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Locomotive Data :
Railway ______________________
Test Participants:
1. Railway ____________________________
2. ITSRAIL ___________________________
3. E&DL ____________________________
These documents are provided for testing purposes only. No warranty is expressed or implied through the completion of
this test document. Performance of component parts and quality of workmanship is the responsibility of the suppliers of
component parts and installers.
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SELF Load - Test Summary Sheet
Time Start
Time Complete
Time Total 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Throttle Position 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Engine RPM
Main Gen Fld Volts
AC Volts
Cooling Fans On (Ideas)
Eng Air Temp (Amb +5C)
Excitation % (Ideas)
Governor Req. (Ideas) (↑↓↕)
Rack Indicator
Comp. Oil Pressure
Turbo Oil Pressure
Eng Bearing Pres.
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EXTERNAL BOX Load Test Summary Sheet
Date_____________________ Locomotive ________________________
Time Start
Time Complete
Throttle Position 1 2 4 4 6 6 8 8 8
Engine RPM
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Railway ____________________
The test was witnessed by ____________________________ on behalf of the railway, and met the required standards as set
fourth in this test document.
All electrical, pneumatic and mechanical systems have been tested shut down, running, under load test and road test, and found to
meet accepted standards.
The locomotive consistently achieved the following results during load box testing (average of three notch 8 measurements);
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Railway ____________________
Governor ____________________
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General Instructions;
These test sheets have been prepared based on General Motors Engineering Test Instructions. Each of the tests and records
involved in this set of locomotive system checks is important to the proper operation and performance of the locomotive.
Each item is to be completed and the results noted where space has been provided for test data. If no space is provided,
simply complete the test and sign off in the column provided. If any defects are encountered, advise the appropriate
person(s) immediately so that a course of action can be determined.
It is important that the quality of the completed locomotive be as close to manufacturers standards as possible. The
performance of the locomotive at the railway will reflect the high standard of quality work completed by this team.
References to the "LSM" mean the yellow GT26CW-2 Locomotive Service Manual.
References to the "EMM" mean the 645E3B Engine Maintenance Manual.
References to the “RMM” mean the model specific Running Maintenance Manual for the GT26CW-MP
It is important at all times to be aware of all staff working on or around the test locomotive. DO NOT attempt to start or
move the locomotive without all persons being aware and ready. When the locomotive is ready to be started, first apply shop
air to the locomotive and charge the brake system. Ensure that the brake blocks are securely applied to the wheels before
starting the locomotive engine.
NEVER move the locomotive without a guide on the ground, and always circle the locomotive prior to moving to ensure that
there are no personnel working on or under the unit, and that there are no hoses or cables positioned to be damaged when
the unit is moved.
ALWAYS leave the locomotive (if unattended) with the isolation switch in "START" and the GF switch "OFF", reverser
handle removed and the handbrake firmly applied. If the locomotive is left shut down, remove the starting fuse and pull the
battery switch open. Before testing, ensure that the locomotive is equipped with both fire extinguishers.
DO NOT attempt to operate the locomotive unless you have been trained and are qualified.
Warning !
This is an untested locomotive. Incorrect wiring can cause unpredictable actions / reactions. The purpose of
this test procedure is to ensure all wiring has been correctly installed and that the system operates as ZTR
designed it to operate.
Railroad and/or re-builder are responsible for ensuring the daily inspections are done. These tests are to be
performed in addition to (and NOT in place of) any other tests/checks for which the railroad and/or re-builder
are responsible. Before beginning the test procedure, the locomotive engine must be shut down, handbrake
applied, and the battery switch pulled. The airbrake system should be charged, setup for lead, and the
independent brake applied. Also ensure that the START fuse is pulled. All breakers must be open, and all
control stand switches must be off (i.e. down).
Qualified Railway electricians, who will follow all Railway Standard Operating Procedures and safety
precautions, should perform all electrical testing. Additionally, only a qualified Locomotive Operator who will
follow all Railway Standard Operating Procedures and safety precautions should operate the locomotive.
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102 Check gear cases for crater compound. Report crater added and locations.
105 Check level of lubricant in suspension bearing housings. Report any oil added and locations.
106 Check condition of all brake shoes (blocks) and all brake rigging. Ensure that bogie air brake hoses
are connected and that cut out cocks are in the "Cut IN" position.
107 Check that all wheels are in good condition and safe for operation.
111 Check rack setting with injector setting jack and rack gauge. Note: This adjustment must be
repeated with engine at operating temperature.
114 Check engine fuel system for completed piping and tight connections.
116 Open top deck covers, start fuel pump, note sight glasses and inspect all fuel lines for leaks. Check
with electrician and coordinate this test with testing the fuel pump motor operation.
118 Check engine cooling system piping for completed piping and tight connections.
119 Check that the pressure cap is securely applied and seating in the filler opening.
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122 Check for proper piping at the governor pressure switch and engine governor.
123 Check lube oil system for completed piping and tight connections.
124 Ensure that all engine and turbo oil filters are in place.
126 Check all connections and ensure that piping is secure and complies with the piping diagram.
Apply shop air and ensure that piping and joints are not leaking.
127 Apply and release brake with independent brake handle. Visually confirm that all brake cylinders
apply and release and that gauges respond properly. Verify correct piston length.
128 Apply and release brakes with automatic brake handle. Visually confirm that all brake cylinders
apply and release and that gauges respond properly.
152 Manually rotate engine cooling fans and dynamic brake blower fan.
153 Ensure that alternator slip rings are clean and free of dirt. Check that brushes are free in the brush
boxes and that they are centred on the slip rings.
154 Visually confirm condition of rectifier banks. Ensure that all fuses are intact and that all wiring and
connections are secure.
156 Ensure that the battery switch is OPEN and that all circuit breakers and fuses are in the OFF or
REMOVED position.
157 Inspect HVC front and rear, AC cabinet and all terminal boards for clean condition and secure
158 Ensure that all terminal board and relay/contactor connections comply with the wire running list
and the schematic diagram.
159 Ensure that all NEXUS modules are in the module compartment, secure and in the proper
Prepare the locomotive for meggering by performing the following procedure before meggering
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At the completion of the tests, review this list and ensure that all jumpers have been removed and
circuits returned to normal condition. Return all breakers and switches to the standby positions.
161 With the battery switch open, close all circuit breakers and apply all fuses. With the megger on the
500 volt scale, place both leads of the megger on known grounds at different locations, and test the
megger and ground connections by cranking and noting that the megger reads "0" ohms.
162 Connect one megger lead to the positive side of the battery switch (knife side), and crank the
megger. Record the reading in the space provided. (500 v scale)
163 Move the megger lead to the negative side of the battery switch (knife side) and crank the megger.
Record the reading in the space provided.
NOTE: Megger readings on the low voltage system of Five Hundred K-Ohms (.5) Meg-Ohm or
higher are acceptable. If the reading is lower than .5 Meg-Ohm, the low reading must be traced and
corrected. If the reading is low, report the repair in the space provided including the corrected
megger readings.
Note any repairs required to the Low Voltage and corrected Megger Reading.
164 Open the ground relay switch. With the megger lead still connected to the known ground, megger
the high voltage system by placing the free lead of the megger on the positive, then negative main
generator bus bar. Record the megger reading in the space provided.
Megger readings on the high voltage system of Five (5) Meg-Ohms or higher are acceptable. If the
reading is lower than 5 Meg-Ohms, the low reading must be traced and corrected. Report the repair
in the space provided and note the corrected megger reading.
Megger readings on the grid circuit of Five (5) Meg-Ohms or higher are acceptable. If the megger
reading is lower that 5 Meg-Ohms, the low reading must be located and corrected. Report the
repair and the corrected megger reading in the space provided.
Readings of Two (2) Meg-Ohms or higher are acceptable on the AC circuits. If the reading is lower
than 2 Meg-Ohms, the low reading must be traced and corrected. Report the repair and the
corrected megger reading in the space provided.
Note any repairs required to the AC system and corrected Megger Reading.
167 REMOVE all meggering set up equipment and CLOSE the ground relay switch. Apply the seal to
the ground relay cut out switch.
169 Check the open battery switch for correct polarity using the voltmeter on a 100 volt DC scale.
Record the battery voltage in the space provided.
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173 OPEN all circuit breakers and remove all fuses from the control panel. Close the battery knife
switch and check the voltage across the switch. Place a 30 watt test light between the positive side
of the knife switch and the ground. Note that the lamp does not glow. Repeat on the negative side
of the knife switch. Apply fuses and close breakers (Except Turbo) and recheck the battery switch
to ground with the test light.
174 With the battery switch closed and all other fuses and breakers open, close each circuit
independently and test the integrity of the low voltage wiring by testing all open breakers for
positive or negative feedbacks to the open side. A present voltage would indicate that there are
inter-wired connections between strings. (for example between the PA and 13T) Repeat for each
breaker and fuse to ensure that circuit protection is correctly wired. Troubleshoot and repair as
required. Note revisions to schematic if required.
175 With all wiring qualified, close the battery switch and circuit breakers / fuses to continue testing.
Note: Leave Start Fuse removed.
176 Momentarily place the Isolation Switch in the RUN position and ensure that the alarm bell rings
and that the "No Power" Light is illuminated. Return the Isolation switch to the Start/Stop/Idle
position. (Control stand switches MUST be ON, Turbo Pump Breaker must be ON)
177 Turn ON all locomotive lighting, one circuit at a time, and visually confirm that all lamps are lit
and controlled from the correct switches.
178 Check operation of circuits through 30A lighting circuit breaker.
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When the unit is not performing as expected the screens located here provide possible causes.
Screens are also available that provide internal CPU parameters (register values, I/O status)
These screens are used to download the Ground Fault Log reports. For more information please
refer to the NEXSYS II-E Manual.
The screens are used to view locomotive performance, various loggers and status of components
within the NEXSYS II-E system. Some parameters shown are traction circuit voltages, current
and engine water
These screens are used to update the unit number and set the NEXSYS II-E CPU clock.
There is also a screen that shows the traction circuit set points.
The screens in this menu will be used to verify wiring during the initial segment of the test
The status of certain inputs and outputs are also displayed in the Inputs and Outputs screen.
There are a couple of items of note when viewing this screen:
• The LED beside an input or output displays its status.
• At times you will be asked to turn on NEXSYS II-E outputs if the unit is in test mode. To turn
on a specific output click the button beside it. For example the following is “SCR” output and
the LED will be lit when the output is energized:
• When instructed to turn the output off, click the button “OFF”.
CAUTION: These buttons must only be activated when instructed in this document. Failure to
follow the instructions could lead to personnel injury/death.
202 Visually verify that all ZTR transorb devices (suppressors) are applied:
1 BWR 11 P1 21 FC2
2 WLR 12 P2 22 FC3
3 MVSF1 13 P3 23 SEL SW (MCO)
4 MVSR1 14 P4 24 Manual Sand Trainline (23T)
5 MVSF2 15 P5 25 AV(15T)
6 MVSR2 16 P6 26 BV(12T)
7 ESR 17 B 27 CV(7T)
8 S14 18 GFD 28 DV(3T)
9 S25 19 ER 29 FOR(8T)
10 S36 20 FC1 30 RER(9T)
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205 Looking at the front of the Control Modules confirm the following:
• The 74V and 24V LED’s are lit.
• The Module/Transducer Health light on front of Control Module 1 is GREEN.
Initial System Check Complete
Connect the communication cable provided from the laptop that has IDEAS installed to the
communication connector on Module #1. Run the IDEAS software and at the password prompt
enter the user ID and password that was created during the install process. If the box in the
upper right corner of the screen says “CONNECTED” and is highlighted in GREEN, then
IDEAS has successfully connected to the PLC. You cannot proceed if connection is not
From the left sidebar of the IDEAS window, select the Setup tab to bring up the setup menu.
From the setup menu select the Set Clock icon. Follow the on screen instructions to set the CPU
210 Setup
This stage of the test will test the inputs and outputs of NEXSYS II-E with the engine off to
ensure the wiring has been installed correctly without the possibly of it loading
incorrectly/unpredictably. NOTE: At this point ensure the engine is off.
Engine is OFF
From the left sidebar of the IDEAS window, select the Test tab and click on the Inputs and
Outputs icon.
217 Pull the NVR relay to its energized position and lock in place with an alligator clips.
227 Confirm the GFC UP input and GFC contactor are off/de-energized.
Jumper FPCR D2 to ER Coil “Y”.
Turn on the GFC output.
Confirm the GFC UP input turns on and the contactor picks up.
Put the unit back into idle and confirm the GFC UP input turns OFF.
Confirm the GFC contactor de-energizes.
Turn the GFC output OFF.
229 Run the throttle handle through the positions shown. At each position ensure the
valve inputs shown for each position shown in the chart below turn ON. Verify feed to governor
plug on test light box for each position:
STOP ---------- ---------- ---------- ON
IDLE ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
1 ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
2 ON ---------- ---------- ----------
3 ---------- ---------- ON ----------
4 ON ---------- ON ----------
5 ---------- ON ON ON
7 ---------- ON ON ----------
8 ON ON ON ----------
Put the unit back into idle and remove the jumper on the FPC relay.
231 This next step will test the Traction Motor Cutout Inputs (if unit is equipped). Before
doing so ensure the unit is in idle and the Isolation Switch is set to “isolate”.
By manually picking up the corresponding solenoids in the motorized reverser, run
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232 Press the MCO select switch and confirm the following:
• MCO Unlock solenoid picks up.
• The input MCOX turns ON.
237 During the next test phase, you will be asked to turn contactors on and off. At all points
verify that the TSR input is ON and the relay is picked up when contactors are down, and
TSR is OFF and the relay is dropped out when one or more contactor (s) is up.
238 With CDR dropped out, turn ON all the following outputs:
B (ensure DB switch and DB C/O are in the on position)
Verify that none of the above contactors energize and that their corresponding inputs don’t turn
ON (except for the B contactor which works independently of the CDR). Turn off all outputs.
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248 Turn ON B.
Confirm the B contactor picks up and the B input turns ON.
Verify TSR input is OFF and the relay is dropped out.
Click OFF and confirm B drops out and the input turns OFF.
Verify TSR input is ON and the relay is picked up
250 Trip the ESS switch and confirm the ESS input turns ON.
251 Click the MVSF1 button and confirm the MV1-SF valve turns ON.
Click OFF and ensure MV1-SF de-energizes.
252 Click the MVSF2 button and confirm the MV2-SF valve turns ON.
Click OFF and ensure MV2-SF de-energizes.
253 Click the MVSR1 button and confirm the MV1-SR valve turns ON.
Click OFF and confirm MV1-SR de-energizes.
254 Click the MVSR2 button and confirm the MV2-SR valve turns ON.
Click OFF and confirm MV2-SR de-energizes.
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258 The next series of tests will test the analog hardware connections. From the left sidebar
in the IDEAS program, under Monitor, open the Hardware Status screen
NOTE: At this point all the LED’s beside the Traction Motor Voltage and Current
Transducers should be green. If not, refer to the NEXSYS II-E Manual for troubleshooting
All the voltage and current transducers are shown in the chart below. Disconnect each
one by one and verify only the LED for the transducer disconnected turns RED. All
others should stay green.
260 Ensure the unit is still setup for Power and verify the MB switchgear is set for power.
Verify the input MB OFF is ON and MB ON is OFF.
261 Set the unit up for DB i.e. select a direction, IS switch is in run, selector handle set to DB.
262 Verify that the MB contactor has moved over to the braking position.
Ensure the input MB OFF is OFF and MB ON is ON.
266 From the left side of the IDEAS window, under the Monitor menu, select the Excitation
Inquiry icon.
Turn on the Dynamic Brake circuit breaker and the MB Breaker.
Run through the 24T handle though its full range and verify the voltages appear correctly on the
IDEAS screen.
267 Test the Main Generator Voltage Transducer by doing the following:
• Under the Monitor menu, go to the Hardware Status screen
• Confirm the LED beside MG and under the Voltage column is GREEN.
• Disconnect transducer MGV and confirm the LED turns RED.
• Reconnect the transducer and confirm the MGV LED turns GREEN.
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268 Test the Multi Function Transducer (MFT) by doing the following:
• Ensure the MFT LED is GREEN.
• Disconnect the cable “MFT” from the MFT and confirm the LED turns RED.
• Reconnect the transducer and confirm the MFT LED turns GREEN.
269 Test the Grid Blower Fault Detector (GBFD) transducer by doing the following:
• Ensure the GBFD LED is GREEN.
• Disconnect the cable GBFD from the transducer and confirm the LED turns RED.
• Reconnect the transducer and confirm the GBFD LED turns GREEN.
270 Take the unit out of DB and verify the MB moves back to its power position.
273 From the left side of IDEAS window, under the Monitor menu, select the Hardware Status
Test the Main Generator Current Transducer as follows:
• Confirm the LED beside MG under the Current column is GREEN.
• Disconnect the transducer MGA and confirm the LED turns RED.
• Reconnect the transducer and confirm the MGA LED turns GREEN.
275 Open the Input and Outputs screen. Ensure the engine is off at this point and the
start fuse is pulled. Place IDEAS in the TEST MODE.
281 From the left side of the IDEAS window, under the Monitor menu, select the Hardware Status
Test the Engine Water Temperature Sensor by doing the following;
• Confirm the EWTS LED is GREEN.
• Disconnect the cable from the transducer and confirm the EWTS LED turns RED.
• Reconnect the transducer and confirm the EWTS LED turns GREEN.
284 Jumper interlocks GR C-D and verify input GR Trip turns ON.
Remove the jumper and verify the GR Trip input turns OFF.
285 Press the GR Reset Switch and confirm the GRR input turns ON.
Release and confirm the GRR input turns OFF.
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301 Pre-lube engine following instructions in the Locomotive Service Manual. Remove hand hole
cover on #16 of crank case and raise top deck covers. Pre-lube until oil flows from the bearings and
also from the top deck roller arms. Pre lube Piston Cooling system.
302 Ensure that compressor oil level is correct by checking the level on the gauge.
303 Ensure that engine oil level is correct by checking the level on the dipstick.
304 Ensure that governor oil level is correct by checking the level in the sight glass.
Note: To calculate Air inlet temperature add 5 degrees F to the Ambient Air Temperature.
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401 Ensure that the handbrake is securely applied. Ensure that anyone working on or around the
locomotive is aware that you are preparing to start the engine.
402 Ensure that engine over-speed trip is reset, governor plunger is in, crankcase pressure and low
water buttons are in. (It may be necessary to reset the CC and water buttons on engine start.)
Ensure that all circuit breakers in the Black Section of the breaker panel are on and that the start
fuse and aux gen fuse are in place.
403 Open test cocks and blow out engine.
405 Start engine and check polarity of all metering devices. Check for leaks and abnormal noises from
all rotating equipment.
406 On initial engine start up note lubricating oil pressure and shut engine down if pressure does not
build up within two (2) minutes.
407 On initial start up, check for air circulation at traction vents.
451 Allow engine to run for 5 minutes. Shut down engine using engine stop push button on control
panel. Check for abnormal conditions including excessive engine bearing temperatures. Record
Temperatures. Oil Temperature ______
Main Bearings:
(F) # 1 ____ #2 ____ #3 ____ #4 ____ #5 ____ #6 ____ #7 ____ #8 ____ #9 ____ # 10 ____(R)
Connecting Rod Bearings:
(F Acc. End) # 1 ____ #2 ____ #3 ____ #4 ____ #5 ____ #6 ____ #7 ____ #8 ____ (R - Turbo)
452 Allow engine to run for 15 minutes. Shut down engine using Throttle Stop Position. Check for
abnormal conditions including excessive engine bearing temperatures. Record Temperatures.
Oil Temperature ______
Main Bearings:
(F) # 1 ____ #2 ____ #3 ____ #4 ____ #5 ____ #6 ____ #7 ____ #8 ____ #9 ____ # 10 ____(R)
Connecting Rod Bearings:
(F Acc. End) # 1 ____ #2 ____ #3 ____ #4 ____ #5 ____ #6 ____ #7 ____ #8 ____ (R - Turbo)
453 Allow engine to run for 30 minutes. Shut down and check for abnormal conditions including
excessive engine bearing temperatures. Record Temperatures. Oil Temperature ______
Main Bearings:
(F) # 1 ____ #2 ____ #3 ____ #4 ____ #5 ____ #6 ____ #7 ____ #8 ____ #9 ____ # 10 ____(R)
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501 Check all water, fuel and oil lines for leaks.
Repair any small leaks with the engine running. If any major leaks are detected, shut down the
engine and make repairs.
502 Check top decks for oiling and any abnormal conditions and close covers.
503 Check all rotating equipment for unusual noises, rubbing or heating of bearings.
504 Check compressor lube oil pressure. Should be a minimum of 15 psi (1 Bar). Record pressure in
space provided.
508 Perform a complete operational air brake test as per the instructions attached to these test sheets as
Annex 1 – 26L Locomotive Brake Test. Check off individual items in Annex 1, and when
completed check off this item.
509 Test horn operation. (Test when locomotive is outside shop) DO NOT sound horn inside shop.
510 Check and record engine speeds for each throttle position.
511 Check operation of the engine over speed trip and note the trip RPM. (1010 rpm – 1025 rpm)
512 Orifice test compressor with 9/32 orifice in air system and ensure that the air system maintains 60
psi (4 Bar) or better at 500 rpm.
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Check auxiliary generator polarity and battery charge circuit voltage. Record voltage in space
provided. Adjust at VR Module to 74 volts dc +/- 2 volts.
Place the companion alternator on line and check each phase output voltage. Voltage should be
minimum 55 VAC. Record the voltages in the space provided.
Phase Voltages 1-2 __________, 1-3 __________, 2-3 __________ volts AC.
Check and visually confirm rotation of inertial filter blower by removing the cover plate on the
inertial filter blower located at the right side of the blower motor and observe that the squirrel cage
blower blades are forcing the air out the bottom of the locomotive.
It is not sufficient to check for air discharge from the blower vent as the motor will exhaust air at a
reduced volume even if running backwards.
During 30 minute run, check operation and rotational direction of radiator cooling fans. Place
IDEAS in TEST MODE. From the INPUTS & OUTPUTS screen, energize FC1, FC2, & FC3
outputs individually while observing fans. Coordinate with mechanical item # 605.
605 Compressor Governor Check;
Set compressor unloader settings for PU at 120 psi (7.9 Bar) and DO at 140 psi (9.3 Bar).
606 Check main reservoir safety valve for operation at 150 psi (9.9 Bar).
608 Check operation of cab heater and Air Conditioning Unit. (Unit Running)
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Check and set headlights at Bright = 32 volts and Dim = 16 volts. Record settings in the space
612 If all testing to this point is successful the unit is ready for loading tests. Do not
proceed if testing is not completed successfully. Follow all instructions in the LSM for load test.
Check all fluid levels prior to starting engine and tests.
Record applicable data in Form 001, Load Test Data – SELF TEST.
613 From the left sidebar of the IDEAS window select the Setup menu and open the Unit Number
Update screen. Change the unit number from the one shown to the locomotive road number.
Before proceeding make sure the throttle handle is in idle, the Generator Field switch is OFF
and the isolation switch is in the ISOLATE position.
617 Setup:
• From the left side of the IDEAS window, under the Monitor Menu, select the
Ground Relay screen.
• Ground the traction circuit to the locomotive chassis.
NOTE: If GR relay does not trip it may be due to low voltage readings. If this occurs, try
moving the unit to generate enough voltage. Ensure all precautions are taken for a moving
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619 Move the throttle handle back to idle and the isolation switch to ISOLATE.
Turn off the Generator Field switch on the control stand.
Remove the ground to the locomotive chassis and manually reset the GR relay.
620 Ensure that after 4 AUTOMATIC resets (without pressing the manual reset button)
that the NEXSYS II-E stops automatically resetting. Manually re-setting and waiting a
minimum of 720 seconds will reset the system and allow automatic resets again.
CAUTION: The unit will be loading in the following tests. Ensure all proper precautions
have been taken.
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654 From the left sidebar of the IDEAS window select the Monitor menu and open the
Excitation Inquiry screen.
Proceed through throttle positions 1 to 8 and record the values indicated in the chart
below. Please ensure that the MGV, MGA and grid currents are being shown during
all stages of testing. For a new engine, it will be necessary to leave the unit in each
throttle (after notch 2) for approximately 10 to 15 minutes:
Note: During Self Load Test rated horsepower is not be achieved due to the AR10
voltage limit and/or grid current limits.
Notch 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
From the left sidebar of the IDEAS window, under the Monitor menu, open the Cooling Fans.
656 Verify that the engine water temperature reading shown in IDEAS is accurate and that the
Engine Temperature is reading from 70C to 90C (normal operating temp).
In order to verify the accuracy of the EWTS, use another measuring device (i.e. thermometer) to
verify the temperature readings.
During the above testing phase, ensure that the fans are cycling appropriately.
Ensure that during the testing, the Engine temperature does not go above approximately 90C
657 With the self load test completed and the engine idling, the engine temperature should have
risen. Ensure that the fans are turning on and maintaining operating engine temperatures.
658 After shut down, check for abnormal conditions including excessive engine bearing temperatures.
Record Temperatures. Oil Temperature ______
Main Bearings:
(F) # 1 ____ #2 ____ #3 ____ #4 ____ #5 ____ #6 ____ #7 ____ #8 ____ #9 ____ # 10 ____(R)
Connecting Rod Bearings:
(F Acc. End) # 1 ____ #2 ____ #3 ____ #4 ____ #5 ____ #6 ____ #7 ____ #8 ____ (R - Turbo)
659 Recheck rack settings and injector timing with engine at operating temperature. NOTE: Rack per
Governor plate balance point. (GT26CW-MP is .80 rack)
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703 CAUTION: The unit may move. Take all necessary precautions.
704 Move the throttle handle through various positions and record the values indicated in
the chart below (The 24T voltage may not appear – use register 402124)
24T volts 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
706 Using a voltmeter, measure the voltage across each TM field coil and confirm they
are relatively equal.
Make a full service Automatic brake application with independent brake valve off. Set unit up for
Dynamic braking. Jumper G-H on "B" contactor and note that the DBI magnet valve is energized
and the brakes are released..
709 Caution: In this test the unit will load and may move. Please take all necessary precautions.
710 With the throttle handle in idle, ensure all traction motor voltages and currents are
approximately zero (readings of 0 to 5 are common).
711 Set up locomotive brakes and check for load indication in throttle 1 in both forward and reverse.
712 Stall Current Check Notch 1;
With the brakes applied move the throttle handle to notch 1. Confirm the traction motor currents
rise to 300A and then hold steady.
Place throttle handle in notch 1 and observe correct rotation of traction motors. Make sure that
anyone working on or around the locomotive is aware that you are about to perform a movement
test. Load the unit forwards and backwards and ensure that the axles are turning in the correct
direction (all rotate forwards, all rotate backwards). Note that all voltages increase
717 Static Transition Test – Ensure that the auto-transition test is performed using the Transition
Test Screen in IDEAS.
Check operation of ground relay by placing a fused jumper (5A) between the main generator bus
bar and a known ground. Set up a voltmeter on the to observe main generator output voltage.
Set the locomotive up with air brakes and hand brake set, reverser centred and the test switch in the
"Load Test" position.
Operate the throttle to notch 1 and release. Note that the ground relay trips at between 75 and 125
volts DC.
Block S14 to cause an open circuit on the #1 - 4 traction motor circuit. With the engine running and
up to temperature, and with the brakes set and all controls set up for normal power operation, place
the throttle in run 2.
Note that the current rises to a level and then falls off as the wheel slip control operates. This cycle
will repeat. Open the throttle to notch #3 and note that the current will cycle.
Block S25 and repeat the test for the number 2 - 5 TM circuit.
Block S36 and repeat the test for the number 3 – 6 TM Circuit.
721 Basic Vigilance Operational Check;
801 Connect locomotive to load box. Main Generator current and voltage readings will be provided at the
NEXSYS II-E Ideas Excitation Inquiry screen. Follow the instructions for connecting the external
load box in Section 9 of the LSM. Connect the load box positive leads to the GP Bus and negative
leads to the GN bus. Ensure that the cable connections are secure.
Connect a ground strap from the locomotive frame to the load box to ensure that there is a good
connection between the chassis.
802 Recheck all fluid levels and start engine. Ensure that all staff on or around the locomotive are aware
and also prepared to begin testing.
803 Place switch in load test position with the reverser centred. Remove wire PSC from CDR N/O-2 to
guard against locomotive movement.
Visually confirm that the contactors are set up for load test, and that ALL "P" contactors remain
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805 Check operation of ground relay. Check positive to ground and negative to ground by connecting a
fused jumper to ground on the load box main bus bar and testing the operation of the locomotive
ground relay circuit.
806 Check compressor lube oil pressure at idle (15 psi or 1 Bar minimum)
Actual ___________
With the engine at idle speed, turn the test cock located on the water pump discharge elbow to the
horizontal position. The low water button should pop out smoothly and without hesitation after the
water trapped behind the device diaphragm is released. This should take no more than a few seconds.
Observe that the low oil plunger moves out on the governor and that the engine begins to shut down.
Close the test cock, reset the low oil plunger and operate the rack lever while resetting the low water
button before engine shut down occurs.
809 During full load run in notch 8, calculate corrected horsepower with the air compressor unloaded.
NOTE: DO NOT begin load testing until engine temperature has reached a minimum of 120oF
(50oC). Keep all doors closed during testing to ensure that operating temperatures are consistent
throughout the test.
810 During load test horsepower measurements, keep the compressor unloaded by jumping a PA feed to
the MVCC.
Load test the locomotive to the following schedule after warm up and record all data in the space
provided on sheet 3.
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Note: Acceptable corrected BHP for GT26CW-MP locomotive is from 3195 to 3390 at .80 power
piston - 904 rpm – 908 rpm.
During full load run check the operation of the radiator cooling fans for correct PU and DO settings.
Fan 1 PU __________ (79C / 174 F +/- 1.5) Fan 1 DO _________ (71C / 159 F +/- 1)
Fan 2 PU __________ (83C / 182 F +/- 1.5) Fan 2 DO _________ (75C / 167 F +/-1)
Fan 3 PU __________ (88C / 190F +/- 1.5) Fan 3 DO _________ (79C / 175F +/- 1)
Manually pick up FVS and ensure that the indicator light is lit.
815 ETS Operating Temperature Checks;
After full load run, check the operation of ETS. Disconnect FC1 and FC2 Coils and monitor
temperature until ETS operates. Note that the Bell rings, HE light illuminates and the TH reduces
to TH 6.
ETS PU __________ PU at 208 +/- 1.5 (98C) ETS DO at 205 +/-1 (96C)
816 Oil Cooler Performance Check; (Take readings from load test data)
With temperature stabilized, check oil cooler function by recording the water temperature at the
thermometer well and the oil temperature in the strainer housing at 15 minute intervals.
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Compare the readings with the base line graph in MI 928 (Copy Attached). If the oil temperature for
a given water temperature is 11oC (20oF) higher that the limit indicated by the lines, the oil cooler
requires servicing.
Check the high voltage cabinet pressure by placing the manometer on the HVC pressure tap. This
pressure should be a minimum 1.5 inches of H2O at throttle 8.
HVC_________" of H2O
Check inertial filter compartment seal using the manometer. With the engine running an the Test
Switch in Circuit Check position, run the engine at throttle 8 with the manometer connected to the
test port at the 1/4" plug in the engine side of the engine room partition. The manometer reading
should be between 2" and 5.5" of H2O.
Lower readings indicate that he compartment is not adequately sealed. Higher readings indicate that
the car body filters require cleaning.
Check condition of after-cooler using the manometer. With the engine shut down remove the fifth
(5th) after-cooler mounting bolts on the left and right side of the after-cooler housing. Install two
drilled bolts fitted with hose stems and attach the manometer hoses to the stems.
Obtain a pressure reading with the engine at full rpm. The reading should be at a maximum of 10"
Note: DO NOT apply or remove one or both hoses with the engine running as the manometer water
would be discharged from the line at high pressure.
820 Recheck battery charging voltage after locomotive has been running for at least two hours to ensure
that batteries are charged to full specific gravity. Adjust to 74 volts if required.
821 When ready to shut down the locomotive engine, note and record the turbocharger run-down
time. Run down should be 10 to 15 seconds minimum (normally 20-30 seconds).
822 Check for abnormal conditions including excessive engine bearing temperatures. Record
Temperatures. Oil Temperature ______
Main Bearings:
(F) # 1 ____ #2 ____ #3 ____ #4 ____ #5 ____ #6 ____ #7 ____ #8 ____ #9 ____ # 10 ____(R)
Connecting Rod Bearings:
(F Acc. End) # 1 ____ #2 ____ #3 ____ #4 ____ #5 ____ #6 ____ #7 ____ #8 ____ (R - Turbo)
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823 Perform complete engine retorque. Check torque of engine, generator, acc. Rack and compressor
base bolts.
1. Set locomotive up for power operation and allow the VBR to pick up. Reset the device using
the foot pedal.
2. Allow the VBR to pick up again and reset using the push button.
3. Place the throttle in notch 2 and allow the system to cycle through to a brake application.
Note that the engine returns to idle and the load is dropped.
4. Reset the brake using the automatic brake handle and place the controls back to standby
905 In throttle 5 or 6, with the reverser lever centred and the unit standing, move the automatic brake
valve into the emergency position. PCR should activate and the engine should return to idle. The
fields will drop out and the "PC" light come on, but the "ER" should stay energized. Visually
confirm this relay sequence.
Reset the emergency using the brake valve. Note that PCR will not pick up until the throttle is
returned to idle.
953 Functionally check operation of Dynamic Brakes. Ensure that with TMCO DB is nullified.
Caution: Before proceeding with this part of the test, ensure the airbrake system is fully
charged and functional.
Ensure the isolation switch is in run, the throttle handle is in idle and the reverser handle is in
forward or reverse. From the left side bar of the IDEAS window, under the Monitor tab, select
the Excitation Inquiry screen.
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955 In the next step set the unit up for more effective DB testing (i.e. with a load). For the most
effective testing set up another locomotive to push the test unit while it is in DB. If another unit is
not available, DB can still be effectively tested using the train to brake a moving train. Barring
both of these, test DB by braking the unit alone by moving down a grade.
956 Apply the dynamic braking in the higher braking effort situation.
Confirm the braking effort varies when the 24T handle is in different positions.
Confirm the main generator current (traction motor field current) is regulated at 540A
(+/- 10A) with the throttle handle in the maximum position.
Confirm the grid current is limited at 600A (+/- 10A).
Confirm the excitation cuts back to compensate for any wheel slide.
957 When in full DB, ensure that the grids do not go over 600 amps (grid protection is
1. Air brakes
2. Dynamic brakes
3. Throttle, engine speeds and loading
4. Headlight MU control
Set the units up so that the test unit is in trailing position and repeat the test with the test locomotive
connected at both ends.
961 Back to back testing is intended to test specific components and circuits of the locomotives under
stress or over stress conditions on real road environment.
The two locomotives will be coupled together in the “lead” arrangement and will operate
independently with one driver in each one, communicating by radio.
The locomotive in the front will be the Leader and in the Second Unit the driver will follow
instructions from the Leader.
Electrical and air connections between the two locomotives will be isolated, therefore it is
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important that the second driver executes the instructions of the first driver (leader) particularly
during simultaneous traction on throttle positions.
Locomotive Number 1 will execute most of its work in traction mode whereas Number 2 will
operate in traction, dynamic brake or air brake modes.
Should any test be aborted because results are not those expected it has to be repeated until the
drivers get synchronized.
Locomotive No. 2 – full brake application of automatic brake (B.C. pressure 50 to 60 psi).
Locomotive No. 1 – pass to throttle one and locomotives must not move. Ammeter marks 350 to
400 amperes on locomotive No. 1. Stop after 10 seconds. Pass to idle.
Locomotive No. 1 – full brake application on automatic brake. Locomotive No. 2 remains as
before. (B.C. pressure. 50 to 60 psi)
Locomotive No. 1 – pass idle to throttle 1 and 2. Observe ammeter loading up to 600 amperes.
Locomotives cannot move. Do not stay in throttle 2 more than 10 seconds, it over stresses the
traction motors on locomotive No. 1.
Locomotive No. 1 – return to idle.
Repeat the process but now locomotive No. 2 is the pusher and locomotive No. 1 is in air braking
mode. This test confirms air brake system retention and warms up the traction motors. Attention
for amperages above 600 amperes on throttle 2. If throttle 2 does not get 600 amperes try throttle
Both locomotives in traction mode and independent brake fully applied (45 psi B.C. pressure).
Locomotive No. 1 reverser in forward and locomotive No. 2 in reverse. The two locomotives will
try to separate from each other.
Both locomotives move independent brake slowly to release in increments of 10 psi and observe
ammeter readings around 350 to 400 amperes.
If locomotives move to one or other side apply independent brakes again to stop the movement.
Repeat the test releasing independent brake.
Observe wheel slip light, it should not flash in any locomotive when independent brake shows
B.C. pressure below 10 psi. Stop test after 10 to 15 seconds stress.
Both locomotives in traction mode with independent brake fully applied (45 psi B.C.).
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Locomotive No. 1 in reverse and locomotive No. 2 in forward. The two locomotives compress
against each other.
Move idle on both locomotives to throttle 1 and slowly decrease B.C. pressure moving in steps
the independent brake. The locomotives must not move. If they try to move, apply independent
brake slowly again. The wheel slip light must not flash in both locomotives. Ammeters should
read between 350 to 400 amperes.
Continue testing for 10 to 15 seconds in steady condition with independent brake released or
partly applied showing maximum B.C. pressure of 10 psi and no signs of “wheel slip” light
flashing. Stop the test, moving throttles to idle.
Inspect couplers draft gears and bumpers for signs of over stress, cracks or deformations.
Back-to-back on the road (outside of Karadj facilities) traction and dynamic brake actuation.
Take locomotives to next station and recheck leaks or any occurrence during previous tests. The
locomotives must be equipped with speedometers calibrated within 2 kms/hr tolerance.
Start moving both locomotives in traction synchronizing throttles so that throttle 1, throttle 2 etc.
occur at the same time. The “leader” driver on locomotive No. 1 instructs his colleague about the
next positions. Radio communications between drivers is a must.
Note: this operation is similar to tests made on heavy trains with locomotive consists in the middle
of the train.
Locomotive No. 1 and locomotive No. 2 - synchronise speedometers to read the same speed all
the time at the same throttles. Accelerate locomotives up to throttle no. 5 at around 40 to 50
km/hr (exceptionally up to 65 km/hr) in very short duration.
At approximately 50 km/hr locomotive No. 2 passes to idle and moves controls to dynamic brake.
Locomotive No. 2 – actuate dynamic brake slowly and speed of locomotives decreases to around
40 km/hr. Locomotive no. 1 – increase throttle in order to maintain speed between 40 to 45
Locomotive no. 2 – keep moving dynamic brake slowly and speed of locomotives decreases to
around 40 km/hr. Locomotive No. 1 – increase throttle in order to maintain speed between 40 to
50 km/hr.
Locomotive No. 2 – ammeters must show between 550 to 590 amperes in dynamic brake and
locomotive No. 1 must show between 650 to 700 amperes in traction steady for some minutes (5
to 10 minutes maximum).
Locomotive No. 1 – apply independent brakes slowly in increments of 10 psi and stop at each
Locomotive No. 2 – maintains dynamic brake fully applied at 550 to 590 amperes. The resistance
to the road increases and locomotive No. 1 ammeter in traction passes to the “red band”.
Register the speed of locomotives at the “red band” and maintain such situation for 2 to 3
minutes maximum. At the “red band” the ammeter must register on locomotive No. 1 in traction
around 850 to 900 amperes or a little more and the speed in the speedometer must be between 38
and 42 km/hr. The wheel slip light must not flash, or temporarily for few seconds it can flash and
goes off without any interference from the driver.
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Reaching 2 to 3 minutes at steady readings, according to item 3.8 locomotive No. 1 releases
independent brakes (or bail off to quickly release brake cylinder pressure) and note ammeter to
return to the range of 650 to 700 amperes (outside of the red band).
Repeat the test along the route 3 to 4 times and confirm/register reading on instruments of both
Arriving to the terminal point of the test, the locomotives will be switched and now locomotive
No. 2 will be the leader and No. 1 will be resistant load unit.
In reverse situation back to Karadj, the test described from 3.1 thru 3.10 will be repeated in the
same conditions.
Note: before switching locomotives a temperature check (with a laser thermometer) must be done
at all support bearings (check at the cap’s surface) and journal boxes on both locomotives. If any
temperature is found above 100 degrees Celsius, the cause must be investigated prior to
continuation of the test. Normal expected temperature should be 50 to 55 degrees Celsius.
After the road test as described before, both locomotives will be checked for leaks of fluids inside
of the engine room and fixed accordingly.
Bogie components and coupler components must be checked for any abnormal cracks or bends.
Brake shoes must be analyzed (gap to the wheel must be equal in all shoes in release position).
Any excessive wear observed must be reported.
With locomotives stationed at the pit, the traction motors must be inspected underneath for leaks
of grease through the gear cases or oil from the wick lubricators. With a torque meter recheck
torque on traction motor support bearing caps. If the wires that maintain the bolts tight are found
stressed, the bolts must be changed immediately. The T/M cap bolts when un-tightened by torque
meter cannot show less than 1100 foot pound torque.
Inspect electrical cables, connections of traction motors for any loose end or any signs connection
deteriorated. All cables, lugs, connections etc. must be exactly in the same condition as before
testing and any signs contrary to this condition must be reported immediately.
Take another laser thermometer reading in all support bearings before they get cold (expected
temperatures not above 60 degrees C).
967 After the re-inspection is done, one of the locomotives at the choice of the user is ready for the
final preparation for delivery. (The second locomotive remains for next road tests).
This includes a list of the following:
968 Detailed checklist of items missing to be installed, including all small details concerned with
driver comfort.
Final reports with tests must be filled in and signed by Karadj management and put on locomotive
file to be delivered to the user when the locomotive is delivered. This report must clearly show
which items need to be replaced later due to deficient operation or lack of parts to fix them.
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971 Ensure that all test equipment has been removed from the locomotive, all seals are applied as
required and that locomotive controls are left in the correct positions.
972 Rain test locomotive cab with water hose stream directed at all cab joints and seals.
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Repair Sheets
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