CHINMAY Blackbook
CHINMAY Blackbook
CHINMAY Blackbook
Roll No-913
This is to certify that CHINMAY SHINDE of Patkar College of Science and Commerce
of T.Y.B.M.S. (SEMESTER VI) has completed her project on “A STUDY ON
LTD.” in the academic year 2018-2019.
First and foremost, I would like to express my sincere gratitude and thanks towards the
UNIVERSITY OF MUMBAI for introducing a course like BMS and giving all the students a
base and a platform to keep abreast with the changing business scenario.
I also wish to extend my appreciation, especially to our Principal SARMESTA MATKAR and
Coordinator of BMS and also for their kind co-ordination and support.
I would like to express my gratitude and sincere thanks to my Project Guide MRS.VINAYA
NAIK for instilling confidence in me to carry out this study and extending valuable guidance
and encouragement from time to time, without which it would not have been possible to
undertake and complete this project. I would like to thank the college librarian for providing the
books and other valuable data for my project.
Also, this project would not have been possible without the support of my parents, who were my
inspirations throughout; my teachers and friends who helped me find data for this project.
Last but not the least my colleagues for their valuable comments and suggestions for making this
a cherishable experience for me.
Sr. No. TOPICS Page. No.
Executive summary 8
1. Chapter-1
1.1 - Introduction to the study 9-10
1.2- Scope of Marketing 10-11
1.3 - Significance of Marketing 11-12
1.4 – Type of Marketing Strategy 12-13
1.5 - Objectives 13
1.6 – Research Methodology 14
1.7 - Limitations 14
1.8 – Conclusion 15
2. Chapter – 2
2.1 - Literature review 16-18
3. Chapter - 3
3.1 – Introduction to Diplomads Professional 19-20
Services Pvt Ltd.
3.2 – History 21
3.3-Objectives 21
3.4-Mission 22
3.5-Vision 23-38
4. Chapter - 4
4.1-Marketing Mix 39-41
4.2-Factors of Influence on Marketing Strategies 42-47
4.3-Research Methodology 48-51
5. Chapter-5
5.1-Data Analysis & Interpretation 52-60
6. Chapter-6
6.1-Conclusion 61
6.2-Suggestions 62
6.3Annexuers 63-64
6.4 Bibliography 65
Executive Summary
The management objective of the internship was to increase customer engagement, brand
awareness and to communicate the brand’s offerings effectively by means of content marketing.
Content marketing is the process of creating high-quality, valuable content to attract, inform, and
engage an audience, while also promoting the brand itself.
Diplomads is an education services based start-up which aims to address the problem of skill-gap
in India. The services provided by Diplomads like workshops, seminars, industrial visits,
educational courses, career counseling , e-learning, fest-solutions etc. are designed so that they
can enhance the education experience of students. The firm wanted to utilize the period of
summer vacations of students, which generally is a ‘low- activity’ period for the brand to
strategize and develop means to meet some important objectives of the future.
These objectives include increasing its online presence, creating a strong positioning in the
market, increase brand awareness by reaching a greater audience and perform preliminary
marketing work for the new courses which the brand wishes to introduce in the market.
The aim of the internship included developing content for blogs, online ad campaigns,
promotional marketing material ( brochures, banners, standees) for the brand and its services.
The scope of the internship also included redesigning of the brand’s website and creating content
with an intent to align new website’s content to support in-bound marketing efforts of the
The responsibilities included brainstorming with both the marketing team (for devising the
communication strategies) and the graphics team (for developing creative concepts, graphics etc.
that can grab attention and generate curiosity).
During the course of internship, the activities performed also included researching upon different
content strategies and coming up with the one that was most suitable for the brand. To write
engaging blogs for the brand’s website was also one of the tasks.
An Organization Strategy that combines all of its marketing goals into one comprehensive plan.
A good marketing strategy should be drawn from market research and focus on the right product
mix in order to achieve the maximum profit potential and sustain the business. The marketing
strategy is the foundation of a marketing plan.
Marketing is the science of meeting the needs of a customer by providing valuable products to
customers by utilizing the expertise of the organization, at same time, to achieve organizational
goals. According to the American Marketing Association. Marketing is the activity, set of
institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings
that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large.
With this definition, it is important to realize that the customer can be an individual user, a
company, or several people who contribute to the purchasing decision. The product can be a hard
good, a service, or even an idea – anything that would provide some value to the person who
provides an exchange. An exchange is most often thought of as money, but could also be a
donation of time or effort, or even a specific action. A producer is often a company, but could be
an individual or non-profit organization.
A complete analysis of these categories is often called the Marketing Mix. More detail on these
categories can be found in the later entry on the Marketing Plan.
Marketing has both inbound and outbound activities. Inbound activities largely center on
discovering the needs and wants of the potential customers. The collective group of all potential
customers is called a market. Categorizing these needs into groups is called segmentation.
Organizing markets into segments allows a producer to more logically decide how to best
provide value to that group of potential customers. The analysis of market segment needs;
analysis of existing sales and profitability; the descriptions, design and introduction of new
products; and the analysis of competitor offerings are also inbound activities that are important
but not often seen by the public.
Marketing has a very wide scope it covers all the activities from conception of ideas to
realization of profits. Some of them as discussed as below:
Study of Consumer Wants and Needs: Goods are produced to satisfy consumer wants.
Therefore study is done to identify consumer needs and wants. These needs and wants
motivates consumer to purchase.
Study of Consumer behavior: Marketers performs study of consumer behavior. Analysis
of buyer behavior helps marketer in market segmentation and targeting.
Product Planning and development: It includes the activities of product research,
marketing research, market segmentation, products development, determination of the
attributes, quantity and quality of the products.
Branding: Branding of products is adopted by many reputed enterprises to make their
products popular among their customer and for many other benefits. Marketing manager
has to take decision regarding the branding policy, procedures and implementation
Packaging: Packaging is to provide a container or wrapper to the product for safety,
attraction and ease of use and transportation of the product.
Channels of Distribution: Decision regarding selection of most appropriate channel of
distribution like wholesaling, distribution and retailing is taken by the marketing manager
and sales manager.
Pricing Policies: Marketer has to determine pricing policies for their products. Pricing
policies differs from product to product. It depends on the level of competition, product
life cycle, marketing goals and objectives, etc.
Sales Management: Selling is a part of marketing. Marketing is concerned about all the
selling activities like customer identification, finding customer needs, persuading
customer to buy products, customer service, etc.
Promotion: Promotion includes personal selling, sales promotion, and advertising. Right
promotion mix is crucial in accomplishment of marketing goals.
Finance: Marketing is also concerned about the finance, as for every marketing activity
be it packaging, advertising, sales force budget is fixed and all the activities have to be
completed within the limit of that budget
After Sales services: Marketing covers after sales services given to customers,
maintaining good relationships with customers, attending their queries and solving their
Once your product, service or company gets on the radar screen of your prospects, it increases
your chances that consumers will make a purchase. As awareness becomes a reality, it is also the
point where new customers start to spread the word, telling friends and family about this
amazing new product they discovered. Your sales will steadily increase as the word spreads.
Without employing marketing strategies, these sales may not have ever happened; without sales,
a company cannot succeed.
The success of a company often rests on a solid reputation. Marketing builds brand name
recognition or product recall with a company. When a company reaches the high expectations of
the public, its reputation stands on firmer ground. As your reputation grows, the business
expands and sales increase. The reputation of your company is built through active participation
in community programs, effective communication--externally and externally--and quality
products or services, which are created or supported by marketing efforts.
Marketing also fosters an environment in the marketplace for healthy completion. Marketing
efforts get the word out on pricing of products and services, which not only reaches the intended
consumers, but also reaches other companies competing for the consumers’ business. As
opposed to companies that have a monopoly on products and services that can charge almost any
price, marketing helps keep pricing competitive for a business to try to win over consumers
before its competition does. Without competition, well-known companies would continue to sell
while lesser known companies or new companies would stand little chance of ever becoming
successful. Marketing facilitates the healthy competition that allows small businesses and new
businesses to be successful enter and grow in the marketplace.
Although marketing is hugely important for a business to succeed, it can also be very expensive.
In its first year, a company might spend as much as half of its sales on marketing programs. After
the first year, a marketing budget can reach as much as 30 percent--sometimes more--of the
annual sales. A marketing program that gives your company the best chance is a healthy mix of
different forms of marketing, such as website development, public relations, print and broadcast
advertising, design and printing for all print materials, trade shows and other special events.
Mass Marketing - Major corporations need to drive large numbers of purchasing of their
products in order to survive and grow. While mass marketing may seem like a shotgun
approach to marketing this is far from the truth.
Seasonal Marketing - Seasonal events offers a great way to meet new consumers.
Sometimes these events can be actual changes of weather or national holidays.
Online Marketing - As commerce has propagated to the Internet, a new form of
marketing has emerged. From online banners to those annoying pop ups, online
marketers have attempted to get their customers attention any way they can.
Direct Marketing - Communicate directly with customers and prospects through mail,
email, texts, fliers and other promotional material.
Social Media Marketing - Advertise and promote your products and services to
customers using a range of digital devices including computers, smartphones, and tablets.
Internet Marketing is an essential practice in Digital Marketing.
Increase sales
Build brand awareness
Grow market share
Launch new products or services
Target new customers
Enter new markets internationally or locally
Improve stakeholder relations
Enhance customer relationships
Improve internal communications
Increase profit
This descriptive study on marketing strategy of Diplomads Professionals Services Pvt. Ltd.
shows that the strategy used in marketing in Seminars & Events.
Sampling procedure:
The sample was selected of them who are the students / employer / employee / businessman,
irrespective of them being diploma degree or not or availing the services or not. It was also
collected through personal visits to persons, by formal and informal talks and through filling up
the questionnaire prepared. The data has been analyzed by using GOOGLE FORMS.
Sample size:
The sample size of my project is limited to 50 people only.
Sample design:
Data has been presented with the help of bar graph, pie charts, line graphs etc.
This research will helps us to find out the market strategy methods and techniques by
using secondary data.
With the help of primary data we will be able to find out the impact of strategy and which
will also provide suitable recommendation to conclude the study.
George William R and Hiran C Barksdale (1974) : The marketing activities in the service
firms discovered that services marketing is generally on the low ebb. Service firms tend. to be
less marketing oriented; less likely to have marketing mix activities carried out in the marketing
department; less likely to perform analysis in the area of service product; more likely to
undertake advertising internally rather than go to specialized advertising agencies; less likely to
have overall sales plan; less likely to develop sales training programmes.
Bessom, Richard M and Donald W Jackson Jr (1975) of 400: Service and marketing firms
revealed that service firms are less likely to have marketing departments, to make use of sales
planning and training, and to employ marketing professionals like consultants, advertising firms
and market research agencies.' James F Devlin (2000) studied as to how attempts can be made to
add value when offering services exhibiting increased complexity, intangibility and impalpability
in the eyes of most consumers. It was found that the features and quality of the core service
provided are judged by managers to be more important in adding value to more complex
services; as are organizational factors such as image and reputation. In addition, price i:j
perceived to be significantly more important in adding value to more simple, rather than
complex, offerings.
Anne M Smith (1990): Studied way the four distinguishing characteristics of services-
intangibility, inseparability, heterogeneity and perishability affect clients' perceptions of quality
service from banks. The study revealed that intensifying competition and increasing customer
expectations have created a climate where 'quality' is considered to be a major strategic variable
for improving customer satisfaction and thus the profitability of financial service providers.
Financial Services Marketing Sankaran M (1999) studied the measures that would help domestic
players in financial services sector to improve their competitive efficiency.
Trevor Watkins (1989): While studying the current state of the financial services industry
worldwide identified four major trends: (1) the trend towards financial conglomeration; (2)
globalization (3) information technology in bank marketing; and (4) new approaches to financial
services marketing. These trends, it was concluded, will affect the marketing of banks and other
financial services in the 1990s.
Marisa Maio Mackay (2001): Examined whether differences exist between service and product
markets, which warrant different marketing practices by applying ten existing consumer based
measures of brand equity to a financial services market. The results found that most rneasures
were convergent and correlated highly with market share in the predicted direction, where
market share was used as an indicator of brand equity. Brand recall and familiarity, however,
were found to be the best estimators of brand equity in the financial services market.
T G Nair (1992): In his study depicts the growth and expansion of Financial Services industry in
India. Banks in order to overcome the competition from other agencies are providing wide range
of services. Public sector Canara Bank observed the year 1984 as 'Year of Marketing' to create
among the staff an awareness of the need for customer satisfaction. The findings stress greater
need for a change in the attitude, especially in the case of the counter clerks, field staff and sales
force of the bank, towards the customers.Geiger's (1 975) study was to establish the needs of
customers. Social structure of the bank's customers and the image that the customers had of the
banks were studied along with customers judgment of the range of services that the banks had to
offer, the effectiveness of various advertising and other sales promoting measures, and the
customers' will to save and other habit. Findings indicate that satisfied customers are more
positively minded than those who are critical of what their banks have to offer them.
Syed Asad Akbar (1990): Revealed the need for a more customer- oriented approach to bank
marketing, and more emphasis on improved marketing strategies. Stressing the need for a 'Plan
Oriented Marketing', suggestions were made that new product development should be done on
an on-going basis and schemes which have failed to take off should be reviewed and if necessary
modified or dropped.
In Rossier's study (1973): Suggests that banks should not open a branch without first analyzing
market potential and determining the expenditure required to obtain a sufficient market share.
The risk in expansion is not so much one of opening unprofitable branches, but rather of
allocating scarce resources of managerial talent, qualified personnel and capital to marginal
projects. A study by Meidan (1976) revealed that about 90 percent of the respondents banked at
the branch nearest to their home place or place of work. Convenience, in terms of location, was
also found to be the single most important factor for selecting a branch."
Ron Laursen and Ron McTavish (1994): Their research found that workplace banking - the
provision of banking services to company employees at their place of work - was attractive to
employers and employees and that they utilized the services 19 to a great extent.
Diplomads gather quality study resources and provide the expertise of the best in industry
trainers and educationists. It provide a large range of services which includes seminars,
workshops, e-learning, industrial visits, fest-event solutions etc. We believe that the combined
efforts of Diplomads and the educational institutes can provide the complete education
experience to students. Rahul Kanojia is the Founder, CEO of Diplomads Professional Services
Pvt Ltd.
Two years ago we decided to make contribution to the society by establishing a platform named
as “WeDiploMate” where a common person who holds a diploma degree could establish himself.
He achieved this by providing necessary support in terms or avenues and opportunities enabling
him to be a successful person along with a rightful blend of seminars, workshops, industrial
visits and internships to help each of their students to have an all-round development.
Our Vision is to develop an educational culture that instills curiosity and innovative thinking into
the young minds of students; Where career choices are well informed and people are passionate
about what they do. In the long run, we aim to create a name for us as providers of quality
educational services that revolutionized the learning experience in India.
Rahul Kanojia
Founder,CEO - Diplomads Professional Services Pvt. Ltd.
The Founder and CEO of Diplomads– Mr. Rahul Kanojia was himself a diploma student,
when he conceived the idea of creating an education portal that could complement the
existing educational system in bridging the skill gap.
He noticed that there were many sites that provided resources for students of engineering,
management and other professional courses but there wasn’t a single website to facilitate
the diploma students in those times. His urge to make something for diploma students
made him start in 2013.
Mr.Rahul’s time at Wediplomate resulted in various experiences which helped him grow
as an entrepreneur and refine his approach for devising educational solutions for students.
Wediplomate acted as a forerunner to something big that was about to come.
Having gathered adequate expertise and resources; and a team that shared the same
passion for the cause; the organization was ready for the next step:
“Our mission is to empower students by providing quality study resources, educational services
and valuable guidance.
We want students to realize their own purpose to learn and gain the skills and the confidence
required to purpose a career of their choice and excel in it.”
To develop an educational culture that instills curiosity and innovative thinking into the
young minds of students;
A culture that exploits the powers of collaborative learning and the internet;
Where career choices are well informed and people are passionate about what they do.
In the long run, we aim to create a name for us as providers of Quality educational
services that revolutionized the learning experience in india.
Mostly, such seminars and workshop are also a great recruiting ground for all the young minds
and fresher for lucrative corporate jobs. But, these introductions have to be made. We offer this
platform for our diploma students to attend seminars and workshops of relevant companies and
interact directly with the cream of the corporate industry. Also, such seminars and workshop
provide each of its candidates a certification for attendance that holds extreme value and
importance during interviews. They reflect well on the fresher in terms of corporate knowledge.
Pre-Placement is the service of Diplomads dedicated towards appropriate placement of our
students based on their caliber and potential for the future. Its functioning could be divided into
two sections as enlisted underneath in the next sub-section.
Placements are job openings that are offered to the students immediately after their completion
of degree. These prove as a career opportunity that would help them achieve their dreams and
goals along with aspiring for a better future ahead. But, with the placement comes the
responsibility of the job that most students are unaware off. Hence, to resolve this dilemma, a
new concept of placement training has come into being. As per this concept, the placement
agency employs the student for a period of one week to six months, depending upon their
policies, to understand the functioning of the company and nature of the job. During this phase,
the student is offered a certain amount of stipend that is a part of their salary until they join the
payroll list.
After the successful completion of the training period, the students are absorbed for the job by
the company. Now their career with the company begins! Also, the learning and exposure
collected by the student during the placement training phase helps him deliver efficiently and
understand the company better.
Presentations are the process of delivering information on a selected topic to the audience
seeking that information. It is generally carried out in the form of lectures, power point slide
shows, speeches and demonstrations to explain the point and persuade the audience to approve
the plan of action or to build general goodwill. The term is an extremely essential aspect of the
corporate life as most business and official dealings are culminated and executed by
presentations, by giving or viewing presentations towards a common goal of the two, audience
and debutante/presenter.
Social Etiquette’s can be defined as the certain ethical codes for social behavior to reflect better
on your personality. They are not written norm instead, they can be called as the unsaid rules for
behavior at public places and gatherings. Politeness and manners are considered to be its
foundation pillars. Social etiquettes are extremely important in the corporate industry to maintain
goodwill among the colleagues and associates to progress in one’s chosen line of work/career.
Resumes and presentations might be considered as the inevitable part of one’s professional life
however, social etiquette’s are the thing that defines a man.
After the successful completion of the training period, the students are absorbed for the job by
the company. Now their career with the company begins! Also, the learning and exposure
collected by the student during the placement training phase helps him deliver efficiently and
understand the company better.
Fests signify the environment of festivities around the student that are well organized with much
deliberation. It is the most awaited event of the college life that not allows the students to enjoy
the festivity but also exhibit their inborn talents and network for a brighter future ahead.
responsibility and the long array of tasks associated with organizing it. The task involves many
small tasks such as…
A well thought of event plan has to be made that consists of all the events that would publicize
the skills of the students and helps them get handpicked by the reputed companies and
organizations. All events have to well manage and planned to execute them with perfection.
Sponsors are the investors that play a crucial role organizing the event. The sponsor help raise
funds for the over-head costs involved in the organizing of the event along with effectively
publishing their brand in the market between the targeted audiences.
This targeted audience is mostly the youth as they play a strong role by contributing in the
development and growth of industry. Also, the company’s desires talented and hardworking
youth for recruiting purposes.
Sponsorship can deliver increased awareness, brand building and propensity to purchase, it is
different from advertising. Unlike advertising, sponsorship cannot communicate specific product
attributes. Nor can it stand alone, as sponsorship requires support elements.
Marketing is an important parts any public event for better response. There are several ways the
marketing to increase the fan following.
T-shirts, mugs, hand and head bands are just some of the possible ways of merchandise
marketing. They are often a raging craze among the college students and help in
publishing the event in the most effective manner.
College Marketing
Interaction between students of different colleges helps spread the word. College to
college marketing is an essential form as it allows maximum popularity among the
Leaflets/ Handouts
The handouts are an effective marketing strategy that helps in delivering the message
between the college students and faculties. The handouts contain the essential content in a
more precise format to deliver the most relevant and important information to grab the
attention of the targeted audience.
Websites and Mobile App Designing
Websites and mobile apps can be designed two conquer two forts at once. It is one of the
greatest ways to publicize the event and ones skills as well. This also helps in adding an
effective skill to one’s CV as well for future benefits. Web and app designing is an
important professional skill in the corporate industry.
Practical involvement
In today’s competitive world, theoretical knowledge is not enough to get you far. Instead it is just
a base. People prefer a more practical knowledge that would help an individual perform better in
field. This is in fact considered to be as important part of one’s education as the clearing of
exams to attain a degree.
For the benefit of our students we organize field or industrial visits for them to enhance their
learning experience by witnessing the happening of their subjects on ground. These field or
industrial visits give each student the chance to interact with highly trained and proficient
personnel of their respective field to get a firsthand experience on the working of it.
We organize industrial visits for all our students in big firms, industries and organizations to add
to their learning. Also, we have several tie ups with both national and international industrial
firms or organizations that let the students and us to understand their functioning and develop a
learning experience from the visit.
The type of industrial visit largely depend up on your chosen field and area of expertise such as a
management diploma holder would be encouraged to visit a multi-national corporate company to
understand it better. These field visits can range between one to ten days depending upon the
requirement of the company.
These field visits are not restricted to a certain sect of the classroom. Instead it is a planned
activity in which the entire bunch of student is encouraged to take part to support maximum
learning and benefit.
So, all you have to do is enroll yourself and let us find a suitable industrial visit for you to help
you gain a first-hand learning experience by glancing into the functioning of several big and
small companies.
It is necessary to choose a definite career and decide a career goal. Choosing the right career
option keeping the market in mind is necessary. In addition to this, selecting the right education
institution is equally important. Unfortunately, not many students are able to discover their
potentials and interests at the stage and this is when pressure starts building.
In this scenario, seeking the help of an experienced and qualified career counselor becomes
necessary who can assist in discovering your potential and aptitude and accordingly suggest the
right course. Career counselor usually employ through testing of three factors – aptitude, interest
and personality. These aspects help these counselors in deciding the right career path for a
student. With an increase in the number of opportunities in the market.
Benefits of career counseling
Approaching a career counselor is essential when you are not sure about choosing a suitable
career option. Selecting a career option determines your course of life. While a good decision at
the right point of time can make your life pleasant, a wrong one can ruin it. Remember that these
decisions are irreversible. In case of dilemma, it is also better to take professional help. Career
counseling is probably the best option in this case.
Helps in determining a student’s true potential: There are students who are clear as to
what they want to become. On the other hand, there are others who are either confused or
have no idea about their career preferences. Regular aptitude tests and counseling
sessions conduct by career counselors can help students in finding out the right career
options and the fields that interest them. On the basis on these counseling results, students
make the right choice regarding what course they want to enroll into in order to
accomplish their career goals.
Clear doubts: Despite having a clear idea of what they want to achieve in life, some
students do not know the career path they need to follow to have the requisite academic
qualification to join a particular course. Career counseling can help students clear these
doubts by giving them a clear cut view of what they can expect from various educational
courses. Some students might also have preconceived beliefs about certain fields. Career
counseling also helps students overcome these by knowing the true facts.
Support and motivation: A career counselor also provides essential support and boosts the
morale of a student by understanding the kind of requirements. Building the motivational
level of a student is necessary for long term success. This aids in improving overall
performance of a student. In addition to this, career counseling also teaches how to
expand your network which in turn enhances emotional support.
An entrepreneur is a person who develops a new idea and takes the risk of setting up an
enterprise to produce a product or service which satisfies customer needs. All entrepreneurs are
business persons, but not all business persons are entrepreneurs. Let us now think of why all
business persons are not entrepreneurs. Think of a woman who sits by the roadside leading to
your home and who has been selling the same type of food, from the same size of saucepan or
pot, from the same table top, and may not have been able to change her standard of living to any
appreciable extent. Such a woman may be a business person but not an entrepreneur. The
Entrepreneur, on the other hand is the business person who is not satisfied with his/her
performance and therefore always finds ways to improve and grow.
Now let us consider the characteristics or some special qualities and strengths which make an
entrepreneur different from a business person. It is important for us to note that a successful
entrepreneur possesses the following characteristics.
An entrepreneur takes actions that goes beyond job requirements or the demand of the situation.
They Crate ideas that bring about phenomenal changes
Opportunity seeking
An entrepreneur is quick to see and seize opportunities. He/she does things before he/she is
asked to work by people or forced by situation.
An entrepreneur is not discouraged by difficulties and problems that come up in the business or
his/her personal life. Once she sets a goal she is committed to the goal and will become
completely absorbed in it.
Information seeking
An entrepreneur undertakes personal research on how to satisfy customers and solve problems.
He/she knows that different people have different capabilities that can be of help to them. He/she
seeks relevant information from his/her clients, suppliers, competitors and others. He/she always
wants to learn things which will help the business to grow.
Demand for quality and efficiency
An entrepreneur is always competing with others to do things better, faster, and at less cost
he/she strives to achieve excellence.
Risk taking
Are you afraid of uncertainties? Then you cannot be an entrepreneur. Entrepreneurs are not high
risk takers. They are also not gamblers; they calculate their risks before taking action. They place
themselves in situations involving moderate risk so they are moderate risk takers.
Goal setting
An entrepreneur sets meaningful and challenging goals for him/herself. An entrepreneur does not
just dream. Him/she thinks and plans what he/she does. He/she is certain or has hope about the
Commitment to work
An entrepreneur will work long hours after into the night just to be able to keep his/her promise
to his/her client. He/she does the work together with his/her workers to get a job done. He/she
knows how to make people happy to work for him/her due his/her dynamic leadership.
An entrepreneur plans for whatever he/she expects in the business. He/she does not leave things
to luck. He/she plans by breaking large tasks down into small once and puts time limits against
them. Since and entrepreneur knows what to expect at any time he/she is able to change plans
and strategies to achieve what he/she aims at.
An entrepreneur acts to develop and maintain business contacts by establishing good working
relationship. Uses deliberate strategies to influence others.
Independence and self confidence
Most entrepreneurs start business because they like to be their own boss. They are responsible
for their own decisions
Self-defense is a counter measure that involves defending the health and well-being of oneself
from harm. The use of the right of self-defense as a legal justification for the use of force in times
of danger is available in many jurisdictions, but the interpretation varies widely.
The above Workshop is done for Fee- Free Cost. The main purpose to conduct such workshop is
to spread awareness for the women’s safety. Even for this workshop, a special lady trainer is
appointed to teach them comfortably
Safety Discussion:
Physical Techniques:
Ethical hacking and ethical hacker are terms used to describe hacking performed by a company
or individual to help identify potential threats on a computer or network. An ethical hacker
attempts to bypass system security and search for any weak points that could be exploited by
malicious hackers. This information is then used by the organization to improve the system
security, in an effort to minimize or eliminate any potential attacks.
For hacking to be deemed ethical, the hacker must obey the following rules:
1. Expressed (often written) permission to probe the network and attempt to identify
potential security risks.
2. You respect the individual's or company's privacy.
3. You close out your work, not leaving anything open for you or someone else to exploit at
a later time.
4. You let the software developer or hardware manufacturer know of any security
vulnerabilities you locate in their software or hardware, if not already known by the
WordPress is a free and open-source content management system (CMS) based on PHP
and MySQL. WordPress is installed on a web server, which either is part of an Internet
hosting service or is a network host itself; the first case may be on a service like, for example, and the second case is a computer running the software
package An example of the second case is a local computer configured to
act as its own web server hosting WordPress for single-user testing or learning purposes.
Features include a plugin architecture and a template system. WordPress was used by
more than 26.4% of the top 10 million websites as of April 2016. WordPress is reportedly
the easiest and most popular blogging system in use on the Web.
Category Definition
A product is seen as an item that satisfies what a consumer demands. It is a tangible
good or an intangible service. Tangible products are those that have an independent
physical existence. Typical examples of mass-produced, tangible objects are the
motor car and the disposable razor. A less obvious but ubiquitous mass-produced
service is a computer operating system. Every product is subject to a life-cycle
including a growth phase followed by a maturity phase and finally an eventual
period of decline as sales fall. Marketers must do careful research on how long the
Product life cycle of the product they are marketing is likely to be and focus their attention
on different challenges that arise as the product moves. The marketer must also
consider the product mix. Marketers can expand the current product mix by
increasing a certain product line's depth or by increasing the number of product lines.
Marketers should consider how to position the product, how to exploit the brand,
how to exploit the company's resources and how to configure the product mix so that
each product complements the other. The marketer must also consider product
development strategies.[3]
The amount a customer pays for the product. The price is very important as it
determines the company's profit and hence, survival. Adjusting the price has a
profound impact on the marketing strategy and, depending on the price elasticity of
the product, often it will affect the demand and sales as well. The marketer should
set a price that complements the other elements of the marketing mix.
When setting a price, the marketer must be aware of the customer perceived value
for the product. Three basic pricing strategies are market skimming pricing, market
penetration pricing and neutral pricing. The 'reference value' (where the consumer
refers to the prices of competing products) and the 'differential value' (the consumer's
view of this product's attributes versus the attributes of other products) must be taken
into account.
All of the methods of communication that a marketer may use to provide information
to different parties about the product. Promotion comprises elements such as:
advertising, public relations, sales organization and sales promotion. Advertising
covers any communication that is paid for, from cinema commercials, radio and
Internet advertisements through to print media and billboards. Public relations is
where the communication is not directly paid for and includes press releases,
sponsorship deals, exhibitions, conferences, seminars or trade fairs and events. After
web 2.0, the capacity of the customers to discuss products that they have bought,
making reviews and testimonials related to their experiences, are examples of public
relations, as well. This kind of behavior takes the dissemination of the product
information over the internet space and creates the phenomenon known as word-of-
mouth. Word-of-mouth is any apparently informal communication about the product
by ordinary individuals, satisfied customers or people specifically engaged to create
grassroots momentum. Sales staff often plays an important role in word of mouth
and public relations.
channels is not only focus on the participate in demand satisfaction by offering
goods, but also need to stimulate demand through information, creating proximity
and promotion by customer. In other words, distribution channels for the product is a
system process. Generally, majority of the product need a retail shop. But place also
can be a telephone call center or a website.
The "seven Ps" is a marketing model that adds to the aforementioned four Ps, including "physical
evidence", "people", and "process". It is used when the relevant product is a service, not merely a
physical good.
Category Definition
The evidence which shows that a service was performed, such as the delivery
Physical packaging for the item delivered by a delivery service, or a scar left by a surgeon.
evidence This reminds or reassures the consumer that the service took place, positively or
The employees that execute the service, chiefly concerning the manner and skill in
which they do so.
The processes and systems within the organization that affect the execution of its
service, such as job queuing or query handling.
In addition to the controllable marketing mix factors, there are uncontrollable factors called
environmental forces. The external influences are the forces that affect the characteristics of the
marketing strategies to which marketers adapt. Amongst others they include: regulatory,
economic, social, Political environmental, competitive, and technological.
• Regulatory: This refers to laws and legality (governmental policies) that may affect the way
marketing can be characterized. For example, government restriction on the importation of a
particular product might hinder the marketers playing in that particular field.
• Economic: Various trends in the economic business cycle, including inflation, recessions,
deficit, or income level. Each of these factors can have a direct impact on marketing which may
have to be re-evaluated and overhauled as a result.
• Social: The social forces refer to the structure and dynamics of individuals and groups and their
behaviors, beliefs, thought patterns, and lifestyles, friendships, etc. When consumers change
their needs and wants, this directly affects marketing strategies.
• Political: The socio-economic conditions are closely related to the state of the governmental
institutions. Depending on the governmental impact on bureaucracy, corruption, freedom of
speech, and other limitations (or opportunities), the marketing strategies will adapt to the
political conditions.
• Competitive: Competition refers to the numbers of similar competitive product brands. A new
competitor entering the market will directly affect the marketing strategies of the incumbent
companies. Firms offering similar services or products often achieve differentiation through
marketing, positioning, and branding.
• Technological: The marketing strategies often adapt to the pace of development of the
consumer demand and exponential technological progression.
Marketing research involves conducting research to support marketing activities, and the
statistical interpretation of data into information. This information is then used by managers to
plan marketing activities, gauge the nature of a firm's marketing environment and obtain
information from suppliers. Marketing researchers use statistical methods such as quantitative
research, qualitative research, hypothesis tests, Chi-squared tests, linear regression, correlations,
frequency distributions, poison distributions, binomial distributions, etc. to interpret their
findings, and convert data into information. The marketing research process spans a number of
stages, including the definition of a problem, development of a research plan, collection and
interpretation of data, and disseminating information formally in the form of a report. The task of
marketing research is to provide management with relevant, accurate, reliable, valid, and current
A distinction should be made between marketing research and market research. Market research
pertains to research in a given market. As an example, a firm may conduct research in a target
market, after selecting a suitable market segment. In contrast, marketing research relates to all
research conducted within marketing. Thus, market research is a subset of marketing research.
The market environment is a marketing term and refers to factors and forces that affect a firm's
ability to build and maintain successful relationships with customers. Three levels of the
environment are:
Micro (internal) environment - forces within the company that affect its ability to
serve its customers.
Meso environment – the industry in which a company operates and the industry's
Macro (national) environment - larger societal forces that affect the microenvironment.
Market segmentation pertains to the division of a market of consumers into persons with similar
needs and wants. For instance, the Kellogg's cereal Frosties are marketed to children. Crunchy
Nut Cornflakes are marketed to adults. Both goods denote two products which are marketed to
two distinct groups of persons, both with similar needs, traits, and wants. In another example,
Sun Microsystems can use market segmentation to classify its clients according to their
promptness to adopt new products.
Market segmentation allows for a better allocation of a firm's finite resources. A firm only
possesses a certain amount of resources. Accordingly, it must make choices (and incur the
related costs) in servicing specific groups of consumers. In this way, the diversified tastes of
contemporary Western consumers can be served better. With growing diversity in the tastes of
modern consumers, firms are taking note of the benefit of servicing a multiplicity of new
Market segmentation can be viewed as a key dynamic in interpreting and executing a logical
perspective of Strategic Marketing Planning. The manifestation of this process is considered by
many traditional thinkers to include the following; Segmenting, Targeting, and Positioning.
market that are based upon criteria such as demographics, geographic, and many other things.
After Market segmentation is complete a target market may be found which is a market in which
a product or a service will then be marketed towards.
Market research, as a sub-set aspect of marketing activities, can be divided into the following
Primary research (also known as field research), which involves the conduction and
compilation of research for a specific purpose.
Secondary research (also referred to as desk research), initially conducted for one
purpose, but often used to support another purpose or end goal.
By these definitions, an example of primary research would be market research conducted into
health foods, which is used solely to ascertain the needs/wants of the target market for health
foods. Secondary research in this case would be research pertaining to health foods, but used by
a firm wishing to develop an unrelated product.
Primary research is often expensive to prepare, collect, and interpret from data to information.
Nevertheless, while secondary research is relatively inexpensive, it often can become outdated
and outmoded, given that it is used for a purpose other than the one for which it was intended.
Primary research can also be broken down into quantitative research and qualitative research,
which, as the terms suggest, pertain to numerical and non-numerical research methods and
techniques, respectively. The appropriateness of each mode of research depends on whether data
can be quantified (quantitative research), or whether subjective, non-numeric or abstract
concepts are required to be studied (qualitative research).
Predictive research, meaning research conducted to predict a future occurrence.
Conclusive research, for the purpose of deriving a conclusion via a research process.
Applied research – examines variables within a specific context of interest to a marketer
Basic research – aims to understand relative relationships between variables. The
variables may have either causal or correlational relationship. Causal relationship is when
one variable influences the other but not vice versa. Conversely, Correlational
Relationships is when there is a statistically testable relationship between an event and a
Causal research – research done to identify and understand cause-and-effect relationships
through experiment. Experiments are typical in causal research. (Experiments –
manipulate variables in a controlled setting to determine their relationship to one another)
Focus groups - form of qualitative research in which a group of people are asked about
their perceptions, opinions, beliefs, and attitudes.
In-depth interview – a method of analysis, which proceeds as a confidential and secure
conversation between an interviewer and a respondent.
projective techniques - designed to let a person respond to ambiguous stimuli,
presumably revealing hidden emotions and internal conflicts projected by the person
Panels - a longitudinal statistical study in which one group of individuals are interviewed
at intervals over a given period of time
Surveys - a part of longitudinal and cross-sectional studies. They collect either primary
data or Secondary data.
Primary data – new data collected on a project-by-project basis.
Secondary data – they already exist and can be accessed within an organisation or from
external source.
The marketing planning process involves forging a plan for a firm's marketing activities. A
marketing plan can also pertain to a specific product, as well as to an organization's overall
marketing strategy. Generally speaking, an organization's marketing planning process is derived
from its overall business strategy. Thus, when top management are devising the firm's strategic
direction or mission, the intended marketing activities are incorporated into this plan. There are
several levels of marketing objectives within an organization. The senior management of a firm
would formulate a general business strategy for a firm. However, this general business strategy
would be interpreted and implemented in different contexts throughout the firm.
The field of marketing strategy considers the total marketing environment and its impacts on a
company or product or service. The emphasis is on "an in depth understanding of the market
environment, particularly the competitors and customers."
A given firm may offer numerous products or services to a marketplace, spanning numerous and
sometimes wholly unrelated industries. Accordingly, a plan is required in order to effectively
manage such products. Evidently, a company needs to weigh up and ascertain how to utilize its
finite resources. For example, a start-up car manufacturing firm would face little success should
it attempt to rival Toyota, Ford, Nissan, Chevrolet, or any other large global car maker.
Moreover, a product may be reaching the end of its life-cycle. Thus, the issue of divest, or a
ceasing of production, may be made. Each scenario requires a unique marketing strategy. Listed
below are some prominent marketing strategy models.
A marketing strategy differs from a marketing tactic in that a strategy looks at the longer term
view of the products, goods, or services being marketed. A tactic refers to a shorter term view.
Therefore, the mailing of a postcard or sales letter would be a tactic, but changing marketing
channels of distribution, changing the pricing, or promotional elements used would be
considered a strategic change.
This report is based on primary as well secondary data, however primary data collection was
given more importance since it is overhearing factor in attitude studies. One of the most
important users of research methodology is that it helps in identifying the problem, collecting,
analyzing the required information data and providing an alternative solution to the problem for
marketing strategy as it is done by Exploratory research methodology.
Features and benefits of the services for which marketing material was to be created were
explained in great detail. Special focus was given to communicate clearly the USP as well as
what attracts the customer’s attention the most.
Since the team was not very experienced, some research was done to understand the aspects of
aesthetics like color schemes, shapes usage, font impact and psychological impacts of design
Brainstorming was done to decide the design aspects and also what content to keep and what to
omit. To make the communication effective the sentences were reworked so that they have the
desired impact.
With the help of graphics team , the designs were created and final copies were made for
Methodology for redesigning the website and its content :
We had the list of website elements and we had to create a plan of the placement of those
elements. Once the layout plan was approved we had to develop the sitemap.
II) Graphics
In collaboration with the graphics team , we had to create the graphics that depict the different
features of the website and design elements.
Text content that describes each service/ offering and communicates clearly the important
features of services was developed.
A long brainstorming session was carried out for writing the about us page. There was a need to
redraft a clearer vision and mission statement. Everybody discussed what according to them did
the organization stood for and what were the long term goals and they were intending to achieve
them. After a lot of discussion, the about us page was made.
Some changes were made to the content after recommendations from the SEO team.
VI) Uploading
Methodology for developing online ads
I) Purpose of the Ad
Clearly defined purpose of Ad statements were given and also the CTA was specified to us.
Discussions were made regarding how the concept could be depicted in different ways. After a
lot of filtering , we finally shortlisted few ideas.
The ideas were communicated to the graphics team and a rough drawing on paper was made to
give a clear idea how the graphics should be. Finally the graphics part was done.
Shortlisting was done by choosing from the different variants created . the ones which gave the
most clear and impactful message were selected for the online uploads.
Sampling procedure:
The sample was selected of them who are the students / employer / employee / businessman,
irrespective of them being diploma degree or not or availing the services or not. It was also
collected through personal visits to persons, by formal and informal talks and through filling up
the questionnaire prepared. The data has been analyzed by using GOOGLE FORMS.
Sample size:
The sample size of my project is limited to 50 people only.
Sample design:
Data has been presented with the help of bar graph, pie charts, line graphs etc.
From the analysis of above question, it interprets that:
From the analysis of above question, it interprets that:
From the analysis of above question, it interprets that:
From the analysis of above question, it interprets that:
55.6% of respondents “Very Active” for the working of the Diplomads Team.
5.6% of respondents “Not so Active” for the working of the Diplomads Team.
From the analysis of above question, it interprets that:
82.4% of respondents say “Yes” got the proper response for them.
17.6% of respondents say “No” got the proper response from them.
From the analysis of above question, it interprets that:
From the analysis of above question, it interprets that:
From the analysis of above question, it interprets that:
The trend is expected to continue in the segment, as prices are falling as a result of
competition in the segment.
The beneficiaries of the competition are the consumers, who are given a wide variety of
In the years to come the country is predicted to witness an education revolution, which
would increase the subscriber base to match that of the developed world.
The need of the time is a new revolution in education and it is imperative that service
providers work towards the same and make it a possible.
An important contribution of this study is how marketing strategy is developed and
sustained over different target market in Education sector.
The future commitment of the customers to organization depends on perceived marketing
The issue and challenges is therefore increasingly recognized as a critical success factor
in the emerging scenario.
1. NAME:
2. AGE:
6. Have you ever attended a Seminar or Events of Diplomads Professional Servies Pvt.
8. How did you find the working of Diplomads Team?
Very Active
Not so Active
9. Did you get the proper response from the Diplomads Professional Services Pvt.
11. Do you have any alternative services provided other than Diplomads Professional
Services Pvt. Ltd.?
12. Rate your experience for Diplomads Professional Services Pvt. Ltd.?
Very Bad
6.4 Bibliography
Introduction to the Sector/Industry
About Diplomads: