EC381 Lecture18 PDF
EC381 Lecture18 PDF
EC381 Lecture18 PDF
KA = X’.B(t)
JB = X’
KB = A(t) xor X
A(t+1) = JAA’+KA’A
B(t+1) = JBB’+KB’B
Characteristics Equations of FFs A&B
A(t+1) = BA’+XA+B’A
B(t+1) = X’B’ + AXB +A’X’B State Equations
5- Draw state
x A
TA = Bx
T TB = x
Y = AB
CLK Reset
1- State diagram
Number of states=4
2 D flip flop
Input Output
Circuit Detects
`111’ at input
Input Output
Circuit Detects
`111’ at input
1- Circuit Diagram
S0 00
S1 01
S2 10
S3 11 output
y(A, B, x) = ∑(6, 7)
23 EC 381 Digital Systems Fall 2013
Boolean Minimization
4- Input Equations and output equation
K-Maps can be used to minimize the input equations,
resulting in
DA = Ax + Bx
DB = Ax + B’x
Y = AB