Post Matric 3

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The Prime Minister’s New 15 Point Programme for the Welfare of Minorities was
announced in June, 2006. It provides that a post-matric scholarship scheme for
meritorious students from minority communities would be implemented.


The objective of the scheme is to award scholarships to meritorious students belonging

to economically weaker sections of minority community so as to provide them better
opportunities for higher education, increase their rate of attainment in higher education
and enhance their employability.

The scholarship is to be awarded for studies in India in a government or private higher
secondary school/college/university, including such residential institutes of the
Government and eligible private institutes selected and notified in a transparent manner
by the State Government/Union Territory Administration concerned. It will also cover
technical and vocational courses in Industrial Training Institutes/ Industrial Training
Centres affiliated with the National Council for Vocational Training (NCVT) of classes XI
and XII level including Polytechnics and other courses (any course of less than one
year duration is not covered under this scheme; Certificate courses are also not

Scholarship will be awarded to the students who have secured not less than 50% marks
or equivalent grade in the previous final examination and the annual income of whose
parents/guardians from all sources does not exceed Rs.2.00 lakh.


Muslims, Sikhs, Christians, Buddhists, Jain and Zoroastrians (Parsis) have been
notified as minority communities under Section 2 (c) of the National Commission for
Minorities Act, 1992. A total of five (05) lakh scholarships are targeted to be distributed
as ‘Fresh’ Scholarships, besides, Renewal scholarships. The distribution of scholarship
among the States/Union Territories will be made on the basis of population of minorities
in the States/Union Territories as per Census 2001 for 2017-18 and as per the
population of minorities in the States/Union Territories of Census 2011 for 2018-19 and
2019-20 (as per Appendices- A & B).


i) 30% scholarship is earmarked for girls students of each minority community in a

State/UT which is transferable to male students of that community in case of
non-availability of female students in that community in the concerned State/UT.
30% is the floor and not the ceiling for eligible girl students.

ii) If the physical target of scholarship for a particular minority community in a

state/UT is not utilized, it will be distributed among the same minority

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community in other States/UTs strictly in accordance with merit and without
disturbing the national ratio. Any unutilized community quota shall be distributed
amongst other communities again in accordance with merit and without
affecting the overall national quota.

iii) A student residing in a particular State/UT will be entitled for scholarship under
the quota of that State/UT only irrespective of his/her place of study.


Fresh - As the number of scholarships for minorities available in a year is fixed and
limited, it is necessary to lay down preference for selection. Inter-se selection weightage
is to be given to poverty rather than marks (the applicant is required to submit an
income certificate as per para-11(ii)). In case of same income, merit shall be generated
from ‘Date of Birth’ criteria of applicant (senior is preferred).

Renewal – There is no merit list generation for renewal cases. Renewal applicant will
get the scholarship if one has obtained 50% in his/her previous year’s examinations (at
the same institute and in same course) and his/her application is verified by all
authorities (as designated by Ministry of Minority Affairs) and approved by State

The scholarships shall be provided for the entire course of the academic year.
Maintenance allowance will be given as fixed lump sum amount in an academic year
(as per para-9 below) for 2017-18 to 2019-20.

Actual financial assistance will be provided for admission & course /tuition fee and
maintenance allowance as given below subject to a maximum ceiling indicated against
item concerned for 2017-20. The details of the scheme interventions for 2017-18 to
2019-20 are as under:
(Amount in Rs.)

Item Rate of Scholarship

Admission and tuition fee Class XI & XII: Rs. 7,000/- per annum
subject to actuals (both Hosteller & Day Scholar)
Rate of
Scholarship Admission and course/tuition fee for technical and vocational courses
Admission + of XI and XII level (Courses of one or more year of duration): Rs.
Tuition Fee 10,000/- per annum subject to actuals (both Hosteller & Day Scholar)

Admission and tuition fee for UG & PG level: Rs. 3,000/- per annum
subject to actuals (both Hosteller & Day Scholar)

For Class XI & XII including Tech. & Voc. Course*:

Rs. 380/- per month for Hosteller & Rs. 230/- per month for Day

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For Courses other than Tech. & Prof. courses at UG & PG level*: Rs.
570/- per month for Hosteller & Rs. 300/- per month for Day Scholar

For M.Phil & Ph.D.*: Rs. 1,200/- per month for Hosteller & Rs. 550/-
per month for Day Scholar
* For 10 months in an academic year.


The scheme is being implemented/funded by Ministry of Minority Affairs through the
States/UT’s Administration.


(i) Scholarship will be awarded to the students studying in Classes XI and XII
including technical and vocational courses of this level including Polytechnics,
ITIs, and other courses.
(ii) An Income Certificate, issued from a Competent Authority in the State/UT
Governments is required in respect of parent/guardian of the student.
(iii) A Self-Certified Community Certificate is required from the student who has
attained 18 years of age. For others the Community Certificate certified by
parent/guardian of the student is required.
(iv) The continuance of award (for Renewal applicants) will be subject to
securing 50% marks in the previous year’s examination (provided the students
pursues the same course and same Institute/School).
(v) Maintenance allowance will be provided to hostellers and day scholars.
(vi) Scholarship will not be given to more than two students from a family (applicable
for all Scholarship schemes meant for minorities under this Ministry taken
(vii) Students should be regular in attendance for which the yardstick will be decided
by the competent authority of the school.
(viii) The school/institute will certify the claim of student of being an outstation student
not residing in hostel of the school/institute concerned on the basis of permanent
address and parents’ address.
(ix) Migration of students from one school/institute to another is not allowed for
renewal applicants during the period of academic course.
(x) If a student violates school discipline or any other terms and conditions of the
scholarship, scholarship may be suspended or cancelled. The State
Government/Union Territory Administration can also directly cancel the award if
duly satisfied of the reasons of violation of these regulations governing the
(xi) If a student is found to have obtained a scholarship by false statement, his/her
scholarship will be cancelled forthwith and the amount of the scholarship paid
will be recovered by the concerned State/UT Govt.
(xii) The course/tuition fees and maintenance allowancewill be credited to the
student’s account directly under Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) mode.
(xiii) The student obtaining benefits under this scheme shall not be allowed to avail of
benefits under any other scheme for this purpose.
(xiv) A student shall be eligible for only one scholarship out of all the available
Scholarships of Central Government meant for SC/ST/OBC/ minority.
(xv) The amount of Administrative Expenses (@ 2%) for States/UTs in subsequent

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year shall be released after receiving the utilization certificate for the previous
(xvi) The scheme will be evaluated at regular intervals by the Ministry or any other
agency designated by the Ministry and the cost of the evaluation will be borne
by the Ministry of Minority Affairs under the provision of the scheme.
(xvii) The State/Union Territory shall place all relevant details of financial and physical
achievements on their website.
(xviii) The regulations can be changed at any time at the discretion of the Government
of India.
(xix) It will be necessary for the eligible applicants to provide Aadhaar number while
applying for the scholarship and in case, an individual does not possess
Aadhaar one can provide the details of alternative identification documents, as
stated in the Gazette Notification- S.O. No. 1284 (E) No. 1137, dated
21.04.2017 (as per Appendix-C).
(xx) Students who have entered Aadhaar in their online application correctly and
Aadhaar seeded with any of their bank account, in such cases the amount of
scholarship will be credited to Aadhaar seeded bank account only (though
student has mentioned any other non-seeded bank account in online


As the magnitude of data to be entered and processed would be enormous as the

scheme gets implemented over the years, there would be a need to engage qualified
skilled personnel right from the beginning to ensure that the data based computerized
systems are operational. Qualified skilled personnel possessing requisite expertise to
operate computer programme designed for this purpose, enter, process, analyse,
monitor, retrieve and transfer data should be engaged on contract basis as per need.
Data provided by the States/Union Territories will be maintained and managed by the
Ministry with personnel of similar expertise to be engaged on contract basis.

A provision not exceeding 2% of the total budget will be made to meet the
administrative and allied costs viz. expenditure of the States/Union Territories and the
Ministry for office equipments including computers and accessories, furniture, printing of
application forms, advertisements, engagement of personnel, etc. This provision will
also be used for evaluation and monitoring of the scheme, through outside reputed
institutions/agencies engaged by the Ministry of Minority Affairs, Government of India
and the State Governments/Union Territory Administrations.


The scholarship, once awarded, may be renewed during the next academic year of the
course on the production of certificate that the student has secured 50% marks in the
previous year’s examination (provided the students pursues the same course and same


The scheme will be announced by the concerned State Government/Union Territory
Administration well in time, through advertisements in the leading language newspapers
and local dailies and by using other suitable publicity media.

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The scheme is implemented through the National Scholarship Portal (NSP). It is
mandatory for all students to apply online on the website i.e.


The scheme is Central Sector Scheme and 100% funding is provided by the Ministry of
Minority Affairs.


The State/Union Territory shall maintain year-wise details of the students receiving
scholarship, indicating school/institute, location of school/institute, government or
private, class, gender, new or renewal, permanent address and parents’ address. The
States/ Union Territories shall place relevant physical and financial details in their
official website

The monitoring of the financial and physical performance of the scheme will be
evaluated by assigning evaluation/impact studies to reputed institutions/agencies by the
Ministry of Minority Affairs, Government of India.


the students in online application form are as under):
(i) Students must select their bank/branch name carefully from the drop
down list.

(ii) Thereafter the complete account no. must be entered correctly. Students
are suggested to get their account number verified by their concerned
Bank Branch including Bank account number and IFS Code.

(iii) Disclaimer (*If bank details entered by students are found incorrect or not
validated by the student’s bank, the scholarship will be canceled/amount
will not be transferred even though the application is approved for

(iv) Bank Account holders must check their ‘Know your Customer’ (KYC)
status from bank and if required the KYC must be done for successful
transaction of scholarship amount.

(v) Bank Account must be operational/active till the scholarship is disbursed.

(vi) Bank Account must be preferably in any scheduled Bank with core
banking facility and proper IFS Code.

(vii) Bank Account must be in the name of the student/applicant only.

20. MODIFICATION (if any, during 2017-18 to 2019-20)

Minor modifications, if any, in the scheme having no financial implications may be made
by the Competent Authority in the Ministry of Minority Affairs without seeking recourse
to SFC/EFC/Cabinet. However, Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure would
be consulted.


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State/UT- wise & Community- wise distribution under Post-matric Scholarship for fresh
cases for students belonging to the minority communities 2017-18 (as per Census
Physical Allocation
S.No. States/UTs
Muslim Christian Sikh Buddhist Jain Parsi Total
1 8091 2059 19 6 56 1 10232
2 Telangana 9948 992 61 77 52 1 11131
2 53 520 5 369 1 2 950
3 Assam 21276 2547 58 132 62 2 24077
4 Bihar 35428 137 54 49 42 2 35712
5 Chhattisgarh 1058 1035 180 169 145 2 2589
6 Goa 238 928 3 2 2 14 1187
7 Gujarat 11858 733 118 46 1356 16 14127
8 Haryana 3157 70 3022 18 148 2 6417
9 309 20 187 196 4 2 718
Jammu &
10 17539 52 535 294 7 2 18429
11 Jharkhand 9633 2823 215 15 42 2 12730
12 Karnataka 16687 2605 40 1015 1065 2 21414
13 Kerala 20300 15639 7 5 12 2 35965
14 9918 440 389 540 1408 2 12697
15 Maharashtra 26516 2732 556 15074 3361 63 48302
16 Manipur 493 1904 4 5 4 2 2412
17 Meghalaya 256 4206 8 12 2 2 4486
18 Mizoram 26 1995 1 182 0 2 2206
19 Nagaland 90 4622 3 4 5 2 4726
20 Orissa 1967 2318 45 25 24 2 4381
21 Punjab 986 756 37675 107 101 2 39627
22 Rajasthan 12362 188 2113 27 1679 2 16371
23 Sikkim 20 93 3 393 0 2 511
24 Tamil Nadu 8961 9772 25 14 215 2 18989
25 Tripura 657 265 3 255 1 2 1183
26 Uttar Pradesh 79265 549 1751 780 535 2 82882
27 Uttarakhand 2613 70 547 32 24 2 3288
28 West Bengal 52227 1330 171 628 143 2 54501
Andaman &
29 76 199 4 1 0 2 282
30 Chandigarh 92 20 375 3 7 2 499
Dadra &
31 17 16 0 1 2 1 37
Nagar Haveli
32 Daman & Diu 32 9 0 0 1 11 53
33 Delhi 4192 336 1434 61 400 2 6425
34 Lakshadweep 129 1 0 0 0 2 132
35 Puducherry 153 175 0 0 2 2 332
Total: 356623 62156 49611 20537 10908 165 500000
State/UT-wise & Community-wise Physical distribution (for Fresh only) for the years
2018-20 under the scheme of Post-matric Scholarship Scheme (as per Census 2011)
S.No. States/UTs Muslim Christian Sikh Buddhist Jain Parsi
1 7776 1619 20 6 60 0 9481
2 Telangana 9505 797 66 72 55 1 10496
3 58 895 7 348 2 0 1310
4 Assam 22834 2493 44 118 55 0 25544
5 Bihar 37541 276 51 54 40 0 37962
6 Chhattisgarh 1101 1049 150 151 132 0 2583
7 Goa 260 783 3 2 2 0 1050
8 Gujarat 12501 676 125 65 1239 21 14627
9 Haryana 3809 108 2659 16 112 0 6704
10 320 27 171 168 4 0 690
Jammu &
11 18318 76 502 241 5 0 19142
12 Jharkhand 10250 3033 153 19 32 0 13487
13 Karnataka 16876 2443 62 205 941 1 20528
14 Kerala 18973 13131 8 10 10 0 32132
15 10209 456 324 462 1212 1 12664
16 Maharashtra 27734 2309 477 13965 2994 96 47575
17 Manipur 513 2521 3 15 4 0 3056
18 Meghalaya 279 4732 7 21 1 0 5040
19 Mizoram 32 2045 1 200 1 0 2279
20 Nagaland 105 3720 4 14 6 0 3849
21 Odisha 1949 2484 47 30 20 0 4530
22 Punjab 1145 745 34220 71 96 0 36277
23 Rajasthan 13289 206 1866 26 1330 0 16717
24 Sikkim 21 129 4 358 1 0 513
25 Tamil Nadu 9043 9447 31 24 191 0 18736
26 Tripura 676 342 2 268 2 0 1290
27 Uttar Pradesh 82283 762 1376 441 456 0 85318
28 Uttarakhand 3008 81 505 32 20 0 3646
29 West Bengal 52715 1408 136 605 129 1 54994
Andaman &
30 69 173 3 1 0 0 246
31 Chandigarh 110 19 296 2 4 0 431
Dadra &
32 28 11 0 1 3 0 43
Nagar Haveli
33 Daman & Diu 41 6 0 0 1 0 48
34 Delhi 4616 312 1220 39 355 0 6542
35 Lakshadweep 133 1 0 0 0 0 134
36 Puducherry 162 168 1 1 3 0 335
Total: 368282 59483 44544 18051 9518 121 499999
Appendix -C

jftLVªh laö Mhö ,yö&33004@99 REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99

Hkkx II—[k.M 3—mi&[k.M (ii)
PART II—Section 3—Sub-section (ii)
izkf/dkj ls izdkf'kr
la- 1137] ubZ fnYyh] lkseokj] vçSy 24] 2017@oS'kk[k 4] 1939
No. 1137] NEW DELHI, MONDAY, APRIL 24, 2017/VAISAKHA 4, 1939

vYila[;d dk;Z ea=ky;

¼,l,l izHkkx½
ubZ fnYyh] 21 vizSy] 2017
dk- vk-
vk- 1284 ¼v½
¼v½--& lsokvksa ;k izLkqfo/kkvksa ;k lgkf;fd;ksa ds ifjnku ds fy, igpku nLrkost ds :Ik esa vk/kkj dk
iz;ksx ljdkj dh ifjnku izfØ;kvksa dks ljy cukrk gS] ikjnf”kZrk vkSj dk;Z{kerk ykrk gS vkSj Qk;nkxzkfg;ksa dks viuh
gdnkfj;ka ,d vklku vkSj /kkjkizokg rjhds ls lh/ks izkIr djus esa l{ke cukrk gS vkSj vk/kkj fdlh O;fDr dh igpku dks djus ds fy, cgqr ls nLrkost izLrqr djus dh t:jr dk fujkdj.k djrk gS(
vkSj Hkkjr ljdkj esa vYila[;d dk;Z ea=ky; ¼ftls blesa blds Ik”pkr~ ea=ky; dgk x;k gS½ Nk=ksa ¼ftls blesa
blds Ik”pkr~ Qk;nkxzkgh dgk x;k gS½ ds fy, fUkEufyf[kr dsUnzh; {ks= dh ;kstukvksa ¼ftls blesa blds Ik”pkr~ ;kstuk,a dgk
x;k gS½ ds tfj, Nk=o`fÙk izlqfo/kkvksa ¼ftls blesa blds Ik”pkr~ izlqfo/kk dgk x;k gS½ ds :Ik esa lgk;rk iznku dj jgk gS%
(i) eSfVªd&iwoZ Nk=o`fÙk ;kstuk(
(ii) eSfVªdksŸkj Nk=o`fÙk ;kstuk(
(iii) esfjV&lg&lk/ku Nk=o`fÙk ;kstuk(
vkSj mi;qZDr ;kstukvksa esa Hkkjr dh lafpr fuf/k ls fd;k x;k O;; varoZfyr gS(
vc] blfy,] vk/kkj ¼foŸkh; vkSj vU; lgkf;fd;ksa] izlqfo/kkvksa vkSj lsokvksa dk yf{;r ifjnku½ vf/kfu;e] 2016
¼2016 dk 18½ ¼ftls blesa blds Ik”pkr~ vf/kfu;e dgk x;k gS½ dh /kkjk 7 ds mica/kksa ds vuqlj.k esa dsUnzh; ljdkj
,rn~}kjk fuEufyf[kr vf/klwfpr djrh gS] vFkkZr~%&
1- ¼1½ ;kstukvksa ds v/khu izlqfo/kk izkIr djus ds fy, bPNqd fdlh ik= O;fDr dks mlds ikl vk/kkj gksus dk lcwr
izLrqr djuk ;k vk/kkj vf/kizek.ku djokuk visf{kr gSA
¼2½ ;kstukvksa ds v/khu izlqfo/kk izkIr djus ds fy, bPNqd fdlh O;fDr] ftlds ikl vk/kkj ugha gS ;k vk/kkj ds
fy, vHkh rd ukekadu ugha fd;k gS] dks ,rn~}kjk 30 twu] 2017 rd vk/kkj ukekadu ds fy, vkosnu djuk visf{kr gS c”krsaZ
fd og mDr vf/kfu;e dh /kkjk 3 ds vuqlkj vk/kkj izkIr djus dk gdnkj gS vkSj ,sls O;fDr vk/kkj ukekadu ds fy, fdlh
Hkh vk/kkj ukekadu dsUnz ¼lwph Hkkjrh; fof”k’V igpku izkf/kdj.k ¼;wvkbZMh,vkbZ½ dh osclkbV ij
miyC/k½ ij tk ldrs gSaA
¼3½ vk/kkj ¼ukekadu vkSj v|ru½ fofu;e] 2016 ds fofu;e 12 ds vuqlkj jkT; ljdkj ;k la?k jkT; {ks= iz”kklu
esa ;kstukvksa ds dk;kZUo;u ds fy, izHkkjh lacaf/kr foHkkx] ftls fdlh O;fDr }kjk vk/kkj izLrqr fd;k tkuk visf{kr gS] }kjk
mu Qk;nkxzkfg;ksa dks vk/kkj ukekadu lqfo/kk,a iznku djkuk visf{kr gS ftUgsa vHkh rd vk/kkj ds fy, ukekafdr ugha fd;k
2715 GI/2017 (1)

x;k gS vkSj ;fn lacaf/kr CykWd ;k rkYyqd ;k rglhy esa dksbZ vk/kkj ukekadu dsUnz fLFkr ugha gS rks ml jkT; ljdkj ;k
la?k jkT; {ks= iz”kklu esa ;kstukvksa ds dk;kZUo;u ds fy, izHkkjh lacaf/kr foHkkx ds fy, ;g visf{kr gS fd og ;wvkbZMh,vkbZ
ds ekStwnk jftLVªkjksa ds lkFk leUo; ls ;k Lo;a ;wvkbZMh,vkbZ jftLVªkj curs gq, lqfo/kktud LFkkuksa ij vk/kkj ukekadu
lqfo/kk,a iznku djs %
ijarq fdlh O;fDr dks vk/kkj lkSais tkus rd ;kstukvksa ds v/khu izlqfo/kk ,sls O;fDr;ksa dks fuEufyf[kr igpku
nLrkost izLrqr fd, tkus ij fn, tk,axs] vFkkZr~ %&
¼d½ (i) ;fn mldk ukekadu gqvk gS rks mldh vk/kkj ukekadu igpku fLyi( ;k
(ii) vk/kkj ukekadu ds fy, fd, x, mlds vuqjks/k dh izfr] tSlk iSjk 2 ds mi iSjk ¼[k½ esa fofufnZ’V gS(
¼[k½ (i) QksVks lfgr CkSad iklcqd( ;k (ii) jk”ku dkMZ( ;k (iii) vk;dj foHkkx }kjk tkjh LFkk;h ys[kk la[;k
¼ih,,u½ dkMZ( ;k (iv) ikliksVZ( ;k (v) Ldwy dh ljdkjh eksgj ds v/khu Ldwy ds eq[;k/;kid vFkok iz/kkukpk;Z
}kjk tkjh fd;k x;k Nk= dk QksVks lfgr igpku izek.k&i=( ;k (vi) eksVj ;ku vf/kfu;e] 1988 ¼1988 dk 59½
ds v/khu vuqKkiu izkf/kdkjh }kjk tkjh pkyu vuqKfIr( ;k (vii) jkT; ljdkj ;k la?k jkT; {ks= iz”kklu }kjk
fofufnZ’V vU; dksbZ nLrkost%
ijarq ;g Hkh fd mi;qZDr nLrkostksa dh bl iz;kstu ds fy, jkT; ljdkj ;k la?k jkT; {ks= iz”kklu }kjk fo”ks’k :Ik
ls vfHkfgr fdlh vf/kdkjh }kjk tkap dh tk,xhA
2- ;kstukvksa ds v/khu Qk;nkxzkfg;ksa dks lqfo/kktud vkSj ijs”kkuh jfgr izlqfo/kk iznku djus ds fy, jkT; ljdkj ;k
la?k jkT; {ks= iz”kklu esa ;kstukvksa ds dk;kZUo;u ds fy, izHkkjh lacaf/kr foHkkx fuEufyf[kr lfgr lHkh visf{kr O;oLFkk,a
djsxk] vFkkZr~%&
¼d½ jkT; ljdkj ;k la?k jkT; {ks= iz”kklu esa ;kstukvksa ds dk;kZUo;u ds fy, izHkkjh lacaf/kr foHkkx ds v/khu
laLFkkuksa ds ek/;e ls Qk;nkxzkfg;ksa dks ehfM;k vkSj O;fDrxr lwpukvksa ds tfj, O;kid izpkj fd;k tk,xk rkfd
;kstukvksa ds v/khu vk/kkj dh vko”;drk ds ckjs esa mUgsa tkx:d cuk;k tk lds vkSj mUgsa muds {ks=ksa esa miyC/k
utnhdh vk/kkj ukekadu dsUnzksa esa 30 twu] 2017 rd viuk ukekadu djokus dh lykg nh tk lds ;fn mudk
igys ls ukekadu ugha gqvk gSA mUgsa LFkkuh; :Ik ls miyC/k ukekadu dsUnzksa dh lwph ¼lwph
ij miyC/k½ miyC/k djkbZ tk,xhA
¼[k½ muds vkl&ikl tSls fd CykWd ;k rkYyqd ;k rglhy esa dksbZ vk/kkj ukekadu dsUnz miyC/k u gksus ds dkj.k
;kstukvksa ds Qk;nkxzkgh ;fn vk/kkj ds fy, ukekadu djokus esa l{ke ugha gSa rks jkT; ljdkj ;k la?k jkT; {ks=
iz”kklu esa ;kstukvksa ds dk;kZUo;u ds fy, izHkkjh lacaf/kr foHkkx ds fy, lqfo/kktud LFkkuksa ij vk/kkj ukekadu
lqfo/kk,a l`ftr djuk visf{kr gS vkSj Qk;nkxzkfg;ksa dks vk/kkj ukekadu ds fy, jkT; ljdkj ;k la?k jkT; {ks=
iz”kklu ds lacaf/kr inkf/kdkjh ;k bl iz;kstu ds fy, iznku fd, x, osc iksVZy ds tfj, viuk uke] irk] eksckby
ua- vkSj iSjk 1 ds mi&iSjk ¼3½ ds izFke ijarqd esa fofufnZ’V vU; fooj.k nsrs gq, vius vuqjks/k jftLVj djus dk
vuqjks/k fd;k tk,A
3- ;g vf/klwpuk “kkldh; jkti= esa blds izdk”ku dh rkjh[k ls vle] es?kky; vkSj tEew& d”ehj jkT;ksa dks
NksM+dj lHkh jkT;ksa vkSj la?k jkT; {ks=ksa esa izo`r gksxhA
[Qk- la- 9@12@2016&,l,l]
uhok flag]Lka;qDr lfpo
(SS Division)
New Delhi, the 21st April, 2017
S.O.1284(E).––Whereas, the use of Aadhaar as identity document for delivery of services or benefits or
subsidies simplifies the Government delivery processes, brings in transparency and efficiency, and enables beneficiaries
to get their entitlements directly to them in a convenient and seamless manner and Aadhaar obviates the need for
producing multiple documents to prove one’s identity;
And whereas, Ministry of Minority Affairs (hereinafter referred to as the Ministry) in the Government of India
is providing assistance in the form of scholarship benefits (hereinafter referred to as benefits) for students (hereinafter
referred to as beneficiaries) through the following Central Sector schemes (hereinafter referred to as the schemes):
(i) Pre-Matric Scholarship Scheme;
(ii) Post-Matric Scholarship Scheme;
(iii) Merit-Cum-Means Scholarship Scheme;
¹Hkkx IIµ[k.M 3(ii)º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 3

And whereas the aforesaid schemes involve expenditure incurred from the Consolidated Fund of India;
Now, therefore, in pursuance of the provisions of section 7 of the Aadhaar (Targeted Delivery of Financial and
Other Subsidies, Benefits and Services) Act, 2016 (18 of 2016) (hereinafter referred to as the said Act), the Central
Government hereby notifies the following, namely:––
1. (1) An eligible Individual desirous of availing the benefits under the schemes is required to furnish proof of
possession of Aadhaar or undergo Aadhaar authentication.
(2) An individual desirous of availing the benefit under the schemes who do not possess an Aadhaar or has not
yet enrolled for Aadhaar, is hereby required to apply for Aadhaar enrolment by 30th June 2017, provided he or she is
entitled to obtain Aadhaar as per the section 3 of the said Act and such individuals may visit any Aadhaar enrolment
centre (list available at Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) website for Aadhaar
(3) As per regulation 12 of the Aadhaar (Enrolment and Update) Regulations, 2016, the concerned department
in charge of implementation of the schemes in the State Government or Union territory Administration which requires an
individual to furnish Aadhaar, is required to offer Aadhaar enrolment facilities for the beneficiaries who are not yet
enrolled for Aadhaar and in case there is no Aadhaar enrolment centre located in the respective Block or Taluka or
Tehsil, the concerned department in charge of implementation of the schemes in the State Government or Union territory
Administration is required to provide Aadhaar enrolment facilities at convenient locations in coordination with the
existing Registrars of UIDAI or by becoming UIDAI Registrar:
Provided that till the time Aadhaar is assigned to the individual, benefits under the Schemes shall be given to
such individuals, subject to the production of the following identification documents, namely:–
(a) (i) if she or he has enrolled, her or his Aadhaar Enrolment ID slip; or
(ii) a copy of her or his request made for Aadhaar enrolment, as specified in sub-paragraph (b) of paragraph 2;
(b) (i) Bank passbook with photograph; or (ii) Ration Card, or (iii) Permanent Account Number (PAN) Card
issued by the Income Tax Department; or (iv) Passport; or (v) Certificate of identity having photo of such
student issued by a Headmaster or Principal of School under official seal of the school; or (vi) Driving license
issued by the Licensing Authority under the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 (59 of 1988); or (vii) any other
documents specified by the State Government or Union territory Administration:
Provided further that the above documents shall be checked by an officer specifically designated by the
State Government or Union territory Administration for that purpose.
2. In order to provide convenient and hassle free benefits under the schemes to the beneficiaries under the
schemes, the concerned department in charge of implementation of the schemes in the State Government or Union
territory Administration shall make all the required arrangements including the following, namely:-
(a) Wide publicity through media and individual notices shall be given to the beneficiaries through the institutes
under the concerned department in charge of implementation of the schemes in the State Government or Union
territory Administration to make them aware of the requirement of Aadhaar under the schemes and they may be
advised to get themselves enrolled at the nearest Aadhaar enrolment centres available in their areas by 30th June,
2017, in case they are not already enrolled. The list of locally available enrolment centres (list available at shall be made available to them.
(b) In case, the beneficiaries of the schemes are not able to enrol for Aadhaar due to non-availability of
enrolment centres within near vicinity such as in Block or Taluka or Tehsil, the concerned department in charge
of implementation of the schemes in the State Government or Union territory Administration is required to
create Aadhaar enrolment facilities at convenient locations, and the beneficiaries may be requested to register
their requests for Aadhaar enrolment by giving their names, addresses, mobile numbers with other details as
specified in the first proviso to sub-paragraph (3) of paragraph 1, with the concerned official of the State
Government or Union territory Administration or through the web portal provided for the purpose.
3. This notification shall come into effect from the date of its publication in the Official Gazette in all States and
Union territories except the States of Assam, Meghalaya and Jammu and Kashmir.
[F. No. 9/12/2016-SS]

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and Published by the Controller of Publications, Delhi-110054.

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