Assault Rifle Rounds: Mission

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Assault Rifle Rounds

Mission The 57-N-231P round with a tracer bullet is
7.62x39mm rounds are designed for AKM- designed for fire adjustment and target desig-
type assault rifles and their derivatives. There nation. The bullet has a green tip.
are several modifications of the round for vari-
ous purposes.

General description
The 57-N-231 round with conventional bul-
let is designed to engage personnel and
weapon systems. Its bullet has a steel core. The
bullet tip has no distinguishing colour.

Basic specifications
Designation 57-N-231 57-N-231P
Calibre, mm 7.62x39 7.62x39
Weight, g:
round 16.3 16.1
bullet 7.9 7.57
Round length, mm 56 56
Muzzle velocity, m/s 718 718
Accuracy of fire at 100 m (R50), cm
Max accuracy of fire at 300 m (R50), cm 7.5 14
Penetration range, m:
steel helmet 1,000 -
St3 6mm steel plate 300 -
6Zh85T body armour 60 -
Tracing range, m - 800
Case material steel or clad metal clad metal

R O S O B O R O N E X P O R T 85

Assault Rifle Rounds

Mission The 7T3 round with a tracer bullet is

5.45x39mm rounds are designed for the designed for fire adjustment and target desig-
AK74-type weapons and their derivatives. By nation. The bullet has a green tip.
now, several modifications of the round have The 7Kh3 blank round with a bullet imitator
been developed for various purposes. is designed to initiate shot sound. When this
round is used, the barrel of the gun is fitted
General description with a bushing to produce an exhaust gases
The 7N6 round with a conventional bullet is pressure build-up for operation of moving
designed to kill personnel. The bullet has a parts, as well as breakup of imitator bullet. The
steel core. Its tip has no distinguishing colour. latter is made of white plastic.
A sealing lacquer belt on the mouth of the
case is red-coloured.
The 7N10 round with an enhanced penetra-
tion bullet is designed to kill personnel wear-
ing body armour. The core of the bullet is
made of hardened steel. The bullet tip is
uncoloured. A sealing lacquer belt on the
mouth of the case is violet-coloured.

Basic specifications
Designation 7N6 7N10 7T3 7Kh3
Calibre, mm 5.45x39 5.45x39 5.45x39 5.45x39
Weight, g:
round 10.5 10.7 10.3 6.6
bullet 3.43 3.62 3.23 0.24
Round length, mm 57 57 57 57
Muzzle velocity, m/s 880 880 883 -
Accuracy of fire at 100 m (R50), cm max 3.5 -
Accuracy of fire at 300 m (R50), cm max 7.5 max 14 -
Penetration range, m:
6mm St3 steel plate 300 - -
16mm St3 steel plate - 300 - -
5mm armour plate - 150 - -
6Zh85T body armour 80 200 - -
Tracing range, m - - 800 -
Case material steel steel steel steel

86 R O S O B O R O N E X P O R T

Rounds for Rifles and Machine Guns

Mission strengthened core. The tip is uncoloured. A
7.62x54mm rounds are designed for associ- sealing lacquer belt on the mouth of the case
ated machine guns and sniper rifles. Currently, is red-coloured.
there are several modifications of 7.62x54mm The 7T2 round with the T-46 tracer bullet is
rounds for various purposes. designed for fire adjustment and target designa-
tion. The bullet has a green tip.
General description The 7BZ-3 round with the B-32 armour-
The 57-N-323S round with a conventional piercing/incendiary bullet is designed to
steel-core bullet is designed to engage person- defeat light armoured targets. The bullet has a
nel and weapon systems. The bullet has a steel black-red tip.
core. The tip has no distinguishing colour. The 7N1 sniper round is designed to kill sin-
The 7N13 round with an enhanced penetra- gle targets from a sniper rifle. The tip of the
tion bullet is designed to kill personnel wear- bullet is uncoloured.
ing body armour. Bullet features a heat-

Basic specifications
Designation 57-N-323S 7N13 T-46 B-32 7N1
Calibre, mm 7.62x54
Weight, g:
round 21.8 21.7 22 22.6 21.9
bullet 9.6 9.4 9.65 10.39 9.8
Round length, mm 77.1 77.1 77.1 77.1 77.1
Muzzle velocity, m/s 828 828 798 808 823
Max accuracy of fire at 300 m (R50), cm 9 9 15 15 8
Penetration, m:
6mm St3 steel plate 520 660 - - -
10mm armour plate - - - 200 -
6Zh85T body armour 110 800 - - -
Tracing time, sec - - 3 - -
Case material clad metal

R O S O B O R O N E X P O R T 87

5.56mm RS101 Round

with Enhanced Penetration Bullet

The 5.56mm RS101 round is

Basic specifications designed to engage personnel
Weight, g: wearing body-armour in open,
round 11.0 as well as single and multiple
bullet 3.9 targets and other materiel.
Bullet speed when fired from The round consists of a steel
S-5.56 ballistic barrel, V25 m/s 920 lacquered case, a cap, a gun-
Accuracy of fire at 200 m, R50 cm max 6 powder charge and a bullet.
Range of min 60% The bullet comprises a clad
penetration when fired metal cover, a lead jacket and

from AK101 against 16mm a treated steel core.

St3 steel plate, m 100

Large Calibre Rounds

14.5x114mm rounds are designed for the

KPV, KPVT and SKP Vladimirov machine guns
and ZPU-1, ZPU-2, ZU-2 and ZPU-4 anti-air-
craft machine guns. There are several modifi-
cations of round designed for various purpos-
The B-32 round with an armour-
piercing/incendiary bullet (57-BZ-561S) is
designed to defeat light armoured targets,
personnel and weapon systems behind light

Basic specifications
Designation B-32 BZT-44
Calibre, mm 14.5x114
Weight, g:
round 191 185
bullet 63.9 60.5
Round length, mm 156 156
Muzzle velocity, m/s 988 995-1,005 covers, as well as low-flying aircraft. The bullet
Accuracy of fire has a black-red tip.
at 300 m (R50), cm max 20 max 20 The BZT round with an armour-
Penetration, m: piercing/incendiary/tracer bullet (57-BZT-
20mm armour set 561S) and the BZT-M round with modernised
at 20° up to 300 100 armour-piercing/incendiary/tracer bullet (57-
Tracing range, m - 2,200 BZT-561SM) are designed for fire adjustment
Trace deviation and target designation. These can also be used
from barrel end, m - 50-120* to set targets on fire. The bullet has a violet-red
Case material brass steel tip.

88 R O S O B O R O N E X P O R T

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