BTech Petroleum Syllabus

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Unit 1
Laws of thermodynamics, Analysis of various thermodynamics processes, P-V and T-S
diagrams. Analysis of air standard cycles. Carnot, joules, Otto, Diesel.
Unit 2
Properties of fluids; Classification; Ideal fluid, Newtonian and Non-Newtonian fluids; Newton’s
law of viscosity.
Fluid Statics: fluid pressure and its measurement. Fluid Kinetics: Continuity equation; types of

Unit 3
Fluid dynamics: One dimensional equation of motion; Bernoulli’s equation; application;
application of Bernoulli’s equation; venturimeter Orifice meter, Nozzle. Flow through pipes –
Darcy – Weisbach’s equation. Head loss in Pipes, Pipes in series/ Parallel.
Unit 4
Classification, basic construction and application of different types of pumps (Centrifugal pump,
axial pumps, Gear pump, Vane pump, Reciprocation pump and Screw pump)
Classification, basic construction and applications of compressor(Centrifugal, axial, rotary vane
type, Reciprocating and Screw compressor)
Unit 5
Classification and performance of internal combustion engines, turbines - Gas, Steam and
Hydraulic turbines.

Suggested Readings
1. Engineering Thermodynamics, P K Nag, TMH
2. Engineering Thermodynamics, Rogers and Mathew, Oxford
3. Fluid Mechanics, V. L. Streeter, McGraw Hill
4. Fluid Mechanics by F. M White, McGraw Hill
5. Fluid Mechanics by Cenegel and Cimbala McGraw Hill
6. Mechanics of Fluids, Shames, I.H., McGraw-Hill, Inc.
7. Engineering fluid Mechanics, Kumar KL

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Unit 1
Mineralogy and Petrology: Minerals: General properties, Classification of minerals and
properties of common rock forming minerals.
Petrology: Rocks, Classification and description of some common rocks.
Stratigraphy: Principles of stratigraphy, Concepts of paleontology, Fossils, their mode of
preservation and significance as indices of age and climate; Concept of index fossils, Broad
stratigraphic subdivisions and associated rock types of important coal belts and oil fields of
Unit 2
Structural Geology: Concept of Stress and strain, Folding and Faulting, Mechanism and
deformation Patterns, Foliation / Cleavage and Lineation’s , Joints and Fractures , Shear Zone,
Unconformity , Salt Domes , Plate Tectonics and Basin Formation ,Mapping Techniques.
Unit 3
Sedimentology: Sedimentation Process and Sedimentary, Sedimentary rock textures,
Lithification and Diagenesis.
Sedimentary petrology : Clastic , Carbonate , Evaporate , Coal and Oil Shales Heavy mineral
Sedimentary Environments : Fluvial ,Lacustrine , Deltaic , Shorelines ,Carbonate platforms,
Deep sea fans and Turbidities environments.
Unit 4
Basic Petroleum Exploration Methods: Geological & Geophysical.
Interpretation of topographic maps; Attitude of planar and linear structures; Effects of
topography on outcrops. Unconformities, folds, faults and joints - their nomenclature,
classification and recognition. Forms of igneous intrusions - dyke, sill and batholiths. Effects of
folds and fractures on strata and their importance in exploration activities.
Unit 5
Nature of Petroleum – composition & properties. Concepts of Petroleum Geology & Basic Rock
Properties – source, migration & accumulation of petroleum. Porosity, permeability and rock
pressure concepts of rocks.

Suggested Readings
1. Geology of Petroleum, A.I. Levorsen
2. Basic petroleum Geology, Peter K. Link
3. Petroleum Formation and occurrence ,Tissot B.P and Welte D.H, 2nd Edition,
4. Petroleum Geology, North F.K., Allen & Unwin , London ,1985.
5. Geological Techniques for Petroleum, Sahay B, Rai A. and Ghosh M.
6. Structural Geology, Billings M.P.
7. Principles of Sedimentology & Stratigraphy, Mercil P.C. & Sam Boggs Jr.
8. Principles of Stratigraphy, Carl O Dunbar & Rogers
9. Earth (An Introduction to Physical Geology), Tarbuch &Lutigens

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10. A First Course in Petroleum Technology, David A.T. Donobue, Karl R. Lang.
11. Physical Geology, Anatole Dolqoff
12. 3-D Structural Geology, Groshong,R.H
13. 14 Seismic Stratigraphy, Payton C.E.


Unit 1
Fundamental of wave theory, cyclicity sedimentation, The fourier transform and spectra,
common relationship, data processing, seismic data acquisition principle, seismic and structure,
Seismic and stratigraphy, Information from seismic trace.
Unit 2
Seismic tools, stacking, frequency filter, de-convolution, Velocity analysis, seismic trace
attribute, data migration, Seismic data inversion.
Unit 3
Gravity: Units of gravity. Gravity measuring instruments. Gravity survey, Gravity anomalies.
Gravity data reduction Drift, latitude, Elevation and Free-air correction. Free air & Bouguer
anomalies. Gravity response of simple shapes. Interpretation of gravity anomalies. Application of
gravity methods.
Unit 4
Geo- magnetism: The geomagnetic field. Magnetic anomalies. Magnetic survey-instruments.
Field method of magnetic surveys. Reduction of magnetic data. Diurnal correction and
geomagnetic correction. Interpretation of magnetic anomaly. Response of magnetic method for
different type of bodies and geological structure. Application of magnetic survey.
Unit 5
Active and passive seismics, Seismic refraction surveys, Geometry of refracted path, planar
interface. Birefringence. Two layer case with horizontal interface. Methodology of refraction
profiling. Field surveys arrangements. Recording instruments & energy sources. Corrections
applied to refraction data. Role of Vp and Vs components. Other methods of refraction shooting
such as Fan shooting and Board side shooting. Interpretation of refraction data. Application of
seismic refraction method.

Suggested Readings
1. Seismic Interpretation: The Physical Aspect, Anstey N.A., Boston, IHRDC.
2. Introduction to Geophysical Prospecting, Dobrin M.B., New York, McGraw-Hill, Inc.
3. Basic Exploration Geophysics, Robinson, E.S. and Coruh C., John Willey and sons, New
4. Fundamentals of Geophysics, Lowri, W., Cambridge University press. (1997).
5. Applied Geophysics, Telford,W.M. ,Geldart L.P., Sheriff, R.E., Keys, D.A. (1990).
6. The solid Earth , Fowler.

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Unit 1
Drilling Fluids: Overview of drilling fluids, clay chemistry and its application to drilling fluids,
types of clays, hydration, flocculation, aggregation and dispersion. Classification, types and
applications of drilling fluids: Water based, oil based, emulsion based, polymer based, surfactant
based, foam based and aerated drilling fluids. Criteria of selection of drilling fluid. additives and
salinity of drilling fluids.
Unit 2
Drilling Fluid Characteristics: Basic functions, properties, maintenance and treatments of drilling
fluids. Drilling fluid requirement calculations. Role of formation pressure, mineralogy &
petrology in designing drilling fluid. Rock texture and its relation with drilling fluids. Design of
technology specific drilling fluids for, environmentally sensitive areas, horizontal\ERD wells,
HP-HT wells and depleted reservoirs
Unit 3
Cements: Cementing, cements & cement slurry: objectives of cementing, oil well cements.
Classification of cement, slurry design, slurry additives, factors influencing cement slurry design,
Cementing equipment. Factors influencing cement rise behind casing and its bridging with rock
and casing.
Unit 4
Testing and performance evaluation of cement and cement additives, Framing of specifications
for developed additives, Design of cement slurries for casing cementation, Design of cement
slurries for low temperature areas, loss prone areas, depleted reservoirs, quality control of
cementing process.
Unit 5
Cementing Methods: Primary cementing, stage cementing, liner cementing, plugging, squeeze
cementing techniques in practice. Deep well cementing, squeeze jobs, prevention of gas
channeling , HT-HP environments, analysis and techniques of evaluation of cement job.
Characteristics of good quality cementation. Cementing calculations.

Suggested Readings
1. Handbook of Drilling Technology, Terms & Phrases ,S.M. Malhotra
2. Drilling and Drilling Fluids (Developments in Petroleum Science) G. V. Chilingarian
and P. Vorabutr.
3. Advanced Drilling and Well Technology, Edited by Bernt Aadnoy, Iain Cooper, Stefan
Miska, Robert F. Mitchell, and Michael L. Payne, 2009, ISBN:9781555631451, Society
of Petroleum Engineers.
4. Working Guide to Drilling Equipment and Operations, William C. Lyons, Gulf
Professional Publishing.
5. Applied Drilling Circulation Systems: Hydraulics, Calculations and Models, Boyun Guo,
Gefei Liu, Gulf Professional Publishing.

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Unit 1
Drilling techniques in onshore, shallow, offshore and deep sea environments. Types of wells,
vertical, inclined, ERD, cluster and horizontal. Types of rigs: mobile, stationary onland, jack-up
offshore and floating offshore. Criteria of selection (technical requirement and technology
Unit 2
Anticipatory/precautionary measures, Geo-technical order (GTO), drilling through sub-
hydrostatic, hydrostatic and super-hydrostatic zones. Directional drilling, MWD, Steering
motors, intelligent bits and real time surface read-outs. DST.
Unit 3
Risk analysis, precursors of blowout. Prevention and safety. Environmental issues. Overbalanced
and underbalanced drilling. Thief zone, mud loss calculation. Effect of drilling on formation
evaluation, reservoir engineering calculation and well stimulation.
Unit 4
Types of well completion techniques, smart well completion, multi-string, slotted liner, stringer
liner, sliding sleeve and bare foot completion. Criteria of selection and limitation. Selective
perforation and perforation through tubing.
Unit 5
Mid-course correction, dog-legs, window cutting, side tracking and coring. Advantages and
disadvantages in maintenance, repair and reservoir studies in different types of wells. Reservoir
perspective of drilling and completion. Cost analysis of drilling and its role in field development

Suggested Readings
1.Horizontal and Directional Drilling (HDD): Utility and Pipeline Applications (Civil
Engineering); David Willough.
2. Petroleum Engineering Drilling & Well completion, Carel Gatlin.
2. A First Course in Petroleum Technology by David A.T. Donobue, Karl R. Lang.
3. Introduction to Petroleum Production Vol.I, II, III, Dr. Skimmer.
4. Natural Gas Engineering Hand Book, Donlad L. Katz.
5. Standard Handbook of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering, Vol.1 William C. Lyons (Ed.)

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Common with 3EC1

Unit 1
LAPLACE TRANSFORM - Laplace transform with its simple properties, applications to the
solution of ordinary and partial differential equations having constant coefficients with special
reference to the wave and diffusion equations.
Unit 2
FOURIER SERIES & Z TRANSFORM – Expansion of simple functions in Fourier series. Half
range series, Change of intervals, Harmonic analysis. Z TRANSFORM - Introduction,
Properties, Inverse Z Transform.
Unit 3
FOURIER TRANSFORM - Complex form of Fourier Transform and its inverse, Fourier sine
and cosine transform and their inversion. Applications of Fourier Transform to solution of partial
differential equations having constant co-efficient with special reference to heat equation and
wave equation.
Unit 4
COMPLEX VARIABLES - Analytic functions, Cauchy-Riemann equations, Elementary
conformal mapping with simple applications, Line integral in complex domain, Cauchy’s theorem.
Cauchy’s integral formula.
Unit 5
COMPLEX VARIABLES -Taylor’s series Laurent’s series poles, Residues, Evaluation of
simple definite real integrals using the theorem of residues. Simple contour integration.

Suggested Readings
1. Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Erwin Kreyszig, Wiley India New Delhi
2. Mathematics for Engineers, Chandrika Prasad, Prasad Mudranalya, Allahabad
3. Advanced Mathematics for Engineers, Chandrika Prasad, Prasad Mudranalya, Allahabad
4. Higher Engineering Mathematics, B V Ramana, Tata McGraw Hill
5. Introduction to Numerical Analysis, S. S. Sastry


1. Measurement of mud weight
2. Measurement of mud density.
3. Measurement of mud plastic viscosity.
4. Measurement of gel strength.
5. Determination of filtration loss
6. Determination of Sand content
7. Determination of consistency of cement slurry.
8. Determination of the setting points of the cement based slurries.

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1. Identification of Materials by Visual Inspection
2. Physical Properties of Minerals
3. Physical Properties of Rocks
4. Identification of Minerals in Hand Specimen
5. Identification of Rocks in Hand Specimen
6. Identification of Geological features through wooden Models
a) Structural Geological Diagrams
b) Petro logical Diagrams
c) Engineering Geological Diagrams
7. Interpretation of Geological Map (10 Nos.)
8. Dip & Strike Problems (8 Nos.)

3PE9 Humanities & Petroleum Economics

India: Brief history of Indian Constitution, farming features, fundamental rights, duties, directive
principles of state. History of Indian National Movement, socio economic growth after
independence. Group discussion.
Society: Social groups- concept and types, socialization- concept and theory, social control:
concept, social problem in contemporary India, status and role. Group discussion
The Fundamentals of Economics: meaning, definition and importance of economics, Logic of
choice, central economic problems, positive and normative approaches, economic systems
socialism and capitalism. Group discussion
Microeconomics: Law of demand supply, utility approach, indifference curves, elasticity of
demand and supply and applications, consumer surplus, Law of returns to factors and returns to
Macroeconomics: concepts relating to National product – National income and its
measurement, Simple Keynesian theory, simple multiplier, money and banking. Meaning,
concept of international trade, determination of exchange rate, Balance of payments.
1. International oil markets, developments of Indian Oil Industry
2. NELP (national exploration licensing policy)
3. Iran – India Gas Pipeline
4. Hydrocarbon and national security

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Programming in C++

1. To write a simple program for understanding of C++ program structure without any
CLASS declaration. Program may be based on simple input output, understanding of
keyword using.
2. Write a C++ program to demonstrate concept of declaration of class with public &
private member, constructors, object creation using constructors, access restrictions,
defining member functions within and outside a class. Scope resolution operators,
accessing an object’s data members and functions through different type of object handle
name of object, reference to object, pointer to object, assigning class objects to each
3. Program involving multiple classes (without inheritance) to accomplish a task.
Demonstrate composition of class.
4. Demonstration Friend function friend classes and this pointer.
5. Demonstration dynamic memory management using new & delete & static class
6. Demonstration of restrictions an operator overloading, operator functions as member
function and/ or friend function, overloading stream insertion and stream extraction,
operators, overloading operators etc.
7. Demonstrator use of protected members, public & private protected classes, multilevel
inheritance etc.
8. Demonstrating multiple inheritance, virtual functions, virtual base classes, abstract


Objectives: At the end of the semester, the students should have clearly understood and
implemented the following:
1. Stating a database design & application problem.
2. Preparing ER diagram
3. Finding the data fields to be used in the database.
4. Selecting fields for keys.
5. Normalizing the database including analysis of functional dependencies.
6. Installing and configuring the database server and the front end tools.
7. Designing database and writing applications for manipulation of data for a standalone and
shared data base including concepts like concurrency control, transaction roll back, logging,
report generation etc.
8. Get acquainted with SQL.

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In order to achieve the above objectives, it is expected that each students will chose one problem.
The implementation shall being with the statement of the objectives to be achieved, preparing
ER diagram, designing of database, normalization and finally manipulation of the database
including generation of reports, views etc. The problem may first be implemented for a
standalone system to be used by a single user. All the above steps may then be followed for
development of a database application to be used by multiple users in a client server environment
with access control. The application shall NOT use web techniques. One exercise may be
assigned on creation of table, manipulation of data and report generation using SQL.
Suggested Tools:
For standalone environment, Visual FoxPro or any similar database having both the database and
manipulation language may be used.
For multi-user application, MYSql is suggested. However, any other database may also be used.
For front end, VB.Net, Java, VB Script or any other convenient but currently used by industry
may be chosen.
Indicative List of exercises:
1. Student information system for your college.
2. Student grievance registration and redressal system.
3. A video library management system for a shop.
4. Inventory management system for a hardware/ sanitary item shop.
5. Inventory management system for your college.
6. Guarantee management system for the equipments in your college.

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Common with 4EC1

Unit 1
NUMERICAL ANALYSIS - Finite differences – Forward, Backward and Central differences.
Newton’s forward and backward differences, interpolation formulae. Stirling’s formula,
Lagrange’s interpolation formula.
Unit 2
NUMERICAL ANALYSIS- Integration-Trapezoidal rule, Simpson’s one third and three-eighth
rules. Numerical solution of ordinary differential equations of first order - Picard’s mathod,
Euler’s and modified Euler’s methods, Miline’s method and Runga-Kutta fourth order
Unit 3
SPECIAL FUNCTIONS – Bessel’s functions of first and second kind, simple recurrence
relations, orthogonal property of Bessel’s , Transformation, Generating functions, Legendre’s
function of first kind. Simple recurrence relations, Orthogonal property, Generating function.
Unit 4
STATISTICS AND PROBABILITY - Elementary theory of probability, Baye’s theorem with
simple applications, Expected value, theoretical probability distributions-Binomial, Poisson and
Normal distributions. Lines of regression, co-relation and rank correlation.
Unit 5
CALCULUS OF VARIATIONS - Functional, strong and weak variations simple variation
problems, the Euler’s equation.

Suggested Readings
(i) 1. Numerical Method for Engineers:- Canal & Chapra
(ii) 2. Applied Numerical Analysis;- Curits F Gerald
(iii) 3. Introduction to Numerical Analysis:- Sastry SS
(iv) 4. Statistics for Geologists Ed. II by John C. Davis, Pub. John Wiley & Sons
(v) 5. Statistics for Petroleum Engineers and Geoscientists, by Jerry.J., Larry W. Lake,
Patrick W.M., Corbett and David J. Goggin, Elsevier.

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Unit 1
Chemical composition of oil and gas. Physical properties of reservoir fluids. Thermodynamics of
reservoir fluids. Gas deviation factor, compressibility and formation volume factor. Density and
viscosity of reservoir fluids under changing temperature and pressure. Dew point, saturation
pressure, bubble point pressure. Concept of pseudo- temperature and pseudo- pressure.
Unit 2
Physico-chemical properties of reservoir rocks. Rock compressibility. Rock texture and
mineralogy. Darcy’s law, its boundary conditions and modification for petroleum system.
Absolute and effective permeability, relative permeability. Saturation of reservoir fluids.
Wettability of reservoir rocks. Capillary pressure behavior and its effect on different rock and
fluid flow properties.
Unit 3
Core analysis, Log interpretation and PVT analysis of reservoir fluids and integrated rock-fluid
modeling. Historical account of modeling reservoir permeability.
Unit 4
Darcy’s model, Bernoulli's model, Kozeny’s model, Kozeny-Carman’s model, Hydraulic Flow-
Unit approach. Tortuosity & core analysis vs hyper-Darcy flow and its impact on well
performance and reservoir stability.
Unit 5
Dynamic and static flow regimes of fluids in proximal part of wellbore and in distal parts of
reservoir. Selective and fractional flow of reservoir fluids in porous media. Diffusivity equation
and fluid front advancement.

Suggested Readings
1. Reservoir Engineering Handbook by Tarek Ahmed, Gulf professional Publication.
2. Well logging and Reservoir Evaluation by O. Serra ISBN-978-2-7108-0881-7
3. Fundamental of Well Log Interpretation - O Serra, Elsevier Science Publishing Co.,
ISBN 0-444-42132-7


Unit 1
Fundamental of rock properties: Porosity, saturation, testability, surface and interfacial tension,
Capillary pressure, permeability, rock compressibility, net pay thickness, reservoir heterogeneity
Unit 2
Reservoir drives: Insitu drive, Gas cap drive, Water drive, Mixed drive.
Unit 3
Material Balance Equation (MBE), its way of working and boundary limits. Determination of

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IOIP and/or IGIP. Quantification of operating drive indices. Refinement of reservoir model by
sensitivity analysis and history match by MBE.
Unit 4
Monitoring fluid flow, pressure, GOR, Water-cut and advancement of fluid front. Mid-course
correction scheme design and implementation whenever required. Concept of in-fill drilling and
secondary recovery and optimization of development plan. Techno-economic analysis for
optimized production and recovery strategy.
Unit 5
Equation of States (EOS), its boundary conditions and functionalities. In case gas reservoirs,
ways to determine whether it is retrograde condensation reservoir or normal. Processing of
thermodynamic data to carry out P/Z analysis. Ways to probe if gas is associated with oil lag
and/or with aquifer water.

Suggested Readings
1. Fundamental of Reservoir Engineering, L.P. Dake.
2. Applied Petroleum Reservoir Engineering, B.C. Craft, M. Hawkim
3. Reservoir Engineering Handbook by Tarek Ahmed, Gulf professional Publication

Unit 1
Introduction to Surveying: Objective of surveying and its importance, Classification, principles
of surveying, Application of Surveying in various fields of Engineering.
Linear measurements : Conventional Instruments for measuring distances, ranging and chaining
out of survey lines, Obstacle in chaining and errors in chaining, corrections Principles, offsets,
booking field notes, problems.
Unit 2
Angular measurements: Principle and constriction of prismatic compass, bearing of lines, local
attraction, magnetic declination and examples.
Unit 3
Theodolite: The essentials of transit theodolite, definition and terms, temporary adjustments,
measurement of horizontal and vertical angles, different operations and sources of error,
theodolite traversing, Omited Measurements.
Unit 4
Leveling instruments : Definition, different type of leveling instruments, curvatures and
refraction corrections, reciprocal leveling, errors in leveling and problem solving.
Contouring : General, Contour Interval, Characteristics, Methods of locating contours,
Interpolation etc.
Unit 5
Linear measurements (EDMs): Theory and characteristics of electromagnetic waves, radio
waves, infra red, laser waves, principle of distance measurement with EDMs

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Total Station : Principle, working and construction. Corrections to be applied.
Global Positioning System (GPS) : Theory, principles and applications

Suggested Readings
1. Basic Surveying: Walter S. Whyte, R. E. Paul, Elsevier Science & Technology.
2. GPS for Land Surveyors, Jan Van Sickle, Denver, Colorado, USA, CRC Press, Third
3. Surveying Vol. I B.C. Punmia
4. Surveying Vol. II B.C. Punmia
5. Surveying by Kanitker
6. Surveying by K.R.Arora.


Unit 1
Velocity Analysis: Time & Velocity, constant Velocity Stack, Stacking velocities, Check shot
well survey, sonic logs, statistical analyses, clastic section,
Seismic trace attribute: Attribute mapping, bright spot, data processing consideration, frequency
mapping, Hilbert transform, Instantaneous amplitude, phase and frequency, Interpretation.
Unit 2
Multichannel Operations two dimensional filters: Introduction, signal and noise component,
Fourier transform, design, frequency relationship, filter operation, CDP Trace gather filtering,
time domain operations,
Automatic migration: General principal, diffraction, Velocity compensation, wave equation
migration, K/F Migration.
Unit 3
Envelop of sound wave, P and S wave components. Reflection series, impedance, amplitude.
Relation of rocks and fluids on seismic signature. 2D, 3D and 4D seismic analyses. Techniques
of data acquisition and processing. Seismic attributes and uses.
Unit 4
Structural analysis through seismics. Time to depth conversion, its limitations and strength.
Subjectivity in picking faults through seismics. Coherency cube. Bed thickness vs. seismic
response. Tuning thickness and seismic resolution. Statistical enhancement of seismic resolution.
Unit 5
Direct Hydrocarbon Indicators (DHI). Impedance and inversion. Biot-Gassmann Equation,
AVO effect. Uncertainties in predicting reservoir parameters through seismic only. Scale and
resolution problems of seismics.

Suggested Readings
1. The Nature of Digital Seismic Processing, Roy O. Lindseth, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
2. Seismic Stratigraphy, Basin Analysis and Reservoir Characterization, (Handbook of
Geophysical Exploration: Seismic Exploration, vol. 37) Paul C.H. Veeken; Elsevier

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Unit 1
Methods of gathering formation evaluation data: Mud logging, Coring, MWD, Open hole
logging, cased hole logging, Modern logging techniques. Wire line logging operations: Logging
truck, cable, tools, borehole environment, choosing a logging suite, log quality control
Unit 2
Methods of analysis and application of results: The genesis of Reservoir Rocks, Fluid
Distribution in the Reservoir, Relative Permeability, Measurement of Porosity, Measurements of
Permeability, Measurements of Saturation. Basic concepts of Log Analysis: Lithology, Porosity,
Water Saturation, Hydrocarbon Type, Pay counting, Permeability. Reserve Estimation: Oil and
Gas-In-Place Estimates, Reserve estimates, Factors, Formation Volume Factors, Reservoir
Unit 3
Open hole Logging Measurements: The SP Log, The Gamma Ray Log, Resistivity
Measurements, Induction Logging, Latero log, Micro resistivity Log, Dielectric Logs, Sonic
(Acoustic) Logging And Elastic Formation Properties, Formation Density Log, Neutron Logs,
Dipmeter Surveys. High tech tools introduction and their utility: FMI, DSI, MDT, LWD, ECS
and CMR
Unit 4
Analysis Of Logs And Cores: Compatibly Scaled Overlays, Cross plots, Histograms, Quick look
Algorithm, Porosity Estimation From Neutron Density Logs, Sonic Logs Using Various Cross
plot And Overlay Techniques, Lithology Identification From Various Cross plots And Other
Types Of Plots.
Unit 5
Rw Determination Using SP Log, Ratio Techniques, Crossplots, F Overlay Techniques And
From Chemical Analysis.Water Saturation: Basic Archie’s Equation, Saturation Exponent-n And
Formation Factor-m For Clean Formation. Core Analysis: Sample Selection And preparation,
Measurement Of Basic Rock Properties, Effect Of Overburden Pressure, Measurement Of
Cappilary Pressure, Petrographic And Other Measurements.

Suggested Readings
1. Open Hole Log Analysis and Formation Evaluation by Richard M. Bateman
2. Modern Open Hole Log Interpretation, John. T. Dewan
3. Well Logging Data Acquisition and Application O&L Serra ISBN-978295156125
4. Handbook of Well Log Analysis, S.J. Pirson
5. Log Interpretation Principles and Applications, Schlumberger Educational services.
6. Petroleum Geoscience from Sedimentary Environments to Rock Physics, Knut bjorlykke,
Springer Heidelberg Dordrecht London- New York, ISBN 978-3-642-02331-6
7. Petrophysics, Tiab, Djebbar & Donaldson Erle C. Elsevier, Gulf Professional Publishing.

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A. Numerical Methods:
1. Numerical solution of non-linear algebraic and transcendental equation by bisection,
iteration, false position, secant and Newton Raphson methods.
2. Numerical solution of system of linear simultaneous equations by Gauss elimination and
Gausss Seidel methods.
3. Interpolation by Lagrange’s interpolation formula.
4. Numerical evaluation of definite integral by Trapezoidal, Simpson’s 1/3rd, Simpson’s
3/8th, Weddle and Gaussian quadrature formulae.
5. Numerical solution of first order ordinary differential equation by Euler’s,
Modified Euler’s, second and fourth order Runge-Kutta, Adams-Moulton and Milne’s
B. Scope of practice sessions:
Computation of raw moments, central moments, coefficient of variation, coefficients of
skewness and kurtosis; Fitting of straight line, second degree polynomial (parabola), power curve
and exponential curve; Computation of product moment correlation, multiple and partial
correlation coefficients; Regression coefficients and regression lines, plane and regression.
Application of tests of significance based on numerical data.


1. Ranging and Fixing of Survey Station.
2. Plotting Building Block by offset with the help of cross staff.
3. To determine the magnetic bearing of a line
a. Using surveyor's compass
b. Using prismatic compass
4. Measurement and adjustment of included angles of traverse using prismatic compass.
5. To determine the reduced levels using Tilting Level.
6. To determine the reduce levels in closed circuit using Dumpy Level.
7. Prepare contour map by levelling.
8. Measurement of horizontal angle.
a. By method of repetition.
b. By method of Reiteration.
9 Use and application of GPS for surveying.


Structural Geology: Plotting of Dip-Strike data: Three point problems in toposheets: contour
maps and profiling: Geological maps of folded, faulted and fractured regions, Cross section
Field visits for sediment logical and sedimentary basin and analysis practices.

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1. Determination of porosity of rock samples by helium porosimeter
2. Determination of porosity of rock samples by Ruska porosimeter.
3. Determination of permeability (using both gas and liquid).
4. Determination of surface tension of various Petroleum fractions.
5. Ternary phase diagram with oil fraction/water/alcohol.
6. Log-simulator.
7. Using production vs. time data and decline curve analysis method, computation of :
8. Amount of initial gas in place and gas reserves, if R.F. is 70%
9. Total gas reserve
Using chart scanner and a recorded bottom hole, built-up chart and production data before shut down
compute permeabilit

5PE1 Renewable Energy Resources


Introduction to renewable energy and its importance in context of global warming.

Solar radiation, solar thermal energy systems: active and passive systems,
concentrating collectors, solar flat plate collector, solar thermal energy storage,
photovoltaic cells and their arrangements.

Energy from biomass and solid wastes: thermal route-pyrolysis and gasification,
biochemical route-ethanol production, refuse derived fuel.
Biofuels, jatropha, bio-diesel, biogas production and storage.


Wind energy: types of turbines and principles of operation, OTEC, Wave and
tidal energy, Geo-thermal energy, hydrothermal energy.


Fuel cells, basic design, types Hydrogen Energy, Economics of hydrogen production methods
and storage and transportation. Applications

Environmental consequences of various renewable energy resources. Energy management:

Energy efficiency, Energy audit, Energy conservation. Energy policy.

Suggested Readings
1. Principles of Solar Engineering, Kreith, F. and Kreider, J.F., McGraw-Hill, 1978
2. Solar Energy Handbook, Kreider, J.F. and Kreith, F., McGraw-Hill 1981.
3. Alternative Energy Sources, T.N. Veziroglu, Vol 5 and 6, McGraw-Hill, 1978.

B.Tech Petroleum Engineering Syllabus Page 16

4.Non-conventional Energy Resources, Khan, B.H., Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2008.
5. Solar Energy: Principles of Thermal Collection and Storage”, Sukhatme, S.P., Tata McGraw-
Hill, NewDelhi, 1984.
6. Solar Engineering of Thermal Processes, Duffie, J. A. and Beckman, W. A., John Wiley
7. “Renewable Energy, Sorensen, B., Academic press, New York, 2/e, 2000.

5PE2 Health Safety & Environment in Petroleum Industry


Industrial safety and loss trends, safety and environmental concerns, development
of industrial safety and loss prevention approaches – loss prevention, total loss control,
quality assurance, total quality management, concept of hazard system, the characterization
of hazards, hazard sources and their realization


Major process hazards: self heating, flame propagation, limits of flammability, explosion,
detonation and deflagration, toxic materials, dosage, acute and chronic effects, threshold
limits, fire, explosion and toxic release, effects of hazards, parameters determining probability
and consequence of hazards, occupational health and hygiene, personal safety, personnel
protection equipment, classification of fires, explosion limits, fire fighting methods, work
permit, material safety data sheet

Hazard identification: use of hazard indices, hazard and operability studies, major hazard
control, legislation and laws, case studies of major hazard events.

Air pollution: major pollutants, meteorology, lapse rate, dispersion, engineering control
of air pollution

Water pollution: physical, chemical and biological water quality parameters, pollution
by oil spills, remediation of the environment, engineered systems for water purification,
sludge treatment and disposal

1. Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, Less, F. P., 2nd ed.
Butterworth Heinemann, UK,
2. Environmental Engineering; Peavy, H. S., Rowe, D. R. and Tchobanoglous, G., McGraw Hill,
3. Chemical Process Safety, Sanders, R. E., Butterworth Heinemann,UK
4. Fundamentals of Process Safety, Marchell, V. and Ruchemann, S.,
Institution of Chemical Engineers, Warwickshire, UK
5. Critical Aspects of Safety and Loss Prevention, Kletz, T. A., Butterworth Heinemann, UK

B.Tech Petroleum Engineering Syllabus Page 17

5PE3 Petroleum Production Engineering
Unit- I

Components of the petroleum systems. Well productivity engineering. Production from under
saturated oil reservoirs. Production from two-phase reservoirs. Production from gas reservoirs.
Pseudo critical properties of natural gases. Gas well deliverability for non – Darcy flow.

Unit- II
The near-well bore condition and damage characterization, the effect of perforation conditions
on well performance. Well bore flow performance. Well deliverability. Well head surface
gathering systems. Artificial lift systems. Horizontal well production. System analysis.
Production Chemistry Basics (Wax, Scale, Corrosion, Emulsions).

Unit –III

Surface equipment and operations. Flow control and well heads. Gathering systems; service and
cleaning systems; design and testing of flow lines. Separation and separators; separator
components, stage separation; design and construction of separators. Meeting - Oil and gas
metering techniques.
Unit- IV

Flow measurement system; liquid level controllers. Emulsion problems; oil emulsions;
emulsifying agents and de-emulsifiers, choice and dosage of de-emulsifiers, heat treatment, heat
theaters, desalting, oil storage and tank farms. Gauging, sampling and quality control.
Underground storage – caverns etc. Water disposal, corrosion. Water injection systems.
Subsurface equipment.

Unit –V

Well completion techniques and equipment, drill stem test (DST) flowing well performance,
vertical lift performance, optimum size tubing and chokes, production forecast for a pool.
Design and analysis of artificial methods of petroleum production. Work over and sand
exclusion technique.

Suggested Readings

1. Gas Production Engineering – S.Kumar-Gulf publishing Co., 1987.

2. Principles of well Production, Nind; 2nd Edition.Mc.Graw Hill
3. Production operations; T.O.Allen and A.P.Roberts, PetroSkills , 4-th ed., vol. 2.

B.Tech Petroleum Engineering Syllabus Page 18

5PE4 Drilling Technology II

Directional Drilling : Objectives, Types of deflection tools, tool orientation, Directional well
profiles, Well path deflection & correction.
Unit- II
Down Hole Motors : Positive displacement motors and Turbo-drills – motor description,
Power calculation and applications. Auto-track and verti-track system. Rotary Steerable
motors, Geo-steering tools.
Unit- III

Horizontal Well Drilling : Horizontal well objectives and selection, Different profiles, Drilling
techniques, Mud requirements & characteristics, casing and drill string requirements and
completion programs. Slant Hole Drilling : Objectives and selections, Well profiles and
Down the Hole Well Surveying : Well surveying objectives, surveying methods, Surveying
Analysis methods and calculations for well coordinates.
Measurements While Drilling : Objectives of MWD/ LWD, MWD tools, Telemetry system
and data interpretation. Directional Drilling Problems and Their Remedies.


Special Methods of Drilling : Aerated drilling, Under-balanced drilling, Overbalanced

drilling, HPHT Drilling, Variable pressure regime, Plasma drilling, Electrical Drilling, Top
drive drilling, Re-entry drilling, Jet Drilling, Extended reach drilling, Multilateral drilling,
Slim hole drilling, coil tubing drilling.

Suggesting Readings

1. Drilling & Casing Operations, Jim Short, J.A., Penwell Publishing Company, Oklahoma
2. Well Design Drilling & Production, Craft B.C., Prentice Hall 1962
3. Applied Drilling Engineering, Bourgoyne A.T, Millheim K K, Chenevert M E and Young F.
S., SPE textbook series, 1991
4. Horizontal and Directional Drilling, Carden, R. S., Petroskills, 2007,
5. Drilling Engineering, Petroleum Engineering, Mitchell R F, ( Editor),
Handbook, Volume II,
6. Working Guide to Drilling Equipment and Operations, Lyons W,
Gulf Professional Publishing, 2010,
7. Well Engineering and Construction, Rabia, H., Gulf Publishing,

B.Tech Petroleum Engineering Syllabus Page 19

5PE5 Thermodynamics of Reservoir Fluids

Work Calculations: Work calculation for compression/ expansion of ideal and non ideal
gases, compression cycles and horse power calculations – single, double and multistage
with and without clearance.

Thermodynamics of Gases and Liquid Hydrocarbons : Free energy & work function,
Mollier diagrams, perfect & imperfect gaseous mixtures, Equation of state, Law of
corresponding states, Joule Thompson effect, Fugacity and fugacity coefficient of gases
and gaseous mixtures, Lewis fugacity rules and Third law of thermodynamics.

Solution Thermodynamics : Vapour liquid equilibria, equilibrium constant, partial molar

properties, chemical potential, Raoult’s law and Henry’s law, ideal and non ideal
solutions, Activity and activity coefficients, Gibb’s Duhem equation, Gibb’s adsorption

Phase Rule: Phase rule of single, two, three, multi component and multi phase systems,
phase mobility in different conditions, Thermodynamic aspects of phase equilibria.
Calculations of Phase equilibria.

Fluid Flow Thermodynamics: Single phase flow & multiphase flow through vertical, incline
and horizontal conduits. Pressure traverse curves and their applications. Venturi flow,
nozzle flow, pipe internal flow, annular flow and nozzle flow thermodynamics of
multiphase & multicomponent system..
Introduction to Statistical Thermodynamics

Suggested Readings

1. PVT and Phase Behavior of Petroleum Reservoir Fluids, Danish Ali;

2. Introduction to Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics, Smith, J. M. and Van Ness H. C.,
3. Thermodynamics of Hydrocarbon Reservoirs, Abbas Firodabadi, McGraw-Hill
Publishing, 1999.
4. Phase Behavior, SPE Monograph Series 20, Whitson, C. H. and Brule, M. R., 2000

B.Tech Petroleum Engineering Syllabus Page 20

5PE6.1 Unit Operation for Petroleum Industry

Introduction to unit operation and its application in petroleum engineering. Heat Transfer and its
application, Modes of heat transfer one dimensional and two dimensional, heat rate equations,
Theory of insulation, critical radius calculations, types of insulation material, conduction through
slab, cylinder and sphere.

Unit II

Convective heat transfer, natural and forced convection, co/counter/cross current contacting for
heat transfer, individual and overall heat transfer coefficient, fouling factor. Heat transfer with
and without phase change conditions.

Unit –III

Heat Exchange equipment: Introduction to double pipe, shell and tube exchangers, condensers,
extended surface equipments, Evaporation- Type of evaporators and their applications single and
multiple effect evaporators, operation of forward– backward and mixed feed operations,

Mass transfer and its application. Analogies in transfer process, basic concept of diffusion and
interphase mass transfer. Mass transfer theory film theory Penetration and surface renewal
theory, distillation, Rectification, reflux ratio, calculation of numbers of plates by McCabe Thiele
method, optimum reflux ratio, Basic introduction to absorption, liquid liquid extraction,

Unit V
Drying: Equilibrium mechanism theory of drying, drying rate curve. Introduction to filtration
Sedimentation and settling.

Suggested Readings

1. Process Heat Transfer, Kern, D. Q. McGraw Hill USA

2. Unit Operation of chemical engineering, Mc Cabe, W.L. Smith, J C and Harriot, P., Mc
Graw hill 1993
3. Mass transfer operation. Treybal, R.E. Kogakusha, McGraw Hill 1980.
4. Transport Process and Separation Processes Principles (Includes Unit Operations)
4th Ed, Geankopis, C. J., Prentice Hall
5. Principles of Unit Operations, Foust, A.S., Wenzel, L.A., Clump, C.W., Naus, L., and
Anderson, L.B., 2nd ed., Wiley, 1980.

B.Tech Petroleum Engineering Syllabus Page 21

5PE7 Petroleum Production Engineering Lab
1. Measuring the density.
2. Measuring the specific gravity and API gravity.
3. Measuring the viscosity using Brookfield Viscometer
4. Measuring the viscosity using U – tube Viscometer
5. Determination of the water in crude oil by distillation
6. Determination of the water in crude oil by the centrifuge.
7. Determination of the total salts content of crude oil by conductivity method.
8. Determination of natural gas composition using GC chromatography.

5PE8 Petroleum Product Testing Lab

1. Measurement of fire point- Flash point
2. Measurement of Cloud point
3. Measurement of pour point.
4. Measurement of Aniline point & Bromine number
5. Measurement of Reid Vapour Pressure
6. Measurement of Sulphur Content
7. Measurement of Carbon Residue.
8. Distillation of Petroleum and Petroleum products.
9. Measurement of surface tension by Tensiometer.
10. Measurement of surface tension by Platinum ring method.
11. Ternary phase diagram.

B.Tech Petroleum Engineering Syllabus Page 22

5PE9 Health Safety and environment lab

1. Toxicity, Physiological, Asphyxiation, respiratory and skin effect of Petroleum

Hydrocarbons (including mixtures), sour gases (e.g. Hydrogen sulphide and
carbon monoxide etc) with their thresh-hold limits.
2. Effect of corrosive atmosphere and additives during acidizing, sand control
and fracturing jobs etc.

Safety System:
1. Hazards analysis, developing a safe process, failure mode analysis, safety
analysis (API-14C) safety analysis function evaluation chart (synergic
2. Manual & atmospheric shut down system, blow down systems.
3. Gas detection system
4. Fire detection and suppression systems.
5. Personal protection systems & measures.
6. HSE Policies, standards & specifications
7. Disaster & crisis management.
1. Environment concepts, impact on eco-system, air, water and soil.
2. The impact of drilling & production operations on environment, Environmental
transport of petroleum wastes.
3. Offshore environmental studies, offshore oil spill and oil spill control.
4. Oil mines regulations and other environmental legislations.

5PE10 Heat Transfer Lab

1. To Measure the thermal Conductivity of Liquid and solid.

2. To measure the thermal conductivity of liquid and solid (linear model).
3. To measure the transfer conductivity measurements in linear and radial method.
4. To Measure the Emissivity of the Test plate Surface.
5. To Determine Stefan Boltzmann Constant of Radiation Heat Transfer.
6. To Determine the Surface Heat Transfer Coefficient for Heated Vertical Cylinder
in Natural Convection.
7. Determination of Heat Transfer Coefficient in Drop Wise & Film Wise
8. To Study Performance of Simple Heat Pipes
9. To Study and Compare LMTD and Effectiveness in Parallel and Counter Flow
Heat Exchangers.
10. To determine the total thermal conductivity and thermal resistance of the given
compound resistance in series.
11. Testing and performance of different heat insulators.
12. To understand the importance and validity of Engineering assumptions through the lumped heat
capacity method.

B.Tech Petroleum Engineering Syllabus Page 23

Sixth Semester
6 PE1 Petroleum Production System Design

Review of various geological, reservoir engineering and petroleum production principles and
methods with reference to oil and gas field development. Drainage of oil and gas reservoirs by
wells. Theoretical fundamentals of oil field development. Necessity and scope of development
plan. Various stages in the life of oil and gas field development.

Requirement of data sources. Various field data sample collection. Well surveys. Laboratory
analysis.Creation of integrated approach for statistical, technical and cost database.
Hydrocarbon reserves in place. Planning for field exploitation under natural mechanism. Well
spacing and location. Well Performance. Field production performance evaluation.
Need of additional energy for pressure maintenance of a reservoir.

Field evaluation for EOR. Field development with application of secondary and tertiary
recovery. Field development with reservoir management. Application of mathematical modeling
and computer simulation for optimum field development.

Economics of field development. Consideration of downstream utilization and consumption.

Special consideration for gas field developments. Development of marginal fields. Indian

Planning of various surface installations, descriptions of artificial lift methods.

Surface storage system for oil and gas. Pipe Line System for Oil and Gas Transport
Pumping & Compressor Stations in Trunk Line

Suggested Readings
1. Surface production operations: Design of oil Handling system and Facilities (Vol I & II)
Maurice Stewart, Ken Arnold
2. API Gas Lift Manual: American Petroleum Institute, Third Edition 1994

3. Technology of Artificial Lift: Brown K,Penwell Publishing Co Tulsa 1984

4. Production Operations Vol 1 & 2, Allen & Roberts.

B.Tech Petroleum Engineering Syllabus Page 24

6 PE2 Artificial Lift Techniques
Introduction, definition and purpose of artificial lift.
Inflow performance principles and descriptions of Artificial lift methods: Gaslift –
continuous and intermittent; Chamber lift, Electrical submersible pumping; Sucker rod
pumping; Progressive cavity pump; Plunger lift; Hydraulic pump – piston & jet type.

Skin, permeability determination, IPR curves, absolute open flow potential (AOFP) of well.
Stimulation and workover jobs and optimization of fluid flow. Manipulation of sweep efficiency,
mobility ratio, GOR and water cut. Selection of suitable artificial lift method.

Continuous Gas Lift, Intermittent Gas Lift, Type of Installations, Gas Lift valve Mechanics,
other common valve types, selection of Gas Lift valve, Reverse flow check valve, merits and
demerits of different categories of gas lift valves, Gas Lift Mandral, Surface equipment, Pack –
off Gas Lift Installation, Gas Lift Design, Advances in Gas lift, plunger lift, plunger lift
operation, Chamber lift.

Sucker rod pumping system, pumping units, sub-surface pump, sucker rod string, gas and tubing
anchors, skinner bar. Well Head Equipment .Selection of SRP installations. Hydraulic pumping –
piston & jet


Centrifugal electric submersible pumping system (ESP). Surface and sub-surface component of
ESP, Downhole components, ESPs design, Application, surface components, standard
performance curves. Total Dynamic Head. Recent advances in Electrical Submersible Pumping.
Suggested Readings:

1 Principles of Artificial Lift; Niadri Kumar Mitra and Adesh Kumar; Allied Publishers Pvt.Ltd.
2. High Rate Artificial Lift, Clegg, J. D., SPE 1988
3. Well Performance, Golan, M & Whitson, C. H., (IHRDC, Boston)
4. Surface Operations in Petroleum Production, Chilingarian GV
5. Petroleum Fluid Flow Systems, Boyd, O.W.
6. Well Design Drilling and Production, Craft, Holden and Graves
7. The Technology of Artificial Lift Methods, Brown, K E., SPE

B.Tech Petroleum Engineering Syllabus Page 25

6 PE3 Surface Facilities

Oil Surface Production Facilities: Well Equipments, Pigging System, Separator, Gas Scrubber,
Gas Dehydrator.


Gas Surface Processing Facilities, Gas Sweetening, Heat Exchanger, Fractionation, Liquefaction,
Refrigeration System, Compressors.


Pumps: Centrifugal, Reciprocating, Diaphragm. Pump: Basic Theory, Conservation of Mass,

Specific Velocity, Pump Performance, Cavitations, Pump Specification, Flow Capacity, Fluid
Properties, Head, Net Positive Heads, Rotation determination and Pump Types, Viscous Fluid
Correction, Material Selection, Prime Movers Selection.


Field Processing of Oil & Gas. Metering, storage and transport of oil and gas. Surface treatment
of oil & gas.


Surface facility for oil pumping station, gas pumping station, water injection, gas injection and
EOR processes. Equipment to plug wells, Equipment to demolish and remove installations,
Equipment to restore it.

Suggested Readings

1. Surface Production Operations, Volume 2, Second Edition: KenArnold; Maurice

Stewart, Gulf Professional Publishing; Edition-1999,
2. Gas Production Engineering; Sanjay Kumar, Gulf Publishing

B.Tech Petroleum Engineering Syllabus Page 26

6 PE4 Workover & Well Stimulation


Work-over operations, types of workover. Work over fluids. Scraping, well circulation, Water
and gas. Shut-off, Squeeze cementing. Handling water and gas coning.


Production packers, Packers calculation, Well activation. Repair of wells, Paraffin

and scale removal. Corrosion, Bacteria & Scale control. Sand-control, Screens,
Gravel packs.

Evaluation of workover jobs.


Well treatment; acidizing of oil & gas wells. Hydro-perforation. Hydraulic


Stimulation designing, Proppants and their placement. Thermal

stimulation techniques. Down-hole heaters. Horizontal well related development
on the subject. Well kicks & control.

Suggested Readings
1. Well Design Drilling and Production, Craft, Holden and Graves
2. Well Control Problem Solutions, N J Adams
3. Petroleum Production Handbook, Thomas C Frick
4. Workover Well Control, Neal Adams
5. Petroleum Production Systems:- Michael J Economides ( Daniel Hill)
6. Hydraulic Fracturing, Howard, G .C. & Fast, C. R. SPE (1970)
7. Hydraulic Fracturing, Faust, G. C., SPE

B.Tech Petroleum Engineering Syllabus Page 27

6PE5 Well Test Analysis & Enhanced Oil Recovery

Principles of Fluid Flow for steady state, semi steady state & non steady state
conditions.Steady State Flow Tests (Indicator Diagram) and Gas Well Tests. Diffusivity
EquationDerivation & Constant Terminal Rate Solution.


Pressure Transient Tests: Analysis and Pressure Draw-down Tests, Pressure buildup
tes.,reservoir limit test (RLT )etc. for oil and gas both. Multirate testing, average reservoir
pressure, Type curves & its uses.


Introduction to EOR. Reservoir engineering aspects of enhanced recovery methods. Water

flooding concepts, Well spacing for fluid injection. Buckley Leverett Principle for immiscible
flooding. Mobility ratio concepts. Polymer flooding, Surfactant flooding, Caustic flooding; ASP
flooding – Principles and applications.


Miscible Flooding: Principles and applications of CO2 flooding Dry and enriched gas flooding.
Inert gas flooding. Thermal Recovery Techniques – Steam stimulation, hot water flooding,
steam flooding & in-situ combustion process

Microbial EOR – Principles & applications. Profile modification – Monomer and polymer based
gel systems

Suggested Readings

1. Well Testing, Lee, J., SPE

2. Advances in Well Test Analysis, Earlougher, Jr., R.C., SPE
3. Pressure Build Up and Flow Tests in Wells, Mathews, C.S. & Russell, D. G., SPE
4. Modern Well Test Analysis, Horne, R.N., Petroway
5.Enhanced Oil Recovery, Lake, L.W., Prentice Hall

B.Tech Petroleum Engineering Syllabus Page 28


6PE 6.1 Offshore Structure Design

Unit I
1. Offshore field developments, Analysis of offshore structures, Offshore
platforms & their stability, Buoyant force calculation, Bracing & framing patterns
in offshore structures, Welding of offshore structures, layouts of jacketed offshore

Unit II

Analyses of Sea environment : Wind, waves and current forces.-

Characteristics, analysis and force evaluation, Sea soil & sea bed, Offshore piles
and their foundation.
Tubular/ rectangular joints – Types, design, protection and failures.
Corrosion in offshore structures and its protection, Buckling & bending in
offshore structures and in offshore pipe lines, Risk factors and risk analysis.

Unit III

Offshore mobile rigs: Types, load and stress analysis, Fatigue calculation and
safety factors, Marine risers and tensioners.
Unit IV

Fixed platform design : Steel templates & concrete tower type platforms –
construction, fabrication and installation.
Unit V

Structural analyses : Stress analysis & calculation, Skewed and finite plates;
Fillets and grooves design, Offshore static and dynamic structural analysis.

1. Introduction to Offshore Structures, Graff
2. Dynamics of offshore Structures, James F Wilson
3. Floating Drilling Equipment and its Use, Riley Sheffield
4. Offshore Handbook (5 vols.), Gulf Publishers
5. Offshore Pipeline Design, Analysis & Methods, Moussel, A.H.
6. Technology of Developing Marginal Offshore Oilfields, Fea, D.A. & Dea, J.O.
7. Deepwater Petroleum Exploration: A non technical Guide (2nd ed).Leffers, William L.,
Richard, P. and Sterling, Penn Well Corporation.

B.Tech Petroleum Engineering Syllabus Page 29

6 PE6.2 Transportation & Marketing of Petroleum and its Products

Transportation of petroleum & petroleum products.

Basics of pipeline construction, operation and protection.
Pump and compressor stations. Instrumentation and control.
Metering and measurements of oil and gas.
Traffic management, Fire and safety rules.
Indian and Global supply scenario of petroleum and petroleum products. Product quality


Bulk distribution and handling-domestic, commercial and industrial.

Storage of petroleum products in fixed installations. Standards and regulations.


Role of International oil companies and OPEC pricing mechanism. Administered and
market determined pricing mechanism in India. Conservation of petroleum & its products.
Spot and other market control mechanism.

Suggested Readings

1 Offshore Pipeline Design, Analysis and Methods, Mouselli, A. H.

Pennwell Books, Tulsa, Oklahoma
2. Surface Production Operations, Arnold, Ken and Stewart, Maurice
Volume I and II, Gulf Publishing Company, London.
3. Modeling of Oil Product and Gas Pipeline Transport, Lurie Mikhail, Wiley, 2008
4. Subsea Pipelines and Risers, Young Bai and Quang Bai, Elsevier Publishing, 2005
5. Production and Transport of Oil and Gas, Szilas, A. P, Part B: Gathering and
Transport, Development in Petroleum Series, 18 B, Elsevier, 1986,

B.Tech Petroleum Engineering Syllabus Page 30

6PE6.3 Petroleum Refinery Engineering
Unit I
Atmospheric and Vaccum Distillation.Thermal conversion processes, conventional thermal
cracking process. Visbreaking, Coking – Fluid coking, flexicoking, delayed coking etc.
Unit II
Catalytic conversion processes – fluid catalytic cracking, Hydrocracking, hydrogen production.
Unit III
Reforming, Alkylation, Polymerization, Isomerisation and Hydrotreating processes.
Unit IV
Evaluation of crude for LOBS (Lube oil base Stock), steps in preparation of LOBS, deasphalting.

Unit V
Solvent Extraction, types of solvents available and their comparison, dewaxing and
Hydrofinishing of LOBS, Hydrogenation processes for LOBS production.

Suggested Readings
1. Petroleum Refinery Engineering, Nelson N.L., McGraw Hill Book Co., 1985
2. Petroleum Refining Technology and Economics’, James H. G. and Glenn E. H. 4 ed., Marcel
Dekker, Inc., 2001
3. Petroleum Refining, Waquier, J.P., Vol .I and II, 2 ed., Technip, 1995
4. Petroleum Processing Handbook, Mcketta S.S., Marcel Dekker, Inc., 1992
5. Modern Petroleum Refining Processes, B.K.Bhaskara Rao, 5 ed.
Oxford and IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd., 2007

B.Tech Petroleum Engineering Syllabus Page 31

6PE7 Mass Transfer Lab
1. To determine diffusion coefficient of liquid vapour in air.
2. To study the mass transfer characteristics of a wetted wall column.
3. Liquid-liquid extraction in a packed column for co current and counter current flow of
binary systems.
4. To study the absorption of a gas in a packed column and calculation of NTU and HTU.
5. Studies on solid-liquid extraction column.
6. Studies on the sieve plate distillation unit.
7. Design of distillation Tower.
8. Air fuel ratio in a gas burner.
9. Pyrolysis and characterization of pyrolysis products.

6PE8 Exploration and Prospecting Lab

Seismic data analysis related to:

1. Horizon picking

2. Map building

3. Seismic well log tie.

4. Well log analysis

6PE9 Advanced Reservoir Engineering Lab

Study and practicals related to the following

• Special Core Analyses (degree of moisture, capillary pressure, electrical abilities and
relative permeability)
• Petrophysical measurements (capillary pressure curves, resistivity measurements and
• Simulation and interpretation of experiments
• Experiments for improved recovery

B.Tech Petroleum Engineering Syllabus Page 32

1.Core and plug preparation: Introduction to the machines for the various steps of core
preparation including core slabbing, core pluging and trimming. Also sand/shale analysis and
depth matching through the use of core gamma logger will be introduced.

2. Cleaning and saturation determination. The available instruments for core cleaning as well as
saturation determination will be introduced. This includes extraction/distillation method for core
cleaning (Dean Stark), drying and heating for saturation determination (Retort Oven) and
core saturator for saturation of core before other experiments.

3.Porosity. An introduction to core porosity and various methods of its measurements.

Describing Hg porometer and KeyPhi instruments for porosity measurements.

4. Resistivity. Introduction for the rock conductivity measurements at surface for

pressure and at overburden pressure.

5. Surface and interfacial tension. An introduction to various methods of measurements.

6. Capillary pressure. Introduction to capillary measurement methods under drainage and
processes. Description of CAPRI instrument for measuring capillary pressures.

7. Permeability. An introduction to rock permeability. Description of instruments for absolute

permeability measurements for gas/liquid absolute and relative permeabilities.

8. Rock mechanical Properties. An introduction on how to measure the rock properties like
Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio.

References and further reading

1-J. S. Archie and Wall C. G., Petroleum engineering principles and practice. Graham &
London, 1986.
2-J. W. Amyx, Bass D. M. and Whiting R. L., Petroleum reservoir engineering (physical
properties). McGraw Hill, Inc., 1988.
3- X. D. Jing, Rock properties course, Imperial College London, 2003
4- M Ala, Jing, X. D. and Worthington P., Petrophysics course, Imperial College London, 2003

B.Tech Petroleum Engineering Syllabus Page 33

6PE 10 Professional Ethics and Disaster Management
Human Values
Morals, Values and Ethics – Integrity – Work Ethic – Service Learning – Civic Virtue
– Respect for Others – Living Peacefully – caring – Sharing – Honesty – Courage –
Valuing Time – Co-operation – Commitment – Empathy – Self-Confidence –
Character – Spirituality.
Engineering Ethics
Senses of 'Engineering Ethics' - variety of moral issued - types of inquiry - moral
dilemmas - moral autonomy - Kohlberg's theory - Gilligan's theory - consensus and
controversy – Models of Professional Roles - theories about right action – Self interest
- customs and religion - uses of ethical theories.

Engineering as a Social Experimentation

Engineering as experimentation - engineers as responsible experimenters - codes of
ethics - a balanced outlook on law - the challenger case study.

The Three Mile Island, Fukoshima and Chernobyl case studies, with special reference to disaster

Safety, Responsibilities and Rights

Safety and risk - assessment of safety and risk - risk benefit analysis and reducing
risk -.
Collegiality and loyalty - respect for authority - collective bargaining - confidentiality -
conflicts of interest - occupational crime - professional rights - employee rights -
Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) - discrimination.
Global Issues
Multinational corporations - Environmental ethics - computer ethics .Engineers as managers-
consulting engineers-engineers as expert witnesses and
advisors -moral leadership-sample code of Ethics.

Suggested Readings

1. Ethics in engineering, Mike Martin and Roland Schinzinger, McGraw-Hill, New York1996.
2, Engineering Ethics, Govindarajan M., Natarajan S., Senthil Kumar V. S.,
Prentice Hall, New Delhi, 2004.
3. Engineering Ethics, Fleddermann, Charles D., Pearson Education
4. Engineering Ethics- Concepts and Cases, Harris, Charles E., Protchard, Michael S. and
Rabins, Michael, J., Wadsworth Thompson Learning, 2000
5. Ethics and the Conduct of Business, Boatright, John, R., Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2003.

B.Tech Petroleum Engineering Syllabus Page 34

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