Secret Language of Astrology Sample Pages PDF
Secret Language of Astrology Sample Pages PDF
Secret Language of Astrology Sample Pages PDF
The illustrated key to unlocking the secrets of the stars
Roy Gillett
The Secret Language of Astrology
Roy Gillett
The right of Roy Gillett to be identified as the Author of this text has been
asserted in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act of 1988.
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or
by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and
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ISBN: 978-1-78028-008-0
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the cave paintings. The carving of a woman known as the Venus of in southern England, have been found throughout Europe and in
Laussel (c. 20,000 BCE) in the Museum of Aquitaine, Bordeaux, the Middle East, their construction apparently reaching a peak
France, shows her holding a horn shaped like a crescent Moon with between 5,000 and 2,000 BCE. Many were evidently laid out to mark
13 notches, one for each lunar month of the year. The Lascaux cave the solstices and the equinoxes, while other stone circles seem to
paintings (c. 15,000 BCE) are claimed to feature representations of have aided the calculation of the lunar calendar and eclipses.
the night sky that include the Pleiades, depicting the constellation’s The great effort that went into these megalithic constructions
relationship to the seasons of the year. indicates that prehistoric peoples believed their lives to be a
There is evidence of a very ancient common culture of the reflection of the cycles of the heavens, or at least to be closely
heavens. Remarkably similar stories and myths of the Pleiades, linked to them. However, because their knowledge of the heavenly
involving sisters (or sometimes brothers) being chased through cycles may have been passed on orally, we have no written records
the sky by stars recognizable as Orion, exist in cultures as far apart to indicate what the builders of Stonehenge and the other stone
monuments understood. There is greater evidence from later humanity’s relationship with the world. Most people know about
times. For example, the Nebra Sky Disc, dated c. 1600 BCE, found in the cycle of 12 animals that rule each year. Behind this lies a complex
Eastern Germany, depicts stars and their yearly cycle. system of astrological calculations and interpretation. The Chinese
astrological archetypes are very different to those of Western
CHINESE ASTROLOGY astrology, but are still calculated from time, date and place of birth.
Traditional Chinese astrology may date back to the third millennium
BCE or earlier. The earliest written references to Chinese astrology, CENTRAL AND SOUTH AMERICA
and the earliest Chinese writing, are found on divination objects From the Inca city of Machu Picchu in Peru to the Precolumbian
called oracle bones, dating from the early Shang Dynasty (c. 1500– pyramids of Central America, many examples have been found of
1050 BCE). Discovered in their thousands, these are usually made the rich astrological traditions of the New World. As well as the
from tortoise shells and ox shoulderblades. When the Shang king 365-day year, the Maya used a 260-day sacred year, devised by the
asked a question of the ancestors, the diviner would apply a hot iron combination of two special numbers: 13 (the number of lunar
to the bone, causing it to crack. The diviner then inscribed both the months in the year) and 20 (close to the number of years in the
question and the meanings of the cracks on the bones. Since that Sun/Moon nodal cycle that is used to predict eclipses – see page
time, the Chinese have developed many methods of understanding 165). From this the Maya also devised their “Long Count”, built
from a cycle based on the numbers 18 and 20, and running from
MARKING THE MONTHS the beginning of the present world-era – believed to have begun in
The Sun bursts through Callanish standing stones on the island of Lewis,
3114 BCE – until the end of 13th b’ak’tun (a b’ak’tun is equivalent to
Outer Hebrides. Constructed c. 2600–2900 BCE, the site has been identified
as a lunar calender, with the stones tracking the position of the Moon. 144,000 days), on 20 December 2012 (Gregorian calendar).
Instruments such as this
radio telescope, at Jodrell
Bank in Cheshire (England),
can reach ever further into
distant space, providing
invaluable precision in
our understanding of the
universe. Astrology uses
these exact measurements
to explore how our solar
system impacts upon the
experience of being born
at, and living through,
specific times on Earth.
courageous vision will place his importance heritage that had, until very recently, hung
far higher when psychology’s history is by the thread of medieval contacts with
written from a wiser, future perspective. Islamic culture. As more becomes known,
Before it was repressed by the rise of similarities to the unbroken lineage of
Nazism, German astrology seemed to rewrite Indian astrology are remarkable; especially
astrology’s rule book. Rudolf Steiner’s when allowing for 17 centuries of separation.
Anthroposophy offered a complete system, Although dismissed by “secular
from spiritual interpretation to mundane fundamentalists” for three centuries,
tools for use in agriculture. Reinhold astrology entered the 21st century with a
Ebertin’s Cosmobiology sought to broader scholarship of self-understanding
systematize psychological and medical than ever before. Unfortunately, there
interpretation. Alfred Witte and his remained a vast gap of knowledge between
successors introduced a new range of that scholarship and a fascinated, yet
hypothetical Uranian cycles and highly incredulous general public.
technical approaches to combining the JUNG ’ S AR C HE T Y P E S
Astrology’s key concepts work like Jungian
planets. And for much of the century, Mark
archetypes to indicate how we express
Edmund Jones and Dane Rudhyar gave an free will by choosing from many alternatives In 1930, R.H. Naylor published an astro-
within a clearly definable range; they mould
esoteric and psychological emphasis to study in the British Sunday Express newspaper
behaviour but do not determine actual outcomes.
astrology in the United States. describing the newborn Princess Margaret.
In the United Kingdom, Charles Carter, John Addey, Charles Using a progression technique (originally developed by Johannes
Harvey and Margaret Hone developed astrological institutions, Kepler) he projected that “events of tremendous importance to the
methods and academic links. Royal Family will come about near to her seventh year, and these
From the 1970s, the study and use of astrology was to events will indirectly affect her fortunes.” In 1936, her Uncle
experience a massive resurgence, alongside the rapid expansion of Edward VIII abdicated and her father became King George VI.
interest in New Age ideas. Fledgling private schools of astrology This was to cast a shadow over the rest of Margaret’s life.
founded from the late 1940s were to offer complete studies, with Because newspapers could not offer all their readers such
certificates and diplomas comparable to a Higher National detail, the recently devised “Sun’s position at birth” system was
Certificate or even a first degree. used. Popularly known as “star signs”, these columns have come to
be a media phenomenon. In spite of their extremely generalized
REDISCOVERING THE TRADITION nature, Nicholas Campion reports that 25–75 percent of people
In 1985, the publication of a facsimile of the 1647 edition of read them and 50–70 percent of young people check the sign of an
William Lilly’s great Christian Astrology came as a clarion call to intended partner. The phenomenon is a mixed blessing to the
scholars to rediscover medieval and Renaissance astrology. Those proper understanding of astrology. While revealing and
with Latin, Greek and Hebrew linguistic ability quickly saw the responding to a clear public appetite, its very superficiality seems
need to translate texts, many of which had not before been to characterize astrology as simplistic, outdated naïvety. Whether
accessible in English and other modern languages. At the time of that is so can only be decided by proper study; that is the path this
writing, astrological scholarship is in the midst of rediscovering a book aims to start you upon.
Stone ✶ Emerald
Metal ✶ Copper
Colour ✶ Green
Plant ✶ Rose
Day ✶ Friday
Number ✶ 6
and tasteful. She enriches our senses with delightful flavours, smells, This diagram shows the path of Venus seen over exactly eight years,
sights, sounds and sensations. Her creativity urges us to value and during which time it makes five loops caused by apparent retrograde
motion owing to the different speed of its solar orbit (see page 51).
accumulate objects, ideas and experiences.
Its symmetry, strikingly akin to that of a rose, shows how the planet’s
Yet the planet also has a darker side. Its irresistible charm can movement touches our consciousness with a subtle physical
entice and seduce, and so poison our happiness. Our need to have, experience of beauty. Yet modern space exploration has discovered
the crushingly heavy, poisonous atmosphere of Venus. Taken together,
to possess, may become so intense that it is impossible for us to let
ancient and modern perspectives instruct us that beauty may best be
go. When this happens, contentment is impossible. Only in letting experienced when we maintain a degree of detachment.
go – in appreciating and knowing without grasping and needing
to have – can we find true lasting happiness.
This ambiguity is reflected in the myths surrounding the
goddess with whom the planet is identified. Known to the Greeks
as Aphrodite (“born of foam”), the goddess of love and beauty was
the oldest of the Olympian gods and emerged from the foaming
blood and semen of the castrated god Uranus at the point where Venus’s geocentric path Symmetry of a rose
his severed genitals fell into the sea. She married Hephaistos
(Vulcan), craftsman of the gods, but had many affairs with other
gods – notably Ares (Mars) – as well as with mortals, such as Adonis, earned Troy the enmity of Athene and Artemis; and his kidnap of
who was slain by the jealous Ares in the guise of a boar. Helen from her husband led to the war that destroyed Troy.
The mother of Eros (sexual love, the Roman Cupid) and Claiming descent from Venus and the Trojan Aeneas, Julius
Harmonia (harmony), but also of Deimus (fear) and Phobus (panic), Caesar and his heir Augustus adopted the goddess as their family
Aphrodite personifies the mix of delight and destructiveness, of protector, acknowledging that she provided not only beauty of
harmony and conflict, that can arise from beauty, love and desire. form, but also the material wealth that enabled successful enterprise.
When Paris, a prince of Troy, was asked to name the fairest A similar tradition surrounds the Indian goddess Lakshmi.
goddess, he chose Aphrodite after she promised him Helen Venus–Aphrodite was identified with the Egyptian goddess
of Sparta, the most beautiful woman in the world. Paris’s choice Isis, daughter of the Earth god Geb and the sky goddess Nut, and
Metal ✶ Iron
Number ✶ 9
power that instigates and keeps things moving: war with its This diagram shows the path of Mars seen over exactly 16 years, during
courage and brutality; the unreasoning fury of a demanding two- which time it makes seven loops caused by apparent retrograde motion.
Unlike the Venus pattern (see page 34), the pattern of these loops is not
year-old; the urgent elegance of a ballroom dancer; the coward
the same. This is because Mars retrogresses only once in its two-year
fleeing to his hideaway; the idealist standing tall amid intolerance path around the zodiac and, whenever it does, the Earth is differently
and abuse. These are only some of the ways in which we may be placed. Intuitively sensing this pattern, we are stirred to master the
underlying current of the planet’s
influenced by Mars in our birth chart.
erratic unreliability. Being unable to
Mars in its highest and most effective sense is much more rest upon any certainty can make us
about style than brute force. While delighting in pure adventure impatient, even furious. Yet, if we
respond to new challenges with
and the chase, Mars works best when we train its energies – when
considered effectiveness, there is
we focus the passion and aggressive desires that it engenders. The little that we cannot achieve.
downhill ski racer secures the fastest time not merely through Mars's geocentric path
speed, but through the subtle adjustments that control the raw
force of gravity. To wait alert and ready to act can be more effective
than the loudest roar.
The ancient Babylonian god of war and destruction, who
corresponds to the planet Mars, was Nergal. He was passionately
and faithfully devoted to the goddess Erishkigal, with whom he
ruled the underworld. The Greek war god Ares, lover of Aphrodite,
was a strong, even brutal, warrior who relished the violence and
carnage of battle and was famously humiliated when Hephaistos,
Mars achieves its highest expression when the raw power of this planet is
tempered with skill and subtlety, as illustrated in the graceful technique and
dynamism of a downhill skier.
Herbs/Incense ✶ musk, camomile, poppy seeds
and cinnamon
Metal ✶ Lead
Number ✶ 8
BEING FURTHEST FROM THE SUN, Saturn has the longest cycle
of all the visible planets. For this reason, Classical cultures
represented Saturn as Father Time, an aged man who marked the
natural seasons in our lives with his scythe. He was both lord of the
harvest and of death. Riding the heavens in a chariot drawn by
winged dragon-snakes coiled like spiralling DNA, Saturn structures
our life, its ending and its transcendence to higher consciousness.
Saturn’s dedication to structure and discipline suits order in
business and politics, as well as the physical frames upon which
our buildings and bodies depend. Yet too much control can calcify
our actions and attitudes, freezing the juices of creativity and
rendering us impotent. There must be a limit to limitation. If we
keep this in mind, we can benefit from the positive aspects of
Saturn’s control and strength.
In ancient Babylon, Saturn was identified with the god
Ninurta, whose name means “lord of the earth”. Ninurta was a god
of rain and storms, fertility and (like Saturn) agriculture, as well as
war, wells, canals, floods and the plough. He also released humans
from sickness and the power of demons.
The Roman Saturn was an ancient agriculture god (hence the
scythe) who came to be identified with the Greek Kronos (or
Cronus), the ruler of heaven who was overthrown by his son Zeus.
His role as Father Time arose from association with the Greek for
“time”, chronos. The Romans looked back to a mythical Golden Age HAR V E S T E R O F L I V E S
This 1559 painting depicts Saturn–Kronos, who consumed five of his children
when Saturn ruled and brought abundance and peace. They
before being overthrown by the sixth, Zeus (Jupiter). He carries the scythe
celebrated this each year around the winter solstice by a week of with which he reaps both the harvest and our lives.
41 S AT U R N
Modern ✶ Revolutionary inventiveness
Stones ✶ Turquoise and malachite
Parts of body ✶ Pineal gland and
Colour ✶ Electric blue
circulatory system
Metal ✶ Copper
WHEN SIR WILLIAM HERSCHEL discovered Uranus in 1781, the today’s globally integrated society with all its benefits, possibilities
world was on the move in myriad dramatic ways that included and problems.
new methods of scientific investigation; advances in industrial The planet was named after Uranus because he was the father
technology; migration from the countryside to the towns; colonial of Saturn, just as Saturn was the father of Jupiter. In astrological
expansion; and the political upheavals that climaxed in the French terms the name was an apt one. The planet’s key phrase is “drastic
Revolution and the birth of the United States, with its insistence change”, and Uranus (Ouranos), god of the sky, son and consort of
on “The Rights of Man”. Such typically radical Uranian Gaia, the Earth, himself fell victim to just such a drastic change
developments gave birth to the modern world and ultimately to when he was castrated and overthrown by his son, Kronos (Saturn).
Uranus symbolizes both
creation and destruction.
Since the planet’s
discovery in the 18th
century, mankind’s
inventiveness has led to
ambivalent outcomes.
Industrialization brought
immense benefits, yet also
ripped societies apart and
damaged the natural
world. This picture of the
1900 Paris Exposition
Universelle shows both the
power of change, and how
this can dominate lives.
Today this planet has come to represent the creative power of the – Titans, giants and Cyclopes – only to imprison them deep within
human will: new inventions, theories, discoveries and relationships the Earth. His pained wife Gaia made a great flint-bladed sickle
that may seem startling at first. and instructed their youngest son Kronos (Saturn) to castrate his
The dynamic possibilities of Uranus are sudden, exciting, father. Fearing a similar fate Kronos ate his own children after
earth-shattering – and dangerous. Such energy must be harnessed birth, but the sixth child Zeus (Jupiter) tricked him, escaped and
with care, but its very nature makes that difficult. Although eventually overthrew his father and released the Titans. This myth
Uranian inventiveness can be highly beneficial, its impetus may is an allegory of the relationships between the planets Jupiter,
bring suffering in its wake, as seen in the brutality meted out to Saturn and Uranus, which track the drama of loss and new
perceived opponents of the French Revolution, and the appalling awakening in Earth’s societies.
conditions of workers during industrialization. The Uranian
archetype, associated with Promethean inventiveness, can also be CHARACTERISTICS OF URANUS
tyrannical and restrictive. Uranus rules our inventive side through which we excite and
Uranus was the essential creative force behind love, vengeance surprise even ourselves. Its placing in our chart reveals the ease of
and the growth of vegetation. He fathered extraordinary offspring our relationship with innovation, such as new technology, and
whether we tend to accept or question conventional attitudes. A
well-placed Uranus may indicate that we have innovative talent, but
G E O C E N T R I C ✶ A C R E AT I V E P U L S E
we should recognize that personal brilliance alone can have its
This diagram illustrates Uranus’s entire 84-year cycle as seen from the limitations. We should avoid being didactic about “scientific truth”
Earth. The detail, of three years, shows that, unlike the planets nearer
and “vital” social causes. Uranian arrogance can impose change on
to the Sun, Uranus’s annual retrograde loops actually touch each other.
Now we are aware of the planet, we others “for their own good”, whether or not they want or need it.
respond more consciously to this Uranus has an 84-year orbit, passing through each zodiac sign
annual pulse of seeking out the familiar,
for seven years and influencing assumptions about technology and
then moving on. Changes associated
with Uranus’s journey through each society during that period. This explains various crazes and the rise
Five months
retrograde sign are explained in the zodiac and fall of gadgets and media. When printing was first demonstrated
each year
chapter, at the end of each sign.
in the 1440s, Uranus was in Gemini. It was in the same sign in the
Uranus's geocentric path
1940s, when the electronic computer was invented.
assume the right to push ahead, this may not lead immediately to a
preferred or expected outcome. That may require far more effort
SUSTAINING THE POWER enterprise. Before starting any project, they could accept the
Freedom on its own is too intangible to satisfy Arians for long. necessity of switching off impatience and boredom. Developing this
Sparks of excitement will soon set them going again. It is also capacity can awaken the deepest Arian potential. An Aries operating
crucial for them to plan what to do when their initial enthusiasm at this level has the power to accomplish almost anything.
flags, as it surely will. This has to come from themselves. Well-
meaning attempts to lecture Arians about responsibility fall on deaf HEROIC ENTERPRISE
ears. At best an Arian will grudgingly accept our counsel, but more In the Neo-Babylonian zodiac, the first point of Aries came to
likely it will lead to an argument and the Arian walking away. represent the vernal equinox. Ever since, the Ram’s constellation
There are two ways for Arians to prevent this has played a key initiating role. In Classical mythology,
happening. One is to take up projects that offer Aries was associated with heroic enterprise. It
constant new challenges, such as working in was the magic flying ram with fleece of gold
sales or playing competitive sports. that Zeus sent to save Helle and Phrixos
Alternatively, Arians can try letting the (King Boeotia’s children) from their
need for sustained effort itself become the murderous stepmother. As they crossed
between Europe and Asia, Helle fell off
T H E R AM WITH THE GOLDEN FLEECE the ram’s back and perished in the sea, in
This 19th-century illustration shows Phrixos at the waters we know as the Hellespont. The
Colchis, sacrificing to Zeus the magic ram that had
ram then took Phrixos safely to the land of
saved him. Later, his cousin Jason sailed on a
quest to retrieve its golden fleece. Colchis at the eastern end of the Black Sea.
✶ Impatient ✶ Undiscriminating
Unbeneficial ✶ Overburdened
Beneficial ✶ Visionary
✶ Active ✶ Generous
Polarity ✶ Mutable
Quality ✶ Positive
Ruler ✶ Jupiter
Element ✶ Fire
Sagittarians love to get moving: they revel in the sheer joy of The marsh of Stymphalas was terrorized by a flock of monstrous
birds with sword-like beaks and iron feathers. Hercules attempted in
motion, whether physical or metaphorical. They find it difficult to
vain to club the birds or shoot them with arrows. His efforts were
refuse a possibility or request, feeling that they will always be able counterproductive, as iron began to fall dangerously to the ground.
to fit it in somehow. People are drawn to their idealism and Then the hero recalled the advice he had been given: “The flame that
gleams beyond the mind reveals direction sure.” At twilight, when the
gregarious way of bringing others along with them. Their attitude
marsh was dense with birds, Hercules beat two cymbals furiously
gives hope to others by making the impossible seem possible, together, making an unearthly clashing sound that was unbearable to
even when everyone else is ready to give up in despair. However, hear. The flock rose in terror and disappeared, never to return.
While not touching on Sagittarius’s warmth, this labour shows how
they can also be too hedonistic, permissively putting up with
to resolve the sign’s essential problem. For Sagittarians, overwhelming
behaviour or attitudes that others might regard as unacceptable. pressures can make life impossible. The solution is to look beyond the
Taking on too much can make them feel exhausted and pulled in trap of immediate demands. What do we really want? By asking the
right question we find the simple answer. Sagittarius can find justice by
all directions. Their lives risk becoming a mass of muddled ideas
cutting through distraction to higher truth, which resolves all problems.
and unfinished business. They may end up making promises they
cannot keep and leaving people in the lurch.
Sagittarians are drawn to
movement: they love to join
in with the running herd.
However, this attitude can
lead them to take on too
much, for fear of saying no,
and ultimately cause more
disappointment to others
when they let them down.
The Sun creates expansively and over-optimistically. The Moon reacts generously and permissively. Those
A need for action and a fascination with the unknown born with the Moon in Sagittarius love to encourage
urge Sagittarians out of their immediate world. Most others, finding their ideas and experiences stimulating.
will go as far as they can to explore foreign lands or They take pleasure in never knowing what other
new philosophies. Never happier than when figuratively people will find out next. They enjoy going places
or literally in motion, they love sport and anything that with people, providing they do not take over their
tests the edge of what is possible, but they may say yes lives or cramp their style. They need to check from
too easily and too often. Focusing on the greater good time to time that they are doing the right things for the
keeps Sagittarians steady. right reasons.
Rulers ✶ Jupiter and Neptune
Compassionate ✶ Adaptable
✶ Burdened ✶ Vulnerable
Beneficial ✶ Sensitive ✶
Unbeneficial ✶ Vague
Polarity ✶ Negative
Quality ✶ Mutable
Element ✶ Water
THIS LAST OF THE ZODIAC SIGNS is the most mature and NOT HI N G I S F I X E D
compassionate, because it can be aware of the whole breadth of Showing the two fishes that symbolize
Pisces swimming in opposite
the universe. The negative mutable water suggests continuous directions yet linked by a cord, this
receptive sensitivity, an empathy moved by ruling Jupiter to 17th-century image illustrates how
feelings can be shared but not fixed,
spread out in all directions, like open hands supporting and especially not in mutable Pisces.
seeking to respond to every need. Joint-ruler Neptune is king of
the sea which, through the rivers, streams and rains that serve it, In psychology the sea is also
makes uninterrupted contact with the myriad places and a symbol of the unconscious,
experiences of the planet and its creatures. So Pisces feels close to and Pisces is sensitive to subtle
the world around it, fascinated by the need to appreciate and care needs that those born under
for all. Pisceans are often drawn to careers that heal and serve other signs might hardly notice.
others; to personal growth in the form of meditation and better Pisces can seem overwhelmed
understanding of human psychology; to playing and enjoying with responsibility and to be
music and to sharing poetry; to spiritual mysteries and the carrying the burdens of the
unworldly – to knowing, in the deepest sense, all that is involved world on its shoulders. It feels demands that others do not seem
in living. to care or even know about.
There is no security in gripping on to water. The wisdom of
A S S O C I AT I O N S Pisces comes from realizing that to deny our connection with
Keyword ✶ Sympathetically Part of body ✶ Feet everything, to view life as a battle against the world, is to experience
Favourite phrase ✶ I believe and Vulnerabilities ✶ Illnesses from
often suffer impure blood, especially gout drowning alone. When we let go of attachment to material reality
Aspiration ✶ Mastery Plants ✶ Leaves of all plants; trees and come to see our essential union with the universe, liberation
Colour ✶ Soft sea greens near water
Metal ✶ Tin Herbs ✶ Water lily, tulip and fig follows, just as Pisces heralds the arrival of spring, the time of
Stone ✶ Amethyst regrowth and resurrection as the year’s cycle begins again.
With Venus exalted in this sensitive sign, Pisceans are presented
In an esoteric version of this labour, Hercules has to overcome Cerberus,
with a rich kaleidoscope of often overwhelming experiences. They
the three-headed dog that barred the entrance to the underworld,
particularly love music and also the sea, especially the shells, in order to rescue Prometheus from its depths. As a punishment for
creatures and other mysterious things that dwell in it. Seeing stealing the fire of heaven for humanity, Prometheus was eternally
chained to a rock while an eagle pecked out his liver, which again
everything as one, they seek to respond to all needs as if these were
and again grew back for the torture to begin once more. Moved by
their own, and take naturally to nursing, massage and other compassion, Hercules resolved to help him. Hades agreed that Hercules
healing arts. Intensely aware of the wide range of other people’s could free Prometheus if he could first conquer Cerberus with his bare
hands. Grasping the animal’s primary throat in a vice-like grip, Hercules
feelings, Pisceans do not always find it easy to determine the
overcame the beast and set Prometheus free.
boundaries between themselves and others. They can sometimes Hercules’ key qualities in this labour demonstrate the qualities of a
be too sympathetic, giving too generously and even unwisely. saviour: compassion, or the giving of the self to others; courage; exactly
appropriate action. The hero could not bear to see Prometheus suffer.
Their acute sensibility means they have to be careful with even the
Without a thought for his own safety, he exposed himself to being
subtlest of substances that could alter their consciousness. trapped in the underworld. Selflessly focused on the job in hand, he
Because Pisceans can be overwhelmed by what most people might perceived which of Cerberus’s throats to grasp. So the rescue
succeeded. When we are unshakeably dedicated to working for others,
hardly notice, they should be extremely cautious with alcohol and
we too can withstand trials and see the right thing to do.
drugs, and monitor carefully their reaction to medicines.
As swimmers know,
there is no security in
gripping on to water.
Only by opening out
and being at one with
the water, by adapting
to the buffeting waves
of life, can Pisces make
progress and avoid
being overwhelmed.
The Sun creates sympathetically and intuitively. The Moon reacts empathetically and over-
Pisceans are naturally understanding and supportive supportively. People born with a Moon in Pisces feel
– and expect the world to be the same toward them. inside the experience of all that happens around them,
Easily stirred emotionally, it seems natural to “be and can empathize with and reassure others so that no
there” for everyone. However, they would be wise one feels alone. Their naturally intuitive, even psychic,
to discriminate, as turning a blind eye to manipulation abilities channel a higher level of perception. But as
or dishonesty will trap them in situations that wear with the Sun in Pisces, it is vital to avoid being worn
them down. Resisting undeserving demands will leave down. They need to relax (especially in or by water), to
strength for when it is really needed. rediscover where their responsibilities begin and end.
EQUAL AND UNEQUAL SYSTEMS example, at the time of a person’s birth) is known as the Ascendant
Astrology envisages the heavens as a great globe with the Earth as and is taken as the first degree of the First House (the First House
its focal point and the ecliptic – the Sun’s apparent path around “cusp”), which is below the horizon. The houses are numbered
the Earth – at zero degrees of celestial latitude. Each of the anticlockwise, starting from the Ascendant.
12 signs of the zodiac occupies a 30° longitudinal segment of
this celestial globe. Astrologers also divide the heavens into
12 segments known as “houses”, but these should not be confused UNEQUAL HOUSES
with the signs. Although each house has a favoured zodiac sign as The houses (see numbers)
spin anticlockwise with
its occupant, the houses and signs are not the same. All or part of the Earth, so the heavens
any of the 12 signs can occupy any of the houses, as can any of the E W appear to spin clockwise.
The left arrow points to the
planets. The deciding factors are the time and date. Ascendant. During each
Like the terrestrial globe, the celestial globe is divided into day, as the Midheaven
arrow becomes more (or
360° of longitude. The degree of celestial longitude that happens to
less) vertical the houses
be rising above the eastern horizon at any given moment (for grow larger (or smaller).
and Imum Coeli are found on the Tenth House and Fourth House
cusps, but the equal house system isolates them from these cusps.
In an unequal system, houses at extreme latitudes become
impossibly bunched and an equal house system is needed. In spite
of this problem, my research has found similarities between very
different cultures at the same latitude around the world. This
book therefore uses a house system that allows for latitude, namely
the popular Placidus unequal house system, which works well for
most of the populated places on the globe.
It may well be that different systems of house division suit
different techniques and uses of astrology. Through our varying
approaches to astrology we seek to articulate our relationship to
the heavens. As we become more experienced, it is good to try
different systems and decide which works best for us personally.
q 30° Semi-sextile Combines somewhat easily with Brief interpretations are given in the tables on pages 148–9. It is
n 60° Sextile Combines pleasantly with wrong to assume that “easy-flowing” aspects in our birth chart are
· 120° Trine Combines very easily with
necessarily good and “stressful” ones necessarily bad. Tsunamis
and forest fires show easy-flowing energy that is not for the best.
m 90° Square Interacts stressfully with Nor are stress and tension intrinsically bad. Stress can be
o 45° Semi-square Interacts somewhat stressfully with
transformed into strength. Eight people with strikingly different
p 135° Sesquisquare Interacts somewhat stressfully with
r 150° Quincunx Interacts awkwardly with viewpoints may well find sustainable solutions. No one is doomed
¶ 180° Opposition Confronts and challenges by the aspects in their chart.
We can experience for ourselves how the aspects work by trying a After the previous exercise, take a break. Go somewhere alone or
simple experiment with a group of friends. First, agree on two plans or where there are new people. Try to clear your mind. Then return to:
topics you would like to discuss, one for each of the exercises. Then
follow the various seating arrangements described below. EXERCISE 2 ✶ STRESSFUL ASPECTS
Seat four people according to the diagram below, one at each corner
EXERCISE 1 ✶ EASY-FLOWING ASPECTS of the solid-line square (90°). In this seating arrangement two pairs
This is an exercise in harmony. First follow the solid-line triangle are face to face (180°), with each pair perpendicular (90°) to the
diagram below, seating one person at each point. Each person is trined other. Start exploring an entirely new plan or topic. With this seating
to the other two, that is, separated by 120°. This arrangement, taking the the relationships are likely to be tenser. The debate will tend to
form of an equilateral triangle, opens people up to each other. Notice alternate between the opposing pairs who, because they are facing
how inclusive and supportive discussion feels, with no one confronted each other head on, are likely to be more challenging or feel
face to face. Now add a fourth person where the two dotted lines meet. challenged; at the same time, the perpendicular pair will struggle
This position supports the two people at the corresponding solid-line to be heard or seem to be interfering. Adding more people at the 45°
ends. With two more people at the other 60° (sextile) points you would (semi-square) points exacerbates the situation, giving a sense of
have a strongly harmonious team. To bring 12 into play, use the 30° people “ganging up”. Shown by the green line, the 150° (quincunx)
semi-sextiles (halfway between the 60° points). position, being not quite an opposition, is awkward and strained.
µ µ
n ¶ p
T HESE THREE TABLES, listing the planetary conjunctions
and easy-flowing and stressful aspects, are designed to
assist in interpreting a birth chart. However, richer, even radically
Mercury trine Venus = “clever, lovely ideas”
However, if we take into account the signs and houses that might
be occupied by Mercury and Venus, the sample result will be much
different interpretations will emerge when we take into account more complex:
the vital influence of the zodiac signs and houses that the planets Mercury in Virgo in Eleventh House trine Venus in Capricorn in
occupy. So, the phrases given below must be combined with the Third House = “thinks precisely to serve the non-parental family
planet, sign and house keywords (see pages 154–5), to express the cautiously with clever, lovely ideas”
aspect relationship of one planet (in its particular sign and house) The next part of the book explains step by step how to build a chart
to another planet (in its particular sign and house). For example: interpretation using keywords and phrases (see pages 154–61).
Sun / Moon Creations and reactions combine Mercury / Pluto Shattering ideas that may not be easy to express
Sun / Mercury Mind needs focus; excitement can burn and confuse Venus / Mars Ambiguity in relationships and gender identity
Sun / Venus Loving creative pleasure Venus / Jupiter Great generosity, wanting everyone to be happy
Sun / Mars Energetic creativity – beware impulsiveness Venus / Saturn Cautious in love and financial commitments
Sun / Jupiter Full of hope and generosity – beware over-optimism Venus / Uranus Enthusiasm for the thrill of the unusual
Sun / Saturn Acts in serious and sensible ways Venus / Neptune Loves fashion/art, seeks inspiration – avoid “cons”
Sun / Uranus Inventive, revolutionary personality Venus / Pluto Overwhelmed by love or lovers
Sun / Neptune Spiritual, fascinating, unfathomable – vulnerable Mars / Jupiter Courageously, if thoughtlessly, leaps into action
Sun / Pluto Unusual, unnerving, explosive, courageous Mars / Saturn Battles to break down obstacles or create barriers
Moon / Mercury Quick, intelligent, sensitive responses Mars / Uranus Revolutionary actions, possibly troublemaking
Moon / Venus Engaging, supportive, loving, very feminine Mars / Neptune Strongly focused on unusual breakthroughs
Moon / Mars Sudden, even combative; count before acting Mars / Pluto Dangerous actions
Moon / Jupiter Generously sympathetic, goes out of way for others Jupiter / Saturn Reconciling expansive opportunity with reality
Moon / Saturn Emotionally restrained, defensive, even distrustful Jupiter / Uranus Visionary idealism, seeking radical change
Moon / Uranus Electric and eccentric reactions Jupiter / Neptune Exploration of new beliefs and religious possibilities
Moon / Neptune Drawn to fashion, art, even psychic experiences Jupiter / Pluto Expansive transformations of consciousness
Moon / Pluto Prone to experiencing or creating trauma Saturn / Uranus Structural revolution, social upheaval
Mercury / Venus Loves to listen and talk to people Saturn / Neptune Spiritual realism and/or spiritual materialism
Mercury / Mars Quick and combative thinker and speaker Saturn / Pluto Harsh, cold, difficult circumstances
Mercury / Jupiter Idealist theories, loquacious Uranus / Neptune Belief in radical change
Mercury / Saturn Systematic, sensible, but tends to be obstructive Uranus / Pluto Society in disarray and/or radical change
Mercury / Uranus Innovative ideas on how we treat others Neptune / Pluto Fundamental change in nature of beliefs/possibilities
Mercury / Neptune Expresses the unseen – often in art/entertainment
Sun / Moon Self-expression, feelings in harmony Sun / Moon Feeling pulled apart at quarter and full Moons
Sun / Mercury Good ideas make all seem possible (30° only) Sun / Mercury Does not form negative aspect
Sun / Venus Happiness seems unending (30°/60° only) Sun / Venus Does not form negative aspect
Sun / Mars The power to do as we wish and carry all before us Sun / Mars Life struggles that make or break us
Sun / Jupiter Feeling encouraged in all we wish to create Sun / Jupiter Difficult to resist going too far; look to the future
Sun / Saturn Having right discipline, something to depend on Sun / Saturn Building confidence and systems to survive
Sun / Uranus Amazingly exciting changes show themselves Sun / Uranus Disruptive, troubled; crisis to transform
Sun / Neptune Artistically enchanting, spiritually uplifting Sun / Neptune Misguided, confused, uncertain; seeking the truth
Sun / Pluto Can break through barriers, achieve the impossible Sun / Pluto Threatened; developing courage in adversity
Moon / Mercury Capable of convincing most people of most ideas Moon / Mercury Emotional manipulation; serve truth, not guilt
Moon / Venus Pleasurable, easy-going, feeling good about people Moon / Venus Overdependent on familiar comforts
Moon / Mars Encouraging, full of confidence, unstoppable Moon / Mars Emotion-driven aggression or fear, needs mastering
Moon / Jupiter A natural wish to give everyone all they wish for Moon / Jupiter Extravagant, over-indulgent; use all of this
Moon / Saturn Sensible approaches give strength to finish things Moon / Saturn Emotionally fraught, misunderstood; work out rules
Moon / Uranus Sheer thrill of change and freedom Moon / Uranus Feeling edgy, restless; do not take things personally
Moon / Neptune Involved in and inspired by what we do and believe Moon / Neptune Manipulation of sympathies acts on unclear beliefs
Moon / Pluto Handling danger with confidence Moon / Pluto Try to see that the only thing to fear is fear itself
Mercury / Venus Clever, lovely ideas Mercury / Venus Misplaced affections; learn to trust (45° only)
Mercury / Mars Confidence to challenge and easily convince Mercury / Mars Arguments do not end until we either win or let go
Mercury / Jupiter Open to idealism and stories of far-away places Mercury / Jupiter Too much to say that’s irrelevant; seek higher truth
Mercury / Saturn Structured understanding, intellectual frameworks Mercury / Saturn See refusals and procedures as giving strength
Mercury / Uranus Thinking about changing the world for the better Mercury / Uranus Disruption; only accept change for the better
Mercury / Neptune Religions and secret wonders seem very possible Mercury / Neptune Lost in doubt; trust yourself – knowing gives control
Mercury / Pluto Turns our ideas about reality upside down Mercury / Pluto Refuse to fear, then frightening thoughts will fade
Venus / Mars Complementary harmony of male and female Venus / Mars Battle or reconcile radical differences
Venus / Jupiter Generosity and pleasure seem boundless Venus / Jupiter Over-indulging; apply discrimination
Venus / Saturn In control of relationships and businesses Venus / Saturn Problems can make as well as break relationships
Venus / Uranus Exciting new people and enterprises Venus / Uranus Don’t love change for change’s sake; need focus
Venus / Neptune Beauty and great feelings open to deeper truth Venus / Neptune Captivated by the fantastic; rest, look, come back
Venus / Pluto Feeling good about a relationship or possibility Venus / Pluto Let go of attachment
Mars / Jupiter Simply unstoppable, beware of overconfidence Mars / Jupiter Are we fighting and trying too hard?
Mars / Saturn Realism and courage – the driving force of power Mars / Saturn Breaking down barriers; what will replace them?
Mars / Uranus Everything can and will be changed Mars / Uranus Revolutionary actions destroy; what do they create?
Mars / Neptune Finding effective, incisive points of contact Mars / Neptune Forcing beliefs on others is a futile process
Mars / Pluto Fearlessly face up to what needs to be done Mars / Pluto Doing anything to succeed leaves death the victor
Jupiter / Saturn Systems working effectively together Jupiter / Saturn Reality’s hard lessons create order out of excess
Jupiter / Uranus Flexible idealism aspires toward social justice Jupiter / Uranus Aiming for the impossible brings no real benefit
Jupiter / Neptune Possibilities are truly wondrous and without barriers Jupiter / Neptune Others may reject our well-intentioned beliefs
Jupiter / Pluto Beyond fear; nothing will stop us now Jupiter / Pluto Laissez-faire, ignoring dangers, has dire outcome
Saturn / Uranus Finding ways around barriers – whatever the cost Saturn / Uranus Facing the real consequences of change
Saturn / Neptune Establishing and developing “undeniable” beliefs Saturn / Neptune Misunderstanding brings pain; try devotion
Saturn / Pluto Succeeding, or seeming to, when all is against us Saturn / Pluto Serious situations require mature solutions
Uranus / Neptune Beliefs that change everything Uranus / Neptune Doing right things for wrong reasons, or vice versa
Uranus / Pluto Radical social change readily accepted Uranus / Pluto Massive social upheaval; be ahead of the flow
Neptune / Pluto Reassessment of beliefs, taking centuries to unfold Neptune / Pluto Challenge to, and reconstruction of, belief systems
this sphere is divided into 12 equal 30° signs of the zodiac, which point. The area of sky
shown here is circled on
are named after the constellations near to them. As well as
the birth chart, opposite.
positioning the Sun, Moon and planets from an earthly (geocentric)
perspective, astrologers also note which signs are on the horizons
as the Earth spins on its axis – the Ascendant in the east and
Descendant in the west – as well as which signs are on the higher ability to interpret the meaning of the chart. It explains what we
meridian (Midheaven) and the lower meridian (Imum Coeli). all experience; parts of our lives slowing, while others speed up.
These three-dimensional movements are then simplified on to a Sometimes we seem to be fighting with ourselves; at other times
flat, two-dimensional chart (see the example opposite). everything fits harmoniously together.
Today, amateur astrologers can find a way around the complex
USING A WEBSITE technicalities of chart calculation with the help of specialist birth-
Astrology-chart calculations are based on precise astronomical chart websites that perform the calculations and create the charts
measurements. Calculating and constructing a chart by hand is an for you (see page 169 for more information on this book’s
advanced skill – an experienced astrologer can take half an hour dedicated website). All you need to know is your subject’s time,
or more to complete just one. Nonetheless, all serious students of date and place of birth. If you do not know the time of birth, you
astrology should develop this valuable skill. Seeing how the can use either sunrise or noon. However, if you do this the house
different components of the chart are calculated and fitted delineations will be unreliable and should be ignored. An
together helps us to understand how the universe works within astrological chart can only be as accurate as the information you
each of us. Knowing the movements of the planets enhances our have provided; always allow for this when interpreting.
Planet symbol
Planet degree/
Planetary aspect
House cusp line
The astrological chart displayed above describes the same moment as 3. The houses are numbered anticlockwise from the Ascendant, with
the fragment of the heavens shown opposite (1900 UT on 9 February the cusps marked by the long diagonal lines running between the zodiac
2011, Guildford, UK). The chart has four main areas: band and the central area of the chart.
1. The 12 signs of the zodiac make up the outer band, with colours to 4. The aspects are the lines that connect the planets across the central
note their element (red, green, pale blue and dark blue for fire, earth, area of the chart; blue indicates easy-flowing aspects and red indicates
air and water respectively). stressful ones.
2. Symbols indicate the position of the planets inside the zodiac.
Remember that the planets move at varying speeds in an anticlockwise The pages that follow explain how to explore the meanings of these
direction. The Moon changes sign every two and a half days, while features and combine them in astrological interpretations that describe
Pluto can take more than 20 years to change sign. The position of each our lives.
planet in its sign is indicated in numbers of degrees and minutes.
further in understanding and empathizing with him? The Dalai Neptune Inspires hSagittarius Far-reachingly
Pluto Transforms iCapricorn Usefully
Lama’s chart (see opposite) was created using the web tools
jAquarius Knowingly
described on page 152. The precise time, date and place of his kPisces Sympathetically
birth were originally provided by his mother: dawn (0407 IST) on
6 July 1935 at Takster, Tibet (36N32 101E12).
This book’s sections on planets, signs, houses and aspects e Virgo (precisely), and so on. This gives the following list (in
each offer fragments of meaning at a variety of levels. By reading planet order, starting with the Sun):
these fragments in combination, we start to build up a composite Creates carefully; reacts precisely; thinks intelligently;
understanding of the whole person. The first level of interpretation loves proudly; acts adaptively; expands intensely; controls
is to use the subject’s birth chart to combine some basic keywords. sympathetically; invents realistically; inspires precisely;
and transforms carefully.
These keywords, extracted from the descriptions of the planets SECOND STEP: ADDING HOUSE KEYWORDS
and zodiac signs (see pages 28–47 and 60–131), are given in the box Each of these pairs of keywords applies to a different area of the
of planets and signs keywords (above right). Taking the planets in Dalai Lama’s life. To highlight the relevant life area, we add in further
the order they appear on the list above (Sun, Moon, Mercury and keywords relating to the 12 houses (see pages 134–45). These are
so on), use the listed symbols to find the sign each planet occupies summarized in the box of houses keywords (opposite). Start from
on the chart and then combine each pair of keywords. For example House 1 at the Cancer Ascendant and add in only the first word or
Sun (creates) in c Cancer (carefully), then Moon (reacts) in words (bold type) at this stage. Work anticlockwise and only include
service: invents realistically; private inner life: thinks intelligently Fourth Home, parents: the foundation of our social values
Fifth Creativity: children, fun; how we take risks in romance, and create
Sixth Work and health: how we experience give and take in these areas
Now improve further by inserting other relevant house keywords
Seventh Relationships and opposites: how we relate to others and the world
(not bold type) and reordering to make proper sentences:
Eighth Shared possessions: how we share values, feelings and sexuality
His personality creates and transforms carefully. His communications Ninth Long journeys: physical, metaphysical; how we find meaning
love proudly and react and inspire precisely. His private inner life thinks Tenth Public image: career, ambition, social status
intelligently; his home foundation acts adaptively. With intensely Eleventh Service: friendship, ideals; how we serve the community
expansive creativity, he finds meaning through sympathetic control and Twelfth Private inner life: institutions, self-reliance; how we undermine and
support ourselves
inventive, realistic service to the community.
The Dalai Lama’s planets are focused mainly in the First Quadrant, HOW PLANETS RULE OR ARE EXALTED, IN
making perfect, kind communication his main focus. But there DETRIMENT OR IN FALL
are strong connections from here to the other three quadrants, When interpreting a chart, always take account of the ease or
which show how he presents his communication through service otherwise with which planets “fit” in the signs they occupy.
and meditation (Fourth Quadrant, Eleventh and Twelfth Houses), Planets may rule a sign or be exalted there, or they may be in
internationally (Third Quadrant, Ninth House) and with creative detriment or in fall. The table of key concepts (left) offers clues.
intensity (Second Quadrant, Fifth House). For example: Venus is in detriment in Aries, because the
planet is easily overlooked and
overwhelmed in such a martial,
impulsive context. However, we can
² Aries Fire Cardinal +
go further. Look at the sign at the
³ Taurus Earth Fixed -
beginning (cusp) of a house of the
b Gemini Air Mutable +
Dalai Lama’s birth chart. What
c Cancer Water Cardinal -
planet rules that sign? In which
d Leo Fire Fixed +
house and sign is that planet? For
e Virgo Earth Mutable -
example, the Moon rules the Dalai
f Libra Air Cardinal +
Lama’s Cancer Ascendant. His Moon
g Scorpio Water Fixed -
is in Virgo in the Third House. So
h Sagittarius Fire Mutable +
his reflective personality is tempered
i Capricorn Earth Cardinal -
by the communication of purity
j Aquarius Air Fixed +
and perfection – making him a
k Pisces Water Mutable -
perfect mirror.
MARS IN LIBRA ✶ acts urgently in home foundation URANUS IN TAURUS ✶ invents radically in community service
Feels the need to restore balance away from uncertainty. Uranus’s years in Taurus literally change the way the world
Should danger seem to threaten, takes up the cause of works. Citizens rebel and their social values are turned
“justice and fair play”. upside down.
JUPITER IN SCORPIO ✶ expands convincingly in creativity NEPTUNE IN VIRGO ✶ inspires simplistically in communication
Works ever harder to bring everyone on board and achieve Having a desperate need for comfort and something tangible
promised improvements. Others will be excited by his to believe in, seeks immediate, practical ways to resolve past
confidence and style. uncertainties that can be implemented effectively.
SATURN IN PISCES ✶ controls modestly in long journeys PLUTO IN CANCER ✶ transforms irrevocably in personality
(physical and metaphysical) Sweeps away past social assumptions so totally that they are no
While tending to dampen expectations and possibilities, more than an embarrassing memory of our ancestors’ ineptitude
Saturn can also give structural strength if used well here. and ignorance. There is no going back to that bygone age.
Mercury, Saturn and Neptune in Leo, plus Jupiter and Pluto in Cancer,
describe Nelson Mandela’s seemingly impossible task of keeping the dream
of liberation for his people alive. He endured and achieved success.
The best way to practise the art of chart interpretation is to share the 2. Take an overall look at the chart, applying the ideas on pages 157–8.
experience with friends. Take 15 to 30 minutes to interpret for someone.
Say only what the chart says. If the person is a close friend, try not to be 3. Consider where planets are strongly placed and aspected. Using
influenced by previous personal knowledge. Ask him or her how your keywords and background explanations, talk about each planet in sign
interpretation fits. Listen carefully to what he or she says: often what we in house, and its aspects with other planets in sign in house.
see is closer than we could have thought possible. Where things do not
apparently fit, try to see why. Adjust the level at which the archetype 4. With some of these key aspects talked about, look at the less obvious
manifests. Learn from any misunderstandings of the symbolism and ones. Do they modify what you thought? Ensure all are covered. Now
adjust for next time: every mistake and disappointment opens doors to balance out the contradictions against each other. Discuss the
greater understanding. There is always much more to learn. Below, by symbolism. Do not struggle to understand, nor hold back. Just let the
way of example, is the approach to interpretation taken by the author. words emerge naturally.
1. Start with the Sun sign – nearly everyone knows this from popular 5. Consider what you have discovered so far. Step back from it. How
horoscope columns. Add in the Moon and the Ascendant (interpret as does it add up? What are the key issues? Throughout, let your subject
First House). Say the worst and best way for the three to work together. tell you what he or she thinks. You may be amazed how right the chart
Most people will be between the two extremes all the time. is, if you stay open and objective, ready to accept feedback and to learn.
The example below synthesizes only the least positive planet, nor the life he has led and what he has achieved. It illustrates well
house and aspect ideas for the chart of the Dalai Lama: the dangers of taking what appears difficult at face value.
Creates cautiously, if feels threatened will close up, hide away We are destined to face our future, but we are not doomed to
– even fight back before attacked [Sun in Cancer]; … loves suffer it. Always remember this (whatever a chart seems to show)
self-indulgently [Venus in Leo]; … acts defensively; upsets the and develop the interpretative skills that can help you to find a
balance of a proper solution by fighting for the wrong home cause beneficial way forward. Astrology lays out the territory of our lives,
[Mars in Libra in Fourth]; … expands obsessively, too carried away but we have the freedom to choose how we walk through it.
by idealistic risks [Jupiter in Scorpio in Fifth]. Invents radically and Knowing about astrology can make it easier for us to map and
destructively in service [Uranus in Taurus in Eleventh]. Reacts monitor progress, and to be clear about the decisions we face. It is
dismissively, communicates uncomfortably unless everything is the motives behind our actions that largely determine the
“as it should be”; … picky [Moon in Virgo in Third]. Inspires outcome. Kind motivations usually lead to beneficial outcomes.
fanatically, blaming and then forcing neighbours toward supposed Armed with this knowledge you will soon begin to develop
“solutions” [Neptune in Virgo in Third]. This leads him to be your own approach to full birth-chart interpretation (see box
emotionally fraught, misunderstood [Moon opposed Saturn] and above for one approach). Working with both friends and strangers
suffering from a lack of understanding [Saturn opposed Neptune], is the key way to learn. It’s also helpful to study the charts of widely
which tends to dampen expectations and possibilities about exile known people. The birth charts of celebrities found in the zodiac
and overseas problems [Saturn in Pisces in Ninth]. section of this book are fascinating examples of astrology at work,
each one accompanied by a very short interpretation to start you
Parts of this interpretation may describe some aspects of the Dalai thinking. Looking at these mini-interpretations again now, you
Lama’s predicament, but in general we would find it difficult to may find that their language seems less technical and easier to
recognize in this description the man who is respected by millions, understand than when you first read them.
Modern computers can, almost instantly, present
all the data that is needed to compare one person
astrologically with another or to relate birth charts
to past, present and future astro-events.