Tropical Root and Tuber Crops. Cassava, Sweet Potato, Yams and Aroids by V. Lebot
Tropical Root and Tuber Crops. Cassava, Sweet Potato, Yams and Aroids by V. Lebot
Tropical Root and Tuber Crops. Cassava, Sweet Potato, Yams and Aroids by V. Lebot
Tropical Root and Tuber Crops. Cassava, Sweet Potato, Yams and Aroids by V.
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1 author:
Nicholas C. Kawa
The Ohio State University
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All content following this page was uploaded by Nicholas C. Kawa on 01 February 2016.
yields, they may also address other factors told us what they were, but I had never before
including lack of available labor or less than ideal seen them.
environmental conditions. Moreover, farmers can For those of us who have never been in the
have other priorities beyond total yield, often- Cono Sur, this compilation is most welcome. For
times selecting crop varieties based on local tastes. those who work in the area, it is even more
These are issues that warrant greater attention, valuable. Much of the region simply has no flora,
but not necessarily in this book. and those with floras are typically outdated. The
This volume will be a useful reference for introductory materials are in both Spanish and
agronomists and agricultural extension agents as it English. These include a classification of the
provides a wide range of information from biogeographic regions, tables of richness, endem-
developmental physiology to genetics of these ism, and life forms, conservation and protected
important crops. However, it can also serve areas, and an explanation of the format of the
researchers and academics from other disciplines catalogue. This is followed by acronyms for the
(including the social sciences) who may have countries, a bibliography, and a list of reviewers
interest in the origins and traditional processing and authors for the various families. Each volume
of cassava, sweet potato, yams, and aroids. is adorned with a single color photograph on the
Despite the ambitious task of summarizing front and four on the back. Each has maps inside
current information on these four crops into one the covers showing the area treated and its
volume, Lebot is successful in producing a highly biogeographic regions. Volume 1 also contains
informative and practical text. maps of each country with the departments,
provinces, or regions (Chile) delimited.
NICHOLAS C. KAWA This treatment recognizes 17,693 species, with
UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 7691 of them being endemic to a region that has
GAINESVILLE, FL, USA subtropical, temperate, and cold-temperate cli-
mates. That number may be compared with the
United States’ estimated 17,000 native and 3,800
naturalized species (Editorial Committee 1993+),
Catálogo de las Plantas Vasculares del Cono
or with Ecuador’s over 17,000 species (De la
Sur (Argentina, Sur de Brasil, Chile, Para-
Torre et al. 2008).
guay y Uruguay). Volumen 1. Pteridophyta,
Gymnosperms, Monocotyledonae; Volumen As with all biology, parts of this study are
2. Dicotyledonae: Acanthaceae–Fabaceae outdated by the time they come off the press. I
(Abarema–Schizolobium); Volumen 3. checked the name Ipomoea turbinata Lag. and see
Dicotyledonae: Fabaceae (Senna–Zygia)– that neither I nor the editors were able to change
Zygophyllaceae. Zuloaga, Fernando O., it to I. muricata (L.) Jacq. following our study
Osvaldo Morrone, and Manuel J. Belgrano, (Staples et al. 2005). There are probably other
eds. 2008. Missouri Botanical Garden Press, P. examples, but that is the nature of research and
O. Box 299, St. Louis, MO 63166-0299; learning. Vol. 1:xcvi + 983; I congratulate the authors, editors, and staff at
Vol. 2:xx + 985-2286; Vol. 3:xxii + 2287-3348 the press for providing this admirable and useful
(hardcover). USD 375.00 (3 vol. set). ISBN reference. The catalog is another of the floras
978-1-930723-74-0 (Vol. 1); 978-1-930723- coming from Missouri Botanical Garden that
75-7 (Vol. 2); 978-1-930723-76-4 (Vol. 3); should be emulated elsewhere.
978-1-930723-70-2 (complete work).
In the 1990s Brad Bennett visited and brought Editorial Committee. 1993+. Flora of North
a collection of plants from Chile. I was teaching a America North of Mexico. 12+ vols. Oxford
plant taxonomy course, and we sat down with the University Press, New York.
students and sorted through his stack of plants. De la Torre, Lucía, Hugo Navarette, Priscilla M.
Both Brad and the students were delighted when Muriel, Manuel J. Macía, and Henrik Balslev,
I flunked the “exam.” I have never worked in eds. Enciclopedia de las Plantas Útiles del
southern South America, and I did not know the Ecuador. 2008. Herbario QCA de la Escuela
plants. Many of them were familiar when Brad de Ciencias Bioliógicas de la Pontifica Uni-