Sicam Pas - 6Md90: Answers For Energy
Sicam Pas - 6Md90: Answers For Energy
Sicam Pas - 6Md90: Answers For Energy
Energy Automation
System Overview 3 Energy Automation
Communication 4 and 5
Catalog SICAM 4.1.2 · 2010
Automation 6 and 7
Supersedes: Catalog SICAM 4.1.2 · 2008
Process Visualization 8
Configuration 9
System Requirements 11
Appendix 14
network TCP/IP
Control center
Station bus Ethernet TCP/IP
Serial hub
IEC 61850
Fig. 1
Typical SICAM PAS configuration: IEDs are connected to the station unit with IEC 61850 and various other protocols
(see pages 4 and 5)
For some years now, power generation and distribution have • SICAM PAS controls and registers the process data for all
been undergoing major changes. The innovation cycles (where devices of a substation, within the scope of the data transfer
operating equipment and communication media are concerned) protocols supported.
are getting ever shorter, and the market is becoming increas- • SICAM PAS is a communication gateway. This is why only one
ingly deregulated. single data connection to a higher-level system control center
The systems used to monitor power supply equipment and is required.
processes must take account of these changes. • SICAM PAS enables integration of a fully graphical process
When new products are used, user-friendliness, easy engineer- visualization system directly in the substation.
ing, manifold interfacing to various communication media and • SICAM PAS simplifies installation and parameterization of new
extensibility are important features. devices, thanks to its intuitive user interface.
SICAM PAS (Power Automation System) meets all the demands • SICAM PAS is notable for its online parameter setting
placed on a distributed substation control system – both now features, particularly when the system has to be expanded.
and in the future. Amongst many other standardized communi- There are no generation times; loading into a target system is
cation protocols, SICAM PAS particularly supports the IEC 61850 not required at all or only required if confi guration is per-
standard for communication between substations and IEDs. formed on a separate engineering PC.
SICAM PAS is an open system and – in addition to standardized • SICAM PAS features integrated testing and diagnostic
data transfer processes – it features user interfaces for the functions.
integration of system-specific tasks and offers multiple • Its user-friendliness, its operator control logic, its orientation
automation options. to the Windows world and its open structure ideally suit users’
SICAM PAS can thus be easily included in existing systems requirements.
and used for system integration, too. With modern diagnostics, • SICAM PAS is developed in accordance with selected security
it optimally supports commissioning and maintenance. standards and meets modern demands placed on safe com-
SICAM PAS is clearly structured and reliable, thanks to its open, munication.
fully documented and tested system.
Fig. 2
SIPROTEC 4 Bay control units and protection units
with local control
– DNP V3.0 (Master) – Level 3 • SICAM PAS can also be set up on computers networked with
Apart from the IEC protocols -101 and -104, DNP 3.0 is TCP/IP. Here, one computer performs the task of the so-called
another standardized telecontrol protocol used by many IEDs Full Server. Up to six other computers can be used as DIPs.
and RTUs and applied worldwide. The units can be connected With this architecture, the system can be adapted to the topo-
both serially and with TCP/IP (DNPi). TCP/IP-based communica- logical situation and its performance also boosted.
tion can operate with an asymmetrical encryption procedure, • SICAM PAS allows use of the SICAM PAS CC process visualiza-
thus meeting security requirements. tion system for central process control and monitoring.
For industrial applications, it is easy to confi gure an interface
– PROFIBUS DP (Master)
to process visualization systems via OPC (object linking and
PROFIBUS DP is a highly powerful fi eld bus protocol.
embedding for process control).
For example, it is used for industrial automation and for
• SICAM PAS can be configured as an OPC server or as an
automating the supply of electricity and gas.
PROFIBUS DP serves to interface multifunctional measur- OPC client.
ing instruments such as SIMEAS P (I, V, P, Q, p.f. (cos )) or, The SICAM PAS process variables – available with the OPC
for example, to connect ET200 components for gathering server – can be read and written with OPC clients working
messages and for simple commands. Messages, for example, either on the same device or on one networked by TCP/IP. This
can be derived from the signaling contacts of fuse switch- mechanism enables, for example, communication with another
disconnectors. process visualization system. The OPC server is included in the
basic system.
– MODBUS (Master) Optionally, this server functionality is also available as
Besides PROFIBUS DP, the MODBUS protocol is also well- OPC XML DA for communication with clients based on other
known in industrial applications. SICAM PAS allows to connect operating systems as well as beyond firewall limits.
IEDs und RTUs with this protocol, both via serial and TCP/IP- The OPC client can read and write data from other OPC servers.
based connections. A typical application could be the connection of SIMATIC
– PROFIBUS FMS (SIPROTEC 4) programmable controllers.
Most SIPROTEC 4 bay controllers and protection units can be The OPC client is available as an optional package.
connected to the SICAM PAS station unit via PROFIBUS FMS. • SICAM Diamond
SICAM Diamond can be used to monitor the system inter-
faces, to indicate switching device states and up-to-date
Communication via the SINAUT LSA ILSA protocol is a special
measured values, and also for further diagnostic purposes.
advantage of SICAM PAS. Existing LSA central units can be
Apart from these configuration-free diagnostic views, SICAM
replaced without changing the configuration on bay level.
Diamond also supports message logging in event and alarm
lists as well as process visualization in single-line diagrams,
System control center connections, distributed process
and can thus be used as a simple human-machine interface.
connection and process visualization
Messages and measured values can be archived in files
• SICAM PAS operates on the basis of Microsoft Windows oper-
ating systems. This means that the extensive support which
On the one hand, SICAM Diamond consists of the Diamond
Windows offers for modern communication protocols is also
Server, which is directly connected with SICAM PAS and
available with SICAM PAS.
prepares the data for access with a Web browser, and on the
• SICAM PAS was conceived for easy and fast integration of
other hand, the SICAM Diamond Client as operator interface
conventional protocols. Contact Siemens if you have any
in the context of the Microsoft Internet Explorer. Except for
questions about integration of user-specific protocols.
the Microsoft Internet Explorer, no additional software has to
• For the purpose of linking up to higher-level system control
be installed on the Web clients.
centers, the standardized telecontrol protocols
SICAM Diamond allows access to archive files and fault
IEC 60870-5-101,
recordings through the World Wide Web. The archive files can
IEC 60870-5-104 and
be saved on the Web client for evaluation, e.g. with Micro-
DNP V3.00 (Level 3) serially and over IP (DNPi) as well as
soft Excel. Fault recordings can be visualized directly in the
MODBUS (serially and over IP), TG 8979 (serially) and CDT
Internet Explorer.
(serially) are supported.
Security or “safe communication” are gaining more and more
Asymmetric encryption enables tap-proof communication
connection to higher-level control centers with IEC 60870-5-104
and DNP V3.00 via TCP/IP. For DNP V3.00, authentication can
be used as an additional security mechanism.
SICAM PAS supports the following communication protocols
• Distributed process connection in the substation is possible
as standard (optionally available):
thanks to the SICAM PAS Device Interface Processor (DIP).
• Control center connection IEC 60870-5-101,
IEC 60870-5-104, DNP V3.00, MODBUS, TG 8979, CDT
• Open data exchange OPC server, OPC XML DA server,
OPC client
• IED and substation connection IEC 61850, IEC 60870-5-101,
IEC 60870-5-103, IEC 60870-5-104, DNP V3.00,
network TCP/IP
Station unit clients Station unit
“Full Server” “Full Server”
Station bus
Ethernet TCP/IP
IEC 61850
Fig. 3
Typical redundant configuration: The station level computer and the HMI server are based on a redundant structure to boost availability
220 kV
0.0 kV
TP 0 TP 0 TP 0 TP 0
Process visualization with SICAM PAS CC For protection devices connected with the protocols IEC 61850,
In the operation of a substation, SICAM PAS is used for IEC 60870-5-103 as well as PROFIBUS FMS (SIPROTEC 4) or
configuration purposes and as a powerful data concentrator. SINAUT LSA ILSA, fault recordings can be retrieved and archived
SICAM PAS CC serves as the process visualization system. automatically. SICAM PQ Analyzer with its component Incident
Several independent SICAM PAS CC servers can be connected Explorer is used for management and evaluation of the fault
to one SICAM PAS. Connection of redundant servers is also recordings.
supported. SICAM PAS CC supports the connection of several SICAM PAS CC is based on SIMATIC WinCC, which has advanced
SICAM PAS systems. to become both the industrial standard and the market leader
In the signal lists, the original time stamps are logged in ms in Europe. It has the following impressive features:
resolution as they occur in the devices. With every signal, a se- • Multilingual capability
ries of additional data is also presented to provide information • All operation and monitoring functions on-board.
about causes (spontaneous, command), event sources (close These include not only the graphics system for plant displays
range, local, remote), etc. Besides process signals, command and the signaling and archiving system for alarms and meas-
signals are also logged. ured values, but also a reporting and logging system. Further
IndustrialX-Controls are used to control and monitor the advantages are integrated user administration, along with the
switching devices. These switching device objects support granting and checking of access rights for configuration and
four different forms of presentation (IEC, DIN, SINAUT LSA, runtime operations.
SICAM) for circuit-breakers and disconnectors. It is also possible • Easy and efficient configuration
to create bitmaps (defined for a specific project) to represent Configuration is assisted by dialogs, wizards and extensive
the switching devices, and to link them to the objects. For libraries.
informative visualization, not only nominal and spontaneous • Consistently scalable, even via the Web
flashing are supported, but also the display of various device In conformity with requirements, the bandwidth ranges from
and communication states (e.g. up-to-date/not up-to-date, bay small single-user stations up to client/server solutions with
and telecontrol blocking, etc.). user stations on the Web as well as support of the server
Measured values and switching device states that are not con- redundancy.
tinuously updated due to, e.g., device or communication failure • WinCC/Redundancy – increases system availability by
or bay blocking, may be updated directly via the operation redundant WinCC stations or servers monitoring each other
panel with SICAM PAS CC. mutually, ensuring the operability of the system and enabling
In conjunction with the SICAM PAS station unit, the switching complete data acquisition.
devices can be controlled either directly or with “select before • Open standards for easy integration
operate”. – Using any external tools, archived data can be accessed
When visualizing the process by single-line images, topological through a series of open interfaces (such as SQL and ODBC)
coloring can be used. for further editing.
The WinCC Add-on SIMATIC Web navigator can be used for – Manufacturer-independent communication with lower-level
control and monitoring via the Internet. controllers (or with applications such as MS Excel) is support-
SICAM Valpro can be used to evaluate measured and metered val- ed with OPC (OLE for Process Control).
ues. It not only allows a graphical and a tabular display of archived • Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), VBScript or ANSI-C create
values, but also enables subsequent evaluation functions such as an ideal scope for project-specific solutions.
minima, maxima and averages (on an hourly or daily basis).
8 SICAM PAS – 6MD90 · Siemens SICAM 4.1.2 · 2010
Fig. 5
SICAM PAS UI – Configuration
• Expandable with options and add-ons such as A common feature of all views is that they have an Explorer
– WinCC/Dat@Monitor window that shows the system configuration in a clearly
serves to display and evaluate current process states and arranged tree structure. As in the Windows Explorer, you can
historical data on office PCs, using standard tools such as open individual levels of this tree structure to work in them.
the Microsoft Internet Explorer or Microsoft Excel Meanwhile, you can close other levels to improve clarity.
– WinCC/Web Navigator Depending on the level you are currently navigating in and the
is an option with SIMATIC WinCC for controlling and component you have chosen, in the context menu (right mouse
monitoring systems over the Internet, a company Intranet button) SICAM PAS offers you precisely those program func-
or a LAN tions that are currently appropriate.
– WinCC/Connectivity Pack You work through the necessary steps in the data window on
The functions of the two OPC servers HDA and A&E, the right. Here, you set parameters, select information and
and of the WinCC OLE-DB provider are ensured by the define assignments to a user-specific, process-oriented system
WinCC/Connectivity Pack. topology.
– Alarm Management System ACC The user interface is uncomplicated and structured according
With the aid of the Alarm Management System ACC, to the task definition, so as to enable intuitive working and to
messages from the WinCC signaling system can be forwarded simplify changes. The user interface assists the editing process
automatically to radio call receivers. by displaying parameter descriptions and messages when incor-
rect parameters are entered.
Overview of the operator control philosophy and user In the tabular views for information assignment and allocation
interface to the system topology, configuration is made easy by extensive
The SICAM PAS user interface is based on customary Windows sorting and filtering mechanisms, multiple choices and Drag &
technology, which enables you to navigate in the familiar Drop.
Windows environment both when configuring the system and To ensure data consistency and to avoid redundant data input,
during ongoing operation. SICAM PAS UI provides extensive import and export functions
The system distinguishes between configuration and operation for the exchange of configuration data, e.g. with the bay
of a substation. In SICAM PAS, these two tasks are firmly sepa- control level and with process visualization.
rated by two independent programs. To create new PAS projects and change the structure of exist-
The SICAM PAS UI – Configuration program is used to create ing PAS projects, a configuration license is required for using
and edit a project-specific configuration. To enhance clarity, “SICAM PAS UI – Configuration”. For reading access to the
several views are distinguished: parameterizing data as well as parameter changes, the program
– Configuration can also be used on a runtime license basis.
– Mapping In SICAM PAS, everything is on board. Apart from the actual
– System topology runtime environment, the “SICAM PAS UI – Configuration“
– Device templates. program is always installed on the station computer. Thus, the
project database and the configuration program always match,
and adjustments and expansions are also possible after many
years – regardless of separate engineering computers.
Fig. 6
SICAM PAS UI – Operation
Fig. 7
SICAM PAS Value Viewer
The SICAM PAS UI – Operation program features a series of SICAM PQS (Power Quality System)
editing and diagnostics views for monitoring and controlling a In addition to the classical functions of station control systems,
substation. SICAM PAS offers the possibility to be used as a Power Qual-
In the Operation Manager, you check and control the states of ity System: Both as an independent, pure PQ system and as an
individual data connections. integrated solution, combining the aspects of station control,
In the SCADA Value Viewer you can see incoming values in a power quality and fault recording in one system. For this pur-
clearly arranged form and perform operator control actions for pose, SIMEAS R fault recorders as well as SIMEAS Q80 power
test purposes. quality devices can be connected, and their comprehensive
Security can be boosted by applying “user administration” to use data can be processed and archived. With the additional func-
the three programs SICAM PAS UI Configuration, UI Operation tions of SICAM PQ Analyzer, the results of the comprehensive
and Value Viewer. User administration supports different user power quality analysis can be displayed and further evaluations
roles with pre-defined rights. Working with these programs is are possible.
then password-protected. Besides the necessary communication protocols, further
options are available, such as
– automatic fault location (one side, two sides and considering
parallel wire compensation)
– automatic grid code evaluation (e.g. according to EN 50160,
– automatic, scheduled reporting
Fig. 8
Recommended device with more functionalities: 6MD91 station unit
1) Positions 13 and 16 of the software Order No. indicate the version. Version 7.0 is the current version.
1) Positions 13 and 16 of the software Order No. indicate the version. Version 7.0 is the current version.
Further information on the hardware regarding the SICAM 6MD91 station unit: Refer to catalog SICAM 4.1.3 (Order No. see next page)
This product is in conformity with the directives of the Council
of the European Communities on the approximation of the laws
of the Member States relating to electromagnetic compatibility
(EMC Council Directive 89/336/EEC) and concerning electrical
equipment for use within specified voltage limits (low-voltage
directive 73/23/EEC).
This product conforms with the international standard
IEC 60255, and the national standard DIN 57435/Part 303.
The product is designed for use in an industrial environment
acc. to the EMC standard specification.
Conformity is proved by tests performed by Siemens AG in line
with article 10 of the Council Directives in accordance with the
generic standards EN 50081 and EN 50082 for EMC directive
EN 60255-6 for the “low-voltage directive”.
Siemens AG
Energy Sector
Power Distribution Division
Energy Automation
Postfach 48 06
90026 Nuernberg, Germany