Mi 1748 T
Mi 1748 T
Mi 1748 T
and 3 above. This will be discussed in
detail in the section on antifreezes.
Coolant is circulated t h r o u gh o ut the
It should be recognized that coolants which
engine to provide the means for heat
perform satisfactorily in other applica-
transfer from the engine components.
tions may not be satisfactory for use in
Water, corrosion inhibitor and, in some
EMD and former CDED engine cooling
applications, antifreeze are used in cool-
systems. Differences in coolant volume-
ant solutions.
to-cooling system surface area ratios,
Because the function of the coolant is so coolant velocities, temperatures, and the
necessary to the operating efficiency of types of materials employed make such
the engine, it is important that the selec- comparisons meaningless.
tion of a coolant solution be carefully
The formulation of “home made” inhibi-
tors and antifreezes is not recommended
since such processes are difficult to
monitor and control. The ready avail-
A coolant suitable for use in EMD and ability of suitable proprietary products
former CDED engine cooling systems makes these practices uneconomical and
must meet four basic requirements: impractical.
1. It must adequately transfer heat en- Water quality should be evaluated when-
ergy through the cooling system. ever a new water source is to be used, or
2. It must not form scale or sludge de- when changes in existing water sources
posits in the cooling system. occur. Likewise, quality of the coolant
3. It must not cause corrosion within the solution should be tested when a new
cooling system. engine is put into service, and at regular
4. It must not deteriorate any of the cool- intervals thereafter. The quality of cool-
ing system seal materials. ant should always be known and should be
maintained as required.
These requirements are normally satis-
fied by combining a suitable water with a
reliable corrosion inhibitor. Certain op-
erating conditions may dictate the use of When determining the suitability of water
antifreeze-coolant. In this case the basic for use in coolant, four characteristics
requirements can be satisfied with a must be examined. These are the con-
combination of suitable water and an centrations of chlorides, sulfates, total
ethylene glycol type antifreeze which con- dissolved solids, and total hardness in
tains an adequate corrosion inhibitor. the water. These materials are objec-
However, the use of antifreeze involves tionable for a number of reasons: Chlo-
special consideration regarding Items 1 rides and/or sulfates will promote
* This publication supersedes all information previously released regarding engine coolants
corrosion, while hardness will cause the necessarily all, the materials which can
deposit of sludge and/or scale. Depending make up dissolved solids. Each of these
on its components, total dissolved solids three categories could account for none,
can cause scale deposits, sludge deposits, part, or all of the dissolved solids in a
corrosion, or combinations of these. given water. Miscellaneous substances
can account for substantial dissolved sol-
It should be recognized that chlorides, sul- ids concentrations; even though chlorides,
fates, and hardness are among, but not sulfates, and hardness are not present.
I Soften 1
M.I. 1748
M.I. 1’748
Test kits for evaluating Nalco and Dear- 3. Prestone - Union Carbide Corporation
born inhibitor concentrations may be pur-
chased from Nalco Chemical Company and The Prestone inhibitor system includes
Dearborn Chemical Company respectively. a polar oil that is not soluble ineither
Inhibitor concentrations should not be water or ethylene glycol. Coolants
determined by the color of the coolant. containing Prestone must be well agi-
Experience has shown that this practice tated immediately preceding applica-
can give very inaccurate indications. tion to a cooling system in order to
ensure thorough dispersion of the
The use of soluble oil type inhibitors or polar oil. Immediately after adding
vapor phase type cooling system preserva- Prestone coolant to a cooling system,
tive is not recommended. it would be desirable to operate the
engine to ensure that the polar oil
ANTIFREEZE is distributed throughout the system.
This will minimize any tendency of
With certain qualifications, ethylene glycol the polar oil to agglomerate.
type antifreezes can be employed suc-
cessfully in EMD and former CDED engine 4. Zerex - E.I.duPontdeNemours& Co.
cooling systems. Alcohol type antifreezes
are not recommended. Fig. 1 depicts the freezing points of typi-
cal ethylene glycol antifreeze and water
As mentioned previously, the ready avail- solutions. The freezing points of specific
ability of suitable proprietary brands of brands may vary slightly from prints
M.I. 1748
shown on the graph. However, the graph seen in Fig. 1, the freezing point actually
is sufficiently accurate for use in esti- occurs at higher temperatures as anti-
mating antifreeze requirements, regard- freeze concentration is increased over
less of brands. the 60% level.
0 20 40 60 80 100
Fig. 1 - Freezing Points Of Aqueous Solutions Of Ethylene Glycol Antifreezes
M.I. 1748
litho in U.S.A.