Flood Risk Assessment: A Methodological Framework: July 2007

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Flood Risk Assessment: A Methodological Framework

Article · July 2007


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2 authors:

Aimilia Pistrika George Tsakiris

National Technical University of Athens National Technical University of Athens


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Flood Risk Assessment: A Methodological


Centre for the Assessment of Natural Hazards & Proactive Planning, National Technical
University of Athens, Greece, E-mail: pistrika@central.ntua.gr, gtsakir@central.ntua.gr

Abstract: The concepts of hazard, vulnerability and risk have been extensively used in
various disciplines with a different meaning, impeding cross-disciplinary
cooperation for facing hazardous events. Even for natural hazards, such as floods,
no unique definitions and assessment procedures have been widely accepted. In
this paper we propose a comprehensive way for defining and assessing flood risk
and vulnerability in the flood-prone areas. The suggested methodology follows a
three-step assessment approach: a) annualised hazard incorporating both
probabilities of occurrence and the anticipated potential damages b) vulnerability
(exposure and coping capacity) in the flood-prone areas and c) annualised flood
risk (estimated on annual basis). The methodology aims to assist water managers
and stakeholders in devising rational flood protecting strategies.

Keywords: Flood Hazard, Vulnerability, Annualised Flood Risk, Flood Risk Assessment


The assets at risk from flooding can be enormous and include private housing,
transport and public service infrastructure, commercial and industrial enterprises, and
agricultural land. The International Committee on Large Dams (ICOLD, 2003)
conducted a survey to determine the social and economic impacts of the floods in 20
countries, where are located about 80% of the total number of the world’s largest
dams. The greater number of victims due to floods is produced in Asian countries, as
it is shown in the Table 1.

Table 1. “Mean” number of victims per year(ICOLD, 2003).

Victims Countries
Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, France, Ireland, Italy,
0 – 10
Netherlands, Norway, South Africa, Sweden, Russia
10 – 20 Spain
50 – 100 Indonesia, USA
100 – 150 Japan
>150 Korea (250), Bangladesh (200), India (1500), China (2000-3000)

© Water Resources Management: New Approaches and Technologies, European Water Resources Association,
Chania, Crete - Greece, 14-16 June 2007.

In addition to economic and social damage, floods can have severe consequences,
where cultural sites of significant archaeological value are inundated or where
protected wetland areas are destroyed. Regarding floods in Europe, two trends point
to an increased flood risk and to greater economic damage from floods. First, the
scale and frequency of floods are likely to increase in the future as a result of climate
change, inappropriate river management and infrastructure development in flood risk
areas. Second, an increase in vulnerability has been noted due to the number of people
and economic assets located in flood risk zones. Therefore the coming decades are
likely to see a higher flood risk in Europe and greater economic damage.
On 18th of January 2006 the European Commission proposed a Directive on the
assessment and management of floods (COM, 2006). Its aim is to manage and
ultimately to reduce the risks that floods pose to human health, environment,
infrastructure and property. Under the proposed Directive the Member States are
obliged to deliver the following for river basins and sub-basins:
1. Preliminary flood risk assessment
2. Flood risk maps
3. Flood risk management plans
The provision of structural flood defenses can have a major impact on the
environment and there has been an expression of concern by many members of the
public for the degradation of river corridors. Therefore, it is becoming common
practice for central and local governments to subject flood management plans to
public discussion (COM, 2006).
It is obvious from the above that concepts such as hazard, risk and vulnerability
are the most commonly used terms to describe the potential threats that natural
disasters pose to human life, the environment and the infrastructure. Additionally,
these terms are used to question the capacity of various structural and non-structural
measures, which are applied for protection from these threats. In the absence of
regulatory establishment of a common accepted terminology platform, the confusion
on the context of these terms grows. Furthermore quantification of the terms is not an
easy task. It is possible that some parameters affecting the above concepts are beyond
quantification and also that these parameters vary in space and time (Brauch, 2005;
Thywissen, 2006).
However, in order to accomplish a comprehensive and participatory approach to
flood risk management, it seems that a clear comprehension of the processes of
hazard, vulnerability and risk perception is necessary. The primary focus of this paper
is to clarify these concepts and to highlight a methodology for the assessment of flood
hazard and flood risk. Particular attention is also given to the concept of vulnerability
with regards to its social nature and the factors on which it depends.


2.1. Flood Hazard

Hazard may be defined as:

ƒ a source of potential harm.
ƒ a threat or condition that may cause loss of life or initiate any failure to the
natural, modified or human systems.
The initiating causes of a hazard may be either an external (e.g. earthquake, flood or
human agency) or an internal (defective element of the system e.g. an embankment
breach) with the potential to initiate a failure mode. Hazards are also classified as
either of natural origin (e.g. excessive rainfalls, floods) or of man-made and
technological nature (e.g. sabotage, deforestation, industrial site of chemical waste).
Regarding hazard identification and estimation, two approaches can be identified
based on the ANCOLD Guidelines (2003) and the ISDR principles (2004):

a. Traditional deterministic approach: a first level estimation of the potential

adverse consequences, if the hazard occurs, in order to classify the system
under threat, identify the necessity or not of further investigation. This
approach is also the most comprehensive way of estimating man-induced and
/or technological hazards, e.g. a forest fire hazard that can not be captured by
a probability distribution.
b. Probabilistic approach: it is based on the theory of probability and regards
hazard estimation as the estimation of the probability of occurrence of a
particular natural event with an estimated frequency within a given period of
time. It can be applied on hazards of natural origin and it represents a very
common method used in most flood plain delineation studies when the
potential for loss of life is considered negligible in terms of historical floods.
The probabilistic approach tends to assume that events in the future are
predictable based on the experience of the past.

Concentrating on the flood hazard, it can be supported that the capture of the
natural phenomenon requires the frequency of the flood events as well as their
magnitudes (and thus their anticipated flood damages) (Alexander, 1991). Since the
magnitudes of flood events can be modeled by a probability density function, flood
hazard can be estimated by the probability that the flood damage that occurs in any
one year, in the case of a flood event with specified frequency, will not exceed a
specified value x1. If X is the random continuous value of flood damage then the
cumulative distribution function of the variable X will be:

FX ( x1 ) = P (0 ≤ X ≤ x1 ) = ∫ f (u )du =F ( x1 ) − F (0) (1)


where f(u) is the probability density function (p.d.f.). This way, the probability of
occurrence of various potential magnitudes of flood damages X∈[0, x1] can be
expressed by a single number by summing the products of all possible values of flood
damage and their probability of occurrence.
However, due to the random nature of flood damage it is impossible to predict the
exact value of damage that would be incurred or prevented in any year. Therefore,
flood hazard estimation could be based on long-term statistical averages, also known
as expectations that give a measure of the location of the p.d.f. The expected value
E(X) of annual inundation damage X is computed as:

E (X ) = ∫ x ⋅ f (x )dx (for a continuous random variable X) (2)

Finally, the variance of the annual inundation damage X, var(X), is a measure of

the spread of the p.d.f about its mean and it can be calculated as follows:
∞ ∞
Var ( X ) = E ( X 2 ) − { E ( X )} 2 = ∫
x 2 f ( x 2 ) dx − { ∫ xf
( x ) dx } 2 (3)

Regarding the derivation of the damage-probability function can be estimated via

the method illustrated by Figure 1 (USACE, 1996). Initially, a discharge-probability
function (Figure 1a) is developed. If stage and discharge are uniquely related, a rating
function (Figure 1b) can be developed and the discharge-probability function can be
transformed through this rating function in order to develop a stage probability
function. Similarly, if stage and damage are uniquely related, a stage-damage function
(Figure 1c) can be developed, and the stage-probability function can be transformed
through that function to yield the required damage-probability function. Finally, to
compute the expected damage, the resulting damage-probability function is

Figure 1. Transformation for traditional expected annual damage computation (USACE, 1996).

2.2. Vulnerability in the Flood-prone areas

One of the best-known definitions of vulnerability was formulated by the

International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (ISDR, 2004), which regards it as “a set
of conditions and processes resulting from physical, social, environmental and
economical factors, which increase the susceptibility of a community to the impact of
hazards”. A basic consensus has emerged, that the concept of vulnerability addresses
a double structure consisting of an external side (exposure) (Bohle, 2001), and also
that vulnerability (Pelling M.; Uitto J., 2001) is:

ƒ multi-dimensional and differential (varies across physical space and

among and within social groups).
ƒ scale-dependent (with respect to time, space and units of analysis, such as
individual, household, region, system).
ƒ dynamic (characteristics and driving forces of vulnerability change over
time, certainly exceeding that time of the extreme event itself).

Generally, the vulnerability of a system against a certain hazard is not easily

assessed. Three routes for the assessment can be distinguished:
• economic
• social
• cultural
The vulnerability function could be treated as a function between 0 and 1 (see
figure 2). The most appropriate approaches for the case of vulnerability of the society
and the cultural heritage are thought to be qualitative (Laoupi and Tsakiris, 2007).
Given the above thoughts, vulnerability assessment in flood prone areas depends on
the following factors (Tsakiris, 2006):
i) the Exposure of the system (E).
ii) the initial coping capacity (resources availability) of the system (S).
iii) the magnitude and intensity of the hazardous event (Qmax).
iv) the social response of the system (early warnings, indigenous experience,
public awareness etc)(SF).
v) the fuzziness of the interrelated sides of vulnerability (coping capacity &
exposure) (I).
and therefore in mathematical terms vulnerability can be expressed as the following

V = f ( E , S , SF , Qmax , I ) (4)

A vulnerability analysis in the event of a flood hazard considers the population and
structures at risk within the affected area. In the start of the analysis, a reference level
of the system’s vulnerability should be determined that usually refers to existing flood
protection systems of the affected area. The vulnerability analysis evaluates the

potential costs of flooding in terms of damages to buildings, crops, roads, bridges and
critical infrastructure. Normally the analysis is carried out for various probabilities of
flood occurrence, and an elevation-damage curve is plotted.
The aim of the additional reclamation and protection works is to reach a lower level
of the system’s vulnerability. Consequently, this analysis is valuable for reaching at
decision about the desired level of flood protection. Ideally, this analysis should
initiate a public process to establish the "acceptable level of risk" that would refer to
the flood discharge magnitude appropriate for the delineation of the affected areas. A
comprehensive measure of the improvement of a system is the ratio of anticipated
consequences after the improvement divided by the initial potential consequences.
Figure 2 depicts a simplified representation of vulnerability and its reduction versus
the magnitude of the hazardous phenomenon. As it can be seen the improvement of
the capacity of the system is schematically represented by a shift of the vulnerability
curve to the right.


Figure 2. Vulnerability vs magnitude of the phenomenon for the initial and the improved
capacity of the system (Tsakiris, 2006).

2.3. Flood Risk

According to EU Directive (COM, 2006) for flood management, "flood risk" is the
likelihood of a flood event together with the actual damage to human health and life,
the environment and economic activity associated with that flood event. In this
context flood risk can be considered as the actual threat, in other words the real source
of flood hazard to the affected areas. The quantification of flood risk results either in
monetary units or in loss of life units, if the losses are measurable, or in qualitative
terms (e.g. allocation in classes) in the case of intangible damages (social,
environment, cultural) to the affected areas.
In general, risk as a concept incorporates the concepts of hazard {H} (initiating
event of failure modes) and vulnerability {V} (specific space/time conditions). It is
customary to express risk (R) as a functional relationship of hazard (H) and
vulnerability (V).

{R} = {H} □ {V} (5)


in which the symbol □ represents a complex function incorporating the interaction

of hazard and vulnerability. Consequently in mathetical terms it can be expressed as:

R = {H} x {V} (6)

Since vulnerability is a dimensionless quantity (Villagran, 2006), risk could be

measured in the same units as hazard. In quantitative terms, annualised risk can be
estimated as the product of probability of occurrence of the hazardous phenomenon
and the actual consequence, combined over all scenarios. According to the
methodology of estimating average (annualised) hazard, the expected value of flood
risk can be calculated as follows:

E (X ) = ∫ x ⋅ V ( x ) ⋅ f (x )dx (7)

where X is the actual flood damage caused by the flood hazardous phenomenon,
f(x) is the p.d.f. that describes this phenomenon and V(x) is the vulnerability of the
system towards the corresponding magnitude of the phenomenon. It is obvious that
such an estimation involves major restrictions such as:
• can be applied only on hazards of natural origin due to probabilistic analysis
• although it abides to a general methodological framework , it is highly case-
• highly dependable on expert’s judgment


Based on the ANCOLD Guidelines 2003 there is a basic consensus towards the
methodological framework of risk identification and estimation. In this context, the
general methodological framework for risk assessment can be, more or less,
determined and it is given by the following steps:

1. risk identification: refers to the identification of the hazard source.

2. risk analysis or risk estimation: refers mostly to the probabilistic
quantification of the average annualised risk and it is measured in the same
units as hazard. It involves the estimation of the probability of occurrence of
the hazardous phenomenon, the estimation of the actual consequences and
the vulnerability estimation of the affected system over the selected hazard
3. risk evaluation: refers to the identification of the local society’s tolerable risk
policies and criteria as well as to the comprehension of the local society’s
perception of the hazard impacts by the decision makers. One’s willingness
to pay for risk reduction is controlled by the perceived and not the actual

risk. Simultaneously the perceived risk reflects the human attitude towards
various kinds of risks and it is therefore of high importance to assess it.
4. risk assessment: refers to the evaluation of the tolerability of the estimated
risks based on the local society’s acceptability criteria. The comparison of
the estimated risks with acceptable ones results in the decision of what risk
will be acceptable in the particular affected system and what risk reduction
measures will be applied; if needed.

Under the auspices of INTERREG IIIC - Project OCR NOE - sub project DISMA,
it was decided, by the local stakeholders, that the flood risk management framework
will be mainly oriented towards non-structural measures (e.g. land use planning, flood
warning systems, evacuation plans, insurance policy); that is towards measures that
are mainly driven by the need of cultural heritage protection and also by the socio-
economic conditions of the Eastern Attica Prefecture. In this context the authors
developed a workflow chart, in order to apply the aforementioned methodology over
flood hazard scenarios to the specific case-study areas of special cultural interest
within the same Prefecture. Figure 3 depicts the applied methodological framework
for flood risk assessment.

Hydrological -
Geo-morphological Data
Data of
GeoInfo Archaeological
Flood Scenarios Interest
(of given frequency)
Photogrammetric/ Categorisation of
Photointerpretation Inundated Areas cultural targets
Vulnerability Evaluation of
Land Use Estimation cultural targets

Damage assessment of the
inundated areas

Acceptable Risk Policy Flood Risk Estimation

Identification - Flood Risk
Flood Risk Assessment

Figure 3. Methodological Framework for Flood Risk Assessment

The procedure for the assessment of flood risk is developed by allocating the
workload into three categories of steps that can be initiated independently and
represented with different colour. The first category (coloured yellow) refers to the
task of collection and processing the necessary data in order to determine the

boundaries of the system under risk (in this case particular cultural sites) and
subsequently to identify the socio- economic conditions of the surrounding areas (for
instance to detemine the local land use establishment). At this stage the identification
of the system’s vulnerability takes place and that is mainly the definition of the
system’s exposure to a potential flood hazard and the system’s carrying capacity to
cope with flood events. The second category involves (coloured blue) the
development of hazard scenarios, the estimation of their probability of occurrence. At
each scenario the production of the respective floodplain mapping delineation is given
in Arc-GIS environment so as to identify the flood-prone areas and therefore the
cultural sites that are under the inundation threat.
The third category in the workflow depends on the results of the two previous ones
and so it is always performed last. It assesses the expected damage of the affected
system and consequently it estimates the annualised flood risk in monetary units, if
possible. Moreover, in this last stage, an attempt is made so that the local acceptable
flood risk policy and the public risk perception are identified. The comparison
between the acceptable flood risk setting and the estimated flood risk figures can
significantly assist the decision makers to apply a series of effective flood risk
reduction measures. Such measures can support the process of prioritising, justifying
and targeting investments and developing sustainable policies and strategies and
subsequently such measures can support flood risk management plans, spatial
planning and emergency plans that can be acceptable from the majority of the local


The EU Directive recognises the need for methodologies for the effective
assessment and management of flood risk. In this paper an attempt was made to
contribute to the ongoing scientific discussions on these issues. It is well-known that
both the probabilistic risk based methodology and the deterministic methodology face
heavy criticism and questioning regarding their applicability on a wide range of
systems under threat. The proposed procedure incorporates elements from both of the
above methodologies highlighting the significance of the vulnerability analysis within
the flood-prone areas with the aim to contribute to a more rational assessment of risk.


The work presented in this paper was supported by the INTERREG IIIC - Project
OCR NOE - sub project DISMA, which was conducted in the Centre for the
Assessment of Natural Hazards and Proactive Planning of NTUA, in close
collaboration with the Prefecture of Eastern Attica.


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