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Analysis with JK Flip Flops

 For circuits with other types of flip flops such as JK,

the next state values are obtained by following the two
step procedure:
1. Determine the flip-flop input equations in terms of
the present state and input variables.
2. List the binary values of each input equation.
3. Use the corresponding flip-flop characteristic table
to determine the next-state values in the state table.
4. Draw state diagram

1 EC 381 Digital Systems Fall 2013

Analysis with JK Flip Flops
 JA = B(t) Input Equations

 KA = X’.B(t)
 JB = X’
 KB = A(t) xor X
 A(t+1) = JAA’+KA’A
 B(t+1) = JBB’+KB’B
Characteristics Equations of FFs A&B

 A(t+1) = BA’+XA+B’A
 B(t+1) = X’B’ + AXB +A’X’B State Equations

2 EC 381 Digital Systems Fall 2013

JK Analysis State Table
 JA = B
 KA = Bx’
 JB = x’
 KB = A’x + Ax’ = A  x

2-State table: m=2, n=1  8 rows

Flip Flop Inputs 3- find the binary

values of each
input equation.

3 EC 381 Digital Systems Fall 2013

JK Analysis State Table
 JA = B
 JB = x’
 KA = Bx’
 KB = A’x + Ax’ = A  x

4-Determine the next-state values

Flip Flop Inputs

4 EC 381 Digital Systems Fall 2013

JK Analysis State Diagram

5- Draw state

5 EC 381 Digital Systems Fall 2013

T Flip Flop Analysis
 Analysis of a sequential circuit with T flip flops
follows the same procedure outlined for JK flip flops.
 The next state values in the state table can be obtained
by using the characteristic table or the characteristic
 Q(t + 1) = T  Q
= T’Q + TQ’

6 EC 381 Digital Systems Fall 2013

T Flip Flop Analysis Example

x A

 TA = Bx
T  TB = x
 Y = AB

CLK Reset

7 EC 381 Digital Systems Fall 2013

T Flip Flop Analysis State Table
 TA = Bx
 TB = x
 A(t + 1) = TA  A = Bx  A
 Y = AB
 B(t + 1) = TB  B = x  B

8 EC 381 Digital Systems Fall 2013

T Flip Flop Analysis State Table
 TA = Bx
 TB = x
 A(t + 1) = TA  A = Bx  A
 Y = AB
 B(t + 1) = TB  B = x  B

9 EC 381 Digital Systems Fall 2013

T Flip Flop Analysis State Diagram

10 EC 381 Digital Systems Fall 2013

Analysis vs. Design
 The analysis of sequential circuits starts from a circuit
diagram and culminates in a state table or diagram.
 The design of a sequential circuit starts from a set of
specifications and culminates in a logic diagram.
 Analysis
Circuit diagram  Equations  State table  State diagram
 Design
State diagram  State table  Equations  Circuit Diagram

11 EC 381 Digital Systems Fall 2013

Design Procedure
 Design starts from a specification and results in a
logic diagram or a list of Boolean functions.
 The steps to be followed are:
 Derive a state diagram
 Assign binary values
 Obtain the binary coded state table
 Choose the type of flip flops to be used
 Derive the simplified flip flop input equations and
output equations
 Draw the logic diagram

12 EC 381 Digital Systems Fall 2013

Sequential Circuit Design
 Remember that a synchronous sequential circuit is
made up of flip flops and combinational gates.
 Part of the design is to choose the flip-flop type and
combinational circuit structure which, together with
the flip-flops produce a circuit that fulfills the stated
 How many FLIP FLOPS?
 The number of flip-flops is determined from the
number of states in the circuit
 n flip-flops can represent up to 2n binary states.

13 EC 381 Digital Systems Fall 2013

Designing with D Flip-Flops
 Design a clocked sequential circuit that operates
according to the state diagram.

1- State diagram
 Number of states=4
  2 D flip flop

14 EC 381 Digital Systems Fall 2013

Synthesizing Using D Flip Flops
 The next step is to create a state table and then select
two D flip flops to represent the four states, labeling
their outputs as A and B.
 There is one input, x, and one output, y, representing
the input sequence and the output value respectively.
 Remember that the characteristic equation of the D
flip flop is
 Q(t + 1) = D

15 EC 381 Digital Systems Fall 2013

Designing with D Flip-Flops
2- State Table
 State equations can be obtained directly from the table using
minterms and input equations in DFF is the same as state
 A(t + 1) = DA(A, B, x) = ∑(2,4,5,6)

16 EC 381 Digital Systems Fall 2013

Designing with D Flip-Flops
3- Input Equations and output equation
However, we have to minimize the
expression in a similar way used for
combinational logic design!

17 EC 381 Digital Systems Fall 2013

Designing with D Flip-Flops

18 EC 381 Digital Systems Fall 2013

Designing with D Flip-Flops
 Circuit Diagram
DA = AB’ + BX’

19 EC 381 Digital Systems Fall 2013

A Sequence Detector
 Design a circuit that detects a sequence of three ones.

Input Output
Circuit Detects
`111’ at input

20 EC 381 Digital Systems Fall 2013

A Sequence Detector
 Design a circuit that detects a sequence of three ones.

Input Output
Circuit Detects
`111’ at input

1- Circuit Diagram
 S0  00
 S1  01
 S2  10
 S3  11 output

21 EC 381 Digital Systems Fall 2013

Synthesizing Using D Flip Flops
 The next step is to create a state table and then select
two D flip flops to represent the four states, labeling
their outputs as A and B.
 There is one input, x, and one output, y, representing
the input sequence and the output value respectively.
 The output y is one only when we detect the input
sequence of `111’

22 EC 381 Digital Systems Fall 2013

State Table for Sequence Detector
2- State Table

 Input equations can be obtained directly from the table

using minterms:
 A(t + 1) = DA(A, B, x) = ∑(3, 5, 7)

 B(t + 1) = DB(A, B, x) = ∑(1, 5, 7)

 y(A, B, x) = ∑(6, 7)
23 EC 381 Digital Systems Fall 2013
Boolean Minimization
4- Input Equations and output equation
 K-Maps can be used to minimize the input equations,
resulting in

 DA = Ax + Bx
 DB = Ax + B’x
 Y = AB

24 EC 381 Digital Systems Fall 2013

Logic Diagram
5- Circuit Diagram

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