Taxation Cases (Digested)
Taxation Cases (Digested)
Taxation Cases (Digested)
business income.
The power to tax moreover, to borrow from Justice
SISON V ANCHETA G.R. NO. L-59431. JULY 25, 1984. Malcolm, "is an attribute of sovereignty. It is the strongest
of all the powers of government." 13 It is, of course, to be
admitted that for all its plenitude 'the power to tax is not
Petitioners challenged the constitutionality of Section 1 of unconfined. There are restrictions. The Constitution sets
Batas Pambansa Blg. 135. It amended Section 21 of the forth such limits . Adversely affecting as it does properly
National Internal Revenue Code of 1977, which provides rights, both the due process and equal protection clauses
for rates of tax on citizens or residents on (a) taxable inay properly be invoked, all petitioner does, to invalidate
compensation income, (b) taxable net income, (c) in appropriate cases a revenue measure. if it were
royalties, prizes, and other winnings, (d) interest otherwise, there would -be truth to the 1803 dictum of
from bank deposits and yield or any other monetary Chief Justice Marshall that "THE POWER TO TAX
benefit from deposit substitutes and from trust fund and INVOLVES THE POWER TO DESTROY." 14 In a
similar arrangements, (e) dividends and share of separate opinion in Graves v. New York, 15 Justice
individual partner in the net profits of taxable Frankfurter, after referring to it as an 1, unfortunate
partnership, (f) adjusted gross income. remark characterized it as "a flourish of rhetoric
[attributable to] the intellectual fashion of the times
Petitioner as taxpayer alleged that "he would be unduly following] a free use of absolutes." 16 This is merely to
discriminated against by the imposition of higher rates of emphasize that it is riot and there cannot be such a
tax upon his income arising from the exercise of his constitutional mandate. Justice Frankfurter could
profession vis-a-vis those which are imposed upon fixed rightfully conclude: "The web of unreality spun from
income or salaried individual taxpayers." He characterizes Marshall's famous dictum was brushed away by one
the above section as arbitrary amounting to class stroke of Mr. Justice Holmess pen: 'The power to tax is
legislation, oppressive and capricious in character. not the power to destroy while this Court sits."
For petitioner, therefore, there is a transgression of both TAXATION GEN. PRINCIPLES - HMO IS NOT DOING
the equal protection and due process clauses of the INSURANCE BUSINESS
Constitution as well as of the rule requiring uniformity in
taxation. Belmonte
The OSG prayed for dismissal of the petition due to lack PHILIPPINE HEALTH CARE PROVIDERS v. CIR
of merit.
Petitioner essentially argues that its health care
Whether BP 135 violates the due process and equal agreement is not a contract of insurance but a contract
protection clauses, and the rule on uniformity in taxation. for the provision on a prepaid basis of medical services,
including medical check-up, that are not based on loss or
Held: damage. Petitioner also insists that it is not engaged... in
There is a need for proof of such persuasive character as the insurance business. It is a health maintenance
would lead to a conclusion that there was a violation of organization regulated by the Department of Health, not
the due process and equal protection clauses. Absent an insurance company under the jurisdiction of the
such showing, the presumption of validity must prevail. Insurance Commission. For these reasons, petitioner
Equality and uniformity in taxation means that all taxable asserts that the health care agreement is not subject to
articles or kinds of property of the same class shall be DST.
taxed at the same rate. The taxing power has the authority Issue:
to make reasonable and natural classifications for
purposes of taxation. Is a health care agreement in the nature of an insurance
contract and therefore subject to the documentary stamp
Where the differentitation conforms to the practical tax (DST) imposed under Section 185 of Republic Act
dictates of justice and equity, similar to the standards of 8424 (Tax Code of 1997)?
equal protection, it is not discriminatory within the
meaning of the clause and is therefore uniform. Taxpayers Ruling:
may be classified into different categories, such as
recipients of compensation income as against NO. Petitioner is not contemplated to be included in “or
professionals. Recipients of compensation income are not other branch insurance” covered by Section 185 of NIRC
entitled to make deductions for income tax purposes as because it is a Health Maintenance Organization and not
there is no practically no overhead expense, while an insurance company.
professionals and businessmen have no uniform costs or
The DST is levied on the exercise by persons of certain
expenses necessaryh to produce their income. There is
privileges conferred by law for the creation, revision, or
ample justification to adopt the gross system of income
termination of specific legal relationships through the
taxation to compensation income, while continuing the
execution of specific instruments. The DST under Section
1|First Batch :: Tax-1 Digests
185 of the 1997 Tax Code is imposed on the privilege of The claimed deduction by the private respondent was
making or renewing any policy of insurance (except life, permitted under the Internal Revenue Code and should
marine,... inland and fire insurance), bond or obligation therefore not have been disallowed by the petitioner.
in the nature of indemnity for loss, damage, or liability.
Whether or not the Collector of Internal Revenue correctly The respondent filed a collection suit in the RTC,
disallowed the P75, 000.00 deduction claimed by private demanding that petitioner pay the assessed tax due, plus
respondent Algue Inc., as legitimate business expenses in surcharge. Respondent alleged that petitioner’s
its income tax returns. exemption from local taxes has been repealed by section
193 of the LGC, which reads as follows:
One of the most significant provisions of the LGC is the G.R. No. L- 41383
removal of the blanket exclusion of instrumentalities and
agencies of the national government from the coverage of August 15, 1988
local taxation. Although as a general rule, LGUs cannot
impose taxes, fees or charges of any kind on the National
Government, its agencies and instrumentalities, this rule The petitioner is a corporation engaged in the air
now admits an exception, i.e., when specific provisions of transportation business. Under the legislative franchise
the LGC authorize the LGUs to impose taxes, fees or granted to it, PAL is exempted from the payment of taxes.
charges on the aforementioned entities.
In 1971, Commissioner Edu issued a regulation requiring
all tax exempt entities including the petitioner to pay for
As commonly used, a franchise tax is "a tax on the motor vehicle registration fees. The petitioner paid under
privilege of transacting business in the state and protest the amount of P19, 529.75. However, after paying
exercising corporate franchises granted by the state." It is under protest, the petitioner demanded a refund invoking
not levied on the corporation simply for existing as a the ruling in Calalang vs Lorenzo where it was held that
corporation, upon its property or its income, but on its motor vehicle registration fees are in reality taxes from the
exercise of the rights or privileges granted to it by the payment of which the petitioner is exempt by virtue of its
government. Hence, a corporation need not pay franchise legislative franchise.
tax from the time it ceased to do business and exercise its
franchise. It is within this context that the phrase "tax on However, the defendant Commissioner denied the request
businesses enjoying a franchise" in section 137 of the LGC for refund basing his action on the decision in Republic
should be interpreted and understood. Verily, to vs Philippine Rabbit Bus Lines Inc. where it was held that
determine whether the petitioner is covered by the motor vehicle registration fees are regulatory exactions
franchise tax in question, the following requisites should which does not exempt the petitioner under its franchise.
concur: (1) that petitioner has a "franchise" in the sense
Petitioner filed a complaint against the defendant with the
of a secondary or special franchise; and (2) that it is
CFI of Rizal. However, the trial court dismissed the
exercising its rights or privileges under this franchise
within the territory of the respondent city government.
Issue: Whether or not motor vehicle registration fees are
considered as taxes.
NPC fulfills both requisites. To stress, a franchise tax is
imposed based not on the ownership but on the exercise
First Issue:
OBJECTIVES OF TAXATION – Includes regulation Yes. The Constitutional requirement that "every bill shall
embrace only one subject which shall be expressed in the
Castelltort title thereof" is sufficiently complied with if the title be
comprehensive enough to include the general purpose
G.R. No. L-75697
which a statute seeks to achieve. It is not necessary that
VALENTIN TIO doing business under the name and the title express each and every end that the statute
style of OMI ENTERPRISES, petitioner, vs. wishes to accomplish. The requirement is satisfied if all
VIDEOGRAM REGULATORY BOARD, MINISTER OF the parts of the statute are related, and are germane to
FINANCE, METRO MANILA COMMISSION, CITY the subject matter expressed in the title, or as long as they
MAYOR and CITY TREASURER OF MANILA, are not inconsistent with or foreign to the general subject
respondents. and title.
The public purpose of a tax may legally exist even if the As culled from the facts, CLDC filed its Annual
motive which impelled the legislature to impose the tax Income tax Return for taxable year 1996 in 1997 and only
was to favor one industry over another. later on that it availed itself of the tax credit. Verily, its
availment of the tax credit is not premature.
Claro Clasara
Commissioner of Internal Revenue, Petitioner, v. G.R. No. L-7859 December 22, 1955
Central Luzon Drug Corporation, Respondent, G.R.
No. 159647 April 15, 2005. WALTER LUTZ, as Judicial Administrator of the
Intestate Estate of the deceased Antonio Jayme
FACTS. Ledesma,plaintiff-appellant,
vs. J. ANTONIO ARANETA, as the Collector of Internal
The Central Luzon Drug Corporation (CLDC) is a Revenue, defendant-appellee.
domestic corporation primarily engaged in retailing of
medicines and other pharmaceutical products. In 1997, Facts: Commonwealth Act No. 567, otherwise known
CLDC filed its Annual Income Tax Return for taxable year as the Sugar Adjustment Act. Promulgated in 1940, the
1996 declaring therein that it incurred net losses from its law in question opens (section 1) with a declaration of
operations. emergency, due to the threat to our industry by the
imminent imposition of export taxes upon sugar as
In 1998, CLDC filed with the Commissioner of provided in the Tydings-McDuffe Act, and the "eventual
Internal Revenue a tax refund in the amount of loss of its preferential position in the United States
₱904,769.00 allegedly arising from the 20% sales market"; wherefore, the national policy was expressed "to
discount it granted to qualified senior citizens in obtain a readjustment of the benefits derived from the
compliance with R.A.7432. Unable to obtain affirmative sugar industry by the component elements thereof" and
response, CLDC elevated its claim to the Court of Tax "to stabilize the sugar industry so as to prepare it for the
Appeals via a Petition for Review. eventuality of the loss of its preferential position in the
United States market and the imposition of the export
At first CTA dismissed the petition ruling that a
tax credit is improper. However upon MR of CLDC, the
CTA reversed this previous ruling and declared that Plaintiff, Walter Lutz, in his capacity as Judicial
pursuant to Sec.229 of RA 7342, a tax credit is due to Administrator of the Intestate Estate of Antonio Jayme
CLDC. This decision by CTA was mainly based on the case Ledesma, seeks to recover from the Collector of Internal
of Central Luzon Drug Corporation vs. Commissioner of Revenue the sum of P14,666.40 paid by the estate as
Internal Revenue CA G.R. SP No. 60057 wherein it was taxes, under section 3 of the Act, for the crop years 1948-
ruled that a tax credit is proper for taxes erroneously paid 1949 and 1949-1950; alleging that such tax is
or illegally collected. unconstitutional and void, being levied for the aid and
support of the sugar industry exclusively, which in
The Court of Appeals affirmed the decision of CTA
plaintiff's opinion is not a public purpose for which a tax
hence the present recourse by Petitioner CIR.
may be constitutioally levied. The action having been
ISSUE. dismissed by the Court of First Instance, the
plaintifs appealed the case directly to the Supreme Court.
Can CLDC, despite incurring a net loss, may still
claim the 20 percent sales discount as a tax credit? Issue: WoN the CA No. 567 is Unconstitutional
Whether or not the Anti-TB Stamp Law is YES, Ordinance 110, as amended, unfairly singles out
unconstitutional, for being allegedly violative of the equal agents and/or consignees of outside dealers.
protection clause
The Constitution (what is being referred to here is the
1935 Constitution) provides: “The rule of taxation shall be
uniform and equitable. Even, however, if the burden in
HELD: question were regarded as a tax on the sale of said
beverages, it would still be invalid, as discriminatory, and
No. It is settled that the legislature has the inherent
hence, violative of the uniformity required by the
power to select the subjects of taxation and to grant
Constitution and the law therefor, since only sales by
exemptions. This power has aptly been described as "of
"agents or consignees" of outside dealers would be subject
wide range and flexibility." Indeed, it is said that in the
to the tax. Sales by local dealers, not acting for or on
field of taxation, more than in other areas, the legislature behalf of other merchants, regardless of the volume of
possesses the greatest freedom in classification. The their sales, and even if the same exceeded those made by
reason for this is that traditionally, classification has been said agents or consignees of producers or merchants
a device for fitting tax programs to local needs and usages established outside the City of Butuan, would be exempt
in order to achieve an equitable distribution of the tax from the disputed tax.
burden. The classification of mail users is based on the
For classification to be valid, the following must concur:
ability to pay, the enjoyment of a privilege and on
(1) it is based upon substantial distinctions; (2) these are
administrative convenience. Tax exemptions have never
germane to the purpose of the legislation or ordinance; (3)
been thought of as raising revenues under the equal
the classification applies to present conditions and future
protection clause.
ones substantially identical to those of the present; and
(4) the classification applies equally to those belonging to
the same class. The ordinance exempts local dealers not
6|First Batch :: Tax-1 Digests
acting for or in behalf of outside merchants from paying No. Though the creation of the LRTA was impelled by
the tax it imposes. It only applies to local dealers acting public service—to provide mass transportation to alleviate
for or in behalf of outside merchants. Butuan did not offer the traffic and transportation, situation in Metro Manila—
any explanation as to why a distinction between the two its operation undeniably partakes of ordinary business.
was made. If the purpose of the tax measure was merely Petitioner is clothed with corporate status and corporate
to create a new revenue source by levying tax upon the powers in the furtherance of its proprietary objectives.
sale of soft drinks, there is no reason for favoring one over Indeed, it operates much like any private corporation
the other. engaged in the mass transport industry. Given that it is
engaged in a service-oriented commercial endeavor, its
WHEREFORE, the decision appealed from is hereby carriageways and terminal stations are patrimonial
reversed, and another one shall be entered annulling property subject to tax, notwithstanding its claim of being
Ordinance No. 110, as amended by Ordinance No. 122. a government-owned or controlled corporation.
TAX EXEMPTION OF THE GOVERNMENT Unlike public roads which are open for use by everyone,
the LRT is accessible only to those who pay the required
Del Rosario
fare. It is thus apparent that petitioner does not exist
G.R. No. 127316. October 12, 2000. solely for public service, and that the LRT carriageways
and terminal stations are not exclusively for public use.
LIGHT RAIL TRANSIT AUTHORITY, petitioner, vs. Although petitioner is a public utility, it is nonetheless
CENTRAL BOARD OF ASSESSMENT APPEALS, BOARD profit-earning. It actually uses those carriageways and
OF ASSESSMENT APPEALS OF MANILA and the CITY terminal stations in its public utility business and earns
ASSESSOR OF MANILA, respondents. money therefrom.
Whether or not LRTA, a government-owned and controlled Section 133. Common limitations on the Taxing Powers of
corporation, is exempted from paying tax. Local Government Units.
Tax statutes are construed strictly against the FACTS: Petitioner Manila International Airport Authority
government and liberally in favor of the taxpayer. But (MIAA) operates the Ninoy Aquino International Airport
since taxes are paid for civilized society, or are the (NAIA) Complex in Parañaque City under Executive Order
lifeblood of the nation, the law frowns against exemptions No. 903, otherwise known as the Revised Charter of the
from taxation and statutes granting tax exemptions are Manila International Airport Authority ("MIAA Charter").
thus construed strictissimi juris against the taxpayer and
liberally in favor of the taxing authority. On 21 March 1997, the Office of the Government
Corporate Counsel (OGCC) issued Opinion No. 061. The
A claim of exemption from tax payments must be clearly OGCC opined that the Local Government Code of 1991
shown and based on language in the law too plain to be withdrew the exemption from real estate tax granted to
mistaken. Taxation is the rule, exemption therefrom is the MIAA under Section 21 of the MIAA Charter. Thus, MIAA
exception. However, if the grantee of the exemption is a negotiated with respondent City of Parañaque to pay the
political subdivision or instrumentality, the rigid rule of real estate tax imposed by the City.
construction does not apply because the practical effect
of the exemption is merely to reduce the amount of money MIAA paid some of the taxes due but not all. On 17 July
that has to be handled by the government in the course of 2001, the City of Parañaque, through its City Treasurer,
its operations. issued notices of levy and warrants of levy on the Airport
Lands and Buildings and further threatened to sell at
Further, since taxation is the rule and exemption public auction.
therefrom the exception, the exemption may be withdrawn
at the pleasure of the taxing authority. The only exception On 29 March 2005, the Court heard the parties in oral
to this rule is where the exemption was granted to private arguments. MIAA admits that the MIAA Charter has
parties based on material consideration of a mutual placed the title to the Airport Lands and Buildings in the
nature, which then becomes contractual and is thus name of MIAA. However, MIAA points out that it cannot
covered by the non-impairment clause of the claim ownership over these properties since the real
Constitution. owner of the Airport Lands and Buildings is the Republic
of the Philippines. Since the Airport Lands and Buildings
are devoted to public use and public service, the
(1) Those intended for public use, such as roads, canals, 621 SCRA 295
rivers, torrents, ports and bridges constructed by the
Perez, J.
State xxx
(a) Real property owned by the Republic of the The Secretary of Agrarian Reform issued, on 29
Philippines or any of its political subdivisions October 1997, DAR AO No. 07-97,3 entitled “Omnibus
except when the beneficial use thereof has Rules and Procedures Governing Conversion of
been granted, for consideration or otherwise, Agricultural Lands to Non-Agricultural Uses,” which
to a taxable person xxx consolidated all existing implementing guidelines related
Under Section 157(u) of the NIRC of 1986, as G.R. No. 168056 September 1, 2005
amended, the term lending investor includes all ABAKADA GURO PARTY LIST (Formerly AASJAS)
persons who make a practice of lending money for OFFICERS SAMSON S. ALCANTARA and ED VINCENT S.
themselves or others at interest. A pawnshop, on ALBANO, Petitioners,
the other hand, is defined under Section 3 of P.D. vs.
No. 114 as a person or entity engaged in the THE HONORABLE EXECUTIVE SECRETARY EDUARDO
business of lending money on personal property ERMITA; HONORABLE SECRETARY OF THE
delivered as security for loans and shall be DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE CESAR PURISIMA; and
synonymous, and may be used interchangeably, HONORABLE COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL REVENUE
with pawnbroker or pawn brokerage. GUILLERMO PARAYNO, JR., Respondent.
While it is true that pawnshops are engaged in
the business of lending money, they are not
considered lending investors for the purpose Facts:
of imposing the 5% percentage taxes.
Petitioners ABAKADA GURO Party List challenged the
Under the NIRC of 1977, before it was amended constitutionality of R.A. No. 9337 particularly Sections 4,
by EO 273, and in Sec. 161 of the NIRC of 1986, 5 and 6, amending Sections 106, 107 and 108,
pawnshops and lending investors were subjected respectively, of the National Internal Revenue Code
to different tax treatments. (NIRC). These questioned provisions contain a
uniform proviso authorizing the President, upon
o (dd) Lending investors recommendation of the Secretary of Finance, to raise the
VAT rate to 12%, effective January 1, 2006, after any of
1. In chartered cities and first class municipalities, one
the following conditions have been satisfied, to wit:
thousand pesos;
. . . That the President, upon the recommendation of the
2. In second and third class municipalities, five hundred
Secretary of Finance, shall, effective January 1, 2006,
raise the rate of value-added tax to twelve percent (12%),
3. In ourth and fifth class municipalities and municipal after any of the following conditions has been satisfied:
districts, two hundred fifty pesos: Provided, That lending
(i) Value-added tax collection as a percentage of Gross
investors who do business as such in more than one
Domestic Product (GDP) of the previous year exceeds two
province shall pay a tax of one thousand pesos.
and four-fifth percent (2 4/5%); or
o (ff) Pawnshops, one thousand pesos
13 | F i r s t Batch :: Tax-1 Digests
(ii) National government deficit as a percentage of GDP of 2. In testing whether a statute constitutes an undue
the previous year exceeds one and one-half percent (1 delegation of legislative power or not, it is usual
½%). to inquire whether the statute was complete in all
its terms and provisions when it left the hands of
Petitioners argue that the law is unconstitutional, as it the legislature so that nothing was left to the
constitutes abandonment by Congress of its exclusive judgment of any other appointee or delegate of the
authority to fix the rate of taxes under Article VI, Section legislature.
28(2) of the 1987 Philippine Constitution. They further
argue that VAT is a tax levied on the sale or exchange of 3. The equal protection clause under the
goods and services and cannot be included within the Constitution means that “no person or class of
purview of tariffs under the exemption delegation since persons shall be deprived of the same protection
this refers to customs duties, tolls or tribute payable upon of laws which is enjoyed by other persons or other
merchandise to the government and usually imposed on classes in the same place and in like
imported/exported goods. They also said that the circumstances.”
President has powers to cause, influence or create the
conditions provided by law to bring about the conditions Rulings:
precedent. Moreover, they allege that no guiding
1. R.A. No. 9337 has not violated the provisions. The
standards are made by law as to how the Secretary of
revenue bill exclusively originated in the House of
Finance will make the recommendation. They claim,
Representatives, the Senate was acting within its
nonetheless, that any recommendation of the Secretary of
constitutional power to introduce amendments to
Finance can easily be brushed aside by the President
the House bill when it included provisions in
since the former is a mere alter ego of the latter, such that,
Senate Bill No. 1950 amending corporate income
ultimately, it is the President who decides whether to
taxes, percentage, excise and franchise taxes.
impose the increased tax rate or not.
Verily, Article VI, Section 24 of the Constitution
does not contain any prohibition or limitation on
the extent of the amendments that may be
Issues: introduced by the Senate to the House revenue
1. Whether or not R.A. No. 9337 has violated the
provisions in Article VI, Section 24, and Article VI, 2. There is no undue delegation of legislative power
Section 26 (2) of the Constitution. but only of the discretion as to the execution of a
law. This is constitutionally permissible.
2. Whether or not there was an undue delegation of Congress does not abdicate its functions or
legislative power in violation of Article VI Sec 28 unduly delegate power when it describes what job
Par 1 and 2 of the Constitution. must be done, who must do it, and what is the
scope of his authority; in our complex economy
3. Whether or not there was a violation of the due
that is frequently the only way in which the
process and equal protection under Article III Sec.
legislative process can go forward.
1 of the Constitution.
3. Supreme Court held no decision on this matter.
The power of the State to make reasonable and
1. Basing from the ruling of Tolentino case, it is not natural classifications for the purposes of
the law, but the revenue bill which is required by taxation has long been established. Whether it
the Constitution to “originate exclusively” in the relates to the subject of taxation, the kind of
House of Representatives, but Senate has the property, the rates to be levied, or the amounts to
power not only to propose amendments, but also be raised, the methods of assessment, valuation
to propose its own version even with respect to and collection, the State’s power is entitled to
bills which are required by the Constitution to presumption of validity. As a rule, the judiciary
originate in the House. the Constitution simply will not interfere with such power absent a clear
means is that the initiative for filing revenue, showing of unreasonableness, discrimination, or
tariff or tax bills, bills authorizing an increase of arbitrariness.
the public debt, private bills and bills of local
application must come from the House of CONSTITUTIONAL LIMITATIONS – EQUAL
Representatives on the theory that, elected as PROTECTION CLAUSE
they are from the districts, the members of the
House can be expected to be more sensitive to the
local needs and problems. On the other hand, the G.R. No. L-4376 May 22, 1953
senators, who are elected at large, are expected to
approach the same problems from the national ASSOCIATION OF CUSTOMS BROKERS, INC. and G.
perspective. Both views are thereby made to bear MANLAPIT, INC., petitioners-appellants,
on the enactment of such laws.
The Ordinance title refers to it as “An Ordin NIRC and that the installation manager employed by Shell
is a salaried employee which may not be taxed by the
ance Levying a Property Tax on All Motor Vehicles municipal council under the provisions of NIRC;
Operating within the City of Manila”, however, the second, the ordinance is discriminatory and hostile
character of the tax must be determined by its incidents, because there is no other person in the locality who
and if it is levied upon persons on account of their exercises such designation or calling; and third, the
business, it will be construed as a license or occupation imposition of tax on tin can factories having a 30,000
tax. Also, the ordinance exacts the tax upon all motor maximum output capacity is unlawful because it is a
vehicles operating within the City of Manila. It does not percentage tax and falls under the exceptions provided in
distinguish between a motor vehicle for hire and one the Tax Code
which is purely for private us
ISSUE: Whether or not the Ordinance offends against the
rule of uniformity of taxation. WON an installation manager, although a salaried
employee, is liable for occupation tax
Ruling:Yes. Even if the installation manager is a salaried
Yes. The ordinance infringes the rule of the uniformity of employee of the corporation, still it is an occupation.
taxation ordained by our Constitution. The distinction is Further, one occupation or line of business does not
important if we note that the ordinance intends to burden become exempt by being conducted with some other
with the tax only those registered in the City of Manila as occupation or business for which such tax has been
may be inferred from the word "operating" used therein. paid. The occupation tax must be paid by each individual
The word "operating" denotes a connotation which is akin engaged in a calling subject to it
to a registration, for under the Motor Vehicle Law no
motor vehicle can be operated without previous payment
of the registration fees. There is no pretense that the
ordinance equally applies to motor vehicles who come to
Manila for a temporary stay or for short errands, and it
cannot be denied that they contribute in no small degree Ombajin
to the deterioration of the streets and public highway. The
fact that they are benefited by their use they should also KAPATIRAN NG MGA NAGLILINGKOD SA
be made to share the corresponding burden. And yet such PAMAHALAAN NG PILIPINAS, INC., HERMINIGILDO C.
is not the case. This is an inequality which we find in the DUMLAO, GERONIMO Q. QUADRA, and MARIO C.
ordinance, and which renders it offensive to the VILLANUEVA v. HON. BIENVENIDO TAN G.R. No.
Constitution. 81311. June 30, 1988
Lastly, petitioners also failed to prove that EO 273 is
oppressive, discriminatory, unjust and regressive, in The court ruled in negative stating that there is a violation
violation of the equal protection clause. Petitioners merely of due process only when there is the inherent or
rely upon newspaper articles which are actually hearsay constitutional limitations in the exercise of the power to
and have evidentiary value. To justify the nullification of tax is transgressed. Petitioner intimates that Republic Act
a law. there must be a clear and unequivocal breach of No. 7496 desecrates the constitutional requirement that
the Constitution, not a doubtful and argumentative taxation "shall be uniform and equitable" in that the law
implication. As the Court sees it, EO 273 satisfies all the would now attempt to tax single proprietorships and
requirements of a valid tax. professionals differently from the manner it imposes the
tax on corporations and partnerships. The contention
In any event, if petitioners seriously believe that the clearly forgets, however, that such a system of income
adoption and continued application of the VAT are taxation has long been the prevailing rule even prior to
prejudicial to the general welfare or the interests of the Republic Act No. 7496.
majority of the people, they should seek recourse and
relief from the political branches of the government. The Uniformity of taxation, like the kindred concept of equal
Court, following the time-honored doctrine of separation protection, merely requires that all subjects or objects of
of powers, cannot substitute its judgment for that of the taxation, similarly situated, are to be treated alike both in
President as to the wisdom, justice and advisability of the privileges and liabilities (Juan Luna Subdivision vs.
adoption of the VAT. The Court can only look into and Sarmiento, 91 Phil. 371). Uniformity does not forfend
determine whether or not EO 273 was enacted and made classification as long as: (1) the standards that are used
effective as law, in the manner required by, and consistent therefor are substantial and not arbitrary, (2) the
with, the Constitution, and to make sure that it was not categorization is germane to achieve the legislative
issued in grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or purpose, (3) the law applies, all things being equal, to both
excess of jurisdiction; and, in this regard, the Court finds present and future conditions, and (4) the classification
no reason to impede its application or continued applies equally well to all those belonging to the same
implementation. class (Pepsi Cola vs. City of Butuan, 24 SCRA 3; Basco vs.
PAGCOR, 197 SCRA 52).
CLAUSE What may instead be perceived to be apparent from the
amendatory law is the legislative intent to increasingly
Panes shift the income tax system towards the schedular
approach in the income taxation of individual taxpayers
TAN VS DEL ROSARIO and to maintain, by and large, the present global
treatment on taxable corporations. We certainly do not
237 SCRA 324
view this classification to be arbitrary and inappropriate.
There is no evident intention of the law, either before or
The facts of the case states that, two consolidated special after the amendatory legislation, to place in an unequal
civil actions for prohibition challenge, in G.R. No. 109289, footing or in significant variance the income tax treatment
the constitutionality of Republic Act No. 7496, also of professionals who practice their respective professions
commonly known as the Simplified Net Income Taxation individually and of those who do it through a general
Scheme ("SNIT"), amending certain provisions of the professional partnership.
National Internal Revenue Code and, in G.R. No. 109446,
WHEREFORE, the petitions are DISMISSED. No special
the validity of Section 6, Revenue Regulations No. 2-93,
pronouncement on costs.
promulgated by public respondents pursuant to said law.
16 | F i r s t Batch :: Tax-1 Digests
CONSTITUTIONAL LIMITATIONS – EQUAL shall be permanently exempt from paying income
PROTECTION CLAUSE taxes, and (2) for a period ending on December 31 of the
thirtieth full calendar year after the date of a cooperative's
Parba organization or conversion hereunder, or until it shall
become completely free of indebtedness incurred by
Ormoc Sugar vs Treasurer of Ormoc City (1968)
borrowing, whichever event first occurs, shall be exempt
Facts: from the payment (a) of all National Government, local
government and municipal taxes and fees, including
In 1964, the Municipal Board of Ormoc City passed franchise, filing, recordation, license or permit fees or
Ordinance 4, imposing on any and all productions of taxes and any fees, charges, or costs involved in any
CENTRIFUGA SUGAR MILLED AT THE ORMOC SUGAR court or administrative proceeding in which it may be
CO. INC. IN ormoc City a municipal tax equivalent to 1% a party, and (b) of all duties or imposts on foreign
per export sale to the United States and other foreign goods acquired for its operations…
countries. The company paid the said tax under protest.
It subsequently filed a case seeking to invalidate the With the passage of the Local Government Code, however,
ordinance for being unconstitutional. they allege that their tax exemptions have been invalidly
withdrawn. In particular, petitioners assail Sections 193
Issue: Whether the ordinance violates the equal and 234 of the Local Government Code on the ground that
protection clause. the said provisions discriminate against them, in violation
of the equal protection clause. Further, they submit that
the said provisions are unconstitutional because they
The Ordinance taxes only CENTRIFUGAL SUGAR impair the obligation of contracts between the Philippine
produced and exported by the Ormoc Sugar Co. Inc. and Government and the United States Government.
none other. At the time of the taxing ordinance’s enacted,
First they allege that said provisions unduly discriminate
the company was the only sugar central in Ormoc City.
against petitioners who are duly registered cooperatives.
The classification, to be reasonable, should be in terms
They stress that cooperatives registered under R.A. No.
applicable to future conditions as well. The taxing
6938 are singled out for tax exemption privileges under
ordinance should not be singular and exclusive as to
the Local Government Code. They maintain that electric
exclude any subsequently established sugar central, of
cooperatives registered with the NEA under P.D. No. 269,
the same class as the present company, from the coverage
as amended, and electric cooperatives registered with the
of the tax. As it is now, even if later a similar company is
Cooperative Development Authority (CDA) under R.A. No.
set up, it cannot be subject to the tax because the
6938 are similarly situated . Thus, petitioners contend
ordinance expressly points only to the company as the
that to grant tax exemptions from local government taxes
entity to be levied upon.
to only registered cooperatives under R.A. No. 6938 is a
CONSTITUTIONAL LIMITATIONS – EQUAL violation of the equal protection clause.
PROTECTION CLAUSE Second, petitioners contend that the withdrawal by the
Reales Local Government Code of the tax exemptions of
cooperatives under P.D. No. 269, as amended, is an
PHILIPPINE RURAL ELECTRIC COOPERATIVES impairment of the tax exemptions provided under the loan
ASSOCIATION, VS. THE SECRETARY, DEPARTMENT agreements. Petitioners argue that as beneficiaries of the
OF INTERIOR AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT loan proceeds, pursuant to the above provision, "all the
assets of petitioners, such as lands, buildings,
Facts: distribution lines acquired through the proceeds of the
Loan Agreements ... are tax exempt.
On May 23, 2000, a class suit was filed by petitioners in
their own behalf and in behalf of other electric
cooperatives organized and existing under P.D. No. 269
who are members of petitioner Philippine Rural Electric ISSUE:
Cooperatives Association, Inc. (PHILRECA).
WON certain sections of the Local Government Code
Section 39 of P.D. No. 269 provides for the following tax violated the constitutional rights of the petitioners.
incentives to electric cooperatives:
SECTION 39. Assistance to Cooperatives; Exemption
from Taxes, Imposts, Duties, Fees; Assistance from the There is No Violation of the Equal Protection Clause
National Power Corporation. Pursuant to the national The equal protection clause under the Constitution
policy declared in Section 2, the Congress hereby finds means that "no person or class of persons shall be
and declares that the following assistance to cooperative deprived of the same protection of laws which is enjoyed
is necessary and appropriate: by other persons or other classes in the same place and
in like circumstances." Thus, the guaranty of the equal
(a) Provided that it operates in conformity with the protection of the laws is not violated by a law based on
purposes and provisions of this Decree, cooperatives (1) reasonable classification.
Moreover, to constitute impairment, the law must affect a On April 15, 2003, Santos was charged of violating
change in the rights of the parties with reference to each Section 248 (B) of the NIRC or substantial
other and not with respect to non-parties. underdeclaration of income. After an exchange of
pleadings Prosecution through Tore villas issued a
A plain reading of the provision shows that it does not resolution finding probable cause and recommended the
grant any tax exemption in favor of the borrower or the filing of criminal complaint.
beneficiary either on the proceeds of the loan itself or the
properties acquired through the said loan. It simply states On January 20, 2006, Santos filed a motion to quash but
that the loan proceeds and the principal and interest of was denied by the CTA First Division. A motion for
the loan, upon repayment by the borrower, shall reconsideration was then filed but was denied. Santos
be without deduction of any tax or fee that may be then filed a motion for extension of time to file a petition
payable under Philippine law as such tax or fee will be for review at the CTA en Banc. The CTA en Banc stated
absorbed by the borrower with funds other than the that a resolution denying a motion to quash is not a
loan p proper subject of an appeal.
Plaintiff protested but to avoid the closing of its business The power to impose a license tax on the exercise of these
as well as the fines and penalties, plaintiff paid the license freedom is indeed as potent as the power of censorship
and permit fees while informing the defendant that a suit which this Court has repeatedly struck down.
would be taken in court. Plaintiff filed a complaint praying
that said Ordinance No. 3000 and No. 2592 as amended
be declared illegal and unconstitutional.
Plaintiff avers that they do not make profit in selling the CONSTITUTIONAL LIMITATIONS – FREEDOM OF
from the sales of its bibles but the defendant retorts RELIGION
The Court dismissed the case for lack of merit.
Tolentino v. Secretary of Finance
Plaintiff elevated the case to CA.