The Guidelines For 4 Weeks INTERSHIP - 16MBA3PINT

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The guidelines for 4 Weeks INTERSHIP - 16MBA3PINT

Introduction: The objective of the Internship is to enable students to understand the
organizational structure and the working of various functional departments. This will provide
the students an opportunity to apply and integrate his / her diverse knowledge and skills.


 Internship shall be organization specific learning.

 The duration of the Internship is for 4 weeks and carries 4 credits
 Internship shall be undertaken after second semester and before commencement of the
third semester.
 The work shall be carried under the supervision of both internal guide from the
Department and an external guide from the organization where the student is
undertaking Internship.
 No two students shall do Internship in the same organization; however they can carry
out the study in two different SBUs of the same group of companies.
 The period of internship should be for four weeks and may be anytime between 4th June
2018 to 21st July 2018. (The students have to report to the Department for a
Placement Training likely to commence from 23rd July 2018 for one Week).
 The first interim report along with PPTs should be submitted to the guide on 18th June
2018. However, if you are commencing the internship later, then the interim report
along with PPTs should be submitted to the guide 15 days from the date of
commencement of the internship.
 First draft of the final report should reach the guide on or before 3rd August, 2018 and
the final report should be submitted on or before 15th August 2018, failing which the
student will have to once again repeat the internship with the next batch of students.


 The total marks for Internship shall be 100 which will be divided as follows:
a) Internal evaluation shall be done by the internal guide for 50 marks
b) A panel of Examiners consisting both external and internal examiners shall jointly
conduct a final viva voce for 50 marks.
 The external examiner (full time faculty) shall be drawn from other Management
Institutes/Departments/ Industry
 The Internship marks shall be included in the 3rd semester scheme. A candidate shall
secure a minimum of 50% of marks in aggregate
 In the event of failing to secure 50% marks, the candidate shall have to once again
undergo Internship in the forthcoming 2nd Semester .


 Cover page
 A certificate from the Organization
 A certificate from the guide, HOD and Head of the Institution indicating the bonafide
performance of the work by the student.
 Declaration – An undertaking by the student to the effect that the work is
independently carried out by him/her.
 Acknowledgement
 Table of contents

Chapter 1: Industry Profile

Chapter 2: Company Profile which includes History of the Company, Type of business
the company is involved, Vision & Mission, The quality policy, Area of operation,
Organization Structure, Product/Service profile, Competitors information, Future growth
and prospects.
Chapter 3: An overview of all the Departments in the Company.
Chapter 4: i) McKinsey’s 7S model
ii) SWOT Analysis
iii) Financial Statement Analysis
Chapter 5: A brief write up on the knowledge acquired in the 4 weeks

Copies of Internship should be maintained by the institution for a period of 3 academic



Student Presenter: __________________

Evaluator: __________________ Date_____

Viva Voce Examination - SEE Total

Internal Evaluation -
CIE Marks
Internal External Average

50 Marks 50 Marks 50 Marks 50 Marks 100 Marks

Inadequate Average Admirable Outstanding

1-3 4-6 7-9 10 Score
Knowledge and Content (Report)
Content 10
Subject Knowledge 10
Coherence and Organization 10
Supporting Material 10
Timelines 10
Presentation Skills (viva-voce)
Graphics (use of PowerPoint) 10
Mechanics/ Structure 10
Elocution/Language 10
Length and Pace 10
Overall impression (Q&A) 10
Total score 100

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