A Secure Students' Attendance Monitoring System: December 2017
A Secure Students' Attendance Monitoring System: December 2017
A Secure Students' Attendance Monitoring System: December 2017
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3 authors:
Olawale Olaluwoye
Olabisi Onabanjo University
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Amity Journal of Engineering and Technology Vol. 2, No 2
ISSN: 2518-6493
Fro m t he E ditor’s D es k
We have the privilege to introduce the fourth issue of the Amity Journal of Engineering and
Technology (AJET), a peer-reviewed multidisciplinary scientific journal that focuses on
emerging trends in various domains of engineering and technology. AJET aims to provide a
platform to researchers to share their ideas and emerging trends, across varied themes related
to the disciplines of engineering, technology, and allied areas.
The current issue of the journal is a compilation of six papers, wherein authors have
discussed ideas ranging from contemporary architectures like the early Islamic architectural
tradition of Arabian world. This particular issue also includes a study that focuses on
sustainable mud houses in Dinajpur (Bangladesh) which could be very useful for developing
nations for cost effective housing. There are three papers with applications of information and
communication technology, with one presenting a good survey of implementation techniques
for systems based on Internet-of-things (IoT).
We would like to extend our sincere gratitude to the authors of the papers, from different
countries, without whose dedication to research, this journal would not have been possible.
We would also like to thank the reviewers for their valuable comments to the authors and the
editorial committee, for extending support in bringing out this journal in its present form. All
published issues of AJET bear testimony to the zeal and commitment of the founding editors
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We hope that academics, researchers, and industry experts will find AJET useful, as they set
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inspiring architectures. We will continue to publish interesting articles with more focus on
applications of engineering, science & technology, and architecture.
Amity Journal of Engineering and Technology Vol. 2, No 2
ISSN: 2518-6493
Vol. 2, No. 1
4 Learning from the past: The early Islamic architectural tradition of Arabian world,
A Case study over Qusayr Amra’s construction technique and structural system
Sayed Ahmed
Student, Masters of Monumental Heritages (MA)
Anhalt University of Applied Sciences, Dessau, Germany …………………...……………………….….…31
Amity Journal of Engineering and Technology Vol. 2, No 2
ISSN: 2518-6493
Abstract- Security of data is essential in authentication systems such as attendance monitoring system.
A Students’ attendance monitoring system is an integral part of Academic Information System (AIS)
in most educational institution. Research have shown that biometric systems developed for
authentication application stored template in unprotected format which are vulnerable and susceptible
to security treats. This paper aims to develop a secured fingerprint based biometric cryptosystem for
attendance monitoring. A total of 500 fingerprints were captured, out of which 300 fingerprints
were used for training while 200 fingerprints were used for testing. Minutiae based algorithm was
used to extract and select biometric features. Biometric features were encrypted using Advanced
Encryption Standard Algorithm (AES). The system was developed and implemented using Java
programming language to operate at varying threshold value. The developed system’s performance
was evaluated using False Reject Rate (FRR) and False Accept Rate (FAR) as performance metrics.
The results for FRR were 0, 0, 1, and 2 % at 200, 300, 400 and 500 threshold value respectively
while results for FAR were 2, 2, 0, 0 % at 200, 300, 400 and 500 threshold value respectively.
1.0 Introduction
Technological innovation, in recent time had reshaped the process of information management
globally. The importance of a reliable and efficient IT infrastructures for the success of an enterprise
hardly needs any explanation. As schools, colleges, and universities increasingly rely on these
infrastructure to service staffs, students, parents and the general public, computer system is no longer
a peripheral to the management of a university. At the core of these systems is an Academic
Information Management System (AIS), managing all academic processes and operations in
educational institution. AIS is expected to be stringent in terms of security in order to eliminate
unauthorized access to information, impersonation, and data theft. A generic AIS is made-up several
sub-systems interoperating for effective and reliable performance.
Students’ Attendance Monitoring System (SAMS), a sub-system of AIS has received tremendous
attention lately, this is attributed to notable achievement recorded in the field of biometrics for the
design of authentication system[1]. Unlike other methods such as bar codes, magnetic stripes, radio
frequency identification (RFID), biometric uses unique psychological or behavioural traits of
individuals to authenticate. Consequently, traits such as fingerprints, face image, iris, and signature
had been widely accepted for information system security and authentication which had provoked
hackers with interest in discovering methods of attacking biometric systems. A possible leakage of
Amity Journal of Engineering and Technology Vol. 2, No 2
ISSN: 2518-6493
these biometric templates can lead to serious security and privacy threats[2]. Therefore, a deliberate
measure has to be put in place to secure templates generated for SAMS.
In this paper we proposed an approach of securing biometric templates. A biometric cryptosystem was
developed for monitoring students’ attendance using fingerprint trait for verification. Students’
information were encrypted using Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) using secret keys generated
from templates. To further improve the security afforded by the system, templates were stored as
Binary Large Object (BLOB) in MYSQL database secured with Message Digest 5 (MD 5) Hashing
SAMS had gain unprecedented attention in recent times due to revolution in ICT especially in the area
of digital signal processing. Akinduyite et al. [3], presented a fingerprint based attendance
management system. There systems used Crossing Number (CN) method for features extraction,
which extracts the ridge endings and bifurcations from the skeleton image by examining the local
neighbourhoods of each ridge pixel using a 3 x 3 window. Microsoft’s Structured Query Language
(SQL) Server 2005 was used as the backend to store template in plain format, exposing the system to
severe security threat.
In [4], a Biometric Control Examination Screening And Attendance Monitoring System With Fees
Management was developed using fingerprint access control techniques, which is designed with
extended graphical user interface by using Microsoft visual studio 2010 and integrated with Microsoft
fingerprint reader. The system stores only student information in MySQL database while templates
are saved as plain text in a folder on the server consequently baring the template to unauthorized
access. Authors in [5],[6],[7] and [8] proposed and developed SAMS using biometrics without
considering template security and data encryption. Their systems are susceptible to template attack
and data theft.
Atuegwu, et al [9] uses a bimodal biometric system to monitor students attendance. In their approach
face and fingerprint were used as traits for verification and fusion was done at decision level which is
considered as loosely coupled integration [10]. Even though their system took care of possible
limitation of large similarities in the feature sets used to represent traits, it never implement template
security. Furthermore, it is pertinent to note that researchers had also applied other technology, such
as RFID to monitor student attendance. In [11], authors use RFID and password based access
techniques to secure students’ information. The challenge with this method is that authentication is
done based on what students presented and not on who they are. RFID cards can be lost or stolen
while password can be forgotten. The same challenge is also envisaged in [12] as it place the burden
of carrying card around on the students. Information were also store in plain unprotected format in the
Amity Journal of Engineering and Technology Vol. 2, No 2
ISSN: 2518-6493
in two stages, enrolment and verification. The data that is captured during enrollment is stored in the
biometric system as a template or reference. Biometric system software uses an algorithm to extract
features that are appropriate to the biometrics data as presented by the user, or enrollee[13]. It is
important to note that biometric templates are only a record of distinguishing features of a person’s
biometric characteristic or trait. Templates are usually not actual images of the fingerprint, iris, or
hand, etc. Biometric templates are generally only numerical (mathematical) representations of key
trait (or minutia) read in a person’s biometric feature.
A biometric system based on physiological characteristics is generally more reliable than one which
adopts behavioral characteristics, even if the latter may be easier to integrate within certain specific
applications [14]. Biometric system can operate in two modes: verification and identification. While
identification involves comparing the acquired biometric information against templates corresponding
to all users in the database, verification involves comparison with only those templates corresponding
to the claimed identity. This implies that identification and verification are two problems that should
be dealt with separately [15]. However, it should be noted that both require querying the template
database for decision making. Many different aspects of human physiology, chemistry or behavior can
be used for biometric authentication. The selection of a particular biometric feature for use in a
specific application involves consideration of several factors. [10] Identified seven of such factors to
be used when assessing the suitability of any trait for use in biometric authentication.
The attendance monitoring system consists of several modules to enroll and verify students. The
system is divided into two stages; enrolment and monitoring as shown in Figure 2 and Figure 3. In our
approach, biometric features are extracted from fingerprints while cryptography key are generated
using minutiae points from fingerprints template. Consequently, information are encrypted based on
individual’s unique traits which implies that the presence of a subject (owner of data) is required to
view or access information.
Amity Journal of Engineering and Technology Vol. 2, No 2
ISSN: 2518-6493
To further enhance the integrity of the system, templates and encrypted data are store in MySQL
DBMS. Access to the database is secured with MD Hash 5 algorithm. Details of the modules are as in
next page.
Student’s data (matric number, name, sex, department, programme, course etc.) and biometrics
information (fingerprint data.) are acquired at this stage. A graphical user interface (GUI) is designed
to provide a user friendly mechanism for collecting the details as shown in Figure 4. The enrollment
Amity Journal of Engineering and Technology Vol. 2, No 2
ISSN: 2518-6493
stage of the system is divided into different software module for seamless data follow and easy error
correction. As depicted in Figure 2, the modules are sensor module, feature extraction module,
binarization module, and encryption module and template database. The essence of the sensor module
is to sense and scan fingerprints for further image processing. This is achieved by using
DigitalPersona 4500 Fingerprint Scanner to enhance capturing high quality images.
The developed SAMS adopts minutiae based matching algorithm for fingerprint recognition to
minimize significantly the number of fingerprints referenced for each authentication procedure. The
feature extractor finds the ridge endings and ridge bifurcations from the input fingerprint images. If
ridges can be perfectly located in an input fingerprint image, then minutiae extraction becomes a
simple task of extracting singular points in a thinned ridge map. However in practice, it is not always
possible to obtain a perfect ridge map. The performance of the extractor depends heavily on the
quality of the input fingerprint image. Fingerprint images may not always have well-defined ridge
structures due to many factors (aberrant formations of epidermal ridges of fingerprints postnatal
marks, occupational marks, problems with acquisition devices.).
Biometric features extracted from student fingerprint is converted into binary large object (BLOB) to
enhance the system security because it is very difficult to recover the binary object in plaintext
without the prior knowledge of its size. This is achieved using the public interface representation in
the Java programming language as an SQL BLOB value.
A Blob object is valid for the duration of the transaction in which it was created. Methods in the
interfaces ResultSet, CallableStatement, and PreparedStatement, such as getBlob and setBlob allow
access to SQL BLOB value.
Amity Journal of Engineering and Technology Vol. 2, No 2
ISSN: 2518-6493
The Blob interface provides methods for getting the length of an SQL BLOB (Binary Large Object)
value, for materializing a BLOB value on the client, and for determining the position of a pattern of
bytes within a BLOB value. In addition, this interface has methods for updating a BLOB value. A
typical example of a BLOB value by the system in a text editor is shown in Figure 5, the BLOB
presents no meaningful information as regarding the biometric template. Code snippet of the Security
Engine designed for the system is as in next page Fig.5.
Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) cryptography algorithm was employed to encrypt all entries in
the database. Consequently, subject information is not saved in plain text for enhanced system
security. AES algorithm works on the principle of Substitution Permutation network. The AES cipher
is identified as a number of reiterations of transformation rounds that translate the input plaintext into
the final output of cipher text. Using this approach, an encryption key is generated from biometric
template of each subject key to protect personal data distinctively. A set of reverse rounds are applied
to transform cipher text back into the original plaintext using the same encryption key. This module
employs the Java Cryptography Architecture (JCA) to implement AES. Code snippet of the Security
Engine designed for the system is as follows:
The database helper classes used the security engine to encrypt data when saving data to the database
and to decrypt data when retrieving data from the data base as depicted in the following code snippet.
Fig. 6 shows the encrypted data view from the database.
At the attendance monitoring stage, the system identifies students using presented fingerprint. This is
done by going through the process of feature extraction as done in the enrolment module. The features
are then used to query the template database to identify the student and ascertain if the student enroll
for the course. Subsequently, matching is also carried out during identification and it compresses a
decision making module in which the generated match score is used to validate the claimed identity.
The flowchart for the authentication module is show in Fig. 7.
Amity Journal of Engineering and Technology Vol. 2, No 2
ISSN: 2518-6493
A database is an organized collection of related data. It is a collection of data, describing the activities
of one or more related systems. In the database design, MySQL database management system is
employed. This enables the adoption of database security methodology in storing data. In order to
determine the logical structure of a database, data were modeled using relational data model as shown
in Fig. 8. A relational model is a conceptual representation of data structures that are required by a
database. The information contained in relational model is used to define relational tables, primary
and foreign keys, stored procedures, and triggers. Message Digest 5 (MD5) Hashing technique is
used in securing access to the database which makes it very difficult for unauthorized user to gain
access into the database.
Identify Fingerprint
Decrypt Subject Info
Reject Student/Subject
Object Oriented Analysis and Design (OOAD) approach was used in the design of the system. An
OOAD provides a natural and intuitive way to view the software design process—namely, modeling
objects by their attributes and behaviors just as human describe real-world objects. The developed
system model was implemented using Java technology because of the support Java has for database
connectivity. In addition, sun created a standardized interface to databases from Java called Java
Database Connectivity (JDBC), which makes it possible to connect a Java application with MySQL
database. Using the Connector/J JDBC driver, the system queries the database for data. The system
uses two-tier application architecture, commonly called client/server; the client application
communicates directly to the database through a JDBC driver. The JDBC API supports two-tier
model and database being on the same machine as the client application or on a remote machine, with
all communication being handled by JDBC.
Amity Journal of Engineering and Technology Vol. 2, No 2
ISSN: 2518-6493
The classes modelled for the application and their dependency on each other is shown in Figure 9.
The solid line that connects two classes represents an association—a relationship between classes.
The numbers near each end of the line are multiplicity values, which indicate how many objects of
each class participate in the association.
The solid diamonds attached to the association lines of classes indicate composition relationship.
Composition implies a whole/part relationship. The class that has the composition symbol (the solid
diamond) on its end of the association line is the whole and the classes on the other end of the
association lines are the parts.
The developed SAMS performance evaluation was carried out using false rejection rate (FRR) and
false accept rate (FAR) as metrics. The test was conducted at different threshold values. Table 1 and
Table 2 shows in percentage FRR and FAR values at different threshold values.
As depicted in Fig. 10 system false rejection error rate reduces as the threshold is reduced. Also, Fig.
11 shows the plot of FAR over threshold values where 2.00% of subjects were falsely accepted at 100
threshold value. The chances of an impostor to be accepted decreases as the threshold value increases.
Amity Journal of Engineering and Technology Vol. 2, No 2
ISSN: 2518-6493
False Reject Error Rate(%)
100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
Threshold Value
Amity Journal of Engineering and Technology Vol. 2, No 2
ISSN: 2518-6493
False Accept Error Rate(%)
100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
Threshold Value
This paper presents a secured fingerprint based biometric cryptosystem for attendance monitoring. A
total of 500 fingerprints were captured, out of which 300 fingerprints were used for training while 200
fingerprints were used for testing. Minutiae based algorithm was used to extract and select biometric
features. Biometric features were further encrypted using Advanced Encryption Standard Algorithm
(AES) which results in generating a unique key for each student data. The system was developed and
implemented using Java programming language to operate at varying threshold value. Furthermore,
system’s performance evaluation was carried out using FRR and FAR as performance metrics. The
results for FRR were 0.03%, 0.06%, 0.07%, and 1.80 % at 200, 300, 400 and 500 threshold value
respectively while results for FAR were 2.00%, 1.80%, 1.40%, 0.50% and 0.20% at 100, 200, 300,
400 and 500 threshold value respectively.The results showed that using a secured SAMS not only
protects attendance information, it also secures other students’ academic records since all AIS
subsystem links same back-end facilities. It also pertinent to note, that as the threshold value
increases, FAR reduces while FRR increases which is in conformity with other biometric systems.
5.0 References
[1]. S. Abuguba, M. M. Milosavljević, and N. Maček, “An Efficient Approach to Generating Cryptographic Keys from
Face and Iris Biometrics Fused at the Feature Level,” IJCSNS Int. J. Comput. Sci. Netw. Secur., vol. 15, no. 6, pp. 6–
11, 2015.
[2]. J. Han, “Fingerprint Authentication Schemesfor Mobile Devices,” Int. J. Electr. Comput. Eng., vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 579 –
585, 2015.
Amity Journal of Engineering and Technology Vol. 2, No 2
ISSN: 2518-6493
Author’s Profile
A.A Okubanjo received the B.Sc. Degree in Electrical & Electronics Engineering with
First Class Honour from Olabisi Onabanjo University, Nigeria in 2009 and completed
the MSc in Control Systems Engineering from HAN University of Applied Sciences,
the Netherlands in 2016 and he is presently a PhD student. He is a lecturer in the
Department of Computer and Electrical & Electronics Engineering in Olabisi Onabanjo
University. His research interests include Control System and Instrumentation,
Renewable Energy, Mechatronics, Safety and Systems, Information technology and
Telecommunication and Image processing.
Amity Journal of Engineering and Technology Vol. 2, No 2
ISSN: 2518-6493
Editorial Team
Prof. (Dr.) Piyush Maheshwari
Amity University Dubai, UAE
Reviewers Team
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Amity Journal of Engineering and Technology Vol. 2, No 2
ISSN: 2518-6493
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Amity Journal of Engineering and Technology Vol. 2, No 2
ISSN: 2518-6493
Amity Journal of Engineering and Technology Vol. 2, No 2