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Op enDaylight

User Guide
Beryllium (February 21, 2016)
OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

OpenDaylight User Guide

OpenDaylight Community
Beryllium (2016-02-21)
Copyright © 2015 Linux Foundation All rights reserved.

This guide describes how to use and deploy OpenDaylight.

This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which
accompanies this distribution, and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

Table of Contents
I. Getting Started with OpenDaylight .............................................................................. 1
1. OpenDaylight Controller Overview ...................................................................... 2
2. Using the OpenDaylight User Interface (DLUX) .................................................... 3
Getting Started with DLUX ............................................................................. 3
Logging In ...................................................................................................... 3
Working with DLUX ........................................................................................ 3
Viewing Network Statistics .............................................................................. 4
Viewing Network Topology ............................................................................. 4
Interacting with the YANG-based MD-SAL datastore ....................................... 5
3. Running XSQL Console Commands and Queries ................................................. 12
XSQL Overview .............................................................................................. 12
Installing XSQL .............................................................................................. 12
XSQL Console Commands .............................................................................. 12
XSQL Queries ................................................................................................ 13
4. Setting Up Clustering ........................................................................................ 15
Clustering Overview ...................................................................................... 15
Single Node Clustering .................................................................................. 15
Multiple Node Clustering ............................................................................... 16
II. Applications and Plugins ............................................................................................ 21
5. ALTO User Guide ............................................................................................... 22
Overview ....................................................................................................... 22
ALTO Architecture ......................................................................................... 22
Configuring ALTO ......................................................................................... 22
Administering or Managing ALTO ................................................................. 23
6. Authentication and Authorization Services ........................................................ 26
Authentication Service ................................................................................... 26
Administering OpenDaylight Authentication Services ..................................... 32
OpenDaylight Authorization Service .............................................................. 33
7. Armoury ............................................................................................................ 34
Overview ....................................................................................................... 34
Armoury Architecture .................................................................................... 34
Armoury Catalog ........................................................................................... 34
Armoury Workload Manager ......................................................................... 35
Armoury Driver Registry ................................................................................ 35
Tutorials ........................................................................................................ 35
8. BGP User Guide ................................................................................................. 37
Overview ....................................................................................................... 37
Configuring BGP ............................................................................................ 37
Configuration through RESTCONF ................................................................. 41
Tutorials ........................................................................................................ 45
9. CAPWAP User Guide ......................................................................................... 49
Overview ....................................................................................................... 49
CAPWAP Architecture ................................................................................... 49
Scope of CAPWAP Project ............................................................................. 49
Installing CAPWAP ........................................................................................ 49
Configuring CAPWAP .................................................................................... 49
Administering or Managing CAPWAP ............................................................ 50
Tutorials ........................................................................................................ 50

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

10. DIDM User Guide ............................................................................................ 51

Overview ....................................................................................................... 51
DIDM Architecture ........................................................................................ 51
11. Group Based Policy User Guide ........................................................................ 52
Overview ....................................................................................................... 52
GBP Base Architecture and Value Proposition ................................................ 54
Using the GBP UX interface ........................................................................... 70
Using the GBP API ......................................................................................... 83
Using OpenStack with GBP ............................................................................ 84
Using the GBP OpenFlow Overlay (OfOverlay) renderer ................................. 90
Using the GBP eBPF IO Visor Agent renderer ............................................... 101
Using the GBP FaaS renderer ....................................................................... 101
Using Service Function Chaining (SFC) with GBP Neutron Mapper and
OfOverlay .................................................................................................... 102
Demo/Development environment ................................................................ 107
12. L2Switch User Guide ...................................................................................... 108
Overview ..................................................................................................... 108
L2Switch Architecture .................................................................................. 108
Configuring L2Switch ................................................................................... 109
Configuring Loop Remover .......................................................................... 109
Configuring Arp Handler ............................................................................. 110
Configuring Address Tracker ........................................................................ 111
Configuring L2Switch Main .......................................................................... 111
Running the L2Switch project ...................................................................... 113
Create a network using mininet .................................................................. 113
Generating network traffic using mininet .................................................... 113
Checking Address Observations ................................................................... 113
Checking Hosts ............................................................................................ 114
Checking STP status of each link .................................................................. 115
Miscellaneous mininet commands ................................................................ 116
13. L3VPN Service: User Guide ............................................................................. 117
Overview ..................................................................................................... 117
Modules & Interfaces .................................................................................. 117
Provisioning Sequence & Sample Configurations .......................................... 121
14. Link Aggregation Control Protocol User Guide ............................................... 125
Overview ..................................................................................................... 125
Link Aggregation Control Protocol Architecture ........................................... 125
Configuring Link Aggregation Control Protocol ............................................ 125
Administering or Managing Link Aggregation Control Protocol .................... 126
Tutorials ...................................................................................................... 126
15. LISP Flow Mapping User Guide ...................................................................... 129
Overview ..................................................................................................... 129
LISP Flow Mapping Architecture .................................................................. 130
Configuring LISP Flow Mapping ................................................................... 131
Textual Conventions for LISP Address Formats ............................................. 132
Karaf commands ......................................................................................... 133
LISP Flow Mapping Karaf Features .............................................................. 134
Tutorials ...................................................................................................... 134
LISP Flow Mapping Support ......................................................................... 140
16. Messaging4Transport User Guide ................................................................... 141
Overview ..................................................................................................... 141

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

Architecture ................................................................................................ 141

Administering or Managing Messaging4Transport ....................................... 142
17. NEtwork MOdeling (NEMO) .......................................................................... 144
Overview ..................................................................................................... 144
NEMO Engine Architecture .......................................................................... 144
Configuring NEMO Engine ........................................................................... 144
Administering or Managing NEMO Engine ................................................... 144
Tutorials ...................................................................................................... 144
18. NetIDE User Guide ......................................................................................... 146
Overview ..................................................................................................... 146
NetIDE API .................................................................................................. 146
19. Network Intent Composition (NIC) User Guide ............................................... 149
Overview ..................................................................................................... 149
Network Intent Composition (NIC) Architecture ........................................... 149
Configuring Network Intent Composition (NIC) ........................................... 150
Administering or Managing Network Intent Composition (NIC) .................... 150
Interactions ................................................................................................. 150
NIC Usage Examples .................................................................................... 151
20. ODL-SDNi User Guide ..................................................................................... 154
Introduction ................................................................................................ 154
Components ................................................................................................ 154
Troubleshooting .......................................................................................... 154
21. OpenFlow Plugin Project User Guide .............................................................. 155
Overview and Architecture .......................................................................... 155
Tutorial / How-To ........................................................................................ 157
Web / Graphical Interface ........................................................................... 189
Command Line Interface ............................................................................. 189
Programmatic Interface ............................................................................... 193
Example flows ............................................................................................. 193
Opendaylight OpenFlow Plugin: Troubleshooting ......................................... 221
22. OpFlex agent-ovs User Guide ......................................................................... 222
Introduction ................................................................................................ 222
Agent Configuration .................................................................................... 222
Endpoint Registration .................................................................................. 224
Inspector ..................................................................................................... 226
23. PCEP User Guide ............................................................................................ 229
Overview ..................................................................................................... 229
Configuring PCEP ......................................................................................... 229
24. PacketCable User Guide ................................................................................. 230
Overview ..................................................................................................... 230
PacketCable Components ............................................................................ 230
Installing PacketCable .................................................................................. 230
Explore and exercise the PacketCable REST API ............................................ 230
Postman ...................................................................................................... 231
25. Service Function Chaining .............................................................................. 232
OpenDaylight Service Function Chaining (SFC) Overiew ................................ 232
SFC User Interface ....................................................................................... 233
SFC Southbound REST Plugin ....................................................................... 233
SFC-OVS integration .................................................................................... 235
SFC Classifier User Guide .............................................................................. 237
SFC OpenFlow Layer 2 Renderer User Guide ................................................ 239

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

Service Function Scheduling Algorithms ....................................................... 249

Service Function Load Balancing User Guide ................................................ 261
26. SNMP Plugin User Guide ................................................................................ 264
Installing Feature ......................................................................................... 264
Northbound APIs ......................................................................................... 264
27. SXP User Guide .............................................................................................. 267
Overview ..................................................................................................... 267
SXP Architecture .......................................................................................... 267
Configuring SXP .......................................................................................... 268
Administering or Managing SXP .................................................................. 268
28. TCPMD5 User Guide ...................................................................................... 272
Overview ..................................................................................................... 272
Configuring TCPMD5 manually .................................................................... 272
Configuring TCPMD5 through RESTCONF ..................................................... 275
29. TSDR H2 datastore User Guide ...................................................................... 280
Overview ..................................................................................................... 280
TSDR Architecture ....................................................................................... 280
Configuring TSDR with default datastore H2 ................................................ 280
Administering or Managing TSDR with default datastore H2 ........................ 280
30. TSDR HBase Data Store User Guide ................................................................ 282
Overview ..................................................................................................... 282
TSDR with HBase Data Store Architecture .................................................... 282
Configuring TSDR with HBase Data Store ..................................................... 283
Administering or Managing TSDR HBase Data Store ..................................... 283
Tutorials ...................................................................................................... 284
31. TTP CLI Tools User Guide ............................................................................... 286
Overview ..................................................................................................... 286
TTP CLI Tools Architecture ........................................................................... 286
32. Unified Secure Channel .................................................................................. 287
Overview ..................................................................................................... 287
USC Channel Architecture ............................................................................ 287
Installing USC Channel ................................................................................. 288
Configuring USC Channel ............................................................................. 288
Administering or Managing USC Channel ..................................................... 288
Tutorials ...................................................................................................... 288
33. Virtual Tenant Network (VTN) ....................................................................... 290
VTN Overview ............................................................................................. 290
VTN OpenStack Configuration ..................................................................... 299
VTN Usage Examples ................................................................................... 321
34. NETCONF User Guide ..................................................................................... 346
Overview ..................................................................................................... 346
Southbound (netconf-connector) ................................................................. 346
Northbound (NETCONF servers) .................................................................. 353
NETCONF testtool ....................................................................................... 355
35. YANG-PUSH ................................................................................................... 357
Overview ..................................................................................................... 357
YANG-PUSH Architecture ............................................................................. 358
YANG-PUSH Catalog .................................................................................... 358
YANG-PUSH Workload Manager .................................................................. 358
Configuring YANG-PUSH Workload Manager ............................................... 358
Administering YANG-PUSH Workload Manager ............................................ 359

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

Tutorials ...................................................................................................... 359

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

List of Figures
2.1. DLUX Modules ......................................................................................................... 4
2.2. Topology Module ..................................................................................................... 5
2.3. Yang UI .................................................................................................................... 6
2.4. Yang API Specification .............................................................................................. 7
2.5. Yang UI API Specification ......................................................................................... 8
2.6. DLUX Yang Topology ............................................................................................... 9
2.7. DLUX List Elements ................................................................................................ 10
2.8. DLUX List Warnings ................................................................................................ 10
2.9. DLUX List Button1 .................................................................................................. 11
11.1. Intent System Process and Policy Surfaces ............................................................. 53
11.2. GBP Access Model Terminology - Endpoints, EndpointGroups, Contract ................. 55
11.3. GBP Access Model Terminology - Subject, Classifier, Action .................................... 56
11.4. GBP Forwarding Model Terminology - L3 Context, L2 Bridge Context, L2 Flood
Context/Domain, Subnet ............................................................................................... 57
11.5. GBP Access (or Core) Model ................................................................................. 58
11.6. GBP Forwarding Model ......................................................................................... 59
11.7. GBP Endpoints, EndpointGroups and Contracts ..................................................... 60
11.8. GBP Endpoints and the Forwarding Model ............................................................ 61
11.9. GBP High Level Beryllium Architecture .................................................................. 62
11.10. GBP High Level Beryllium Architecture - adding a renderer ................................... 63
11.11. GBP High Level Beryllium Architecture - adding a renderer ................................... 63
11.12. Basic view ........................................................................................................... 70
11.13. Governance view ................................................................................................ 71
11.14. Expressed policy .................................................................................................. 72
11.15. Delivered policy .................................................................................................. 73
11.16. Subject detail ...................................................................................................... 73
11.17. EPG detail ........................................................................................................... 74
11.18. Renderer state .................................................................................................... 75
11.19. Navigation menu ................................................................................................ 76
11.20. CRUD operations ................................................................................................ 77
11.21. L2/L3 Topology ................................................................................................... 78
11.22. Config Topology ................................................................................................. 78
11.23. Wizard ................................................................................................................ 83
11.24. Neutron Port ...................................................................................................... 85
11.25. Neutron Network ............................................................................................... 85
11.26. Neutron Subnet .................................................................................................. 86
11.27. Neutron Security Group and Rules ...................................................................... 86
11.28. Neutron Router .................................................................................................. 87
11.29. Neutron network mapping ................................................................................. 88
11.30. Neutron subnet mapping .................................................................................... 89
11.31. Neutron port mapping ....................................................................................... 89
11.32. OfOverlay within GBP ......................................................................................... 91
11.33. OfOverlay expanded view: .................................................................................. 92
11.34. OfOverlay Flow Pipeline ...................................................................................... 93
11.35. GBP and SFC integration environment ............................................................... 103
11.36. GBP and SFC symmetric chain environment ....................................................... 104
11.37. GBP and SFC assymmetric chain environment .................................................... 104
12.1. Address Observations .......................................................................................... 114

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

12.2. Hosts .................................................................................................................. 115

12.3. STP status ........................................................................................................... 116
15.1. LISP Mapping Service Internal Architecture ......................................................... 130
18.1. NetIDE Network Engine Architecture .................................................................. 147
18.2. NetIDE Communication Flow .............................................................................. 148
21.1. overal architecture .............................................................................................. 156
21.2. configuring a host-only adapter .......................................................................... 161
24.1. Postman Operations ........................................................................................... 231
25.1. SFC-UI integration into ODL ................................................................................ 233
25.2. Soutbound REST Plugin integration into ODL ...................................................... 234
25.3. SFC-OVS integration into ODL ............................................................................. 235
25.4. SFC OpenFlow Renderer High Level Architecture ................................................. 240
25.5. SFC OpenFlow Renderer Typical Network Topology ............................................. 241
25.6. SFC OpenFlow Renderer Typical Network Topology ............................................. 244
25.7. SF Selection Architecture ..................................................................................... 250
25.8. Mozilla Firefox RESTClient ................................................................................... 251
25.9. Karaf Web UI ..................................................................................................... 252
25.10. select schedule type .......................................................................................... 260
25.11. rendered service path ....................................................................................... 261
33.1. VTN Overview ..................................................................................................... 291
33.2. VTN Construction ................................................................................................ 293
33.3. VTN Mapping ..................................................................................................... 294
33.4. VTN FlowFilter .................................................................................................... 297
33.5. VTN API .............................................................................................................. 298
33.6. LAB Setup ........................................................................................................... 300
33.7. Horizon GUI ........................................................................................................ 309
33.8. Hypervisors ......................................................................................................... 310
33.9. Create Network .................................................................................................. 311
33.10. Step 1 ............................................................................................................... 312
33.11. Step 2 ............................................................................................................... 313
33.12. Step 3 ............................................................................................................... 314
33.13. Instance Creation .............................................................................................. 315
33.14. Launch Instance ................................................................................................ 316
33.15. Launch Network ............................................................................................... 317
33.16. Load All Instances ............................................................................................. 318
33.17. Instance Console ............................................................................................... 319
33.18. Ping .................................................................................................................. 320
33.19. EXAMPLE DEMONSTRATING SINGLE CONTROLLER ........................................... 321
33.20. EXAMPLE DEMONSTRATING MULTIPLE CONTROLLERS ..................................... 323
33.21. Example that demonstrates vlanmap testing in Mininet Environment ................. 325
33.22. EXAMPLE DEMONSTRATING VTN STATIONS ..................................................... 327
33.23. Flow Filter ......................................................................................................... 331
33.24. PathMap ........................................................................................................... 334
33.25. Set-Up Diagram ................................................................................................. 340

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

List of Tables
3.1. Supported XSQL Console Commands ...................................................................... 12
3.2. Supported XSQL Query Criteria Operators .............................................................. 13
15.1. LISP Address Formats .......................................................................................... 133
15.2. Nodes in the tutorial .......................................................................................... 135
25.1. Table Transport Ingress ....................................................................................... 241
25.2. Table Path Mapper ............................................................................................. 242
25.3. Table Next Hop .................................................................................................. 242
25.4. Table Transport Egress ........................................................................................ 242

Part I. Getting Started with OpenDaylight
This first part of the user guide covers the basic user operations of the OpenDaylight Release using the
generic base functionality.
OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

1. OpenDaylight Controller Overview

The OpenDaylight controller is JVM software and can be run from any operating system
and hardware as long as it supports Java. The controller is an implementation of the
Software Defined Network (SDN) concept and makes use of the following tools:

• Maven: OpenDaylight uses Maven for easier build automation. Maven uses pom.xml
(Project Object Model) to script the dependencies between bundle and also to describe
what bundles to load and start.

• OSGi: This framework is the back-end of OpenDaylight as it allows dynamically

loading bundles and packages JAR files, and binding bundles together for exchanging

• JAVA interfaces: Java interfaces are used for event listening, specifications, and forming
patterns. This is the main way in which specific bundles implement call-back functions for
events and also to indicate awareness of specific state.

• REST APIs: These are northbound APIs such as topology manager, host tracker, flow
programmer, static routing, and so on.

The controller exposes open northbound APIs which are used by applications. The OSGi
framework and bidirectional REST are supported for the northbound APIs. The OSGi
framework is used for applications that run in the same address space as the controller
while the REST (web-based) API is used for applications that do not run in the same address
space (or even the same system) as the controller. The business logic and algorithms reside
in the applications. These applications use the controller to gather network intelligence, run
its algorithm to do analytics, and then orchestrate the new rules throughout the network.
On the southbound, multiple protocols are supported as plugins, e.g. OpenFlow 1.0,
OpenFlow 1.3, BGP-LS, and so on. The OpenDaylight controller starts with an OpenFlow 1.0
southbound plugin. Other OpenDaylight contributors begin adding to the controller code.
These modules are linked dynamically into a Service Abstraction Layer (SAL).

The SAL exposes services to which the modules north of it are written. The SAL figures
out how to fulfill the requested service irrespective of the underlying protocol used
between the controller and the network devices. This provides investment protection to
the applications as OpenFlow and other protocols evolve over time. For the controller
to control devices in its domain, it needs to know about the devices, their capabilities,
reachability, and so on. This information is stored and managed by the Topology Manager.
The other components like ARP handler, Host Tracker, Device Manager, and Switch
Manager help in generating the topology database for the Topology Manager.

For a more detailed overview of the OpenDaylight controller, see the OpenDaylight
Developer Guide.

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

2. Using the OpenDaylight User Interface


Table of Contents
Getting Started with DLUX ............................................................................................. 3
Logging In ...................................................................................................................... 3
Working with DLUX ........................................................................................................ 3
Viewing Network Statistics .............................................................................................. 4
Viewing Network Topology ............................................................................................. 4
Interacting with the YANG-based MD-SAL datastore ....................................................... 5

This section introduces you to the OpenDaylight User Experience (DLUX) application.

Getting Started with DLUX

DLUX provides a number of different Karaf features, which you can enable and disable
separately. In Beryllum they are: . odl-dlux-core . odl-dlux-node . odl-dlux-yangui . odl-dlux-

Logging In
To log in to DLUX, after installing the application:

1. Open a browser and enter the login URL http://<your-karaf-ip>:8181/index.html in your

browser (Chrome is recommended).

2. Login to the application with your username and password credentials.

OpenDaylight’s default credentials are admin for both the username and

Working with DLUX

After you login to DLUX, if you enable only odl-dlux-core feature, you will see only topology
application available in the left pane.

To make sure topology displays all the details, enable the odl-l2switch-switch
feature in Karaf.

DLUX has other applications such as node, yang UI and those apps won’t show up, until
you enable their features odl-dlux-node and odl-dlux-yangui respectively in the Karaf

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

Figure 2.1. DLUX Modules

If you install your application in dlux, they will also show up on the left hand
navigation after browser page refresh.

Viewing Network Statistics

The Nodes module on the left pane enables you to view the network statistics and port
information for the switches in the network.

To use the Nodes module:

1. Select Nodes on the left pane. The right pane displays atable that lists all the nodes,
node connectors and the statistics.

2. Enter a node ID in the Search Nodes tab to search by node connectors.

3. Click on the Node Connector number to view details such as port ID, port name, number
of ports per switch, MAC Address, and so on.

4. Click Flows in the Statistics column to view Flow Table Statistics for the particular node
like table ID, packet match, active flows and so on.

5. Click Node Connectors to view Node Connector Statistics for the particular node ID.

Viewing Network Topology

The Topology tab displays a graphical representation of network topology created.

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

DLUX does not allow for editing or adding topology information. The
topology is generated and edited in other modules, e.g., the OpenFlow plugin.
OpenDaylight stores this information in the MD-SAL datastore where DLUX can
read and display it.

To view network topology:

1. Select Topology on the left pane. You will view the graphical representation on the right
pane. In the diagram blue boxes represent the switches, the black represents the hosts
available, and lines represents how the switches and hosts are connected.

2. Hover your mouse on hosts, links, or switches to view source and destination ports.

3. Zoom in and zoom out using mouse scroll to verify topology for larger topologies.

Figure 2.2. Topology Module

Interacting with the YANG-based MD-SAL

The Yang UI module enables you to interact with the YANG-based MD-SAL datastore. For
more information about YANG and how it interacts with the MD-SAL datastore, see the
Controller and YANG Tools section of the OpenDaylight Developer Guide.

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

Figure 2.3. Yang UI

To use Yang UI:

1. Select Yang UI on the left pane. The right pane is divided in two parts.

2. The top part displays a tree of APIs, subAPIs, and buttons to call possible functions (GET,

Not every subAPI can call every function. For example, subAPIs in the
operational store have GET functionality only.

Inputs can be filled from OpenDaylight when existing data from OpenDaylight is
displayed or can be filled by user on the page and sent to OpenDaylight.

Buttons under the API tree are variable. It depends on subAPI specifications. Common
buttons are:

• GET to get data from OpenDaylight,

• PUT and POST for sending data to OpenDaylight for saving

• DELETE for sending data to OpenDaylight for deleting.

You must specify the xpath for all these operations. This path is displayed in the same
row before buttons and it may include text inputs for specific path element identifiers.

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

Figure 2.4. Yang API Specification

3. The bottom part of the right pane displays inputs according to the chosen subAPI.

• Lists are handled as a special case. For example, a device can store multiple flows. In
this case "flow" is name of the list and every list element is identified by a unique key
value. Elements of a list can, in turn, contain other lists.

• In Yang UI, each list element is rendered with the name of the list it belongs to, its key,
its value, and a button for removing it from the list.

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

Figure 2.5. Yang UI API Specification

4. After filling in the relevant inputs, click the Show Preview button under the API tree to
display request that will be sent to OpenDaylight. A pane is displayed on the right side
with text of request when some input is filled.

Displaying Topology on the Yang UI

To display topology:

1. Select subAPI network-topology <topology revision number> == > operational == >


2. Get data from OpenDaylight by clicking on the "GET" button.

3. Click Display Topology.

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

Figure 2.6. DLUX Yang Topology

Configuring List Elements on the Yang UI

Lists in Yang UI are displayed as trees. To expand or collapse a list, click the arrow before
name of the list. To configure list elements in Yang UI:

1. To add a new list element with empty inputs use the plus icon-button + that is provided
after list name.

2. To remove several list elements, use the X button that is provided after every list

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

Figure 2.7. DLUX List Elements

3. In the YANG-based data store all elements of a list must have a unique key. If you try to
assign two or more elements the same key, a warning icon ! is displayed near their name

Figure 2.8. DLUX List Warnings

4. When the list contains at least one list element, after the + icon, there are buttons to
select each individual list element. You can choose one of them by clicking on it. In

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

addition, to the right of the list name, there is a button which will display a vertically
scrollable pane with all the list elements.

Figure 2.9. DLUX List Button1

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

3. Running XSQL Console Commands and


Table of Contents
XSQL Overview ............................................................................................................. 12
Installing XSQL .............................................................................................................. 12
XSQL Console Commands .............................................................................................. 12
XSQL Queries ................................................................................................................ 13

XSQL Overview
XSQL is an XML-based query language that describes simple stored procedures which parse
XML data, query or update database tables, and compose XML output. XSQL allows you to
query tree models like a sequential database. For example, you could run a query that lists
all of the ports configured on a particular module and their attributes.

The following sections cover the XSQL installation process, supported XSQL commands, and
the way to structure queries.

Installing XSQL
To run commands from the XSQL console, you must first install XSQL on your system:

1. Navigate to the directory in which you unzipped OpenDaylight

2. Start Karaf:


3. Install XSQL:

feature:install odl-mdsal-xsql

XSQL Console Commands

To enter a command in the XSQL console, structure the command as follows: odl:xsql
<XSQL command>

The following table describes the commands supported in this OpenDaylight release.

Table 3.1. Supported XSQL Console Commands

Command Description
r Repeats the last command you executed.

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

list vtables Lists the schema node containers that are currently installed. Whenever an
OpenDaylight module is installed, its YANG model is placed in the schema context.
At that point, the XSQL receives a notification, confirms that the module’s YANG
model resides in the schema context and then maps the model to XSQL by setting
up the necessary vtables and vfields. This command is useful when you need to
determine vtable information for a query.
list vfields <vtable name> Lists the vfields present in a specific vtable. This command is useful when you need
to determine vfields information for a query.
jdbc <ip address> When the ODL server is behind a firewall, and the JDBC client cannot connect to
the JDBC server, run this command to start the client as a server and establish a
exit Closes the console.
tocsv Enables or disables the forwarding of query output as a .csv file.
filename <filename> Specifies the .tocsv file to which the query data is exported. If you do not specify a
value for this option when the toccsv option is enabled, the filename for the query
data file is generated automatically.

XSQL Queries
You can run a query to extract information that meets the criteria you specify using the
information provided by the list vtables and list vfields <vtable name> commands. Any
query you run should be structured as follows:

select <vfields you want to search for, separated by a comma and a space> from <vtables
you want to search in, separated by a comma and a space> where <criteria> *<criteria

For example, if you want to search the nodes/node ID field in the nodes/node-connector
table and find every instance of the Hardware-Address object that contains BA in its text
string, enter the following query:
select nodes/node.ID from nodes/node-connector where Hardware-Address like

The following criteria operators are supported:

Table 3.2. Supported XSQL Query Criteria Operators

Criteria Operators Description
= Lists results that equal the value you specify.
!= Lists results that do not equal the value you specify.
like Lists results that contain the substring you specify. For example, if you specify like %BC%, every
string that contains that particular substring is displayed.
< Lists results that are less than the value you specify.
> Lists results that are more than the value you specify.
and Lists results that match both values you specify.
or Lists results that match either of the two values you specify.
>= Lists results that are more than or equal to the value you specify.
⇐ Lists results that are less than or equal to the value you specify.
is null Lists results for which no value is assigned.
not null Lists results for which any value is assigned.
skip Use this operator to list matching results from a child node, even if its parent node does not
meet the specified criteria. See the following example for more information.

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

Example: Skip Criteria Operator

If you are looking at the following structure and want to determine all of the ports that
belong to a YY type module:

• Network Element 1

• Module 1, Type XX

• Module 1.1, Type YY

• Port 1

• Port 2

• Module 2, Type YY

• Port 1

• Port 2

If you specify Module.Type=YY in your query criteria, the ports associated with module 1.1
will not be returned since its parent module is type XX. Instead, enter Module.Type=YY or
skip Module!=YY. This tells XSQL to disregard any parent module data that does not meet
the type YY criteria and collect results for any matching child modules. In this example, you
are instructing the query to skip module 1 and collect the relevant data from module 1.1.

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

4. Setting Up Clustering

Table of Contents
Clustering Overview ...................................................................................................... 15
Single Node Clustering .................................................................................................. 15
Multiple Node Clustering ............................................................................................... 16

Clustering Overview
Clustering is a mechanism that enables multiple processes and programs to work together
as one entity. For example, when you search for something on google.com, it may seem
like your search request is processed by only one web server. In reality, your search request
is processed by may web servers connected in a cluster. Similarly, you can have multiple
instances of OpenDaylight working together as one entity.

Advantages of clustering are:

• Scaling: If you have multiple instances of OpenDaylight running, you can potentially do
more work and store more data than you could with only one instance. You can also
break up your data into smaller chunks (shards) and either distribute that data across the
cluster or perform certain operations on certain members of the cluster.

• High Availability: If you have multiple instances of OpenDaylight running and one of
them crashes, you will still have the other instances working and available.

• Data Persistence: You will not lose any data stored in OpenDaylight after a manual
restart or a crash.

The following sections describe how to set up clustering on both individual and multiple
OpenDaylight instances.

Single Node Clustering

To enable clustering on a single instance of OpenDaylight, perform the following steps:

1. Download, unzip, and run the OpenDaylight distribution

2. Install the clustering feature:

feature:install odl-mdsal-clustering

This will enabled the cluster-ready version of the MD-SAL data store, but will
not actually create a cluster of multiple instances. The result is that you will get
data persistence, but not the scaling or high availability advantages.

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

Multiple Node Clustering

The following sections describe how to set up multiple node clusters in OpenDaylight.

Deployment Considerations
To implement clustering, the deployment considerations are as follows:

• To set up a cluster with multiple nodes, we recommend that you use a minimum of three
machines. You can set up a cluster with just two nodes. However, if one of the two
nodes fail, the cluster will not be operational.

This is because clustering in OpenDaylight requires a majority of the nodes to
be up and one node cannot be a majority of two nodes.

• Every device that belongs to a cluster needs to have an identifier. OpenDaylight uses the
node’s role for this purpose. After you define the first node’s role as member-1 in the
akka.conf file, OpenDaylight uses member-1 to identify that node.

• Data shards are used to contain all or a certain segment of a OpenDaylight’s MD-SAL
datastore. For example, one shard can contain all the inventory data while another shard
contains all of the topology data.

If you do not specify a module in the modules.conf file and do not specify a shard
in module-shards.conf, then (by default) all the data is placed in the default
shard (which must also be defined in module-shards.conf file). Each shard has
replicas configured. You can specify the details of where the replicas reside in module-
shards.conf file.

• If you have a three node cluster and would like to be able to tolerate any single node
crashing, a replica of every defined data shard must be running on all three cluster

This is because OpenDaylight’s clustering implementation requires a majority
of the defined shard replicas to be running in order to function. If you define
data shard replicas on two of the cluster nodes and one of those nodes goes
down, the corresponding data shards will not function.

• If you have a three node cluster and have defined replicas for a data shard on each
of those nodes, that shard will still function even if only two of the cluster nodes are
running. Note that if one of those remaining two nodes goes down, the shard will not be

• It is recommended that you have multiple seed nodes configured. After a cluster member
is started, it sends a message to all of its seed nodes. The cluster member then sends a
join command to the first seed node that responds. If none of its seed nodes reply, the
cluster member repeats this process until it successfully establishes a connection or it is
shut down.

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

• After a node is unreachable, it remains down for configurable period of time (10
seconds, by default). Once a node goes down, you need to restart it so that it can rejoin
the cluster. Once a restarted node joins a cluster, it will synchronize with the lead node

Setting Up a Multiple Node Cluster

To run OpenDaylight in a three node cluster, perform the following:

First, determine the three machines that will make up the cluster. After that, do the
following on each machine:

1. Copy the OpenDaylight distribution zip file to the machine.

2. Unzip the distribution.

3. Open the following .conf files:

• configuration/initial/akka.conf

• configuration/initial/module-shards.conf

4. In each configuration file, make the following changes:

a. Find every instance of the following lines and replace with the hostname or
IP address of the machine on which this file resides and OpenDaylight will run:
netty.tcp {
hostname = ""

The value you need to specify will be different for each node in the

b. Find the following lines and replace with the hostname or IP address of any
of the machines that will be part of the cluster:
cluster {
seed-nodes = ["akka.tcp://opendaylight-cluster-data@"]

c. Find the following section and specify the role for each member node. Here we assign
the first node with the member-1 role, the second node with the member-2 role, and
the third node with the member-3 role:
roles = [

This step should use a different role on each node.

d. Open the configuration/initial/module-shards.conf file and update the replicas so that

each shard is replicated to all three nodes:

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

replicas = [

For reference, view a sample config files below.

5. Move into the <karaf-distribution-directory>/bin directory.

6. Run the following command:


7. Enable clustering by running the following command at the Karaf command line:
feature:install odl-mdsal-clustering

OpenDaylight should now be running in a three node cluster. You can use any of the three
member nodes to access the data residing in the datastore.

Sample Config Files

Sample akka.conf file.
odl-cluster-data {
bounded-mailbox {
mailbox-type = "org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.common.actor.
mailbox-capacity = 1000
mailbox-push-timeout-time = 100ms

metric-capture-enabled = true

akka {
loglevel = "DEBUG"
loggers = ["akka.event.slf4j.Slf4jLogger"]

actor {

provider = "akka.cluster.ClusterActorRefProvider"
serializers {
java = "akka.serialization.JavaSerializer"
proto = "akka.remote.serialization.ProtobufSerializer"

serialization-bindings {
"com.google.protobuf.Message" = proto

remote {
log-remote-lifecycle-events = off
netty.tcp {
hostname = ""
port = 2550
maximum-frame-size = 419430400

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

send-buffer-size = 52428800
receive-buffer-size = 52428800

cluster {
seed-nodes = ["akka.tcp://opendaylight-cluster-data@"]

auto-down-unreachable-after = 10s

roles = [


odl-cluster-rpc {
bounded-mailbox {
mailbox-type = "org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.common.actor.
mailbox-capacity = 1000
mailbox-push-timeout-time = 100ms

metric-capture-enabled = true

akka {
loglevel = "INFO"
loggers = ["akka.event.slf4j.Slf4jLogger"]

actor {
provider = "akka.cluster.ClusterActorRefProvider"

remote {
log-remote-lifecycle-events = off
netty.tcp {
hostname = ""
port = 2551

cluster {
seed-nodes = ["akka.tcp://opendaylight-cluster-rpc@"]

auto-down-unreachable-after = 10s

Sample module-shards.conf file.

module-shards = [
name = "default"
shards = [

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

replicas = [
name = "topology"
shards = [
replicas = [
name = "inventory"
shards = [
replicas = [
name = "toaster"
shards = [
replicas = [

Part II. Applications and Plugins
This second part of the user guide covers project specific usage instructions.
OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

5. ALTO User Guide

Table of Contents
Overview ....................................................................................................................... 22
ALTO Architecture ......................................................................................................... 22
Configuring ALTO ......................................................................................................... 22
Administering or Managing ALTO ................................................................................. 23

The ALTO project provides support for Application Layer Traffic Optimization services
defined in RFC 7285.

In the Lithium release, ALTO uses the YANG model described in this draft.

ALTO Architecture
There are three kinds of ALTO packages in OpenDaylight.

1. Core The core packages include:

a. alto-model: Defines the YANG model of ALTO services in MD-SAL

b. service-api-rfc7285: Defines interfaces for ALTO services in AD-SAL

c. alto-northbound: Implements the RFC7285-compatible RESTful API

2. Basic The basic packages include:

a. Basic implementations of ALTO services:

i. alto-provider: Implements the services defined in alto-model

ii. simple-impl: Implements the services defined in service-api-rfc7285

b. Utilities:

i. alto-manager: Provides a karaf command line tool to manipulate network maps

and cost maps.

3. Service The service packages include:

a. alto-hosttracker: Generates a network map, a corresponding cost map and the

endpoint cost service based on l2switch.

Configuring ALTO
There are three packages that require their own configuration files, including alto-
provider, alto-hosttracker and simple-impl. However, the only configurable
option is the type of the data broker in all three configuration files.

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

Administering or Managing ALTO

To enable ALTO, the features must be installed first.
karaf > feature:install odl-alto-provider
karaf > feature:install odl-alto-manager
karaf > feature:install odl-alto-northbound
karaf > feature:install odl-alto-hosttracker

Managing Data with RESTCONF

After installing odl-alto-provider feature in karaf, it is possible to manage network-
maps and cost-maps using RESTCONF. Take a look at all the operations provided by alto-
model at the API service page which can be found at http://localhost:8181/

With the example input below you can insert a network map into the data store, either by
filling the form in the API doc page, or by using tools such as curl.
HOST_IP=localhost # IP address of the controller
CREDENTIAL=admin:admin # username and password for authentication
RESOURCE_ID=test_odl # Should match the one in the input file
curl -X PUT -H "content-type:application/yang.data+json" \
-d @example-input.json -u $CREDENTIAL \

"alto-service:network-map": [
"alto-service:map": [
"alto-service:endpoint-address-group": [
"alto-service:address-type": "ipv4",
"alto-service:endpoint-prefix": [
"alto-service:pid": "PID1"
"alto-service:endpoint-address-group": [
"alto-service:address-type": "ipv4",
"alto-service:endpoint-prefix": [
"alto-service:pid": "PID2"

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

"alto-service:endpoint-address-group": [
"alto-service:address-type": "ipv4",
"alto-service:endpoint-prefix": [
"alto-service:address-type": "ipv6",
"alto-service:endpoint-prefix": [
"alto-service:pid": "PID3"
"alto-service:resource-id": "test_odl",
"alto-service:tag": "da65eca2eb7a10ce8b059740b0b2e3f8eb1d4785"

Use the following command to see the results:

HOST_IP=localhost # IP address of the controller
CREDENTIAL=admin:admin # username and password for authentication

Use DELETE method to remove the data from the data store.
HOST_IP=localhost # IP address of the controller
CREDENTIAL=admin:admin # username and password for authentication
curl -X DELETE -H "content-type:application/yang.data+json" \

Using alto-manager
The alto-manager package provides a karaf command line tool which wraps up the
functions described in the last section.
karaf > alto-create <type> <resource-file>
karaf > alto-delete <type> <resource-id>

Currently only network-map and cost-map are supported. Also the resource files used in
alto-manager follow the RFC7285-compatible format instead of RESTCONF format.

The following example shows how to use alto-manager to put a network map into the
data store.
karaf > alto-create network-map example-rfc7285-networkmap.json

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

"meta" : {
"resource-id": "test_odl",
"tag": "da65eca2eb7a10ce8b059740b0b2e3f8eb1d4785"
"network-map" : {
"PID1" : {
"ipv4": [
"PID2": {
"ipv4": [
"PID3": {
"ipv4": [
"ipv6": [

Using alto-hosttracker
As a real instance of ALTO services, alto-hosttracker reads data from l2switch
and generates a network map with resource id hosttracker-network-map and a cost
map with resource id hostracker-cost-map. It can only work with OpenFlow-enabled

After installing the odl-alto-hosttracker feature, the corresponding network map

and cost map will be inserted into the data store. Follow the steps in how to read data with
RESTCONF to see the contents.

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

6. Authentication and Authorization Services

Table of Contents
Authentication Service ................................................................................................... 26
Administering OpenDaylight Authentication Services ..................................................... 32
OpenDaylight Authorization Service .............................................................................. 33

Authentication Service
Authentication uses the credentials presented by a user to identify the user.

The Authentication user store provided in the Lithium release does not fully
support a clustered node deployment. Specifically, the AAA user store provided
by the H2 database needs to be synchronized using out of band means. The
AAA Token cache is however cluster-capable.

Authentication data model

A user requests authentication within a domain in which the user has defined roles. The
user chooses either of the following ways to request authentication:

• Provides credentials

• Creates a token scoped to a domain. In OpenDaylight, a domain is a grouping of

resources (direct or indirect, physical, logical, or virtual) for the purpose of access control.

Terms and definitions in the model

Token A claim of access to a group of resources on the controller

Domain A group of resources, direct or indirect, physical, logical, or virtual, for the
purpose of access control

User A person who either owns or has access to a resource or group of resources
on the controller

Role Opaque representation of a set of permissions, which is merely a unique

string as admin or guest

Credential Proof of identity such as username and password, OTP, biometrics, or


Client A service or application that requires access to the controller

Claim A data set of validated assertions regarding a user, e.g. the role, domain,
name, etc.

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

Authentication methods
There are three ways a user may authenticate in OpenDaylight:

• Basic HTTP Authentication

• Regular, non-token based, authentication with username/password.

• Token-based Authentication

• Direct authentication: A user presents username/password and a domain the user

wishes to access to the controller and obtains a timed (default is 1 hour) scoped access
token. The user then uses this token to access RESTCONF (for example).

• Federated authentication: A user presents credentials to a third-party Identity Provider

(for example, SSSD) trusted by the controller. Upon successful authentication, the
controller returns a refresh (unscoped) token with a list of domains that the user has
access to. The user then presents this refresh token scoped to a domain that the user
has access to obtain a scoped access token. The user then uses this access token to
access RESTCONF (for example).

Example with token authentication using curl:

(username/password = admin/admin, domain = sdn)

# Create a token
curl -ik -d 'grant_type=password&username=admin&password=admin&scope=sdn'

# Use the token (e.g., ed3e5e05-b5e7-3865-9f63-eb8ed5c87fb9) obtained from

above (default token validity is 1 hour):
curl -ik -H 'Authorization:Bearer ed3e5e05-b5e7-3865-9f63-eb8ed5c87fb9' http:/

Example with basic HTTP auth using curl:

curl -ik -u 'admin:admin' http://localhost:8181/restconf/config/

How the OpenDaylight Authentication Service works

In direct authentication, a service relationship exists between the user and the
OpenDaylight controller. The user and the controller establish trust that allows them to use,
and validate credentials. The user establishes user identity through credentials.

In direct authentication, a user request progresses through the following steps:

1. The user requests the controller administrator for a user account.

Associated with the user account are user credentials, initially created by the
administrator. OpenDaylight supports only username/password credentials. By
default, an administrator account is present in OpenDaylight out-of-the-box with the
default username and password being admin/admin. In addition to creating the user
account, the controller administrator also assigns roles to that account on one or more

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

domain. By default, there are two user roles; admin, and user, and there is only one
domain; sdn.

2. The user presents credentials in a token request to the token service within a domain.

3. The request is then passed on to the controller token endpoint.

4. The controller token endpoint uses the credential authentication entity which returns a
claim for the client.

5. The controller token entity transforms the claim (user, domain, and roles) into a token
which it then provides to the user.

In federated authentication, with the absence of a direct trust relationship between

the user and the service, a third-party Identity Provider (IdP) is used for authentication.
Federated authentication relies on third-party identity providers (IdP) to authenticate the

The user is authenticated by the trusted IdP and a claim is returned to the OpenDaylight
authentication service. The claim is transformed into an OpenDaylight claim and
successively into a token that is passed on to the user.

In a federated authentication set-up, the OpenDaylight controller AAA module provides

SSSD claim support. SSSD can be used to map users in an external LDAP server to users
defined on the OpenDaylight controller.

Configuring Authentication service

Changes to AAA configurations can be made as follows:

For Authentication functionality via one of:

• Webconsole

• CLI (config command in the Karaf shell)

• Editing the etc/org.opendaylight.aaa.*.cfg files directly

For Token Cache Store settings via one of:

• Editing the 08-authn-config.xml configuration file in etc/opendaylight/karaf


Configurations for AAA are all dynamic and require no restart.

Configuring Authentication
To configure features from the Web console:

1. Install the Web console:

feature:install webconsole

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

2. On the console (http://localhost:8181/system/console) (default Karaf username/

password: karaf/karaf), go to OSGi > Configuration > OpenDaylight AAA
Authentication Configuration.

a. Authorized Clients: List of software clients that are authorized to access

OpenDaylight northbound APIs.

b. Enable Authentication: Enable or disable authentication. (The default is enable.)

Configuring the token store

1. Open in a text editor etc/opendaylight/karaf/08-authn-config.xml

The fields you can configure are as follows:

a. timeToLive: Configure the maximum time, in milliseconds, that tokens are to be

cached. Default is 360000.

2. Save the file.

When token’s are expired, they are lazily removed from the cache.

Configuring AAA federation

1. On the console, click OpenDaylight AAA Federation Configuration.

2. Use the Custom HTTP Headers or Custom HTTP Attributes fields to specify the HTTP
headers or attributes for federated authentication. Normally, additional specification
beyond the default is not required.

As the changes you make to the configurations are automatically committed
when they are saved, no restart of the Authentication service is required.

Configuring federated authentication

Use the following steps to set up federated authentication:

1. Set up an Apache front-end and Apache mods for the OpenDaylight controller.

2. Set up mapping rules (from LDAP users to OpenDaylight users).

3. Use the ClaimAuthFilter in federation to allow claim transformation.

Mapping users to roles and domains

The OpenDaylight authentication service transforms assertions from an external federated
IdP into Authentication Service data:

1. The Apache web server which fronts OpenDaylight AAA sends data to SssdAuthFilter.

2. SssdAuthFilter constructs a JSON document from the data.

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

3. OpenDaylight Authentication Service uses a general purpose transformation mapper to

transform the JSON document.

Operational model
The mapping model works as follows:

1. Assertions from an IdP are stored in an associative array.

2. A sequence of rules is applied, and the first rule which returns success is considered a

3. Upon success, an associative array of mapped values is returned.

• The mapped values are taken from the local variables set during the rule execution.

• The definition of the rules and mapped results are expressed in JSON notation.

Operational Model: Sample code

mapped = null
foreach rule in rules {
result = null
initialize rule.variables with pre-defined values

foreach block in rule.statement_blocks {

for statement in block.statements {
if statement.verb is exit {
result = exit.status
elif statement.verb is continue {
if result {
if result == null {
result = success
if result == success {
mapped = rule.mapping(rule.variables)
return mapped

Mapping Users
A JSON Object acts as a mapping template to produce the final associative array of name/
value pairs. The value in a name/value pair can be a constant or a variable. An example of a
mapping template and rule variables in JSON: Template:
"organization": "BigCorp.com",
"user: "$subject",
"roles": "$roles"

Local variables:

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

"subject": "Sally",
"roles": ["user", "admin"]

The final mapped result will be:

"organization": "BigCorp.com",
"user: "Sally",
"roles": ["user", "admin"]

Example: Splitting a fully qualified username into user and realm components
Some IdPs return a fully qualified username (for example, principal or subject). The fully
qualified username is the concatenation of the user name, separator, and realm name.
The following example shows the mapped result that returns the user and realm as
independent values for the fully qualified username is bob@example.com .

The mapping in JSON:

"user": "$username",
"realm": "$domain"

The assertion in JSON:

"Principal": "bob@example.com"

The rule applied:

["in", "Principal", "assertion"],
["exit", "rule_fails", "if_not_success"],
["regexp", "$assertion[Principal]", (?P<username>\\w+)@(?P<domain>.
["set", "$username", "$regexp_map[username]"],
["set", "$domain", "$regexp_map[domain]"],
["exit, "rule_succeeds", "always"]

The mapped result in JSON:

"user": "bob",
"realm": "example.com"

Also, users may be granted roles based on their membership in certain groups.

The Authentication Service allows white lists for users with specific roles. The white lists
ensure that users are unconditionally accepted and authorized with specific roles. Users
who must be unconditionally denied access can be placed in a black list.

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

Administering OpenDaylight Authentication

Actors in the System
OpenDaylight Controller administrator The OpenDaylight Controller administrator has the
following responsibilities:

• Author Authentication policies using the IdmLight Service API

• Provides credentials, usernames and passwords to users who request them

OpenDaylight resource owners Resource owners authenticate (either by means of

federation or directly providing their own credentials to the controller) to obtain an
access token. This access token can then be used to access resources on the controller. An
OpenDaylight resource owner enjoys the following privileges:

• Creates, refreshes, or deletes access tokens

• Gets access tokens from the Secure Token Service

• Passes secure tokens to resource users

OpenDaylight resource users Resource users do not need to authenticate: they can access
resources if they are given an access tokens by the resource owner. The default timeout for
access tokens is 1 hour (This duration is configurable.). An OpenDaylight resource user does
the following:

• Gets access tokens either from a resource owner or the controller administrator

• Uses tokens at access applications from the north-bound APIs

System Components
IdmLight Identity manager Stores local user authentication and authorization data,
provides an Admin REST API for CRUD operations.

Pluggable authenticators Provides domain-specific authentication mechanisms

Authenticator Authenticates users against and establishes claims

Authentication Cache Caches all authentication states and tokens

Authentication Filter Verifies tokens and extracts claims

Authentication Manager Contains the session token and authentication claim


IdmLight Identity manager

The Light-weight Identity Manager (IdmLight) Stores local user authentication and
authorization data, and roles and provides an Admin REST API for CRUD operations

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

on the users/roles/domains database. The IdmLight REST API is by default accessed via
the {controller baseURI:8181}/auth/v1/ API end point. Access to the API is restricted to
authenticated clients only, or those possessing a token:

Example: To retrieve the users list.

curl http://admin:admin@localhost:8181/auth/v1/users

The following document contains a detailed list of supported CRUD operations allowed by
the API:

OpenDaylight Authorization Service

The authorization service currently included in OpenDaylight is of an experimental kind
and only briefly documented here. Authorization follows successful authentication and is
modeled on the Role Based Access Control (RBAC) approach for defining permissions and
decide access levels to API resources on the controller.

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

7. Armoury

Table of Contents
Overview ....................................................................................................................... 34
Armoury Architecture .................................................................................................... 34
Armoury Catalog ........................................................................................................... 34
Armoury Workload Manager ........................................................................................ 35
Armoury Driver Registry ................................................................................................ 35
Tutorials ........................................................................................................................ 35

This section describes how to use the Armoury feature in OpenDaylight and contains
contains configuration, administration, and management sections for the feature.

Just as compute needs to make requests to the controller to get networking resources in
order to provide its services, so too does the controller sometimes need to make requests of
the workload manager to get compute resources and/or network function (NF) (physical or
virtual) orchestration to provide its services.

Armoury Architecture
There are mainly three components :

• Armoury Catalog A registry or catalog of the necessary information (images, metadata,

templatized day 0 config, how to communicate with the NF, etc) to describe the NF to
the workload manager and/or network function (NF) (physical or virtual) orchestration.

• Armoury Workload Manager The most minimal possible API to allow applications to
request that the workload manager start/stop/etc the NF and some information from
the workload manager/nf orchestrator about the state of the NF.

• Armoury Driver Registry Example Drivers to talk to various workload managers

(OpenStack/Meseophere/Docker/ Kubernetes/etc).

Armoury Catalog
The NF Catalog contains metadata describing a NF.

Configuring Armoury Catalog

TBD: Describe how to configure Armoury Catalog after installation.

Administering Armoury Catalog

TBD: Include related command reference or operations for using Armoury Catalog.

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

Armoury Workload Manager

The Workload Manager defines RPCs to manage instances.

Configuring Armoury Workload Manager

TBD: Describe how to configure Armoury Workload Manager after installation.

Administering Armoury Workload Manager

TBD: Include related command reference or operations for using Armoury Workload

Armoury Driver Registry

The Driver Registry Describes the driver that is used to talk with the workload manager

Configuring Armoury Driver Registry

TBD: Describe how to configure Armoury Driver Registry.

Administering Armoury Driver Registry

TBD: Include related command reference or operations for using Driver Registry.

Below are tutorials for Armoury.

Using Armoury Catalog

TBD: State the purpose of tutorial

TBD: An overview of the Armoury Catalog tutorial

TBD: Provide any prerequisite information, assumed knowledge, or environment required
to execute the use case.

Target Environment
TBD: Include any topology requirement for the use case.

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

TBD: Step by step procedure for using Armoury Catalog.

Using Armoury Workload Manager

TBD: State the purpose of tutorial

TBD: An overview of the Armoury Workload Manager tutorial

TBD: Provide any prerequisite information, assumed knowledge, or environment required
to execute the use case.

Target Environment
TBD: Include any topology requirement for the use case.

TBD: Step by step procedure for using Armoury Workload Manager.

Using Armoury Driver Registry

TBD: State the purpose of tutorial

TBD: An overview of the Armoury Driver Registry tutorial

TBD: Provide any prerequisite information, assumed knowledge, or environment required
to execute the use case.

Target Environment
TBD: Include any topology requirement for the use case.

TBD: Step by step procedure for using Armoury Driver Registry.

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

8. BGP User Guide

Table of Contents
Overview ....................................................................................................................... 37
Configuring BGP ............................................................................................................ 37
Configuration through RESTCONF ................................................................................. 41
Tutorials ........................................................................................................................ 45

The OpenDaylight Karaf distribution comes pre-configured with baseline BGP
configuration. You can find it in the etc/opendaylight/karaf directory and it consists of two

• 31-bgp.xml (defines the basic parser and RIB support)

• 41-bgp-example.xml (which contains a sample configuration which needs to be

customized to your deployment)

The next sections will describe how to configure BGP manually or using RESTCONF.

Configuring BGP

• rib-id - BGP RIB Identifier, in this configuration file you can specify more BGP RIBs by
copy-pasting the above module. These RIBs must have a unique rib-id and name.

• local-as - Our local AS number (where OpenDaylight is deployed), we use this in best
path selection

• bgp-id - Our local BGP identifier (the IP of the VM where OpenDaylight is deployed), we
use this in best path selection.

• cluster-id - Cluster Identifier, non-mandatory, if not specified, BGP Identifier will be used

MIGHT NOT BE NEEDED: depending on your BGP router, you might need to switch from
linkstate attribute type 99 to 29. Check with your router vendor. Change the field iana-

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

linkstate-attribute-type to true if your router supports type 29. This snippet is located in 31-
bgp.xml file.

<type xmlns:prefix=

• iana-linkstate-attribute-type - IANA has issued an early allocation for the BGP Linkstate
path attribute (=29). To preserve (TYPE = 99) set value bellow to false; to use IANA
assigned type set the value to true or remove it as it’s true by default.

BGP Peer
The initial configuration is written so that it will be ignored to prevent the client from
starting with default configuration. Therefore the first step is to uncomment the module
containing bgp-peer.

<type xmlns:prefix=
<type xmlns:prefix=

• name - BGP Peer name, in this configuration file you can specify more BGP Peers by copy-
pasting the above module. These peers must have a unique name.

• host - IP address or hostname of BGP speaker (IP where OpenDaylight should connect to
gather topology)

• holdtimer - unit: seconds

• peer-role - If peer role is not present, default value "ibgp" will be used (allowed values are
also "ebgp" and "rr-client"). This field is case-sensitive.

• rib - BGP RIB identifier

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

Configure Connection Attributes - OPTIONAL

<type xmlns:prefix=
<type xmlns:netty=

• min-sleep - Minimum sleep time (miliseconds) in between reconnect tries

• max-sleep - Maximum sleep time (miliseconds) in between reconnect tries

• sleep-factor - Power factor of the sleep time between reconnect tries

• connect-time - How long we should wait (miliseconds) for the TCP connect attempt,
overrides default connection timeout dictated by TCP retransmits

BGP Speaker Configuration

Previous entries addressed the configuration of a BGP connection initiated by
OpenDaylight. OpenDaylight also supports BGP Speaker functionality and accepts incoming
BGP connections.

*The configuration of BGP speaker is located in: 41-bgp-example.xml:

<type xmlns:prefix=

<!--Default parameters-->

<!--Drops or accepts incoming BGP connection, every BGP Peer that should
be accepted needs to be added to this registry-->
<type xmlns:prefix=

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

Changing speaker configuration - Changing binding address: Uncomment tag binding-

address and change the address to e.g. The default binding address is
- Changing binding port: Uncomment tag binding-port and change the port to e.g. 1790.
The default binding port is 179 as specified in BGP RFC. —

Incomming BGP Connections

BGP speaker drops all BGP connections from unknown BGP peers. The decision is made in
component bgp-peer-registry that is injected into the speaker (The registry is configured in

To add BGP Peer configuration into the registry, it is necessary to configure regular BGP
peer just like in example in 41-bgp-example.xml. Notice that the BGP peer depends on the
same bgp-peer-registry as bgp-speaker:
<type xmlns:prefix=
<type xmlns:prefix=

The BGP peer registers itself into the registry, which allows incoming BGP connections
handled by the bgp-speaker. (Config attribute peer-registry is optional for now to preserve
backwards compatibility). With this configuration, the connection to is initiated
by OpenDaylight but will also be accepted from In case both connections are
being established, only one of them will be preserved and the other will be dropped.
The connection initiated from device with lower bgp id will be dropped by the registry.
Each BGP peer must be configured in its own module. Note, that the name of the module
needs to be unique, so if you are configuring more peers, when changing the host, change
also the name. There is a way to configure the peer only for incoming connections (The
connection will not be initiated by the OpenDaylight, OpenDaylight will only wait for
incoming connection from the peer. The peer is identified by its IP address). To configure
peer only for incoming connection add attribute initiate-connection to peer’s configuration:
<type xmlns:prefix=
<host></host> // IP address or hostname
of the speaker
<initiate-connection>false</initiate-connection> // Connection will not
be initiated by ODL

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

• initiate-connection - if set to false OpenDaylight will not initiate connection to this peer.
Default value is true for all peers.

BGP Application Peer

A BGP speaker needs to register all peers that can be connected to it (meaning if a BGP
peer is not configured, the connection with OpenDaylight won’t be successful). As a first
step, configure RIB. Then, instead of configuring regular peer, configure this application
peer, with its own application RIB. Change the value in bold bgp-peer-id which is your local
BGP-ID that will be used in BGP Best Path Selection algorithm.
<type xmlns:x=
<type xmlns:x=

• bgp-peer-id - Our local BGP identifier (the IP of the VM where OpenDaylight is deployed),
we use this in best path selection

• target-rib - RIB ID of existing RIB where the data should be transferred

• application-rib-id - RIB ID of local application RIB (all the routes that you put to
OpenDaylight will be displayed here)

Configuration through RESTCONF

Another method to configure BGP is dynamically through RESTCONF. Before you start,
make sure, you’ve completed steps 1-5 in Installation Guide. Instead of restarting Karaf,
install another feature, that provides you the access to restconf/config/ URLs.

feature:install odl-netconf-connector-all

To check what modules you have currently configured, check following link: http://
netconf/node/controller-config/yang-ext:mount/config:modules/ This URL is also used to
POST new configuration. If you want to change any other configuration that is listed here,
make sure you include the correct namespaces. RESTCONF will tell you if some namespace
is wrong.

To update an existing configuration use PUT and give the full path to the element you wish
to update.

It is vital that you respect the order of steps described in user guide.

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

First, configure RIB. This module is already present in the configuration, therefore we
change only the parameters we need. In this case, it’s bgp-rib-id and local-as.

URL: _


<module xmlns="urn:opendaylight:params:xml:ns:yang:controller:config">
<type xmlns:x=
<session-reconnect-strategy xmlns=
<type xmlns:x=
<rib-id xmlns=
<extensions xmlns=
<type xmlns:x=
<codec-tree-factory xmlns=
<type xmlns:x=
<tcp-reconnect-strategy xmlns=
<type xmlns:x=
<data-provider xmlns=
<type xmlns:x=
<local-as xmlns=
<bgp-dispatcher xmlns=

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

<dom-data-provider xmlns=
<type xmlns:x=
<local-table xmlns=
<local-table xmlns=
<local-table xmlns=
<local-table xmlns=
<bgp-rib-id xmlns=

MIGHT NOT BE NEEDED depending on your BGP router, you might need a
switch from linkstate attribute type 99 to 29. Check with your router vendor.
Switch the field to true if your router supports type 29.



<module xmlns="urn:opendaylight:params:xml:ns:yang:controller:config">
<type xmlns:x=
<iana-linkstate-attribute-type xmlns=

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

BGP Peer
We also need to add new module to configuration (bgp-peer). In this case, the whole
module needs to be configured. Please change values host, holdtimer and peer-role (if

<module xmlns="urn:opendaylight:params:xml:ns:yang:controller:config">
<type xmlns:x=
<host xmlns=
<holdtimer xmlns=
<peer-role xmlns=
<rib xmlns"urn:opendaylight:params:xml:ns:yang:controller:bgp:rib:impl">
<type xmlns:x=
<peer-registry xmlns=
<type xmlns:x=
<advertized-table xmlns=
<type xmlns:x=
<advertized-table xmlns=
<type xmlns:x=
<advertized-table xmlns=
<type xmlns:x=
<advertized-table xmlns=
<type xmlns:x=

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium


This is all necessary information that you need to get ODL connect to your speaker.

BGP Application Peer

Change the value bgp-peer-id which is your local BGP ID that will be used in BGP Best Path
Selection algorithm.

<module xmlns="urn:opendaylight:params:xml:ns:yang:controller:config">
<type xmlns:x=
<bgp-peer-id xmlns=
peer-id> <!-- Your local BGP-ID that will be used in BGP Best Path Selection
algorithm -->
<target-rib xmlns=
<type xmlns:x=
<application-rib-id xmlns=
<data-broker xmlns=
<type xmlns:x=

Viewing BGP Topology
This section summarizes how data from BGP can be viewed through RESTCONF. Currently it
is the only way to view the data.

From Helium release the port changed from 8080 to 8181.

Network Topology View

Basic URL for network topology is http://localhost:8181/restconf/operational/network-
topology:network-topology/ .

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

If BGP is configured properly, it should display output similar to this one:


BGP data as were sent from BGP speaker are listed in three topologies (if all three are

example-linkstate-topology - displays links and nodes advertised through linkstate Update



example-ipv4-topology - display Ipv4 adresses of nodes in the topology


example-ipv6-topology - display Ipv6 adresses of nodes in the topology


Route Information Base (RIB) View

Another view of BGP data is through BGP RIBs, located here:


There are multiple RIBs configured:

• AdjRibsIn (per Peer) : Adjacency RIBs In, BGP routes as they come from BGP Peer

• EffectiveRib (per Peer) : BGP routes after applying Import policies

• LocRib (per RIB) : Local RIB, BGP routes from all peers

• AdjRibsOut (per Peer) : BGP routes that will be advertizes, after applying Export policies

This is how the output looks like, when address families for IPv4 and Linkstate were

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium


You can see details for each AFI by expanding the RESTCONF link:

IPv4 : http://localhost:8181/restconf/operational/bgp-rib:bgp-rib/rib/example-bgp-rib/loc-

Linkstate : http://localhost:8181/restconf/operational/bgp-rib:bgp-rib/rib/example-bgp-

Populate RIB
If your peer is configured, you can populate the RIB by making following POST call to

URL: http://localhost:8181/restconf/config/bgp-rib:application-rib/example-app-rib/tables/

• where example-app-rib is your application RIB id (that you specified in the configuration)
and tables specifies AFI and SAFI of the data that you want to add.


Content-Type: application/xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<ipv4-routes xmlns="urn:opendaylight:params:xml:ns:yang:bgp-inet">

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium


The request results in 204 No content. This is expected.

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

9. CAPWAP User Guide

Table of Contents
Overview ....................................................................................................................... 49
CAPWAP Architecture ................................................................................................... 49
Scope of CAPWAP Project ............................................................................................. 49
Installing CAPWAP ........................................................................................................ 49
Configuring CAPWAP .................................................................................................... 49
Administering or Managing CAPWAP ............................................................................ 50
Tutorials ........................................................................................................................ 50

This document describes how to use the Control And Provisioning of Wireless Access Points
(CAPWAP) feature in OpenDaylight. This document contains configuration, administration,
and management sections for the feature.

CAPWAP feature fills the gap OpenDaylight Controller has with respect to managing
CAPWAP compliant wireless termination point (WTP) network devices present in enterprise
networks. Intelligent applications (e.g. centralized firmware management, radio planning)
can be developed by tapping into the WTP network device’s operational states via REST

CAPWAP Architecture
The CAPWAP feature is implemented as an MD-SAL based provider module, which helps
discover WTP devices and update their states in MD-SAL operational datastore.

Scope of CAPWAP Project

In the Lithium release, CAPWAP project aims to only detect the WTPs and store their basic
attributes in the operational data store, which is accessible via REST and JAVA APIs.

Installing CAPWAP
To install CAPWAP, download OpenDaylight and use the Karaf console to install the
following feature:


Configuring CAPWAP
As of Lithium, there are no configuration requirements.

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

Administering or Managing CAPWAP

After installing the odl-capwap-ac-rest feature from the Karaf console, users can administer
and manage CAPWAP from the APIDOCS explorer.

Go to http://${ipaddress}:8181/apidoc/explorer/index.html, sign in, and expand the

capwap-impl panel. From there, users can execute various API calls.

Viewing Discovered WTPs
This tutorial can be used as a walk through to understand the steps for starting the
CAPWAP feature, detecting CAPWAP WTPs, accessing the operational states of WTPs.

It is assumed that user has access to at least one hardware/software based CAPWAP
compliant WTP. These devices should be configured with OpenDaylight controller IP
address as a CAPWAP Access Controller (AC) address. It is also assumed that WTPs and
OpenDaylight controller share the same ethernet broadcast domain.

1. Run the OpenDaylight distribution and install odl-capwap-ac-rest from the Karaf console.

2. Go to http://${ipaddress}:8181/apidoc/explorer/index.html

3. Expand capwap-impl

4. Click /operational/capwap-impl:capwap-ac-root/

5. Click "Try it out"

6. The above step should display list of WTPs discovered using ODL CAPWAP feature.

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

10. DIDM User Guide

Table of Contents
Overview ....................................................................................................................... 51
DIDM Architecture ........................................................................................................ 51

The Device Identification and Driver Management (DIDM) project addresses the need to
provide device-specific functionality. Device-specific functionality is code that performs a
feature, and the code is knowledgeable of the capability and limitations of the device.
For example, configuring VLANs and adjusting FlowMods are features, and there may
be different implementations for different device types. Device-specific functionality is
implemented as Device Drivers. Device Drivers need to be associated with the devices they
can be used with. To determine this association requires the ability to identify the device

DIDM Architecture
The DIDM project creates the infrastructure to support the following functions:

• Discovery - Determination that a device exists in the controller management domain and
connectivity to the device can be established. For devices that support the OpenFlow
protocol, the existing discovery mechanism in OpenDaylight suffices. Devices that do
not support OpenFlow will be discovered through manual means such as the operator
entering device information via GUI or REST API.

• Identification – Determination of the device type.

• Driver Registration – Registration of Device Drivers as routed RPCs.

• Synchronization – Collection of device information, device configuration, and link

(connection) information.

• Data Models for Common Features – Data models will be defined to perform common
features such as VLAN configuration. For example, applications can configure a VLAN by
writing the VLAN data to the data store as specified by the common data model.

• RPCs for Common Features – Configuring VLANs and adjusting FlowMods are example
of features. RPCs will be defined that specify the APIs for these features. Drivers
implement features for specific devices and support the APIs defined by the RPCs. There
may be different Driver implementations for different device types.

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

11. Group Based Policy User Guide

Table of Contents
Overview ....................................................................................................................... 52
GBP Base Architecture and Value Proposition ................................................................ 54
Using the GBP UX interface ........................................................................................... 70
Using the GBP API ......................................................................................................... 83
Using OpenStack with GBP ............................................................................................ 84
Using the GBP OpenFlow Overlay (OfOverlay) renderer ................................................. 90
Using the GBP eBPF IO Visor Agent renderer ............................................................... 101
Using the GBP FaaS renderer ....................................................................................... 101
Using Service Function Chaining (SFC) with GBP Neutron Mapper and OfOverlay .......... 102
Demo/Development environment ............................................................................... 107

OpenDaylight Group Based Policy allows users to express network configuration in a
declarative versus imperative way.

This is often described as asking for "what you want", rather than "how to do it".

In order to achieve this Group Based Policy (herein referred to as GBP) is an

implementation of an Intent System.

An Intent System:

• is a process around an intent driven data model

• contains no domain specifics

• is capable of addressing multiple semantic definitions of intent

To this end, GBP Policy views an Intent System visually as:

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

Figure 11.1. Intent System Process and Policy Surfaces

• expressed intent is the entry point into the system.

• operational constraints provide policy for the usage of the system which modulates
how the system is consumed. For instance "All Financial applications must use a specific
encryption standard".

• capabilities and state are provided by renderers. Renderers dynamically provide their
capabilities to the core model, allowing the core model to remain non-domain specific.

• governance provides feedback on the delivery of the expressed intent. i.e. "Did we do
what you asked us?"

In summary GBP is about the Automation of Intent.

By thinking of Intent Systems in this way, it enables:

• automation of intent

By focusing on Model. Process. Automation, a consistent policy resolution process

enables for mapping between the expressed intent and renderers responsible for
providing the capabilities of implementing that intent.

• recursive/intent level-independent behaviour.

Where one person’s concrete is another’s abstract, intent can be fulfilled through a
hierarchical implementation of non-domain specific policy resolution. Domain specifics

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

are provided by the renderers, and exposed via the API, at each policy resolution
instance. For example:

• To DNS: The name "www.foo.com" is abstract, and it’s IPv4 address is

• To an IP stack: is abstract and the MAC 08:05:04:03:02:01 is concrete,

• To an Ethernet switch: The MAC 08:05:04:03:02:01 is abstract, the resolution to a port

in it’s CAM table is concrete,

• To an optical network: The port maybe abstract, yet the optical wavelength is

This is a very domain specific analogy, tied to something most readers will
understand. It in no way implies the GBP should be implemented in an OSI type
fashion. The premise is that by implementing a full Intent System, the user is
freed from a lot of the constraints of how the expressed intent is realised.

It is important to show the overall philosophy of GBP as it sets the project’s direction.

In the Beryllium release of OpenDaylight, GBP focused on expressed intent, refactoring

of how renderers consume and publish Subject Feature Definitions for multi-renderer

GBP Base Architecture and Value Proposition

In order to explain the fundamental value proposition of GBP, an illustrated example is
given. In order to do that some terminology must be defined.

The Access Model is the core of the GBP Intent System policy resolution process.

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

Figure 11.2. GBP Access Model Terminology - Endpoints, EndpointGroups,


OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

Figure 11.3. GBP Access Model Terminology - Subject, Classifier, Action

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

Figure 11.4. GBP Forwarding Model Terminology - L3 Context, L2 Bridge

Context, L2 Flood Context/Domain, Subnet

• Endpoints:

Define concrete uniquely identifiable entities. In Beryllium, examples could be a Docker

container, or a Neutron port

• EndpointGroups:

EndpointGroups are sets of endpoints that share a common set of policies.

EndpointGroups can participate in contracts that determine the kinds of communication
that are allowed. EndpointGroups consume and provide contracts. They also expose both
requirements and capabilities, which are labels that help to determine how contracts
will be applied. An EndpointGroup can specify a parent EndpointGroup from which it

• Contracts:

Contracts determine which endpoints can communicate and in what way. Contracts
between pairs of EndpointGroups are selected by the contract selectors defined
by the EndpointGroup. Contracts expose qualities, which are labels that can help
EndpointGroups to select contracts. Once the contract is selected, contracts have clauses
that can match against requirements and capabilities exposed by EndpointGroups, as
well as any conditions that may be set on endpoints, in order to activate subjects that
can allow specific kinds of communication. A contract is allowed to specify a parent
contract from which it inherits.

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

• Subject

Subjects describe some aspect of how two endpoints are allowed to communicate.
Subjects define an ordered list of rules that will match against the traffic and perform
any necessary actions on that traffic. No communication is allowed unless a subject
allows that communication.

• Clause

Clauses are defined as part of a contract. Clauses determine how a contract should
be applied to particular endpoints and EndpointGroups. Clauses can match against
requirements and capabilities exposed by EndpointGroups, as well as any conditions that
may be set on endpoints. Matching clauses define some set of subjects which can be
applied to the communication between the pairs of endpoints.

Architecture and Value Proposition

GBP offers an intent based interface, accessed via the UX, via the REST API or directly from
a domain-specific-language such as Neutron through a mapping interface.

There are two models in GBP:

• the access (or core) model

• the forwarding model

Figure 11.5. GBP Access (or Core) Model

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

The classifier and action portions of the model can be thought of as hooks, with their
definition provided by each renderer about its domain specific capabilities. In GBP
Beryllium, there is one renderer, the OpenFlow Overlay renderer (OfOverlay).

These hooks are filled with definitions of the types of features the renderer can provide the
subject, and are called subject-feature-definitions.

This means an expressed intent can be fulfilled by, and across, multiple renderers
simultaneously, without any specific provisioning from the consumer of GBP.

Since GBP is implemented in OpenDaylight, which is an SDN controller, it also must address
networking. This is done via the forwarding model, which is domain specific to networking,
but could be applied to many different types of networking.

Figure 11.6. GBP Forwarding Model

Each endpoint is provisioned with a network-containment. This can be a:

• subnet

• normal IP stack behaviour, where ARP is performed in subnet, and for out of subnet,
traffic is sent to default gateway.

• a subnet can be a child of any of the below forwarding model contexts, but typically
would be a child of a flood-domain

• L2 flood-domain

• allows flooding behaviour.

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

• is a n:1 child of a bridge-domain

• can have multiple children

• L2 bridge-domain

• is a layer2 namespace

• is the realm where traffic can be sent at layer 2

• is a n:1 child of a L3 context

• can have multiple children

• L3 context

• is a layer3 namespace

• is the realm where traffic is passed at layer 3

• is a n:1 child of a tenant

• can have multiple children

A simple example of how the access and forwarding models work is as follows:

Figure 11.7. GBP Endpoints, EndpointGroups and Contracts

In this example, the EPG:webservers is providing the web and ssh contracts. The EPG:client
is consuming those contracts. EPG:client is providing the any contract, which is consumed
by EPG:webservers.

The direction keyword is always from the perspective of the provider of the contract. In
this case contract web, being provided by EPG:webservers, with the classifier to match TCP
destination port 80, means:

• packets with a TCP destination port of 80

• sent to (in) endpoints in the EPG:webservers

• will be allowed.

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

Figure 11.8. GBP Endpoints and the Forwarding Model

When the forwarding model is considered in the figure above, it can be seen that even
though all endpoints are communicating using a common set of contracts, their forwarding
is contained by the forwarding model contexts or namespaces. In the example shown,
the endpoints associated with a network-containment that has an ultimate parent of
L3Context:Sales can only communicate with other endpoints within this L3Context. In this
way L3VPN services can be implemented without any impact to the Intent of the contract.

High-level implementation Architecture

The overall architecture, including Neutron domain specific mapping, and the OpenFlow
Overlay renderer looks as so:

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

Figure 11.9. GBP High Level Beryllium Architecture

The major benefit of this architecture is that the mapping of the domain-specific-language
is completely separate and independent of the underlying renderer implementation.

For instance, using the Neutron Mapper, which maps the Neutron API to the GBP core
model, any contract automatically generated from this mapping can be augmented via
the UX to use Service Function Chaining, a capability not currently available in OpenStack

When another renderer is added, for instance, NetConf, the same policy can now be
leveraged across NetConf devices simultaneously:

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

Figure 11.10. GBP High Level Beryllium Architecture - adding a renderer

As other domain-specific mappings occur, they too can leverage the same renderers, as the
renderers only need to implement the GBP access and forwarding models, and the domain-
specific mapping need only manage mapping to the access and forwarding models. For

Figure 11.11. GBP High Level Beryllium Architecture - adding a renderer

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

In summary, the GBP architecture:

• separates concerns: the Expressed Intent is kept completely separated from the
underlying renderers.

• is cohesive: each part does it’s part and it’s part only

• is scalable: code can be optimised around model mapping/implementation, and

functionality re-used

Policy Resolution
Contract Selection
The first step in policy resolution is to select the contracts that are in scope.

EndpointGroups participate in contracts either as a provider or as a consumer of a contract.

Each EndpointGroup can participate in many contracts at the same time, but for each
contract it can be in only one role at a time. In addition, there are two ways for an
EndpointGroup to select a contract: either with either a:

• named selector

Named selectors simply select a specific contract by its contract ID.

• target selector.

Target selectors allow for additional flexibility by matching against qualities of the
contract’s target.

Thus, there are a total of 4 kinds of contract selector:

• provider named selector

Select a contract by contract ID, and participate as a provider.

• provider target selector

Match against a contract’s target with a quality matcher, and participate as a provider.

• consumer named selector

Select a contract by contract ID, and participate as a consumer.

• consumer target selector

Match against a contract’s target with a quality matcher, and participate as a consumer.

To determine which contracts are in scope, contracts are found where either the source
EndpointGroup selects a contract as either a provider or consumer, while the destination
EndpointGroup matches against the same contract in the corresponding role. So if
endpoint x in EndpointGroup X is communicating with endpoint y in EndpointGroup Y, a
contract C is in scope if either X selects C as a provider and Y selects C as a consumer, or vice

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

The details of how quality matchers work are described further in Matchers. Quality
matchers provide a flexible mechanism for contract selection based on labels.

The end result of the contract selection phase can be thought of as a set of tuples
representing selected contract scopes. The fields of the tuple are:

• Contract ID

• The provider EndpointGroup ID

• The name of the selector in the provider EndpointGroup that was used to select the
contract, called the matching provider selector.

• The consumer EndpointGroup ID

• The name of the selector in the consumer EndpointGroup that was used to select the
contract, called the matching consumer selector.

The result is then stored in the datastore under Resolved Policy.

Subject Selection
The second phase in policy resolution is to determine which subjects are in scope. The
subjects define what kinds of communication are allowed between endpoints in the
EndpointGroups. For each of the selected contract scopes from the contract selection
phase, the subject selection procedure is applied.

Labels called, capabilities, requirements and conditions are matched against to bring a
Subject into scope. EndpointGroups have capabilities and requirements, while endpoints
have conditions.

Requirements and Capabilities

When acting as a provider, EndpointGroups expose capabilities, which are labels
representing specific pieces of functionality that can be exposed to other EndpointGroups
that may meet functional requirements of those EndpointGroups.

When acting as a consumer, EndpointGroups expose requirements, which are labels that
represent that the EndpointGroup requires some specific piece of functionality.

As an example, we might create a capability called "user-database" which indicates that an

EndpointGroup contains endpoints that implement a database of users.

We might create a requirement also called "user-database" to indicate an EndpointGroup

contains endpoints that will need to communicate with the endpoints that expose this

Note that in this example the requirement and capability have the same name, but the user
need not follow this convention.

The matching provider selector (that was used by the provider EndpointGroup to select the
contract) is examined to determine the capabilities exposed by the provider EndpointGroup
for this contract scope.

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

The provider selector will have a list of capabilities either directly included in the provider
selector or inherited from a parent selector or parent EndpointGroup. (See Inheritance).

Similarly, the matching consumer selector will expose a set of requirements.

Endpoints can have conditions, which are labels representing some relevant piece of
operational state related to the endpoint.

An example of a condition might be "malware-detected," or "authentication-succeeded."

Conditions are used to affect how that particular endpoint can communicate.

To continue with our example, the "malware-detected" condition might cause an

endpoint’s connectivity to be cut off, while "authentication-succeeded" might open up
communication with services that require an endpoint to be first authenticated and then
forward its authentication credentials.

Clauses perform the actual selection of subjects. A clause has lists of matchers in two
categories. In order for a clause to become active, all lists of matchers must match. A
matching clause will select all the subjects referenced by the clause. Note that an empty list
of matchers counts as a match.

The first category is the consumer matchers, which match against the consumer
EndpointGroup and endpoints. The consumer matchers are:

• Group Idenfication Constraint: Requirement matchers

Matches against requirements in the matching consumer selector.

• Group Identification Constraint: GroupName

Matches against the group name

• Consumer condition matchers

Matches against conditions on endpoints in the consumer EndpointGroup

• Consumer Endpoint Identification Constraint

Label based criteria for matching against endpoints. In Beryllium this can be used to label
endpoints based on IpPrefix.

The second category is the provider matchers, which match against the provider
EndpointGroup and endpoints. The provider matchers are:

• Group Idenfication Constraint: Capability matchers

Matches against capabilities in the matching provider selector.

• Group Identification Constraint: GroupName

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

Matches against the group name

• Consumer condition matchers

Matches against conditions on endpoints in the provider EndpointGroup

• Consumer Endpoint Identification Constraint

Label based criteria for matching against endpoints. In Beryllium this can be used to label
endpoints based on IpPrefix.

Clauses have a list of subjects that apply when all the matchers in the clause match. The
output of the subject selection phase logically is a set of subjects that are in scope for any
particular pair of endpoints.

Rule Application
Now subjects have been selected that apply to the traffic between a particular set of
endpoints, policy can be applied to allow endpoints to communicate. The applicable
subjects from the previous step will each contain a set of rules.

Rules consist of a set of classifiers and a set of actions. Classifiers match against traffic
between two endpoints. An example of a classifier would be something that matches
against all TCP traffic on port 80, or one that matches against HTTP traffic containing a
particular cookie. Actions are specific actions that need to be taken on the traffic before it
reaches its destination. Actions could include tagging or encapsulating the traffic in some
way, redirecting the traffic, or applying a service function chain.

Rules, subjects, and actions have an order parameter, where a lower order value means
that a particular item will be applied first. All rules from a particular subject will be applied
before the rules of any other subject, and all actions from a particular rule will be applied
before the actions from another rule. If more than item has the same order parameter, ties
are broken with a lexicographic ordering of their names, with earlier names having logically
lower order.

Matchers specify a set of labels (which include requirements, capabilities, conditions, and
qualities) to match against. There are several kinds of matchers that operate similarly:

• Quality matchers

used in target selectors during the contract selection phase. Quality matchers provide a
more advanced and flexible way to select contracts compared to a named selector.

• Requirement and capability matchers

used in clauses during the subject selection phase to match against requirements and
capabilities on EndpointGroups

• Condition matchers

used in clauses during the subject selection phase to match against conditions on

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

A matcher is, at its heart, fairly simple. It will contain a list of label names, along with a
match type. The match type can be either:

• "all"

which means the matcher matches when all of its labels match

• "any"

which means the matcher matches when any of its labels match,

• "none"

which means the matcher matches when none of its labels match.

Note a match all matcher can be made by matching against an empty set of labels with a
match type of "all."

Additionally each label to match can optionally include a relevant name field. For quality
matchers, this is a target name. For capability and requirement matchers, this is a selector
name. If the name field is specified, then the matcher will only match against targets or
selectors with that name, rather than any targets or selectors.

Some objects in the system include references to parents, from which they will inherit
definitions. The graph of parent references must be loop free. When resolving names, the
resolution system must detect loops and raise an exception. Objects that are part of these
loops may be considered as though they are not defined at all. Generally, inheritance works
by simply importing the objects in the parent into the child object. When there are objects
with the same name in the child object, then the child object will override the parent object
according to rules which are specific to the type of object. We’ll next explore the detailed
rules for inheritance for each type of object


EndpointGroups will inherit all their selectors from their parent EndpointGroups. Selectors
with the same names as selectors in the parent EndpointGroups will inherit their behavior
as defined below.


Selectors include provider named selectors, provider target selectors, consumer named
selectors, and consumer target selectors. Selectors cannot themselves have parent selectors,
but when selectors have the same name as a selector of the same type in the parent
EndpointGroup, then they will inherit from and override the behavior of the selector in the
parent EndpointGroup.

Named Selectors

Named selectors will add to the set of contract IDs that are selected by the parent named

Target Selectors

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

A target selector in the child EndpointGroup with the same name as a target selector in the
parent EndpointGroup will inherit quality matchers from the parent. If a quality matcher
in the child has the same name as a quality matcher in the parent, then it will inherit as
described below under Matchers.


Contracts will inherit all their targets, clauses and subjects from their parent contracts.
When any of these objects have the same name as in the parent contract, then the
behavior will be as defined below.


Targets cannot themselves have a parent target, but it may inherit from targets with the
same name as the target in a parent contract. Qualities in the target will be inherited from
the parent. If a quality with the same name is defined in the child, then this does not have
any semantic effect except if the quality has its inclusion-rule parameter set to "exclude." In
this case, then the label should be ignored for the purpose of matching against this target.


Subjects cannot themselves have a parent subject, but it may inherit from a subject with
the same name as the subject in a parent contract. The order parameter in the child
subject, if present, will override the order parameter in the parent subject. The rules in the
parent subject will be added to the rules in the child subject. However, the rules will not
override rules of the same name. Instead, all rules in the parent subject will be considered
to run with a higher order than all rules in the child; that is all rules in the child will run
before any rules in the parent. This has the effect of overriding any rules in the parent
without the potentially-problematic semantics of merging the ordering.


Clauses cannot themselves have a parent clause, but it may inherit from a clause with the
same name as the clause in a parent contract. The list of subject references in the parent
clause will be added to the list of subject references in the child clause. This is just a union
operation. A subject reference that refers to a subject name in the parent contract might
have that name overridden in the child contract. Each of the matchers in the clause are
also inherited by the child clause. Matchers in the child of the same name and type as a
matcher from the parent will inherit from and override the parent matcher. See below
under Matchers for more information.


Matchers include quality matchers, condition matchers, requirement matchers, and

capability matchers. Matchers cannot themselves have parent matchers, but when there
is a matcher of the same name and type in the parent object, then the matcher in the
child object will inherit and override the behavior of the matcher in the parent object.
The match type, if specified in the child, overrides the value specified in the parent. Labels
are also inherited from the parent object. If there is a label with the same name in the
child object, this does not have any semantic effect except if the label has its inclusion-rule
parameter set to "exclude." In this case, then the label should be ignored for the purpose of
matching. Otherwise, the label with the same name will completely override the label from
the parent.

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

Using the GBP UX interface

These following components make up this application and are described in more detail in
following sections:

• Basic view

• Governance view

• Policy Expression view

• Wizard view

The GBP UX is access via:

http://<odl controller>:8181/index.html

Basic view
Basic view contains 5 navigation buttons which switch user to the desired section of

• Governance – switch to the Governance view (middle of graphic has the same function)

• Renderer configuration – switch to the Policy expression view with Renderers section

• Policy expression – switch to the Policy expression view with Policy section expanded

• Operational constraints – placeholder for development in next release

Figure 11.12. Basic view

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

Governance view
Governance view consists from three columns.

Figure 11.13. Governance view

Governance view – Basic view – Left column

In the left column is Health section with Exception and Conflict buttons with no
functionality yet. This is a placeholder for development in further releases.

Governance view – Basic view – Middle column

In the top half of this section is select box with list of tenants for select. Once the tenant
is selected, all sub sections in application operate and display data with actual selected

Below the select box are buttons which display Expressed or Delivered policy of Governance
section. In the bottom half of this section is select box with list of renderers for select. There
is currently only OfOverlay renderer available.

Below the select box is Renderer configuration button, which switch the app into the
Policy expression view with Renderers section expanded for performing CRUD operations.
Renderer state button display Renderer state view.

Governance view – Basic view – Right column

In the bottom part of the right section of Governance view is Home button which switch
the app to the Basic view.

In the top part is situated navigation menu with four main sections.

Policy expression button expand/collapse sub menu with three main parts of Policy
expression. By clicking on sub menu buttons, user will be switched into the Policy
expressions view with appropriate section expanded for performing CRUD operations.

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

Renderer configuration button switches user into the Policy expressions view.

Governance button expand/collapse sub menu with four main parts of Governance section.
Sub menu buttons of Governance section display appropriate section of Governance view.

Operational constraints have no functionality yet, and is a placeholder for development in

further releases.

Below the menu is place for view info section which displays info about actual selected
element from the topology (explained below).

Governance view – Expressed policy

In this view are displayed contracts with their consumed and provided EndpointGroups of
actual selected tenant, which can be changed in select box in the upper left corner.

By single-clicking on any contract or EPG, the data of actual selected element will be shown
in the right column below the menu. A Manage button launches a display wizard window
for managing configuration of items such as Service Function Chaining.

Figure 11.14. Expressed policy

Governance view – Delivered policy In this view are displayed subjects with their
consumed and provided EndpointGroups of actual selected tenant, which can be changed
in select box in the upper left corner.

By single-clicking on any subject or EPG, the data of actual selected element will be shown
in the right column below the menu.

By double-click on subject the subject detail view will be displayed with subject’s rules of
actual selected subject, which can be changed in select box in the upper left corner.

By single-clicking on rule or subject, the data of actual selected element will be shown in the
right column below the menu.

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

By double-clicking on EPG in Delivered policy view, the EPG detail view will be displayed
with EPG’s endpoints of actual selected EPG, which can be changed in select box in the
upper left corner.

By single-clicking on EPG or endpoint the data of actual selected element will be shown in
the right column below the menu.

Figure 11.15. Delivered policy

Figure 11.16. Subject detail

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

Figure 11.17. EPG detail

Governance view – Renderer state

In this part are displayed Subject feature definition data with two main parts: Action
definition and Classifier definition.

By clicking on the down/right arrow in the circle is possible to expand/hide data of

appropriate container or list. Next to the list node are displayed names of list’s elements
where one is always selected and element’s data are shown (blue line under the name).

By clicking on names of children nodes is possible to select desired node and node’s data
will be displayed.

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

Figure 11.18. Renderer state

Policy expression view

In the left part of this view is placed topology of actual selected elements with the buttons
for switching between types of topology at the bottom.

Right column of this view contains four parts. At the top of this column are displayed
breadcrumbs with actual position in the application.

Below the breadcrumbs is select box with list of tenants for select. In the middle part is
situated navigation menu, which allows switch to the desired section for performing CRUD

At the bottom is quick navigation menu with Access Model Wizard button which display
Wizard view, Home button which switch application to the Basic view and occasionally Back
button, which switch application to the upper section.

Policy expression - Navigation menu

To open Policy expression, select Policy expression from the GBP Home screen.

In the top of navigation box you can select the tenant from the tenants list to activate
features addicted to selected tenant.

In the right menu, by default, the Policy menu section is expanded. Subitems of this
section are modules for CRUD (creating, reading, updating and deleting) of tenants,
EndpointGroups, contracts, L2/L3 objects.

• Section Renderers contains CRUD forms for Classifiers and Actions.

• Section Endpoints contains CRUD forms for Endpoint and L3 prefix endpoint.

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

Figure 11.19. Navigation menu

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

Figure 11.20. CRUD operations

Policy expression - Types of topology

There are three different types of topology:

• Configured topology - EndpointGroups and contracts between them from CONFIG


• Operational topology - displays same information but is based on operational data.

• L2/L3 - displays relationships between L3Contexts, L2 Bridge domains, L2 Flood domains

and Subnets.

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

Figure 11.21. L2/L3 Topology

Figure 11.22. Config Topology

Policy expression - CRUD operations

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

In this part are described basic flows for viewing, adding, editing and deleting system
elements like tenants, EndpointGroups etc.

To edit tenant objects click the Tenants button in the right menu. You can see the CRUD
form containing tenants list and control buttons.

To add new tenant, click the Add button This will display the form for adding a new
tenant. After filling tenant attributes Name and Description click Save button. Saving of
any object can be performed only if all the object attributes are filled correctly. If some
attribute doesn’t have correct value, exclamation mark with mouse-over tooltip will be
displayed next to the label for the attribute. After saving of tenant the form will be closed
and the tenants list will be set to default value.

To view an existing tenant, select the tenant from the select box Tenants list. The view form
is read-only and can be closed by clicking cross mark in the top right of the form.

To edit selected tenant, click the Edit button, which will display the edit form for selected
tenant. After editing the Name and Description of selected tenant click the Save button to
save selected tenant. After saving of tenant the edit form will be closed and the tenants list
will be set to default value.

To delete tenant select the tenant from the Tenants list and click Delete button.

To return to the Policy expression click Back button on the bottom of window.


For managing EndpointGroups (EPG) the tenant from the top Tenants list must be selected.

To add new EPG click Add button and after filling required attributes click Save button.
After adding the EPG you can edit it and assign Consumer named selector or Provider
named selector to it.

To edit EPG click the Edit button after selecting the EPG from Group list.

To add new Consumer named selector (CNS) click the Add button next to the Consumer
named selectors list. While CNS editing you can set one or more contracts for current CNS
pressing the Plus button and selecting the contract from the Contracts list. To remove the
contract, click on the cross mark next to the contract. Added CNS can be viewed, edited
or deleted by selecting from the Consumer named selectors list and clicking the Edit and
Delete buttons like with the EPG or tenants.

To add new Provider named selector (PNS) click the Add button next to the Provider
named selectors list. While PNS editing you can set one or more contracts for current PNS
pressing the Plus button and selecting the contract from the Contracts list. To remove the
contract, click on the cross mark next to the contract. Added PNS can be viewed, edited or
deleted by selecting from the Provider named selectors list and clicking the Edit and Delete
buttons like with the EPG or tenants.

To delete EPG, CNS or PNS select it in selectbox and click the Delete button next to the

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium


For managing contracts the tenant from the top Tenants list must be selected.

To add new Contract click Add button and after filling required fields click Save button.

After adding the Contract user can edit it by selecting in the Contracts list and clicking Edit

To add new Clause click Add button next to the Clause list while editing the contract. While
editing the Clause after selecting clause from the Clause list user can assign clause subjects
by clicking the Plus button next to the Clause subjects label. Adding and editing action must
be submitted by pressing Save button. To manage Subjects you can use CRUD form like
with the Clause list.


For managing L2/L3 the tenant from the top Tenants list must be selected.

To add L3 Context click the Add button next to the L3 Context list ,which will display the
form for adding a new L3 Context. After filling L3 Context attributes click Save button.
After saving of L3 Context, form will be closed and the L3 Context list will be set to default

To view an existing L3 Context, select the L3 Context from the select box L3 Context list.
The view form is read-only and can be closed by clicking cross mark in the top right of the

If user wants to edit selected L3 Context, click the Edit button, which will display the
edit form for selected L3 Context. After editing click the Save button to save selected L3
Context. After saving of L3 Context, the edit form will be closed and the L3 Context list will
be set to default value.

To delete L3 Context, select it from the L3 Context list and click Delete button.

To add L2 Bridge Domain, click the Add button next to the L2 Bridge Domain list. This
will display the form for adding a new L2 Bridge Domain. After filling L2 Bridge Domain
attributes click Save button. After saving of L2 Bridge Domain, form will be closed and the
L2 Bridge Domain list will be set to default value.

To view an existing L2 Bridge Domain, select the L2 Bridge Domain from the select box L2
Bridge Domain list. The view form is read-only and can be closed by clicking cross mark in
the top right of the form.

If user wants to edit selected L2 Bridge Domain, click the Edit button, which will display
the edit form for selected L2 Bridge Domain. After editing click the Save button to save
selected L2 Bridge Domain. After saving of L2 Bridge Domain the edit form will be closed
and the L2 Bridge Domain list will be set to default value.

To delete L2 Bridge Domain select it from the L2 Bridge Domain list and click Delete button.

To add L3 Flood Domain, click the Add button next to the L3 Flood Domain list. This
will display the form for adding a new L3 Flood Domain. After filling L3 Flood Domain

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

attributes click Save button. After saving of L3 Flood Domain, form will be closed and the
L3 Flood Domain list will be set to default value.

To view an existing L3 Flood Domain, select the L3 Flood Domain from the select box L3
Flood Domain list. The view form is read-only and can be closed by clicking cross mark in the
top right of the form.

If user wants to edit selected L3 Flood Domain, click the Edit button, which will display the
edit form for selected L3 Flood Domain. After editing click the Save button to save selected
L3 Flood Domain. After saving of L3 Flood Domain the edit form will be closed and the L3
Flood Domain list will be set to default value.

To delete L3 Flood Domain select it from the L3 Flood Domain list and click Delete button.

To add Subnet click the Add button next to the Subnet list. This will display the form for
adding a new Subnet. After filling Subnet attributes click Save button. After saving of
Subnet, form will be closed and the Subnet list will be set to default value.

To view an existing Subnet, select the Subnet from the select box Subnet list. The view form
is read-only and can be closed by clicking cross mark in the top right of the form.

If user wants to edit selected Subnet, click the Edit button, which will display the edit form
for selected Subnet. After editing click the Save button to save selected Subnet. After
saving of Subnet the edit form will be closed and the Subnet list will be set to default value.

To delete Subnet select it from the Subnet list and click Delete button.


To add Classifier, click the Add button next to the Classifier list. This will display the form for
adding a new Classifier. After filling Classifier attributes click Save button. After saving of
Classifier, form will be closed and the Classifier list will be set to default value.

To view an existing Classifier, select the Classifier from the select box Classifier list. The view
form is read-only and can be closed by clicking cross mark in the top right of the form.

If you want to edit selected Classifier, click the Edit button, which will display the edit form
for selected Classifier. After editing click the Save button to save selected Classifier. After
saving of Classifier the edit form will be closed and the Classifier list will be set to default

To delete Classifier select it from the Classifier list and click Delete button.


To add Action, click the Add button next to the Action list. This will display the form for
adding a new Action. After filling Action attributes click Save button. After saving of
Action, form will be closed and the Action list will be set to default value.

To view an existing Action, select the Action from the select box Action list. The view form
is read-only and can be closed by clicking cross mark in the top right of the form.

If user wants to edit selected Action, click the Edit button, which will display the edit form
for selected Action. After editing click the Save button to save selected Action. After saving
of Action the edit form will be closed and the Action list will be set to default value.

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

To delete Action select it from the Action list and click Delete button.


To add Endpoint, click the Add button next to the Endpoint list. This will display the form
for adding a new Endpoint. To add EndpointGroup assignment click the Plus button
next to the label EndpointGroups. To add Condition click Plus button next to the label
Condition. To add L3 Address click the Plus button next to the L3 Addresses label. After
filling Endpoint attributes click Save button. After saving of Endpoint, form will be closed
and the Endpoint list will be set to default value.

To view an existing Endpoint just, the Endpoint from the select box Endpoint list. The view
form is read-only and can be closed by clicking cross mark in the top right of the form.

If you want to edit selected Endpoint, click the Edit button, which will display the edit form
for selected Endpoint. After editing click the Save button to save selected Endpoint. After
saving of Endpoint the edit form will be closed and the Endpoint list will be set to default

To delete Endpoint select it from the Endpoint list and click Delete button.

L3 prefix endpoint

To add L3 prefix endpoint, click the Add button next to the L3 prefix endpoint list. This
will display the form for adding a new Endpoint. To add EndpointGroup assignment, click
the Plus button next to the label EndpointGroups. To add Condition, click Plus button next
to the label Condition. To add L2 gateway click the Plus button next to the L2 gateways
label. To add L3 gateway, click the Plus button next to the L3 gateways label. After filling
L3 prefix endpoint attributes click Save button. After saving of L3 prefix endpoint, form will
be closed and the Endpoint list will be set to default value.

To view an existing L3 prefix endpoint, select the Endpoint from the select box L3 prefix
endpoint list. The view form is read-only and can be closed by clicking cross mark in the top
right of the form.

If you want to edit selected L3 prefix endpoint, click the Edit button, which will display
the edit form for selected L3 prefix endpoint. After editing click the Save button to save
selected L3 prefix endpoint. After saving of Endpoint the edit form will be closed and the
Endpoint list will be set to default value.

To delete Endpoint select it from the L3 prefix endpoint list and click Delete button.

Wizard provides quick method to send basic data to controller necessary for basic usage of
GBP application. It is useful in the case that there aren’t any data in controller. In the first
tab is form for create tenant. The second tab is for CRUD operations with contracts and
their sub elements such as subjects, rules, clauses, action refs and classifier refs. The last tab
is for CRUD operations with EndpointGroups and their CNS and PNS. Created structure of
data is possible to send by clicking on Submit button.

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

Figure 11.23. Wizard

Using the GBP API

Please see:

• Using the GBP OpenFlow Overlay (OfOverlay) renderer

• Policy Resolution

• Forwarding Model

• the GBP demo and development environments for tips

It is recommended to use either:

• Neutron mapper

• the UX

If the REST API must be used, and the above resources are not sufficient:

• feature:install odl-dlux-yangui

• browse to: http://<odl-controller>:8181/index.html and select YangUI from the left


OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

to explore the various GBP REST options

Using OpenStack with GBP

This section is for Application Developers and Network Administrators who are looking to
integrate Group Based Policy with OpenStack.

To enable the GBP Neutron Mapper feature, at the Karaf console:

feature:install odl-groupbasedpolicy-neutronmapper

Neutron Mapper has the following dependencies that are automatically loaded:

Neutron Northbound implementing REST API used by OpenStack


Base GBP feature set, such as policy resolution, data model etc.

REST calls from OpenStack Neutron are by the Neutron NorthBound project.

GBP provides the implementation of the Neutron V2.0 API.

List of supported Neutron entities:

• Port

• Network

• Standard Internal

• External provider L2/L3 network

• Subnet

• Security-groups

• Routers

• Distributed functionality with local routing per compute

• External gateway access per compute node (dedicated port required)

• Multiple routers per tenant

• FloatingIP NAT

• IPv4/IPv6 support

The mapping of Neutron entities to GBP entities is as follows:

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

Neutron Port

Figure 11.24. Neutron Port

The Neutron port is mapped to an endpoint.

The current implementation supports one IP address per Neutron port.

An endpoint and L3-endpoint belong to multiple EndpointGroups if the Neutron port is in

multiple Neutron Security Groups.

The key for endpoint is L2-bridge-domain obtained as the parent of L2-flood-domain

representing Neutron network. The MAC address is from the Neutron port. An L3-endpoint
is created based on L3-context (the parent of the L2-bridge-domain) and IP address of
Neutron Port.

Neutron Network

Figure 11.25. Neutron Network

A Neutron network has the following characteristics:

• defines a broadcast domain

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

• defines a L2 transmission domain

• defines a L2 name space.

To represent this, a Neutron Network is mapped to multiple GBP entities. The first mapping
is to an L2 flood-domain to reflect that the Neutron network is one flooding or broadcast
domain. An L2-bridge-domain is then associated as the parent of L2 flood-domain. This
reflects both the L2 transmission domain as well as the L2 addressing namespace.

The third mapping is to L3-context, which represents the distinct L3 address space. The L3-
context is the parent of L2-bridge-domain.

Neutron Subnet

Figure 11.26. Neutron Subnet

Neutron subnet is associated with a Neutron network. The Neutron subnet is mapped to a
GBP subnet where the parent of the subnet is L2-flood-domain representing the Neutron

Neutron Security Group

Figure 11.27. Neutron Security Group and Rules

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

GBP entity representing Neutron security-group is EndpointGroup.

Infrastructure EndpointGroups

Neutron-mapper automatically creates EndpointGroups to manage key infrastructure items

such as:

• DHCP EndpointGroup - contains endpoints representing Neutron DHCP ports

• Router EndpointGroup - contains endpoints representing Neutron router interfaces

• External EndpointGroup - holds L3-endpoints representing Neutron router gateway

ports, also associated with FloatingIP ports.

Neutron Security Group Rules

This is the most involved amongst all the mappings because Neutron security-group-
rules are mapped to contracts with clauses, subjects, rules, action-refs, classifier-refs, etc.
Contracts are used between EndpointGroups representing Neutron Security Groups. For
simplification it is important to note that Neutron security-group-rules are similar to a GBP
rule containing:

• classifier with direction

• action of allow.

Neutron Routers

Figure 11.28. Neutron Router

Neutron router is represented as a L3-context. This treats a router as a Layer3 namespace,

and hence every network attached to it a part of that Layer3 namespace.

This allows for multiple routers per tenant with complete isolation.

The mapping of the router to an endpoint represents the router’s interface or gateway

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

The mapping to an EndpointGroup represents the internal infrastructure EndpointGroups

created by the GBP Neutron Mapper

When a Neutron router interface is attached to a network/subnet, that network/subnet

and its associated endpoints or Neutron Ports are seamlessly added to the namespace.

Neutron FloatingIP

When associated with a Neutron Port, this leverages the OfOverlay renderer’s NAT

A dedicated external interface on each Nova compute host allows for disitributed external
access. Each Nova instance associated with a FloatingIP address can access the external
network directly without having to route via the Neutron controller, or having to enable
any form of Neutron distributed routing functionality.

Assuming the gateway provisioned in the Neutron Subnet command for the external
network is reachable, the combination of GBP Neutron Mapper and OfOverlay renderer
will automatically ARP for this default gateway, requiring no user intervention.

Troubleshooting within GBP

Logging level for the mapping functionality can be set for package
org.opendaylight.groupbasedpolicy.neutron.mapper. An example of enabling TRACE
logging level on Karaf console:

log:set TRACE org.opendaylight.groupbasedpolicy.neutron.mapper

Neutron mapping example

As an example for mapping can be used creation of Neutron network, subnet and port.
When a Neutron network is created 3 GBP entities are created: l2-flood-domain, l2-bridge-
domain, l3-context.

Figure 11.29. Neutron network mapping

After an subnet is created in the network mapping looks like this.

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

Figure 11.30. Neutron subnet mapping

If an Neutron port is created in the subnet an endpoint and l3-endpoint are created. The
endpoint has key composed from l2-bridge-domain and MAC address from Neutron port. A
key of l3-endpoint is compesed from l3-context and IP address. The network containment
of endpoint and l3-endpoint points to the subnet.

Figure 11.31. Neutron port mapping

Configuring GBP Neutron

No intervention passed initial OpenStack setup is required by the user.

More information about configuration can be found in our DevStack demo environment on
the GBP wiki.

Administering or Managing GBP Neutron

For consistencies sake, all provisioning should be performed via the Neutron API. (CLI or

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

The mapped policies can be augmented via the GBP UX, to:

• Enable Service Function Chaining

• Add endpoints from outside of Neutron i.e. VMs/containers not provisioned in


• Augment policies/contracts derived from Security Group Rules

• Overlay additional contracts or groupings

A DevStack demo environment can be found on the GBP wiki.

Using the GBP OpenFlow Overlay (OfOverlay)

The OpenFlow Overlay (OfOverlay) feature enables the OpenFlow Overlay renderer, which
creates a network virtualization solution across nodes that host Open vSwitch software

Installing and Pre-requisites

From the Karaf console in OpenDaylight:
feature:install odl-groupbasedpolicy-ofoverlay

This renderer is designed to work with OpenVSwitch (OVS) 2.1+ (although 2.3 is strongly
recommended) and OpenFlow 1.3.

When used in conjunction with the Neutron Mapper feature no extra OfOverlay specific
setup is required.

When this feature is loaded "standalone", the user is required to configure infrastructure,
such as

• instantiating OVS bridges,

• attaching hosts to the bridges,

• and creating the VXLAN/VXLAN-GPE tunnel ports on the bridges.

The GBP OfOverlay renderer also supports a table offset option, to offset the pipeline post-
table 0. The value of table offset is stored in the config datastore and it may be rewritten at
PUT http://{{controllerIp}}:8181/restconf/config/ofoverlay:of-overlay-config

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

"of-overlay-config": {
"gbp-ofoverlay-table-offset": 6

The default value is set by changing: <gbp-ofoverlay-table-offset>0</gbp-ofoverlay-table-


in file: distribution-karaf/target/assembly/etc/opendaylight/karaf/15-groupbasedpolicy-

To avoid overwriting runtime changes, the default value is used only when the OfOverlay
renderer starts and no other value has been written before.

OpenFlow Overlay Architecture

These are the primary components of GBP. The OfOverlay components are highlighted in

Figure 11.32. OfOverlay within GBP

In terms of the inner components of the GBP OfOverlay renderer:

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

Figure 11.33. OfOverlay expanded view:

OfOverlay Renderer

Launches components below:

Policy Resolver

Policy resolution is completely domain independent, and the OfOverlay leverages process
policy information internally. See Policy Resolution process.

It listens to inputs to the Tenants configuration datastore, validates tenant input, then
writes this to the Tenants operational datastore.

From there an internal notification is generated to the PolicyManager.

In the next release, this will be moving to a non-renderer specific location.

Endpoint Manager

The endpoint repository operates in orchestrated mode. This means the user is responsible
for the provisioning of endpoints via:



When using the Neutron mapper feature, everything is managed transparently
via Neutron.

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

The Endpoint Manager is responsible for listening to Endpoint repository updates and
notifying the Switch Manager when a valid Endpoint has been registered.

It also supplies utility functions to the flow pipeline process.

Switch Manager

The Switch Manager is purely a state manager.

Switches are in one of 3 states:




Ready is denoted by a connected switch:

• having a tunnel interface

• having at least one endpoint connected.

In this way GBP is not writing to switches it has no business to.

Preparing simply means the switch has a controller connection but is missing one of the
above complete and necessary conditions

Disconnected means a previously connected switch is no longer present in the Inventory

operational datastore.

Figure 11.34. OfOverlay Flow Pipeline

The OfOverlay leverages Nicira registers as follows:

• REG0 = Source EndpointGroup + Tenant ordinal

• REG1 = Source Conditions + Tenant ordinal

• REG2 = Destination EndpointGroup + Tenant ordinal

• REG3 = Destination Conditions + Tenant ordinal

• REG4 = Bridge Domain + Tenant ordinal

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

• REG5 = Flood Domain + Tenant ordinal

• REG6 = Layer 3 Context + Tenant ordinal

Port Security

Table 0 of the OpenFlow pipeline. Responsible for ensuring that only valid connections can
send packets into the pipeline:
cookie=0x0, <snip> , priority=200,in_port=3 actions=goto_table:2
cookie=0x0, <snip> , priority=200,in_port=1 actions=goto_table:1
cookie=0x0, <snip> ,
cookie=0x0, <snip> ,
cookie=0x0, <snip> ,
cookie=0x0, <snip> , priority=112,ipv6 actions=drop
cookie=0x0, <snip> , priority=111, ip actions=drop
cookie=0x0, <snip> , priority=110,arp actions=drop
cookie=0x0, <snip> ,in_port=5,dl_src=fa:16:3e:d5:b9:8d actions=goto_table:2
cookie=0x0, <snip> , priority=1 actions=drop

Ingress from tunnel interface, go to Table Source Mapper:

cookie=0x0, <snip> , priority=200,in_port=3 actions=goto_table:2

Ingress from outside, goto Table Ingress NAT Mapper:

cookie=0x0, <snip> , priority=200,in_port=1 actions=goto_table:1

ARP from Endpoint, go to Table Source Mapper:

cookie=0x0, <snip> ,

IPv4 from Endpoint, go to Table Source Mapper:

cookie=0x0, <snip> ,

DHCP DORA from Endpoint, go to Table Source Mapper:

cookie=0x0, <snip> ,

Series of DROP tables with priority set to capture any non-specific traffic that should have
matched above:
cookie=0x0, <snip> , priority=112,ipv6 actions=drop
cookie=0x0, <snip> , priority=111, ip actions=drop
cookie=0x0, <snip> , priority=110,arp actions=drop

"L2" catch all traffic not identified above:

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

cookie=0x0, <snip> ,in_port=5,dl_src=fa:16:3e:d5:b9:8d actions=goto_table:2

Drop Flow:
cookie=0x0, <snip> , priority=1 actions=drop

Ingress NAT Mapper

Table offset+1.

ARP responder for external NAT address:

cookie=0x0, <snip> , priority=150,arp,arp_tpa=,arp_op=1

Translate from Outside to Inside and perform same functions as SourceMapper.

cookie=0x0, <snip> , priority=100,ip,nw_dst=

Source Mapper

Table offset+2.

Determines based on characteristics from the ingress port, which:

• EndpointGroup(s) it belongs to

• Forwarding context

• Tunnel VNID ordinal

Establishes tunnels at valid destination switches for ingress.

Ingress Tunnel established at remote node with VNID Ordinal that maps to Source EPG,
Forwarding Context etc:
cookie=0x0, <snip>, priority=150,tun_id=0xd,in_port=3 actions=load:0xc-

Maps endpoint to Source EPG, Forwarding Context based on ingress port, and MAC:
cookie=0x0, <snip> , priority=100,in_port=5,dl_src=fa:16:3e:b4:b4:b1

Generic drop:
cookie=0x0, duration=197.622s, table=2, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, priority=1

Destination Mapper

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

Table offset+3.

Determines based on characteristics of the endpoint:

• EndpointGroup(s) it belongs to

• Forwarding context

• Tunnel Destination value

Manages routing based on valid ingress nodes ARP’ing for their default gateway, and
matches on either gateway MAC or destination endpoint MAC.

ARP for default gateway for the subnet:

cookie=0x0, <snip> , priority=150,arp,reg6=0x7,arp_tpa=,arp_op=1

Broadcast traffic destined for GroupTable:

cookie=0x0, <snip> ,

Layer3 destination matching flows, where priority=100+masklength. Since GBP now

support L3Prefix endpoint, we can set default routes etc:
cookie=0x0, <snip>,

Layer2 destination matching flows, designed to be caught only after last IP flow (lowest
priority IP flow is 100):
cookie=0x0, duration=323.203s, table=3, n_packets=4, n_bytes=168,
priority=50,reg4=0x4,dl_dst=fa:16:3e:58:c3:dd actions=load:0x2-

General drop flow: cookie=0x0, duration=323.207s, table=3, n_packets=6, n_bytes=588,

priority=1 actions=drop

Policy Enforcer

Table offset+4.

Once the Source and Destination EndpointGroups are assigned, policy is enforced based on
resolved rules.

In the case of Service Function Chaining, the encapsulation and destination for traffic
destined to a chain, is discovered and enforced.

Policy flow, allowing IP traffic between EndpointGroups:

cookie=0x0, <snip> , priority=64998,ip,reg0=0x8,reg1=0x1,reg2=0xc,reg3=0x1

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

Egress NAT Mapper

Table offset+5.

Performs NAT function before Egressing OVS instance to the underlay network.

Inside to Outside NAT translation before sending to underlay:

cookie=0x0, <snip> , priority=100,ip,reg6=0x7,nw_src=

External Mapper

Table offset+6.

Manages post-policy enforcement for endpoint specific destination effects. Specifically for
Service Function Chaining, which is why we can support both symmetric and asymmetric
chains and distributed ingress/egress classification.

Generic allow:
cookie=0x0, <snip>, priority=100 actions=output:NXM_NX_REG7[]

Configuring OpenFlow Overlay via REST

Please see the UX section on how to configure GBP via the GUI.

POST http://{{controllerIp}}:8181/restconf/operations/endpoint:register-
"input": {
"endpoint-group": "<epg0>",
"endpoint-groups" : ["<epg1>","<epg2>"],
"network-containment" : "<fowarding-model-context1>",
"l2-context": "<bridge-domain1>",
"mac-address": "<mac1>",
"l3-address": [
"ip-address": "<ipaddress1>",
"l3-context": "<l3_context1>"
"*ofoverlay:port-name*": "<ovs port name>",
"tenant": "<tenant1>"

The usage of "port-name" preceded by "ofoverlay". In OpenDaylight, base
datastore objects can be augmented. In GBP, the base endpoint model has no
renderer specifics, hence can be leveraged across multiple renderers.

OVS Augmentations to Inventory

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

PUT http://{{controllerIp}}:8181/restconf/config/opendaylight-inventory:nodes/
"opendaylight-inventory:nodes": {
"node": [
"id": "openflow:123456",
"ofoverlay:tunnel": [
"tunnel-type": "overlay:tunnel-type-vxlan",
"ip": "<ip_address_of_ovs>",
"port": 4789,
"node-connector-id": "openflow:123456:1"
"id": "openflow:654321",
"ofoverlay:tunnel": [
"tunnel-type": "overlay:tunnel-type-vxlan",
"ip": "<ip_address_of_ovs>",
"port": 4789,
"node-connector-id": "openflow:654321:1"

Tenants see Policy Resolution and Forwarding Model for details:

"policy:tenant": {
"contract": [
"clause": [
"name": "allow-http-clause",
"subject-refs": [
"id": "<id>",
"subject": [
"name": "allow-http-subject",
"rule": [
"classifier-ref": [
"direction": "in",
"name": "http-dest"
"direction": "out",
"name": "http-src"

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

"action-ref": [
"name": "allow1",
"order": 0
"name": "allow-http-rule"
"name": "allow-icmp-subject",
"rule": [
"classifier-ref": [
"name": "icmp"
"action-ref": [
"name": "allow1",
"order": 0
"name": "allow-icmp-rule"
"endpoint-group": [
"consumer-named-selector": [
"contract": [
"name": "<name>"
"id": "<id>",
"provider-named-selector": []
"consumer-named-selector": [],
"id": "<id>",
"provider-named-selector": [
"contract": [
"name": "<name>"
"id": "<id>",

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

"l2-bridge-domain": [
"id": "<id>",
"parent": "<id>"
"l2-flood-domain": [
"id": "<id>",
"parent": "<id>"
"id": "<id>",
"parent": "<id>"
"l3-context": [
"id": "<id>"
"name": "GBPPOC",
"subject-feature-instances": {
"classifier-instance": [
"classifier-definition-id": "<id>",
"name": "http-dest",
"parameter-value": [
"int-value": "6",
"name": "proto"
"int-value": "80",
"name": "destport"
"classifier-definition-id": "<id>",
"name": "http-src",
"parameter-value": [
"int-value": "6",
"name": "proto"
"int-value": "80",
"name": "sourceport"
"classifier-definition-id": "<id>",
"name": "icmp",
"parameter-value": [
"int-value": "1",
"name": "proto"

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

"action-instance": [
"name": "allow1",
"action-definition-id": "<id>"
"subnet": [
"id": "<id>",
"ip-prefix": "<ip_prefix>",
"parent": "<id>",
"virtual-router-ip": "<ip address>"
"id": "<id>",
"ip-prefix": "<ip prefix>",
"parent": "<id>",
"virtual-router-ip": "<ip address>"

Comprehensive tutorials, along with a demonstration environment leveraging Vagrant can
be found on the GBP wiki

Using the GBP eBPF IO Visor Agent renderer

The IO Visor renderer feature enables container endpoints (e.g. Docker, LXC) to leverage
GBP policies.

The renderer interacts with a IO Visor module from the Linux Foundation IO Visor project.

Installing and Pre-requisites

From the Karaf console in OpenDaylight:
feature:install odl-groupbasedpolicy-iovisor odl-restconf

Installation details, usage, and other information for the IO Visor GBP module can be found
here: IO Visor github repo for IO Modules

Using the GBP FaaS renderer

The FaaS renderer feature enables leveraging the FaaS project as a GBP renderer.

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

Installing and Pre-requisites

From the Karaf console in OpenDaylight:

feature:install odl-groupbasedpolicy-faas

More information about FaaS can be found here: https://wiki.opendaylight.org/view/


Using Service Function Chaining (SFC) with GBP

Neutron Mapper and OfOverlay
Please refer to the Service Function Chaining project for specifics on SFC provisioning and

GBP allows for the use of a chain, by name, in policy.

This takes the form of an action in GBP.

Using the GBP demo and development environment as an example:

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

Figure 11.35. GBP and SFC integration environment

In the topology above, a symmetrical chain between H35_2 and H36_3 could take path:

H35_2 to sw1 to sff1 to sf1 to sff1 to sff2 to sf2 to sff2 to sw6 to H36_3

If symmetric chaining was desired, the return path is:

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

Figure 11.36. GBP and SFC symmetric chain environment

If asymmetric chaining was desired, the return path could be direct, or an entirely different

Figure 11.37. GBP and SFC assymmetric chain environment

All these scenarios are supported by the integration.

In the Subject Feature Instance section of the tenant config, we define the instances of the
classifier definitions for ICMP and HTTP:
"subject-feature-instances": {
"classifier-instance": [

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

"name": "icmp",
"parameter-value": [
"name": "proto",
"int-value": 1
"name": "http-dest",
"parameter-value": [
"int-value": "6",
"name": "proto"
"int-value": "80",
"name": "destport"
"name": "http-src",
"parameter-value": [
"int-value": "6",
"name": "proto"
"int-value": "80",
"name": "sourceport"

Then the action instances to associate to traffic that matches classifiers are defined.

Note the SFC chain name must exist in SFC, and is validated against the datastore once
the tenant configuration is entered, before entering a valid tenant configuration into the
operational datastore (which triggers policy resolution).
"action-instance": [
"name": "chain1",
"parameter-value": [
"name": "sfc-chain-name",
"string-value": "SFCGBP"
"name": "allow1",

When ICMP is matched, allow the traffic:

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

"contract": [
"subject": [
"name": "icmp-subject",
"rule": [
"name": "allow-icmp-rule",
"order" : 0,
"classifier-ref": [
"name": "icmp"
"action-ref": [
"name": "allow1",
"order": 0


When HTTP is matched, in to the provider of the contract with a TCP destination port of
80 (HTTP) or the HTTP request. The chain action is triggered, and similarly out from the
provider for traffic with TCP source port of 80 (HTTP), or the HTTP response.
"name": "http-subject",
"rule": [
"name": "http-chain-rule-in",
"classifier-ref": [
"name": "http-dest",
"direction": "in"
"action-ref": [
"name": "chain1",
"order": 0
"name": "http-chain-rule-out",
"classifier-ref": [
"name": "http-src",
"direction": "out"
"action-ref": [
"name": "chain1",
"order": 0

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium


To enable asymmetrical chaining, for instance, the user desires that HTTP requests traverse
the chain, but the HTTP response does not, the HTTP response is set to allow instead of

"name": "http-chain-rule-out",
"classifier-ref": [
"name": "http-src",
"direction": "out"
"action-ref": [
"name": "allow1",
"order": 0

Demo/Development environment
The GBP project for Beryllium has two demo/development environments.

• Docker based GBP and GBP+SFC integration Vagrant environment

• DevStack based GBP+Neutron integration Vagrant environment

Demo @ GBP wiki

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

12. L2Switch User Guide

Table of Contents
Overview ..................................................................................................................... 108
L2Switch Architecture .................................................................................................. 108
Configuring L2Switch ................................................................................................... 109
Configuring Loop Remover .......................................................................................... 109
Configuring Arp Handler ............................................................................................. 110
Configuring Address Tracker ........................................................................................ 111
Configuring L2Switch Main .......................................................................................... 111
Running the L2Switch project ...................................................................................... 113
Create a network using mininet .................................................................................. 113
Generating network traffic using mininet .................................................................... 113
Checking Address Observations ................................................................................... 113
Checking Hosts ............................................................................................................ 114
Checking STP status of each link .................................................................................. 115
Miscellaneous mininet commands ................................................................................ 116

The L2Switch project provides Layer2 switch functionality.

L2Switch Architecture
• Packet Handler

• Decodes the packets coming to the controller and dispatches them appropriately

• Loop Remover

• Removes loops in the network

• Arp Handler

• Handles the decoded ARP packets

• Address Tracker

• Learns the Addresses (MAC and IP) of entities in the network

• Host Tracker

• Tracks the locations of hosts in the network

• L2Switch Main

• Installs flows on each switch based on network traffic

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

Configuring L2Switch
This sections below give details about the configuration settings for the components that
can be configured.

Configuring Loop Remover

• 52-loopremover.xml

• is-install-lldp-flow

• "true" means a flow that sends all LLDP packets to the controller will be installed on
each switch

• "false" means this flow will not be installed

• lldp-flow-table-id

• The LLDP flow will be installed on the specified flow table of each switch

• This field is only relevant when "is-install-lldp-flow" is set to "true"

• lldp-flow-priority

• The LLDP flow will be installed with the specified priority

• This field is only relevant when "is-install-lldp-flow" is set to "true"

• lldp-flow-idle-timeout

• The LLDP flow will timeout (removed from the switch) if the flow doesn’t forward a
packet for x seconds

• This field is only relevant when "is-install-lldp-flow" is set to "true"

• lldp-flow-hard-timeout

• The LLDP flow will timeout (removed from the switch) after x seconds, regardless of
how many packets it is forwarding

• This field is only relevant when "is-install-lldp-flow" is set to "true"

• graph-refresh-delay

• A graph of the network is maintained and gets updated as network elements go up/
down (i.e. links go up/down and switches go up/down)

• After a network element going up/down, it waits graph-refresh-delay seconds

before recomputing the graph

• A higher value has the advantage of doing less graph updates, at the potential cost
of losing some packets because the
109 graph didn’t update immediately.
OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

• A lower value has the advantage of handling network topology changes quicker, at
the cost of doing more computation.

Configuring Arp Handler

• 54-arphandler.xml

• is-proactive-flood-mode

• "true" means that flood flows will be installed on each switch. With this flood flow,
each switch will flood a packet that doesn’t match any other flows.

• Advantage: Fewer packets are sent to the controller because those packets are
flooded to the network.

• Disadvantage: A lot of network traffic is generated.

• "false" means the previously mentioned flood flows will not be installed. Instead an
ARP flow will be installed on each switch that sends all ARP packets to the controller.

• Advantage: Less network traffic is generated.

• Disadvantage: The controller handles more packets (ARP requests & replies) and
the ARP process takes longer than if there were flood flows.

• flood-flow-table-id

• The flood flow will be installed on the specified flow table of each switch

• This field is only relevant when "is-proactive-flood-mode" is set to "true"

• flood-flow-priority

• The flood flow will be installed with the specified priority

• This field is only relevant when "is-proactive-flood-mode" is set to "true"

• flood-flow-idle-timeout

• The flood flow will timeout (removed from the switch) if the flow doesn’t forward a
packet for x seconds

• This field is only relevant when "is-proactive-flood-mode" is set to "true"

• flood-flow-hard-timeout

• The flood flow will timeout (removed from the switch) after x seconds, regardless of
how many packets it is forwarding

• This field is only relevant when "is-proactive-flood-mode" is set to "true"

• arp-flow-table-id
OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

• The ARP flow will be installed on the specified flow table of each switch

• This field is only relevant when "is-proactive-flood-mode" is set to "false"

• arp-flow-priority

• The ARP flow will be installed with the specified priority

• This field is only relevant when "is-proactive-flood-mode" is set to "false"

• arp-flow-idle-timeout

• The ARP flow will timeout (removed from the switch) if the flow doesn’t forward a
packet for x seconds

• This field is only relevant when "is-proactive-flood-mode" is set to "false"

• arp-flow-hard-timeout

• The ARP flow will timeout (removed from the switch) after arp-flow-hard-timeout
seconds, regardless of how many packets it is forwarding

• This field is only relevant when "is-proactive-flood-mode" is set to "false"

Configuring Address Tracker

• 56-addresstracker.xml

• timestamp-update-interval

• A last-seen timestamp is associated with each address. This last-seen timestamp will
only be updated after timestamp-update-interval milliseconds.

• A higher value has the advantage of performing less writes to the database.

• A lower value has the advantage of knowing how fresh an address is.

• observe-addresses-from

• IP and MAC addresses can be observed/learned from ARP, IPv4, and IPv6 packets.
Set which packets to make these observations from.

Configuring L2Switch Main

• 58-l2switchmain.xml

• is-install-dropall-flow

• "true" means a drop-all flow will be installed on each switch, so the default action
will be to drop a packet instead of sending it to the controller

• "false" means this flow will not be installed

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

• dropall-flow-table-id

• The dropall flow will be installed on the specified flow table of each switch

• This field is only relevant when "is-install-dropall-flow" is set to "true"

• dropall-flow-priority

• The dropall flow will be installed with the specified priority

• This field is only relevant when "is-install-dropall-flow" is set to "true"

• dropall-flow-idle-timeout

• The dropall flow will timeout (removed from the switch) if the flow doesn’t forward
a packet for x seconds

• This field is only relevant when "is-install-dropall-flow" is set to "true"

• dropall-flow-hard-timeout

• The dropall flow will timeout (removed from the switch) after x seconds, regardless
of how many packets it is forwarding

• This field is only relevant when "is-install-dropall-flow" is set to "true"

• is-learning-only-mode

• "true" means that the L2Switch will only be learning addresses. No additional flows
to optimize network traffic will be installed.

• "false" means that the L2Switch will react to network traffic and install flows on the
switches to optimize traffic. Currently, MAC-to-MAC flows are installed.

• reactive-flow-table-id

• The reactive flow will be installed on the specified flow table of each switch

• This field is only relevant when "is-learning-only-mode" is set to "false"

• reactive-flow-priority

• The reactive flow will be installed with the specified priority

• This field is only relevant when "is-learning-only-mode" is set to "false"

• reactive-flow-idle-timeout

• The reactive flow will timeout (removed from the switch) if the flow doesn’t forward
a packet for x seconds

• This field is only relevant when "is-learning-only-mode" is set to "false"

• reactive-flow-hard-timeout 112
OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

• The reactive flow will timeout (removed from the switch) after x seconds, regardless
of how many packets it is forwarding

• This field is only relevant when "is-learning-only-mode" is set to "false"

Running the L2Switch project

To run the L2 Switch inside the Lithium OpenDaylight distribution simply install the odl-
l2switch-switch-ui feature;

feature:install odl-l2switch-switch-ui

Create a network using mininet

sudo mn --controller=remote,ip=<Controller IP> --topo=linear,3 --switch
sudo mn --controller=remote,ip= --topo=linear,3 --switch

The above command will create a virtual network consisting of 3 switches. Each switch will
connect to the controller located at the specified IP, i.e.

sudo mn --controller=remote,ip= --mac --topo=linear,3 --switch


The above command has the "mac" option, which makes it easier to distinguish between
Host MAC addresses and Switch MAC addresses.

Generating network traffic using mininet

h1 ping h2

The above command will cause host1 (h1) to ping host2 (h2)


pingall will cause each host to ping every other host.

Checking Address Observations

Address Observations are added to the Inventory data tree.

The Address Observations on a Node Connector can be checked through a browser or a

REST Client.

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

Figure 12.1. Address Observations

Checking Hosts
Host information is added to the Topology data tree.

• Host address

• Attachment point (link) to a node/switch

This host information and attachment point information can be checked through a browser
or a REST Client.

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

Figure 12.2. Hosts

Checking STP status of each link

STP Status information is added to the Inventory data tree.

• A status of "forwarding" means the link is active and packets are flowing on it.

• A status of "discarding" means the link is inactive and packets are not sent over it.

The STP status of a link can be checked through a browser or a REST Client.

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

Figure 12.3. STP status

Miscellaneous mininet commands

link s1 s2 down

This will bring the link between switch1 (s1) and switch2 (s2) down
link s1 s2 up

This will bring the link between switch1 (s1) and switch2 (s2) up
link s1 h1 down

This will bring the link between switch1 (s1) and host1 (h1) down

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

13. L3VPN Service: User Guide

Table of Contents
Overview ..................................................................................................................... 117
Modules & Interfaces .................................................................................................. 117
Provisioning Sequence & Sample Configurations .......................................................... 121

L3VPN Service in OpenDaylight provides a framework to create L3VPN based on BGP-MP. It
also helps to create Network Virtualization for DC Cloud environment.

Modules & Interfaces

L3VPN service can be realized using the following modules -

VPN Service Modules

1. VPN Manager : Creates and manages VPNs and VPN Interfaces

2. BGP Manager : Configures BGP routing stack and provides interface to routing services

3. FIB Manager : Provides interface to FIB, creates and manages forwarding rules in

4. Nexthop Manager : Creates and manages nexthop egress pointer, creates egress rules in

5. Interface Manager : Creates and manages different type of network interfaces, e.g.,
VLAN, l3tunnel etc.,

6. Id Manager : Provides cluster-wide unique ID for a given key. Used by different modules
to get unique IDs for different entities.

7. MD-SAL Util : Provides interface to MD-SAL. Used by service modules to access MD-SAL
Datastore and services.

All the above modules can function independently and can be utilized by other services as

Configuration Interfaces
The following modules expose configuration interfaces through which user can configure
L3VPN Service.

1. BGP Manager

2. VPN Manager

3. Interface Manager

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

4. FIB Manager

Configuration Interface Details

BGP Manager Interface
1. Data Node Path : /config/bgp:bgp-router/

a. Fields :

i. local-as-identifier

ii. local-as-number


2. Data Node Path : /config/bgp:bgp-neighbors/

a. Fields :

i. List of bgp-neighbor


3. Data Node Path : /config/bgp:bgp-neighbors/bgp-neighbor/{as-number}/

a. Fields :

i. as-number

ii. ip-address


VPN Manager Interface

1. Data Node Path : /config/l3vpn:vpn-instances/

a. Fields :

i. List of vpn-instance


2. Data Node Path : /config/l3vpn:vpn-interfaces/vpn-instance

a. Fields :

i. name

ii. route-distinguisher

iii. import-route-policy

iv. export-route-policy

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium


3. Data Node Path : /config/l3vpn:vpn-interfaces/

a. Fields :

i. List of vpn-interface


4. Data Node Path : /config/l3vpn:vpn-interfaces/vpn-interface

a. Fields :

i. name

ii. vpn-instance-name


5. Data Node Path : /config/l3vpn:vpn-interfaces/vpn-interface/{name}/adjacency

a. Fields :

i. ip-address

ii. mac-address


Interface Manager Interface

1. Data Node Path : /config/if:interfaces/interface

a. Fields :

i. name

ii. type

iii. enabled

iv. of-port-id

v. tenant-id

vi. base-interface

b. type specific fields

i. when type = l2vlan

A. vlan-id

ii. when type = stacked_vlan

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

A. stacked-vlan-id

iii. when type = l3tunnel

A. tunnel-type

B. local-ip

C. remote-ip

D. gateway-ip

iv. when type = mpls

A. list labelStack

B. num-labels


FIB Manager Interface

1. Data Node Path : /config/odl-fib:fibEntries/vrfTables

a. Fields :

i. List of vrfTables


2. Data Node Path : /config/odl-fib:fibEntries/vrfTables/{routeDistinguisher}/

a. Fields :

i. route-distinguisher

ii. list vrfEntries

A. destPrefix

B. label

C. nexthopAddress


3. Data Node Path : /config/odl-fib:fibEntries/ipv4Table

a. Fields :

i. list ipv4Entry

A. destPrefix

B. nexthopAddress

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium


Provisioning Sequence & Sample Configurations

1. Edit etc/custom.properties and set the following property:
vpnservice.bgpspeaker.host.name = <bgpserver-ip> <bgpserver-ip> here refers to the IP
address of the host where BGP is running.

2. Run ODL and install VPN Service feature:install odl-vpnservice-core

Use REST interface to configure L3VPN service

1. BGP stack with VRF support needs to installed and configured

a. Configure BGP as specified in Step 1 below.

2. Create pairs of GRE/VxLAN Tunnels (using ovsdb/ovs-vsctl) between each switch and
between each switch to the Gateway node

a. Create l3tunnel interfaces corresponding to each tunnel in interfaces DS as specified in

Step 2 below.

Step 1 : Configure BGP

1. Configure BGP Router
REST API : PUT /config/bgp:bgp-router/

Sample JSON Data

"bgp-router": {
"local-as-identifier": "",
"local-as-number": 108

2. Configure BGP Neighbors

REST API : PUT /config/bgp:bgp-neighbors/

Sample JSON Data

"bgp-neighbor" : [
"as-number": 105,
"ip-address": ""

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

Step 2 : Create Tunnel Interfaces

Create l3tunnel interfaces corresponding to all GRE/VxLAN tunnels created with ovsdb
(refer Prerequisites). Use following REST Interface -

REST API : PUT /config/if:interfaces/if:interfacce

Sample JSON Data

"interface": [
"name" : "GRE_192.168.57.101_192.168.57.102",
"type" : "odl-interface:l3tunnel",
"odl-interface:tunnel-type": "odl-interface:tunnel-type-gre",
"odl-interface:local-ip" : "",
"odl-interface:remote-ip" : "",
"odl-interface:portId" : "openflow:1:3",
"enabled" : "true"

Following is expected as a result of these configurations

1. Unique If-index is generated

2. Interface-state operational DS is updated

3. Corresponding Nexthop Group Entry is created

Step 3 : OS Create Neutron Ports and attach VMs

At this step user creates VMs.

Step 4 : Create VM Interfaces

Create l2vlan interfaces corresponding to VM created in step 3

REST API : PUT /config/if:interfaces/if:interface

Sample JSON Data

"interface": [
"name" : "dpn1-dp1.2",
"type" : "l2vlan",
"odl-interface:of-port-id" : "openflow:1:2",
"odl-interface:vlan-id" : "1",
"enabled" : "true"

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

Step 5: Create VPN Instance

REST API : PUT /config/l3vpn:vpn-instances/l3vpn:vpn-instance/

Sample JSON Data

"vpn-instance": [
"description": "Test VPN Instance 1",
"vpn-instance-name": "testVpn1",
"ipv4-family": {
"route-distinguisher": "4000:1",
"export-route-policy": "4000:1,5000:1",
"import-route-policy": "4000:1,5000:1",

Following is expected as a result of these configurations

1. VPN ID is allocated and updated in data-store

2. Corresponding VRF is created in BGP

3. If there are vpn-interface configurations for this VPN, corresponding action is taken as
defined in step 5

Step 5 : Create VPN-Interface and Local Adjacency

this can be done in two steps as well

1. Create vpn-interface
REST API : PUT /config/l3vpn:vpn-interfaces/l3vpn:vpn-interface/

Sample JSON Data

"vpn-interface": [
"vpn-instance-name": "testVpn1",
"name": "dpn1-dp1.2",

name here is the name of VM interface created in step 3, 4

2. Add Adjacencies on vpn-interafce

REST API : PUT /config/l3vpn:vpn-interfaces/l3vpn:vpn-interface/dpn1-dp1.3/adjacency

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

Sample JSON Data

"adjacency" : [
"ip-address" : "",
"mac-address" : "11:22:33:44:55:66"

its a list, user can define more than one adjacency on a vpn_interface

Above steps can be carried out in a single step as following

"vpn-interface": [
"vpn-instance-name": "testVpn1",
"name": "dpn1-dp1.3",
"odl-l3vpn:adjacency": [
"odl-l3vpn:mac_address": "11:22:33:44:55:66",
"odl-l3vpn:ip_address": "",

Following is expected as a result of these configurations

1. Prefix label is generated and stored in DS

2. Ingress table is programmed with flow corresponding to interface

3. Local Egress Group is created

4. Prefix is added to BGP for advertisement

5. BGP pushes route update to FIB YANG Interface

6. FIB Entry flow is added to FIB Table in OF pipeline

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

14. Link Aggregation Control Protocol User


Table of Contents
Overview ..................................................................................................................... 125
Link Aggregation Control Protocol Architecture ........................................................... 125
Configuring Link Aggregation Control Protocol ........................................................... 125
Administering or Managing Link Aggregation Control Protocol .................................... 126
Tutorials ...................................................................................................................... 126

This section contains information about how to use the LACP plugin project with
OpenDaylight, including configurations.

Link Aggregation Control Protocol Architecture

The LACP Project within OpenDaylight implements Link Aggregation Control Protocol
(LACP) as an MD-SAL service module and will be used to auto-discover and aggregate
multiple links between an OpenDaylight controlled network and LACP-enabled endpoints
or switches. The result is the creation of a logical channel, which represents the aggregation
of the links. Link aggregation provides link resiliency and bandwidth aggregation. This
implementation adheres to IEEE Ethernet specification 802.3ad.

Configuring Link Aggregation Control Protocol

This feature can be enabled in the Karaf console of the OpenDaylight Karaf distribution by
issuing the following command:

feature:install odl-lacp-ui

1. Ensure that legacy (non-OpenFlow) switches are configured with LACP mode
active with a long timeout to allow for the LACP plugin in OpenDaylight to
respond to its messages.

2. Flows that want to take advantage of LACP-configured Link Aggregation

Groups (LAGs) must explicitly use a OpenFlow group table entry created
by the LACP plugin. The plugin only creates group table entries, it does not
program any flows on its own.

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

Administering or Managing Link Aggregation

Control Protocol
LACP-discovered network inventory and network statistics can be viewed using the
following REST APIs.

1. List of aggregators available for a node:


Aggregator information will appear within the <lacp-aggregators> XML tag.

2. To view only the information of an aggregator:


The group ID associated with the aggregator can be found inside the <lag-groupid>
XML tag.

The group table entry information for the <lag-groupid> added for the aggregator is
also available in the opendaylight-inventory node database.

3. To view physical port information.


Ports that are associated with an aggregator will have the tag <lacp-agg-ref>
updated with valid aggregator information.

The below tutorial demonstrates LACP LAG creation for a sample mininet topology.

Sample LACP Topology creation on Mininet

sudo mn --controller=remote,ip=<Controller IP> --topo=linear,1 --switch

The above command will create a virtual network consisting of a switch and a host. The
switch will be connected to the controller.

Once the topology is discovered, verify the presence of a flow entry with "dl_type" set to
"0x8809" to handle LACP packets using the below ovs-ofctl command:
ovs-ofctl -O OpenFlow13 dump-flows s1
OFPST_FLOW reply (OF1.3) (xid=0x2):
cookie=0x300000000000001e, duration=60.067s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0,
priority=5,dl_dst=01:80:c2:00:00:02,dl_type=0x8809 actions=CONTROLLER:65535

Configure an additional link between the switch (s1) and host (h1) using the below
command on mininet shell to aggregate 2 links:

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

mininet> py net.addLink(s1, net.get('h1'))

mininet> py s1.attach('s1-eth2')

The LACP module will listen for LACP control packets that are generated from legacy switch
(non-OpenFlow enabled). In our example, host (h1) will act as a LACP packet generator. In
order to generate the LACP control packets, a bond interface has to be created on the host
(h1) with mode type set to LACP with long-timeout. To configure bond interface, create a
new file bonding.conf under the /etc/modprobe.d/ directory and insert the below lines in
this new file:
alias bond0 bonding
options bonding mode=4

Here mode=4 is referred to LACP and the default timeout is set to long.

Enable bond interface and associate both physical interface h1-eth0 & h1-eth1 as members
of the bond interface on host (h1) using the below commands on the mininet shell:
mininet> py net.get('h1').cmd('modprobe bonding')
mininet> py net.get('h1').cmd('ip link add bond0 type bond')
mininet> py net.get('h1').cmd('ip link set bond0 address <bond-mac-address>')
mininet> py net.get('h1').cmd('ip link set h1-eth0 down')
mininet> py net.get('h1').cmd('ip link set h1-eth0 master bond0')
mininet> py net.get('h1').cmd('ip link set h1-eth1 down')
mininet> py net.get('h1').cmd('ip link set h1-eth1 master bond0')
mininet> py net.get('h1').cmd('ip link set bond0 up')

Once the bond0 interface is up, the host (h1) will send LACP packets to the switch (s1). The
LACP Module will then create a LAG through exchange of LACP packets between the host
(h1) and switch (s1). To view the bond interface output on the host (h1) side:
mininet> py net.get('h1').cmd('cat /proc/net/bonding/bond0')
Ethernet Channel Bonding Driver: v3.7.1 (April 27, 2011)
Bonding Mode: IEEE 802.3ad Dynamic link aggregation
Transmit Hash Policy: layer2 (0)
MII Status: up
MII Polling Interval (ms): 100
Up Delay (ms): 0
Down Delay (ms): 0
802.3ad info
LACP rate: slow
Min links: 0
Aggregator selection policy (ad_select): stable
Active Aggregator Info:
Aggregator ID: 1
Number of ports: 2
Actor Key: 33
Partner Key: 27
Partner Mac Address: 00:00:00:00:01:01

Slave Interface: h1-eth0

MII Status: up
Speed: 10000 Mbps
Duplex: full
Link Failure Count: 0
Permanent HW addr: 00:00:00:00:00:11
Aggregator ID: 1
Slave queue ID: 0

Slave Interface: h1-eth1

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

MII Status: up
Speed: 10000 Mbps
Duplex: full
Link Failure Count: 0
Permanent HW addr: 00:00:00:00:00:12
Aggregator ID: 1
Slave queue ID: 0

A corresponding group table entry would be created on the OpenFlow switch (s1) with
"type" set to "select" to perform the LAG functionality. To view the group entries:
mininet>ovs-ofctl -O Openflow13 dump-groups s1
OFPST_GROUP_DESC reply (OF1.3) (xid=0x2):

To apply the LAG functionality on the switches, the flows should be configured with action
set to GroupId instead of output port. A sample add-flow configuration with output action
set to GroupId:
sudo ovs-ofctl -O Openflow13 add-flow s1

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

15. LISP Flow Mapping User Guide

Table of Contents
Overview ..................................................................................................................... 129
LISP Flow Mapping Architecture .................................................................................. 130
Configuring LISP Flow Mapping ................................................................................... 131
Textual Conventions for LISP Address Formats ............................................................. 132
Karaf commands ......................................................................................................... 133
LISP Flow Mapping Karaf Features .............................................................................. 134
Tutorials ...................................................................................................................... 134
LISP Flow Mapping Support ........................................................................................ 140

Locator/ID Separation Protocol
Locator/ID Separation Protocol (LISP) is a technology that provides a flexible map-and-
encap framework that can be used for overlay network applications such as data center
network virtualization and Network Function Virtualization (NFV).

LISP provides the following name spaces:

• Endpoint Identifiers (EIDs)

• Routing Locators (RLOCs)

In a virtualization environment EIDs can be viewed as virtual address space and RLOCs can
be viewed as physical network address space.

The LISP framework decouples network control plane from the forwarding plane by

• A data plane that specifies how the virtualized network addresses are encapsulated in
addresses from the underlying physical network.

• A control plane that stores the mapping of the virtual-to-physical address spaces, the
associated forwarding policies and serves this information to the data plane on demand.

Network programmability is achieved by programming forwarding policies such as

transparent mobility, service chaining, and traffic engineering in the mapping system;
where the data plane elements can fetch these policies on demand as new flows arrive. This
chapter describes the LISP Flow Mapping project in OpenDaylight and how it can be used
to enable advanced SDN and NFV use cases.

LISP data plane Tunnel Routers are available at LISPmob.org in the open source community
on the following platforms:

• Linux

• Android

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

• OpenWRT

For more details and support for LISP data plane software please visit the LISPmob web

LISP Flow Mapping Service

The LISP Flow Mapping service provides LISP Mapping System services. This includes LISP
Map-Server and LISP Map-Resolver services to store and serve mapping data to data plane
nodes as well as to OpenDaylight applications. Mapping data can include mapping of
virtual addresses to physical network address where the virtual nodes are reachable or
hosted at. Mapping data can also include a variety of routing policies including traffic
engineering and load balancing. To leverage this service, OpenDaylight applications and
services can use the northbound REST API to define the mappings and policies in the LISP
Mapping Service. Data plane devices capable of LISP control protocol can leverage this
service through a southbound LISP plugin. LISP-enabled devices must be configured to use
this OpenDaylight service as their Map Server and/or Map Resolver.

The southbound LISP plugin supports the LISP control protocol (Map-Register, Map-
Request, Map-Reply messages), and can also be used to register mappings in the
OpenDaylight mapping service.

LISP Flow Mapping Architecture

The following figure shows the various LISP Flow Mapping modules.

Figure 15.1. LISP Mapping Service Internal Architecture

A brief description of each module is as follows:

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

• DAO (Data Access Object): This layer separates the LISP logic from the database, so that
we can separate the map server and map resolver from the specific implementation of
the mapping database. Currently we have an implementation of this layer with an in-
memory HashMap, but it can be switched to any other key/value store and you only
need to implement the ILispDAO interface.

• Map Server: This module processes the adding or registration of authentication tokens
(keys) and mappings. For a detailed specification of LISP Map Server, see LISP.

• Map Resolver: This module receives and processes the mapping lookup queries and
provides the mappings to requester. For a detailed specification of LISP Map Server, see

• RPC/RESTCONF: This is the auto-generated RESTCONF-based northbound API. This

module enables defining key-EID associations as well as adding mapping information
through the Map Server. Key-EID associations and mappings can also be queried via this

• GUI: This module enables adding and querying the mapping service through a GUI based

• Neutron: This module implements the OpenDaylight Neutron Service APIs. It provides
integration between the LISP service and the OpenDaylight Neutron service, and thus

• Java API: The API module exposes the Map Server and Map Resolver capabilities via a
Java API.

• LISP Proto: This module includes LISP protocol dependent data types and associated

• In Memory DB: This module includes the in memory database implementation of the
mapping service.

• LISP Southbound Plugin: This plugin enables data plane devices that support LISP
control plane protocol (see LISP) to register and query mappings to the LISP Flow
Mapping via the LISP control plane protocol.

Configuring LISP Flow Mapping

In order to use the LISP mapping service for registering EID to RLOC mappings from
northbound or southbound, keys have to be defined for the EID prefixes first. Once
a key is defined for an EID prefix, it can be used to add mappings for that EID prefix
multiple times. If the service is going to be used to process Map-Register messages from the
southbound LISP plugin, the same key must be used by the data plane device to create the
authentication data in the Map-Register messages for the associated EID prefix.

The etc/custom.properties file in the Karaf distribution allows configuration of

several OpenDaylight parameters. The LISP service has the following properties that can be

lisp.mappingOverwrite (default: Configures handling of mapping updates. When set

true) to true (default) a mapping update (either through
the southbound plugin via a Map-Register message or

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

through a northbound API PUT REST call) the existing

RLOC set associated to an EID prefix is overwritten.
When set to false, the RLOCs of the update are merged
to the existing set.

lisp.smr (default: false) Enables/disables the Solicit-Map-Request (SMR)

functionality. SMR is a method to notify changes in an
EID-to-RLOC mapping to "subscribers". The LISP service
considers all Map-Request’s source RLOC as a subscriber
to the requested EID prefix, and will send an SMR
control message to that RLOC if the mapping changes.

lisp.elpPolicy (default: default) Configures how to build a Map-Reply southbound

message from a mapping containing an Explicit Locator
Path (ELP) RLOC. It is used for compatibility with
dataplane devices that don’t understand the ELP LCAF
format. The default setting doesn’t alter the mapping,
returning all RLOCs unmodified. The both setting adds
a new RLOC to the mapping, with a lower priority than
the ELP, that is the next hop in the service chain. To
determine the next hop, it searches the source RLOC of
the Map-Request in the ELP, and chooses the next hop,
if it exists, otherwise it chooses the first hop. The replace
setting adds a new RLOC using the same algorithm as
the both setting, but using the origin priority of the ELP
RLOC, which is removed from the mapping.

lisp.lookupPolicy (default: Configures the mapping lookup algorithm. When set to

northboundFirst) northboundFirst mappings programmed through the
northbound API will take precedence. If no northbound
programmed mappings exist, then the mapping
service will return mappings registered through
the southbound plugin, if any exists. When set to
northboundAndSouthbound the mapping programmed
by the northbound is returned, updated by the up/
down status of these mappings as reported by the
southbound (if existing).

lisp.mappingMerge (default: Configures the merge policy on the southbound

false) registrations through the LISP SB Plugin. When set to
false, only the latest mapping registered through the
SB plugin is valid in the southbound mapping database,
independent of which device it came from. When set to
true, mappings for the same EID registered by different
devices are merged together and a union of the locators
is maintained as the valid mapping for that EID.

Textual Conventions for LISP Address Formats

In addition to the more common IPv4, IPv6 and MAC address data types, the LISP control
plane supports arbitrary Address Family Identifiers assigned by IANA, and in addition to
those the LISP Canoncal Address Format (LCAF).

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

The LISP Flow Mapping project in OpenDaylight implements support for many of these
different address formats, the full list being summarized in the following table. While
some of the address formats have well defined and widely used textual representation,
many don’t. It became necessary to define a convention to use for text rendering of
all implemented address types in logs, URLs, input fields, etc. The below table lists the
supported formats, along with their AFI number and LCAF type, including the prefix used
for disambiguation of potential overlap, and examples output.

Table 15.1. LISP Address Formats

Name AFI LCAF Prefix Text Rendering
No Address 0 - no: No Address Present

IPv4 Prefix 1 - ipv4:

IPv6 Prefix 2 - ipv6: 2001:db8::/32

MAC Address 16389 - mac: 00:00:5E:00:53:00

Distinguished Name 17 - dn: stringAsIs

AS Number 18 - as: AS64500

AFI List 16387 1 list: {,,2001:db8::1}

Instance ID 16387 2 - [223]

Application Data 16387 4 appdata:!128!17!80-81!6667-7000

Explicit Locator Path 16387 10 elp: {|lps#}

Source/Destination Key 16387 12 srcdst:|

Key/Value Address Pair 16387 15 kv:

Service Path 16387 N/A sp: 42(3)

Please note that the forward slash character / typically separating IPv4 and IPv6 addresses
from the mask length is transformed into %2f when used in a URL.

Karaf commands
In this section we will discuss two types of Karaf commands: built-in, and LISP specific.
Some built-in commands are quite useful, and are needed for the tutorial, so they will be
discussed here. A reference of all LISP specific commands, added by the LISP Flow Mapping
project is also included. They are useful mostly for debugging.

Useful built-in commands

help Lists all available command, with a short description of

help <command_name> Show detailed help about a specific command.

feature:list [-i] Show all locally available features in the Karaf

container. The -i option lists only features that are
currently installed. It is possible to use | grep to filter
the output (for all commands, not just this one).

feature:install Install feature feature_name.


OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

log:set <level> <class> Set the log level for class to level. The default log
level for all classes is INFO. For debugging, or learning
about LISP internals it is useful to run log:set TRACE
org.opendaylight.lispflowmapping right after
Karaf starts up.

log:display Outputs the log file to the console, and returns control
to the user.

log:tail Continuously shows log output, requires Ctrl+C to

return to the console.

LISP specific commands

The available lisp commands can always be obtained by help mappingservice.
Currently they are:

mappingservice:addkey Add the default password password for the IPv4 EID
prefix (all addresses). This is useful when
experimenting with southbound devices, and using the
REST interface would be combersome for whatever

mappingservice:mappings Show the list of all mappings stored in the internal non-
persistent data store (the DAO), listing the full data
structure. The output is not human friendly, but can be
used for debugging.

LISP Flow Mapping Karaf Features

LISP Flow Mapping has the following Karaf features that can be installed from the Karaf

odl-lispflowmapping-msmr This includes the core features required to use the LISP
Flow Mapping Service such as mapping service and the
LISP southbound plugin.

odl-lispflowmapping-ui This includes the GUI module for the LISP Mapping

odl-lispflowmapping- This is the experimental Neutron provider module for

neutron LISP mapping service.

This section provides a tutorial demonstrating various features in this service.

Creating a LISP overlay

This section provides instructions to set up a LISP network of three nodes (one "client"
node and two "server" nodes) using LISPmob as data plane LISP nodes and the LISP Flow
Mapping project from OpenDaylight as the LISP programmable mapping system for the
LISP network.

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

The steps shown below will demonstrate setting up a LISP network between a client and
two servers, then performing a failover between the two "server" nodes.

• OpenDaylight Beryllium

• The Postman Chrome App: the most convenient way to follow along this tutorial is to
use the Postman Chrome App to edit and send the requests. The project git repository
hosts a collection of the requests that are used in this tutorial in the resources/
tutorial/Beryllium_Tutorial.json.postman_collection file. You can
import this file to Postman by clicking Import at the top, choosing Download from link
and then entering the following URL: https://git.opendaylight.org/gerrit/
beryllium. Alternatively, you can save the file on your machine, or if you have the
repository checked out, you can import from there. You will need to create a new
Postman Environment and define some variables within: controllerHost set to the
hostname or IP address of the machine running the ODL instance, and restconfPort
to 8181, if you didn’t modify the default controller settings.

• LISPmob version 0.5.x The README.md lists the dependencies needed to build it from

• A virtualization platform

Target Environment
The three LISP data plane nodes and the LISP mapping system are assumed to be running
in Linux virtual machines, which have the eth0 interface in NAT mode to allow outside
internet access and eth1 connected to a host-only network, with the following IP
addresses (please adjust configuration files, JSON examples, etc. accordingly if you’re using
another addressing scheme):

Table 15.2. Nodes in the tutorial

Node Node Type IP Address
controller OpenDaylight
client LISPmob
server1 LISPmob
server2 LISPmob
service-node LISPmob

While the tutorial uses LISPmob as the data plane, it could be any LISP-enabled
hardware or software router (commercial/open source).

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

The below steps use the command line tool cURL to talk to the LISP Flow Mapping RPC
REST API. This is so that you can see the actual request URLs and body content on the page.

1. Install and run OpenDaylight Beryllium release on the controller VM. Please follow the
general OpenDaylight Beryllium Installation Guide for this step. Once the OpenDaylight
controller is running install the odl-lispflowmapping-msmr feature from the Karaf CLI:

feature:install odl-lispflowmapping-msmr

It takes quite a while to load and initialize all features and their dependencies. It’s worth
running the command log:tail in the Karaf console to see when the log output is
winding down, and continue with the tutorial after that.

2. Install LISPmob on the client, server1, server2, and service-node VMs following the
installation instructions from the LISPmob README file.

3. Configure the LISPmob installations from the previous step. Starting from the
lispd.conf.example file in the distribution, set the EID in each lispd.conf file
from the IP address space selected for your virtual/LISP network. In this tutorial the EID
of the client is set to, and that of server1 and server2 to

4. Set the RLOC interface to eth1 in each lispd.conf file. LISP will determine the RLOC
(IP address of the corresponding VM) based on this interface.

5. Set the Map-Resolver address to the IP address of the controller, and on the client the
Map-Server too. On server1 and server2 set the Map-Server to something else, so that
it doesn’t interfere with the mappings on the controller, since we’re going to program
them manually.

6. Modify the "key" parameter in each lispd.conf file to a key/password of your choice
(password in this tutorial).

The resources/tutorial directory in the stable/beryllium branch of the
project git repository has the files used in the tutorial checked in, so you can
just copy the files to /root/lispd.conf on the respective VMs. You will
also find the JSON files referenced below in the same directory.

7. Define a key and EID prefix association in OpenDaylight using the RPC REST API for the
client EID ( to allow registration from the southbound. Since the mappings
for the server EID will be configured from the REST API, no such association is necessary.
Run the below command on the controller (or any machine that can reach controller, by
replacing localhost with the IP address of controller).

curl -u "admin":"admin" -H "Content-type: application/json" -X POST \

http://localhost:8181/restconf/operations/odl-mappingservice:add-key \
--data @add-key.json

where the content of the add-key.json file is the following:

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

"input": {
"eid": {
"address-type": "ietf-lisp-address-types:ipv4-prefix-afi",
"ipv4-prefix": ""
"mapping-authkey": {
"key-string": "password",
"key-type": 1

8. Verify that the key is added properly by requesting the following URL:

curl -u "admin":"admin" -H "Content-type: application/json" -X POST \

http://localhost:8181/restconf/operations/odl-mappingservice:get-key \
--data @get1.json

where the content of the get1.json file can be derived from the add-key.json file by
removing the mapping-authkey field. The output the above invocation should look like


9. Run the lispd LISPmob daemon on all VMs:

lispd -f /root/lispd.conf

10.The client LISPmob node should now register its EID-to-RLOC mapping in OpenDaylight.
To verify you can lookup the corresponding EIDs via the REST API

curl -u "admin":"admin" -H "Content-type: application/json" -X POST \

--data @get1.json

An alternative way for retrieving mappings from ODL using the southbound interface is
using the lig open source tool.

11.Register the EID-to-RLOC mapping of the server EID to the controller, pointing
to server1 and server2 with a higher priority for server1

curl -u "admin":"admin" -H "Content-type: application/json" -X POST \

--data @mapping.json

where the mapping.json file looks like this:

"input": {
"mapping-record": {
"recordTtl": 1440,
"action": "NoAction",
"authoritative": true,
"eid": {
"address-type": "ietf-lisp-address-types:ipv4-prefix-afi",

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

"ipv4-prefix": ""
"LocatorRecord": [
"locator-id": "server1",
"priority": 1,
"weight": 1,
"multicastPriority": 255,
"multicastWeight": 0,
"localLocator": true,
"rlocProbed": false,
"routed": true,
"rloc": {
"address-type": "ietf-lisp-address-types:ipv4-afi",
"ipv4": ""
"locator-id": "server2",
"priority": 2,
"weight": 1,
"multicastPriority": 255,
"multicastWeight": 0,
"localLocator": true,
"rlocProbed": false,
"routed": true,
"rloc": {
"address-type": "ietf-lisp-address-types:ipv4-afi",
"ipv4": ""

Here the priority of the second RLOC ( - server2) is 2, a higher numeric
value than the priority of, which is 1. This policy is saying that server1
is preferred to server2 for reaching EID Note that lower priority value has
higher preference in LISP.

12.Verify the correct registration of the EID:

curl -u "admin":"admin" -H "Content-type: application/json" -X POST \
--data @get2.json

where get2.json can be derived from get1.json by changing the content of the
Ipv4Address field from to

13.Now the LISP network is up. To verify, log into the client VM and ping the server EID:

14.Let’s test fail-over now. Suppose you had a service on server1 which became unavailable,
but server1 itself is still reachable. LISP will not automatically fail over, even if the
mapping for has two locators, since both locators are still reachable and uses
the one with the higher priority (lowest priority value). To force a failover, we need to

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

set the priority of server2 to a lower value. Using the file mapping.json above, swap the
priority values between the two locators (lines 14 and 28 in mapping.json) and repeat
the request from step 11. You can also repeat step 12 to see if the mapping is correctly
registered. If you leave the ping on, and monitor the traffic using wireshark, you can
see that the ping traffic to will be diverted from the server1 RLOC to the server2

With the default OpenDaylight configuration the failover should be near instantaneous
(we observed 3 lost pings in the worst case), because of the LISP Solicit-Map-Request
(SMR) mechanism that can ask a LISP data plane element to update its mapping for
a certain EID (enabled by default). It is controlled by the lisp.smr variable in etc/
custom.porperties. When enabled, any mapping change from the RPC interface
will trigger an SMR packet to all data plane elements that have requested the mapping
in the last 24 hours (this value was chosen because it’s the default TTL of Cisco IOS xTR
mapping registrations). If disabled, ITRs keep their mappings until the TTL specified in
the Map-Reply expires.

15.To add a service chain into the path from the client to the server, we can use an Explicit
Locator Path, specifying the service-node as the first hop and server1 (or server2) as the
second hop. The following will achieve that:

curl -u "admin":"admin" -H "Content-type: application/json" -X POST \

--data @elp.json

where the elp.json file is as follows:

"input": {
"mapping-record": {
"recordTtl": 1440,
"action": "NoAction",
"authoritative": true,
"eid": {
"address-type": "ietf-lisp-address-types:ipv4-prefix-afi",
"ipv4-prefix": ""
"LocatorRecord": [
"locator-id": "ELP",
"priority": 1,
"weight": 1,
"multicastPriority": 255,
"multicastWeight": 0,
"localLocator": true,
"rlocProbed": false,
"routed": true,
"rloc": {
"address-type": "ietf-lisp-address-types:explicit-
"explicit-locator-path": {
"hop": [
"hop-id": "service-node",
"address": "",
"lrs-bits": "strict"

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

"hop-id": "server1",
"address": "",
"lrs-bits": "strict"

After the mapping for is updated with the above, the ICMP traffic from client
to server1 will flow through the service-node. You can confirm this in the LISPmob logs,
or by sniffing the traffic on either the service-node or server1. Note that service chains
are unidirectional, so unless another ELP mapping is added for the return traffic, packets
will go from server1 to client directly.

16.Suppose the service-node is actually a firewall, and traffic is diverted there to support
access control lists (ACLs). In this tutorial that can be emulated by using iptables
firewall rules in the service-node VM. To deny traffic on the service chain defined above,
the following rule can be added:
iptables -A OUTPUT --dst -j DROP

The ping from the client should now have stopped.

In this case the ACL is done on the destination RLOC. There is an effort underway in the
LISPmob community to allow filtering on EIDs, which is the more logical place to apply

17.To delete the rule and restore connectivity on the service chain, delete the ACL by issuing
the following command:
iptables -D OUTPUT --dst -j DROP

which should restore connectivity.

LISP Flow Mapping Support

For support the lispflowmapping project can be reached by emailing the developer mailing
list: lispflowmapping-dev@lists.opendaylight.org or on the #opendaylight-lispflowmapping
IRC channel on irc.freenode.net.

Additional information is also available on the Lisp Flow Mapping wiki

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

16. Messaging4Transport User Guide

Table of Contents
Overview ..................................................................................................................... 141
Architecture ................................................................................................................ 141
Administering or Managing Messaging4Transport ....................................................... 142

The OpenDaylight controller is based on an MD-SAL allows the modeling of data, RPCs,
and notifications. Because of this model basis, adding new northbound bindings to the
controller is simple, and everything modeled becomes exposed automatically. Currently
the MD-SAL has RESTCONF northbound bindings, while more bindings such as AMQP and
XMPP can easily be implemented and integrated. Messaging4Transport attempts to build
more northbound interfaces to MD-SAL, with message-oriented middleware protocols.
Messaging4Transport Beryllium offers an AMQP northbound to MD-SAL.

Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) is an open standard application layer
protocol for message-oriented middleware. Messaging4Transport adds AMQP bindings
to the MD-SAL, which would automatically make all MD-SAL APIs available via that
mechanism. Messaging4Transport is built as an independent Karaf feature, that exposes
the MD-SAL data tree, RPCs, and notifications via AMQP, when installed. While AMQP is
the focus for the Beryllium Release, other message-oriented transport protocols will be
considered for future releases.

A message broker internal or external to OpenDaylight receives the messages that are
published by the MD-SAL, and sends them to the subscribers. Hence, the broker functions
as an intermediary in messages from the controller to the listeners, and vice versa.
ActiveMQ has been chosen as the default external broker in the Messaging4Transport

Installing Karaf Features

Install Messaging4Transport by using the karaf console.
feature:install odl-mdsal-all odl-messaging4transport-api odl-

ActiveMQ Integration with Karaf

ActiveMQ broker can be integrated into the Karaf environment. The ActiveMQ OSGi
integration instructions page is for Karaf 2.x. Please see the Karaf updates page for further

Since OpenDaylight Beryllium is built on Karaf 3.x, the instructions are given below to install
and activate ActiveMQ OSGi bundle into Karaf.

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

• Installing ActiveMQ in Karaf feature:repo-add activemq 5.9.0

feature:install activemq-broker

• Installing hawtio in Karaf.

hawtio provides a user-friendly web user interface, that can be installed optionally to work
with the project.
feature:repo-add hawtio 1.4.51

feature:install hawtio

Administering or Managing Messaging4Transport

The broker can be a stand-alone or a Karaf-based broker integrated into OpenDaylight.
Just install the bundles as shown below for Karaf based integration. In such a case, broker
will start with OpenDaylight. The publisher publishes the data tree. At least a dummy
listener should be started before the publisher to receive the published messages.

You may further configure the broker by modifying the ActiveMQ configuration file
in ODL_INSTALLATION_DIR/karaf/target/assembly/etc/org.apache.activemq.server-

Make sure to set the transport connections in karaf/target/assembly/etc/activemq.xml,

which is set by default in ActiveMQ stand-alone implementation; but not in the Karaf

It is suggested to limit concurrent connections to just 1000. However, probably we will

need more concurrency, based on the requirements. Setting it to 100,000 for now.
<!-- DOS protection, limit concurrent connections to 1000 and frame size to
100MB -->
<!-- Uncomment whatever necessary. -->
<transportConnector name="openwire" uri="tcp://
<transportConnector name="amqp" uri="amqp://
<!--transportConnector name="stomp" uri="stomp://
maximumConnections=100000&amp;wireFormat.maxFrameSize=104857600"/ -->
<!--transportConnector name="mqtt" uri="mqtt://
maximumConnections=100000&amp;wireFormat.maxFrameSize=104857600"/ -->
<!--transportConnector name="ws" uri="ws://
maximumConnections=100000&amp;wireFormat.maxFrameSize=104857600"/ -->

You may need to install/re-install the bundle after that and restart the container for the
changes to take effort.

The MD-SAL will be the publisher that publishes the MD-SAL data tree, RPCs, and
notifications via AMQP. The listener can be any consumer that consumes the data tree and
the other data published by MD-SAL via the AMQP binding.

Once configured, the ActiveMQ console can be accessed from the hawtio web console with
the credentials karaf/karaf.

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

Messaging4Transport can hence be configured to publish MD-SAL notifications to an

external AMQP listener application through the broker. A simple listener application is
included in the org.opendaylight.messaging4transport.sample package.

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

17. NEtwork MOdeling (NEMO)

Table of Contents
Overview ..................................................................................................................... 144
NEMO Engine Architecture .......................................................................................... 144
Configuring NEMO Engine ........................................................................................... 144
Administering or Managing NEMO Engine .................................................................. 144
Tutorials ...................................................................................................................... 144

This section describes how to use the NEMO feature in OpenDaylight and contains contains
configuration, administration, and management sections for the feature.

TBD: An overview of the NEMO feature and the use case and the audience who will use the

NEMO Engine Architecture

TBD: Information about NEMO Engine components and how they work together. Also
include information about how the feature integrates with OpenDaylight.

Configuring NEMO Engine

TBD: Describe how to configure the NEMO Engine after installation.

Administering or Managing NEMO Engine

TBD: Include related command reference or operations for using the NEMO Engine.

Below are tutorials for NEMO Engine.

Using NEMO Engine

TBD: State the purpose of tutorial

TBD: An overview of the NEMO tutorial

TBD: Provide any prerequisite information, assumed knowledge, or environment required
to execute the use case.

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

Target Environment
TBD: Include any topology requirement for the use case.

TBD: Step by step procedure for using NEMO Engine.

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

18. NetIDE User Guide

Table of Contents
Overview ..................................................................................................................... 146
NetIDE API .................................................................................................................. 146

OpenDaylight’s NetIDE project allows users to run SDN applications written for different
SDN controllers, e.g., Floodlight or Ryu, on top of OpenDaylight managed infrastructure.
The NetIDE Network Engine integrates a client controller layer that executes the modules
that compose a Network Application and interfaces with a server SDN controller layer
that drives the underlying infrastructure. In addition, it provides a uniform interface to
common tools that are intended to allow the inspection/debug of the control channel and
the management of the network resources.

The Network Engine provides a compatibility layer capable of translating calls of the
network applications running on top of the client controllers, into calls for the server
controller framework. The communication between the client and the server layers is
achieved through the NetIDE intermediate protocol, which is an application-layer protocol
on top of TCP that transmits the network control/management messages from the client to
the server controller and vice-versa. Between client and server controller sits the Core Layer
which also speaks the intermediate protocol.

Architecture and Design
The NetIDE engine follows the ONF’s proposed Client/Server SDN Application architecture.

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

Figure 18.1. NetIDE Network Engine Architecture

The NetIDE Core is a message-based system that allows for the exchange of messages
between OpenDaylight and subscribed Client SDN Controllers

Handling reply messages correctly

When an application module sends a request to the network (e.g. flow statistics, features,
etc.), the Network Engine must be able to correctly drive the corresponding reply to such
a module. This is not a trivial task, as many modules may compose the network application
running on top of the Network Engine, and there is no way for the Core to pair replies and
requests. The transaction IDs (xid) in the OpenFlow header are unusable in this case, as it
may happen that different modules use the same values.

In the proposed approach, represented in the figure below, the task of pairing replies with
requests is performed by the Shim Layer which replaces the original xid of the OpenFlow
requests coming from the core with new unique xid values. The Shim also saves the original
OpenFlow xid value and the module id it finds in the NetIDE header. As the network
elements must use the same xid values in the replies, the Shim layer can easily pair a reply
with the correct request as it is using unique xid values.

The below figure shows how the Network Engine should handle the controller-to-switch
OpenFlow messages. The diagram shows the case of a request message sent by an
application module to a network element where the Backend inserts the module id of the
module in the NetIDE header (X in the Figure). For other messages generated by the client
controller platform (e.g. echo requests) or by the Backend, the module id of the Backend is
used (Y in the Figure).

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

Figure 18.2. NetIDE Communication Flow

Below are the configuration items which can be edited, including their default values.

• core-address: This is the ip address of the NetIDE Core, default is

• core-port: The port of on which the NetIDE core is listening on

• address: IP address where the controller listens for switch connections, default is

• port: Port where controller listens for switch connections, default: 6644

• transport-protocol: default is TCP

• switch-idle-timeout: default is 15000ms

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

19. Network Intent Composition (NIC) User


Table of Contents
Overview ..................................................................................................................... 149
Network Intent Composition (NIC) Architecture ........................................................... 149
Configuring Network Intent Composition (NIC) ........................................................... 150
Administering or Managing Network Intent Composition (NIC) .................................... 150
Interactions ................................................................................................................. 150
NIC Usage Examples .................................................................................................... 151

Network Intent Composition (NIC) is an interface that allows clients to express a desired
state in an implementation-neutral form that will be enforced via modification of available
resources under the control of the OpenDaylight system.

This description is purposely abstract as an intent interface might encompass network

services, virtual devices, storage, etc.

The intent interface is meant to be a controller-agnostic interface so that "intents" are

portable across implementations, such as OpenDaylight and ONOS. Thus an intent
specification should not contain implementation or technology specifics.

The intent specification will be implemented by decomposing the intent and augmenting it
with implementation specifics that are driven by local implementation rules, policies, and/
or settings.

Network Intent Composition (NIC) Architecture

The core of the NIC architecture is the intent model, which specifies the details of the
desired state. It is the responsibility of the NIC implementation transforms this desired state
to the resources under the control of OpenDaylight. The component that transforms the
intent to the implementation is typically referred to as a renderer.

For the Lithium release, multiple, simultaneous renderers will not be supported. Instead
either the VTN or GBP renderer feature can be installed, but not both.

For the Litium release, the only actions supported are "ALLOW" and "BLOCK". The "ALLOW"
action indicates that traffic can flow between the source and destination end points, while
"BLOCK" prevents that flow; although it is possible that an given implementation may
augment the available actions with additional actions.

Besides transforming a desired state to an actual state it is the responsibility of a renderer

to update the operational state tree for the NIC data model in OpenDaylight to reflect the
intent which the renderer implemented.

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

Configuring Network Intent Composition (NIC)

For the Litium release there is no default implementation of a renderer, thus without an
additional module installed the NIC will not function.

Administering or Managing Network Intent

Composition (NIC)
There is no additional administration of management capabilities related to the Network
Intent Composition features.

A user can interact with the Network Intent Composition (NIC) either through the RESTful
interface using standard RESTCONF operations and syntax or via the Karaf console CLI.

The Network Intent Composition (NIC) feature supports the following REST operations
against the configuration data store.

• POST - creates a new instance of an intent in the configuration store, which will trigger
the realization of that intent. An ID must be specified as part of this request as an
attribute of the intent.

• PUT - creates or updates an instance of an intent in the configuration store, which will
trigger the realization of that intent.

• GET - fetches a list of all configured intents or a specific configured intent.

• DETELE - removes a configured intent from the configuration store, which triggers the
removal of the intent from the network.

The Network Intent Composition (NIC) feature supports the following REST operations
against the operational data store.

• GET - fetches a list of all operational intents or a specific operational intent.

Karaf Console CLI

Using the Karaf console CLI intents can be manipulated. The following Karaf console CLI
commands are available.

• intent:add <intent-data> - creates a new intent

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

• intent:update <id> <intent-data> - updates an existing intent

• intent:list - lists all intents in the system

• intent:show <id> - display the details of a specific intent

• intent:delete <id> - removes an intent from the system

NIC Usage Examples

How to configure VTN Renderer
The NIC Model provides an abstract model for expressing the desired state and operation
of the network.

• Configure mininet and create a topology:

Replace <Controller IP> based on your environment

$ mininet@mininet-vm:~$ sudo mn --controller=remote,ip=<Controller IP> --topo

mininet> net
h1 h1-eth0:s2-eth1
h2 h2-eth0:s2-eth2
h3 h3-eth0:s3-eth1
h4 h4-eth0:s3-eth2
s1 lo: s1-eth1:s2-eth3 s1-eth2:s3-eth3
s2 lo: s2-eth1:h1-eth0 s2-eth2:h2-eth0 s2-eth3:s1-eth1
s3 lo: s3-eth1:h3-eth0 s3-eth2:h4-eth0 s3-eth3:s1-eth2

Downloading and deploy Karaf distribution

• Get the Lithium Distribution.

• Unzip the downloaded zip distribution

• To run the Karaf


• Once the console is up, type as below to install feature.

feature:install odl-nic-renderer-vtn

Please execute the following curl commands to test network intent using mininet:

• Create Intent
curl -v --user "admin":"admin" -H "Accept: application/json" -H
"Content-type: application/json" -X PUT http://localhost:8181/restconf/

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

config/intent:intents/intent/b9a13232-525e-4d8c-be21-cd65e3436034 -d
'{ "intent:intent" : { "intent:id": "b9a13232-525e-4d8c-be21-cd65e3436034",
"intent:actions" : [ { "order" : 2, "allow" : {} } ], "intent:subjects" :
[ { "order":1 , "end-point-group" : {"name":""} }, { "order":2 ,
"end-point-group" : {"name":""}} ] } }'

curl -v --user "admin":"admin" -H "Accept: application/json" -H

"Content-type: application/json" -X PUT http://localhost:8181/restconf/
config/intent:intents/intent/b9a13232-525e-4d8c-be21-cd65e3436035 -d
'{ "intent:intent" : { "intent:id": "b9a13232-525e-4d8c-be21-cd65e3436035",
"intent:actions" : [ { "order" : 2, "allow" : {} } ], "intent:subjects" :
[ { "order":1 , "end-point-group" : {"name":""} }, { "order":2 ,
"end-point-group" : {"name":""}} ] } }'

mininet> pingall
Ping: testing ping reachability
h1 -> h2 X X
h2 -> h1 h3 X
h3 -> X h2 X
h4 -> X X X

• Update an Intent

curl -v --user "admin":"admin" -H "Accept: application/json" -H

"Content-type: application/json" -X PUT http://localhost:8181/restconf/
config/intent:intents/intent/b9a13232-525e-4d8c-be21-cd65e3436034 -d
'{ "intent:intent" : { "intent:id": "b9a13232-525e-4d8c-be21-cd65e3436034",
"intent:actions" : [ { "order" : 2, "block" : {} } ], "intent:subjects" :
[ { "order":1 , "end-point-group" : {"name":""} }, { "order":2 ,
"end-point-group" : {"name":""}} ] } }'

mininet> pingall
Ping: testing ping reachability
h1 -> X X X
h2 -> X h3 X
h3 -> X h2 X
h4 -> X X X

Old actions and hosts are replaced by the new action and hosts.

• Delete an Intent

curl -v --user "admin":"admin" -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-

type: application/json" -X DELETE http://localhost:8181/restconf/config/

mininet> pingall
Ping: testing ping reachability
h1 -> X X X
h2 -> X X X
h3 -> X X X
h4 -> X X X

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

Ping between two hosts can also be done using MAC Address

curl -v --user "admin":"admin" -H "Accept: application/json" -H

"Content-type: application/json" -X PUT http://localhost:8181/restconf/
config/intent:intents/intent/b9a13232-525e-4d8c-be21-cd65e3436035 -d
'{ "intent:intent" : { "intent:id": "b9a13232-525e-4d8c-be21-cd65e3436035",
"intent:actions" : [ { "order" : 2, "allow" : {} } ], "intent:subjects" :
[ { "order":1 , "end-point-group" : {"name":"6e:4f:f7:27:15:c9"} },
{ "order":2 , "end-point-group" : {"name":"aa:7d:1f:4a:70:81"}} ] } }'

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

20. ODL-SDNi User Guide

Table of Contents
Introduction ................................................................................................................ 154
Components ................................................................................................................ 154
Troubleshooting .......................................................................................................... 154

This user guide will help to setup the ODL-SDNi application for lithium release and contains
the examples configuration using ODL-BGPCEP.

SDNiAggregator(controller), SDNi REST API(controller) and SDNiWrapper(bgpcep) are the
three components in ODL-SDNi App

• SDNiAggregator: Connects with switch, topology, hosttracker managers of controller to

get the topology and other related data.

• SDNi REST API: It is a part of controller northbound, which gives the required information
by quering SDNiAggregator through RESTCONF.

• SDNiWrapper: This component uses the SDNi REST API and gathers the information
required to be shared among controllers.

To work with multiple controllers, change some of the configuration in config.ini
file. For example change the listening port of one controller to 6653 and other
controller to 6663 in /root/controller/opendaylight/distribution/opendaylight/target/
distribution.opendaylight-osgipackage/opendaylight/configuration/config.ini (i.e

OpenFlow related system parameters. TCP port on which the controller is listening
(default 6633) of.listenPort=6653

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

21. OpenFlow Plugin Project User Guide

Table of Contents
Overview and Architecture .......................................................................................... 155
Tutorial / How-To ........................................................................................................ 157
Web / Graphical Interface ........................................................................................... 189
Command Line Interface ............................................................................................. 189
Programmatic Interface ............................................................................................... 193
Example flows ............................................................................................................. 193
Opendaylight OpenFlow Plugin: Troubleshooting ........................................................ 221

Overview and Architecture

Overview and Architecture
OpenFlow is a vendor-neutral standard communications interface defined to enable
interaction between the control and forwarding layers of an SDN architecture. The
OpenFlow plugin project intends to develop a plugin to support implementations of the
OpenFlow specification as it develops and evolves. Specifically the project has developed
a plugin aiming to support OpenFlow 1.0 and 1.3.x. It can be extended to add support
for subsequent OpenFlow specifications. The plugin is based on the Model Driven
Service Abstraction Layer (MD-SAL) architecture (https://wiki.opendaylight.org/view/
OpenDaylight_Controller:MD-SAL). This new OpenFlow 1.0/1.3 MD-SAL based plugin is
distinct from the old OpenFlow 1.0 plugin which was based on the API driven SAL (AD-SAL)

• Southbound plugin and integration of OpenFlow 1.0/1.3.x library project

• Ongoing support and integration of the OpenFlow specification

• The plugin should be implemented in an easily extensibile manner

• Protocol verification activities will be performed on supported OpenFlow specifications

Architecture and Design

OpenFlow 1.3 Plugin will support the following functionality

• Connection Handling

• Session Management

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

• State Management.

• Error Handling.

• Mapping function(Infrastructure to OF structures).

• Connection establishment will be handled by OpenFlow library using opensource netty.io


• Message handling(Ex: Packet in).

• Event handling and propagation to upper layers.

• Plugin will support both MD-SAL and Hard SAL.

• Will be backward compatible with OF 1.0.

Activities in OF plugin module

• New OF plugin bundle will support both OF 1.0 and OF 1.3.

• Integration with OpenFlow library.

• Integration with corresponding MD-SAL infrastructure.

• Hard SAL will be supported as adapter on top of MD-SAL plugin.

• OF 1.3 and OF 1.0 plugin will be integrated as single bundle.

Overall Architecture

Figure 21.1. overal architecture

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

This page is to catalog the things that have been tested and confirmed to work:

Coverage has been moved to a GoogleDoc Spreadshee

OF 1.3 Considerations
The baseline model is a OF 1.3 model, and the coverage tables primarily deal with OF 1.3.
However for OF 1.0, we have a column to indicate either N/A if it doesn’t apply, or whether
its been confirmed working.

OF 1.0 Considerations
OF 1.0 is being considered as a switch with: * 1 Table * 0 Groups * 0 Meters * 1 Instruction
(Apply Actions) * and a limited vocabulary of matches and actions.

Tutorial / How-To
Running the controller with the new OpenFlow Plugin
Opendaylight Controller Plugin Options
• Run OpenDaylight controller with the new OpenFlow 1.0/1.3 plugin

There are 2 ways. In integration project the plugin version is controlled by startup
parameter. Or there is distribution build available directly in openflowplugin project.

1. use integration project

• download and unzip latest build from https://nexus.opendaylight.org/content/

cd <extracted directory>/bin

• or clone and build integration project:

git clone https://git.opendaylight.org/gerrit/p/integration.git
cd integration/distributions/extra/karaf
mvn clean install
cd ./target/assembly/bin

• and finally run


OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

2. use openflowplugin project

• download and unzip latest build from https://nexus.opendaylight.org/content/


cd <extracted directory>/bin

• or clone and build openflowplugin project:

git clone https://git.opendaylight.org/gerrit/p/openflowplugin.git

cd openflowplugin
mvn clean install
cd ./distribution/karaf/target/assembly/bin/

• or build whole distribution localy from folder distribution/karaf

mvn clean install -DskipTests

• and run


How to start

There are all helium features (from features-openflowplugin) duplicated into features-
openflowplugin-li. The duplicates got suffix -li and provide Lithium codebase functionality.

These are most used:

• odl-openflowplugin-app-lldp-speaker-li

• odl-openflowplugin-flow-services-rest-li

• odl-openflowplugin-drop-test-li

In case topology is required then the first one should be installed.

feature:install odl-openflowplugin-app-lldp-speaker-li

The Li-southbound currently provides:

• flow management

• group management

• meter management

• statistics polling

What to log

In order to see really low level messages enter these in karaf console:

log:set TRACE org.opendaylight.openflowplugin.openflow.md.core

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

log:set TRACE org.opendaylight.openflowplugin.impl

How enable topology

In order for topology to work (fill dataStore/operational with links) there must be LLDP
responses delivered back to controller. This requires table-miss-entries. Table-miss-entry
is a flow in table.id=0 with low priority, empty match and one output action = send to
controller. Having this flow installed on every node will enable for gathering and exporting
links between nodes into dataStore/operational. This is done if you use for example l2
switch application.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<flow xmlns="urn:opendaylight:flow:inventory">

Enable RESTCONF and Controller GUI

If you want to use RESTCONF with openflowplugin project, you have to install odl-restconf
feature to enable that. To install odl-restconf feature run the following command
karaf#>feature:install odl-restconf

If you want to access the Controller GUI, you have to install odl-dlux-core feature to enable
that. Run following command to install it
karaf#>feature:install odl-dlux-core

Once you enable the feature, access the Controller GUI using following URL

Run OpenDaylight controller with the old OpenFlow 1.0-only (old) plugin

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

There are 2 ways. In integration project the plugin version is controlled by startup
parameter. Or there is distribution build available directly in controller project.

1. use integration/distributions/base project

• use the instructions from

plugin], but skip the plugin version parameter:


2. use controller/distribution/opendaylight project

• download and unzip latest build from https://nexus.opendaylight.org/


cd opendaylight

• or clone and build controller project:

git clone https://git.opendaylight.org/gerrit/p/controller.git

cd controller/opendaylight/distribution/opendaylight
mvn clean install
cd target/distribution.opendaylight-osgipackage/opendaylight

• and finally run (there is no version specific option, because the

1.0/1.3 (new) plugin is not available here at all)

Give it a minute to come up :)

OpenFlow 1.3 Enabled Software Switches / Environment

Getting Mininet with OF 1.3
Download Mininet VM Upgraded to OF 1.3 (or the newer mininet-2.1.0 with OVS-2.0
that works with VMware Player. For using this on VirtualBox, import this to VMware
Player and then export the .vmdk ) or you could build one yourself Openflow Protocol
Library:OpenVirtualSwitch[Instructions for setting up Mininet with OF 1.3].

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

Installing under VirtualBox

Figure 21.2. configuring a host-only adapter

For whatever reason, at least on the Mac, NATed interfaces in VirtualBox don’t actually
seem to allow for connections from the host to the VM. Instead, you need to configure a
host-only network and set it up. Do this by:

• Go to the VM’s settings in VirtualBox then to network and add a second adapter
attached to "Host-only Adapter" (see the screenshot to the right)

• Edit the /etc/network/interfaces file to configure the adapter properly by adding these
two lines

auto eth1
iface eth1 inet dhcp

• Reboot the VM

At this point you should have two interfaces one which gives you NATed access to the
internet and another that gives you access between your mac and the VMs. At least for
me, the NATed interface gets a 10.0.2.x address and the the host-only interface gets a
192.168.56.x address.

Your simplest choice: Use Vagrant

Download Virtual Box and install it Download Vagrant and install it
cd openflowplugin/vagrant/mininet-2.1.0-of-1.3/
vagrant up
vagrant ssh

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

This will leave you sshed into a fully provisioned Ubuntu Trusty box with mininet-2.1.0 and
OVS 2.0 patches to work with OF 1.3.

Setup CPqD Openflow 1.3 Soft Switch

Latest version of Openvswitch (v2.0.0) doesn’t support all the openflow 1.3 features, e.g
group multipart statistics request. Alternate options is CPqD Openflow 1.3 soft switch, It
supports most of the openflow 1.3 features.

• You can setup the switch as per the instructions given on the following URL


• Fire following command to start the switch

Start the datapath :

$ sudo udatapath/ofdatapath --datapath-id=<dpid> --interfaces=<if-list>
e.g $ sudo udatapath/ofdatapath --datapath-id=000000000001 --interfaces=ethX

ethX should not be associated with ip address and ipv6 should be disabled on it. If you are
installing the switch on your local machine, you can use following command (for Ubuntu)
to create virtual interface.
ip link add link ethX address 00:19:d1:29:d2:58 macvlan0 type macvlan

ethX - Any existing interface.

Or if you are using mininet VM for installing this switch, you can simply add one more
adaptor to your VM.

Start Openflow protocol agent:

$secchan/ofprotocol tcp:<switch-host>:<switch-port> tcp:<ctrl-host>:<ctrl-
e.g $secchan/ofprotocol tcp: tcp:

Commands to add entries to various tables of the switch

• Add meter

$utilities/dpctl tcp:<switch-host>:<switch-port> meter-mod cmd=add,meter=1


• Add Groups

$utilities/dpctl tcp: group-mod cmd=add,type=all,group=1

$utilities/dpctl tcp: group-mod cmd=add,type=sel,group=2 weight=

10 output:1

• Create queue

$utilities/dpctl tcp:<ip>:<switch port> queue-mod <port-number> <queue-number>

e.g - $utilities/dpctl tcp: queue-mod 1 1 23

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

"dpctl" --help is not very intuitive, so please keep adding any new command you figured out
while your experiment with the switch.

Using the built-in Wireshark

Mininet comes with pre-installed Wireshark, but for some reason it does not include the
Openflow protocol dissector. You may want to get and install it in the /.wireshark/plugins/

First login to your mininet VM

ssh mininet@<your mininet vm ip> -X

The -X option in ssh will enable x-session over ssh so that the wireshark window can be
shown on your host machine’s display. when prompted, enter the password (mininet).

From the mininet vm shell, set the wireshark capture privileges (http://wiki.wireshark.org/
sudo chgrp mininet /usr/bin/dumpcap
sudo chmod 754 /usr/bin/dumpcap
sudo setcap 'CAP_NET_RAW+eip CAP_NET_ADMIN+eip' /usr/bin/dumpcap

Finally, start wireshark:


The wireshark window should show up.

To see only Openflow packets, you may want to apply the following filter in the Filter
tcp.port == 6633 and tcp.flags.push == 1

Start the capture on any port.

Running Mininet with OF 1.3

From within the Mininet VM, run:
sudo mn --topo single,3 --controller 'remote,ip=<your controller ip>,port=
6653' --switch ovsk,protocols=OpenFlow13

End to End Inventory

The purpose of this page is to walk you through how to see the Inventory Manager
working end to end with the openflowplugin using OpenFlow 1.3.

Basically, you will learn how to:

1. Run the Base/Virtualization/Service provider Edition with the new openflowplugin:

the controller with the new OpenFlow Plugin]

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

2. Start mininet to use OF 1.3:

OpenDaylight_OpenFlow_Plugin::Test_Environment[OpenFlow 1.3 Enabled Software
Switches / Environment]

3. Use RESTCONF to see the nodes appear in inventory.

Restconf for Inventory

The REST url for listing all the nodes is:

You will need to set the Accept header:

Accept: application/xml

You will also need to use HTTP Basic Auth with username: admin password: admin.

Alternately, if you have a node’s id you can address it as


for example

How to hit RestConf with Postman

Install Postman for Chrome

In the chrome browser bar enter


And click on Postman.

Enter the URL. Click on the Headers button on the far right. Enter the Accept: header. Click
on the Basic Auth Tab at the top and setup the username and password. Send.

Known Bug
If you have not had any switches come up, and though no children for http://
localhost:8080/restconf/datastore/opendaylight-inventory:nodes/ and exception will be
thrown. I’m pretty sure I know how to fix this bug, just need to get to it :)

End to End Flows

Learn End to End for Inventory

End to End Inventory

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

Check inventory

• Run mininet with support for OF 1.3 as described in End to End Inventory

• Make sure you see the openflow:1 node come up as described in End to End Inventory

Flow Strategy

Current way to flush a flow to switch looks like this:

1. Create MD-SAL modeled flow and commit it into dataStore using two phase commit MD-

2. FRM gets notified and invokes corresponding rpc (addFlow) on particular service
provider (if suitable provider for given node registered)

3. The provider (plugin in this case) transforms MD-SAL modeled flow into OF-API modeled

4. OF-API modeled flow is then flushed into OFLibrary

5. OFLibrary encodes flow into particular version of wire protocol and sends it to particular

6. Check on mininet side if flow is set

Push your flow

• With PostMan:

• Set headers:

• Content-Type: application/xml

• Accept: application/xml

• Authentication

• Use URL: "http://<controller IP>:8181/restconf/config/opendaylight-inventory:nodes/



• Use Body:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>

<flow xmlns="urn:opendaylight:flow:inventory">

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium


*Note: If you want to try a different flow id or a different table, make sure the URL and the
body stay in sync. For example, if you wanted to try: table 2 flow 20 you’d change the URL

"http://<controller IP>:8181/restconf/config/opendaylight-inventory:nodes/node/

but you would also need to update the 20 and 2 in the body of the XML.

Other caveat, we have a known bug with updates, so please only write to a given flow
id and table id on a given node once at this time until we resolve it. Or you can use the
DELETE method with the same URL in PostMan to delete the flow information on switch
and controller cache.

Check for your flow on the switch

• See your flow on your mininet:

mininet@mininet-vm:~$ sudo ovs-ofctl -O OpenFlow13 dump-flows s1

OFPST_FLOW reply (OF1.3) (xid=0x2):
cookie=0x0, duration=7.325s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_timeout=
300, hard_timeout=600, send_flow_rem priority=2,ip,nw_dst=

If you want to see the above information from the mininet prompt - use "sh" instead of
"sudo" i.e. use "sh ovs-ofctl -O OpenFlow13 dump-flows s1".

Check for your flow in the controller config via RESTCONF

• See your configured flow in POSTMAN with

• URL http://<controller IP>:8181/restconf/operational/opendaylight-inventory:nodes/



• You no longer need to set Accept header

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

Return Response:

"flow-node-inventory:table": [
"flow-node-inventory:id": 0,
"flow-node-inventory:flow": [
"flow-node-inventory:priority": 1,
"flow-node-inventory:id": "10b1a23c-5299-4f7b-83d6-563bab472754",
"flow-node-inventory:table_id": 0,
"flow-node-inventory:hard-timeout": 0,
"flow-node-inventory:idle-timeout": 0,
"flow-node-inventory:instructions": {
"flow-node-inventory:instruction": [
"flow-node-inventory:apply-actions": {
"flow-node-inventory:action": [
"flow-node-inventory:output-action": {
"flow-node-inventory:order": 0
"flow-node-inventory:order": 0
"flow-node-inventory:match": {
"flow-node-inventory:ethernet-match": {
"flow-node-inventory:ethernet-type": {
"flow-node-inventory:type": 2048
"flow-node-inventory:ipv4-destination": ""
"flow-node-inventory:cookie": 0
"flow-node-inventory:priority": 1,
"flow-node-inventory:id": "020bf359-1299-4da6-b4f7-368bd83b5841",
"flow-node-inventory:table_id": 0,
"flow-node-inventory:hard-timeout": 0,
"flow-node-inventory:idle-timeout": 0,
"flow-node-inventory:instructions": {
"flow-node-inventory:instruction": [
"flow-node-inventory:apply-actions": {
"flow-node-inventory:action": [
"flow-node-inventory:output-action": {
"flow-node-inventory:order": 0

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

"flow-node-inventory:order": 0
"flow-node-inventory:match": {
"flow-node-inventory:ethernet-match": {
"flow-node-inventory:ethernet-type": {
"flow-node-inventory:type": 2048
"flow-node-inventory:ipv4-destination": ""
"flow-node-inventory:cookie": 0
"flow-node-inventory:priority": 1,
"flow-node-inventory:id": "42172bfc-9142-4a92-9e90-ee62529b1e85",
"flow-node-inventory:table_id": 0,
"flow-node-inventory:hard-timeout": 0,
"flow-node-inventory:idle-timeout": 0,
"flow-node-inventory:instructions": {
"flow-node-inventory:instruction": [
"flow-node-inventory:apply-actions": {
"flow-node-inventory:action": [
"flow-node-inventory:output-action": {
"flow-node-inventory:order": 0
"flow-node-inventory:order": 0
"flow-node-inventory:match": {
"flow-node-inventory:ethernet-match": {
"flow-node-inventory:ethernet-type": {
"flow-node-inventory:type": 2048
"flow-node-inventory:ipv4-destination": ""
"flow-node-inventory:cookie": 0
"flow-node-inventory:priority": 1,
"flow-node-inventory:id": "99bf566e-89f3-4c6f-ae9e-e26012ceb1e4",
"flow-node-inventory:table_id": 0,
"flow-node-inventory:hard-timeout": 0,
"flow-node-inventory:idle-timeout": 0,
"flow-node-inventory:instructions": {
"flow-node-inventory:instruction": [
"flow-node-inventory:apply-actions": {
"flow-node-inventory:action": [

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

"flow-node-inventory:output-action": {
"flow-node-inventory:order": 0
"flow-node-inventory:order": 0
"flow-node-inventory:match": {
"flow-node-inventory:ethernet-match": {
"flow-node-inventory:ethernet-type": {
"flow-node-inventory:type": 2048
"flow-node-inventory:ipv4-destination": ""
"flow-node-inventory:cookie": 0
"flow-node-inventory:priority": 1,
"flow-node-inventory:id": "019dcc2e-5b4f-44f0-90cc-de490294b862",
"flow-node-inventory:table_id": 0,
"flow-node-inventory:hard-timeout": 0,
"flow-node-inventory:idle-timeout": 0,
"flow-node-inventory:instructions": {
"flow-node-inventory:instruction": [
"flow-node-inventory:apply-actions": {
"flow-node-inventory:action": [
"flow-node-inventory:output-action": {
"flow-node-inventory:order": 0
"flow-node-inventory:order": 0
"flow-node-inventory:match": {
"flow-node-inventory:ethernet-match": {
"flow-node-inventory:ethernet-type": {
"flow-node-inventory:type": 2048
"flow-node-inventory:ipv4-destination": ""
"flow-node-inventory:cookie": 0
"flow-node-inventory:priority": 1,
"flow-node-inventory:id": "968cf81e-3f16-42f1-8b16-d01ff719c63c",

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

"flow-node-inventory:table_id": 0,
"flow-node-inventory:hard-timeout": 0,
"flow-node-inventory:idle-timeout": 0,
"flow-node-inventory:instructions": {
"flow-node-inventory:instruction": [
"flow-node-inventory:apply-actions": {
"flow-node-inventory:action": [
"flow-node-inventory:output-action": {
"flow-node-inventory:order": 0
"flow-node-inventory:order": 0
"flow-node-inventory:match": {
"flow-node-inventory:ethernet-match": {
"flow-node-inventory:ethernet-type": {
"flow-node-inventory:type": 2048
"flow-node-inventory:ipv4-destination": ""
"flow-node-inventory:cookie": 0
"flow-node-inventory:priority": 1,
"flow-node-inventory:id": "1c14ea3c-9dcc-4434-b566-7e99033ea252",
"flow-node-inventory:table_id": 0,
"flow-node-inventory:hard-timeout": 0,
"flow-node-inventory:idle-timeout": 0,
"flow-node-inventory:instructions": {
"flow-node-inventory:instruction": [
"flow-node-inventory:apply-actions": {
"flow-node-inventory:action": [
"flow-node-inventory:output-action": {
"flow-node-inventory:order": 0
"flow-node-inventory:order": 0
"flow-node-inventory:match": {
"flow-node-inventory:ethernet-match": {
"flow-node-inventory:ethernet-type": {
"flow-node-inventory:type": 2048

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

"flow-node-inventory:ipv4-destination": ""
"flow-node-inventory:cookie": 0
"flow-node-inventory:priority": 1,
"flow-node-inventory:id": "ed9deeb2-be8f-4b84-bcd8-9d12049383d6",
"flow-node-inventory:table_id": 0,
"flow-node-inventory:hard-timeout": 0,
"flow-node-inventory:idle-timeout": 0,
"flow-node-inventory:instructions": {
"flow-node-inventory:instruction": [
"flow-node-inventory:apply-actions": {
"flow-node-inventory:action": [
"flow-node-inventory:output-action": {
"flow-node-inventory:order": 0
"flow-node-inventory:order": 0
"flow-node-inventory:match": {
"flow-node-inventory:ethernet-match": {
"flow-node-inventory:ethernet-type": {
"flow-node-inventory:type": 2048
"flow-node-inventory:ipv4-destination": ""
"flow-node-inventory:cookie": 0

Look for your flow stats in the controller operational data via

• See your operational flow stats in POSTMAN with

• URL "http://<controller IP>:8181/restconf/operational/opendaylight-inventory:nodes/



Return Response:

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

"flow-node-inventory:table": [
"flow-node-inventory:id": 0,
"flow-node-inventory:flow": [
"flow-node-inventory:id": "10b1a23c-5299-4f7b-83d6-563bab472754",
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:flow-statistics": {
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:cookie": 0,
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:duration": {
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:nanosecond": 886000000,
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:second": 2707
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:hard-timeout": 0,
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:byte-count": 784,
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:match": {
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:ethernet-match": {
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:ethernet-type": {
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:type": 2048
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:ipv4-destination": ""
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:priority": 1,
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:packet-count": 8,
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:table_id": 0,
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:idle-timeout": 0,
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:instructions": {
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:instruction": [
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:order": 0,
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:apply-actions": {
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:action": [
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:order": 0,
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:output-action": {
connector": "1",
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:max-length": 0
"flow-node-inventory:id": "020bf359-1299-4da6-b4f7-368bd83b5841",
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:flow-statistics": {
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:cookie": 0,
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:duration": {
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:nanosecond": 826000000,
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:second": 2711
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:hard-timeout": 0,
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:byte-count": 1568,
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:match": {
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:ethernet-match": {
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:ethernet-type": {

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

"opendaylight-flow-statistics:type": 2048
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:ipv4-destination": ""
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:priority": 1,
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:packet-count": 16,
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:table_id": 0,
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:idle-timeout": 0,
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:instructions": {
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:instruction": [
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:order": 0,
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:apply-actions": {
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:action": [
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:order": 0,
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:output-action": {
connector": "1",
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:max-length": 0
"flow-node-inventory:id": "42172bfc-9142-4a92-9e90-ee62529b1e85",
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:flow-statistics": {
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:cookie": 0,
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:duration": {
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:nanosecond": 548000000,
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:second": 2708
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:hard-timeout": 0,
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:byte-count": 784,
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:match": {
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:ethernet-match": {
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:ethernet-type": {
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:type": 2048
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:ipv4-destination": ""
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:priority": 1,
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:packet-count": 8,
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:table_id": 0,
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:idle-timeout": 0,
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:instructions": {
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:instruction": [
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:order": 0,
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:apply-actions": {
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:action": [
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:order": 0,

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

"opendaylight-flow-statistics:output-action": {
connector": "1",
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:max-length": 0
"flow-node-inventory:id": "99bf566e-89f3-4c6f-ae9e-e26012ceb1e4",
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:flow-statistics": {
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:cookie": 0,
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:duration": {
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:nanosecond": 296000000,
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:second": 2710
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:hard-timeout": 0,
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:byte-count": 1274,
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:match": {
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:ethernet-match": {
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:ethernet-type": {
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:type": 2048
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:ipv4-destination": ""
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:priority": 1,
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:packet-count": 13,
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:table_id": 0,
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:idle-timeout": 0,
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:instructions": {
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:instruction": [
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:order": 0,
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:apply-actions": {
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:action": [
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:order": 0,
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:output-action": {
connector": "1",
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:max-length": 0
"flow-node-inventory:id": "019dcc2e-5b4f-44f0-90cc-de490294b862",
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:flow-statistics": {
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:cookie": 0,

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

"opendaylight-flow-statistics:duration": {
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:nanosecond": 392000000,
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:second": 2711
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:hard-timeout": 0,
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:byte-count": 1470,
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:match": {
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:ethernet-match": {
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:ethernet-type": {
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:type": 2048
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:ipv4-destination": ""
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:priority": 1,
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:packet-count": 15,
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:table_id": 0,
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:idle-timeout": 0,
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:instructions": {
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:instruction": [
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:order": 0,
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:apply-actions": {
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:action": [
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:order": 0,
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:output-action": {
connector": "2",
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:max-length": 0
"flow-node-inventory:id": "968cf81e-3f16-42f1-8b16-d01ff719c63c",
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:flow-statistics": {
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:cookie": 0,
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:duration": {
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:nanosecond": 344000000,
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:second": 2707
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:hard-timeout": 0,
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:byte-count": 784,
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:match": {
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:ethernet-match": {
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:ethernet-type": {
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:type": 2048
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:ipv4-destination": ""
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:priority": 1,
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:packet-count": 8,
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:table_id": 0,

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

"opendaylight-flow-statistics:idle-timeout": 0,
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:instructions": {
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:instruction": [
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:order": 0,
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:apply-actions": {
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:action": [
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:order": 0,
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:output-action": {
connector": "2",
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:max-length": 0
"flow-node-inventory:id": "ed9deeb2-be8f-4b84-bcd8-9d12049383d6",
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:flow-statistics": {
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:cookie": 0,
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:duration": {
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:nanosecond": 577000000,
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:second": 2706
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:hard-timeout": 0,
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:byte-count": 784,
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:match": {
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:ethernet-match": {
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:ethernet-type": {
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:type": 2048
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:ipv4-destination": ""
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:priority": 1,
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:packet-count": 8,
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:table_id": 0,
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:idle-timeout": 0,
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:instructions": {
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:instruction": [
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:order": 0,
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:apply-actions": {
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:action": [
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:order": 0,
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:output-action": {
connector": "2",
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:max-length": 0

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

"flow-node-inventory:id": "1c14ea3c-9dcc-4434-b566-7e99033ea252",
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:flow-statistics": {
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:cookie": 0,
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:duration": {
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:nanosecond": 659000000,
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:second": 2705
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:hard-timeout": 0,
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:byte-count": 784,
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:match": {
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:ethernet-match": {
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:ethernet-type": {
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:type": 2048
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:ipv4-destination": ""
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:priority": 1,
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:packet-count": 8,
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:table_id": 0,
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:idle-timeout": 0,
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:instructions": {
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:instruction": [
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:order": 0,
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:apply-actions": {
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:action": [
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:order": 0,
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:output-action": {
connector": "2",
"opendaylight-flow-statistics:max-length": 0
"opendaylight-flow-table-statistics:flow-table-statistics": {
"opendaylight-flow-table-statistics:active-flows": 8,
"opendaylight-flow-table-statistics:packets-matched": 97683,
"opendaylight-flow-table-statistics:packets-looked-up": 101772

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

Discovering and testing new Flow Types

Currently, the openflowplugin has a test-provider that allows you to push various flows
through the system from the OSGI command line. Once those flows have been pushed
through, you can see them as examples and then use them to see in the config what a
particular flow example looks like.

Using addMDFlow
From the
cd openflowplugin/distribution/base/target/distributions-openflowplugin-

Point your mininet at the controller as described above.

once you can see your node (probably openflow:1 if you’ve been following along) in the
inventory, at the OSGI command line try running:
addMDFlow openflow:1 f#

Where # is a number between 1 and 80. This will create one of 80 possible flows. You can
go confirm they were created on the switch.

Once you’ve done that, use


• Accept: application/xml

• URL: "

To see a full listing of the flows in table 2 (where they will be put). If you want to see a
particular flow, look at

• URL: "

Where # is 123 + the f# you used. So for example, for f22, your url would be

• URL: "

Note: You may have to trim out some of the sections like that contain bitfields and binary
types that are not correctly modeled.

Note: Before attempting to PUT a flow you have created via addMDFlow, please change
its URL and body to, for example, use table 1 instead of table 2 or another Flow Id, so you
don’t collide.

Note: There are several test command providers and the one handling flows is
OpenflowpluginTestCommandProvider. Methods, which can be use as commands in
OSGI-console have prefix _.

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

Example Flows
Examples for XML for various flow matches, instructions & actions can be found in
following section here

End to End Topology

The purpose of this page is to walk you through how to see the Topology Manager
working end to end with the openflowplugin using OpenFlow 1.3.

Basically, you will learn how to:

1. Run the Base/Virtualization/Service provider Edition with the new openflowplugin:

Running the controller with the new OpenFlow Plugin

2. Start mininet to use OF 1.3: OpenFlow 1.3 Enabled Software Switches / Environment

3. Use RESTCONF to see the topology information.

Restconf for Topology

The REST url for listing all the nodes is:

You will need to set the Accept header:

Accept: application/xml

You will also need to use HTTP Basic Auth with username: admin password: admin.

Alternately, if you have a node’s id you can address it as


for example

How to hit RestConf with Postman

Install postman for Chrome

In the chrome browser bar enter


And click on Postman.

Enter the URL. Click on the Headers button on the far right. Enter the Accept: header. Click
on the Basic Auth Tab at the top and setup the username and password. Send.

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

End to End Groups

Groups are NOT SUPPORTED in current (2.0.0) version of openvswitch. See

• http://openvswitch.org/releases/NEWS-2.0.0

• http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.linux.network.openvswitch.general/3251

For testing group feature please use for example CPQD virtual switch.

Learn End to End for Inventory
End to End Inventory

Check inventory
Run CPqD with support for OF 1.3 as described in End to End Inventory

Make sure you see the openflow:1 node come up as described in End to End Inventory

Group Strategy
Current way to flush a group to switch looks like this:

1. create MD-SAL modeled group and commit it into dataStore using two phase commit

2. FRM gets notified and invokes corresponding rpc (addGroup) on particular service
provider (if suitable provider for given node registered)

3. the provider (plugin in this case) transforms MD-SAL modeled group into OF-API
modeled group

4. OF-API modeled group is then flushed into OFLibrary

5. OFLibrary encodes group into particular version of wire protocol and sends it to
particular switch

6. check on CPqD if group is installed

Push your Group

• With PostMan:

• Set

• Content-Type: application/xml

• Accept: application/xml

• Use URL: "http://<ip-address>:8080/restconf/config/opendaylight-inventory:nodes/


OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium


• Use Body:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>

<group xmlns="urn:opendaylight:flow:inventory">

If you want to try a different group id, make sure the URL and the body stay
in sync. For example, if you wanted to try: group-id 20 you’d change the URL
to "http://<ip-address>:8080/restconf/config/opendaylight-inventory:nodes/
node/openflow:1/group/20" but you would also need to update the <group-
id>20</group-id> in the body to match.

<ip-address> :Provide the IP Address of the machine on which the controller is

Check for your group on the switch

• See your group on your cpqd switch:

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

COMMAND: sudo dpctl tcp: stats-group

stat_req{type="grp", flags="0x0", group="all"}

stat_repl{type="grp", flags="0x0", stats=[
{group="1", ref_cnt="0", pkt_cnt="0", byte_cnt="0", cntrs=[{pkt_cnt="0",
byte_cnt="0"}, {pkt_cnt="0", byte_cnt="0"}]}]}

Check for your group in the controller config via RESTCONF

• See your configured group in POSTMAN with

• URL http://<ip-address>:8080/restconf/config/opendaylight-inventory:nodes/node/


• You should no longer need to set Accept

• Note: <ip-address> :Provide the IP Address of the machine on which the controller is

Look for your group stats in the controller operational data via RESTCONF
• See your operational group stats in POSTMAN with

• URL http://<ip-address>:8080/restconf/operational/opendaylight-inventory:nodes/


• Note: <ip-address> :Provide the IP Address of the machine on which the controller is

Discovering and testing Group Types

Currently, the openflowplugin has a test-provider that allows you to push various groups
through the system from the OSGI command line. Once those groups have been pushed
through, you can see them as examples and then use them to see in the config what a
particular group example looks like.

Using addGroup
From the
cd openflowplugin/distribution/base/target/distributions-openflowplugin-

Point your CPqD at the controller as described above.

once you can see your node (probably openflow:1 if you’ve been following along) in the
inventory, at the OSGI command line try running:

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

addGroup openflow:1

This will install a group in the switch. You can check whether the group is installed or not.

Once you’ve done that, use


• Accept: application/xml

• URL: "http://<ip-address>:8080/restconf/config/opendaylight-inventory:nodes/node/

• Note: <ip-address> :Provide the IP Address of the machine on which the controller is

Before attempting to PUT a group you have created via addGroup, please
change its URL and body to, for example, use group 1 instead of group 2 or
another Group Id, so that they don’t collide.

There are several test command providers and the one handling groups is
OpenflowpluginGroupTestCommandProvider. Methods, which can be use as
commands in OSGI-console have prefix _.

Example Group
Examples for XML for various Group Types can be found in the test-scripts bundle of the
plugin code with names g1.xml, g2.xml and g3.xml.

End to End Meters

Learn End to End for Inventory

• End to End Inventory

Check inventory

• Run mininet with support for OF 1.3 as described in End to End Inventory

• Make sure you see the openflow:1 node come up as described in End to End Inventory

Meter Strategy

Current way to flush a meter to switch looks like this:

1. create MD-SAL modeled flow and commit it into dataStore using two phase commit

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

2. FRM gets notified and invokes corresponding rpc (addMeter) on particular service
provider (if suitable provider for given node registered)

3. the provider (plugin in this case) transforms MD-SAL modeled meter into OF-API
modeled meter

4. OF-API modeled meter is then flushed into OFLibrary

5. OFLibrary encodes meter into particular version of wire protocol and sends it to
particular switch

6. check on mininet side if meter is installed

Push your Meter

• Using PostMan:

• Set Request Headers

• Content-Type: application/xml

• Accept: application/xml

• Use URL: "http://:8080/restconf/config/opendaylight-inventory:nodes/node/


• Method:PUT

• Request Body:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>

<meter xmlns="urn:opendaylight:flow:inventory">

If you want to try a different meter id, make sure the URL and the body stay
in sync. For example, if you wanted to try: meter-id 20 you’d change the
URL to "http://:8080/restconf/config/opendaylight-inventory:nodes/node/

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

openflow:1/meter/20" but you would also need to update the 20 in the body
to match.

:Provide the IP Address of the machine on which the controller is running.

Check for your meter on the switch

• See your meter on your CPqD switch:

COMMAND: $ sudo dpctl tcp: meter-config

stat_req{type="mconf", flags="0x0"{meter_id= ffffffff"}

stat_repl{type="mconf", flags="0x0", stats=[{meter= c"", flags="4", bands=
[{type = dscp_remark, rate="12", burst_size="5", prec_level="1"}]}]}

Check for your meter in the controller config via RESTCONF

• See your configured flow in POSTMAN with

• URL "http://:8080/restconf/config/opendaylight-inventory:nodes/node/openflow:1/

• Method: GET

• You should no longer need to set Request Headers for Accept

• Note: :Provide the IP Address of the machine on which the controller is running.

Look for your meter stats in the controller operational data via
• See your operational meter stats in POSTMAN with

• URL "http://:8080/restconfig/operational/opendaylight-inventory:nodes/node/

• Method: GET

• Note: :Provide the IP Address of the machine on which the controller is running.

Discovering and testing Meter Types

Currently, the openflowplugin has a test-provider that allows you to push various meters
through the system from the OSGI command line. Once those meters have been pushed
through, you can see them as examples and then use them to see in the config what a
particular meter example looks like.

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

Using addMeter
From the
cd openflowplugin/distribution/base/target/distributions-openflowplugin-

Point your CPqD at the controller as described above.

Once you can see your CPqD connected to the controller, at the OSGI command line try
addMeter openflow:1

Once you’ve done that, use


• Accept: application/xml

• URL: "http://:8080/restconf/config/opendaylight-inventory:nodes/node/openflow:1/

• Note: :Provide the IP Address of the machine on which the controller is running.

Before attempting to PUT a meter you have created via addMeter, please
change its URL and body to, for example, use meter 1 instead of meter 2 or
another Meter Id, so you don’t collide.

There are several test command providers and the one handling Meter is
OpenflowpluginMeterTestCommandProvider. Methods, which can be used as
commands in OSGI-console have prefix _. Examples: addMeter, modifyMeter
and removeMeter.

Example Meter
Examples for XML for various Meter Types can be found in the test-scripts bundle of the
plugin code with names m1.xml, m2.xml and m3.xml.

This page contains high level detail about the statistics collection mechanism in new
OpenFlow plugin.

Statistics collection in new OpenFlow plugin

New OpenFlow plugin collects following statistics from OpenFlow enabled node(switch):

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

1. Individual Flow Statistics

2. Aggregate Flow Statistics

3. Flow Table Statistics

4. Port Statistics

5. Group Description

6. Group Statistics

7. Meter Configuration

8. Meter Statistics

9. Queue Statistics

10.Node Description

11.Flow Table Features

12.Port Description

13.Group Features

14.Meter Features

At a high level statistics collection mechanism is divided into following three parts

1. Statistics related YANG models, service APIs and notification interfaces are defined in the

2. Service APIs (RPCs) defined in yang models are implemented by OpenFlow plugin.
Notification interfaces are wired up by OpenFlow plugin to MD-SAL.

3. Statistics Manager Module: This module use service APIs implemented by OpenFlow
plugin to send statistics requests to all the connected OpenFlow enabled nodes. Module
also implements notification interfaces to receive statistics response from nodes. Once
it receives statistics response, it augment all the statistics data to the relevant element
of the node (like node-connector, flow, table,group, meter) and store it in MD-SAL
operational data store.

Details of statistics collection

• Current implementation collects above mentioned statistics (except 10-14) at a periodic
interval of 15 seconds.

• Statistics mentioned in 10 to 14 are only fetched when any node connects to the
controller because these statistics are just static details about the respective elements.

• Whenever any new element is added to node (like flow, group, meter, queue) it sends
statistics request immediately to fetch the latest statistics and store it in the operational
data store.

• Whenever any element is deleted from the node, it immediately remove the relevant
statistics from operational data store.

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

• Statistics data are augmented to their respective element stored in the configuration
data store. E.g Controller installed flows are stored in configuration data store.
Whenever Statistics Manager receive statistics data related to these flow, it search
the corresponding flow in the configuration data store and augment statistics in the
corresponding location in operational data store. Similar approach is used for other
elements of the node.

• Statistics Manager stores flow statistics as an unaccounted flow statistics in operational

data store if there is no corresponding flow exist in configuration data store. ID format
of unaccounted flow statistics is as follows - [#UF$TABLE**Unaccounted-flow-count - e.g

• All the unaccounted flows will be cleaned up periodically after every two cycle of flow
statistics collection, given that there is no update for these flows in the last two cycles.

• Statistics Manager only entertains statistics response for the request sent by itself. User
can write its own statistics collector using the statistics service APIs and notification
defined in yang models, it won’t effect the functioning of Statistics Manager.

• OpenFlow 1.0 don’t have concept of Meter and Group, so Statistics Manager don’t send
any group & meter related statistics request to OpenFlow 1.0 enabled switch.

RESTCONF Uris to access statistics of various node elements

• Aggregate Flow Statistics & Flow Table Statistics
GET http://<controller-ip>:8080/restconf/operational/opendaylight-

• Individual Flow Statistics from specific table

GET http://<controller-ip>:8080/restconf/operational/opendaylight-

• Group Features & Meter Features Statistics

GET http://<controller-ip>:8080/restconf/operational/opendaylight-

• Group Description & Group Statistics

GET http://<controller-ip>:8080/restconf/operational/opendaylight-

• Meter Configuration & Meter Statistics

GET http://<controller-ip>:8080/restconf/operational/opendaylight-

• Node Connector Statistics

GET http://<controller-ip>:8080/restconf/operational/opendaylight-

• Queue Statistics
GET http://<controller-ip>:8080/restconf/operational/opendaylight-

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

For more details and queuries, please send mail to openflowplugin-
dev@lists.opendaylight.org or avishnoi@in.ibm.com If you want to report any bug in
statistics collection, please use bugzilla.

Web / Graphical Interface

In the Hydrogen & Helium release, the current Web UI does not support the new OpenFlow
1.3 constructs such as groups, meters, new fields in the flows, multiple flow tables, etc.

Command Line Interface

The following is not exactly CLI - just a set of test commands which can be executed on the
OSGI console testing various features in OpenFlow 1.3 spec.

• OSGI Console Test Provider Commands: Flows

• OSGI Console Test Provider Commands: Groups

• OSGI Console Test Provider Commands: Meters

• OSGI Console Test Provider Commands: Topology Events

Flows : Test Provider

Currently, the openflowplugin has a test-provider that allows you to push various flows
through the system from the OSGI command line. Once those flows have been pushed
through, you can see them as examples and then use them to see in the config what a
particular flow example looks like.

AddFlow : addMDFlow
Run the controller by executing:
cd openflowplugin/distribution/base/target/distributions-openflowplugin-

Point your mininet to the controller by giving the parameters --controller=remote,ip=.

Once you see your node (probably openflow:1 if you’ve been following along) in the
inventory, at the OSGI command line try running:
addMDFlow openflow:1 f#

Where # is a number between 1 and 80 and openflow:1 is the of the switch. This will create
one of 80 possible flows. You can confirm that they were created on the switch.

RemoveFlow : removeMDFlow
Similar to addMDFlow, from the controller OSGi prompt, while your switch is connected to
the controller, try running:

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

removeMDFlow openflow:1 f#

where # is a number between 1 and 80 and openflow:1 is the of the switch. The flow to be
deleted should have same flowid and Nodeid as used for flow add.

ModifyFlow : modifyMDFlow
Similar to addMDFlow, from the controller OSGi prompt, while your switch is connected to
the controller, try running:
modifyMDFlow openflow:1 f#

where # is a number between 1 and 80 and openflow:1 is the of the switch. The flow to be
deleted should have same flowid and Nodeid as used for flow add.

Group : Test Provider

Currently, the openflowplugin has a test-provider that allows you to push various flows
through the system from the OSGI command line. Once those flows have been pushed
through, you can see them as examples and then use them to see in the config what a
particular flow example looks like.

AddGroup : addGroup
Run the controller by executing:
cd openflowplugin/distribution/base/target/distributions-openflowplugin-

Point your mininet to the controller by giving the parameters --controller=remote,ip=.

Once you see your node (probably openflow:1 if you’ve been following along) in the
inventory, at the OSGI command line try running:
addGroup openflow:1 a# g#

Where # is a number between 1 and 4 for grouptype(g#) and 1 and 28 for actiontype(a#).
You can confirm that they were created on the switch.

RemoveGroup : removeGroup
Run the controller by executing:
cd openflowplugin/distribution/base/target/distributions-openflowplugin-

Point your mininet at the controller as described above.

Once you see your node (probably openflow:1 if you’ve been following along) in the
inventory, at the OSGI command line try running:
removeGroup openflow:1 a# g#

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

Where # is a number between 1 and 4 for grouptype(g#) and 1 and 28 for actiontype(a#).
GroupId should be same as that used for adding the flow. You can confirm that it was
removed from the switch.

ModifyGroup : modifyGroup
Run the controller by executing:
cd openflowplugin/distribution/base/target/distributions-openflowplugin-

Point your mininet at the controller as described above.

Once you see your node (probably openflow:1 if you’ve been following along) in the
inventory, at the OSGI command line try running:
modifyGroup openflow:1 a# g#

Where # is a number between 1 and 4 for grouptype(g#) and 1 and 28 for actiontype(a#).
GroupId should be same as that used for adding the flow. You can confirm that it was
modified on the switch.

Meters : Test Provider

Currently, the openflowplugin has a test-provider that allows you to push various flows
through the system from the OSGI command line. Once those flows have been pushed
through, you can see them as examples and then use them to see in the config what a
particular flow example looks like.

AddMeter : addMeter
Run the controller by executing:
cd openflowplugin/distribution/base/target/distributions-openflowplugin-

Point your mininet to the controller by giving the parameters --controller=remote,ip=.

Once you see your node (probably openflow:1 if you’ve been following along) in the
inventory, at the OSGI command line try running:
addMeter openflow:1

You can now confirm that meter has been created on the switch.

RemoveMeter : removeMeter
Run the controller by executing:
cd openflowplugin/distribution/base/target/distributions-openflowplugin-

Point your mininet to the controller by giving the parameters --controller=remote,ip=.

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

Once you see your node (probably openflow:1 if you’ve been following along) in the
inventory, at the OSGI command line try running:
removeMeter openflow:1

The CLI takes care of using the same meterId and nodeId as used for meter add. You can
confirm that it was removed from the switch.

ModifyMeter : modifyMeter
Run the controller by executing:
cd openflowplugin/distribution/base/target/distributions-openflowplugin-

Point your mininet to the controller by giving the parameters --controller=remote,ip=.

Once you see your node (probably openflow:1 if you’ve been following along) in the
inventory, at the OSGI command line try running:
modifyMeter openflow:1

The CLI takes care of using the same meterId and nodeId as used for meter add. You can
confirm that it was modified on the switch.

Topology : Notification
Currently, the openflowplugin has a test-provider that allows you to get notifications for
the topology related events like Link-Discovered , Link-Removed events.

Link Discovered Event : Testing

Run the controller by executing:
cd openflowplugin/distribution/base/target/distributions-openflowplugin-

Point your mininet to the controller by giving the parameters --controller=remote,ip=. Once
the controller is connected to the switch, Link-Discovered event can be tested by initially
configuring the specific flows on the switch. For Link Discovered event either table-miss
flow or LLDP ether-type flow can be configured.

Configuring Table-Miss flow using OpenflowpluginTestCommandProvider

addMDFlow Openflow:1 fTM

as per this OpenDaylight_OpenFlow_Plugin:Test_Provider#Flows_:_Test_Provider[link]. fTM

is the table-miss scenario here.

Once the table-miss flow is configured through above command, we can see the Link-
Discovered event in the debug logs on the controller console.

Configuring LLDP ether-type flow using OpenflowpluginTestCommandProvider

addMDFlow Openflow:1 0(table-id) f81

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

You can confirm that they were created on the switch.

Once the LLDP ether-type flow is configured through above command, we can see the Link-
Discovered event in the debug logs on the controller console.

Link Removed Event : Testing

Having configured either table-miss or lldp ether-type flow on switch, once the switch is
disconnected we see the Link-Removed event

Programmatic Interface
The API is documented in the model documentation under the section OpenFlow Services

• Models Documentation (OpenFlow Services Section)

Example flows
The flow examples on this page are tested to work with OVS.

Use, for example, POSTMAN with the following parameters:

PUT http://<ctrl-addr>:8080/restconf/config/opendaylight-inventory:nodes/node/

- Accept: application/xml
- Content-Type: application/xml

For example:
PUT http://localhost:8080/restconf/config/opendaylight-inventory:nodes/node/

Make sure that the Table-# and Flow-# in the URL and in the XML match.

The format of the flow-programming XML is determined by by the grouping flow in the
opendaylight-flow-types yang model: MISSING LINK.

Match Examples
The format of the XML that describes OpenFlow matches is determined by the
opendaylight-match-types yang model: .

The RESTCONF documentation for the match-types yang model can be found at

IPv4 Dest Address

• Flow=124, Table=2, Priority=2, Instructions=\{Apply_Actions={dec_nw_ttl}}, match=

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

• Note that ethernet-type MUST be 2048 (0x800)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>

<flow xmlns="urn:opendaylight:flow:inventory">

Ethernet Src Address

• Flow=126, Table=2, Priority=2, Instructions=\{Apply_Actions={drop}}, match=

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>

<flow xmlns="urn:opendaylight:flow:inventory">

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium


Ethernet Src & Dest Addresses, Ethernet Type

• Flow=127, Table=2, Priority=2, Instructions=\{Apply_Actions={drop}}, match=
\{ethernet-source=00:00:00:00:23:ae, ethernet-destination=ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff, ethernet-

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>

<flow xmlns="urn:opendaylight:flow:inventory">

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

Ethernet Src & Dest Addresses, IPv4 Src & Dest Addresses, Input Port
• Note that ethernet-type MUST be 34887 (0x8847)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>

<flow xmlns="urn:opendaylight:flow:inventory">

Ethernet Src & Dest Addresses, IPv4 Src & Dest Addresses, IP
Protocol #, IP DSCP, IP ECN, Input Port

• Note that ethernet-type MUST be 2048 (0x800)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>

<flow xmlns="urn:opendaylight:flow:inventory">

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium


Ethernet Src & Dest Addresses, IPv4 Src & Dest Addresses, TCP Src &
Dest Ports, IP DSCP, IP ECN, Input Port

• Note that ethernet-type MUST be 2048 (0x800)

• Note that IP Protocol Type MUST be 6

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>

<flow xmlns="urn:opendaylight:flow:inventory">

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium


Ethernet Src & Dest Addresses, IPv4 Src & Dest Addresses, UDP Src &
Dest Ports, IP DSCP, IP ECN, Input Port

• Note that ethernet-type MUST be 2048 (0x800)

• Note that IP Protocol Type MUST be 17

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<flow xmlns="urn:opendaylight:flow:inventory">

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium


Ethernet Src & Dest Addresses, IPv4 Src & Dest Addresses, ICMPv4
Type & Code, IP DSCP, IP ECN, Input Port

• Note that ethernet-type MUST be 2048 (0x800)

• Note that IP Protocol Type MUST be 1

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<flow xmlns="urn:opendaylight:flow:inventory">

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium


Ethernet Src & Dest Addresses, ARP Operation, ARP Src & Target
Transport Addresses, ARP Src & Target Hw Addresses

• Note that ethernet-type MUST be 2054 (0x806)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<flow xmlns="urn:opendaylight:flow:inventory">

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium


Ethernet Src & Dest Addresses, Ethernet Type, VLAN ID, VLAN PCP
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<flow xmlns="urn:opendaylight:flow:inventory">

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium


Ethernet Src & Dest Addresses, MPLS Label, MPLS TC, MPLS BoS
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<flow xmlns="urn:opendaylight:flow:inventory">

IPv6 Src & Dest Addresses

• Note that ethernet-type MUST be 34525

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>

<flow xmlns="urn:opendaylight:flow:inventory">

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<flow xmlns="urn:opendaylight:flow:inventory">

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium


Metadata, Metadata Mask

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<flow xmlns="urn:opendaylight:flow:inventory">

IPv6 Src & Dest Addresses, Metadata, IP DSCP, IP ECN, UDP Src & Dest
• Note that ethernet-type MUST be 34525
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<flow xmlns="urn:opendaylight:flow:inventory">

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium


IPv6 Src & Dest Addresses, Metadata, IP DSCP, IP ECN, TCP Src & Dest
• Note that ethernet-type MUST be 34525

• Note that IP Protocol MUST be 6

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>

<flow xmlns="urn:opendaylight:flow:inventory">

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium


IPv6 Src & Dest Addresses, Metadata, IP DSCP, IP ECN, TCP Src & Dest
Ports, IPv6 Label
• Note that ethernet-type MUST be 34525

• Note that IP Protocol MUST be 6

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>

<flow xmlns="urn:opendaylight:flow:inventory">

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium


Tunnel ID
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<flow xmlns="urn:opendaylight:flow:inventory">

IPv6 Src & Dest Addresses, Metadata, IP DSCP, IP ECN, ICMPv6 Type &
Code, IPv6 Label
• Note that ethernet-type MUST be 34525

• Note that IP Protocol MUST be 58

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<flow xmlns="urn:opendaylight:flow:inventory">

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium


IPv6 Src & Dest Addresses, Metadata, IP DSCP, IP ECN, TCP Src & Dst
Ports, IPv6 Label, IPv6 Ext Header
• Note that ethernet-type MUST be 34525

• Note that IP Protocol MUST be 58

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>

<flow xmlns="urn:opendaylight:flow:inventory">

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium


The format of the XML that describes OpenFlow actions is determined by the opendaylight-
action-types yang model: .

The RESTCONF documentation for the match-types yang model can be found at

Apply Actions
Output to TABLE
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<flow xmlns="urn:opendaylight:flow:inventory">

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium


Output to INPORT
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<flow xmlns="urn:opendaylight:flow:inventory">

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

7 </apply-actions>

Output to Physical Port

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<flow xmlns="urn:opendaylight:flow:inventory">

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium


Output to LOCAL
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<flow xmlns="urn:opendaylight:flow:inventory">

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium


Output to NORMAL
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<flow xmlns="urn:opendaylight:flow:inventory">

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium


Output to FLOOD
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<flow xmlns="urn:opendaylight:flow:inventory">

Output to ALL
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<flow xmlns="urn:opendaylight:flow:inventory">

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<flow xmlns="urn:opendaylight:flow:inventory">

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium


Output to ANY
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<flow xmlns="urn:opendaylight:flow:inventory">

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<flow xmlns="urn:opendaylight:flow:inventory">

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>

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• Note that ethernet-type MUST be 34887

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>


OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium


• Note that ethernet-type MUST be 34887

• Issue with OVS 2.1 OVS fix

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>


OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium


Opendaylight OpenFlow Plugin: Troubleshooting

empty section

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

22. OpFlex agent-ovs User Guide

Table of Contents
Introduction ................................................................................................................ 222
Agent Configuration ................................................................................................... 222
Endpoint Registration .................................................................................................. 224
Inspector ..................................................................................................................... 226

agent-ovs is a policy agent that works with OVS to enforce a group-based policy
networking model with locally attached virtual machines or containers. The policy agent is
designed to work well with orchestration tools like OpenStack.

Agent Configuration
The agent configuration is handled using its config file which is by default found at "/etc/

Here is an example configuration file that documents the available options:

// Logging configuration
// "log": {
// "level": "info"
// },

// Configuration related to the OpFlex protocol

"opflex": {
// The policy domain for this agent.
"domain": "openstack",

// The unique name in the policy domain for this agent.

"name": "example-agent",

// a list of peers to connect to, by hostname and port. One

// peer, or an anycast pseudo-peer, is sufficient to bootstrap
// the connection without needing an exhaustive list of all
// peers.
"peers": [
{"hostname": "", "port": 8009}

"ssl": {
// SSL mode. Possible values:
// disabled: communicate without encryption
// encrypted: encrypt but do not verify peers
// secure: encrypt and verify peer certificates
"mode": "disabled",

// The path to a directory containing trusted certificate

// authority public certificates, or a file containing a

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

// specific CA certificate.
"ca-store": "/etc/ssl/certs/"

"inspector": {
// Enable the MODB inspector service, which allows
// inspecting the state of the managed object database.
// Default: enabled
"enabled": true,

// Listen on the specified socket for the inspector

// Default /var/run/opflex-agent-ovs-inspect.sock
"socket-name": "/var/run/opflex-agent-ovs-inspect.sock"

// Endpoint sources provide metadata about local endpoints

"endpoint-sources": {
// Filesystem path to monitor for endpoint information
"filesystem": ["/var/lib/opflex-agent-ovs/endpoints"]

// Renderers enforce policy obtained via OpFlex.

"renderers": {
// Stitched-mode renderer for interoperating with a
// hardware fabric such as ACI
"stitched-mode": {
"ovs-bridge-name": "br0",

// Set encapsulation type. Must set either vxlan or vlan.

"encap": {
// Encapsulate traffic with VXLAN.
"vxlan" : {
// The name of the tunnel interface in OVS
"encap-iface": "br0_vxlan0",

// The name of the interface whose IP should be used

// as the source IP in encapsulated traffic.
"uplink-iface": "eth0.4093",

// The vlan tag, if any, used on the uplink interface.

// Set to zero or omit if the uplink is untagged.
"uplink-vlan": 4093,

// The IP address used for the destination IP in

// the encapsulated traffic. This should be an
// anycast IP address understood by the upstream
// stiched-mode fabric.
"remote-ip": "",

// UDP port number of the encapsulated traffic.

"remote-port": 8472

// Encapsulate traffic with a locally-significant VLAN

// tag
// "vlan" : {
// // The name of the uplink interface in OVS

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

// "encap-iface": "team0"
// }

// Configure forwarding policy

"forwarding": {
// Configure the virtual distributed router
"virtual-router": {
// Enable virtual distributed router. Set to true
// to enable or false to disable. Default true.
"enabled": true,

// Override MAC address for virtual router.

// Default is "00:22:bd:f8:19:ff"
"mac": "00:22:bd:f8:19:ff",

// Configure IPv6-related settings for the virtual

// router
"ipv6" : {
// Send router advertisement messages in
// response to router solicitation requests as
// well as unsolicited advertisements. This
// is not required in stitched mode since the
// hardware router will send them.
"router-advertisement": true

// Configure virtual distributed DHCP server

"virtual-dhcp": {
// Enable virtual distributed DHCP server. Set to
// true to enable or false to disable. Default
// true.
"enabled": true,

// Override MAC address for virtual dhcp server.

// Default is "00:22:bd:f8:19:ff"
"mac": "00:22:bd:f8:19:ff"

"endpoint-advertisements": {
// Enable generation of periodic ARP/NDP
// advertisements for endpoints. Default true.
"enabled": "true"

// Location to store cached IDs for managing flow state

"flowid-cache-dir": "/var/lib/opflex-agent-ovs/ids"

Endpoint Registration
The agent learns about endpoints using endpoint metadata files located by default in "/

These are JSON-format files such as the (unusually complex) example below:

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

"uuid": "83f18f0b-80f7-46e2-b06c-4d9487b0c754",
"policy-space-name": "test",
"endpoint-group-name": "group1",
"interface-name": "veth0",
"ip": [
"", "fd8f:69d8:c12c:ca62::1"
"dhcp4": {
"ip": "",
"prefix-len": 24,
"routers": [""],
"dns-servers": ["", ""],
"domain": "example.com",
"static-routes": [
"dest": "",
"dest-prefix": 24,
"next-hop": ""
"dhcp6": {
"dns-servers": ["2001:4860:4860::8888", "2001:4860:4860::8844"],
"search-list": ["test1.example.com", "example.com"]
"ip-address-mapping": [
"uuid": "91c5b217-d244-432c-922d-533c6c036ab4",
"floating-ip": "",
"mapped-ip": "",
"policy-space-name": "common",
"endpoint-group-name": "nat-epg"
"uuid": "22bfdc01-a390-4b6f-9b10-624d4ccb957b",
"floating-ip": "fdf1:9f86:d1af:6cc9::1",
"mapped-ip": "fd8f:69d8:c12c:ca62::1",
"policy-space-name": "common",
"endpoint-group-name": "nat-epg"
"mac": "00:00:00:00:00:01",
"promiscuous-mode": false

The possible parameters for these files are:

uuid A globally unique ID for the endpoint

endpoint-group-name The name of the endpoint group for the endpoint

policy-space-name The name of the policy space for the endpoint group.

interface-name The name of the OVS interface to which the endpoint is


ip A list of strings contains either IPv4 or IPv6 addresses that the

endpoint is allowed to use

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

mac The MAC address for the endpoint’s interface.

promiscuous-mode Allow traffic from this VM to bypass default port security

dhcp4 A distributed DHCPv4 configuration block (see below)

dhcp6 A distributed DHCPv6 configuration block (see below)

ip-address-mapping A list of IP address mapping configuration blocks (see below)

DHCPv4 configuration blocks can contain the following parameters:

ip the IP address to return with DHCP. Must be one of the configured IPv4

prefix the subnet prefix length

routers a list of default gateways for the endpoint

dns a list of DNS server addresses

domain The domain name parameter to send in the DHCP reply

static-routes A list of static route configuration blocks, which contains a "dest", "dest-
prefix", and "next-hop" parameters to send as static routes to the end

DHCPv6 configuration blocks can contain the following parameters:

dns A list of DNS servers for the endpoint

search-patch The DNS search path for the endpoint

IP address mapping configuration blocks can contain the following parameters:

uuid a globally unique ID for the virtual endpoint created by the


floating-ip Map using DNAT to this floating IPv4 or IPv6 address

mapped-ip the source IPv4 or IPv6 address; must be one of the IPs
assigned to the endpoint.

endpoint-group-name The name of the endpoint group for the NATed IP

policy-space-name The name of the policy space for the NATed IP

The Opflex inspector is a useful command-line tool that will allow you to inspect the state
of the managed object database for the agent for debugging and diagnosis purposes.

The command is called "gbp_inspect" and takes the following arguments:

# gbp_inspect -h

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

Usage: ./gbp_inspect [options]

Allowed options:
-h [ --help ] Print this help message
--log arg Log to the specified file (default
standard out)
--level arg (=warning) Use the specified log level (default
--syslog Log to syslog instead of file or
standard out
--socket arg (=/usr/local/var/run/opflex-agent-ovs-inspect.sock)
Connect to the specified UNIX domain
socket (default /usr/local/var/run/
-q [ --query ] arg Query for a specific object with
subjectname,uri or all objects of a
specific type with subjectname
-r [ --recursive ] Retrieve the whole subtree for each
returned object
-f [ --follow-refs ] Follow references in returned objects
--load arg Load managed objects from the
file into the MODB view
-o [ --output ] arg Output the results to the specified
file (default standard out)
-t [ --type ] arg (=tree) Specify the output format: tree, list,
or dump (default tree)
-p [ --props ] Include object properties in output

Here are some examples of the ways to use this tool.

You can get information about the running system using one or more queries, which
consist of an object model class name and optionally the URI of a specific object. The
simplest query is to get a single object, nonrecursively:
# gbp_inspect -q DmtreeRoot
--* DmtreeRoot,/
# gbp_inspect -q GbpEpGroup
--* GbpEpGroup,/PolicyUniverse/PolicySpace/common/GbpEpGroup/nat-epg/
--* GbpEpGroup,/PolicyUniverse/PolicySpace/test/GbpEpGroup/group1/
# gbp_inspect -q GbpEpGroup,/PolicyUniverse/PolicySpace/common/GbpEpGroup/nat-
--* GbpEpGroup,/PolicyUniverse/PolicySpace/common/GbpEpGroup/nat-epg/

You can also display all the properties for each object:
# gbp_inspect -p -q GbpeL24Classifier
--* GbpeL24Classifier,/PolicyUniverse/PolicySpace/test/GbpeL24Classifier/
connectionTracking : 1 (reflexive)
dFromPort : 80
dToPort : 80
etherT : 2048 (ipv4)
name : classifier4
prot : 6
--* GbpeL24Classifier,/PolicyUniverse/PolicySpace/test/GbpeL24Classifier/

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

etherT : 34525 (ipv6)

name : classifier3
order : 100
prot : 58
--* GbpeL24Classifier,/PolicyUniverse/PolicySpace/test/GbpeL24Classifier/
etherT : 2048 (ipv4)
name : classifier2
order : 101
prot : 1

You can also request to get the all the children of an object you query for:
# gbp_inspect -r -q GbpEpGroup,/PolicyUniverse/PolicySpace/common/GbpEpGroup/
--* GbpEpGroup,/PolicyUniverse/PolicySpace/common/GbpEpGroup/nat-epg/
|-* GbpeInstContext,/PolicyUniverse/PolicySpace/common/GbpEpGroup/nat-epg/
`-* GbpEpGroupToNetworkRSrc,/PolicyUniverse/PolicySpace/common/GbpEpGroup/

You can also follow references found in any object downloads:

# gbp_inspect -fr -q GbpEpGroup,/PolicyUniverse/PolicySpace/common/GbpEpGroup/
--* GbpEpGroup,/PolicyUniverse/PolicySpace/common/GbpEpGroup/nat-epg/
|-* GbpeInstContext,/PolicyUniverse/PolicySpace/common/GbpEpGroup/nat-epg/
`-* GbpEpGroupToNetworkRSrc,/PolicyUniverse/PolicySpace/common/GbpEpGroup/
--* GbpFloodDomain,/PolicyUniverse/PolicySpace/common/GbpFloodDomain/fd_ext/
`-* GbpFloodDomainToNetworkRSrc,/PolicyUniverse/PolicySpace/common/
--* GbpBridgeDomain,/PolicyUniverse/PolicySpace/common/GbpBridgeDomain/bd_ext/
`-* GbpBridgeDomainToNetworkRSrc,/PolicyUniverse/PolicySpace/common/
--* GbpRoutingDomain,/PolicyUniverse/PolicySpace/common/GbpRoutingDomain/
|-* GbpRoutingDomainToIntSubnetsRSrc,/PolicyUniverse/PolicySpace/common/
`-* GbpForwardingBehavioralGroupToSubnetsRSrc,/PolicyUniverse/PolicySpace/
--* GbpSubnets,/PolicyUniverse/PolicySpace/common/GbpSubnets/subnets_ext/
|-* GbpSubnet,/PolicyUniverse/PolicySpace/common/GbpSubnets/subnets_ext/
`-* GbpSubnet,/PolicyUniverse/PolicySpace/common/GbpSubnets/subnets_ext/

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

23. PCEP User Guide

Table of Contents
Overview ..................................................................................................................... 229
Configuring PCEP ......................................................................................................... 229

The OpenDaylight Karaf distribution comes preconfigured with baseline PCEP

• 32-pcep.xml (basic PCEP configuration, including session parameters)

• 39-pcep-provider.xml (configuring for PCEP provider)

Configuring PCEP
The default shipped configuration will start a PCE server on You can change
this behavior in 39-pcep-provider.xml:
<type xmlns:prefix=

• listen-address - adress on which PCE will be started and listen

• listen-port - port on which the address will be started and listen

PCEP default configuration is set to conform stateful PCEP extension:

draft-ietf-pce-stateful-pce - in versions 02 and 07

PCEP Segment Routing

Conforms draft-eitf-pce-segment-routing - PCEP extension for Segment Routing

The default configuration file is located in etc/opendaylight/karaf.

• 33-pcep-segment-routing.xml - You don’t need to edit this file.

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

24. PacketCable User Guide

Table of Contents
Overview ..................................................................................................................... 230
PacketCable Components ............................................................................................ 230
Installing PacketCable .................................................................................................. 230
Explore and exercise the PacketCable REST API ............................................................ 230
Postman ...................................................................................................................... 231

These components introduce a DOCSIS QoS Gates management using the PCMM protocol.
The driver component is responsible for the PCMM/COPS/PDP functionality required to
service requests from PacketCable Provider and FlowManager. Requests are transposed
into PCMM Gate Control messages and transmitted via COPS to the CMTS. This plugin
adheres to the PCMM/COPS/PDP functionality defined in the CableLabs specification.
PacketCable solution is an MDSAL compliant component.

PacketCable Components
PacketCable is comprised of two OpenDaylight bundles:
Bundle Description
odl-packetcable-policy-server Plugin that provides PCMM model implementation based
on CMTS structure and COPS protocol.
odl-packetcable-policy-model The Model provided provides a direct mapping to the
underlying QoS Gates of CMTS.

See the PacketCable YANG Models.

Installing PacketCable
To install PacketCable, run the following feature:install command from the Karaf CLI
feature:install odl-packetcable-policy-server-all odl-restconf odl-mdsal-

Explore and exercise the PacketCable REST API

To see the PacketCable APIs, browse to this URL: http://localhost:8181/apidoc/explorer/

Replace localhost with the IP address or hostname where OpenDaylight is running if you
are not running OpenDaylight locally on your machine.

Prior to setting any PCMM gates, a CCAP must first be added.

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

Install the Chrome extension

Download and import sample packetcable collection

Figure 24.1. Postman Operations

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

25. Service Function Chaining

Table of Contents
OpenDaylight Service Function Chaining (SFC) Overiew ................................................ 232
SFC User Interface ....................................................................................................... 233
SFC Southbound REST Plugin ....................................................................................... 233
SFC-OVS integration .................................................................................................... 235
SFC Classifier User Guide ............................................................................................. 237
SFC OpenFlow Layer 2 Renderer User Guide ................................................................ 239
Service Function Scheduling Algorithms ....................................................................... 249
Service Function Load Balancing User Guide ................................................................ 261

OpenDaylight Service Function Chaining (SFC)

OpenDaylight Service Function Chaining (SFC) provides the ability to define an ordered
list of a network services (e.g. firewalls, load balancers). These service are then "stitched"
together in the network to create a service chain. This project provides the infrastructure
(chaining logic, APIs) needed for ODL to provision a service chain in the network and an
end-user application for defining such chains.

List of acronyms:

• ACE - Access Control Entry

• ACL - Access Control List

• SCF - Service Classifier Function

• SF - Service Function

• SFC - Service Function Chain

• SFF - Service Function Forwarder

• SFG - Service Function Group

• SFP - Service Function Path

• RSP - Rendered Service Path

• NSH - Network Service Header

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

SFC User Interface

SFC User Interface (SFC-UI) is based on Dlux project. It provides an easy way to create, read,
update and delete configuration stored in Datastore. Moreover, it shows the status of all
SFC features (e.g installed, uninstalled) and Karaf log messages as well.

SFC-UI Architecture
SFC-UI operates purely by using RESTCONF.

Figure 25.1. SFC-UI integration into ODL

Configuring SFC-UI
Configuration steps

1. Run ODL distribution (run karaf)

2. In karaf console execute: feature:install odl-sfc-ui

3. Visit SFC-UI on: http://<odl_ip_address>:8181/sfc/index.html

SFC Southbound REST Plugin

The Southbound REST Plugin is used to send configuration from DataStore down to
network devices supporting a REST API (i.e. they have a configured REST URI). It supports
POST/PUT/DELETE operations, which are triggered accordingly by changes in the SFC data

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

In its current state it listens to changes in these SFC data stores:

• Access Control List (ACL)

• Service Classifier Function (SCF)

• Service Function (SF)

• Service Function Group (SFG)

• Service Function Schedule Type (SFST)

• Service Function Forwader (SFF)

• Rendered Service Path (RSP)

Southbound REST Plugin Architecture

From the user perspective, the REST plugin is another SFC Southbound plugin used to
communicate with network devices.

Figure 25.2. Soutbound REST Plugin integration into ODL

Configuring Southbound REST Plugin

Configuration steps:
1. Run ODL distribution (run karaf)

2. In karaf console execute: feature:install odl-sfc-sb-rest

3. Configure REST URIs for SF/SFF through SFC User Interface or RESTCONF (required
configuration steps can be found in the tutorial stated bellow)

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

Comprehensive tutorial on how to use the Southbound REST Plugin and how to
control network devices with it can be found on: https://wiki.opendaylight.org/view/

SFC-OVS integration
SFC-OVS provides integration of SFC with Open vSwitch (OVS) devices. Integration is
realized through mapping of SFC objects (like SF, SFF, Classifier, etc.) to OVS objects
(like Bridge, TerminationPoint=Port/Interface). The mapping takes care of automatic
instantiation (setup) of corresponding object whenever its counterpart is created. For
example, when a new SFF is created, the SFC-OVS plugin will create a new OVS bridge and
when a new OVS Bridge is created, the SFC-OVS plugin will create a new SFF.

The feature is intended for SFC users willing to use Open vSwitch as underlying network
infrastructure for deploying RSPs (Rendered Service Paths).

SFC-OVS Architecture
SFC-OVS uses the OVSDB MD-SAL Southbound API for getting/writing information from/to
OVS devices. From the user perspective SFC-OVS acts as a layer between SFC DataStore and

Figure 25.3. SFC-OVS integration into ODL

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

Configuring SFC-OVS
Configuration steps:
1. Run ODL distribution (run karaf)

2. In karaf console execute: feature:install odl-sfc-ovs

3. Configure Open vSwitch to use ODL as a manager, using following command: ovs-
vsctl set-manager tcp:<odl_ip_address>:6640

Verifying mapping from OVS to SFF
This tutorial shows the usual workflow when OVS configuration is transformed to
corresponding SFC objects (in this case SFF).

• Open vSwitch installed (ovs-vsctl command available in shell)

• SFC-OVS feature configured as stated above


In shell execute:
1. ovs-vsctl set-manager tcp:<odl_ip_address>:6640

2. ovs-vsctl add-br br1

3. ovs-vsctl add-port br1 testPort


There are two possible ways to verify if SFF was created:

a. visit SFC User Interface: http://<odl_ip_address>:8181/sfc/index.html#/

b. use pure RESTCONF and send GET request to URL: http://


There should be SFF, which name will be ending with br1 and the SFF should containt two
DataPlane locators: br1 and testPort.

Verifying mapping from SFF to OVS

This tutorial shows the usual workflow during creation of OVS Bridge with use of SFC APIs.

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

• Open vSwitch installed (ovs-vsctl command available in shell)

• SFC-OVS feature configured as stated above


1. In shell execute: ovs-vsctl set-manager tcp:<odl_ip_address>:6640

2. Send POST request to URL: http://<odl_ip_address>:8181/restconf/

operations/service-function-forwarder-ovs:create-ovs-bridge Use
Basic auth with credentials: "admin", "admin" and set Content-Type: application/
json. The content of POST request should be following:
"name": "br-test",
"ovs-node": {
"ip": "<Open_vSwitch_ip_address>"

Open_vSwitch_ip_address is IP address of machine, where Open vSwitch is installed.

In shell execute: ovs-vsctl show. There should be Bridge with name br-test and one
port/interface called br-test.

Also, corresponding SFF for this OVS Bridge should be configured, which can be verified
through SFC User Interface or RESTCONF as stated in previous tutorial.

SFC Classifier User Guide

Description of classifier can be found in: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-sfc-

There are two types of classifier:

1. OpenFlow Classifier

2. Iptables Classifier

OpenFlow Classifier
OpenFlow Classifier implements the classification criteria based on OpenFlow rules
deployed into an OpenFlow switch. An Open vSwitch will take the role of a classifier
and performs various encapsulations such NSH, VLAN, MPLS, etc. In the existing

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

implementation, classifier can support NSH encapsulation. Matching information is based

on ACL for MAC addresses, ports, protocol, IPv4 and IPv6. Supported protocols are TCP,
UDP and SCTP. Actions information in the OF rules, shall be forwarding of the encapsulated
packets with specific information related to the RSP.

Classifier Architecture
The OVSDB Southbound interface is used to create an instance of a bridge in a specific
location (via IP address). This bridge contains the OpenFlow rules that perform the
classification of the packets and react accordingly. The OpenFlow Southbound interface is
used to translate the ACL information into OF rules within the Open vSwitch.

in order to create the instance of the bridge that takes the role of a classifier,
an "empty" SFF must be created.

Configuring Classifier
1. An empty SFF must be created in order to host the ACL that contains the classification

2. SFF data plane locator must be configured

3. Classifier interface must be mannually added to SFF bridge.

Administering or Managing Classifier

Classification information is based on MAC addresses, protocol, ports and IP. ACL gathers
this information and is assigned to an RSP which turns to be a specific path for a Service

Iptables Classifier
Classifier manages everything from starting the packet listener to creation (and removal)
of appropriate ip(6)tables rules and marking received packets accordingly. Its functionality
is available only on Linux as it leverdges NetfilterQueue, which provides access to packets
matched by an iptables rule. Classifier requires root privileges to be able to operate.

So far it is capable of processing ACL for MAC addresses, ports, IPv4 and IPv6. Supported
protocols are TCP and UDP.

Classifier Architecture
Python code located in the project repository sfc-py/common/classifier.py.

classifier assumes that Rendered Service Path (RSP) already exists in ODL when
an ACL referencing it is obtained

How it works:
1. sfc_agent receives an ACL and passes it for processing to the classifier

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

2. the RSP (its SFF locator) referenced by ACL is requested from ODL

3. if the RSP exists in the ODL then ACL based iptables rules for it are applied

After this process is over, every packet successfully matched to an iptables rule (i.e.
successfully classified) will be NSH encapsulated and forwarded to a related SFF, which
knows how to traverse the RSP.

Rules are created using appropriate iptables command. If the Access Control Entry (ACE)
rule is MAC address related both iptables and ip6tabeles rules re issued. If ACE rule is IPv4
address related, only iptables rules are issued, same for IPv6.

iptables raw table contains all created rules

Configuring Classifier
Classfier does’t need any configuration. Its only requirement is that the second (2) Netfilter
Queue is not used by any other process and is avalilable for the classifier.

Administering or Managing Classifier

Classfier runs alongside sfc_agent, therefore the commad for starting it locally is:
sudo python3.4 sfc-py/sfc_agent.py --rest --odl-ip-port localhost:8181 --auto-
sff-name --nfq-class

SFC OpenFlow Layer 2 Renderer User Guide

The Service Function Chaining (SFC) OpenFlow Layer 2 Renderer (SFCOFL2) implements
Service Chaining on OpenFlow switches. It listens for the creation of a Rendered Service
Path (RSP), and once received it programs Service Function Forwarders (SFF) that are
hosted on OpenFlow capable switches to steer packets through the service chain.

Common acronyms used in the following sections:

• SF - Service Function

• SFF - Service Function Forwarder

• SFC - Service Function Chain

• SFP - Service Function Path

• RSP - Rendered Service Path

SFC OpenFlow Renderer Architecture

The SFCOFL2 is invoked after a RSP is created using an MD-SAL listener called
SfcL2RspDataListener. Upon SFCOFL2 initialization, the SfcL2RspDataListener

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

registers itself to listen for RSP changes. When invoked, the SfcL2RspDataListener
processes the RSP and calls the SfcL2FlowProgrammerOFImpl to create the necessary
flows in the Service Function Forwarders configured in the RSP. Refer to the following
diagram for more details.

Figure 25.4. SFC OpenFlow Renderer High Level Architecture

SFC OpenFlow Switch Flow pipeline

The SFC OpenFlow Renderer uses the following tables for its Flow pipeline:

• Table 0, Transport Ingress

• Table 1, Path Mapper

• Table 2, Next Hop

• Table 10, Transport Egress

The OpenFlow Table Pipeline is intended to be generic to work for all of the different
encapsulations supported by SFC.

All of the tables are explained in detail in the following section.

The SFFs (SFF1 and SFF2), SFs (SF1), and topology used for the flow tables in the following
sections are as described in the following diagram.

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

Figure 25.5. SFC OpenFlow Renderer Typical Network Topology

Transport Ingress Table detailed

The Transport Ingress table has an entry per expected tunnel transport type to be received
in a particular SFF, as established in the SFC configuration.

Here is an example on SFF1, assuming VLAN is used for the SFF-SF, and the RSP tunnel is

Table 25.1. Table Transport Ingress

Priority Match Action
256 EtherType==0x8847 (MPLS unicast) Goto Table 1
256 EtherType==0x8100 (VLAN) Goto Table 1
5 Match Any Drop

Path Mapper Table detailed

The Path Mapper table has an entry per expected tunnel transport info to be received in a
particular SFF, as established in the SFC configuration. The tunnel transport info is used to
determine the RSP Path ID, and is stored in the OpenFlow Metadata.

Since most SF nodes wont support tunneling, the IP header DSCP field is used to store the
RSP Path Id. The RSP Path Id is written to the DSCP field in the Transport Egress table for
those packets sent to an SF.

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

Here is an example on SFF1, assuming the following details:

• VLAN ID 1000 is used for the SFF-SF

• The RSP Path 1 tunnel uses MPLS label 100 for ingress and 101 for egress

• The RSP Path 2 (symmetric downlink path) uses MPLS label 101 for ingress and 100 for

Table 25.2. Table Path Mapper

Priority Match Action
256 MPLS Label==100 RSP Path=1, Pop MPLS, Goto Table 2
256 MPLS Label==101 RSP Path=2, Pop MPLS, Goto Table 2
256 VLAN ID==1000, IP DSCP==1 RSP Path=1, Pop VLAN, Goto Table 2
256 VLAN ID==1000, IP DSCP==2 RSP Path=2, Pop VLAN, Goto Table 2
5 Match Any Drop

Next Hop Table detailed

The Next Hop table uses the RSP Path Id and source MAC address to determine the
destination MAC address.

Here is an example on SFF1, assuming SFF1 is connected to SFF2 and RSP Path 1 ingress
packets come from external to SFC, for which we don’t have the source MAC address

Table 25.3. Table Next Hop

Priority Match Action
256 RSP Path==1, MacSrc==SF1 MacDst=SFF2, Goto Table 10
256 RSP Path==2, MacSrc==SF1 Goto Table 10
256 RSP Path==2, MacSrc==SFF2 MacDst=SF1, Goto Table 10
246 RSP Path==1 MacDst=SF1, Goto Table 10
5 Match Any Drop

Transport Egress Table detailed

The Transport Egress table prepares egress tunnel information and sends the packets out.

Here is an example on SFF1, assuming VLAN is used for the SFF-SF, and the RSP tunnel is

Table 25.4. Table Transport Egress

Priority Match Action
256 RSP Path==1, MacDst==SF1 Push VLAN ID 1000, Port=SF1
256 RSP Path==1, MacDst==SFF2 Push MPLS Label 101, Port=SFF2
256 RSP Path==2, MacDst==SF1 Push VLAN ID 1000, Port=SF1
246 RSP Path==2 Push MPLS Label 100, Port=Ingress
5 Match Any Drop

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

Administering SFCOFL2
To use the SFC OpenFlow Renderer Karaf, at least the following Karaf features must be

• odl-openflowplugin-all

• odl-sfc-core (includes odl-sfc-provider and odl-sfc-model)

• odl-sfcofl2

• odl-sfc-ui (optional)

The following command can be used to view all of the currently installed Karaf features:

opendaylight-user@root>feature:list -i

Or, pipe the command to a grep to see a subset of the currently installed Karaf features:

opendaylight-user@root>feature:list -i | grep sfc

To install a particular feature, use the Karaf feature:install command.

SFCOFL2 Tutorial
The following Network Topology diagram shows how to configure SFC to create a Service

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

Figure 25.6. SFC OpenFlow Renderer Typical Network Topology

To use this example, SFF OpenFlow switches must be created and connected as illustrated
above. Additionally, The SFs must be created and connected to the SFFs.

Target Environment
The target environment is not important, but this use-case was created and only tested on

The steps to use this tutorial are as follows. The referenced configuration in the steps is
listed in the following sections.

There are numerous ways to send the configuration. The following configuration chapters,
the appropriate curl command is shown for each configuration to be sent, including the

Steps to configure the SFCOFL2 tutorial:

1. Send the SF RESTCONF configuration

2. Send the SFF RESTCONF configuration

3. Send the SFC RESTCONF configuration

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

4. Send the SFP RESTCONF configuration

5. Create the RSP with a RESTCONF RPC command

Once the configuration has been successfully created, query the Rendered Service Paths
with either the SFC UI or via RESTCONF. Notice that the RSP is symetrical, so the following 2
RSPs will be created:

• sfc-path1

• sfc-path1-Reverse

At this point the Service Chains have been created, and the OpenFlow Switches are
programmed to steer traffic through the Service Chain. Traffic can now be injected from a
client into the Service Chain. To debug problems, the OpenFlow tables can be dumped with
the following commands, assuming SFF1 is called s1 and SFF2 is called s2.
sudo ovs-ofctl -O OpenFlow13 dump-flows s1

sudo ovs-ofctl -O OpenFlow13 dump-flows s2

In all the following configuration sections, replace the ${JSON} string with the appropriate
JSON configuration. Also, change the localhost desintation in the URL accordingly.

Service Function configuration

The Service Function configuration can be sent with the following command:
curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Cache-Control: no-cache"
--data '${JSON}' -X PUT --user admin:admin http://localhost:8181/restconf/

SF configuration JSON.
"service-functions": {
"service-function": [
"name": "sf1",
"type": "service-function-type:http-header-enrichment",
"nsh-aware": false,
"ip-mgmt-address": "",
"sf-data-plane-locator": [
"name": "sf1-sff1",
"mac": "00:00:08:01:02:01",
"vlan-id": 1000,
"transport": "service-locator:mac",
"service-function-forwarder": "sff1"
"name": "sf2",
"type": "service-function-type:firewall",
"nsh-aware": false,
"ip-mgmt-address": "",
"sf-data-plane-locator": [
"name": "sf2-sff2",

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

"mac": "00:00:08:01:03:01",
"vlan-id": 2000,
"transport": "service-locator:mac",
"service-function-forwarder": "sff2"

Service Function Forwarder configuration

The Service Function Forwarder configuration can be sent with the following command:
curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Cache-Control: no-cache"
--data '${JSON}' -X PUT --user admin:admin http://localhost:8181/restconf/

SFF configuration JSON.

"service-function-forwarders": {
"service-function-forwarder": [
"name": "sff1",
"service-node": "openflow:2",
"sff-data-plane-locator": [
"name": "ulSff1Ingress",
"mpls-label": 100,
"transport": "service-locator:mpls"
"mac": "11:11:11:11:11:11",
"port-id" : "1"
"name": "ulSff1ToSff2",
"mpls-label": 101,
"transport": "service-locator:mpls"
"mac": "33:33:33:33:33:33",
"port-id" : "2"
"service-function-dictionary": [
"name": "sf1",
"type": "service-function-type:http-header-enrichment",

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

"mac": "22:22:22:22:22:22",
"vlan-id": 1000,
"transport": "service-locator:mac"
"port-id" : "3"
"name": "sff2",
"service-node": "openflow:3",
"sff-data-plane-locator": [
"name": "ulSff2Ingress",
"mpls-label": 101,
"transport": "service-locator:mpls"
"mac": "44:44:44:44:44:44",
"port-id" : "1"
"name": "ulSff2Egress",
"mpls-label": 102,
"transport": "service-locator:mpls"
"mac": "66:66:66:66:66:66",
"port-id" : "2"
"service-function-dictionary": [
"name": "sf2",
"type": "service-function-type:firewall",
"mac": "55:55:55:55:55:55",
"vlan-id": 2000,
"transport": "service-locator:mac"
"port-id" : "3"

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium


Service Function Chain configuration

The Service Function Chain configuration can be sent with the following command:

curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Cache-Control: no-cache"

--data '${JSON}' -X PUT --user admin:admin http://localhost:8181/restconf/

SFC configuration JSON.

"service-function-chains": {
"service-function-chain": [
"name": "sfc-chain1",
"symmetric": true,
"sfc-service-function": [
"name": "hdr-enrich-abstract1",
"type": "service-function-type:http-header-enrichment"
"name": "firewall-abstract1",
"type": "service-function-type:firewall"

Service Function Path configuration

The Service Function Path configuration can be sent with the following command:

curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Cache-Control: no-cache"

--data '${JSON}' -X PUT --user admin:admin http://localhost:8181/restconf/

SFP configuration JSON.

"service-function-paths": {
"service-function-path": [
"name": "sfc-path1",
"service-chain-name": "sfc-chain1",
"transport-type": "service-locator:mpls",
"symmetric": true

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

Rendered Service Path creation

curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" --
data '${JSON}' -X POST --user admin:admin http://localhost:8181/restconf/

RSP creation JSON.

"input": {
"name": "sfc-path1",
"parent-service-function-path": "sfc-path1",
"symmetric": true

Rendered Service Path removal

The following command can be used to remove a Rendered Service Path called sfc-

curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" --

data '{"input": {"name": "sfc-path1" } }' -X POST --user admin:admin http://

Rendered Service Path Query

The following command can be used to query all of the created Rendered Service Paths:

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" -X

GET --user admin:admin http://localhost:8181/restconf/operational/rendered-

Service Function Scheduling Algorithms

When creating the Rendered Service Path, the origin SFC controller chose the first available
service function from a list of service function names. This may result in many issues such as
overloaded service functions and a longer service path as SFC has no means to understand
the status of service functions and network topology. The service function selection
framework supports at least four algorithms (Random, Round Robin, Load Balancing
and Shortest Path) to select the most appropriate service function when instantiating the
Rendered Service Path. In addition, it is an extensible framework that allows 3rd party
selection algorithm to be plugged in.

The following figure illustrates the service function selection framework and algorithms.

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

Figure 25.7. SF Selection Architecture

A user has three different ways to select one service function selection algorithm:

1. Integrated RESTCONF Calls. OpenStack and/or other administration system could

provide plugins to call the APIs to select one scheduling algorithm.

2. Command line tools. Command line tools such as curl or browser plugins such as
POSTMAN (for Google Chrome) and RESTClient (for Mozilla Firefox) could select
schedule algorithm by making RESTCONF calls.

3. SFC-UI. Now the SFC-UI provides an option for choosing a selection algorithm when
creating a Rendered Service Path.

The RESTCONF northbound SFC API provides GUI/RESTCONF interactions for choosing
the service function selection algorithm. MD-SAL data store provides all supported service
function selection algorithms, and provides APIs to enable one of the provided service
function selection algorithms. Once a service function selection algorithm is enabled, the
service function selection algorithm will work when creating a Rendered Service Path.

Select SFs with Scheduler

Administrator could use both the following ways to select one of the selection algorithm
when creating a Rendered Service Path.

• Command line tools. Command line tools includes Linux commands curl or even
browser plugins such as POSTMAN(for Google Chrome) or RESTClient(for Mozilla
Firefox). In this case, the following JSON content is needed at the moment:

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

"service-function-scheduler-types": {
"service-function-scheduler-type": [
"name": "random",
"type": "service-function-scheduler-type:random",
"enabled": false
"name": "roundrobin",
"type": "service-function-scheduler-type:round-robin",
"enabled": true
"name": "loadbalance",
"type": "service-function-scheduler-type:load-balance",
"enabled": false
"name": "shortestpath",
"type": "service-function-scheduler-type:shortest-path",
"enabled": false

If using the Linux curl command, it could be:

curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" --
data '$${Service_function_schudule_type.json}'
-X PUT --user admin:admin http://localhost:8181/restconf/config/service-

Here is also a snapshot for using the RESTClient plugin:

Figure 25.8. Mozilla Firefox RESTClient

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

• SFC-UI.SFC-UI provides a drop down menu for service function selection algorithm. Here
is a snapshot for the user interaction from SFC-UI when creating a Rendered Service Path.

Figure 25.9. Karaf Web UI

Some service function selection algorithms in the drop list are not implemented
yet. Only the first three algorithms are committed at the moment.

Select Service Function from the name list randomly.


The Random algorithm is used to select one Service Function from the name list which it
gets from the Service Function Type randomly.


• Service Function information are stored in datastore.

• Either no algorithm or the Random algorithm is selected.

Target Environment

The Random algorithm will work either no algorithm type is selected or the Random
algorithm is selected.


Once the plugins are installed into Karaf successfully, a user can use his favorite method to
select the Random scheduling algorithm type. There are no special instructions for using the
Random algorithm.

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

Round Robin
Select Service Function from the name list in Round Robin manner.


The Round Robin algorithm is used to select one Service Function from the name list
which it gets from the Service Function Type in a Round Robin manner, this will balance
workloads to all Service Functions. However, this method cannot help all Service Functions
load the same workload because it’s flow-based Round Robin.


• Service Function information are stored in datastore.

• Round Robin algorithm is selected

Target Environment

The Round Robin algorithm will work one the Round Robin algorithm is selected.


Once the plugins are installed into Karaf successfully, a user can use his favorite method
to select the Round Robin scheduling algorithm type. There are no special instructions for
using the Round Robin algorithm.

Load Balance Algorithm

Select appropriate Service Function by actual CPU utilization.


The Load Balance Algorithm is used to select appropriate Service Function by actual CPU
utilization of service functions. The CPU utilization of service function obtained from
monitoring information reported via NETCONF.


• CPU-utilization for Service Function.

• NETCONF server.

• NETCONF client.

• Each VM has a NETCONF server and it could work with NETCONF client well.


Set up VMs as Service Functions. enable NETCONF server in VMs. Ensure that you specify
them separately. For example:

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

1 Setting up the VM
a. Set up 4 VMs include 2 SFs' type are Firewall, Others are Napt44. Name them as
firewall-1, firewall-2, napt44-1, napt44-2 as Service Function. The four VMs can run either
the same server or different servers.

b. Install NETCONF server on every VM and enable it. More information on NETCONF
can be found on the OpenDaylight wiki here: https://wiki.opendaylight.org/view/

c. Get Monitoring data from NETCONF server. These monitoring data should be get
from the NETCONF server which is running in VMs. The following static XML data is an

static XML data like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium


2 Start SFC

a. Unzip SFC release tarball.

b. Run SFC: ${sfc}/bin/karaf. More information on Service Function Chaining can be

found on the OpenDaylight SFC’s wiki page: https://wiki.opendaylight.org/view/

3 Verify the Load Balance Algorithm

a. Deploy the SFC2 (firewall-abstract2#napt44-abstract2) and click button to Create

Rendered Service Path in SFC UI (http://localhost:8181/sfc/index.html).

b. Verify the Rendered Service Path to ensure the CPU utilization of the selected hop is
the minimum one among all the service functions with same type. The correct RSP is

Shortest Path Algorithm

Select appropriate Service Function by Dijkstra’s algorithm. Dijkstra’s algorithm is an
algorithm for finding the shortest paths between nodes in a graph.


The Shortest Path Algorithm is used to select appropriate Service Function by actual


• Depolyed topology (include SFFs, SFs and their links).

• Dijkstra’s algorithm. More information on Dijkstra’s algorithm can be found on the wiki
here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dijkstra%27s_algorithm


1 Start SFC

a. Unzip SFC release tarball.

b. Run SFC: ${sfc}/bin/karaf.

c. Depoly SFFs and SFs. import the service-function-forwarders.json and service-

functions.json in UI (http://localhost:8181/sfc/index.html#/sfc/config)

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium


"service-function-forwarders": {
"service-function-forwarder": [
"name": "SFF-br1",
"service-node": "OVSDB-test01",
"rest-uri": "http://localhost:5001",
"sff-data-plane-locator": [
"name": "eth0",
"service-function-forwarder-ovs:ovs-bridge": {
"uuid": "4c3778e4-840d-47f4-b45e-0988e514d26c",
"bridge-name": "br-tun"
"data-plane-locator": {
"port": 5000,
"ip": "",
"transport": "service-locator:vxlan-gpe"
"service-function-dictionary": [
"sff-sf-data-plane-locator": {
"port": 10001,
"ip": ""
"name": "napt44-1",
"type": "service-function-type:napt44"
"sff-sf-data-plane-locator": {
"port": 10003,
"ip": ""
"name": "firewall-1",
"type": "service-function-type:firewall"
"connected-sff-dictionary": [
"name": "SFF-br3"
"name": "SFF-br2",
"service-node": "OVSDB-test01",
"rest-uri": "http://localhost:5002",
"sff-data-plane-locator": [
"name": "eth0",
"service-function-forwarder-ovs:ovs-bridge": {
"uuid": "fd4d849f-5140-48cd-bc60-6ad1f5fc0a1",
"bridge-name": "br-tun"
"data-plane-locator": {
"port": 5000,

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

"ip": "",
"transport": "service-locator:vxlan-gpe"
"service-function-dictionary": [
"sff-sf-data-plane-locator": {
"port": 10002,
"ip": ""
"name": "napt44-2",
"type": "service-function-type:napt44"
"sff-sf-data-plane-locator": {
"port": 10004,
"ip": ""
"name": "firewall-2",
"type": "service-function-type:firewall"
"connected-sff-dictionary": [
"name": "SFF-br3"
"name": "SFF-br3",
"service-node": "OVSDB-test01",
"rest-uri": "http://localhost:5005",
"sff-data-plane-locator": [
"name": "eth0",
"service-function-forwarder-ovs:ovs-bridge": {
"uuid": "fd4d849f-5140-48cd-bc60-6ad1f5fc0a4",
"bridge-name": "br-tun"
"data-plane-locator": {
"port": 5000,
"ip": "",
"transport": "service-locator:vxlan-gpe"
"service-function-dictionary": [
"sff-sf-data-plane-locator": {
"port": 10005,
"ip": ""
"name": "test-server",
"type": "service-function-type:dpi"
"sff-sf-data-plane-locator": {
"port": 10006,
"ip": ""

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

"name": "test-client",
"type": "service-function-type:dpi"
"connected-sff-dictionary": [
"name": "SFF-br1"
"name": "SFF-br2"


"service-functions": {
"service-function": [
"rest-uri": "http://localhost:10001",
"ip-mgmt-address": "",
"sf-data-plane-locator": [
"name": "preferred",
"port": 10001,
"ip": "",
"service-function-forwarder": "SFF-br1"
"name": "napt44-1",
"type": "service-function-type:napt44",
"nsh-aware": true
"rest-uri": "http://localhost:10002",
"ip-mgmt-address": "",
"sf-data-plane-locator": [
"name": "master",
"port": 10002,
"ip": "",
"service-function-forwarder": "SFF-br2"
"name": "napt44-2",
"type": "service-function-type:napt44",
"nsh-aware": true
"rest-uri": "http://localhost:10003",
"ip-mgmt-address": "",
"sf-data-plane-locator": [
"name": "1",
"port": 10003,

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

"ip": "",
"service-function-forwarder": "SFF-br1"
"name": "firewall-1",
"type": "service-function-type:firewall",
"nsh-aware": true
"rest-uri": "http://localhost:10004",
"ip-mgmt-address": "",
"sf-data-plane-locator": [
"name": "2",
"port": 10004,
"ip": "",
"service-function-forwarder": "SFF-br2"
"name": "firewall-2",
"type": "service-function-type:firewall",
"nsh-aware": true
"rest-uri": "http://localhost:10005",
"ip-mgmt-address": "",
"sf-data-plane-locator": [
"name": "3",
"port": 10005,
"ip": "",
"service-function-forwarder": "SFF-br3"
"name": "test-server",
"type": "service-function-type:dpi",
"nsh-aware": true
"rest-uri": "http://localhost:10006",
"ip-mgmt-address": "",
"sf-data-plane-locator": [
"name": "4",
"port": 10006,
"ip": "",
"service-function-forwarder": "SFF-br3"
"name": "test-client",
"type": "service-function-type:dpi",
"nsh-aware": true

The depolyed topology like this:

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

+----+ +----+ +----+

+----+ +----+ +----+
| |
+--------------+ +--------------+
| | | |
+----------+ +--------+ +----------+ +--------+
|firewall-1| |napt44-1| |firewall-2| |napt44-2|
+----------+ +--------+ +----------+ +--------+

2 Verify the Shortest Path Algorithm

• Deploy the SFC2(firewall-abstract2#napt44-abstract2), select "Shortest Path" as schedule

type and click button to Create Rendered Service Path in SFC UI (http://localhost:8181/

Figure 25.10. select schedule type

• Verify the Rendered Service Path to ensure the selected hops are linked in one SFF. The
correct RSP is firewall-1#napt44-1 or firewall-2#napt44-2. The first SF type is Firewall in
Service Function Chain. So the algorithm will select first Hop randomly among all the SFs
type is Firewall. Assume the first selected SF is firewall-2. All the path from firewall-1 to SF
which type is Napt44 are list:

• Path1: firewall-2 # sff2 # napt44-2

• Path2: firewall-2 # sff2 # sff3 # sff1 # napt44-1 The shortest path is Path1, so the
selected next hop is napt44-2.

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

Figure 25.11. rendered service path

Service Function Load Balancing User Guide

SFC Load-Balancing feature implements load balancing of Service Functions, rather than a
one-to-one mapping between Service-Function-Forwarder and Service-Function.

Load Balancing Architecture

Service Function Groups (SFG) can replace Service Functions (SF) in the Rendered Path
model. A Service Path can only be defined using SFGs or SFs, but not a combination of

Relevant objects in the YANG model are as follows:

1. Service-Function-Group-Algorithm:
Service-Function-Group-Algorithms {
Service-Function-Group-Algorithm {
String name
String type


2. Service-Function-Group:
Service-Function-Groups {
Service-Function-Group {
String name
String serviceFunctionGroupAlgorithmName
String type

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

String groupId
Service-Function-Group-Element {
String service-function-name
int index

3. ServiceFunctionHop: holds a reference to a name of SFG (or SF)

This tutorial will explain how to create a simple SFC configuration, with SFG instead of SF. In
this example, the SFG will include two existing SF.

Setup SFC
For general SFC setup and scenarios, please see the SFC wiki page: https://

Create an algorithm
"service-function-group-algorithm": [
"name": "alg1"
"type": "ALL"

(Header "content-type": application/json)

Verify: get all algorithms


In order to delete all algorithms: DELETE -


Create a group
"service-function-group": [
"rest-uri": "http://localhost:10002",
"ip-mgmt-address": "",
"algorithm": "alg1",

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

"name": "SFG1",
"type": "service-function-type:napt44",
"sfc-service-function": [

Verify: get all SFG’s


OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

26. SNMP Plugin User Guide

Table of Contents
Installing Feature ......................................................................................................... 264
Northbound APIs ......................................................................................................... 264

Installing Feature
The SNMP Plugin can be installed using a single karaf feature: odl-snmp-plugin

After starting Karaf:

• Install the feature: feature:install odl-snmp-plugin

• Expose the northbound API: feature:install odl-restconf

Northbound APIs
There are two exposed northbound APIs: snmp-get & snmp-set

Default URL: http://localhost:8181/restconf/operations/snmp:snmp-get

POST Input
Field Name Type Description Example Required?
ip-address Ipv4 Address The IPv4 Address of Yes
the desired network
oid String The Object Identifier Yes
of the desired MIB
get-type ENUM (GET, GET- The type of get GET-BULK Yes
NEXT, GET-BULK, GET- request to send
community String The community string private No. (Default: public)
to use for the SNMP

"input": {
"ip-address": "",
"oid" : "",
"get-type" : "GET-BULK",
"community" : "private"

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium


POST Output
Field Name Type Description
results List of { "value" : String } pairs The results of the SNMP query

"snmp:results": [
"value": "Ethernet0/0/0",
"oid": ""
"value": "FastEthernet0/0/0",
"oid": ""
"value": "GigabitEthernet0/0/0",
"oid": ""

Default URL: http://localhost:8181/restconf/operations/snmp:snmp-set

POST Input
Field Name Type Description Example Required?
ip-address Ipv4 Address The Ipv4 address of Yes
the desired network
oid String The Object Identifier Yes
of the desired MIB
value String The value to set on "Hello World" Yes
the network device
community String The community string private No. (Default: public)
to use for the SNMP

"input": {
"ip-address": "",
"oid" : "",
"value" : "Sample description",
"community" : "private"

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

POST Output
On a successful SNMP-SET, no output is presented, just a HTTP status of 200.

If any errors happen in the set request, you will be presented with an error message in the

For example, on a failed set request you may see an error like:
"errors": {
"error": [
"error-type": "application",
"error-tag": "operation-failed",
"error-message": "SnmpSET failed with error status: 17, error
index: 1. StatusText: Not writable"

which corresponds to Error status 17 in the SNMPv2 RFC: https://tools.ietf.org/html/


OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

27. SXP User Guide

Table of Contents
Overview ..................................................................................................................... 267
SXP Architecture .......................................................................................................... 267
Configuring SXP .......................................................................................................... 268
Administering or Managing SXP .................................................................................. 268

SXP (Source-Group Tag eXchange Protocol) project is an effort to enhance OpenDaylight
platform with IP-SGT (IP Address to Source Group Tag) bindings that can be learned from
connected SXP-aware network nodes. The current implementation supports SXP protocol
version 4 according to the Smith, Kandula - SXP IETF draft and grouping of peers and
creating filters based on ACL/Prefix-list syntax for filtering outbound and inbound IP-SGT
bindings. All protocol legacy versions 1-3 are supported as well. Additionally, version 4 adds
bidirectional connection type as an extension of a unidirectional one.

SXP Architecture
The SXP Server manages all connected clients in separate threads and a common SXP
protocol agreement is used between connected peers. Each SXP network peer is modelled
with its pertaining class, e.g., SXP Server represents the SXP Speaker, SXP Listener the
Client. The server program creates the ServerSocket object on a specified port and waits
until a client starts up and requests connect on the IP address and port of the server. The
client program opens a Socket that is connected to the server running on the specified host
IP address and port.

The SXP Listener maintains connection with its speaker peer. From an opened channel
pipeline, all incoming SXP messages are processed by various handlers. Message must be
decoded, parsed and validated.

The SXP Speaker is a counterpart to the SXP Listener. It maintains a connection with its
listener peer and sends composed messages.

The SXP Binding Handler extracts the IP-SGT binding from a message and pulls it into the
SXP-Database. If an error is detected during the IP-SGT extraction, an appropriate error
code and sub-code is selected and an error message is sent back to the connected peer. All
transitive messages are routed directly to the output queue of SXP Binding Dispatcher.

The IP-SGT Manager handles bindings from multiple connections. If a new data has been
added into or deleted from the SXP-Database, or binding’s contributor change is detected,
the manager performs an arbitration process above the SXP-Database to resolve the
binding duplicity and prevent possible information loops. Finally, it updates the IP-SGT-
Master database that consists only of valid and unique bindings, i.e., a single binding per IP

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

The IP-SGT Manager also contains RPCs that can be used by other OpenDaylight plugins, or
by making REST calls, to add, update or to delete bindings in or from the SXP-database.

The SXP Binding Dispatcher represents a selector that will decides how many data from
the SXP-database will be sent and when. It is responsible for message content composition
based on maximum message length.

The SXP Binding Filters handles filtering of outcoming and incoming IP-SGT bindings
according to BGP filtering using ACL and Prefix List syntax for specifiing filter.

Configuring SXP
The OpenDaylight Karaf distribution comes pre-configured with baseline SXP configuration.

• 22-sxp-controller-one-node.xml (defines the basic parameters)

Administering or Managing SXP

By RPC (response is XML document containing requested data or operation status):

• Get Connections POST


<input xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">

• Add Connection POST


<input xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
<!-- Password setup: default | none -->
<!-- Mode: speaker/listener/both -->
<description>Connection to ASR1K</description>
<!-- Timers setup: 0 to disable specific timer usability, the default value
will be used -->
<!-- Speaker -->

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

<!-- Password setup: default | none -->
<!-- Mode: speaker/listener/both -->
<description>Connection to ISR</description>
<!-- Timers setup: 0 to disable specific timer usability, the default value
will be used -->
<!-- Listener -->
<!-- NON-CONFIGURABLE delete-hold-down-time -->

• Delete Connection POST


<input xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">

• Add Binding Entry POST


<input xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
<sgt>20</sgt >

• Update Binding Entry POST


<input xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">

• Delete Binding Entry POST


<input xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
<sgt>30</sgt >

• Get Node Bindings

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

This RPC gets particular device bindings. An SXP-aware node is identified with a unique
Node-ID. If a user requests bindings for a Speaker, the RPC will search for an
appropriate path, which contains Node-ID, within locally learnt SXP data in the
SXP database and replies with associated bindings. POST

<input xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">

• Get Binding SGTs POST


<input xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">

Use cases for SXP

Cisco has a wide installed base of network devices supporting SXP. By including SXP
in OpenDaylight, the binding of policy groups to IP addresses can be made available
for possible further processing to a wide range of devices, and applications running on
OpenDaylight. The range of applications that would be enabled is extensive. Here are just a
few of them:

OpenDaylight based applications can take advantage of the IP-SGT binding information.
For example, access control can be defined by an operator in terms of policy groups, while
OpenDaylight can configure access control lists on network elements using IP addresses,
e.g., existing technology.

Interoperability between different vendors. Vendors have different policy systems.

Knowing the IP-SGT binding for Cisco makes it possible to maintain policy groups between
Cisco and other vendors.

OpenDaylight can aggregate the binding information from many devices and communicate
it to a network element. For example, a firewall can use the IP-SGT binding information
to know how to handle IPs based on the group-based ACLs it has set. But to do this with
SXP alone, the firewall has to maintain a large number of network connections to get the
binding information. This incurs heavy overhead costs to maintain all of the SXP peering
and protocol information. OpenDaylight can aggregate the IP-group information so
that the firewall need only connect to OpenDaylight. By moving the information flow
outside of the network elements to a centralized position, we reduce the overhead of
the CPU consumption on the enforcement element. This is a huge savings - it allows the
enforcement point to only have to make one connection rather than thousands, so it can
concentrate on its primary job of forwarding and enforcing.

OpenDaylight can relay the binding information from one network element to others.
Changes in group membership can be propagated more readily through a centralized
model. For example, in a security application a particular host (e.g., user or IP Address) may
be found to be acting suspiciously or violating established security policies. The defined
response is to put the host into a different source group for remediation actions such as
a lower quality of service, restricted access to critical servers, or special routing conditions

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

to ensure deeper security enforcement (e.g., redirecting the host’s traffic through an
IPS with very restrictive policies). Updated group membership for this host needs to be
communicated to multiple network elements as soon as possible; a very efficient and
effective method of propagation can be performed using OpenDaylight as a centralized
point for relaying the information.

OpenDayLight can create filters for exporting and recieving IP-SGTT bindings used on
specific peer groups, thus can provide more complex maintaining of policy groups.

Although the IP-SGT binding is only one specific piece of information, and although SXP is
implemented widely in a single vendor’s equipment, bringing the ability of OpenDaylight to
process and distribute the bindings, is a very specific immediate useful implementation of
policy groups. It would go a long way to develop both the usefulness of OpenDaylight and
of policy groups.

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

28. TCPMD5 User Guide

Table of Contents
Overview ..................................................................................................................... 272
Configuring TCPMD5 manually .................................................................................... 272
Configuring TCPMD5 through RESTCONF .................................................................... 275

This user guide describes the configuration for Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) and Path
Computation Element Protocol (PCEP) using MD5 authentication. It is destined for users
who build applications using MD5 library.

The TCPMD5 library provides access to RFC-2385 MD5 Signature Option on operating
systems which support it in their TCP stack. This option has been historically used to protect
BGP sessions, but is equally useful for protecting PCEP sessions.

Before you continue with steps in this user guide, make sure BGP and/or
PCEP is configured properly.

TCPMD5 authentication is disabled by default. To enable it (for both protocols),

uncomment the contents of 20-tcpmd5.xml. You can find this configuration file in your
OpenDaylight directory etc/opendaylight/karaf .

If the connection can not be established, there are no warnings or errors, so
be sure to double check your configuration and passwords.

Configuring TCPMD5 manually

Make sure your 20-tcpmd5.xml has its content uncommented.

To enable TCPMD5 for the BGP protocol, perform the following steps:

1. In 31-bgp.xml uncomment the TCP MD5 section:

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

Uncomment this block to enable TCPMD5 Signature support
<type xmlns:prefix=
<type xmlns:prefix=

2. In 41-bgp-example.xml add <password> tag to module example-bgp-peer.

For TCPMD5 support, make sure the dispatcher associated with the rib has
"md5-channel-factory" attribute set and then add a "password" attribute
Note that the peer has to have the same password configured, otherwise the
connection will not be established.
<type xmlns:prefix=
<type xmlns:prefix=
<type xmlns:prefix=
<type xmlns:prefix=
<type xmlns:prefix=

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

Setting a password on other BGP devices is out of scope for this document.

Make sure your 20-tcpmd5.xml has its content uncommented.

To enable TCPMD5 for PCE protocol, perform the following steps:

1. In 32-pcep.xml uncomment the TCPMD5 section:

Uncomment this block to enable TCPMD5 Signature support
<type xmlns:prefix=
<type xmlns:prefix=

2. In 39-pcep-provider.xml uncomment following section:

For TCPMD5 support make sure the dispatcher has the "md5-server-channel-
attribute set and then set the appropriate client entries here. Note that
if this
option is configured, the PCCs connecting here must have the same password,
otherwise they will not be able to connect.

Change the <address> value to the address of PCC, the one that is advertized
to PCE and provide password matching the one set on PCC.

Setting a password on PCC is out of scope for this document.

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

Configuring TCPMD5 through RESTCONF

Before you start, make sure, you have installed features for BGP and/or PCEP.
Install another feature, that will provide you the access to restconf/config/

feature:install odl-netconf-connector-all

This log message indicates successful start of netconf-connector: Netconf connector

initialized successfully

• To check what modules you have currently configured, check following link: http://

• To check what services you have currently configured, check following link: http://

These URLs are also used to POST new configuration. If you want to change any other
configuration that is listed here, make sure you include the correct namespaces. The correct
namespace for <module> is always urn:opendaylight:params:xml:ns:yang:controller:config.
The namespace for any other fields can be found by finding given module in configuration
yang files.

RESTCONF will tell you if some namespace is wrong.

To enable TCPMD5 for either one of the protocols, enable TCPMD5 modules and services:

You have to make separate POST requests for each module/service!

*URL: http://localhost:8181/restconf/config/network-topology:network-topology/


<module xmlns="urn:opendaylight:params:xml:ns:yang:controller:config">
<type xmlns:x=

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

<module xmlns="urn:opendaylight:params:xml:ns:yang:controller:config">
<type xmlns:x=
<key-access-factory xmlns=
<type xmlns:x=

<module xmlns="urn:opendaylight:params:xml:ns:yang:controller:config">
<type xmlns:prefix=
<server-key-access-factory xmlns=
<type xmlns:x=

URL: http://localhost:8181/restconf/config/network-topology:network-topology/


<service xmlns="urn:opendaylight:params:xml:ns:yang:controller:config">
<type xmlns:x=

<service xmlns="urn:opendaylight:params:xml:ns:yang:controller:config">
<type xmlns:x=

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

<service xmlns="urn:opendaylight:params:xml:ns:yang:controller:config">
<type xmlns:prefix=

You have to introduce modules and services mentioned in the previous section.
Your BGP client needs to be ALREADY configured. Check User Guide for BGP.

You need to copy and paste FULL module in order to replace it. This guide
shows you part you need to change.

1. Enabling TCPMD5 in BGP configuration:

URL: http://localhost:8181/restconf/config/network-topology:network-topology/

<module xmlns="urn:opendaylight:params:xml:ns:yang:controller:config">
<type xmlns:x=
<md5-channel-factory xmlns=
<type xmlns:x=
<md5-server-channel-factory xmlns=
<type xmlns:x=

You need to copy and paste FULL module in order to replace it. This guide
shows you part you need to change.

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

1. Set password:

URL: http://localhost:8181/restconf/config/network-topology:network-topology/


<module xmlns="urn:opendaylight:params:xml:ns:yang:controller:config">
<type xmlns:x=
<password xmlns=

You have to introduce modules and services mentioned in the previous section.

You need to copy and paste FULL module in order to replace it. This guide
shows you part you need to change.

1. Enable TCPMD5 in PCEP configuration:

URL: http://localhost:8181/restconf/config/network-topology:network-topology/


OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

<module xmlns="urn:opendaylight:params:xml:ns:yang:controller:config">
<type xmlns:x=
<md5-channel-factory xmlns=
<type xmlns:x=
<md5-server-channel-factory xmlns=
<type xmlns:x=

You need to copy and paste FULL module in order to replace it. This guide
shows you part you need to change.

1. Set password:

URL: http://localhost:8181/restconf/config/network-topology:network-topology/

<module xmlns="urn:opendaylight:params:xml:ns:yang:controller:config">
<type xmlns:x=
<client xmlns=
<address xmlns=
2.2</address> <!--CHANGE THE VALUE -->
<password>changeme</password> <!--CHANGE THE VALUE -->

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

29. TSDR H2 datastore User Guide

Table of Contents
Overview ..................................................................................................................... 280
TSDR Architecture ....................................................................................................... 280
Configuring TSDR with default datastore H2 ............................................................... 280
Administering or Managing TSDR with default datastore H2 ........................................ 280

This document describes how to use the embedded JPA datastore H2, which is the
default datastore (recommended for non-production use case) introduced as part of
OpenDaylight Time Series Data Respository(TSDR) project. This store captures the time
series data. This document contains configuration, administration, management, using, and
troubleshooting sections for the feature.

In the Lithium Release of Time Series Data Repository (TSDR), time series metrics
corresponding to the OpenFlow statistics are captured. For users trying out things on their
laptop or non-production environment, TSDR functionality can be enabled with default
datastore H2 by installing the feature odl-tsdr-all.

TSDR Architecture
The following wiki pages capture the TSDR Model/Architecture

a. https://wiki.opendaylight.org/view/

b. https://wiki.opendaylight.org/view/TSDR_Data_Collection_Service

Note in Lithium the DataCollection Service is implemented just for OpenFlow Statistics

Configuring TSDR with default datastore H2

The H2 based storage files get stored automatically in <karaf install folder>/tsdr/ directory.
If you want to change the default storage location, the configuration file to change can
be found in <karaf install folder>/etc directory. The filename is org.ops4j.datasource-
metric.cfg. Change the last portion of the url=jdbc:h2:./tsdr/metric to point to different

Administering or Managing TSDR with default

datastore H2
Once the TSDR default datastore feature (odl-tsdr-all) is enabled, the TSDR captured
OpenFlow statistics metrics can be accessed from Karaf Console by executing the command

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

tsdr:list <metric-category> <starttimestamp> <endtimestamp>


• <metric-category> = any one of the following categories FlowGroupStats,

FlowMeterStats, FlowStats, FlowTableStats, PortStats, QueueStats

• <starttimestamp> = to filter the list of metrics starting this timestamp

• <endtimestamp> = to filter the list of metrics ending this timestamp

If either of <starttimestamp> or <endtimestamp> is not specified, this command displays

the latest 1000 metrics captured.

With TSDR functionality with default H2 datastore you get an additional command

This will purge the entire collected tsdr metrics record.

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

30. TSDR HBase Data Store User Guide

Table of Contents
Overview ..................................................................................................................... 282
TSDR with HBase Data Store Architecture .................................................................... 282
Configuring TSDR with HBase Data Store .................................................................... 283
Administering or Managing TSDR HBase Data Store .................................................... 283
Tutorials ...................................................................................................................... 284

This document describes how to use HBase to capture time series data using Time Series
Data Repository (TSDR) feature in the OpenDaylight Lithium release. This document
contains configuration, administration, management, usage, and troubleshooting sections
for the feature.

The Time Series Data Repository (TSDR) project in OpenDaylight (ODL) creates a
framework for collecting, storing, querying, and maintaining time series data in then
OpenDaylight SDN controller. TSDR provides the framework for plugging in proper data
collectors to collect various time series data and store into TSDR data stores. With a
common data model and generic TSDR data persistence APIs, the user could choose various
data stores to be plugged into TSDR Persistence framework. In Lithium, two types of data
stores are supported: HBase NoSQL database and H2 relational database.

With the capabilities of data collection, storage, query, aggregation, and purging provided
by TSDR, network administrators could leverage various data driven appliations built on
top of TSDR for security risk detection, performance analysis, operational configuration
optimization, traffic engineering, and network analytics with automated intelligence.

TSDR with HBase Data Store Architecture

TSDR contains the following services and components: * Data Collection Service * Data
Storage Service * TSDR Persistence Layer with data stores as plugins * TSDR Data Stores *
Data Query Service * Data Aggregation Service * Data Purging Service

Data Collection Service handles the collection of time series data into TSDR and hands it
over to Data Storage Service. Data Storage Service stores the data into TSDR through TSDR
Persistence Layer. TSDR Persistence Layer provides generic Service APIs allowing various
data stores to be plugged in. Data Aggregation Service aggregates time series fine-grained
raw data into course-grained roll-up data to control the size of the data. Data Purging
Service periodically purges both fine-grained raw data and course-granined aggregated
data according to user-defined schedules.

In Lithium, we implemented Data Collection Service, Data Storage Service, TSDR Persistence
Layer, TSDR HBase Data Store, and TSDR H2 Data Store. Among these services and
components, time series data is communicated using a common TSDR data model, which
is designed and implemented for the abstraction of time series data commonalities. With
these functions, TSDR will be able to collect the data from the data sources and store

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

them into one of the TSDR data stores: either HBase Data Store or H2 Data Store. We also
provided a simple query command from Karaf console for the user to retrieve TSDR data
from the data stores.

A future release will contain Data Aggregation service, Data Purging Service, and a full-
fledged Data Query Service with Norghbound APIs.

Configuring TSDR with HBase Data Store

After installing HBase Server on the same VM as the OpenDaylight Controller, if the user
accepts the default configuration of the HBase Data Store, the user can directly proceed
with the installation of HBase Data Store from Karaf console.

Optionally, the user can configure TSDR HBase Data Store following HBase Data Store
Configuration Procedure.

• HBase Data Store Configuration Steps

• Open the file etc/tsdr-persistence-hbase.peroperties under karaf distribution directory.

• Edit the following parameters:

• HBase server name

• HBase server port

• HBase client connection pool size

• HBase client write buffer size

After the configuration of HBase Data Store is complete, proceed with the installation of
HBase Data Store from Karaf console.

• HBase Data Store Installation Steps

• Start Karaf Console

• Run the following commands from Karaf Console: feature:install odl-tsdr-hbase

Administering or Managing TSDR HBase Data

• Using Karaf Command to retrieve data from HBase Data Store The user can retrieve the
data from HBase data store using the following commands from Karaf console:


tsdr:list <CategoryName> <StartTime> <EndTime>

Typing tab will get the context prompt of the arguments when typeing the command in
Karaf console.

• Troubleshooting issues with log files

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

• Karaf logs Similar to other OpenDaylight components and features, TSDR HBase
Data Store writes logging information to Karaf logs. All the information messages,
warnings, error messages, and debug messages are written to Karaf logs.

• HBase logs For HBase system level logs, the user can check standard HBase server logs,
which is under <HBase-installation-directory>/logs.

How to use TSDR to collect, store, and view OpenFlow
Interface Statistics
This tutorial describes an example of using TSDR to collect, store, and view one type of time
series data in OpenDaylight environment.

You would need to have the following as prerequisits: * One or multiple OpenFlow enabled
switches. Alternatively, you can use mininet to simulate such a switch. * Successfully
installed OpenDaylight Controller. * Successfully installed HBase Data Store following
TSDR HBase Data Store Installation Guide. * Connect the OpenFlow enabled switch(es) to
OpenDaylight Controller. ===== Target Environment HBase data store is only supported in
Linux operation system.

• Start OpenDaylight controller.

• Connect OpenFlow enabled switch(es) to the controller.

**If using mininet, run the following commands from mininet command line:

• mn --topo single,3 --controller remote,ip=,port=6653 --switch


**If using real switch(es), the OpenDaylight controller should be able to discover the
network toplogy containing the switches.

• Install tsdr hbase feature from Karaf:

• feature:install odl-tsdr-hbase

• run the following command from Karaf console:

• tsdr:list InterfaceStats

You should be able to see the interface statistics of the switch(es) from the HBase Data
Store. If there are too many rows, you can use "tsdr:list InterfaceStats|more" to view it
page by page.

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

By tabbing after "tsdr:list", you will see all the supported data categories. For example,
"tsdr:list FlowStats" will output the Flow statistics data collected from the switch(es).

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

31. TTP CLI Tools User Guide

Table of Contents
Overview ..................................................................................................................... 286
TTP CLI Tools Architecture ........................................................................................... 286

Table Type Patterns are a specification developed by the Open Networking Foundation
to enable the description and negotiation of subsets of the OpenFlow protocol. This is
particularly useful for hardware switches that support OpenFlow as it enables the to
describe what features they do (and thus also what features they do not) support. More
details can be found in the full specification listed on the OpenFlow specifications page.

TTP CLI Tools Architecture

The TTP CLI Tools use the TTP Model and the YANG Tools/RESTCONF codecs to translate
between the Data Transfer Objects (DTOs) and JSON/XML.

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

32. Unified Secure Channel

Table of Contents
Overview ..................................................................................................................... 287
USC Channel Architecture ............................................................................................ 287
Installing USC Channel ................................................................................................. 288
Configuring USC Channel ............................................................................................ 288
Administering or Managing USC Channel .................................................................... 288
Tutorials ...................................................................................................................... 288

This document describes how to use the Unified Secure Channel (USC) feature in
OpenDaylight. This document contains configuration, administration, and management
sections for the feature.

In enterprise networks, more and more controller and network management systems
are being deployed remotely, such as in the cloud. Additionally, enterprise networks are
becoming more heterogeneous - branch, IoT, wireless (including cloud access control).
Enterprise customers want a converged network controller and management system
solution. This feature is intended for device and network administrators looking to use
unified secure channels for their systems.

USC Channel Architecture

• USC Agent

• The USC Agent provides proxy and agent functionality on top of all standard protocols
supported by the device. It initiates call-home with the controller, maintains live
connections with with the controller, acts as a demuxer/muxer for packets with the
USC header, and authenticates the controller.

• USC Plugin

• The USC Plugin is responsible for communication between the controller and the USC
agent . It responds to call-home with the controller, maintains live connections with
the devices, acts as a muxer/demuxer for packets with the USC header, and provides
support for TLS/DTLS.

• USC Manager

• The USC Manager handles configurations, high availability, security, monitoring, and
clustering support for USC.


• The USC UI is responsible for displaying a graphical user interface representing the
state of USC in the OpenDaylight DLUX UI.

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

Installing USC Channel

To install USC, download OpenDaylight and use the Karaf console to install the following


Configuring USC Channel

This section gives details about the configuration settings for various components in USC.

The USC configuration files for the Karaf distribution are located in distribution/karaf/

• certificates

• The certificates folder contains the client key, pem, and rootca files as is necessary for

• akka.conf

• This file contains configuration related to clustering. Potential configuration properties

can be found on the akka website at http://doc.akka.io

• usc.properties

• This file contains configuration related to USC. Use this file to set the location of
certificates, define the source of additional akka configurations, and assign default
settings to the USC behavior.

Administering or Managing USC Channel

After installing the odl-usc-channel-ui feature from the Karaf console, users can administer
and manage USC channels from the the UI or APIDOCS explorer.

Go to http://${ipaddress}:8181/index.html, sign in, and click on the USC side menu tab.
From there, users can view the state of USC channels.

Go to http://${ipaddress}:8181/apidoc/explorer/index.html, sign in, and expand the usc-

channel panel. From there, users can execute various API calls to test their USC deployment
such as add-channel, delete-channel, and view-channel.

Below are tutorials for USC Channel

Viewing USC Channel

The purpose of this tutorial is to view USC Channel

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

This tutorial walks users through the process of viewing the USC Channel environment
topology including established channels connecting the controllers and devices in the USC

For this tutorial, we assume that a device running a USC agent is already installed.

• Run the OpenDaylight distribution and install odl-usc-channel-ui from the Karaf console.

• Go to http://${ipaddress}:8181/apidoc/explorer/index.html

• Execute add-channel with the following json data:

• {"input":{"channel":{"hostname":"","port":1068,"remote":false}}}

• Go to http://${ipaddress}:8181/index.html

• Click on the USC side menu tab.

• The UI should display a table including the added channel from step 3.

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

33. Virtual Tenant Network (VTN)

Table of Contents
VTN Overview ............................................................................................................. 290
VTN OpenStack Configuration ..................................................................................... 299
VTN Usage Examples ................................................................................................... 321

VTN Overview
OpenDaylight Virtual Tenant Network (VTN) is an application that provides multi-tenant
virtual network on an SDN controller.

Conventionally, huge investment in the network systems and operating expenses are
needed because the network is configured as a silo for each department and system. So,
various network appliances must be installed for each tenant and those boxes cannot be
shared with others. It is a heavy work to design, implement and operate the entire complex

The uniqueness of VTN is a logical abstraction plane. This enables the complete separation
of logical plane from physical plane. Users can design and deploy any desired network
without knowing the physical network topology or bandwidth restrictions.

VTN allows the users to define the network with a look and feel of conventional L2/L3
network. Once the network is designed on VTN, it will automatically be mapped into
underlying physical network, and then configured on the individual switch leveraging
SDN control protocol. The definition of logical plane makes it possible not only to hide
the complexity of the underlying network but also to better manage network resources.
It achieves reducing reconfiguration time of network services and minimizing network
configuration errors.

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

Figure 33.1. VTN Overview

It is implemented as two major components

• VTN Manager

• VTN Coordinator

VTN Manager
An OpenDaylight Controller Plugin that interacts with other modules to implement
the components of the VTN model. It also provides a REST interface to configure VTN
components in ODL controller. VTN Manager is implemented as one plugin to the
OpenDaylight controller. This provides a REST interface to create/update/delete VTN
components. The user command in VTN Coordinator is translated as REST API to VTN
Manager by the ODC Driver component. In addition to the above mentioned role, it also
provides an implementation to the OpenStack L2 Network Functions API.

Features Overview
• odl-vtn-manager provides VTN Manager’s JAVA API.

• odl-vtn-manager-rest provides VTN Manager’s REST API.

• odl-vtn-manager-neutron provides the integration with Neutron interface.

VTN Manager provides REST API for virtual network functions.

Here is an example of how to create a virtual tenant network.

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

curl --user "admin":"admin" -H "Accept: application/json" -H \

"Content-type: application/json" -X POST \
http://localhost:8282/controller/nb/v2/vtn/default/vtns/Tenant1 \
-d '{"description": "My First Virtual Tenant Network"}'

You can check the list of all tenants by executing the following command.
curl --user "admin":"admin" -H "Accept: application/json" -H \
"Content-type: application/json" -X GET \

REST API documentation for VTN Manager, please refer: https://jenkins.opendaylight.org/


VTN Coordinator
The VTN Coordinator is an external application that provides a REST interface for a
user to use the VTN Virtualization. It interacts with VTN Manager plugin to implement
the user configuration. It is also capable of multiple controller orchestration. It realizes
Virtual Tenant Network (VTN) provisioning in OpenDaylight Controllers (ODC). In
the OpenDaylight architecture VTN Coordinator is part of the network application,
orchestration and services layer. VTN Coordinator has been implemented as an external
application to the OpenDaylight controller. This component is responsible for the VTN
virtualization. VTN Coordinator will use the REST interface exposed by the VTN Manger to
realize the virtual network using the OpenDaylight controller. It uses OpenDaylight APIs
(REST) to construct the virtual network in ODCs. It provides REST APIs for northbound VTN
applications and supports virtual networks spanning across multiple ODCs by coordinating
across ODCs.

For VTN Coordinator REST API, please refer: https://wiki.opendaylight.org/view/


Network Virtualization Function

The user first defines a VTN. Then, the user maps the VTN to a physical network, which
enables communication to take place according to the VTN definition. With the VTN
definition, L2 and L3 transfer functions and flow-based traffic control functions (filtering
and redirect) are possible.

Virtual Network Construction

The following table shows the elements which make up the VTN. In the VTN, a virtual
network is constructed using virtual nodes (vBridge, vRouter) and virtual interfaces and
links. It is possible to configure a network which has L2 and L3 transfer function, by
connecting the virtual intrefaces made on virtual nodes via virtual links.

vBridge The logical representation of L2 switch function.

vRouter The logical representation of router function.
vTep The logical representation of Tunnel End Point - TEP.
vTunnel The logical representation of Tunnel.

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

vBypass The logical representation of connectivity between

controlled networks.
Virtual interface The representation of end point on the virtual node.
Virtual Linkv(vLink) The logical representation of L1 connectivity between
virtual interfaces.

The following figure shows an example of a constructed virtual network. VRT is defined as
the vRouter, BR1 and BR2 are defined as vBridges. interfaces of the vRouter and vBridges
are connected using vLinks.

Figure 33.2. VTN Construction

Mapping of Physical Network Resources

Map physical network resources to the constructed virtual network. Mapping identifies
which virtual network each packet transmitted or received by an OpenFlow switch belongs
to, as well as which interface in the OpenFlow switch transmits or receives that packet.
There are two mapping methods. When a packet is received from the OFS, port mapping is
first searched for the corresponding mapping definition, then VLAN mapping is searched,
and the packet is mapped to the relevant vBridge according to the first matching mapping.

Port mapping Maps physical network resources to an interface of

vBridge using Switch ID, Port ID and VLAN ID of the
incoming L2 frame. Untagged frame mapping is also
VLAN mapping Maps physical network resources to a vBridge using VLAN
ID of the incoming L2 frame.Maps physical resources of a
particular switch to a vBridge using switch ID and VLAN ID
of the incoming L2 frame.

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

MAC mapping Maps physical resources to an interface of vBridge

using MAC address of the incoming L2 frame(The initial
contribution does not include this method).

VTN can learn the terminal information from a terminal that is connected to a switch which
is mapped to VTN. Further, it is possible to refer that terminal information on the VTN.

• Learning terminal information VTN learns the information of a terminal that belongs to
VTN. It will store the MAC address and VLAN ID of the terminal in relation to the port of
the switch.

• Aging of terminal information Terminal information, learned by the VTN, will be

maintained until the packets from terminal keep flowing in VTN. If the terminal gets
disconnected from the VTN, then the aging timer will start clicking and the terminal
information will be maintained till timeout.

The following figure shows an example of mapping. An interface of BR1 is mapped to port
GBE0/1 of OFS1 using port mapping. Packets received from GBE0/1 of OFS1 are regarded
as those from the corresponding interface of BR1. BR2 is mapped to VLAN 200 using VLAN
mapping. Packets with VLAN tag 200 received from any ports of any OFSs are regarded as
those from an interface of BR2.

Figure 33.3. VTN Mapping

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

vBridge Functions
The vBridge provides the bridge function that transfers a packet to the intended virtual
port according to the destination MAC address. The vBridge looks up the MAC address
table and transmits the packet to the corresponding virtual interface when the destination
MAC address has been learned. When the destination MAC address has not been learned,
it transmits the packet to all virtual interfaces other than the receiving port (flooding). MAC
addresses are learned as follows.

• MAC address learning The vBridge learns the MAC address of the connected host. The
source MAC address of each received frame is mapped to the receiving virtual interface,
and this MAC address is stored in the MAC address table created on a per-vBridge basis.

• MAC address aging The MAC address stored in the MAC address table is retained as long
as the host returns the ARP reply. After the host is disconnected, the address is retained
until the aging timer times out. To have the vBridge learn MAC addresses statically, you
can register MAC addresses manually.

vRouter Functions
The vRouter transfers IPv4 packets between vBridges. The vRouter supports routing, ARP
learning, and ARP aging functions. The following outlines the functions.

• Routing function When an IP address is registered with a virtual interface of the vRouter,
the default routing information for that interface is registered. It is also possible to
statically register routing information for a virtual interface.

• ARP learning function The vRouter associates a destination IP address, MAC address
and a virtual interface, based on an ARP request to its host or a reply packet for an
ARP request, and maintains this information in an ARP table prepared for each routing
domain. The registered ARP entry is retained until the aging timer, described later,
times out. The vRouter transmits an ARP request on an individual aging timer basis and
deletes the associated entry from the ARP table if no reply is returned. For static ARP
learning, you can register ARP entry information manually. *DHCP relay agent function
The vRouter also provides the DHCP relay agent function.

Flow Filter Functions

Flow Filter function is similar to ACL. It is possible to allow or prohibit communication
with only certain kind of packets that meet a particular condition. Also, it can perform a
processing called Redirection - WayPoint routing, which is different from the existing ACL.
Flow Filter can be applied to any interface of a vNode within VTN, and it is possible to the
control the packets that pass interface. The match conditions that could be specified in
Flow Filter are as follows. It is also possible to specify a combination of multiple conditions.

• Source MAC address

• Destination MAC address

• MAC ether type

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

• VLAN Priority

• Source IP address

• Destination IP address


• IP Protocol

• TCP/UDP source port

• TCP/UDP destination port

• ICMP type

• ICMP code

The types of Action that can be applied on packets that match the Flow Filter conditions
are given in the following table. It is possible to make only those packets, which match
a particular condition, to pass through a particular server by specifying Redirection in
Action. E.g., path of flow can be changed for each packet sent from a particular terminal,
depending upon the destination IP address. VLAN priority control and DSCP marking are
also supported.

Pass Pass particular packets matching the specified conditions.

Drop Discards particular packets matching the specified
Redirection Redirects the packet to a desired virtual interface. Both
Transparent Redirection (not changing MAC address)
and Router Redirection (changing MAC address) are

The following figure shows an example of how the flow filter function works.

If there is any matching condition specified by flow filter when a packet being transferred
within a virtual network goes through a virtual interface, the function evaluates the
matching condition to see whether the packet matches it. If the packet matches the
condition, the function applies the matching action specified by flow filter. In the example
shown in the figure, the function evaluates the matching condition at BR1 and discards the
packet if it matches the condition.

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

Figure 33.4. VTN FlowFilter

Multiple SDN Controller Coordination

With the network abstractions, VTN enables to configure virtual network across multiple
SDN controllers. This provides highly scalable network system.

VTN can be created on each SDN controller. If users would like to manage those multiple
VTNs with one policy, those VTNs can be integrated to a single VTN.

As a use case, this feature is deployed to multi data center environment. Even if those data
centers are geographically separated and controlled with different controllers, a single
policy virtual network can be realized with VTN.

Also, one can easily add a new SDN Controller to an existing VTN or delete a particular SDN
Controller from VTN.

In addition to this, one can define a VTN which covers both OpenFlow network and
Overlay network at the same time.

Flow Filter, which is set on the VTN, will be automatically applied on the newly added SDN

Coordination between OpenFlow Network and L2/L3

It is possible to configure VTN on an environment where there is mix of L2/L3 switches
as well. L2/L3 switch will be shown on VTN as vBypass. Flow Filter or policing cannot be
configured for a vBypass. However, it is possible to treat it as a virtual node inside VTN.

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

Virtual Tenant Network (VTN) API

VTN provides Web APIs. They are implemented by REST architecture and provide the access
to resources within VTN that are identified by URI. User can perform the operations like
GET/PUT/POST/DELETE against the virtual network resources (e.g. vBridge or vRouter) by
sending a message to VTN through HTTPS communication in XML or JSON format.

Figure 33.5. VTN API

Function Outline
VTN provides following operations for various network resources.


VTN Yes Yes Yes Yes
vBridge Yes Yes Yes Yes
vRouter Yes Yes Yes Yes
vTep Yes Yes Yes Yes
vTunnel Yes Yes Yes Yes
vBypass Yes Yes Yes Yes
vLink Yes Yes Yes Yes
Interface Yes Yes Yes Yes
Port map Yes No Yes Yes
Vlan map Yes Yes Yes Yes
Flowfilter (ACL/ Yes Yes Yes Yes
Controller information Yes Yes Yes Yes
Physical topology Yes No No No
Alarm information Yes No No No

Example usage
The following is an example of the usage to construct a virtual network.

• Create VTN

curl --user admin:adminpass -X POST -H 'content-type: application/json' \

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

-d '{"vtn":{"vtn_name":"VTN1"}}'

• Create Controller Information

curl --user admin:adminpass -X POST -H 'content-type: application/json' \

-d '{"controller": {"controller_id":"CONTROLLER1","ipaddr":"",
"type":"odc","username":"admin", \

• Create vBridge under VTN

curl --user admin:adminpass -X POST -H 'content-type: application/json' \

-d '{"vbridge":{"vbr_name":"VBR1","controller_id": "CONTROLLER1",
"domain_id": "(DEFAULT)"}}' \

• Create the interface under vBridge

curl --user admin:adminpass -X POST -H 'content-type: application/json' \

-d '{"interface":{"if_name":"IF1"}}'

VTN OpenStack Configuration

This guide describes how to set up OpenStack for integration with OpenDaylight

While OpenDaylight Controller provides several ways to integrate with OpenStack, this
guide focus on the way which uses VTN features available on OpenDaylight controller.In
the integration, VTN Manager work as network service provider for OpenStack.

VTN Manager features, enable OpenStack to work in pure OpenFlow environment in which
all switches in data plane are OpenFlow switch.

To use OpenDaylight as Network Service Provider for OpenStack.

• OpenDaylight Controller.

• OpenStack Control Node.

• OpenStack Compute Node.

• OpenFlow Switch like mininet(Not Mandatory).

The VTN features support multiple OpenStack nodes. You can deploy multiple OpenStack
Compute Nodes. In management plane, OpenDaylight Controller, OpenStack nodes and
OpenFlow switches should communicate with each other. In data plane, Open vSwitches

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

running in OpenStack nodes should communicate with each other through a physical or
logical OpenFlow switches. The core OpenFlow switches are not mandatory. Therefore, you
can directly connect to the Open vSwitch’s.

Figure 33.6. LAB Setup

Ubuntu 14.04 was used in both the nodes and Vsphere was used for this

Server Preparation

• Install Ubuntu 14.04 LTS in two servers (OpenStack Control node and Compute node

• While installing, Ubuntu mandates creation of a User, we created the user "stack"(We
will use the same user for running devstack) NOTE: You can also have multiple Compute
nodes. TIP: Please do minimal Install to avoid any issues in devstack bringup

User Settings - Login to both servers - Disable Ubuntu Firewall

sudo ufw disable

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

• Optionally install these packages

sudo apt-get install net-tools

• Edit sudo vim /etc/sudoers and add an entry as follows


Network Settings - Checked the output of ifconfig -a, two interfaces were listed eth0
and eth1 as indicated in the image above. - We had connected eth0 interface to the
Network where OpenDaylight is reachable. - eth1 interface in both servers were connected
to a different network to act as data plane for the VM’s created using the OpenStack. -
Manually edited the file : sudo vim /etc/network/interfaces and made entries as follows

stack@ubuntu-devstack:~/devstack$ cat /etc/network/interfaces

# This file describes the network interfaces available on your system
# and how to activate them. For more information, see interfaces(5).
# The loop-back network interface
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
# The primary network interface
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static
netmask <NET_MASK>
auto eth1
iface eth1 inet static
netmask <NETMASK>

Please ensure that the eth0 interface is the default route and it is able to reach
the ODL_IP_ADDRESS NOTE: The entries for eth1 are not mandatory, If not
set, we may have to manually do "ifup eth1" after the stacking is complete to
activate the interface

Finalize - reboot both nodes after the user and network settings to have the network
settings applied to the network - Login again and check the output of ifconfig to ensure
that both interfaces are listed

OpenDaylight Settings and Execution

• VTN uses the configuration parameters from vtn.ini file for the OpenStack integration.

• These values will be set for the OpenvSwitch, in all the participating OpenStack nodes.

• A configuration file vtn.ini'' needs to be created manually in the 'configuration directory.

• The contents of vtn.ini should be as follows:

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

bridgename=br-int portname=eth1 protocols=OpenFlow13 failmode=secure

• The values of the configuration parameters must be changed based on the user

• Especially, "portname" should be carefully configured, because if the value is wrong,

OpenDaylight controller fails to forward packets.

• Other parameters works fine as is for general use cases.

• bridgename

• The name of the bridge in Open vSwitch, that will be created by OpenDaylight

• It must be "br-int".

• portname

• The name of the port that will be created in the vbridge in Open vSwitch.

• This must be the same name of the interface of OpenStack Nodes which is used for
interconnecting OpenStack Nodes in data plane.(in our case:eth1)

• By default, if vtn.ini is not created, VTN uses ens33 as portname.

• protocols

• OpenFlow protocol through which OpenFlow Switch and Controller communicate.

• The values can be OpenFlow13 or OpenFlow10.

• failmode

• The value can be "standalone" or "secure".

• Please use "secure" for general use cases.

Start OpenDaylight
• Please install the feature odl-vtn-manager-neutron that provides the integration with
Neutron interface.

feature:install odl-vtn-manager-neutron

After running OpenDaylight, please ensure OpenDaylight listens to the
ports:6633,6653, 6640 and 8080

Please allow the ports in firewall for the devstack to be able to communicate
with OpenDaylight.

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

* 6633/6653 - OpenFlow Ports * 6640 - Open vSwitch Manager Port * 8282 -
Port for REST API

Devstack Setup
VTN Devstack Script
• The local.conf is a user-maintained settings file. This allows all custom settings for
DevStack to be contained in a single file. This file is processed strictly in sequence. The
following datas are needed to be set in the local.conf file:

• Set the Host_IP as the detection is unreliable.

• Set FLOATING_RANGE to a range not used on the local network, i.e.
This configures IP addresses ending in 225-254 to be used as floating IPs.

• Set FLAT_INTERFACE to the Ethernet interface that connects the host to your local
network. This is the interface that should be configured with the static IP address
mentioned above.

• If the *_PASSWORD variables are not set, we will be prompted to enter values during the
execution of stack.sh.

• Set ADMIN_PASSWORD . This password is used for the admin and demo accounts set up
as OpenStack users. We can login to the OpenStack GUI with this credentials only.

• Set the MYSQL_PASSWORD. The default here is a random hex string which is
inconvenient if you need to look at the database directly for anything.

• Set the RABBIT_PASSWORD. This is used by messaging services used by both the nodes.

• Set the service password. This is used by the OpenStack services (Nova, Glance, etc) to
authenticate with Keystone.

DevStack Control

#IP Details
Address in this line
#Instance Details
#config Details
RECLONE=yes #Make it "no" after stacking successfully the first time
#OFFLINE=True #Uncomment this after stacking successfully the first time

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

disable_service rabbit
enable_service qpid
enable_service quantum
enable_service n-cpu
enable_service n-cond
disable_service n-net
enable_service q-svc
enable_service q-dhcp
enable_service q-meta
enable_service horizon
enable_service quantum
enable_service tempest
#ML2 Details
disable_service n-net
enable_service q-svc
enable_service q-dhcp
enable_service q-meta
enable_service neutron
enable_service odl-compute
ODL_MGR_IP=<ODL_IP_ADDRESS> #Please Add the ODL IP Address in this line
url=http://<ODL_IP_ADDRESS>:8080/controller/nb/v2/neutron #Please Add the ODL
IP Address in this line

DevStack Compute

#IP Details
IP Address
Management IP Address here
#Instance Details
#config Details
RECLONE=yes #Make thgis "no" after stacking successfully once
#OFFLINE=True #Uncomment this line after stacking successfuly first time.

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

#ML2 Details
enable_service odl-compute
#Details of the Control node for various services
NOVNCPROXY_URL="http://<CONTROLLER_NODE_IP_ADDRESS>:6080/vnc_auto.html" #Add
Controller Node IP address

Devstack Kilo_Liberty Control Node

#IP Details
IP Address in this line
disable_service n-net
enable_service q-svc
enable_service q-agt
enable_service q-meta
disable_service q-l3
enable_service n-cpu
enable_service q-dhcp
enable_service n-cauth
enable_service neutron
enable_service tempest
#enable_plugin networking-odl http://git.openstack.org/openstack/networking-
odl stable/kilo # Please uncomment this line if you

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

want to use stable/kilo branch

#enable_plugin networking-odl http://git.openstack.org/openstack/networking-
odl stable/liberty # Please uncomment this line if you
want to use stable/liberty branch
ODL_MGR_IP=<ODL_IP_ADDRESS> # Please Add the ODL IP Address in this line

Devstack Kilo_Liberty Compute Node

#IP Details
RECLONE=yes # Make it "no" after stacking successfully the first time
#OFFLINE=True # Uncomment this after stacking successfully the first time
enable_service n-cpu
#enable_plugin networking-odl http://git.openstack.org/openstack/networking-
odl stable/kilo # Please uncomment this line if you
want to use stable/kilo branch
#enable_plugin networking-odl http://git.openstack.org/openstack/networking-
odl stable/liberty # Please uncomment this line if you
want to use stable/liberty branch
ODL_MGR_IP=<ODL_IP_ADDRESS> # Please Add the ODL IP Address in this line

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium


We have to comment OFFLINE=TRUE in local.conf files, this will make all the
installations to happen automatically. RECLONE=yes only when we set up the
DevStack environment from scratch.

Get Devstack (All nodes)

• Install git application using

• sudo apt-get install git

• Get devstack

• git clone https://git.openstack.org/openstack-dev/devstack;

• Switch to stable/Juno Version branch

• cd devstack

• git checkout stable/juno

If you want to use stable/kilo Version branch, Please execute the below
command in devstack folder

git checkout stable/kilo

If you want to use stable/liberty Version branch, Please execute the below
command in devstack folder

git checkout stable/liberty

Stack Control Node

local.conf: DevStack Control.

cd devstack in the controller node

• Copy the contents of local.conf for juno (devstack control node) from DevStack Control
and save it as "local.conf" in the "devstack".

• Copy the contents of local.conf for kilo and liberty (devstack control node) from
Devstack Kilo_Liberty Control Node and save it as "local.conf" in the "devstack".

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

• Please modify the IP Address values as required.

• Stack the node


Verify Control Node stacking

• stack.sh prints out Horizon is now available at http://


• Execute the command sudo ovs-vsctl show in the control node terminal and verify if the
bridge br-int is created.

Stack Compute Node

local.conf: DevStack Compute.
cd devstack in the controller node

• Copy the contents of local.conf for juno (devstack compute node) from DevStack
Compute and save it as "local.conf" in the "devstack".

• Copy the contents of local.conf file for kilo and liberty (devstack compute node) from
Devstack Kilo_Liberty Compute Node and save it as "local.conf" in the "devstack".

• Please modify the IP Address values as required.

• Stack the node


Verify Compute Node Stacking

• stack.sh prints out This is your host ip: <COMPUTE_NODE_IP_ADDRESS>

• Execute the command sudo ovs-vsctl show in the control node terminal and verify if the
bridge br-int is created.

• The output of the ovs-vsctl show will be similar to the one seen in control node.

Additional Verifications
• Please visit the OpenDaylight DLUX GUI after stacking all the nodes, http://
<ODL_IP_ADDRESS>:8181/dlux/index.html. The switches, topology and the ports that
are currently read can be validated.

If the interconnected between the Open vSwitch is not seen, Please bring up
the interface for the dataplane manually using the below comamnd

ifup <interface_name>

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

Some versions of Open vSwitch, drop packets when there is a table-miss, So
please add the below flow to all the nodes with Open vSwitch version (>=2.1)

ovs-ofctl --protocols=OpenFlow13 add-flow br-int


Please Accept Promiscuous mode in the networks involving the interconnect.

Create VM from Devstack Horizon GUI

• Login to http://<CONTROL_NODE_IP>:8080/ to check the horizon GUI.

Figure 33.7. Horizon GUI

Enter the value for User Name as admin and enter the value for Password as labstack.

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

• We should first ensure both the hypervisors(control node and compute node) are
mapped under hypervisors by clicking on Hpervisors tab.

Figure 33.8. Hypervisors

• Create a new Network from Horizon GUI.

• Click on Networks Tab.

• click on the Create Network button.

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

Figure 33.9. Create Network

• A popup screen will appear.

• Enter network name and click Next button.

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

Figure 33.10. Step 1

• Create a sub network by giving Network Address and click Next button .

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

Figure 33.11. Step 2

• Specify the additional details for subnetwork (please refer the image for your reference).

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

Figure 33.12. Step 3

• Click Create button

• Create VM Instance

• Navigate to Instances tab in the GUI.

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

Figure 33.13. Instance Creation

• Click on Launch Instances button.

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

Figure 33.14. Launch Instance

• Click on Details tab to enter the VM details.For this demo we are creating Ten

• In the Networking tab, we must select the network,for this we need to drag and drop
the Available networks to Selected Networks (i.e.,) Drag vtn1 we created from Available
networks to Selected Networks and click Launch to create the instances.

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

Figure 33.15. Launch Network

• Ten VM’s will be created.

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

Figure 33.16. Load All Instances

• Click on any VM displayed in the Instances tab and click the Console tab.

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

Figure 33.17. Instance Console

• Login to the VM console and verify with a ping command.

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

Figure 33.18. Ping

Verification of Control and Compute Node after VM creation

• Every time a new VM is created, more interfaces are added to the br-int bridge in Open

• Use sudo ovs-vsctl show to list the number of interfaces added.

• Please visit the DLUX GUI to list the new nodes in every switch.

Using the DLUX GUI

For more information see the chapter on DLUX above.

• http://devstack.org/guides/multinode-lab.html

• https://wiki.opendaylight.org/view/File:Vtn_demo_hackfest_2014_march.pdf

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

VTN Usage Examples

How to configure L2 Network with Single Controller
This example provides the procedure to demonstrate configuration of VTN Coordinator
with L2 network using VTN Virtualization(single controller). Here is the Example
for vBridge Interface Mapping with Single Controller using mininet. mininet details
and set-up can be referred at below URL: https://wiki.opendaylight.org/view/


• Configure mininet and create a topology:

mininet@mininet-vm:~$ sudo mn --controller=remote,ip=<controller-ip> --topo


• mininet> net

s1 lo: s1-eth1:h1-eth0 s1-eth2:s2-eth1

s2 lo: s2-eth1:s1-eth2 s2-eth2:h2-eth0
h1 h1-eth0:s1-eth1
h2 h2-eth0:s2-eth2

• Create a Controller

curl --user admin:adminpass -H 'content-type: application/json' -X POST -

d '{"controller": {"controller_id": "controllerone", "ipaddr":"",
"type": "odc", "version": "1.0", "auditstatus":"enable"}}' http://127.0.0.

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

• Create a VTN

curl --user admin:adminpass -H 'content-type: application/json' -X POST -d

'{"vtn" : {"vtn_name":"vtn1","description":"test VTN" }}' http://127.0.0.

• Create a vBridge in the VTN

curl --user admin:adminpass -H 'content-type: application/json' -X POST

-d '{"vbridge" : {"vbr_name":"vBridge1","controller_id":"controllerone",
"domain_id":"(DEFAULT)" }}'

• Create two Interfaces into the vBridge

curl --user admin:adminpass -H 'content-type: application/json' -X POST -d

'{"interface": {"if_name": "if1","description": "if_desc1"}}' http://127.0.0.

curl --user admin:adminpass -H 'content-type: application/json' -X POST -d

'{"interface": {"if_name": "if2","description": "if_desc2"}}' http://127.0.0.

• Get the list of logical ports configured

Curl --user admin:adminpass -H 'content-type: application/json' -X GET http:/


• Configure two mappings on the interfaces

curl --user admin:adminpass -H 'content-type: application/json' -X PUT -d

'{"portmap":{"logical_port_id": "PP-OF:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:03-s3-eth1"}}'
curl --user admin:adminpass -H 'content-type: application/json' -X PUT -d
'{"portmap":{"logical_port_id": "PP-OF:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02-s2-eth1"}}'

Please verify whether the Host1 and Host3 are pinging. * Send packets from Host1 to Host3

|mininet> h1 ping h3

How to configure L2 Network with Multiple Controllers

• This example provides the procedure to demonstrate configuration of VTN Coordinator
with L2 network using VTN Virtualization Here is the Example for vBridge Interface
Mapping with Multi-controller using mininet.

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium


• Configure multiple controllers using the mininet script given below: https://

• Create a VTN

curl --user admin:adminpass -H 'content-type: application/json' -X POST -d

'{"vtn" : {"vtn_name":"vtn3"}}'

• Create two Controllers

curl --user admin:adminpass -H 'content-type: application/json' -X POST -d

'{"controller": {"controller_id": "odc1", "ipaddr":"", "type":
"odc", "version": "1.0", "auditstatus":"enable"}}'

curl --user admin:adminpass -H 'content-type: application/json' -X POST -d

'{"controller": {"controller_id": "odc2", "ipaddr":"", "type":
"odc", "version": "1.0", "auditstatus":"enable"}}'

• Create two vBridges in the VTN like, vBridge1 in Controller1 and vBridge2 in Controller2

curl --user admin:adminpass -H 'content-type: application/json' -

X POST -d '{"vbridge" : {"vbr_name":"vbr1","controller_id":"odc1",
"domain_id":"(DEFAULT)" }}'

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

curl --user admin:adminpass -H 'content-type: application/json' -

X POST -d '{"vbridge" : {"vbr_name":"vbr2","controller_id":"odc2",
"domain_id":"(DEFAULT)" }}'

• Create vBridge Interfaces

curl --user admin:adminpass -H 'content-type: application/json' -X POST -d
'{"interface": {"if_name": "if1"}}'

curl --user admin:adminpass -H 'content-type: application/json' -X POST -d

'{"interface": {"if_name": "if2"}}'

curl --user admin:adminpass -H 'content-type: application/json' -X POST -d

'{"interface": {"if_name": "if1"}}'

curl --user admin:adminpass -H 'content-type: application/json' -X POST -d

'{"interface": {"if_name": "if2"}}'

• Get the list of logical ports configured

curl --user admin:adminpass -H 'content-type: application/json' -X GET http:/

• Create boundary and vLink

curl --user admin:adminpass -H 'content-type: application/json' -X
POST -d '{"boundary": {"boundary_id": "b1", "link": {"controller1_id":
"odc1", "domain1_id": "(DEFAULT)", "logical_port1_id": "PP-
OF:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01-s1-eth3", "controller2_id": "odc2", "domain2_id":
"(DEFAULT)", "logical_port2_id": "PP-OF:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:04-s4-eth3"}}}'

curl --user admin:adminpass -H 'content-type: application/json' -X

POST -d '{"vlink": {"vlk_name": "vlink1" , "vnode1_name": "vbr1",
"if1_name":"if2", "vnode2_name": "vbr2", "if2_name": "if2", "boundary_map":
{"boundary_id":"b1","vlan_id": "50"}}}'

• Configure port-map on the interfaces

curl --user admin:adminpass -H 'content-type: application/json' -X PUT -d
'{"portmap":{"logical_port_id": "PP-OF:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02-s2-eth2"}}'

curl --user admin:adminpass -H 'content-type: application/json' -X PUT -d

'{"portmap":{"logical_port_id": "PP-OF:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:05-s5-eth2"}}'

Please verify whether Host h2 and Host h6 are pinging. * Send packets from h2 to h6
mininet> h2 ping h6

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

How To Test Vlan-Map In Mininet Environment

This example explains how to test vlan-map in a multi host scenario.

Figure 33.21. Example that demonstrates vlanmap testing in Mininet


• Save the mininet script given below as vlan_vtn_test.py and run the mininet script in the
mininet environment where Mininet is installed.

Mininet Script

• Run the mininet script

sudo mn --controller=remote,ip= --custom vlan_vtn_test.py --topo


Please follow the below steps to test a vlan map using mininet: * Create a controller
curl --user admin:adminpass -H 'content-type: application/json' -X POST -
d '{"controller": {"controller_id": "controllerone", "ipaddr":"",
"type": "odc", "version": "1.0", "auditstatus":"enable"}}' http://127.0.0.

• Create a VTN

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

curl -X POST -H 'content-type: application/json' -H 'username: admin' -H

'password: adminpass' -d '{"vtn" : {"vtn_name":"vtn1","description":"test
VTN" }}'

• Create a vBridge(vBridge1)

curl -X POST -H 'content-type: application/json' -H 'username: admin'

-H 'password: adminpass' -d '{"vbridge" : {"vbr_name":"vBridge1",
"controller_id":"controllerone","domain_id":"(DEFAULT)" }}' http://127.0.0.

• Create a vlan map with vlanid 200 for vBridge vBridge1

curl -X POST -H 'content-type: application/json' -H 'username: admin' -H

'password: adminpass' -d '{"vlanmap" : {"vlan_id": 200 }}' http://127.0.0.

• Create a vBridge (vBridge2)

curl -X POST -H 'content-type: application/json' -H 'username: admin'

-H 'password: adminpass' -d '{"vbridge" : {"vbr_name":"vBridge2",
"controller_id":"controllerone","domain_id":"(DEFAULT)" }}' http://127.0.0.

• Create a vlan map with vlanid 300 for vBridge vBridge2

curl -X POST -H 'content-type: application/json' -H 'username: admin' -H

'password: adminpass' -d '{"vlanmap" : {"vlan_id": 300 }}' http://127.0.0.

Ping all in mininet environment to view the host reachability.

mininet> pingall
Ping: testing ping reachability
h1 -> X h3 X h5 X
h2 -> X X h4 X h6
h3 -> h1 X X h5 X
h4 -> X h2 X X h6
h5 -> h1 X h3 X X
h6 -> X h2 X h4 X

How To View Specific VTN Station Information.

This example demonstrates on how to view a specific VTN Station information.

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium


• Configure mininet and create a topology:

$ sudo mn --custom /home/mininet/mininet/custom/topo-2sw-2host.py --

controller=remote,ip= --topo mytopo
mininet> net

s1 lo: s1-eth1:h1-eth0 s1-eth2:s2-eth1

s2 lo: s2-eth1:s1-eth2 s2-eth2:h2-eth0
h1 h1-eth0:s1-eth1
h2 h2-eth0:s2-eth2

• Generate traffic by pinging between hosts h1 and h2 after configuring the portmaps

mininet> h1 ping h2
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=64 time=16.7 ms
64 bytes from icmp_req=2 ttl=64 time=13.2 ms

Create Controller.
curl -v --user admin:adminpass -H 'content-type: application/json' -X POST -
d '{"controller": {"controller_id": "controllerone", "ipaddr":"",
"type": "odc", "version": "1.0", "auditstatus":"enable"}}' http://127.0.0.

Create a VTN.
curl -v --user admin:adminpass -H 'content-type: application/json' -X POST -
d '{"vtn" : {"vtn_name":"vtn1","description":"test VTN" }}' http://127.0.0.

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

Create a vBridge in the VTN.

curl -v --user admin:adminpass -H 'content-type: application/json' -X POST

-d '{"vbridge" : {"vbr_name":"vBridge1","controller_id":"controllerone",
"domain_id":"(DEFAULT)" }}'

Create two Interfaces into the vBridge.

curl -v --user admin:adminpass -H 'content-type: application/json' -X POST -d

'{"interface": {"if_name": "if1","description": "if_desc1"}}' http://127.0.0.
curl -v --user admin:adminpass -H 'content-type: application/json' -X POST -d
'{"interface": {"if_name": "if2","description": "if_desc2"}}' http://127.0.0.

Configure two mappings on the interfaces.

curl -v --user admin:adminpass -H 'content-type: application/json' -X PUT -d

'{"portmap":{"logical_port_id": "PP-OF:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01-s1-eth1"}}'
curl -v --user admin:adminpass -H 'content-type: application/json' -X PUT -d
'{"portmap":{"logical_port_id": "PP-OF:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02-s2-eth2"}}'

Get the VTN stations information.

curl -v -X GET -H 'content-type: application/json' -H 'username: admin'

-H 'password: adminpass' "

curl -v -X GET -H 'content-type: application/json' -H 'username: admin'
-H 'password: adminpass' "
"vtnstations": [
"domain_id": "(DEFAULT)",
"interface": {},
"ipaddrs": [
"macaddr": "b2c3.06b8.2dac",
"no_vlan_id": "true",
"port_name": "s2-eth2",
"station_id": "178195618445172",
"switch_id": "00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02",
"vnode_name": "vBridge1",
"vnode_type": "vbridge",
"vtn_name": "vtn1"
"domain_id": "(DEFAULT)",
"interface": {},
"ipaddrs": [

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

"macaddr": "ce82.1b08.90cf",
"no_vlan_id": "true",
"port_name": "s1-eth1",
"station_id": "206130278144207",
"switch_id": "00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01",
"vnode_name": "vBridge1",
"vnode_type": "vbridge",
"vtn_name": "vtn1"

How To View Dataflows in VTN

This example demonstrates on how to view a specific VTN Dataflow information.

The same Configuration as Vlan Mapping Example(https://wiki.opendaylight.org/view/

Get the VTN Dataflows information

curl -v -X GET -H 'content-type: application/json' --user 'admin:adminpass'


"dataflows": [
"controller_dataflows": [
"controller_id": "controllerone",
"controller_type": "odc",
"egress_domain_id": "(DEFAULT)",
"egress_port_name": "s3-eth3",
"egress_station_id": "3",
"egress_switch_id": "00:00:00:00:00:00:00:03",
"flow_id": "29",
"ingress_domain_id": "(DEFAULT)",
"ingress_port_name": "s2-eth2",
"ingress_station_id": "2",
"ingress_switch_id": "00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02",
"match": {
"macdstaddr": [
"macsrcaddr": [
"vlan_id": [

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

"pathinfos": [
"in_port_name": "s2-eth2",
"out_port_name": "s2-eth1",
"switch_id": "00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02"
"in_port_name": "s1-eth2",
"out_port_name": "s1-eth3",
"switch_id": "00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01"
"in_port_name": "s3-eth1",
"out_port_name": "s3-eth3",
"switch_id": "00:00:00:00:00:00:00:03"
"reason": "success"

How To Configure Flow Filters Using VTN

The flow-filter function discards, permits, or redirects packets of the traffic within a VTN,
according to specified flow conditions The table below lists the actions to be applied when
a packet matches the condition:

Action Function
Pass Permits the packet to pass. As options, packet transfer
priority (set priority) and DSCP change (se t ip-dscp) is
Drop Discards the packet.
Redirect Redirects the packet to a desired virtual interface. As an
option, it is possible to change the MAC address when the
packet is transferred.

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

Figure 33.23. Flow Filter

Following steps explain flow-filter function:

• When a packet is transferred to an interface within a virtual network, the flow-filter

function evaluates whether the transferred packet matches the condition specified in the

• If the packet matches the condition, the flow-filter applies the flow-list matching action
specified in the flow-filter.

To apply the packet filter, configure the following:

• Create a flow-list and flow-listentry.

• Specify where to apply the flow-filter, for example VTN, vBridge, or interface of vBridge.

Configure mininet and create a topology:

$ mininet@mininet-vm:~$ sudo mn --controller=remote,ip=<controller-ip> --topo

Please generate the following topology

$ mininet@mininet-vm:~$ sudo mn --controller=remote,ip=<controller-ip> --topo
mininet> net
s1 lo: s1-eth1:s2-eth3 s1-eth2:s3-eth3
s2 lo: s2-eth1:h1-eth0 s2-eth2:h2-eth0 s2-eth3:s1-eth1
s3 lo: s3-eth1:h3-eth0 s3-eth2:h4-eth0 s3-eth3:s1-eth2
h1 h1-eth0:s2-eth1
h2 h2-eth0:s2-eth2
h3 h3-eth0:s3-eth1

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

h4 h4-eth0:s3-eth2

• .Create a controller

curl -v --user admin:adminpass -H 'content-type: application/json' -X POST

-d '{"controller": {"controller_id": "controller1", "ipaddr":"",
"type": "odc", "version": "1.0", "auditstatus":"enable"}}' http://127.0.0.

• Create a VTN

curl -v --user admin:adminpass -H 'content-type: application/json' -X POST -d

'{"vtn" : {"vtn_name":"vtn_one","description":"test VTN" }}' http://127.0.0.

• Create two vBridges

curl -v --user admin:adminpass -H 'content-type: application/json' -X POST

-d '{"vbridge" : {"vbr_name":"vbr_one^C"controller_id":"controller1",
"domain_id":"(DEFAULT)" }}'
curl -v --user admin:adminpass -H 'content-type: application/json' -X POST -d
'{"vbridge" :
"domain_id":"(DEFAULT)" }}'

• Create vBridge interfaces

curl -v --user admin:adminpass -H 'content-type: application/json' -X POST -d

'{"interface": {"if_name": "if1","description": "if_desc1"}}' http://127.0.0.
curl -v --user admin:adminpass -H 'content-type: application/json' -X POST -d
'{"interface": {"if_name": "if1","description": "if_desc1"}}' http://127.0.0.

• Configure two mappings on the interfaces

curl -v --user admin:adminpass -H 'content-type: application/json' -X PUT -d

'{"portmap":{"logical_port_id": "PP-OF:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:03-s3-eth1"}}'
curl -v --user admin:adminpass -H 'content-type: application/json' -X PUT -d
'{"portmap":{"logical_port_id": "PP-OF:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02-s2-eth1"}}'

• Create Flowlist

curl -v --user admin:adminpass -H 'content-type: application/json' -X POST -d

'{"flowlist": {"fl_name": "flowlist1", "ip_version":"IP"}}' http://127.0.0.

• Create Flowlistentry

curl -v --user admin:adminpass -H 'content-type: application/json' -X

POST -d '{"flowlistentry": {"seqnum": "233","macethertype": "0x8000",

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

"ipdstaddr": "","ipdstaddrprefix": "2","ipsrcaddr": "",

"ipsrcaddrprefix": "2","ipproto": "17","ipdscp": "55","icmptypenum":"232",
"icmpcodenum": "232"}}'

• Create vBridge Interface Flowfilter

curl -v --user admin:adminpass -X POST -H 'content-type: application/json' -d

'{"flowfilter" : {"ff_type": "in"}}'

Flow filter demonstration with DROP action-type

curl -v --user admin:adminpass -X POST -H 'content-type: application/
json' -d '{"flowfilterentry": {"seqnum": "233", "fl_name": "flowlist1",
"action_type":"drop", "priority":"3", "dscp":"55" }}'

As we have applied the action type "drop" , ping should fail.
mininet> h1 ping h3
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
From icmp_seq=1 Destination Host Unreachable
From icmp_seq=2 Destination Host Unreachable

In controller you can see the DROP action type information as below, here action as DROP.
osgi> readflows 0000000000000003
[FlowOnNode[flow =Flow[match = Match [fields={DL_VLAN=DL_VLAN(0), IN_PORT=
IN_PORT(OF|1@OF|00:00:00:00:00:00:00:03), DL_DST=DL_DST(4e:08:1d:a6:05:08),
DL_SRC=DL_SRC(be:15:00:a4:96:13)}, matches=15], actions = [DROP],
priority = 10, id = 0, idleTimeout = 0, hardTimeout = 300], tableId =
0, sec = 18, nsec = 475000000, pkt = 20, byte = 1232], FlowOnNode[flow
=Flow[match = Match [fields={DL_VLAN=DL_VLAN(0), IN_PORT=IN_PORT(OF|
3@OF|00:00:00:00:00:00:00:03), DL_DST=DL_DST(be:15:00:a4:96:13), DL_SRC=
DL_SRC(4e:08:1d:a6:05:08)}, matches=15], actions = [OUTPUT[OF|1@OF|
00:00:00:00:00:00:00:03]], priority = 10, id = 0, idleTimeout = 0, hardTimeout
= 0], tableId = 0, sec = 18, nsec = 489000000, pkt = 10, byte = 812]]

Flow filter demonstration with PASS action-type

curl -v --user admin:adminpass -X PUT -H 'content-type: application/
json' -d '{"flowfilterentry": {"seqnum": "233", "fl_name": "flowlist1",
"action_type":"pass", "priority":"3", "dscp":"55" }}'

mininet> h1 ping h3
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=64 time=0.984 ms
64 bytes from icmp_req=2 ttl=64 time=0.110 ms
64 bytes from icmp_req=3 ttl=64 time=0.098 ms

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

In controller you can see the PASS action type information by executing the following
osgi> readflows 0000000000000003

How To Use VTN To Make Packets Take Different Paths

This example demonstrates on how to create a specific VTN Path Map information.

Figure 33.24. PathMap

• Save the mininet script given below as pathmap_test.py and run the mininet script in the
mininet environment where Mininet is installed.

• Create topology using the below mininet script:

from mininet.topo import Topo

class MyTopo( Topo ):
"Simple topology example."
def __init__( self ):
"Create custom topo."
# Initialize topology
Topo.__init__( self )
# Add hosts and switches
leftHost = self.addHost( 'h1' )
rightHost = self.addHost( 'h2' )
leftSwitch = self.addSwitch( 's1' )
middleSwitch = self.addSwitch( 's2' )
middleSwitch2 = self.addSwitch( 's4' )
rightSwitch = self.addSwitch( 's3' )
# Add links
self.addLink( leftHost, leftSwitch )

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

self.addLink( leftSwitch, middleSwitch )

self.addLink( leftSwitch, middleSwitch2 )
self.addLink( middleSwitch, rightSwitch )
self.addLink( middleSwitch2, rightSwitch )
self.addLink( rightSwitch, rightHost )
topos = { 'mytopo': ( lambda: MyTopo() ) }

mininet> net
s1 lo: s1-eth1:h1-eth0 s1-eth2:s2-eth1 s1-eth3:s4-eth1
s2 lo: s2-eth1:s1-eth2 s2-eth2:s3-eth1
s3 lo: s3-eth1:s2-eth2 s3-eth2:s4-eth2 s3-eth3:h2-eth0
s4 lo: s4-eth1:s1-eth3 s4-eth2:s3-eth2
h1 h1-eth0:s1-eth1
h2 h2-eth0:s3-eth3

• Generate traffic by pinging between hosts h1 and h2 before creating the portmaps

mininet> h1 ping h2
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
From icmp_seq=1 Destination Host Unreachable
From icmp_seq=2 Destination Host Unreachable
From icmp_seq=3 Destination Host Unreachable
From icmp_seq=4 Destination Host Unreachable

• Create Controller

curl --user admin:adminpass -H 'content-type: application/json' -X POST -

d '{"controller": {"controller_id": "odc", "ipaddr":"", "type":
"odc", "version": "1.0", "auditstatus":"enable"}}'

• Create a VTN

curl --user admin:adminpass -H 'content-type: application/json' -X POST -d

'{"vtn" : {"vtn_name":"vtn1","description":"test VTN" }}' http://127.0.0.

• Create a vBridge in the VTN

curl --user admin:adminpass -H 'content-type: application/json' -X

POST -d '{"vbridge" : {"vbr_name":"vBridge1","controller_id":"odc",
"domain_id":"(DEFAULT)" }}'

• Create two Interfaces into the vBridge

curl --user admin:adminpass -H 'content-type: application/json' -X POST -d

'{"interface": {"if_name": "if1","description": "if_desc1"}}' http://127.0.0.
curl --user admin:adminpass -H 'content-type: application/json' -X POST -d
'{"interface": {"if_name": "if2","description": "if_desc2"}}' http://127.0.0.

• Configure two mappings on the interfaces

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

curl --user admin:adminpass -H 'content-type: application/json' -X PUT -d

'{"portmap":{"logical_port_id": "PP-OF:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01-s1-eth1"}}'
curl --user admin:adminpass -H 'content-type: application/json' -X PUT -d
'{"portmap":{"logical_port_id": "PP-OF:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:03-s3-eth3"}}'

• Generate traffic by pinging between hosts h1 and h2 after creating the portmaps

mininet> h1 ping h2
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=64 time=36.4 ms
64 bytes from icmp_req=2 ttl=64 time=0.880 ms
64 bytes from icmp_req=3 ttl=64 time=0.073 ms
64 bytes from icmp_req=4 ttl=64 time=0.081 ms

• Get the VTN Dataflows information

curl -X GET -H 'content-type: application/json' --user 'admin:adminpass'


• Create a Flowcondition in the VTN

curl --user admin:admin -H 'content-type: application/json' -X PUT

-d '{"name": "flowcond_1","match": [{"index": 1,"ethernet": {"src":
"ca:9e:58:0c:1e:f0","dst": "ba:bd:0f:e3:a8:c8","type": 2048},"inetMatch":
{"inet4": {"src": "","dst": "","protocol": 1}}}]}' http://10.

• Create a Pathmap in the VTN

curl --user admin:admin -H 'content-type: application/json' -X PUT -d

'{"index": 10, "condition":"flowcond_1", "policy":1, "idleTimeout": 300,
"hardTimeout": 0}'

• Get the Path policy information

curl --user admin:admin -H 'content-type: application/json' -X GET -d

'{"id": 1,"default": 100000,"cost": [{"location": {"node": {"type":
"OF","id": "00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01"},"port": {"type": "OF","id": "3",
"name": "s1-eth3"}},"cost": 1000},{"location": {"node": {"type": "OF",
"id": "00:00:00:00:00:00:00:04"},"port": {"type": "OF","id": "2","name":
"s4-eth2"}},"cost": 1000},{"location": {"node": {"type": "OF", "id":
"00:00:00:00:00:00:00:03"},"port": {"type": "OF","id": "3","name": "s3-
eth3"}},"cost": 100000}]}'

• Before applying Path policy information in the VTN

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

"pathinfos": [
"in_port_name": "s1-eth1",
"out_port_name": "s1-eth2",
"switch_id": "00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01"
"in_port_name": "s2-eth1",
"out_port_name": "s2-eth2",
"switch_id": "00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02"
"in_port_name": "s3-eth1",
"out_port_name": "s3-eth3",
"switch_id": "00:00:00:00:00:00:00:03"

• After applying Path policy information in the VTN

"pathinfos": [
"in_port_name": "s1-eth1",
"out_port_name": "s1-eth3",
"switch_id": "00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01"
"in_port_name": "s4-eth1",
"out_port_name": "s4-eth2",
"switch_id": "00:00:00:00:00:00:00:04"
"in_port_name": "s3-eth2",
"out_port_name": "s3-eth3",
"switch_id": "00:00:00:00:00:00:00:03"

VTN Coordinator(Troubleshooting HowTo)

This page demonstrates Installation troubleshooting steps of VTN Coordinator.
OpenDaylight VTN provides multi-tenant virtual network functions on OpenDaylight
controllers. OpenDaylight VTN consists of two parts:

• VTN Coordinator.

• VTN Manager.

VTN Coordinator orchestrates multiple VTN Managers running in OpenDaylight Controllers,

and provides VTN Applications with VTN API. VTN Manager is OSGi bundles running in
OpenDaylight Controller. Current VTN Manager supports only OpenFlow switches. It
handles PACKET_IN messages, sends PACKET_OUT messages, manages host information,

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

and installs flow entries into OpenFlow switches to provide VTN Coordinator with virtual
network functions. The requirements for installing these two are different.Therefore, we
recommend that you install VTN Manager and VTN Coordinator in different machines.

List of installation Troubleshooting How to’s

How to install VTN Coordinator?
• https://wiki.opendaylight.org/view/

After executing db_setup, you have encountered the error "Failed to setup database"?

The error could be due to the below reasons * Access Restriction

The user who owns /usr/local/vtn/ directory and installs VTN Coordinator, can only start
db_setup. Example :
The directory should appear as below (assuming the user as "vtn"):
# ls -l /usr/local/
drwxr-xr-x. 12 vtn vtn 4096 Mar 14 21:53 vtn
If the user doesnot own /usr/local/vtn/ then, please run the below command
(assuming the username as vtn),
chown -R vtn:vtn /usr/local/vtn

• Postgres not Present

1. In case of Fedora/CentOS/RHEL, please check if /usr/pgsql/<version>

directory is present and also ensure the commands initdb, createdb,pg_ctl,
psql are working. If, not please re-install postgres packages
2. In case of Ubuntu, check if /usr/lib/postgres/<version> directory is
present and check for the commands as in the previous step.

• Not enough space to create tables

Please check df -k and ensure enough free space is available.

• If the above steps do not solve the problem, please refer to the log file for the exact

/usr/local/vtn/var/dbm/unc_setup_db.log for the exact error.

What are the things to check after vtn_start?

• list of VTN Coordinator processes

• Run the below command ensure the Coordinator daemons are running.

Command: /usr/local/vtn/bin/unc_dmctl status

Name Type IPC Channel PID
----------- ----------- -------------- ------
drvodcd DRIVER drvodcd 15972
lgcnwd LOGICAL lgcnwd 16010
phynwd PHYSICAL phynwd 15996

• Issue the curl command to fetch version and ensure the process is able to respond.

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

How to debug a startup failure? The following activities take place in order during

• Database server is started after setting virtual memory to required value,Any database
startup errors will be reflected in any of the below logs.

/usr/local/vtn/var/db/pg_log/postgresql-*.log (the pattern will have
the date)

• uncd daemon is kicked off, The daemon in turn kicks off the rest of the daemons.

Any uncd startup failures will be reflected in /usr/local/vtn/var/uncd/


After setting up the apache tomcat server, what are the aspects that should be
Please check if catalina is running.
The command ps -ef | grep catalina | grep -v grep should list a catalina

If you encounter an erroneous situation where the REST API is always failing.
Please ensure the firewall settings for port:8282(Lithium release) or
port:8083(Post Lithium release) and enable the same.

How to debug a REST API returning a failure message? Please check the /usr/share/
java/apache-tomcat-7.0.39/logs/core/core.log for failure details.

REST API for VTN configuration fails, how to debug? The default log level for all
daemons is "INFO", to debug the situation TRACE or DEBUG logs may be needed. To
increase the log level for individual daemons, please use the commands suggested below
/usr/local/vtn/bin/lgcnw_control loglevel trace -- upll daemon log
/usr/local/vtn/bin/phynw_control loglevel trace -- uppl daemon log
/usr/local/vtn/bin/unc_control loglevel trace -- uncd daemon log
/usr/local/vtn/bin/drvodc_control loglevel trace -- Driver daemon log

After setting the log levels, the operation can be repeated and the log files can be referred
for debugging.

Problems while Installing PostgreSQL due to openssl. Errors may occur when trying
to install postgreSQL rpms. Recently PostgreSQL has upgraded all their binaries to use
the latest openssl versions with fix for http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heartbleed Please
upgrade the openssl package to the latest version and re-install. For RHEL 6.1/6.4 : If you
have subscription, Please use the same and update the rpms. The details are available in the
following link https://access.redhat.com/site/solutions/781793 ACCESS-REDHAT
rpm -Uvh http://mirrors.kernel.org/centos/6/os/x86_64/Packages/openssl-1.0.
rpm -ivh http://mirrors.kernel.org/centos/6/os/x86_64/Packages/openssl-

For other linux platforms, Please do yum update, the public respositroes will have the latest
openssl, please install the same.

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

Support for Microsoft SCVMM 2012 R2 with ODL VTN

System Center Virtual Machine Manager (SCVMM) is Microsoft’s virtual machine support
center for window’s based emulations. SCVMM is a management solution for the
virtualized data center. You can use it to configure and manage your virtualization host,
networking, and storage resources in order to create and deploy virtual machines and
services to private clouds that you have created.

The VSEM Provider is a plug-in to bridge between SCVMM and OpenDaylight.

Microsoft Hyper-V is a server virtualization developed by Microsoft, which provides

virtualization services through hypervisor-based emulations.

Figure 33.25. Set-Up Diagram

The topology used in this set-up is:

• A SCVMM with VSEM Provider installed and a running VTN Coordinator and
OpenDaylight with VTN Feature installed.

• PF1000 virtual switch extension has been installed in the two Hyper-V servers as it
implements the OpenFlow capability in Hyper-V.

• Three OpenFlow switches simulated using mininet and connected to Hyper-V.

• Four VM’s hosted using SCVMM.

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

It is implemented as two major components:


• OpenDaylight (VTN Feature)

• VTN Coordinator

VTN Coordinator
OpenDaylight VTN as Network Service provider for SCVMM where VSEM provider is added
in the Network Service which will handle all requests from SCVMM and communicate
with the VTN Coordinator. It is used to manage the network virtualization provided by

Installing HTTPS in VTN Coordinator

• System Center Virtual Machine Manager (SCVMM) supports only https protocol.

Apache Portable Runtime (APR) Installation Steps

• Enter the command "yum install apr" in VTN Coordinator installed machine.

• In /usr/bin, create a soft link as "ln –s /usr/bin/apr-1-config /usr/bin/apr-config".

• Extract tomcat under "/usr/share/java" by using the below command "tar -xvf apache-
tomcat-7.0.56.tar.gz –C /usr/share/java".

Please go through the bleow link to download apache-tomcat-7.0.56.tar.gz file,

• Please go to the directory "cd /usr/share/java/apache-tomcat-7.0.56/bin and unzip

tomcat-native.gz using this command "tar -xvf tomcat-native.gz".

• Go to the directory "cd /usr/share/java/apache-tomcat-7.0.56/bin/tomcat-native-1.1.27-


• Enter the command "./configure --with-apr=/usr/bin/apr-config".

• Enter the command "make" and "make install".

• Apr libraries are successfully installed in "/usr/local/apr/lib".

Enable HTTP/HTTPS in VTN Coordinator

Enter the command "system-config-firewall-tui" to enable firewall settings in server.

Create a CA’s private key and a self-signed certificate in server

• Execute the following command "openssl req -x509 -days 365 -extensions v3_ca -newkey
rsa:2048 –out /etc/pki/CA/cacert.pem –keyout /etc/pki/CA/private/cakey.pem" in a
single line.

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

Argument Description
Country Name Specify the country code. For example, JP
State or Province Name Specify the state or province. For example, Tokyo
Locality Name Locality Name For example, Chuo-Ku
Organization Name Specify the company.
Organizational Unit Name Specify the department, division, or the like.
Common Name Specify the host name.
Email Address Specify the e-mail address.

• Execute the following commands: "touch /etc/pki/CA/index.txt" and "echo 00 > /etc/pki/
CA/serial" in server after setting your CA’s private key.

Create a private key and a CSR for web server

• Execute the following command "openssl req -new -newkey rsa:2048 -out csr.pem –
keyout /usr/local/vtn/tomcat/conf/key.pem" in a single line.

• Enter the PEM pass phrase: Same password you have given in CA’s private key PEM pass

Argument Description
Country Name Specify the country code. For example, JP
State or Province Name Specify the state or province. For example, Tokyo
Locality Name Locality Name For example, Chuo-Ku
Organization Name Specify the company.
Organizational Unit Name Specify the department, division, or the like.
Common Name Specify the host name.
Email Address Specify the e-mail address.
A challenge password Specify the challenge password.
An optional company name Specify an optional company name.

Create a certificate for web server

• Execute the following command "openssl ca –in csr.pem –out /usr/local/vtn/tomcat/

conf/cert.pem –days 365 –batch" in a single line.

• Enter pass phrase for /etc/pki/CA/private/cakey.pem: Same password you have given in
CA’s private key PEM pass phrase.

• Open the tomcat file using "vim /usr/local/vtn/tomcat/bin/tomcat".

• Include the line " TOMCAT_PROPS="$TOMCAT_PROPS -Djava.library.path=\"/usr/local/

apr/lib\"" " in 131th line and save the file.

Edit server.xml file and restart the server

• Open the server.xml file using "vim /usr/local/vtn/tomcat/conf/server.xml" and add the
below lines.
<Connector port="${vtn.port}" protocol="HTTP/1.1" SSLEnabled="true"
maxThreads="150" scheme="https" secure="true"

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

SSLPassword=same password you have given in CA's private key PEM pass phrase
connectionTimeout="20000" />

• Save the file and restart the server.

• To stop vtn use the following command.


• To start vtn use the following command.


• Copy the created CA certificate from cacert.pem to cacert.crt by using the following
openssl x509 –in /etc/pki/CA/cacert.pem –out cacert.crt

Checking the HTTP and HTTPS connection from client

• You can check the HTTP connection by using the following command:
curl -X GET -H 'contenttype:application/json' -H 'username:admin' -
H 'password:adminpass' http://<server IP address>:8083/vtn-webapi/

• You can check the HTTPS connection by using the following command:
curl -X GET -H 'contenttype:application/json' -H 'username:admin' -
H 'password:adminpass' https://<server IP address>:8083/vtn-webapi/
api_version.json --cacert /etc/pki/CA/cacert.pem

• The response should be like this for both HTTP and HTTPS:

Prerequisites to create Network Service in SCVMM machine, Please

follow the below steps
1. Please go through the below link to download VSEM Provider zip file, https://

2. Unzip the vtnmanager-vsemprovider-1.0.0-Lithium-bin.zip file anywhere in your SCVMM


3. Stop SCVMM service from "service manager⇐tools⇐servers⇐select system center virtual

machine manager" and click stop.

4. Go to "C:/Program Files" in your SCVMM machine. Inside "C:/Program Files", create a

folder named as *"ODLProvider".

5. Inside "C:/Program Files/ODLProvider", create a folder named as "Module" in your

SCVMM machine.

6. Inside "C:/Program Files/ODLProvider/Module", Create two folders named as

"Odl.VSEMProvider" and "VSEMOdlUI" in your SCVMM machine.

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

7. Copy the "VSEMOdl.dll" file from "ODL_SCVMM_PROVIDER/ODL_VSEM_PROVIDER" to

"C:/Program Files/ODLProvider/Module/Odl.VSEMProvider" in your SCVMM machine.

8. Copy the "VSEMOdlProvider.psd1" file from "application/vsemprovider/

VSEMOdlProvider/VSEMOdlProvider.psd1" to "C:/Program Files/ODLProvider/
Module/Odl.VSEMProvider" in your SCVMM machine.

9. Copy the "VSEMOdlUI.dll" file from "ODL_SCVMM_PROVIDER/

ODL_VSEM_PROVIDER_UI" to "C:/Program Files/ODLProvider/Module/VSEMOdlUI" in
your SCVMM machine.

10.Copy the "VSEMOdlUI.psd1" file from "application/vsemprovider/VSEMOdlUI" to "C:/

Program Files/ODLProvider/Module/VSEMOdlUI" in your SCVMM machine.

11.Copy the "reg_entry.reg" file from "ODL_SCVMM_PROVIDER/Register_settings" to

your SCVMM desktop and double click the "reg_entry.reg" file to install registry entry in
your SCVMM machine.

12.Download "PF1000.msi" from this link, https://www.pf-info.com/License/en/index.php?

url=index/index_non_buyer and place into "C:/Program Files/Switch Extension Drivers"
in your SCVMM machine.

13.Start SCVMM service from "service manager⇐tools⇐servers⇐select system center virtual

machine manager" and click start.

System Center Virtual Machine Manager (SCVMM)

It supports two major features:

• Failover Clustering

• Live Migration

Failover Clustering
A single Hyper-V can host a number of virtual machines. If the host were to fail then all of
the virtual machines that are running on it will also fail, thereby resulting in a major outage.
Failover clustering treats individual virtual machines as clustered resources. If a host were to
fail then clustered virtual machines are able to fail over to a different Hyper-V server where
they can continue to run.

Live Migration
Live Migration is used to migrate the running virtual machines from one Hyper-V server to
another Hyper-V server without any interruptions. Please go through the below video for
more details,

• https://youtu.be/34YMOTzbNJM

SCVMM User Guide

• Please go through the below link for SCVMM user guide: https://wiki.opendaylight.org/

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

• Please go through the below links for more details

• OpenDaylight SCVMM VTN Integration: https://youtu.be/iRt4dxtiz94

• OpenDaylight Congestion Control with SCVMM VTN: https://


OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

34. NETCONF User Guide

Table of Contents
Overview ..................................................................................................................... 346
Southbound (netconf-connector) ................................................................................. 346
Northbound (NETCONF servers) .................................................................................. 353
NETCONF testtool ....................................................................................................... 355

NETCONF is an XML based protocol used for configuration and monitoring of devices in the
network. The base NETCONF protocol is described in RFC-6241.

NETCONF in OpenDaylight: OpenDaylight controller supports NETCONF protocol as a

northbound server as well as a southbound plugin.

Southbound (netconf-connector)
NETCONF southbound plugin is capable of connecting to remote NETCONF devices and
expose their configuration/operational datastores, rpcs and notifications as MD-SAL mount
points. These mount points allow applications and remote users (over RESTCONF) to
interact with the mounted devices.

In terms of RFCs, the connector supports:

• RFC-6241,

• RFC-5277,

• RFC-6022,

Netconf-connector is fully model driven (utilising YANG modeling language) so in

addition to the above RFCs, it supports any data/RPC/notifications described by a YANG
model that is implemented by the device.

NETCONF southbound can be activated by installing odl-netconf-
connector-all Karaf feature.

Netconf-connector configuration
There are 2 ways for configuring netconf-connector (as is for any other module) NETCONF
or RESTCONF. This guide focuses on using RESTCONF.

Default configuration
The default configuration contains all the necessary dependencies (file: 01-netconf.xml) and
a single instance of netconf-connector (file: 99-netconf-connector.xml) called controller-

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

config which connects itself to the NETCONF northbound in OpenDaylight in a loopback

fashion. The connector mounts the NETCONF server for config-subsystem in order to enable
RESTCONF protocol for config-subsystem. This RESTCONF still goes via NETCONF, but using
RESTCONF is much more user friendly than using NETCONF.

Spawning additional netconf-connectors while the controller is running


1. OpenDaylight is running

2. In Karaf, you must have the netconf-connector installed (at the Karaf prompt, type:
feature:install odl-netconf-connector-all); the loopback NETCONF mountpoint will be
automatically configured and activated

3. Wait until log displays following entry: RemoteDevice{controller-config}: NETCONF

connector initialized successfully

To configure a new netconf-connector you need to send following request to RESTCONF:

POST http://localhost:8181/restconf/config/network-topology:network-topology/

Headers: Accept application/xml Content-Type application/xml

<module xmlns="urn:opendaylight:params:xml:ns:yang:controller:config">
<type xmlns:prefix=
<address xmlns=
<port xmlns=
<username xmlns=
<password xmlns=
<tcp-only xmlns=
<event-executor xmlns=
<type xmlns:prefix=
<binding-registry xmlns=
<type xmlns:prefix=

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

<dom-registry xmlns=
<type xmlns:prefix=
<client-dispatcher xmlns=
<type xmlns:prefix=
<processing-executor xmlns=
<type xmlns:prefix=
<keepalive-executor xmlns=
<type xmlns:prefix=

This spawns a new netconf-connector which tries to connect to (or mount) a NETCONF
device at and port 830. You can check the configuration of config-subsystem’s
configuration datastore. The new netconf-connector will now be present there. Just invoke:

GET http://localhost:8181/restconf/config/network-topology:network-topology/topology/

The response will contain the module for new-netconf-device.

Right after the new netconf-connector is created, it writes some useful metadata into the
datastore of MD-SAL under the network-topology subtree. This metadata can be found at:

GET http://localhost:8181/restconf/operational/network-topology:network-topology/

Information about connection status, device capabilities etc. can be found there.

Connecting to a device not supporting NETCONF monitoring

The netconf-connector in OpenDaylight relies on ietf-netconf-monitoring support when
connecting to remote NETCONF device. The ietf-netconf-monitoring support allows
netconf-connector to list and download all YANG schemas that are used by the device.
NETCONF connector can only communicate with a device if it knows the set of used
schemas (or at least a subset). However, some devices use YANG models internally but do
not support NETCONF monitoring. Netconf-connector can also communicate with these
devices, but you have to side load the necessary yang models into OpenDaylight’s YANG
model cache for netconf-connector. In general there are 2 situations you might encounter:

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

1. NETCONF device does not support ietf-netconf-monitoring but it does list all its YANG
models as capabilities in HELLO message

This could be a device that internally uses only ietf-inet-types YANG model with revision
2010-09-24. In the HELLO message that is sent from this device there is this capability

For such devices you only need to put the schema into folder cache/schema inside your
Karaf distribution.

The file with YANG schema for ietf-inet-types has to be called ietf-inet-
types@2010-09-24.yang. It is the required naming format of the cache.

2. NETCONF device does not support ietf-netconf-monitoring and it does NOT list its
YANG models as capabilities in HELLO message

Compared to device that lists its YANG models in HELLO message, in this case there
would be no capability with ietf-inet-types in the HELLO message. This type of device
basically provides no information about the YANG schemas it uses so its up to the user of
OpenDaylight to properly configure netconf-connector for this device.

Netconf-connector has an optional configuration attribute called yang-module-capabilities

and this attribute can contain a list of "YANG module based" capabilities. So by setting
this configuration attribute, it is possible to override the "yang-module-based" capabilities
reported in HELLO message of the device. To do this, we need to modify the configuration
of netconf-connector by adding this xml (It needs to be added next to the address, port,
username etc. configuration elements):
<yang-module-capabilities xmlns=
<capability xmlns=

Remember to also put the YANG schemas into the cache folder.

For putting multiple capabilities, you just need to replicate the capability xml
element inside yang-module-capability element. Capability element is modeled
as a leaf-list. With this configuration, we would make the remote device report
usage of ietf-inet-types in the eyes of netconf-connector.

Reconfiguring Netconf-Connector While the Controller is Running

It is possible to change the configuration of a running module while the whole controller
is running. This example will continue where the last left off and will change the

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

configuration for the brand new netconf-connector after it was spawned. Using one
RESTCONF request, we will change both username and password for the netconf-

To update an existing netconf-connector you need to send following request to RESTCONF:

PUT http://localhost:8181/restconf/config/network-topology:network-topology/topology/

<module xmlns="urn:opendaylight:params:xml:ns:yang:controller:config">
<type xmlns:prefix=
<username xmlns=
<password xmlns=
<tcp-only xmlns=
<event-executor xmlns=
<type xmlns:prefix=
<binding-registry xmlns=
<type xmlns:prefix=
<dom-registry xmlns=
<type xmlns:prefix=
<client-dispatcher xmlns=
<type xmlns:prefix=
<processing-executor xmlns=
<type xmlns:prefix=

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

<keepalive-executor xmlns=
<type xmlns:prefix=

Since a PUT is a replace operation, the whole configuration must be specified along with
the new values for username and password. This should result in a 2xx response and
the instance of netconf-connector called new-netconf-device will be reconfigured to use
username bob and password passwd. New configuration can be verified by executing:

GET http://localhost:8181/restconf/config/network-topology:network-topology/topology/

With new configuration, the old connection will be closed and a new one established.

Destroying Netconf-Connector While the Controller is Running

Using RESTCONF one can also destroy an instance of a module. In case of netconf-
connector, the module will be destroyed, NETCONF connection dropped and all resources
will be cleaned. To do this, simply issue a request to following URL:

DELETE http://localhost:8181/restconf/config/network-topology:network-topology/

The last element of the URL is the name of the instance and its predecessor is the type of
that module (In our case the type is sal-netconf-connector and name new-netconf-device).
The type and name are actually the keys of the module list.

Netconf-connector utilisation
Once the connector is up and running, users can utilize the new Mount point instance. By
using RESTCONF or from their application code. This chapter deals with using RESTCONF
and more information for app developers can be found in the developers guide or in the
official tutorial application ncmount that can be found in the coretutorials project:

• https://github.com/opendaylight/coretutorials/tree/stable/lithium/ncmount

Reading data from the device

Just invoke (no body needed):

GET http://localhost:8080/restconf/operational/network-topology:network-topology/

This will return the entire content of operation datastore from the device. To view just the
configuration datastore, change operational in this URL to config.

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

Writing configuration data to the device

In general, you cannot simply write any data you want to the device. The data have to
conform to the YANG models implemented by the device. In this example we are adding
a new interface-configuration to the mounted device (assuming the device supports Cisco-
IOS-XR-ifmgr-cfg YANG model). In fact this request comes from the tutorial dedicated to
the ncmount tutorial app.

POST http://localhost:8181/restconf/config/network-topology:network-topology/
<interface-configuration xmlns="http://cisco.com/ns/yang/Cisco-IOS-XR-ifmgr-
<description>Interface description</description>

Should return 200 response code with no body.

This call is transformed into a couple of NETCONF RPCs. Resulting
NETCONF RPCs that go directly to the device can be found
in the OpenDaylight logs after invoking log:set TRACE
org.opendaylight.controller.sal.connect.netconf in the Karaf
shell. Seeing the NETCONF RPCs might help with debugging.

This request is very similar to the one where we spawned a new netconf device. That’s
because we used the loopback netconf-connector to write configuration data into config-
subsystem datastore and config-subsystem picked it up from there.

Invoking custom RPC

Devices can implement any additional RPC and as long as it provides YANG models for it,
it can be invoked from OpenDaylight. Following example shows how to invoke the get-
schema RPC (get-schema is quite common among netconf devices). Invoke:

POST http://localhost:8181/restconf/operations/network-topology:network-topology/
<input xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-netconf-monitoring">

This call should fetch the source for ietf-yang-types YANG model from the mounted device.

Netconf-connector + Netopeer
Netopeer (an open-source NETCONF server) can be used for testing/exploring NETCONF
southbound in OpenDaylight.

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

Netopeer installation
Docker container with netopeer will be used in this guid. To install docker and start the
netopeer image perform following steps:

1. Install docker http://docs.docker.com/linux/step_one/

2. Start the netopeer image:

docker run -rm -t -p 1831:830 dockeruser/netopeer

3. Verify netopeer is running by invoking (netopeer should send its HELLO message right
ssh root@localhost -p 1831 -s netconf
(password root)

Mounting netopeer NETCONF server


• OpenDaylight is started with features odl-restconf-all and odl-netconf-


• Netopeer is up and running in docker

Now just follow the chapter: Spawning netconf-connector. In the payload change the:

• name to e.g. netopeer

• usernam/password to your system credentials

• ip to localhost

• port to 1831.

After netopeer is mounted successfully, its configuration can be read using RESTCONF by

GET http://localhost:8181/restconf/config/network-topology:network-topology/topology/

Northbound (NETCONF servers)

OpenDaylight provides 2 types of NETCONF servers:

• NETCONF server for config-subsystem(listening by default on port 1830)

• Serves as a default interface for config-subsystem and allows users to spawn/

reconfigure/destroy modules(or applications) in OpenDaylight

• NETCONF server for MD-SAL(listening by default on port 2830)

• Serves as an alternative interface for MD-SAL (besides RESTCONF) and allows users
to read/write data from MD-SAL’s datastore and to invoke its rpcs (NETCONF
notifications are not available in the Lithium release of OpenDaylight)

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

The reason for having 2 NETCONF servers is that config-subsystem and MD-SAL
are 2 different components of OpenDaylight and require different approach
for NETCONF message handling and data translation. These 2 components will
probably merge in the future.

NETCONF server for config-subsystem

This NETCONF server is the primary interface for config-subsystem. It allows the users to
interact with config-subsystem in a standardized NETCONF manner.

In terms of RFCs, these are supported:

• RFC-6241,

• RFC-5277,

• RFC-6470

• (partially, only the schema-change notification is available in Lithium release)

• RFC-6022,

For regular users it is recommended to use RESTCONF + the controller-config loopback

mountpoint instead of using pure NETCONF. How to do that is spesific for each
component/module/application in OpenDaylight and can be found in their dedicated user

NETCONF server for MD-SAL

This NETCONF server is just a generic interface to MD-SAL in OpenDaylight. It uses the
stadard MD-SAL APIs and serves as an alternative to RESTCONF. It is fully model driven and
supports any data and rpcs that are supported by MD-SAL.

In terms of RFCs, these are supported:

• RFC-6241,

• RFC-6022,

Notifications over NETCONF are not supported in the Lithium release.

Install NETCONF northbound for MD-SAL by installing feature: odl-netconf-
mdsal in karaf. Default binding port is 2830.

The default configuration can be found in file: 08-netconf-mdsal.xml. The file contains the
configuration for all necessary dependencies and a single SSH endpoint starting on port

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

2830. There is also a (by default disabled) TCP endpoint. It is possible to start multiple
endpoints at the same time either in the initial configuration file or while OpenDaylight is

The credentials for SSH endpoint can also be configured here, the defaults are admin/
admin. Credentials in the SSH endpoint are not yet managed by the centralized AAA
component and have to be configured separately.

Verifying MD-SAL’s NETCONF server

After the NETCONF server is available it can be examined by e.g. a command line ssh tool:
ssh admin@localhost -p 2830 -s netconf

The server will respond by sending its HELLO message and can be used as a regular
NETCONF server from now on.

Mounting the MD-SAL’s NETCONF server

To perform this operation, just spawn a new netconf-connector as described in Spawning
netconf-connector. Just change the ip to "" port to "2830" and its name to

Now the MD-SAL’s datastore can be read over RESTCONF via NETCONF by invoking:

GET http://localhost:8181/restconf/operational/network-topology:network-topology/

This might not seem very useful, since MD-SAL can be accessed directly
from RESTCONF or from Application code, but the same method can be
used to mount and control other OpenDaylight instances by the "master

NETCONF testtool
NETCONF testtool is a set of standalone runnable jars that can:

• Simulate NETCONF devices(suitable for scale testing)

• Stress/Performance test NETCONF devices

• Stress/Performance test RESTCONF devices

These jars are part of OpenDaylight’s controller project and are built from the NETCONF
codebase in OpenDaylight.

Download testtool from OpenDaylight Nexus at: http://

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

Nexus contains 3 executable tools:

• executable.jar - device simulator

• stress.client.tar.gz - NETCONF stress/performance measuring tool

• perf-client.jar - RESTCONF stress/performance measuring tool

Each executable tool provides help. Just invoke java -jar <name-of-the-
tool.jar> --help

NETCONF device simulator

Detailed information for NETCONF device simulator can be found at: https://

NETCONF stress/performance measuring tool

This is basically a NETCONF client that puts NETCONF servers under heavy load of NETCONF
RPCs and measures the time until a configurable amount of them is processed.

RESTCONF stress-performance measuring tool

Very similar to NETCONF stress tool with the difference of using RESTCONF protocol instead

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium


Table of Contents
Overview ..................................................................................................................... 357
YANG-PUSH Architecture ............................................................................................. 358
YANG-PUSH Catalog .................................................................................................... 358
YANG-PUSH Workload Manager .................................................................................. 358
Configuring YANG-PUSH Workload Manager ............................................................... 358
Administering YANG-PUSH Workload Manager ........................................................... 359
Tutorials ...................................................................................................................... 359

This section describes how to use the YANG-PUSH feature in OpenDaylight and contains
contains configuration, administration, and management sections for the feature.

YANG PUBSUB project allows applications to place subscriptions upon targeted subtrees of
YANG datastores residing on remote devices. Changes in YANG objects within the remote
subtree can be pushed to an OpenDaylight MD-SAL and to the application as specified
without a requiring the controller to make a continuous set of fetch requests.

YANG-PUSH capabilities available

This module contains the base code which embodies the intent of YANG-PUSH
requirements for subscription as defined in {i2rs-pub-sub-requirements} [https://
datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-i2rs-pub-sub-requirements/]. The mechanism for
delivering on these YANG-PUSH requirements over Netconf transport is defined in
{netconf-yang-push} [netconf-yang-push: https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-netconf-

Note that in the current release, not all capabilities of draft-ietf-netconf-yang-push

are realized. Currently only implemented is create-subscription RPC support from ietf-
datastore-push@2015-10-15.yang; and this will be for periodic subscriptions only. There of
course is intent to provide much additional functionality in future OpenDaylight releases.

Future YANG-PUSH capabilities

Over time, the intent is to flesh out more robust capabilities which will allow OpenDaylight
applications to subscribe to YANG-PUSH compliant devices. Capabilities for future releases
will include:

Support for subscription change/delete: modify-subscription rpc support for all

mountpoint devices or particular mountpoint device delete-subscription rpc support for all
mountpoint devices or particular mountpoint device

Support for static subscriptions: This will enable the receipt of subscription updates pushed
from publishing devices where no signaling from the controller has been used to establish
the subscriptions.

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

Support for additional transports: NETCONF is not the only transport of interest to
OpenDaylight or the subscribed devices. Over time this code will support Restconf
and HTTP/2 transport requirements defined in {netconf-restconf-yang-push} [https://

YANG-PUSH Architecture
The code architecture of Yang push consists of two main elements


YANGPUSH Provider receives create-subscription requests from applications and then

establishes/registers the corresponding listener which will receive information pushed by
a publisher. In addition, YANGPUSH Provider also invokes an augmented OpenDaylight
create-subscription RPC which enables applications to register for notification as per
rfc5277. This augmentation adds periodic time period (duration) and subscription-id
values to the existing RPC parameters. The Java package supporting this capability is
“org.opendaylight.yangpush.impl”. YangpushDomProvider is the class which supports this
YANGPUSH Provider capability.

The YANGPUSH Listener accepts update notifications from a device after they
have been de-encapsulated from the NETCONF transport. The YANGPUSH Listener
then passes these updates to MD-SAL. This function is implemented via the
YangpushDOMNotificationListener class within the “org.opendaylight.yangpush.listner”
Java package. Applications should monitor MD-SAL for the availability of newly pushed
subscription updates.

The NF Catalog contains metadata describing a NF.

Configuring YANG-PUSH Catalog

TBD: Describe how to configure YANG-PUSH Catalog after installation.

Administering YANG-PUSH Catalog

TBD: Include related command reference or operations for using YANG-PUSH Catalog.

YANG-PUSH Workload Manager

The Workload Manager defines RPCs to manage instances.

Configuring YANG-PUSH Workload Manager

TBD: Describe how to configure YANG-PUSH Workload Manager after installation.

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

Administering YANG-PUSH Workload Manager

TBD: Include related command reference or operations for using YANG-PUSH Workload

Below are tutorials for YANG-PUSH.

Using YANG-PUSH Catalog

TBD: State the purpose of tutorial

TBD: An overview of the YANG-PUSH Catalog tutorial

TBD: Provide any prerequisite information, assumed knowledge, or environment required
to execute the use case.

Target Environment
There are no topology requirement for using YANG-PUSH. A single node able interact
as per https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-netconf-yang-push-00 is sufficient to use this

TBD: Step by step procedure for using YANG-PUSH Catalog.

Using YANG-PUSH Workload Manager

TBD: State the purpose of tutorial

TBD: An overview of the YANG-PUSH Workload Manager tutorial

TBD: Provide any prerequisite information, assumed knowledge, or environment required
to execute the use case.

Target Environment
TBD: Include any topology requirement for the use case.

OpenDaylight User Guide February 21, 2016 Beryllium

TBD: Step by step procedure for using YANG-PUSH Workload Manager.


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