LiveU LU200 UserGuide en

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LiveU LU200
User Guide

Version 5.1
Part Number: DOC00126

Document Version: 5.1.0

November 30, 2015
LiveU LU200 User Guide

About This Guide

This user guide describes the LiveU LU200 unit and provides basic operation
information for camera operators. This user guide describes the LU200
hardware and how to use it in order to broadcast live streaming video.
NOTES Advanced operations intended for technical personnel and system
administrators are outside of the scope of this user guide.
The LiveU 200 can operate in Video mode or in DataBridge (DB)
mode (which activates the LU200 to operate as a data bridge). When
operating in DataBridge mode, some LU200 functionality is not
available. For more details about DataBridge mode, see Chapter 5,
DataBridge Operation on page 51.

The guide contains the following chapters:

• Chapter 1, Introducing the LU200, page 9, introduces the LU200 unit
and describes its hardware components.
• Chapter 2, Getting Started, page 15, describes how to get started using
the LU200, including powering on, connecting the camera, selecting the
profile, delay and channel and broadcasting (playing).
• Chapter 3, LU200 User Interface, page 37, describes the main LU200
screen and the options that it provides.
• Chapter 4, Interrupted Feedback (IFB), page 49, describes the
LU200’s IFB feature and how to set it up. IFB provides a unidirectional
audio channel from the LU2000 to LU200 unit operators in the field.
• Chapter 5, DataBridge Operation, page 51, describes LiveU’s
DataBridge solution and how to operate the LU200 unit as a data bridge.
• Chapter 6, FAQs, page 57, answers various frequently asked questions
about the LU200.
• Appendix A, Safety and Maintenance, page 63, describes how to
maintain the LU200 unit and how to handle potential hazards.
• Appendix B, Limitation of Liability and Warranty, page 67, describes
the limitations on liability and warranty.
• Appendix C, FCC Compliance, page 69, provides the FCC compliance

About This Guide

Intended Audience
This user guide is intended to be used by operators of the LiveU LU200 unit.
This user guide assumes that operators have basic computer knowledge and
are familiar with any video equipment being used (cameras, microphones and
so on) and the infrastructure to which these LU200 units are connected.

Additional Documentation
• LiveU Central User Guide
• LiveU LU40 User Guide
• LiveU LU70 User Guide
• LiveU LU70L User Guide
• LiveU LU400 User Guide
• LiveU LU500 User Guide
• LiveU LU700SV User Guide
• LiveU LU2000 Server (MMH) User Guide
• LiveU LU-Lite Mac User Guide
• LiveU LU-Smart User Guide

LiveU LU200 User Guide

Table of Contents
About This Guide ........................................................................................................ 1

Chapter 1: Introducing the LU200 ............................................................................ 9

Overview........................................................................................................................... 9
LU200 Front Panel ...................................................................................................11
LU200 Menu Navigation and Operation ...........................................................12
LiveU Central ..................................................................................................................13

Chapter 2: Getting Started ...................................................................................... 15

Step 1, Connecting the Video Camera ...................................................................16
Step 2, Powering On the LU200 Unit...........................................................................18
Charging the LU200 ...............................................................................................18
Step 3, Selecting a Channel .......................................................................................21
Virtual Groups .........................................................................................................23
Step 4, Selecting a Profile ............................................................................................24
Step 5, Setting the Delay .............................................................................................26
Step 6, Handling Interfaces .........................................................................................27
Enabling/Disabling an Interface .........................................................................29
Configuring WiFi......................................................................................................32
Configuring LAN Interfaces ..................................................................................34
Step 7, Going Live .........................................................................................................34
Step 8, Handling Alerts .................................................................................................35
Step 9, Shutting Down ..................................................................................................35

Chapter 3: LU200 User Interface ............................................................................. 37

LU200 Interface ..............................................................................................................38
Interfaces ........................................................................................................................40
Profile ...............................................................................................................................40
Delay ...............................................................................................................................40
Channels .........................................................................................................................40
Configuration .................................................................................................................41
Configuring S&F Settings .......................................................................................41
Enabling Auto Resolution ......................................................................................44
Operating as a DataBridge .................................................................................44

Table of Contents

Files ...................................................................................................................................44
Displaying S&F Files ................................................................................................45
Displaying SD Card Files ........................................................................................45
Displaying USB Drive Files ......................................................................................46
Unit Info ...........................................................................................................................46

Chapter 4: Interrupted Feedback (IFB) .................................................................. 49

IFB Overview ...................................................................................................................49
IFB Setup ..........................................................................................................................50

Chapter 5: DataBridge Operation .......................................................................... 51

LiveU DataBridge Solution ...........................................................................................51
DataBridge Mode .........................................................................................................53
Operating in DataBridge Mode ..........................................................................54

Chapter 6: FAQs ........................................................................................................ 57

1 Does the LU200 come with SIM cards installed? .............................................. 57
2 Where are SIM cards placed?.............................................................................57
3 How do I know which SIM cards are supported in my country? .................. 57
4 What is the next step after inserting the SIM cards into the LU200 unit?...... 58
5 How do I know whether or not the LU200 unit is connected to
the Internet? ...................................................................................................................58
6 The LU200 unit does not connect to the Internet. What is the problem?.... 59
7 I want HDMI output on the LU2000. What should I do? .................................. 59
8 I have an LU-1000 server. How do I connect my LU200 to it? ........................ 59
9 What is the purpose of the micro SD slot? .........................................................59
10 Which modems can be used in the LU200? ....................................................60
11 Does the LU200 unit support 4G (LTE)? .............................................................60
12 In which countries does the LU200 work? ........................................................60
13 How do I get support for the LU200?.................................................................60
14 Can I stream directly to the web? How? .........................................................60
15 How many hours does the battery last? ..........................................................60
16 Why can’t I hear using the earphones/headphones?.................................. 61
17 Can I stream to multiple channels (LU2000s) at the same time? ................ 61
19 Which camera resolutions are supported? .....................................................61

Appendix A: safety and Maintenance .................................................................. 63

Safety Information .........................................................................................................63
Potential Hazards ..........................................................................................................65

LiveU LU200 User Guide

Appendix B: Limitation of Liability and Warranty ................................................. 67

Limitation of Liability and Warranty ...........................................................................67

Appendix C: FCC Compliance .............................................................................. 69

Table of Figures
Figure 1: LU200 – Front Panel ........................................................................................................................... 9
Figure 2: LU200 – Right Side Panel ................................................................................................................ 10
Figure 3: LU200 – Left Side Panel .................................................................................................................. 10
Figure 4: LU200 Inside Its Pouch .................................................................................................................... 10
Figure 5: Solution Architecture...................................................................................................................... 11
Figure 6: LU200 Joystick .................................................................................................................................. 12
Figure 7: LiveU Central ................................................................................................................................... 13
Figure 8: LU200 Remote Control Screen...................................................................................................... 13
Figure 9: LU200 Camera Connections......................................................................................................... 16
Figure 10: LU200 Camera Mount .................................................................................................................. 16
Figure 11: Opening the Screws on the Camera Mount Adapter ........................................................... 17
Figure 12: Tightening the Top Screw on the Camera Mount Adapter................................................... 17
Figure 13: Tightening the Bottom Screw on the Camera Mount Adapter ............................................ 17
Figure 14: DC IN Connection ........................................................................................................................ 18
Figure 15: Power Switch ................................................................................................................................. 19
Figure 16: LU200 Home Screen – Offline and Ready States ..................................................................... 19
Figure 17: Battery Status Icon - Main Screen .............................................................................................. 20
Figure 18: LU200 Home Screen – While Streaming .................................................................................... 21
Figure 19: Channels Screen........................................................................................................................... 22
Figure 20: LU200 Micro SD Card Slot ............................................................................................................ 24
Figure 21: Main Screen − Profile ................................................................................................................... 25
Figure 22: Profiles Screen ............................................................................................................................... 25
Figure 23: Main Screen − Delay .................................................................................................................... 26
Figure 24: Delay Screen ................................................................................................................................. 26
Figure 25: Interfaces Screen.......................................................................................................................... 27
Figure 26: Main Screen − Interfaces ............................................................................................................ 30
Figure 27: Interfaces Screen.......................................................................................................................... 30
Figure 28: Disable Interface – 1 .................................................................................................................... 30
Figure 29: Disable Interface – 2 .................................................................................................................... 31
Figure 30: Main Screen − Interfaces ............................................................................................................ 31
Figure 31: Interfaces Screen.......................................................................................................................... 31
Figure 32: Enable Interface ........................................................................................................................... 32
Figure 33: Select Network .............................................................................................................................. 32
Figure 34: Select Network .............................................................................................................................. 33
Figure 35: WiFi Network – Connect .............................................................................................................. 33
Figure 36: Virtual Keyboard ........................................................................................................................... 33
Figure 37: Main Screen .................................................................................................................................. 34

Table of Figures

Figure 38: Profile Selection Screen ............................................................................................................... 34

Figure 39: Stop Streaming Popup Message ............................................................................................... 35
Figure 40: Power Button ................................................................................................................................. 35
Figure 41: Shutdown − 1 ................................................................................................................................ 36
Figure 42: Shutdown − 2 ................................................................................................................................ 36
Figure 43: LU200 Main Screen ....................................................................................................................... 38
Figure 44: Accessing a Configuration Screen............................................................................................ 39
Figure 45: LU200 Main Screen – Arrows Indicating Additional Options ................................................. 39
Figure 46: Configuration Options ................................................................................................................. 41
Figure 47: S&F Settings ................................................................................................................................... 41
Figure 48: Prefix Screen .................................................................................................................................. 42
Figure 49: Prefix Screen – Capital Letters .................................................................................................... 42
Figure 50: Prefix Screen – Numbers and Special Characters .................................................................. 42
Figure 51: HD Quality Screen ........................................................................................................................ 43
Figure 52: SD Quality Screen ......................................................................................................................... 43
Figure 53: Files Options................................................................................................................................... 44
Figure 54: Store and Forward........................................................................................................................ 45
Figure 55: SD Card Option ............................................................................................................................ 45
Figure 56: SD Card – Upload and Delete Options .................................................................................... 45
Figure 57: Uploading – Progress Bar............................................................................................................. 46
Figure 58: USB Drive – Files List ....................................................................................................................... 46
Figure 59: Unit Info Screen ............................................................................................................................. 46
Figure 60: Main Screen .................................................................................................................................. 47
Figure 61: Unit Info Screen ............................................................................................................................. 47
Figure 62: Earphones/Headphones Connector ........................................................................................ 50
Figure 63: DataBridge Solution Architecture .............................................................................................. 51
Figure 64: Main Screen .................................................................................................................................. 53
Figure 65: Switching to DB Mode ................................................................................................................. 53
Figure 66: After Switching to DB Mode ....................................................................................................... 54
Figure 67: After Connecting to the DataBridge Gateway ...................................................................... 54
Figure 68: Changing to Video Mode from DB Mode ............................................................................... 55
Figure 69: Back to Video Mode ................................................................................................................... 55
Figure 70: Changing to Video Mode from DB Mode ............................................................................... 56
Figure 71: Unit Info .......................................................................................................................................... 56
Figure 72: LiveU Central ................................................................................................................................. 58

LiveU LU200 User Guide

Support and Contacting

► US and International:
LiveU Inc.
2 University Plaza Drive
Suite 505
Hackensack, New Jersey, 07601
Tel: 1-(201)-742-5228

USA and the Americas:

Tel: 1-(609)-997-0600

When contacting a support representative, make sure to have the last four
digits of the LU200’s serial number available. This can be accessed by
selecting the Unit Info option, as described in the Unit Info section on
page 46.

1 Introducing the LU200
This chapter introduces the LU200 unit and describes its hardware

The LU200 is a compact, lightweight unit that enables you to transmit
high-quality HD/SD video from diverse locations, while adapting to dynamic
network conditions. The LU200 supports two 4G (LTE)/3G cellular links, a WiFi
link and a LAN link. It can be seamlessly connected to most commercially
available cameras and comes with an easy-to-use interface.

Power Button

Figure 1: LU200 – Front Panel

LiveU LU200 User Guide

Connector SIM Card Slot
Connector Micro SD Card Slot
Reset Button

Figure 2: LU200 – Right Side Panel

USB Connector
DC Power
Connector Ethernet Connector

Figure 3: LU200 – Left Side Panel

The LU200 is provided with a pouch.


Figure 4: LU200 Inside Its Pouch

The LU200 provides two internal cellular modems, as well as a WiFi and a GPS
interface, both of which have internal integrated antennas. In addition, two
external cellular modems can be connected via USB for a total of six interfaces
on the unit.

After the LU200 powers up, it dials (connects) its modems to various networks
(including WiFi) and combines their bandwidth into a single consolidated
broadband uplink connection. The LU200 can then encode incoming video into
an H.264 stream and transmit it over the aggregated bandwidth.
NOTE Xtender interfaces are supported for LAN interfaces only.

Introducing the LU200

At the receiving end, the LiveU LU2000 receives these various streams of
video via a standard Internet connection. The LU2000 server runs multiple
Multi-Media Hub (MMH) instances. Each LU2000 recombines the streams
received from a specific LU200 into a discrete broadcast-quality video stream
that can be played out over an integrated SDI interface on the LU2000.

NOTE Most popular SDI output resolutions are supported.

The LU2000 is normally installed at a studio, broadcasting center or in a cloud

server for online media.

Web Streaming
LU200 Unit Others ...

Broadcast Center

Figure 5: Solution Architecture

Each LU2000 can be controlled and configured using a web portal called LiveU
Central, as described on page 13.

LU200 Front Panel

The LU200 front panel contains the unit’s LCD screen, a five-button joystick
and the unit’s power button (see Figure 1).

The LU200 has a color screen that is easily readable from a distance of
approximately one meter when the LU200 is attached to a belt worn around
the waist.

LiveU LU200 User Guide

LU200 Menu Navigation and Operation

The LU200 uses a five-button joystick to navigate between screens and to
confirm selections in screens.
Up Button

Left Button Right Button

Center (OK) Button

Down Button

Figure 6: LU200 Joystick

Pressing the joystick’s Left button returns to the previous screen.

Pressing the joystick’s Right or Center (OK) buttons moves to the next
screen. Pressing either of these buttons in the Home screen opens the Main

The LU200 power button turns the unit on and off and can also be used to
toggle between starting and stopping streaming on the unit. For more details,
see the Step 2, Powering On the LU200 Unit section on page 16, the Step 7,
Going Live section on page 34 and the Step 9, Shutting Down section on
page 35.

Introducing the LU200

LiveU Central
LiveU Central is a web interface that enables you to access any LU unit you
have, including the LU200. LiveU Central enables you to view an LU200’s
status and to remotely configure an LU200 and an MMH instance (running on
the LU2000 server). LiveU Central only runs in the Google Chrome, Internet
Explorer or Firefox website browser.

Each LiveU Central user is assigned permission to manage and control a

specific group of LU units.

Figure 7: LiveU Central

When LiveU Central takes control of an LU200, the message Unit is under
Remote Control is displayed on the LU200 unit’s screen. The unit remains
under remote control until it is released by the LiveU Central user.

Figure 8: LU200 Remote Control Screen

LiveU LU200 User Guide

This screen provides the LU200 user with an indication that the LU200 is/was
controlled remotely (and possibly that its configuration was changed). The
LU200 user can press the Center (OK) button at any time to remove this
message without affecting the remote control.

Once LiveU Central releases control of the LU200, the remote control window
continues to remain displayed until you press the Center (OK) button.
An LU200 user cannot stop the LU200 from being remotely controlled.

You may refer to the LiveU Central User Guide for more information.

Getting Started
This chapter describes how to get started using the LU200, including powering
on, connecting the camera, selecting a channel, profile and delay and
broadcasting (playing). The following is an overview of the workflow described
in this chapter.
Connecting the Video
Step 1 Camera Page 16

Step 2 Powering On the LU200 Unit Page 16

Step 3 Selecting a Channel Page 21

Step 4 Selecting a Profile Page 24

Step 5 Setting the Delay Page 26

Step 6 Handling Interfaces Page 27

Step 7 Going Live or S&F Page 34

Step 8 Handling Alerts Page 35

Step 9 Shutting Down Page 35

LiveU LU200 User Guide

Step 1, Connecting the Video Camera

The procedure for connecting a video camera to the LU200 is simple.

The camera can be connected either before or after turning on the LU200. If
you power on the LU200 before connecting the camera, then the message No
Camera is displayed. You can then connect the camera, as described below.
Only one camera can be connected directly to the LU200 at any time.

► To connect the camera:

1 Cables are provided for each type of camera. Connect one end of the
appropriate camera’s cable to the relevant port on the video camera (SDI
or HDMI).

2 Connect the other end of the cable to the appropriate port (SDI or HDMI)
on the LU200 unit, according to the type of camera, as follows:

Figure 9: LU200 Camera Connections

Figure 10: LU200 Camera Mount

Getting Started

3 To mount the LU200 on a camera, open the top and bottom screws on the
camera mount adapter.

Figure 11: Opening the Screws on the Camera Mount Adapter

4 Position the LU200 on the adapter and tighten the top screw, making sure
that the screw it tight and that the LU200 is firmly in place.

Front Right Side Panel

Figure 12: Tightening the Top Screw on the Camera Mount Adapter

5 Mount the camera mount adapter on the camera shoe and tighten the
bottom screw.

Figure 13: Tightening the Bottom Screw on the Camera Mount Adapter

LiveU LU200 User Guide

Step 2, Powering On the LU200 Unit

The following describes the procedure for turning on the LU200. The LU200
contains an internal battery that when fully charged, enables up to two hours
of standalone operation.

Charging the LU200

We recommend charging the battery for at least 4 hours before using the

► To charge the battery:

• Plug the AC Power Adapter into the DC IN connector on the LU200.
It is good practice to keep the unit plugged into a power outlet when it is
not in use in order to keep it charged and ready for operation.
While charging, the LED near the DC IN connector is red. When the battery
is fully charged, the LED turns green.
The battery charges even when the unit is turned off.

Figure 14: DC IN Connection

Getting Started

► To power on the LU200 unit:

• Press the Power button for approximately two seconds to turn the unit on.
The battery does not need to be fully charged to use the unit.

Figure 15: Power Switch

• The LU200 logo appears on the screen while the unit powers up. The unit
displays the Home screen within approximately two minutes after power
up. The LU200 is ready for transmission within approximately two minutes
after powering it on.

The LU200 begins in Offline state and moves to Ready state once the unit
is connected to the network and registered.

Upper Status

Lower Status

Figure 16: LU200 Home Screen – Offline and Ready States

The LU200 Home screen displays the following information:

 Profile: Shows the profile in use, which can be either Live or
S&F .
 Delay: Shows the configured delay. The delay only displays when the
Live profile is selected.

LiveU LU200 User Guide

 Channel Name: Shows the selected channel name. If a channel name

is longer than the screen allows, two dots are displayed at the end of
the channel name. After a few seconds the channel name starts to
scroll so that you can see the rest of the name.

 Alert: Is displayed when an alert is detected. The type of alert is

displayed next to the icon. For more details, see the Step 8,
Handling Alerts section on page 35.
 Battery Status: Displays battery charge, as follows:

• Green: The battery is charged 20% or more.

• Yellow: The battery is charged between 10% to 20%.
• Red: The battery is charged between 5% to 10%.
• Flashing Red: The battery is charged less than 5%.

 Battery Charging Indication: Displays when the unit is

connected to external power in order to charge the battery. The
lightning bolt icon appears on the Battery Status icon. The battery
color indicates the amount of remaining power (see above).
NOTE The Battery Status icon also appears at the bottom of all Main
screen windows, as shown below:

Figure 17: Battery Status Icon - Main Screen

 Lower Status Bar: Indicates the status of the unit, as follows:

• : The LU200 is not connected to the network or is attempting

to connect to the network.

• : The LU200 is connected to the network and registered.

Getting Started

When the LU200 is streaming, the Home screen displays additional

information about the streaming state, as follows:
Upper Status
Video Feed

Lower Status
Figure 18: LU200 Home Screen – While Streaming

In addition to the information described above, the LU200 displays a

lightning bolt icon plus the following information when the unit is
actively streaming:

 : Indicates that the LU200 is streaming and shows the

transmission rate, in Kbps.
 The Home screen automatically shows a preview of the video feed
during streaming.

A full description of the user interface is provided in Chapter 3, LU200 User

Interface on page 37.
NOTE The Profile, Delay and Channel cannot be changed during streaming.
A camera alert appears on the Home screen’s upper bar when the
camera is disconnected.

Step 3, Selecting a Channel

Video is streamed from the LU200 system via the Internet to the selected MMH
instance (channel) using one or more networks (cellular modems, WiFi, LAN
and so on, which are also called interfaces).

The LU200 can stream to either:

• LU2000: An output LU2000 output channel (as described on page 21). The
LU2000 is typically located in the field and connected to the system via the
internet cloud.
– OR –
• Virtual Group Channel: For previewing in the LiveU Central video matrix
(as described on page 23).

LiveU LU200 User Guide

Each LU200 uses a single channel for streaming over its interfaces to a specific
LU2000. The LU2000 can service multiple channels (each channel is an
LU2000 instance). The number of channels that it supports is dependent on
the processing power of the machine on which the LU2000 is running.

In order to connect to an LU2000 channel, you must select the channel to

which the LU200 will broadcast, as described below. This is a mandatory step
the first time that you use the LU200. Afterwards, the LU200 uses the same
channel unless you use the Channels option to change the channel.

► To select a channel:
1 Navigate to Channels option in the Main screen using the Up and Down
buttons on the joystick.

2 Press the Right or Center (OK) buttons on the joystick. The Channels
screen displays, as shown below:

Figure 19: Channels Screen

3 Use the Up and Down buttons on the joystick to navigate to the preferred
channel, and then press the Center (OK) button on the joystick to select

The selected channel is indicated by a checkmark.

NOTES To cancel a selection, press the Left button on the joystick.
If a channel name is longer than the screen allows, two dots
are displayed at the end of the channel name.
After a few seconds the selected channel name starts to scroll so
that you can see the rest of the name.

Getting Started

Virtual Groups
The LU200 can stream to an output LU2000, as described on page 21, or to a
Virtual Group. Streaming to a Virtual Group enables LiveU Central operators to
preview the channel and then to control the destination to which the stream is
ultimately directed and sent live. A LiveU Central operator can decide to
stream to a physical SDI port on the LU2000 server or to a Content Delivery
Network (CDN).

When you select a Virtual Group, the video is initially streamed as a preview
(virtual) channel to LiveU Central. In Preview mode, the video is transmitted
as a light stream (at a low bandwidth and with a low resolution and frame

After a LiveU Central operator allocates a Virtual Channel in Preview mode to a

destination, it is streamed at the defined resolution and frame rate. For more
details about handling preview channels, see the LiveU Central User Guide.

Virtual Groups are indicated in the Channels screen by the icon before the
channel name.

LiveU LU200 User Guide

Step 4, Selecting a Profile

The LU200 provides two profiles according to which the LU200 transmits:

• Live : When selecting this profile, the LU200 automatically

starts streaming when it goes live (as described in the Step 7, Going Live
section on page 34). This is the default profile. Video is streamed according
to the delay that is specified in the Main screen. For more details about
setting the delay, see the Step 5, Setting the Delay section on page 26.

• Store&Forward : When selecting this profile, the LU200

stores the video on the micro SD card, while simultaneously uploading the
stored video at the highest quality.

This profile can only be selected when the LU200 has a micro SD card
inserted in it.

Micro SD Card Slot

Figure 20: LU200 Micro SD Card Slot

The micro SD card must be at least a 4GB, Class 10 SD card
from an established manufacturer. The LU200 supports a micro
SD card of up to 32 GB.

The Store&Forward profile is typically used when you are located in an

area with limited bandwidth. It enables you to store the video on the
LU200 unit and to transmit it. When this option is selected, the Delay
option is not active and displays N/A for the delay value.

Getting Started

► To select a profile:
1 Navigate to the Profile option in the Main screen using the Up and Down
buttons on the joystick.

Figure 21: Main Screen − Profile

2 Press the Right or Center (OK) buttons on the joystick. The Profiles
screen displays, as shown below:

Figure 22: Profiles Screen

3 Use the Up and Down buttons on the joystick to navigate to the required
profile, and then press the Center (OK) button on the joystick to select it.
The Live profile is the default.

The selected profile is indicated by a checkmark.

NOTE To cancel a selection, press the Left button on the joystick
before checking the new profile.

LiveU LU200 User Guide

Step 5, Setting the Delay

Live video is transmitted according to the delay defined. The default delay is 5
seconds, which provides the best of both worlds: low delay and high-quality
video. The minimum delay is 1 second. The maximum delay is 20 seconds.

► To set the delay:

1 Navigate to the Delay option in the Main screen using the Up and Down
buttons on the joystick.

Figure 23: Main Screen − Delay

2 Press the Right or Center (OK) buttons on the joystick. The Delay screen
displays, as shown below:

Figure 24: Delay Screen

3 Use the Up and Down buttons on the joystick to specify the required
delay, and then press the Center (OK) button on the joystick to set it. You
can select from the following delay values, in seconds: 1, 1.2, 1.4, 1.6,
1.8, 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 20. The N/A value appears
on the Main menu when using the Store&Forward profile, as described
on page 23.
NOTES When the Store&Forward profile is selected, as described on
page 23, the Delay screen is not accessible. In this case, the
Main screen displays N/A for the Delay.
To cancel a selection, press the Left button on the joystick.

Getting Started

Step 6, Handling Interfaces

The Interfaces screen shows a list of all of the interfaces to which the LU200 is
able to connect. The figure below shows a conceptual view of the interfaces
that can exist on the LU200.
NOTE Remember, all the interfaces in Figure 25 cannot be viewed at once
on the screen, due to the LCD screen’s small size. The following figure
only displays a conceptual representation of the interfaces that could
appear on a real unit.

Figure 25: Interfaces Screen

Internal cellular modems are shown in ports 1 and 2. External USB-connected

modems are shown in ports E1 and E2.
A WiFi interface is identified by the icon.

A LAN interface is identified by the icon.

Xtender interfaces are supported for LAN interfaces only. Xtender interfaces
are shown after the Cellular interfaces. Their cellular modems are the same as
those for internal interfaces, except that they are labeled x1, x2, x3, x4, x5
and x6.

LiveU LU200 User Guide

The following information is shown for each appropriate interface in the

interfaces list:

• Cellular interfaces show the port number, RSSI

signal strength bars, the dialed cellular network name and the used uplink
throughput, in Kbps. In addition, each cellular interface shows the cellular
operator’s technology that is in use (3G or 4G). The 3G or 4G indication
appears before the cellular network name. 3G includes GSM, CDMA,
WCDMA and UMTS. 4G covers LTE.
• A WiFi client interface shows the selected WiFi network SSID, RSSI signal
strength bars and the used uplink throughput, in Kbps.

• A secured WiFi network displays the icon and an unsecured WiFi

network displays the icon.

NOTE In the LU200 Phase 1, WiFi interfaces are only configurable using
LiveU Central.

• A LAN interface shows the static IP configured when DHCP

is OFF or the DHCP-received IP address when DHCP is ON. In addition, it
shows the used uplink throughput, in Kbps.
NOTES The LAN interface DHCP default value is ON.
In the LU200 Phase 1, LAN interfaces are only configurable using
LiveU Central. The default value is DHCP On.

Getting Started

Before you begin streaming, you may want to check the quality of the
connected interfaces. The following table describes interface connectivity
Interface Enabled Disabled
Connected Not Connected / Dialing
Not Inserted

Cellular RSSI bars are RSSI bars are gray. RSSI bars are RSSI bars are
Modem green. yellow. gray.

Shows the Shows the Shows

operator name. operator name. Disabled in

WiFi RSSI bars are RSSI bars are RSSI bars are RSSI bars are
/ green. yellow. yellow. gray.

Shows the SSID The network is not The network is Shows

of the access detected. not selected. Disabled in
point. red.

LAN Icon is green. Icon is yellow. Not applicable. Icon is gray.

Shows the IP Shows an empty Shows

address. field if there is no IP Disabled in
address when DHCP red.
is ON, or the IP
address for a static
IP (when DHCP is

Enabling/Disabling an Interface
You can enable or disable one or all LU200 interfaces, including cellular
modems, WiFi and LAN interfaces. Each interface must be enabled/disabled
separately. The examples below describe how to enable/disable cellular
modem interfaces. These procedures are the same for all interface types
(cellular modems, WiFi and LAN interfaces).

LiveU LU200 User Guide

► To disable an interface:
1 Navigate to the Interfaces option in the Main screen using the Up and
Down buttons on the joystick.

Figure 26: Main Screen − Interfaces

2 Press the Right or Center (OK) buttons on the joystick. The Interfaces
screen displays, as shown below:

Figure 27: Interfaces Screen

3 Navigate to an interface using the Up and Down buttons on the joystick

and press the Right or Center (OK) buttons to display the following

Figure 28: Disable Interface – 1

Getting Started

4 Press the Right or Center (OK) buttons on the joystick to disable the
selected interface. The following screen displays:

Figure 29: Disable Interface – 2

5 Select Disable and press the Center (OK) button to disable the interface.
The Disable button of the interface changes to Enable, indicating that the
interface is currently disabled.

► To enable an interface:
1 Navigate to the Interfaces option in the Main screen using the Up and
Down buttons on the joystick.

Figure 30: Main Screen − Interfaces

2 Press the Right or Center (OK) buttons on the joystick. The Interfaces
screen displays, as shown below:

Figure 31: Interfaces Screen

LiveU LU200 User Guide

3 Navigate to a disabled interface using the Up and Down buttons on the

joystick and press the Right or Center (OK) buttons to display the
following screen:

Figure 32: Enable Interface

4 Press the Right or Center (OK) buttons on the joystick to enable the
selected interface.

Configuring WiFi
WiFi configuration can be performed directly on the LU200 unit itself or via
LiveU Central.

The status of a WiFi network is indicated, as follows:

• Gray : WiFi is disabled.

• Yellow : WiFi enabled, but is not connected.

• Green : WiFi is enabled and connected to the active network.

► To configure the LU200 using the LU200 user interface:

1 Navigate to the Interfaces option in the Main screen using the Up and
Down buttons on the joystick.

2 Select WiFi  Select Network.

Figure 33: Select Network

Getting Started

The unit scans and displays the available networks.

Figure 34: Select Network

To rescan, press Scan.

3 Select a network and press Connect.

Figure 35: WiFi Network – Connect

NOTE For encrypted networks, select the network, press Connect,
enter the network password using the virtual keyboard, as shown
below, and then press Done.

Figure 36: Virtual Keyboard

Disconnecting a WiFi Network

To disconnect a WiFi network, either disable WiFi or select a different network.

LiveU LU200 User Guide

Configuring LAN Interfaces

Configuration of the LAN Static IP must be done in LiveU Central. The unit’s
default value is DHCP. Configuration from the LU200 unit will be supported in a
future release.

Step 7, Going Live

You are now ready to start transmitting the video to the channel that you

► To go live:
1 In the Main screen, use the arrows on the joystick to navigate to the
Profile option, and then press the Center (OK) button on the joystick.

Figure 37: Main Screen

2 Navigate to the Live profile by using the Up and Down buttons on the
joystick and then press the Center (OK) button on the joystick to select it.
Pressing OK returns to the Main screen.

Figure 38: Profile Selection Screen

Getting Started

3 Short-press the Power button to start streaming.

Double-short-press the Power button when you want to stop streaming.

A popup message appears between these two short presses. If the second
short press is not performed within two seconds of the first one, the popup
disappears and streaming continues.

Figure 39: Stop Streaming Popup Message

When streaming begins, the Home screen displays to show the streaming
preview on the unit's screen, as described on page 21.

Step 8, Handling Alerts

A No Camera Alert appears on the home screen upper bar when the camera
is disconnected and it disappears when the camera is connected back to the
LU-200 unit.

Step 9, Shutting Down

► To shut down the LU200:
Hold down the Power button for 5 seconds until the LU200 shuts down. This
action shuts down the unit’s software and then turns off the unit.

Figure 40: Power Button

LiveU LU200 User Guide

A popup message displays a progress bar for approximately four to five

seconds while the unit is shutting down:

Figure 41: Shutdown − 1

Once the progress bar shows 100%, a popup message displays, as shown
below. You should then stop pressing the power button.

Figure 42: Shutdown − 2

LU200 User Interface
This chapter describes the main LU200 screen and the options that it provides.
This chapter contains the following sections:
• LU200 Interface, page 38

• Interfaces, page 40

• Profile, page 40

• Delay, page 40

• Channels, page 40

• Configuration, page 41

• Files, page 44

• Unit Info, page 46

LiveU LU200 User Guide

LU200 Interface
The LU200 user interface is an LCD screen. When the LU200 is powered on,
the Home screen displays, as described on page 19.

The Main screen provides access to the various configuration options for the

► To go from the Home screen to the Main screen:

Press the Right button or the Center (OK) button on the joystick.

By default, when moving from the Home screen to the Main screen, the
Interfaces option is initially selected, as shown below. The selected option is
highlighted in gray on the screen.

When Not Streaming While Streaming

Figure 43: LU200 Main Screen

Because of the small size of the LU200 LCD screen, only three functions and
the Lower Status bar can be displayed at any given time on the screen, as
shown above.

LU200 User Interface

To select an option on the Main screen, use the Up and Down buttons on the
joystick to navigate to the applicable option. Then, press the Right or Center
(OK) button on the joystick to access that option’s configuration screen. A
white arrow next to an option on the Main screen indicates that the option
has a sub-menu and that you need to press the Right or Center (OK) button
to access the sub-menu screen.

The example below shows how to access the Interfaces screen from the Main
2 Press the Right or OK button. 3 The Interfaces screen opens.
1 Navigate
to here to
select the

Figure 44: Accessing a Configuration Screen

When additional options are available in the Main screen, up and/or down
arrows are shown on the screen, as shown below. These arrows indicate to
you to move up and down on the screen (using the Up and Down buttons on
the joystick), in order to navigate to a different option on the Main screen that
is not seen on the screen.

Figure 45: LU200 Main Screen – Arrows Indicating Additional Options

NOTES Pressing the joystick’s Left button returns to the previous screen.
Pressing the joystick’s Right or Center (OK) buttons moves to the
next screen. From the Home screen, the next screen is the Main

LiveU LU200 User Guide

The following sections describe the various options that are accessible from
the Main screen.

The Interfaces option in the Main screen indicates the number of active
interfaces out of the total number of interfaces on the LU200. For example,
3 /4 means that there are three active interfaces and four total interfaces on
the unit, meaning that one of them is not active.

For more details about configuring interfaces, see the Step 6, Handling
Interfaces section on page 27.

The Profile option in the Main screen shows the selected profile to use during

For more details about setting the profile, see the Step 4, Selecting a Profile
section on page 24.

The Delay option in the Main screen shows the selected delay for streaming.

For more details about configuring the delay, see the Step 5, Setting the Delay
section on page 26.

The Channels option in the Main screen shows the channel to be used for
streaming, or for transferring files.

For more details about setting the channel, see the Step 3, Selecting a
Channel section on page 21.

LU200 User Interface

The Configuration option enables you to perform the following operations:

• Configure S&F Settings, page 41

• Enabling Auto Resolution, page 44
• Operate as a DataBridge, page 44

Figure 46: Configuration Options

Configuring S&F Settings

LU200 enables you to configure Store & Forward (S&F) settings for Store &
Forward sessions.

Figure 47: S&F Settings

LiveU LU200 User Guide

► To configure the S&F prefix:

1 Navigate to the S&F Settings option in the Configuration screen using the
Up and Down buttons on the joystick.

2 Navigate to the Prefix option in the S&F Settings screen and press the
Right or Center (OK) buttons on the joystick. The following screen

Figure 48: Prefix Screen

3 Enter the prefix to be appended to the filename for the files streamed from
the LU200, and then press Done. The prefix enables you to differentiate
between files that were stored and forwarded.

To use the keyboard, navigate through the keyboard characters using the
Up, Down and Right buttons on the joystick. To select a character, press
the Center (OK) button.

When pressing the button, the letters on the keyboard change from
lower case to upper case, as shown below:

Figure 49: Prefix Screen – Capital Letters

When pressing the button, the letters on the keyboard change to

numbers and special characters, as shown below:

Figure 50: Prefix Screen – Numbers and Special Characters

LU200 User Interface

► To configure the S&F quality:

1 Navigate to the S&F Settings option in the Configuration screen using the
Up and Down buttons on the joystick.

2 Navigate to the HD Quality option in the S&F Settings screen and press
the Right or Center (OK) buttons on the joystick. The following screen

Figure 51: HD Quality Screen

3 Select the HD video quality for the stored file. You can select one of the
following options: HQ (High Quality), SP (Standard Play) or LP (Long
Play). Press the Center (OK) button on the joystick to set the value.

4 Navigate to the SD Quality option in the S&F Settings screen and press
the Right or Center (OK) buttons on the joystick. The following screen

Figure 52: SD Quality Screen

5 Select the SD video quality for the stored file. You can select one of the
following options: HQ (High Quality), SP (Standard Play) or LP (Long
Play). Press the Center (OK) button on the joystick to set the value.

LiveU LU200 User Guide

Enabling Auto Resolution

When Auto Resolution is enabled, the LU200 automatically adjusts the
resolution at which it transmits according to the bit rate that is available in
order to provide the best available video quality on the server side. To enable
this feature, navigate to the Auto Res. option in the Configuration screen and
then press the Right or Center (OK) buttons on the joystick to enable or
disable, as required. This feature is enabled by default.

Figure 39: Auto Res. Setting

Operating as a DataBridge
The LU200 unit can operate as a DataBridge when working in DataBridge (DB)
mode, as described in Chapter 5, DataBridge Operation on page 51.

The Files option enables you to perform the following operations:

• Display S&F Files, page 45

• Display SD Card Files, page 45
• Display USB Drive Files, page 46

Figure 53: Files Options

LU200 User Interface

Displaying S&F Files

The S&F option displays all the files that are currently being stored and

Figure 54: Store and Forward

Displaying SD Card Files

The SD Card option displays a list of the files on the SD card.

Figure 55: SD Card Option

You can upload or delete files in the list using the respective option, as shown

Figure 56: SD Card – Upload and Delete Options

You can upload or delete files in the list using the respective Upload or Delete

LiveU LU200 User Guide

After an upload has been initiated, a progress bar displays, as shown below:

Figure 57: Uploading – Progress Bar

You can abort a file upload operation using the Abort Upload option.

Displaying USB Drive Files

The USB Drive option displays a list of the files on the USB drive.

The USB drive must be connected to USB port 1 or 2.

Figure 58: USB Drive – Files List

Unit Info
The Unit Info option displays the LU200 unit’s name, serial number and
software version. If required, you may contact LiveU support for more details.

Figure 59: Unit Info Screen

LU200 User Interface

If any of the information on this screen is longer than the screen permits, two
dots (..) are displayed at the end of the relevant line. After a few seconds, the
currently selected information line starts to scroll so that you can see the rest
of the information.

When contacting a support representative, make sure to have the last four
digits of the LU200 unit’s serial number available.

► To view unit information:

1 In the Main screen, use the arrows on the joystick to navigate to the Unit
Info option.

Figure 60: Main Screen

2 Press the Center (OK) button on the joystick to display the Unit Info

Figure 61: Unit Info Screen

LiveU LU200 User Guide

Blank page for double-sided printing

4 Interrupted Feedback
This chapter describes the LU200’s IFB Interrupted Feedback (IFB) feature and
how to set it up.

IFB Overview
The IFB feature provides a unidirectional audio channel from the LU2000 to
LU200 unit operators in the field. This enables the personnel in the master
control room (MCR) to broadcast verbal instructions or information about
events to LU200 operators.

During broadcasting, LU200 operators can listen to an audio-only channel

received from the IFB server using an earphone/headphone. IFB uses a
unidirectional audio channel from the LU2000 to the LU200 unit, which only
allows the LU200 operator to listen, but not respond.

For more details about the IFB feature on the LU2000, see Appendix A,
Interrupted Feedback (IFB) in the LiveU LU2000 Server User Guide.

LiveU LU200 User Guide

IFB Setup
Perform the step below before beginning streaming, in order to ensure proper
IFB operation.

► To set up IFB:
• Plug in the earphones/headphones into the microphone connector on the
LU200. No other setup or configuration is required on the LU200.

Figure 62: Earphones/Headphones Connector

If the earphones/headphones are connected after streaming starts, the

LU200 operator cannot hear anything on the IFB channel. Be sure to
connect them before starting to stream.

During streaming, IFB has an 800ms delay.

DataBridge Operation

DataBridge Operation
This chapter describes LiveU’s DataBridge solution and how to operate the
LU200 unit as a DataBridge.

This chapter contains the following sections:

• LiveU DataBridge Solution, page 51
• DataBridge Mode, page 53

LiveU DataBridge Solution

LiveU’s DataBridge solution enables point-to-multipoint transmission and
reception of any kind of high-quality data from diverse locations, while
adapting to dynamic network conditions. The DataBridge feature can be used
for a variety of data connectivity solutions, such as for connecting a laptop in
the field to a control station.

The DataBridge solution is a client/server solution where an LU, such as the

Xtender, LU200, LU400, LU40 or LU500, that is configured to operate as a
DataBridge unit, is the client and the DataBridge Gateway is the server.
Cellular Core Networks


Core Packet
EVDO Switched
DataBridge Gateway



Figure 63: DataBridge Solution Architecture

LiveU LU200 User Guide

After the DataBridge unit powers up, it dials (connects) its modems to various
networks and combines their bandwidth into a single consolidated broadband
uplink and downlink connection:
• Transmitting Data: The DataBridge unit receives data from the user data
equipment through its user port and transmits it over the aggregated
• Receiving Data: The DataBridge device receives incoming data through
its aggregated bandwidth, and outputs it through its user port to the user
data equipment.

DataBridge Gateway
The DataBridge Gateway server is located in the cloud, and receives various
streams of data from the DataBridge unit through its network port, which is
connected to standard Internet. The DataBridge Gateway server runs multiple
remote connection instances. Each remote connection instance recombines the
streams received from a specific DataBridge unit into a discrete high-quality
data stream.

DataBridge Unit
Each DataBridge unit streams to a specific remote connection instance on the
DataBridge Gateway. The DataBridge Gateway can service up to 100
DataBridge units simultaneously.

The DataBridge unit:

• Employs proprietary algorithms to simultaneously break down and transmit
data over multiple modems and to bond the data received over its multiple
• Performs Layer 2 bridging by learning Layer 2 source addresses and
forwarding according to Layer 2 destination MAC addresses.

An LU200 working as a DataBridge unit operates in DataBridge mode. For

more details, see the DataBridge Mode section on page 53.

DataBridge Operation

DataBridge Mode
The LU200 unit must be switched from Video mode to DataBridge mode in
order to operate as a DataBridge. The LU200 continues to operate in
DataBridge mode until it is switched back to Video mode. When switching
between these two modes, the LU200 unit is rebooted.

► To change to DB Mode:
1 In the Main screen, use the Up and Down buttons on the joystick to
navigate to Configuration menu and then the DB Mode option. Then
click the Center (OK) button on the joystick to select it.

Figure 64: Main Screen

The following screen displays:

Figure 65: Switching to DB Mode

2 Navigate to the Switch option using the Up and Down buttons on the
joystick and then press the Center (OK) button on the joystick to select it.
After selecting this option, the LU200 reboots and operates in DataBridge
(DB) mode, as described below.

LiveU LU200 User Guide

Operating in DataBridge Mode

After the LU200 reboots and switches to DB mode, the following screen

Figure 66: After Switching to DB Mode

In order for the LU200 to operate as a DataBridge, the unit must be connected
to a DataBridge Gateway instance. Connection to a DataBridge Gateway
occurs automatically, once a DataBridge Gateway instance is assigned to the
LU200 unit by LiveU. You must contact the LiveU Professional Services Group
(PSG) and request that a DataBridge Gateway instance be assigned to the
LU200 unit for this purpose. After the PSG assigns a DataBridge Gateway (via
LiveU Central), the unit automatically connects to the gateway.
NOTE If the LU200 does not automatically connect to the DataBridge
Gateway, contact LiveU PSG for assistance.

The LU200 unit then connects to the DataBridge Gateway to be used for the

After the LU200 unit is connected in DB mode, details about the connection
status are displayed, as shown below:

Figure 67: After Connecting to the DataBridge Gateway

The LU200 unit continues to operate in DB mode until it is switched back to

Video mode.

DataBridge Operation

► To change back to Video Mode from DB Mode:

1 In the Main screen, use the Up and Down buttons on the joystick to
navigate to the Video Mode option and then press the Center (OK)
button on the joystick to select it.

Figure 68: Changing to Video Mode from DB Mode

The following screen displays:

Figure 69: Back to Video Mode

2 Navigate to the Switch option using the Up and Down buttons on the
joystick and then press the Center (OK) button on the joystick to select it.
The LU200 reboots and operates in Video mode (the default).

LiveU LU200 User Guide

Displaying Unit Information

Use the Unit Info option to display additional information about the LU200

► To display LU200 unit information:

1 In the Main screen, use the Up and Down buttons on the joystick to
navigate to the Unit Info option and then press the Center (OK) button
on the joystick to select it.

Figure 70: Changing to Video Mode from DB Mode

The following screen displays, showing the name, serial number and
software version for the LU200 unit.

Figure 71: Unit Info

6 FAQs
This chapter answers various frequently asked questions about the LU200.

1 Does the LU200 come with SIM cards

This depends on whether the LU200 was purchased (is provided without SIM
cards) or leased (is provided with SIM cards).

2 Where are SIM cards placed?

For internal Cellular modems there are 2 slots to insert the SIM cards.

3 How do I know which SIM cards are

supported in my country?
Browse to the following link to see a list of the operators in your country. All
operators listed under GSM should work with the modems provided in the

Contact a LiveU support representative if you are need additional assistance.

LiveU LU200 User Guide

4 What is the next step after inserting the

SIM cards into the LU200 unit?
The following options are available for configuring the Access Point Number
• By default, the LU200 automatically configures the correct APN.
• If the system fails to automatically configure the APN, then you may refer
to the LiveU Central User Guide for a description of how to configure the

5 How do I know whether or not the

LU200 unit is connected to the Internet?
You have the following options:
• Check that the unit is in Ready state and is not offline.
• LiveU Central: Use the LiveU Central web interface to check if the LU200
unit has Live ( ) or Ready ( ) status, as shown below. Both of these
statuses indicate that the LU200 is connected. The Offline status ( )
indicates that the LU200 is not connected.

LU Unit

Figure 72: LiveU Central


You may refer to the LiveU Central User Guide for more information. It
describes how to remotely manage and control LU200s and LU2000s on an
LU2000 server through a standard Internet browser.

6 The LU200 unit does not connect to the

Internet. What is the problem?
• There is no cellular reception.
• There are no SIM cards inserted in the LU200 unit.
• SIM cards were inserted only after the unit was turned on.
• The SIM cards are not activated or do not support the data plan.
• Modems are disabled.
• The APN is not configured correctly on the modems.

7 I want HDMI output on the LU2000.

What should I do?
Currently, the LU2000 does not support HDMI output. To provide HDMI output,
an SDI-to-HDMI convertor can be used.

8 I have an LU-1000 server. How do I

connect my LU200 to it?
This option is not available.

9 What is the purpose of the micro SD

The micro SD slot is for the Store&Forward option (described on page 23).

LiveU LU200 User Guide

10 Which modems can be used in the

Verify which modems can be used with your LiveU support representative.

11 Does the LU200 unit support 4G (LTE)?

Yes, the LU200 is supported upon 4G network availability.

12 In which countries does the LU200

All over the world!

13 How do I get support for the LU200?

You may refer to the Support and Contacting Information section on page 8 for
more information.

14 Can I stream directly to the web? How?

Yes, this package can be purchased from LiveU sales. You may refer to the
Support and Contacting Information section on page 8 for more information.

15 How many hours does the battery last?

The LU200 has an internal battery that when fully charged enables up to two
hours of standalone operation.


16 Why can’t I hear using the

For the IFB feature to work properly, earphones/headphones must be
connected before the streaming starts. If they are not connected before
streaming starts, the LU user cannot hear anything on the audio channel. For
more details, see the IFB Setup section on page 50.

In addition, the IFB feature must be properly configured on the LU2000 server.
For more details, see Appendix A, Interrupted Feedback (IFB) in the LiveU
LU2000 Server User Guide.

17 Can I stream to multiple channels

(LU2000s) at the same time?
Currently, this feature is not available. It will be available in future releases.

19 Which camera resolutions are

The LU200 supports the following camera input resolutions:
• 1080p50/60/25/30/24

NOTE 1080p50 and 1080p60 are only supported on the input, but not on
the server side.
• 1080i50/60
• 1080i59.94
• 720p50/60/25/30/24
• SD NTSC 720x480
• SD PAL 720x576

LiveU LU200 User Guide

Blank page for double-sided printing

A Safety and Maintenance
This appendix describes how to maintain the LU200 and how to handle
potential hazards.

This appendix contains the following sections:

• Safety Information, page 63
• Potential Hazards, page 65

Safety Information
CAUTION Do not disassemble this product. Do not remove its cover or its
back. There are no user-serviceable parts inside. Refer servicing
to qualified service personnel only. The use of controls,
adjustments or procedures other than those specified in the
guide may result in exposure to shock and/or electrical or
mechanical hazards.

CAUTION • Avoid shorting the battery.

• Do not immerse it in water.
• Do not disassemble or deform the battery.
• Do not expose the battery to fire and do not dispose of the
battery in fire.
• Avoid excessive physical shock or vibration of the battery.
• Keep the battery out of the reach of children.
• Never use a battery that appears to have suffered abuse.

• Only use the original battery model.

• Battery storage temperature limits are -20°C – 60°C, < 80% RH. Store the
battery in an environment with low humidity that is free from corrosive
• Only use the originally approved power supply adapter.

LiveU LU200 User Guide

• Only use the supplied accessories. Accessories (including cables) must not
be replaced.
• Do not use the product if there is any physical damage to the enclosure.
• Keep all air inlets and outlets free of any objects that may interfere with
the air flow for at least 10 cm.
• It is normal for the product to become slightly hot during use. However, if
the enclosure's temperature becomes unbearable to touch, turn the
product off and contact support.
• Avoid leaving the product unprotected in direct sunlight for more than five
• Do not let the product come into contact with corrosive materials.
• Do not let the product come into contact with explosive or corrosive gas.
• Do not let the product come into contact with fire.
• To prevent fire or shock hazard, do not expose the product to rain, liquid
or moisture. The product can be used in light rain while it is protected by
the attached rain hood. The product is definitely not designed to be used
under water.
• Only use the original LiveU backpack. Do not place the product in a non-
LiveU bag.
• If the LCD breaks, do not touch the glass.

Safety and Maintenance

Potential Hazards
The LU Live Video Uplink unit contains cellular devices that should be operated
according to the same rules and limitations as expected from normal cellular
devices. Do not operate the LU Client Enclosure in an environment that may
be susceptible to radio interference resulting in danger, specifically:
• Areas where prohibited by the law.
Follow any special rules and regulations and obey all signs and notices.
Always ensure that the enclosure is turned off (the power switch is not lit)
when instructed to do so, or whenever it may cause interference or
• Where explosive atmospheres may be present.
Do not operate the LU enclosure in any area where a potentially explosive
atmosphere may exist. Sparks in such areas could cause an explosion or
fire resulting in bodily injury or even death. Be aware and comply with all
signs and instructions.
• It is not advisable to operate the LU Live Video Uplink while at a refueling
point or service station.
Users are reminded to observe restrictions on the use of radio equipment
in fuel depots (fuel storage and distribution areas), chemical plants or
where blasting operations are in progress.
• Areas with a potentially explosive atmosphere are often, but not always,
clearly marked.
Potential locations can include gas stations, below deck on boats, chemical
transfer or storage facilities, vehicles using liquefied petroleum gas (such
as propane or butane), areas where the air contains chemicals or particles,
such as grain, dust or metal powders, and any other area where it would
normally be advisable to turn off a vehicle’s engine.
• Near medical and life support equipment.
Do not operate the LU Enclosure in any area where medical equipment, life
support equipment or near any equipment that may be susceptible to any
form of radio interference. In such areas, the host communications device
must be turned off. The LU Enclosure may transmit signals that could
interfere with this equipment.

LiveU LU200 User Guide

• On an aircraft, either on the ground or airborne.

In addition to FAA requirements, many airline regulations state that
wireless operations must be suspended before boarding an airplane. Please
ensure that the LU Enclosure is turned off prior to boarding aircraft in order
to comply with these regulations. The enclosure can transmit signals that
could interfere with various onboard systems and controls.
• While operating a vehicle.
The driver or operator of any vehicle should not operate a wireless data
device while in control of a vehicle. Doing so detracts the driver or
operator's control and operation of that vehicle. In some countries,
operating such communications devices while in control of a vehicle is an

For more information, visit

B Limitation of Liability and
This appendix describes the limitations on liability and warranty.

Limitation of Liability and Warranty

This LiveU product is provided “as is” without warranty of any kind. The
company disclaims all other warranties, either express or implied, including
but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a
particular purpose and non-infringement.

Under no circumstances shall the company be liable for any damages

whatsoever (including, without limitation, consequential, special, or incidental
damages, or damages for loss of business profits, business interruptions, loss
of business information or other pecuniary loss) arising out of the use of or
inability to use the LiveU product, even if the company has been advised of the
possibility of such damages.


Notice Required for the License Granted under Articles 2.1 and 2.6. As
a condition of the licenses granted pursuant to Articles 2.1 and 2.6 hereof,
Licensee agrees to provide to any party that receives from Licensee an AVC
Royalty Product the following notice: THIS PRODUCT IS LICENSED UNDER THE

LiveU LU200 User Guide

Notice Required for the License Granted under Article 2.6 and for Sales
to Codec Licensee customer(s). As a condition of the license granted under
Article 2.6 and the license granted to a Codec Licensee to make sales to Codec
Licensee Customer(s), Licensee agrees to provide any party that receives an
AVC Product from Licensee exercising such license rights the following notice:

FCC Compliance
This appendix provides the FCC compliance information.

Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for
a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC rules. These limits are
designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a
residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio
frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the
instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.
However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular
installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or
television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off
and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or
more of the following measures:
• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to
which the receiver is connected.
• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

Modifications not expressly approved by the manufacturer could void the

user's authority to operate the equipment under FCC rules.

This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the
following two conditions:
• This device may not cause harmful interference.
• This device must accept any interference received, including interference
that may cause undesired operation.

• Cellular Modems: QISME909U-523, QISME909U-521, N7NMC7354,
• WiFi Module: TFB-TIWI501, 15.247

US and International:
2 University Plaza Drive
Suite 505
Hackensack, New Jersey, 07601
Tel: 1-(201)-742-5228

USA and the Americas:

Tel: 1-(609)-997-0600

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