Seminar Assignments - Multiple Choice Questions - Chapter 9 & 10 Seminar Assignments - Multiple Choice Questions - Chapter 9 & 10

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Seminar assignments - multiple choice questions - chapter 9

& 10

Regional and Urban Economics (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)

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Chapters 9 & 10

1. The supply of used housing is relatively inelastic because

a) Rate of deterioration is relatively low
b) Rate of deterioration is relatively high
c) Renovation are relatively expensive
d) A and C

2. Increase in the price of housing

a) Increase the quantity of new dwellings
b) Increase maintenance on used dwellings
c) Remodel and renovate used dwellings
d) All of the above

3. What is the 20/50 test?

a) At least 20% of the rental dwellings must be occupied by households with
income no greater than 50% of median area income
b) At most 20% of the rental dwellings must be occupied by households with
income greater than 50% of median area income
c) At least 20% of the rental dwellings must be occupied by households with
income greater than 50% of median area income
d) At most 20% of the rental dwellings must be occupied by households with
income no greater than 50% of median area income

4. Some recipients given vouchers to be used in

a) More poverty areas
b) Low poverty areas
c) Better schools
d) Both B and C

5. Which of the following is not a retirement scenario?

a) Conversion
b) Abandonment
c) Boarding up
d) Boarding down

6. On the housing quality latter, with a moderate expense the dwelling

a) moves down the quality latter
b) moves up the quality latter
c) stays at the same level
d) gets retired

7.What is the subsidy for private housing, if total income is $900 and the Fair market
value is $550?
a) $270
b) $280
c) $300
d) $350

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8. Which of the following statements is not true?

a) Subsidies reduce demand for unsubsidized dwellings and price
b) Decrease in quantity of low-quality unsubsidized dwellings due to reduced
incentive to maintain
c) Decrease in quantity of low-quality unsubsidized dwellings due to faster
downward filtering
d) In the long rung, best estimate is one-for-one crowding out

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