlled creating an
inquiry based experience.

Bibliographic Information

Training junior and high school teachers in the use and application of computer-based learning
environments. Granda-Paz, Nelson; Pardo, Jairo; Rivera, Diamarys. Department of Chemistry,
University of Puerto Rico at Cayey, Cayey, P. R. Abstracts of Papers, 227th ACS National Meeting,
Anaheim, CA, United States, March 28-April 1, 2004 (2004), CHED-062. Publisher: American
Chemical Society, Washington, D. C CODEN: 69FGKM Conference; Meeting Abstract written in
English. AN 2004:222382 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))


The fact that exptl. activities are key in the understanding of scientific concepts during a teaching-learning
process is not new to pedagogical discussions. However, many junior and high schools in Puerto Rico
cannot offer a lab component as part of their science curriculum, particularly in chem. In an attempt to
impact local schools, U. of Puerto Rico at Cayey, established a developmental science teachers program
focused on making participants take advantage of the new technologies as an alternative to address the
problem. Teachers learned the use of computer-based chem. lab simulations that incorporated guided
inquiry activities, the use of sensors to acquire data of chem. phenomena in the real world and data anal.
applying math. models. Exposing teachers to computer-based learning environments has been
successful. Not only are they more motivated to teach science but students are also learning. We hope
in the future to extend the program to give others the opportunity to explore the possibilities that new
technologies offer in the teaching of the science. Details of this project will be provided.

Bibliographic Information

A new model for scientific inquiry: Implications for chemistry education reform. Harwood,
William S. Science Education, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, USA. Abstracts of Papers, 227th
ACS National Meeting, Anaheim, CA, United States, March 28-April 1, 2004 (2004), CHED-010.
Publisher: American Chemical Society, Washington, D. C CODEN: 69FGKM Conference; Meeting
Abstract written in English. AN 2004:222330 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))


The author will present the Activity Model for the process of scientific inquiry. This is a research-based
model arising from interviews with academic research scientists and using grounded theory methodol.
The model identifies 10 activities that all scientists engage in during the process of authentic scientific
inquiry. The activity model provides a framework for scientific inquiry in college and pre-college settings.
Course work requiring students to develop research questions or improve skills in gathering information
are aspects of scientific inquiry. Lab. experiences for college students need to consider how to
incorporate a more authentic process. Students often focus on getting the "right" answer. For many
chemists, being "wrong" is the start of good science. We need to provide time for students to identify
problems in lab results or design, solve them, and get valid results. Then we need to provide time to det.
the meaning of those results.

Bibliographic Information
The effectiveness of computer-generated 3d animations in inquiry chemistry laboratory. Theall,
Rachel Morgan. Arizona State Univ., Tempe, AZ, USA. Avail. UMI, Order No. DA3084680. (2003),
126 pp. From: Diss. Abstr. Int., B 2003, 64(3), 1221. Dissertation written in English. CAN 140:235146
AN 2004:104429 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))

Bibliographic Information

"Prompted" inquiry-based learning in the introductory chemistry laboratory. Green, William J.;
Elliott, Curtis; Cummins, R. Hays. Harriet L. Wilkes Honors College, Florida Atlantic University, Jupiter,
FL, USA. Journal of Chemical Education (2004), 81(2), 239-241. Publisher: Journal of Chemical
Education, Dept. of Chemistry, CODEN: JCEDA8 ISSN: 0021-9584. Journal written in English. CAN
140:270303 AN 2004:64487 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))


A general chem. lab. that combines traditionally scripted expts. and an inquiry-based group project is
described. Prompted inquiry-based labs. were chosen by student groups from a list provided by the
instructors. These "prompts" were effective in allowing students to begin their work in a timely manner
and, in most cases, to see a project to completion within a single semester. Combined with scripted labs.,
inquiry-based learning can awaken an interest in science among those students who are not enthusiastic
about std. approaches to lab. This approach also provides an optimal introduction to both careful and
precise chem. measurement and to the uncertainties and exploratory nature of scientific work.

Bibliographic Information

An analysis of inquiry area in the chemistry(II) textbooks by the inquiry elements based on the 7th
science curriculum. Kang, Daeho; Jeong, Soogoon; Koo, Insun. Department of Chemistry
Education and Center for Science Education and Research, Geongsang National University, Jinju, S.
Korea. Journal of the Korean Chemical Society (2003), 47(6), 645-658. Publisher: Korean Chemical
Society, CODEN: JKCSEZ ISSN: 1017-2548. Journal written in Korean. CAN 141:53746 AN
2004:24644 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))


This study was carried out to analyze inquiry area of the chem. (II) textbooks which were published by the
7th curriculum. The study attempts to analyze the degree to which chem. (I) textbooks reflected the
guidelines of the 7th science curriculum and propose educational suggestions for the inquiry learning.
The anal. of the inquiry area was carried out based on the suggested inquiry elements of the 7th science
curriculum. Overall, for the anal. of inquiry elements, basic inquiry elements except classifying suggested
by the 7th science curriculum were well reflected on the textbooks. However, for the integrated inquiry
elements, interpreting data takes almost half of the total integrated inquiry elements. Other integrated
inquiry elements except drawing conclusion and transforming data were reflected less than ten percent.
Investigation was also reflected less than ten percent of all inquiry activity. And inquiry activities were
limited in terms of variety with few projects and no field trip. The main essence of the 7th science
curriculum is the emphasis on total inquiry learning through various integrated inquiry elements and
inquiry activities for higher grade students. Thus, it is suggested that teachers provide inquiry learning
which can supplement the textbook.

Bibliographic Information

An analysis of inquiry area in the chemistry (I) textbooks by the inquiry elements based on the 7th
science curriculum. Kang, Daeho; Jeong, Soogoon; Kim, Bonggon. Department of Chemistry
Education and Center for Science Education and Research, Geongsang National University, Jinju, S.
Korea. Journal of the Korean Chemical Society (2003), 47(6), 633-644. Publisher: Korean Chemical
Society, CODEN: JKCSEZ ISSN: 1017-2548. Journal written in Korean. CAN 141:53745 AN
2004:24640 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))


The purpose of this study was to analyze the inquiry elements and inquiry activity of the inquiry area in
chem. I textbooks authorized by 7th curriculum. It was to confirm suitable reflection of the 7th science
curriculum and to find educational suggestions of inquiry learning. It was found that the basic inquiry
elements except measuring and classifying were well reflected on the textbooks. However, only several
integrated inquiry elements and the inquiry activities were well reflected on the same textbooks. For the
integrated inquiry elements, interpreting data was shown as the tower above the rest inquiry elements. In
the anal. of inquiry activity, the nos. of expt. is placed almost half of all inquiry activities. The sum of two
nos. of investigation and discussion is similar ratio to expt. but field trip and project are rarely or low ratio.
As the integrated inquiry elements and inquiry activities were not balanced for various inquiry learning. It
is suggested that learners be educated with complementary of these aspects in inquiry learning.

Bibliographic Information

Inquiry-based teaching: the role of knowledge and beliefs in high school chemistry classrooms.
Roehrig, Gillian H.; Kruse, Rebecca A. Department of Chemistry, San Diego State University, San
Diego, CA, USA. Abstracts, 38th Western Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Long
Beach, CA, United States, October 15-18 (2003), 142. Publisher: American Chemical Society,
Washington, D. C CODEN: 69ETVX Conference; Meeting Abstract written in English. AN 2004:14477
CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))


"Science as inquiry" is a key content std. in the National Science Education Stds., yet the implementation
of inquiry-based teaching is rare in secondary chem. classrooms. This paper is the result of a study that
was conducted in order to understand factors that impacted the inquiry-based instruction of ten beginning
secondary chem. teachers. These teachers represented a variety of teacher prepn. programs and levels
of content knowledge. The teacher prepn. programs represented a science focused Masters of
Education, a traditional undergraduate science certification program, alternative/emergency certification
programs and one teacher with no educational training. Chem. content prepn. included a Ph.D. chemist,
M.S. and B.S. chemists, and teachers with only a minor or two-semesters of chem. None of the teachers
used a required curriculum and needed to design their own inquiry-based activities to supplement their
textbook. The study focused on the impact of teaching beliefs, pedagogical knowledge and content
knowledge on the instructional decisions and practices of these ten teachers. Case and cross-case
comparisons revealed that chem. teachers, intentions to implement inquiry teaching were more strongly
influenced by their teaching beliefs than their knowledge of chem. or pedagogy. Only teachers with some
constructivist or student-centered teaching beliefs made a decision to implement inquiry-based chem.
instruction in their classrooms, whereas teachers with more teacher-centered beliefs only enacted
traditional instruction. However, teachers, knowledge of pedagogy and chem. did impact the type and
quality of inquiry-based instruction enacted by those teachers with constructivist teaching beliefs.
Teachers with an in-depth knowledge of pedagogy from their certification programs were more likely to
enact a variety of inquiry-based teaching strategies that were appropriate to the content and student
needs. Teachers with stronger chem.
content knowledge were more likely to enact inquiry-based instruction based on content development
rather than focusing on process skills. This study reinforces the need for chem.-focused inservice training
for beginning chem. teachers that focuses on both inquiry teaching strategies and teaching beliefs and
the need for inquiry-based curriculum materials to assist out-of-field chem. teachers.

Bibliographic Information

Assessing high school chemistry teacher's misconceptions with the chemistry concepts
inventory. Kruse, Rebecca A.; Roehrig, Gillian H. Center for Research in Mathematics and Science
Education/Chemistry, San Diego State University, San Diego, CA, USA. Abstracts, 38th Western
Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Long Beach, CA, United States, October 15-18
(2003), 139. Publisher: American Chemical Society, Washington, D. C CODEN: 69ETVX
Conference; Meeting Abstract written in English. AN 2004:14469 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS
on SciFinder (R))


"Science as inquiry" is a key component of the National Science Education Stds. A highly structured and
deep conceptual understanding of chem. is crit. to the successful implementation of inquiry-based
lessons. Unfortunately, teachers with an academic major in their teaching area have been found to have
poorly organized subject matter knowledge, and out-of-discipline teachers are even more likely to have
limited and fragmented understanding of the subject. This paper is the result of a study to assess
misconceptions of high school chem. teachers in a large urban district, many of whom are out-of-
discipline, to further inform professional development activities related to the adoption of a reformed
chem. curriculum that emphasizes the development of students, conceptual understanding of chem.
through guided inquiry and constructivist pedagogy. Teacher responses to the Chem. Concepts Inventory
were analyzed to assess misconceptions, and correlations were made to previously reported
misconceptions of entering college students. The teachers scored higher than students on all items but
with a similar distribution of most commonly incorrect items and misconceptions, which predominantly
involved translating between macroscopic, microscopic, and symbolic representations of chem. Potential
origins and impacts of the teachers, misconceptions on teaching and student learning were explored,
including teachers, lack of awareness of their own misconceptions, direct transmission of teachers,
misconceptions to students, and teachers, beliefs about teaching for conceptual understanding. Data
collected from two homogenous groups of teachers also suggested that teaching experience and
professional development are not equiv. to formal education with respect to the development of teachers,
conceptual understanding of chem. The study reinforces the need for content-focused training toward the
development of out-of-discipline chem. teachers, conceptual understanding of chem.
and, specifically, in making meaningful connections between observations of macroscopic phenomena
and corresponding explanations at the particulate level.

Bibliographic Information

Training teaching assistants to teach using inquiry yields high dividends for students.
Greenbowe, Thomas; Poock, Jason; Burke, Kathy; Hand, Brian. Iowa State University, Ames, IA,
USA. Abstracts, 59th Southwest Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Oklahoma City,
OK, United States, October 25-28 (2003), 85. Publisher: American Chemical Society, Washington, D.
C CODEN: 69ETTV Conference; Meeting Abstract written in English. AN 2003:966733 CAPLUS
(Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))


Considerable time and effort was devoted to training chem. teaching assistants a large mid-west
university to implement guided-inquiry chem. expts. and the use of the science writing heuristic for the
format of the lab. notebook in a general chem. course for science and engineering students. The
teachings assistants received training prior to the start of classes and received assistance from a peer
mentor placed in their classroom. Two independent observers rated the degree to which the twenty-two
teaching assistant successfully implemented both guided-inquiry and the science writing heuristic. The
observers also rated the degree to which the students successfully used the guided-inquiry and science
writing heuristic format. The teaching assistants were classified into one of two groups: high inquiry or
low inquiry. The students in each lab. section were classified into one of two groups: high inquiry or low
inquiry. A pre-test demonstrated that all groups had about the same av. score at the start of the course.
Students in all but one section classified as high inquiry scored statistically significantly better on their lab.
practicals exams and on their lecture exams compared to students in sections classified as low inquiry
and having a teaching assistant classified as low inquiry. Females in high inquiry groups benefited more
than males and more than females in a low inquiry groups. This is one of the few studies that has shown
a pos. connection between student work in an academic general chem. lab. and their performance on
lecture examns.

Research Topic task started on Mon Jul 9, 2007 at 7:58 PM

4 Research Topic candidates were identified in CAPLUS and MEDLINE.

using the phrase "inquiry in teaching chemistry"

Selected 1 of 4 candidate topics.

155 references were found containing the two concepts "inquiry" and "teaching chemistry" closely
associated with one another.


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Genbank. Nucl. Acids Res. 28(1):15-18 (2000). Property values
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CHEMLIST, CHEMCATS: Copyright © 2007 American Chemical Society. All Rights Reserved.

Bibliographic Information

The state of matter: meeting the national standards. DeBernardo; Bretz, Stacey Lowery.
Youngstown State University, Youngstown, OH, USA. Abstracts, 35th Central Regional Meeting of the
American Chemical Society, Pittsburgh, PA, United States, October 19-22 (2003), 225. Publisher:
American Chemical Society, Washington, D. C CODEN: 69ETWY Conference; Meeting Abstract written
in English. AN 2003:887044 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))


The National Science Education Stds. argue that all students should learn the basic content of
introductory chem., with an emphasis on inquiry. This paper will present a unit that incorporates
demonstrations, hands-on activities and inquiry based labs for each of the solid, liq., and gas states. The
unit is designed to fulfill the requirements of the stds. so that each student will have an opportunity to
learn and appreciate the concepts taught.

Bibliographic Information

Content, concept, context which order in a chemistry course? Fletcher, Kath. Central Hawke's
Bay College, N. Z. Chemistry in New Zealand (2003), 67(3), 36-38. Publisher: Ancat Holdings Ltd.,
CODEN: CMNZAA ISSN: 0110-5566. Journal written in English. CAN 140:4616 AN 2003:864752
CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))


This article describes the use of an investigative, integrated, flexible, and real-world approach to the
teaching of Chem. and Science in a New Zealand secondary school. It also looks briefly at some
research in the field of inquiry learning and constructivism. The writer learned Chem., as most readers of
this journal will also have done, from teachers and lecturers who told the facts, expounded the laws and
principles, and expected their students to show by a written examn. only, that they had been learned.
There was no opportunity at either school or in the BSc degree structure for independent student
investigation unless an honors program was undertaken. The author discusses inquiry learning and
constructivism approaches to teaching chem. By changing the order of the traditional three-step process
for chem. teaching, teachers in secondary schools can gradually change to a new inquiry-based learning
approach for some curriculum topics.

Bibliographic Information

Collection of Problems of Organic Chemistry, Inquiring Test for Access in University. (Culegere
de Probleme de Chimie Organica Teste Grila Pentru Admitere) Florea, Stelian; Bratulescu, George;
Glodeanu, Elena. Rom. (2003), 191 pp. Publisher: (Editura Universitaria, Craiova, Rom.) Book
written in Romanian. CAN 140:235196 AN 2003:816197 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on
SciFinder (R))

Bibliographic Information

Graduate teaching assistants and inquiry-based instruction: Implications for graduate teaching
assistant training. Roehrig, Gillian H.; Lift, Jule A.; Kurdziel, Josepha P.; Turner, Jessica A. Center
for Research in Mathematics and Science Education, San Diego State University, San Diego, CA,
USA. Journal of Chemical Education (2003), 80(10), 1206-1210. Publisher: Journal of Chemical
Education, Dept. of Chemistry, CODEN: JCEDA8 ISSN: 0021-9584. Journal written in English. CAN
140:4603 AN 2003:731084 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))


Creating effective graduate teaching assistant (GTA) training programs is crit. if chem. departments are to
be successful in implementing inquiry-based practices. In the past three decades, there has been an
emphasis on how to design GTA training program, with the result that the majority of universities now
have some form of GTA training program. However, GTA training programs vary greatly among
institutions; they range from half day, university-wide orientation sessions that introduce new GTAs to
university policies and no departmental training; to multi-day, university-wide training as well as
department-specific training; to university-wide training coupled with full-semester courses and seminars
on teaching methods offered by specific departments. GTA training programs also vary greatly among
chem. departments; a recent survey of institutions offering undergraduate chem. programs approved by
the American Chem. Society found that 37 % of these institutions provided no formal GTA training. For
those offering formal GTA training, only 17 % of institutions spent more than one day on training activities.
This article presents the findings of a semester-long study that specifically examines the teaching
environment and experiences with inquiry-based instruction of chem. GTAs at a research-doctoral
university through interviews and observations of the GTAs. Staff and faculty were interviewed as well.
The findings from this study provide insight into the attitudes towards inquiry-based instruction and
difficulties with the implementation of inquiry-based instruction experienced by GTAs. As a result of
understanding the barriers to implementing inquiry-based teaching, we suggest directions for GTA training
programs that are specific to the discipline of chem. and inquiry-based instruction. Recommendations are
provided for how to help GTAs teach effectively in an inquiry-based environment based on the GTAs'
experiences with inquiry-based teaching and their reflections on those experiences.
Bibliographic Information

Using an inquiry model in the teaching and learning of science: Can it be done in the secondary
classroom? Otieno, Tracey; Martin, Sonya; Lavan, Sarah-Kate. School of Arts and Sciences, Dept.
of Chemistry, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA. Abstracts, 36th Middle Atlantic
Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Princeton, NJ, United States, June 8-11 (2003),
195. Publisher: American Chemical Society, Washington, D. C CODEN: 69EBDT Conference; Meeting
Abstract written in English. AN 2003:502885 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))


Take to create an effective inquiry-based lesson These and other questions will be discussed by teachers
who were exposed to inquiry-based learning as students in the University of Pennsylvania's Master of
Chem. Education (MCE) program. Having found Penn,s Inquiry Model (PIM) effective for their own
learning of chem., many MCE teachers have now been successful at implementing and adapting this
same model of instruction in their own science classrooms. In this session, teacher participants will
discuss their experiences using inquiry from the perspective of learning through inquiry as well as
teaching through inquiry. They will share successes and failures they encountered in the process of
appropriating the Penn Inquiry Model as a teaching tool in their classrooms. They will also share specific
inquiry based lessons used with their high school students.

Bibliographic Information

Using an inquiry model in the teaching of science: Can it be done by research chemists?
Blasie, Constance W. School of Arts and Sciences, Department of Chemistry, University of
Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA. Abstracts, 36th Middle Atlantic Regional Meeting of the
American Chemical Society, Princeton, NJ, United States, June 8-11 (2003), 194. Publisher: American
Chemical Society, Washington, D. C CODEN: 69EBDT Conference; Meeting Abstract written in
English. AN 2003:502884 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))


Traditionally, university science courses are taught using a lecture format, possibly incorporating
recitations or problem solving sessions. In an innovative collaboration between University of
Pennsylvania,s Chem. Department and its Graduate School of Education, a new program was developed
which required research chemists to question traditional models of college science teaching through
examg. science education literature about inquiry-based instruction. The inquiry model of instruction used
in the presentation of the eight chem. content courses in Penn's Master of Chem. Education (MCE)
program was developed as a result of the chem. faculty making sense of "inquiry-based teaching and
learning" as described in much of the science education literature. In hindsight, the entire development of
the MCE program, from its inception to its current successful fourth year, made use of that same model.
What is this "Penn Inquiry Model" This presentation will discuss the model, its' development, its regular
use in the MCE courses and its implicit use in MCE program evaluation which leads to improving the
teaching and learning experience for all stakeholders.

Bibliographic Information

Accuracy in inquiry-based experiments. Hasegawa, Tadashi; Anma, Takashi; Yamazaki, Yuko.

Dep. of Education, Tokyo Gakugei University, Koganei-shi, Tokyo, Japan. Kagaku to Kyoiku (2003),
51(3), 193-194. Publisher: Nippon Kagakkai, CODEN: KAKYEY ISSN: 0386-2151. Journal written in
Japanese. CAN 139:213753 AN 2003:297947 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on SciFinder


"Inquiry-based Expts. in Chem. (IBEC)" is introduced with some examples on the expts. and results.
Bibliographic Information

Like dissolves like: A classroom demonstration and a guided-inquiry experiment for organic
chemistry. Montes, Ingrid; Lai, Chunqiu; Sanabria, David. Department of Chemistry, University of
Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras, P. R. Journal of Chemical Education (2003), 80(4), 447-449. Publisher:
Division of Chemical Education of the American Chemical Society, CODEN: JCEDA8 ISSN: 0021-9584.
Journal written in English. CAN 139:84720 AN 2003:224085 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS
on SciFinder (R))


A guided-inquiry org. chem. lab. has been developed to understand the soly. principle "like dissolves like"
and the factors governing this phenomenon. By using soly. tests, the students explore many of the
factors affecting soly., in the context of one particular functional group class. Compds. contg. different
functional groups can be used as well, if the instructor so desires. The principle of "like dissolves like" is
introduced and mastered by involving stud in an active experience that allows them to develop anal. skills.

Bibliographic Information

Evaluating the effectiveness of implementing inquiry and the science writing heuristic in the
general chemistry laboratory: Teaching assistants and students. Burke, K. A.; Poock, Jason;
Cantonwine, David; Greenbowe, Thomas J.; Hand, Brian M. Department of Chemistry, Iowa State
University, Ames, IA, USA. Abstracts of Papers, 225th ACS National Meeting, New Orleans, LA,
United States, March 23-27, 2003 (2003), CHED-1286. Publisher: American Chemical Society,
Washington, D. C CODEN: 69DSA4 Conference; Meeting Abstract written in English. AN
2003:181004 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))


Doing general chem. labs. using an inquiry approach and the science writing heuristic (SWH) required us
to have "on the job training and mentoring" of 17 teaching assistants. Three experienced chem.
education graduate students were selected as mentor teaching assistants. The TAs were trained to
observe and classify the actions and interactions of the teaching assistants and students enrolled in the
lab. course. TAs were classified as "high", "medium" or "low" on their ability to implement inquiry and the
SWH. The students in each section were classified as "high", "medium", or "low" on their ability to do
inquiry, group work, and use the SWH. Scores from the students' lab. practical exam tasks and the hour
exam problems were analyzed. Preliminary results indicate that students who are doing inquiry and using
the SWH appropriately outperform other students on the exam tasks and problems.

Bibliographic Information

Active chemistry: A new high school chemistry curriculum. Heltzel, Carl E.; Eisenkraft, Arthur;
Freebury, Gary. Department of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Transylvania University, Lexington,
KY, USA. Abstracts of Papers, 225th ACS National Meeting, New Orleans, LA, United States, March
23-27, 2003 (2003), CHED-093. Publisher: American Chemical Society, Washington, D. C CODEN:
69DSA4 Conference; Meeting Abstract written in English. AN 2003:179812 CAPLUS (Copyright (C)
2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))


Active Chem., an NSF-funded project which mirrors the successful approach of Active Physics, is being
created under the direction of Arthur Eisenkraft, the project director of Active Physics. Combined they
make an exemplary activity and inquiry-based program that challenges high school students to think
critically and develop problem-solving skills. The Active Chem. approach embraces the concept that all
students can have success in Chem. This presentation will describe the progress of the development of
the Active Chem. Curriculum and will demonstrate that it is: - Based on scientific inquiry approach to
learning - Derived from current science education research - Focused on student questions and
investigations - Centered on collaborative learning strategies - Supportive of cross-disciplinary and cross-
curricula approaches - Designed with substantial teacher support.

Bibliographic Information

Incomplete combustion with candle flames: a guided-inquiry experiment in the first-year

chemistry lab. MacNeil, Joseph; Volaric, Lisa. Department of Chemistry, Chatham College,
Pittsburgh, PA, USA. Journal of Chemical Education (2003), 80(3), 302-304. Publisher: Division of
Chemical Education of the American Chemical Society, CODEN: JCEDA8 ISSN: 0021-9584. Journal
written in English. CAN 139:52449 AN 2003:139905 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on
SciFinder (R))


First-year chem. students enter the lab. with a background rooted in expository experimentation. Our
course objectives include transitioning these students to discovery-based learning and independent, crit.
thinking. There are a no. of classroom demonstrations related to combustion. The most complete of
these makes two important points: incomplete combustion is typically a consequence of kinetics rather
that thermodn. and candle flames generally self-extinguish before consuming all the available oxygen.
This latter result strikes many as counter-intuitive and has previously been debated. The current report
extends these principles into the lab. setting with students' natural comfort with candle flames providing
the jumping-off point to explore the concepts of incomplete combustion, thermodn., kinetics, and gas

Bibliographic Information

A cognitive modeling tutor supporting student inquiry for balancing chemical equations.
Johnson, Benny G.; Holder, Dale A. Quantum Simulations, Inc., Murrysville, PA, USA. Chemical
Educator [online computer file] (2002), 7(5), 297-302. Publisher: Springer-Verlag New York Inc.,
CODEN: CHEDF5 ISSN: 1430-4171. http://link.springer- Journal; Online Computer File written
in English. CAN 138:353435 AN 2002:884188 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on SciFinder


Improved interactive tutoring capabilities in educational software for chem. problem solving is an
important need that has been clearly articulated by teachers and students. The incorporation of new
concepts from the field of artificial intelligence (AI) as a route to meaningful individualized tutoring was
examd. The basic shift is to replace specific knowledge of problems with a direct representation of chem.
and pedagogical principles and then simulate reasoning using these principles to tutor students. A
prototype tutorial program for balancing chem. equations that contains two important advances was
developed to assess the potential of an AI-based approach. First, the system can create a worked-out
soln. with detailed explanations for any equation entered by the student or teacher. Unlike a conventional
tutorial, this is done dynamically, without the equation being stored ahead of time. Second, the program
can interactively answer a variety of detailed questions about its work at each step. Studying worked-out
examples plays an important role in learning, and this approach to supporting interactive student inquiry is
being investigated as a method of cognitive modeling and apprenticeship intended to foster the student's
own self-explanation and question-asking abilities.

Bibliographic Information

Environmental health science in the classroom. Dereski, Mary O.; Losey, Heidi; Pietrantoni, Lisa.
Environmental Health Sciences Center, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, USA. Comments on
Toxicology (2002), 8(2), 195-207. Publisher: Taylor & Francis Ltd., CODEN: COTXEI ISSN: 0886-
5140. Journal written in English. CAN 138:204408 AN 2002:721348 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007
ACS on SciFinder (R))


The Environmental Health Sciences (EHS) Center at Wayne State University in Detroit, MI, was
established in 1993 to study the effects of environmental factors on human health. The EHS Center and
its membership form a highly interactive multidisciplinary team of scientists and physicians from several
hospitals and research facilities in and around WSU. Because of its diverse array of expertise, the EHS
Center is in an optimal position to bring the knowledge of highly contemporary biomedical technologies to
the K-12 educational community. The EHS Center has an extremely active Community Outreach and
Education Program (COEP) that facilitates the transfer of environmental health information into beneficial
programs for the educational community. The COEP has offered several programs to the local five-
county area around WSU for the past six years. Included in these offerings are a constructivist, inquiry-
based hands-on curriculum for grades K-12 (Chems. in My WorldTM), a web-based multimedia
interactive curriculum for grades 9-12 (Environmental Cyber Schoolhouse), Saturday Institutes for middle
school students; and an apprenticeship program for upper level high school students and teachers.
Evaluation of these programs has indicated that they have had significant success in providing venues for
information on various environmental health-related topics and biomedical techniques. The COEP will
continue to offer programs and opportunities in all areas of environmental health education for students in
grades K-12 and for teacher professional development.

Bibliographic Information

Preparing students for research: Synthesis of substituted chalcones as a comprehensive guided-

inquiry experience. Vyvyan, James R.; Pavia, Donald L.; Lampman, Gary M.; Kriz, George S.
Department of Chemistry, Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA, USA. Journal of
Chemical Education (2002), 79(9), 1119-1121. Publisher: Division of Chemical Education of the
American Chemical Society, CODEN: JCEDA8 ISSN: 0021-9584. Journal written in English. CAN
137:294445 AN 2002:650891 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))


The synthesis of substituted chalcones is described as a comprehensive guided-inquiry experience that

preps. chem. students for research. Substituted benzalacetophenones (chalcones) is produced by aldol
condensation of substituted benzaldehydes with substituted acetophenones. The project includes online
and traditional literature searching methods and each student preps. one of the substituted chalcones,
comparing the characterization data to those found in the literature. The starting materials are dissolved
in ethanol and aq. sodium hydroxide is added while stirring provides a good yields of the chalcone
product within 15 min in most cases. The final product is compared with literature data based on m.p., IR
and NMR spectra.

Bibliographic Information

Role of inquiry in the University of Pennsylvania's Master of Chemistry Education program:

Development, evolution and daily practice. Blasie, Constance W. Department of Chemistry,
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA. Abstracts of Papers, 224th ACS National Meeting,
Boston, MA, United States, August 18-22, 2002 (2002), CHED-228. Publisher: American Chemical
Society, Washington, D. C CODEN: 69CZPZ Conference; Meeting Abstract written in English. AN
2002:614789 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))


The inquiry model of instruction used in the presentation of the eight chem. content courses in Penn's
Master of Chem. Education (MCE) program was developed as a result of chem. faculty making sense of
"inquiry-based teaching and learning" as described in much science education literature. In hindsight, the
entire development of the MCE program from inception to its current successful third year made use of
that same model. What is this "Penn Instructional Model" This presentation will discuss the model, its
development, its regular use in the MCE courses, and its implicit use in MCE program evaluation which
leads to improving the experience for all stakeholders.

Bibliographic Information

Analytical chemistry - any in the school of unrecognized subjects? Weber, Oliver; Tausch,
Michael W. Institut fuer Chemie, Chemie und ihre Didaktik, Gerhard-Mercator-Universitaet Duisburg,
Duisburg, Germany. Praxis der Naturwissenschaften, Chemie in der Schule (2002), 51(4), 36-39.
Publisher: Aulis Verlag Deubner & Co. KG, CODEN: PNCSBH Journal written in German. CAN
137:169000 AN 2002:556615 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))


Background information for school teachers of chem. is given, concerning an inquiry on the theme of
"place value of anal. chem. in lessons". Results of the inquiry and consequences for teachers and
students, college, and society/policy are discussed.

Bibliographic Information

Analytical problems associated with the analysis of metals in a simulated hazardous waste.
Dunnivant, F. M. Department of Chemistry, Whitman College, Walla Walla, WA, USA. Journal of
Chemical Education (2002), 79(6), 718-720. Publisher: Division of Chemical Education of the American
Chemical Society, CODEN: JCEDA8 ISSN: 0021-9584. Journal written in English. CAN 137:154492
AN 2002:388230 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))


A series of lab. exercises that illustrates a new guided inquiry approach, project-based learning, to
teaching undergraduate instrumental anal. and environmental chem. is presented. The focus of the
exercises is on the anal. of calcium in complex sample matrixes by a variety of wet and instrumental
techniques. The target courses for this exercise are upper-level instrumental methods of anal. or
environmental chem. The procedures for the detn. of calcium in a simulated hazardous waste sample
include: flame at. absorption spectroscopy (FAAS) using external std. calibration; FAAS using external
std. calibration with a releasing agent such as Sr; FAAS using std. addn.; FAAS using std. addn. with a
releasing agent; EDTA titrn.; and Ca-ion-specific electrode.

Bibliographic Information

Guided Inquiry Organic Chemistry: An active alternative to lecture for small and large
classrooms. Straumanis, Andrei. Organization 6245, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque,
NM, USA. Abstracts of Papers, 223rd ACS National Meeting, Orlando, FL, United States, April 7-11,
2002 (2002), CHED-092. Publisher: American Chemical Society, Washington, D. C CODEN:
69CKQP Conference; Meeting Abstract written in English. AN 2002:186723 CAPLUS (Copyright
(C) 2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))


Guided Inquiry Org. Chem. is a new method for teaching org. chem. that reflects research findings about
how students learn, has proved effective in several settings, and has worked for us. The course materials
are available in a preliminary form. The three main goals are to: a) use active learning techniques; b)
teach students to work in teams; and c) awaken students to the joys of figuring concepts out for
themselves. Pilot courses were taught at Carleton College, the U. of New Mexico, and a dozen other
institutions. Controlled assessments indicate much lower than expected attrition in Guided Inquiry
sections. As instructors, we obsd. an increase in the complexity and energy of student-student and
student-faculty interactions. This, in turn, had a pos. impact on our enjoyment of the students and their
enjoyment of the subject matter. The method is based on Guided Inquiry Chem. developed by Moog, et.

Bibliographic Information

Chemical Health and Safety Professional Development Program. Lunsford, Suzanne.

Chemistry, Wright State University, Dayton, OH, USA. Abstracts of Papers, 223rd ACS National
Meeting, Orlando, FL, United States, April 7-11, 2002 (2002), CHAS-037. Publisher: American
Chemical Society, Washington, D. C CODEN: 69CKQP Conference; Meeting Abstract written in
English. AN 2002:186628 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))


The Chem. Health and Safety integrated with phys. science professional development program is a three-
year project. This three-year program was developed to provide exemplary phys. science experiences for
middle school teachers of typically underrepresented and underserved students of science in the greater
Dayton, Ohio area. These collaborating school districts are recruited teachers who will serve 55% female
and 50% minority student populations. The program is aligned with Ohio's state science model and the
National Research Council's National Science Education Stds. with inquiry-based, cooperative hands-on,
minds-on, constructivist types activities designed to foster in-depth types of activities while integrating
chem. health and safety issues. The main goal of this project is to continue and further teacher's
development to implement the stds. in their classrooms while experiencing the stds. as students
themselves with chem. health and safety as a concern. This program has complemented and continued
the exemplary phys. science developmental experiences such as those obtained through Project
Discovery while expanding further to address the concerns of safety in the activities developed. The
professional development program consists of the following components each year: an administrator
workshop; a summer institute; and academic year classroom support. This professional development
program is in the second year and these results will be presented.

Bibliographic Information

Using the science writing Heuristic to move toward an inquiry-based laboratory curriculum: an
example from physical equilibrium. Rudd, James A., II; Greenbowe, Thomas J.; Hand, Brian M.;
Legg, Margaret J. Department of Chemistry, Iowa State University of Science and Technology, Ames,
IA, USA. Journal of Chemical Education (2001), 78(12), 1680-1686. Publisher: Division of Chemical
Education of the American Chemical Society, CODEN: JCEDA8 ISSN: 0021-9584. Journal written in
English. CAN 136:85395 AN 2001:871927 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))


A quasi-exptl. study was conducted in which the std. lab. report format was replaced with a modified
version of the Science Writing Heuristic (SWH) student template. For students using SWH, the written
explanation of a phys. equil. was measurably better according to descriptive and statistical results, and
the use of symbolic notation was also measurably better. Performance on the phys. equil. task was
slightly better for students using the SWH. Significantly, the simple implementation of the SWH student
template reduced time on task for students and instructors, and at the sane time, SWH students exhibited
better performance and attitudes. The introduction of the SWH student template as a lab. report format
may be considered a useful and accessible method of incremental change for shifting toward an inquiry-
based lab. curriculum.

Bibliographic Information

The effects of science inquiry experiments emphasizing social interactions and the analysis of
social interactions by cognitive level of the students. Kim, Jo-Youn; Shin, Ae-Kyung; Park, Kuk-
Tae; Choi, Byung-Soon. Department of Chemistry Education, Korea National University of Education,
Chung-buk, S. Korea. Journal of the Korean Chemical Society (2001), 45(5), 470-480. Publisher:
Korean Chemical Society, CODEN: JKCSEZ ISSN: 1017-2548. Journal written in Korean. CAN
136:309393 AN 2001:836693 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of science inquiry expts. emphasizing social
interaction on the development of process skills of the students. The social interactions by cognitive level
of the students were also analyzed. For this study. 197 8th grade students were sampled. They were
divided into an exptl. group and a control group. During four-month period, the exptl. group received
science inquiry expts. treatment emphasizing social interactions while the control group received
traditional treatment. Not only science inquiry ability pretest-posttest, but also multiple data collection
method such as a questionnaire, class observation, and audio/video recording were used in collecting the
data. According to the results of this study, it was found that the mean score of the exptl. group was
significantly higher than that of the control group at 0.05 level. It was also found that the students of high
cognitive level led the peers and participated in the class discussion actively with the teacher while the
students of low cognitive level followed the students of high cognitive level and showed inactive
interaction with the teacher. Anal. of the students' perceptions on inquiry expts. showed that students
participated in discussion actively in the class as these expts. gave an opportunity for them to discuss and
were able to solve the problems with peers' help through discussion.

Bibliographic Information

A Web-based molecular-level inquiry laboratory activity. Abraham, Michael R.; Gelder, John I.;
Haines, Kirk. Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK, USA.
Chemical Educator [online computer file] (2001), 6(5), 307-308. Publisher: Springer-Verlag New York
Inc., CODEN: CHEDF5 ISSN: 1430-4171. http://link.springer- Journal; Online Computer File written
in English. CAN 136:53287 AN 2001:823044 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))


A new computer-based at. level simulation of an ideal gas is described. The simulation is written in Java
and can be accessed by students through a Web browser. This software is used in conjunction with
written lab. expt. developed within the framework of an inquiry instructional strategy. This mol.-level lab.
expt. is used in combination with a parallel macroscopic lab. expt. Students exposed to these kinds of
parallel activities will be able to link better the macroscopic, microscopic, and symbolic understanding of
chem. concepts.

Bibliographic Information

Using guided inquiry to study optical activity and optical rotatory dispersion in a cross-
disciplinary chemistry lab. Vaksman, Michael A.; Lane, James W. Dep. Chem., Univ. Wisconsin-
Superior, Superior, WI, USA. Journal of Chemical Education (2001), 78(11), 1507-1509. Publisher:
Division of Chemical Education of the American Chemical Society, CODEN: JCEDA8 ISSN: 0021-9584.
Journal written in English. CAN 136:19664 AN 2001:773172 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS
on SciFinder (R))


A new laboratpry expt. for the detn. of the optical activity and ORD (ORD) of a compd. is described. The
students det. the optical activity of a compd. using the std. polarimeter. They are given a He-Ne laser with
a light detector and a polarizer and asked to design the most accurate method for detg. the angle of
rotation for this second wavelength. The method of guided inquiry is used throughout this part of the expt.
The students should come up with the idea of using the orientation of the polarizer 2 where the intensity I
of light exiting the polarizer is half of the sum of the minimal and maximal values. Students should
conclude that the results are better described by the modified version of the Drude equation. The
proposed expt. is sensitive enough to observe optical rotary dispersion at wavelengths that can readily be
reproduced in most undergraduate labs.

Bibliographic Information

"We're all learners here": Inquiry-based college chemistry for high school chemistry teachers.
Roberts, Bryan W. Department of Chemistry, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA.
Abstracts of Papers, 222nd ACS National Meeting, Chicago, IL, United States, August 26-30, 2001
(2001), CHED-420. Publisher: American Chemical Society, Washington, D. C CODEN: 69BUZP
Conference; Meeting Abstract written in English. AN 2001:637918 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007
ACS on SciFinder (R))


The Master of Chem. Education program at the U. of Pennsylvania was created as a resource for high
school chem. teachers desiring to strengthen knowledge of chem. content, pedagogical techniques, skills
in lab. experimentation and management, and use of information technol. The ten-course curriculum
commenced in the summer of 2000 with a course in general/org. chem. which was integrated with and
drew on skills developed in a companion course on chem. experimentation and information technol.
Pedagogy was inquiry-based and included open class discussion, small group deliberation, examn. of
preconceptions, inductive and deductive threads of development, introduction of discrepant observations,
ref. to historical background, and use of classroom access to electronic sources of information. Issues
which emerged as the program began included the disparity in participants' backgrounds, min.
requirements for admission, expectations for curricular innovation in participants' schools, and coupling of
participants' curricular initiatives with adequate resources.

Bibliographic Information

Mentoring through Teach..chem: The Illinois Chemistry Teachers Support Network. Hunter,
William J. F.; Carver, Jeffrey S.; Short, Barbara J. Department of Chemistry, Illinois State University,
Normal, IL, USA. Abstracts of Papers, 222nd ACS National Meeting, Chicago, IL, United States,
August 26-30, 2001 (2001), CHED-022. Publisher: American Chemical Society, Washington, D. C
CODEN: 69BUZP Conference; Meeting Abstract written in English. AN 2001:637520 CAPLUS
(Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))


Teach..chem: The Illinois Chem. Teachers Support Network is a partnership of teachers, schools,
universities, community colleges, industry, and government agencies. Teach..chem partners have
organized summer workshops and academic year mentoring aimed at helping teachers to teach chem. in
a more constructivist manner. Teachers from throughout Illinois have been challenged to remake a
portion of their chem. courses to meet state and national stds. for content and inquiry learning.
Teach..chem attempts to improve chem. content knowledge, pedagogy, and leadership skills to meet
these stds. by seamlessly integrating pre-service chem. teacher education with induction and mentoring
by and for teachers at all stages of their careers.

Bibliographic Information

Model for K-12 science reform. Holt, Smith L. Center for Science Literacy, Oklahoma State
University, Stillwater, OK, USA. Abstracts of Papers, 222nd ACS National Meeting, Chicago, IL,
United States, August 26-30, 2001 (2001), CHED-014. Publisher: American Chemical Society,
Washington, D. C CODEN: 69BUZP Conference; Meeting Abstract written in English. AN
2001:637512 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))

Systemic reform of science and mathematics can only be accomplished by appropriately training public
school teachers at both the pre-service and the in-service levels. With NSF support, a consortium of
Oklahoma colleges and universities has developed a model for reform that includes lab.-based, inquiry-
centered courses in physics, chem., biol., and earth sciences specifically designed for K-8 education
majors; revised methods courses; and in-service professional development that equips teachers with
classroom-ready, com. available modules. With the training and materials provided, classroom teachers
deliver developmentally appropriate hands-on, inquiry-centered science throughout the school year. Over
the past three years nearly 400 elementary education majors have participated in at least one of the pre-
service courses and over 1500 classroom teachers have received in-service professional development
and are using the materials in the classroom. Currently, with the support of the USDOE, internet-based
materials and curricula are being developed for use by middle and high school teachers.

Bibliographic Information

Model for K-12 science reform. Holt, Smith L. Center for Science Literacy, Oklahoma State
University, Stillwater, OK, USA. Abstracts of Papers, 221st ACS National Meeting, San Diego, CA,
United States, April 1-5, 2001 (2001), CHED-039. Publisher: American Chemical Society, CODEN:
69FZD4 Journal; Meeting Abstract written in English. AN 2001:198076 CAPLUS (Copyright (C)
2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))


The Third International Mathematics and Science study has underscored the need for improved
instruction in science, particularly phys. science, in grades K-12. This can only be accomplished by the
systemic reform of science and mathematics training of public school teachers at both the pre-service and
the in-service levels. Oklahoma State U. has developed a model for reform that includes lab.-based,
inquiry-centered courses in physics, chem., biol., and earth sciences specifically designed for elementary
education majors; revised methods courses; and professional development that provides teachers with
classroom-ready, com. produced modules. Over the past three years nearly 300 elementary education
majors have participated in at least one of the pre-service courses and over 1000 K-12 classroom
teachers have received in-service professional development.

Bibliographic Information

Beyond density: an inquiry-based activity involving students searching for relationships.

DeMeo, Stephen. Sch. Education, Hunter Coll. City Univ. New York, New York, NY, USA. Journal of
Chemical Education (2001), 78(2), 201-203. Publisher: Division of Chemical Education of the American
Chemical Society, CODEN: JCEDA8 ISSN: 0021-9584. Journal written in English. CAN 134:251857
AN 2001:55505 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))


A guided inquiry lab. activity was created to allow students to construct relationships between an object's
properties and the vol. of water the object displaces. This activity also allows students to learn about
controlling variables, the necessity of replication, the magnitude of measurements, and the relevance of a
measurement's level of uncertainty. There are no significant hazards assocd. with this activity.

Bibliographic Information

Modification of small-scale one-pot reactions to an inquiry-based laboratory exercise. Wilcox,

C. Jayne. Department of Chemistry, William Rainey Harper College, Palatine, IL, USA. Journal of
Chemical Education (2001), 78(1), 62-63. Publisher: Division of Chemical Education of the American
Chemical Society, CODEN: JCEDA8 ISSN: 0021-9584. Journal written in English. CAN 134:222208
AN 2001:9040 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))

Small-scale one-pot reactions reported by Epp (Journal of Chem. Education, p. 545, vol. 72, 1995) have
been modified to a guided-inquiry lab. exercise suitable for first- and second-semester college-level
general chem. courses. These reactions involve aq. ionic equil. centered on three different cations. Each
cation has its own set of self-contained reactions that occur in sequence in just one test tube. Acid-base
and redox reactions are used to form ppts., gases, and complex ions in each series of reactions. The
exercise is intended to provide students the opportunity to observe and apply firsthand some theor.
concepts they have already learned and with which they are familiar, at least on paper. Also, seeing the
various ppts., bubbles and colors of complex ions that form in their test tubes gives students a descriptive
appreciation that would be missing if the exercise were completed simply as part of a lecture or
discussion. Care should be taken because HCl, H2SO4 and NaOH solns. are caustic and cause burns.
Also Na2S solns. form H2S gas, which is toxic and AgNO3 solns. strain skin. It is recommended that
students wear protective gloves while performing this exercise and work in a hood or well-ventilated area.

Bibliographic Information

Problems of environmental protection in chemical education. Puchala, Czeslaw. Instytut

Chemii, Wyzsza Szkola Pedagogiczna, Czestochowa, Pol. Chemia, Dydaktyka, Ekologia, Metrologia
(1999), 4(1-2), 55-57. Publisher: Towarzystwo Chemii i Inzynierii Ekologicznej, CODEN: CDEMF4
Journal written in Polish. CAN 133:309514 AN 2000:699947 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS
on SciFinder (R))


In this article an environmental state of Czestochowa and its neighborhood area were characterized. To
det. the ecol. awareness of young people, inquiry investigations at schools were carried out. The anal. of
inquiries clearly shows that on problems of environment protection in chem. education must be put much
more stress.

Bibliographic Information

A practice and evaluation of new in-service training program for science teachers about computer
inquiry experiments using interface and probes in chemistry. Ree, Jongbaik; Park, Jongwon; Oh,
Heegyun; Moon, Kyunghwan. Department of Science Education, College of Education, Chonnam
National University, Kwangju, S. Korea. Journal of the Korean Chemical Society (2000), 44(3), 258-
265. Publisher: Korean Chemical Society, CODEN: JKCSEZ ISSN: 1017-2548. Journal written in
Korean. CAN 133:266204 AN 2000:502608 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))


This study was designed to evaluate the effectiveness of an in-service training program using computer
interface and probes for science teachers. The purposes of the training program are the improvement of
scientific inquiry teaching ability in chem., the understanding of scientific concepts, inquiry skills, and the
computer manipulation ability. This training program consists of ten expts. using computer interface and
various kinds of probes. Before practicing, the program was tested and modified by 9 science teachers.
Then, 27 science teachers participated in the 5 days of in-service training, which ran for three hours a
day. The questionnaire for investigating the effectiveness of the program after the training showed that
many teachers (1) voluntarily participated in this program with internal motivation, (2) were satisfied with
the level of program difficulty, professionalism of lecturer, and classroom environment, (3) gave pos.
responses about the achievement of the purposes of this program, (4) showed strong intention for
applying this program to their school teaching.

Bibliographic Information
New alternatives to teach organic chemistry laboratory techniques using the guided-inquiry
learning approach. Montes, Ingrid; Lai, Chunqiu; Melendez, Margarita. Department of Chemistry,
University of Puerto Rico, San Juan, P. R. Book of Abstracts, 219th ACS National Meeting, San
Francisco, CA, March 26-30, 2000 (2000), CHED-139. Publisher: American Chemical Society,
Washington, D. C CODEN: 69CLAC Conference; Meeting Abstract written in English. AN
2000:328274 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))


In the traditional approach for teaching org. lab. techniques, the students are seldom exposed to literature
or library research, the importance of teamwork is not stressed, they do not develop the ability to organize
ideas and they even can't integrate learned fundamental concepts. This limitation affects the
development of students in the process of creativity and crit. thinking. Education should be an active
process in which students as well as professors are active learners. Therefore, a debate has centered on
how to make the chem. lab. more like a research experience. This presentation deals with some expts.
for teaching org. lab. techniques designed upon the guided inquiry approach. The guided inquiry
approach helps students develop a much clearer understanding of the problems found in research. At the
same time allows them to correlate and integrate different concepts learned through the Org. Chem.

Bibliographic Information

Systematic study of the Grignard reaction focused on the guided-inquiry approach. Montes,
Ingrid; Malendez, Margarita; Diaz, Zaida. Department of Chemistry, University of Puerto Rico, San
Juan, P. R. Book of Abstracts, 218th ACS National Meeting, New Orleans, Aug. 22-26 (1999),
CHED-269. Publisher: American Chemical Society, Washington, D. C CODEN: 67ZJA5 Conference;
Meeting Abstract written in English. AN 1999:540271 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on
SciFinder (R))


Many students have difficulties understanding and applying concepts, finding relevance and transferring
knowledge within and across disciplines. New learning strategies must be introduced to meet student"s
needs and interests. A commonly used methods to teach lab. skills is the guided inquiry approach, which
focuses on the dynamic nature of chem. This presentation describes a new Grignard expt., designed
upon this approach that help students to develop a clearer understanding of the problems found in
research and allows them to correlate and integrate different concepts learned throughout the org. chem.
course. Involvement in the process of creativity and crit. thinking, experience with literature and library
research, written communication skills improvement, the team work skills , integration of learned concepts
and experience with mol. modeling are stressed through this systematic study.

Bibliographic Information

Guided-inquiry-based learning in freshman chemistry: Is the goal attainable?. Zoller, Uri.

Department of Science Education-Chemistry Haifa University Oranim, Kiryat Tivon, USA. Book of
Abstracts, 218th ACS National Meeting, New Orleans, Aug. 22-26 (1999), CHED-073. Publisher:
American Chemical Society, Washington, D. C CODEN: 67ZJA5 Conference; Meeting Abstract written
in English. AN 1999:540073 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))


It is theorized and believed but much less demonstrated by many educators that meaningful learning and
personal growth particularily in the science context,do occur only via active inquiry within relevant problem
solving situations on the part of learners. Clearly, inquiry-based learning requires the application of
inquiry approach to instruction and, in accord, the implementation of teaching strategies within the
science teaching process. The "translation" of the inquiry approach from theory to day by day practice is
a major issue of concern within the current LOCS-to- HOCS (lower order; higher order cognitive skills)
switch in orientation of chem.(and science) instruction. Selected innovative "guided inquiry" based
teaching/instruction, learning and assessment strategies successfully applied within a variety of settings-
class, homework assignments,labortatory projects and examns. within college/university, chem.
instruction, will be presented and critically discussed in terms of the resulting learning. Research-based
evidence will be provided concerning the extent of attainability of the goals of inquiry instruction.

Bibliographic Information

In the spectrum between lectures and guided inquiry, what color should I choose for my class?.
Grushow, Alexander. Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, Rider University, Lawrenceville, NJ,
USA. Book of Abstracts, 218th ACS National Meeting, New Orleans, Aug. 22-26 (1999), CHED-057.
Publisher: American Chemical Society, Washington, D. C CODEN: 67ZJA5 Conference; Meeting
Abstract written in English. AN 1999:540057 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))


The Guided-Inquiry approach to teaching has been receiving more and more attention in the field of
chem. education. For those who are unfamiliar with any non-traditional approaches to chem. education
two questions arise: How do I get started And how much active learning should I incorporate in my
course I will discuss the short history of my teaching career and the neophyte"s view of how to answer
these questions. The short answer to the title is that each class you teach will probably require a different
color. I will discuss the merits of both ends of the spectrum and some of the important considerations to
make when trying to det. the happy medium between them. My own style of material development for the
guided-inquiry classroom will also be discussed.

Bibliographic Information

Analysis of inquiry activity in the chemistry part of middle school science textbook. Lee, Bong-
Hun; Ha, Young-Sook. Department of Chemistry, Pusan National University, Pusan, S. Korea.
Journal of the Korean Chemical Society (1999), 43(2), 225-230. Publisher: Korean Chemical Society,
CODEN: JKCSEZ ISSN: 1017-2548. Journal written in Korean. CAN 131:58365 AN 1999:286966
CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))


The inquiry activities closely related to chem. which were presented in the 4 middle school science
textbooks were compared and analyzed. The total vol. of chem. part was 64.8 pages (22.3%), which
were the smallest one in the four categories of science. The total nos. of inquiry activities related to
chem. were 171; 59 for the first grade, 47 for the second, and 65 for the third grade and those were
composed of 29 observations, 20 measurements, 113 expts., 9 data explanations, no investigation and
discussion. Therefore, the major inquiry activity was expt. (66.7%) and this maldistribution will need to be

Bibliographic Information

A review of laboratory instruction styles. Domin, Daniel S. Department of Chemistry, University

of Wisconsin-Fax Valley, Menasha, WI, USA. Journal of Chemical Education (1999), 76(4), 543-547.
Publisher: Division of Chemical Education of the American Chemical Society, CODEN: JCEDA8 ISSN:
0021-9584. Journal; General Review written in English. CAN 131:129441 AN 1999:200782
CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))


A review of literature with 68 refs. revealed that there are four distinct styles of lab. instruction that have
been used throughout the history of chem. education: expository, inquiry, discovery and problem-based.
The various differences in the four styles may be expected to lead to different learning outcomes. The
establishment of a taxonomy of lab. instruction styles may offer the needed impetus to start a research
agenda that assesses each style of instruction against the required learning outcomes. Research is
needed to det. the best style of instruction that provide specific learning outcomes such as conceptual
understanding, retention of content knowledge, scientific reasoning skills, higher-order cognition, lab.
manipulative skills, better attitude towards science, and a better understanding of the nature of science.

Bibliographic Information

The influence of TA training in an inquiry-oriented laboratory. Heppert, Joseph A.; Robinson,

Janet Bond. Chemistry Department, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, USA. Book of Abstracts,
217th ACS National Meeting, Anaheim, Calif., March 21-25 (1999), CHED-844. Publisher: American
Chemical Society, Washington, D. C CODEN: 67GHA6 Conference; Meeting Abstract written in
English. AN 1999:145426 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))


Changes in lab. practice require training for graduate teaching assistants in facilitation of learning.
Teaching assistants learn to facilitate conceptual understanding of chem. by understanding and practice
in the following: 1) Questioning strategies that get students thinking through chem. conceptually rather
than giving them answers that short-circuit the understanding process; 2) Understanding of how inquiry in
solving problems differs from traditional labs., and 3) Conceptual chem. software and use of networking
technol. to pool ideas, resources, and data. Continual development of teaching assistants occurs through
modeling of these strategies, coaching of GTAs during the labs, and evaluation according to a locally-
developed rubric to assess the effectiveness of the lab.

Bibliographic Information

Introducing inquiry-based learning into a general chemistry curriculum. Parker, Heather; Fish,
Caryl. Saint Vincent College, Latrobe, PA, USA. Book of Abstracts, 217th ACS National Meeting,
Anaheim, Calif., March 21-25 (1999), CHED-372. Publisher: American Chemical Society,
Washington, D. C CODEN: 67GHA6 Conference; Meeting Abstract written in English. AN
1999:144845 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))


A recent movement in chem. education is to generate an inquiry-based learning environment in the lab.
Inquiry-based labs. provide only basic questions and background information to initiate the expt., and then
leave students to formulate their own hypotheses, create their own expts., and analyze data at their own
discretion; shifting the focus from obtaining the correct results, to understanding the methods employed.
This paper will discuss how I designed and implimented two inquiry-based expts., one dealing with
significant figures and another with colligative properties, into the General Chem. Lab. Program at Saint
Vincent College. It will then compare their effectiveness to the traditional expts. currently being
implemented. My main objective is to study the impact of inquiry-based education on a student's ability to
understand key concepts, as well as its link to the development of crit. thinking skills and to increasing
student's enthusiasm towards the lab.

Bibliographic Information

Identifying and overcoming chemistry misconceptions in pre-service teachers. Tanis, David.

Department of Chemistry, Grand Valley State University, Allendale, MI, USA. Book of Abstracts, 217th
ACS National Meeting, Anaheim, Calif., March 21-25 (1999), CHED-112. Publisher: American
Chemical Society, Washington, D. C CODEN: 67GHA6 Conference; Meeting Abstract written in
English. AN 1999:144389 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))

Pre- and post-tests inquiring about basic chem. and physics concepts have been given for seven years as
part of a two-hour course for pre-service secondary teachers who will graduate with a minor or major in
chem. Student responses to specific questions will be shared, classroom mediation techniques will be
described, and post-test results will be shared. Those results show that student preconceptions are
"sticky," that hands-on acitivities and group work help to overcome misconceptions, and that it takes time
to reduce confusion about basic science concpets.

Bibliographic Information

Inquiry-based approach to a carbohydrate analysis experiment. Senkbeil, Edward G.

Department Chemistry, Henson School Science Technology, Salisbury State University, Salisbury, MD,
USA. Journal of Chemical Education (1999), 76(1), 80-81. Publisher: Division of Chemical Education
of the American Chemical Society, CODEN: JCEDA8 ISSN: 0021-9584. Journal written in English.
CAN 130:222718 AN 1998:809136 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))


The expt. where students are required to gather information about carbohydrates in advance of the expt.
and apply that information directly in the methods used to analyze the unknown is presented.

Bibliographic Information

Chemistry books in chemical engineering studies in Mexico. Valiente-Barderas, Antonio;

Ramirez-Rivero, Patricia. Edificio E, Laboratorio 224, Departamento Ingenieria Quimica, Facultad
Quimica, UNAM, Mexico City, Mex. Educacion Quimica (1998), 9(4), 215-220. Publisher: Facultad
de Quimica de la UNAM, CODEN: EUQIEM ISSN: 0187-893X. Journal written in Spanish. CAN
130:24593 AN 1998:614914 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))


The teaching of chem. engineering has had from the beginning a strong emphasis on chem., which
differentiates it from other kinds of engineering. Chem. has evolved throughout the years, and with it, the
textbooks which the future professionals study. The textbooks found in the library of the College of Chem.
at the UNAM are reviewed along with the results of some inquiries among professors and students at the
UNAM in which they express their opinions about the use of textbooks and the most used titles in the
teaching of chem.

Bibliographic Information

An example of a guided-inquiry, collaborative physical chemistry laboratory course. Deckert,

Alice A.; Nestor, Lisa P.; DiLullo, Donna. Dep. Chem., College of Holy Cross, Worcester, MA, USA.
Journal of Chemical Education (1998), 75(7), 860-863. Publisher: Division of Chemical Education of the
American Chemical Society, CODEN: JCEDA8 ISSN: 0021-9584. Journal written in English. CAN
129:122186 AN 1998:399701 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))


We have recently attempted to apply accepted strategies of guided-inquiry and collaborative learning to a
phys. chem. lab. course. Our effort builds on the successful guided-inquiry approach used in many gen.
and org. chem. courses.

Bibliographic Information

A guided inquiry approach to NMR spectroscopy. Parmentier, Laura E.; Lisensky, George C.;
Spencer, Brock. Dep. Chem., Beloit Coll., Beloit, WI, USA. Journal of Chemical Education (1998),
75(4), 470-471. Publisher: Division of Chemical Education of the American Chemical Society, CODEN:
JCEDA8 ISSN: 0021-9584. Journal written in English. CAN 128:282441 AN 1998:187253
CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))


Students use research-quality instruments and work in collaboration with other students to develop a
correlation chart for NMR chem. shifts, which is then used to interpret the NMR spectra of the aspirin
product synthesized in the week-long aspirin project in the one-semester introductory course entitles "The
Structure and Properties of Materials".

Bibliographic Information

The preparing future faculty program: Developing the next generation of academia. Firestine,
Jennifer A.; Bauer, Richard C.; Birk, James P. Department Chemistry and Biochemistry, Arizona State
University, Tempe, AZ, USA. Book of Abstracts, 215th ACS National Meeting, Dallas, March 29-April 2
(1998), CHED-713. Publisher: American Chemical Society, Washington, D. C CODEN: 65QTAA
Conference; Meeting Abstract written in English. AN 1998:142176 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007
ACS on SciFinder (R))


Prepg. Future Faculty (PFF) is a national program to develop new approaches to prepg. doctoral students
who are seeking careers in the professoriate. PFF is a two-year program in which doctoral students are
given the opportunity to experience the "behind-the scenes" life of faculty at different institutions of higher
learning. Following a year of seminars and site visits, PFF fellows are paired with professors at the
various schools to work on projects in three areas: teaching, research, and service. The chem. teaching
projects involved curriculum development in general chem., such as inquiry-based interdisciplinary labs
and group learning in large classes. We will describe the program and some of the activities in more

Bibliographic Information

Systematic observations: A tool for measuring change in chemistry classrooms. Jones, Loretta
L.; Pentecost, Thomas M.; Madden, Sean P.; Schoenfeld-Tacher, Regina M. University Northern
Colorado, Greeley, CO, USA. Book of Abstracts, 215th ACS National Meeting, Dallas, March 29-April
2 (1998), CHED-694. Publisher: American Chemical Society, Washington, D. C CODEN: 65QTAA
Conference; Meeting Abstract written in English. AN 1998:142158 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007
ACS on SciFinder (R))


It is difficult to build a comprehensive picture of the nature of change in a classroom using paper tests
alone. Systematic classroom observations reveal not only how the teacher is spending his or her time,
but what kinds of activities students are completing and the learning approaches students are using.
ChemQuest, Chem. for the Information Age, is a full-year NSF-funded high-school chem. curriculum that
uses CD-ROM and Web-based technologies to engage students in inquiry-based learning. The
curriculum is designed to provide chem. teachers with materials that facilitate the implementation of
science teaching stds. such as inquiry learning. Classroom observations allow us to det. the new
variables that result from computer delivery of curriculum and assess how these variables impact student
learning. Implementation issues can also be studied.

Bibliographic Information

A statistical comparison of a student-centered interactive approach to a "traditional" lecture

approach in the general chemistry classroom. Geiger, Lynn; Straushein, Belia; Pentecost, Thomas;
Cooney, John. Department Chemistry and Biochemistry, University Northern Colorado, Greeley, CO,
USA. Book of Abstracts, 215th ACS National Meeting, Dallas, March 29-April 2 (1998), CHED-036.
Publisher: American Chemical Society, Washington, D. C CODEN: 65QTAA Conference; Meeting
Abstract written in English. AN 1998:141514 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))


General chem. course revisions at the University of Northern Colorado, sponsored by a five year NSF-
funded multi-institutional project to improve the preservice prepn. of science and mathematics teachers
through the integration of content and pedagogy, involve an innovative activity-based, conceptual
approach to teaching chem. that integrates cooperative learning, decision-making, computer-based mol.
visualization, multimedia simulations, and inquiry-based small scale lab. activities. To test the
effectiveness of these course revisions in the lecture section of the class, two section of first semester
general chem. were taught in spring semester of 1996 by the same instructor. An exptl. section was
taught using cooperative learning, and other aspects of the revisions, while a more "traditional" lecture
based approach was used in the control section. Data comparing student academic achievement as a
function of gender and approach will be presented. Addnl. data on classroom dynamics as a function of
gender and approach will also be presented.

Bibliographic Information

Perceptions of preservice training college students regarding the inquiry-oriented general

chemistry laboratory. Park, Jong-Yoon; Nam, Jung-Hee; Choi, Ok-Kyung; Won, Mi-Hae; Kang,
Soonhee. Department Science education, Ewha Womans University, Seoul, S. Korea. Hwahak
Kyoyuk (1997), 24(6), 379-394. Publisher: Korean Chemical Society, CODEN: HWKYDI ISSN: 0304-
5277. Journal written in Korean. CAN 128:192171 AN 1998:88481 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007
ACS on SciFinder (R))


The perceptions of preservice training college students about the inquiry-oriented general chem. lab. were
surveyed and analyzed qual. The inquiry method of lab. was based upon mainly Lawson's learning cycle
process. Students in the treatment group experienced the newly developed inquiry lab., while those in
the control group experienced the traditional lab. for one semester. After instructions, the survey of their
perceptions was conducted and the results were discussed qual. for six categories in detail. There are
significant differences in their perceptions between two groups. The students in the treatment group had
more pos. attitude toward inquiry process, more active learning attitude, more group discussions, more
spontaneous behavior and higher achievement motivations than the students in the control group about
the lab. course each group experienced.

Bibliographic Information

Consultancy in the classroom: using industrial chemistry in a teaching exercise. Ottewill,

Geraldine A.; Walsh, Frank C. Sch. Chem., Phys. Radiography, Univ. Portsmouth, Portsmouth, UK.
Journal of Chemical Education (1997), 74(12), 1426-1430. Publisher: Division of Chemical Education of
the American Chemical Society, CODEN: JCEDA8 ISSN: 0021-9584. Journal written in English. CAN
128:88334 AN 1997:770149 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))


A classwork program was formulated from the foundation of a consultancy inquiry. The exercise formed
part of a course program for the Diploma of Industrial Studies, in parallel with other chem. studies, by
students reading for a B.Sc. in Applied Chem. or Applied Environmental Science.

Bibliographic Information
The teaching assistant as guide in an inquiry-based general chemistry lab program. Bauer,
Richard C.; Birk, James P. Department Chemistry, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, USA. Book
of Abstracts, 214th ACS National Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, September 7-11 (1997), CHED-262.
Publisher: American Chemical Society, Washington, D. C CODEN: 64RNAO Conference; Meeting
Abstract written in English. AN 1997:486434 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))


The gains made by using cooperative learning techniques in new TA orientation at Arizona State
University were described in a recent paper (Birk, J. P.; Kurtz, M. J. J. Chem. Educ 1996, 73, 615-616).
These gains include improved TA camaraderie, significant TA effort in course administration, and
increased TA contribution to program improvement. The most significant change has been in their
extensive use of cooperative learning in the classroom. Cooperative student effort is necessary for
students to develop exptl. designs required in the inquiry-based investigations used in the lab program at
ASU. Because of the content specificity of each investigation, helping students plan their own expts.
without telling them how to solve the problem requires special skills and pedagogical knowledge. In this
paper the authors describe the techniques TAs have used in guiding students in inquiry-based

Bibliographic Information

Evaluation of curriculum innovations in a large lecture general chemistry course. Bunce, D. M.;
Labuda, E. Chemistry Department, Catholic University America, Washington, DC, USA. Book of
Abstracts, 213th ACS National Meeting, San Francisco, April 13-17 (1997), CHED-776. Publisher:
American Chemical Society, Washington, D. C CODEN: 64AOAA Conference; Meeting Abstract written
in English. AN 1997:160060 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))


The achievement and conceptual understanding of undergraduate chem. students enrolled in General
Chem. at the University of Wisconsin-Madison was evaluated in the Fall 1996 semester. This general
chem. course incorporated several teaching innovations pioneered as part of the NSF-funded systemic
change grant called the New Traditions project. The teaching innovations included the use of
concepTests within the lecture format; open-ended problems called Challenge Problems in T.A.-led
discussion sections; and the use of an interactive computer presentation of chem. lab skills in a computer-
equipped classroom where inquiry labs were used. The evaluation concd. on content achievement as
measured by an exptl. form of an ACS final exam. This exptl. blended exam consisted of paired
traditional and conceptual questions on chem. topics covered in the course. Conceptual understanding
was assessed through student performance on ConcepTests, Challenge Problems and the transcripts of
a subset of students who were interviewed on their understanding of chem. content. Preliminary results
of the evaluation will be discussed.

Bibliographic Information

Guided inquiry at Norwich university. Byrne, J. E.; Hoppe, M. E. Department Chemistry, Norwich
University, Northfield, UT, USA. Book of Abstracts, 213th ACS National Meeting, San Francisco, April
13-17 (1997), CHED-051. Publisher: American Chemical Society, Washington, D. C CODEN:
64AOAA Conference; Meeting Abstract written in English. AN 1997:159343 CAPLUS (Copyright (C)
2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))


Increased frustraton with the traditional lecture approach to teaching general chem. has led Norwich
University to try guided inquiry as a method of instruction. This was first used during the 1996 summer
sessions which have an accelerated schedule and small classes. The approach has been continued
during the 1996-97 academic year in some of the sections of general chem. Most of the students in this
course major in engineering. Biol. majors are the second largest population. This presentation will
describe: how this approach was used, student response to guided inquiry, and a comparison of the
performance of students who experienced guided inquiry with those who received the traditional lectures.

Bibliographic Information

Comparison of a student-centered interactive approach to a "traditional" lecture approach in the

general chemistry classroom. Geiger, Lynn; Straushein, Belia; Pentecost, Thomas; Cooney, John.
Department Chemistry and Biochemistry, University Northern Colorado, Greeley, CO, USA. Book of
Abstracts, 212th ACS National Meeting, Orlando, FL, August 25-29 (1996), CHED-057. Publisher:
American Chemical Society, Washington, D. C CODEN: 63BFAF Conference; Meeting Abstract written
in English. AN 1996:412763 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))


General chem. course revisions at the University of Northern Colorado are being sponsored by the Rocky
Mountain Teacher Education Collaborative (RMTEC), a five year NSF-funded multi-institutional project to
improve the preservice prepn. of science and mathematics teachers through the integration of content
and pedagogy. The course revisions involve an innovative activity-based, conceptual approach to
teaching chem. that integrates cooperative learning, decision-making, computer-based mol. visualization,
multimedia simulations, and inquiry-based small scale lab. activities. To test the effectiveness of the
RMTEC course revisions, two sections of first semester general chem. were taught in spring semester of
1996. One section used the RMTEC course revisions, while the other used a more "traditional" lecture
based approach. Data comparing student attitudes about their learning as well as data comparing
academic achievement in these two sections will be presented.

Bibliographic Information

Interactive learning strategies: How we know they work. Fields, Clark L.; Geiger, Lynn C.; Jones,
Loretta L.; Straushein, Belia; Pentecost, Tom C. Department Chemistry and Biochemistry, Univ.
Northern Colorado, Greeley, CO, USA. Book of Abstracts, 211th ACS National Meeting, New Orleans,
LA, March 24-28 (1996), CHED-670. Publisher: American Chemical Society, Washington, D. C
CODEN: 62PIAJ Conference; Meeting Abstract written in English. AN 1996:218527 CAPLUS
(Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))


General chem. course revisions at the University of Northern Colorado are being sponsored in part by the
Rocky Mountain Teacher Education Collaborative, a five year NSF-funded multi-institutional project to
improve preservice prepn. of science and mathematics teachers through the integration of content and
pedagogy. The course revisions involve an activity-based, conceptual approach to teaching chem. that
integrates cooperative learning, decision-making, computer-based mol. visualization, multimedia
simulations, and inquiry-based small scale lab. activities. We are evolving towards an interactive
approach to learning. This approach places an on-demand information feedback loop into the learning
process by providing immediate pathways for students to actively involve other resources in their learning
process that can be used to answer questions, check understanding, and compare problem-solving
strategies. The interactive learning approach can catalyze learning, promote satisfaction and at the same
time reduce student frustration and confusion. Strategies for using interactive learning in the large lecture
classroom and these strategies will be evaluated in this presentation.

Bibliographic Information

Analytical problem solving: An inquiry-based short course for high school teachers, college
chemistry and chemical technology faculty. Pacey, G. E.; Sabo, M. S.; Sarquis, A. M. Department
Chemistry, Miami University, Oxford, OH, USA. Book of Abstracts, 211th ACS National Meeting, New
Orleans, LA, March 24-28 (1996), CHED-649. Publisher: American Chemical Society, Washington, D.
C CODEN: 62PIAJ Conference; Meeting Abstract written in English. AN 1996:218506 CAPLUS
(Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))


Course objectives include renewing or extending participants current knowledge of anal. chem. and
modern instrumentation; enhancing problem solving skills which were used in a real-world lab.
experience; and real world scenarios. This two week short course funded through an NSF-ATE grant
immersed educators in a series of inquiry discovery based expts. so they can bring this methodol. back to
their classrooms. This presentation will describe the methodol., concepts, expts., and scenarios used to
teach our Anal. Problem Solving course for high school and two-year college faculty.

Bibliographic Information

Inquiry-based experiments for the organic laboratory: Teaching what organic chemists do.
Pelter, Michael W.; Macudzinski, Rebecca M.; Felt, Barbara J. Department Chemistry & Physics,
Purdue University Calumet, Hammond, IN, USA. Book of Abstracts, 211th ACS National Meeting,
New Orleans, LA, March 24-28 (1996), CHED-076. Publisher: American Chemical Society,
Washington, D. C CODEN: 62PIAJ Conference; Meeting Abstract written in English. AN 1996:217920
CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))


When you compare the expts. found in most org. lab. texts with what org. chemists do, there is a blatant
contradiction. While both involve the synthesis of org. mols., the lab. texts provide all known information
about the product, something rarely available to the practicing org. chemist. In the past, "Org. Qual" was
the main inquiry-based component of the lab. Modern spectral methods have all but eliminated the qual.
anal. What we are attempting to do is combine the synthesis with the crit. thinking of qual. anal. Students
gather data on the product and combine that with their knowledge of the chem. to det. the identity of the
product. Most of the expts. are carried out using microscale techniques. Anal. techniques range from
m.p. detn. to gas chromatog. to IR NMR GC-MS.

Bibliographic Information

Studies on teaching chemistry in high schools in Tuscany [Italy]. Pezzatini, G.; Loglio, G. Ist.
Chim. Anal., Univ. Firenze, Florence, Italy. Chimica e l'Industria (Milan, Italy) (1977), 59(8), 595.
CODEN: CINMAB ISSN: 0009-4315. Journal written in Italian. CAN 88:49725 AN 1978:49725
CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))


An inquiry based on statistics, interviews with teachers, and visits to schools indicated that the teaching of
chem. in the classical schools (licei and istituti magistrali) in Tuscany is at a disadvantage with respect to
tech. schools. Even here, however, an educational strategy in the field of chem. and a link with other
disciplines are lacking. There is a general shortage of funds, equipment, and qualified teachers.

Bibliographic Information

Physical sciences and processes of inquiry: a critique of CHEM, CBA and PSSC. Diederich,
Mary E. Univ. of Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA. Journal of Research in Science Teaching (1969), 6(4),
309-15. CODEN: JRSTAR ISSN: 0022-4308. Journal written in English. CAN 72:96527 AN
1970:96527 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))


Chemistry and physics are characterized in this paper as processes of inquiry, and 3 approaches to high-
school science teaching, CBA (Chemical Bond Approach), CHEM (Chemical Education Material) Study,
and PSSC (Physical Science Study Committee), are analyzed from this point of view. CHEM emphasizes
experimentation and description; CBA puts greater emphasis on developing a consistent system of
concepts. An intermediate position would be desirable in a chemistry textbook. The 2 major weak points
of PSSC are: misrepresenting the character of the body of phys. knowledge, and overemphasizing the
exptl. aspects of the structure of physics at the expense of its theoretical aspects.

Bibliographic Information

Study of the inquiry-discovery method of laboratory instruction. Richardson, Verlin; Renner,

John W. Cent. State Coll., Edmond, OK, USA. Journal of Chemical Education (1970), 47(1), 77-9.
CODEN: JCEDA8 ISSN: 0021-9584. Journal written in English. CAN 72:74628 AN 1970:74628
CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007 ACS on SciFinder (R))


A study of the inquiry-discovery method of lab. instruction is briefly discussed. In a variety of actual
learning situations, regardless of the control of the inherent variables, the inquiry method of learning
resulted in significantly better performance by students as compared with conventional lab procedures.

Bibliographic Information

A mechanistic approach to elementary organic chemistry. James, Glyn H. Christ's Hosp.,

Horsham, UK. School Science Review (1966), 48(164), 45-54. CODEN: SSCRAD ISSN: 0036-
6811. Journal written in English. CAN 66:52088 AN 1967:52088 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007
ACS on SciFinder (R))


It is suggested that the theoretical approach to the mechanistic teaching of elementary org. chemistry, if
coupled with a course that is essentially exptl., can turn the assimilation of org. data into a proper
scientific inquiry. The reactions of a variety of types of org. compds. are considered.

Bibliographic Information

Second survey of chemical engineering education and practice. Johnstone, R. Edgeworth; Lax,
C. B. Univ. Nottingham, UK. Chem. Engr. (London) (1966), No. 195 CE7-CE11, discussion CE11-
CE15. Journal written in English. CAN 65:7236 AN 1966:407236 CAPLUS (Copyright (C) 2007
ACS on SciFinder (R))


The authors' survey of 1960 has been repeated. This consisted of a questionnaire sent to the practicing
members of the Inst. of Chem. Engrs. employed in Britain, excluding teachers, inquiring which of 24
techniques they were employing. Of 3888 cards sent, a response of 72.1% resulted. By comparison with
the 1960 survey the principal changes are a marked increase in computer usage and a drastic decline of
interest in materials of construction.

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