The Guidelines For 4 Weeks INTERSHIP - 18MBA3NTOS

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The guidelines for 4 Weeks INTERSHIP - 18MBA3NTOS

Introduction: The objective of the Internship is to enable students to carry desk research on
organization and to understand the Industry profile /Company profile /fundamentals of
business/Economical /Policy support/Research and Development of the company and current
strategies. This will provide the students an opportunity to apply and integrate his / her diverse
knowledge and skills.

Course Outcomes: Upon completion of the course, student will have the ability to
CO1 : Understand the functional departments of an organization
CO2 : Analyze the complexities of each department of an organization
CO3 :Present the report in a written form
CO4: Engage students to deliver the findings of the internship through oral presentations


 Internship shall be organization specific learning.

 The duration of the Internship is for 4 weeks and carries 4 credits
 Internship shall be undertaken after second semester and before commencement of the
third semester.
 The work shall be carried under the supervision of internal guide from the Department.
 Title of internship:

“Organizational Study of ___________”

(Desk Research during Covid Pandemic2020)

 Students under same guide should choose different sector for internship.
 The period of internship should be for four weeks from 20th July 2020 to 17th August
 The student have to choose the sector and company for the organization study and
inform respective guide before 19th July 2020.No two students under the same guide
can choose same sector and organization.

 Students are instructed to enroll for 2 coursera course with minimum of 13 hours
which is equal to one credit (before 20th July 2020) and inform respective guides
through google class room.
a) Common course –Fundamentals Of Management
b) Elective based – As discussed and suggested by respective guides.
The course should be minimum of 13 hours which is equal to one credit.

 The first interim report along with PPTs should be submitted to the guide on 3rd August
2020 with common course certificate.
 Elective based course should be completed on or before 10 August 2020
 Both the certificates should be submitted to respective guides.
 First draft of the final report should reach the guide on or before, 20th August 2020 and
the same draft report will be sent to you after correction on or before 27th August 2020,
the final soft copy report should be submitted to respective guides on 31st August 2020
failing which the student will have to once again repeat the internship with the next batch
of students.
 The hard copy report submission date will be announced later.

Note:1) Students who have already taken internship according to the records of excel
sheet date 13 July 2020 will be exempted from elective based course and submit a report
on the same organization following all the chapters as specified in the guidelines.
2) The changes in internship guidelines is due to Covid Pandemic


 The total marks for Internship shall be 100 which will be divided as follows:
a) Internal evaluation shall be done by the internal guide for 50 marks
b) A panel of Examiners consisting both external and internal examiners shall jointly
conduct a final viva voce for 50 marks.
 The external examiner (full time faculty) shall be drawn from other Management
Institutes/Departments/ Industry
 The Internship marks shall be included in the 3 rd semester scheme. A candidate shall
secure a minimum of 50% of marks in aggregate

 In the event of failing to secure 50% marks, the candidate shall have to once again
undergo Internship in the forthcoming 2nd Semester .


 Cover page
 A email communication from guide for approval of sector
 A certificate from the guide, HOD and Head of the Institution indicating the bonafide
performance of the work by the student.
 Declaration – An undertaking by the student to the effect that the work is independently
carried out by him/her.
 Acknowledgement
 Table of contents

Chapter 1: Industry Profile

Chapter 2: Company Profile which includes History of the Company, Type of business the
company is involved, Vision & Mission, The quality policy, Area of operation,
Organization Structure, Product/Service profile, Competitors information, Future growth
and prospects.
Chapter 3: Current Strategies (instead of functional departments)
Chapter 4: Framework
i) McKinsey’s 7S model
ii) SWOT Analysis
iii) PESTEL Analysis
iv)Financial Statement Analysis
Chapter 5: A brief write up on the knowledge acquired in the 4 weeks

Format of the report:

 The internship shall be prepared with MS word, Font Times New Roman 12 font
size for
 Text, 14 font size for headings & sub headings and 1.5 line spacing
 Report shall be printed in A4 size 1 inch margin on all sides

 The report shall be hard bound , spiral bound is not allowed

 The report shall have minimum of 60 pages

Plagiarism check: All internship reports shall go through the plagiarism check and the
plagiarism index has to below=25%.


Student Presenter: __________________

Evaluator: __________________ Date_____

Internal Evaluation – Viva Voce Examination – SEE Total

CIE Internal External Average Marks
50 Marks 50 Marks
Inadequat 50 Marks
Average 50 MarksOutstandin
Admirabl 100 Marks
e e g
1-3 4-6 7-9 10 Scor
Knowledge and Content (Report)
Content 10
Subject Knowledge 10
Coherence and Organization 10
Supporting Material 10
Timelines 10
Presentation Skills (viva-voce)
Graphics (use of PowerPoint) 10
Mechanics/ Structure 10
Elocution/Language 10
Length and Pace 10
Overall impression (Q&A) 10
Total score 100

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