Annual Review 2010
Annual Review 2010
Annual Review 2010
03 Editorial
04 Our Organisation
06 Annual Report of the General Secretary
10 Annual Conference Report
12 Anniversary congratulations
22 SID, JUMP, CEC and AIF Reports
27 In Memoriam
28 Country Highlights - Brasil
30 Country Highlights - UK (Scotland)
32 Employers and Institutions supporting the exchange in 2009
55 Support Services to IAESTE
56 IAESTE Members and Co-operating Institutions
Copies are available from IAESTE National Secretariats in Member countries, from IAESTE Co-operating
Institutions or from the General Secretary, IAESTE A.s.b.l. P.O.Box 35-05, Belgrade, Serbia.
IAESTE Association sans but lucratif. Registered in Luxembourg
Welcome Goran Radnović
General Secretary
Goran Radnović
General Secretary
IAESTE A.s.b.l.
Our Organisation
The International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience
(IAESTE A.s.b.l) is an Association of National Committees representing Academic,
Industrial and Student interests. Each National Office is responsible for the
administration of the exchange in its own country.
he Association was founded in Association. Each year the Annual
January 1948 at Imperial College,
London, on the initiative of the
Conference brings together the
representatives of these bodies
The Mission and
Imperial College Vacation Work to decide issues of general policy aims of IAESTE
Committee. National Organisations and with the IAESTE Co-operating
of ten European countries represented Institutions to carry out the exchange MISSION
at this meeting became Members and of offers for training. Prior to the
Mr. James Newby was elected General conference, each Member and Co- To operate a high quality
Secretary. The geographical coverage operating Institution collects offers practical training exchange
was soon to spread to most of Europe from Employers willing to receive programme between Members
and beyond, as new countries were students from abroad for a temporary in order to enhance technical
admitted to Membership. training and work experience period and professional development
The Association became a registered relevant to the students’ areas of study, and to promote international
body according to Luxembourg law at its as a complement to their University understanding and goodwill
General Conference 2005 in Cartagena or College education. The offering amongst students, academic
de Indias, Colombia. It is a non-political, Companies or Institutions are expected institutions, employers and the
independent, non-governmental to pay students a wage sufficient to wider community.
Organisation, in operational relationship cover their cost of living during the
with the United Nations Educational, actual training period. IAESTE operates irrespective of
Scientific and Cultural Organisation The offers of training are exchanged race, colour, sex or creed.
(UNESCO) and maintains consultative with other Members and Co-operating
relationships with the UN Economic Institutions mainly on a reciprocal basis. AIMS
and Social Council (ECOSOC), the Through their affiliated universities and
United Nations Industrial Development colleges, Members and Co-operating To provide students in Higher
Organisation (UNIDO) and the Institutions select qualified students Education with technical
International Labour Office (ILO). to meet Employers’ requirements as experience relevant to their
IAESTE is also in contact with the outlined on the training offer. Details of studies.
United Nations Economic Council for the selected candidates are sent to the
Africa (ECA), the Food and Agriculture Companies for approval. To offer Employers well qualified
Organisation (FAO), the Organisation Participation in the IAESTE exchange and motivated trainees.
of American States (OAS) and the is open to bona fide students attending
European Union (EU), as well as with courses at Universities, Institutes of To be a source of cultural
other educational non-governmental Technology and similar Institutions of enrichment for trainees and their
Organisations. Higher Education. host communities.
National Secretariats and Committees For further information about IAESTE
make up the Membership of the please visit our website
Mr Goran Radnović Dr Pulat Pulatov Mr Günter Müller-Graetschel Dr László Becker Mr Daniel Huppmann
General Secretary IAESTE Tajikistan IAESTE Germany IAESTE Hungary IAESTE Austria
2010-2012 2008-2011 2009-2012 2010-2013 2010-2011
of the Board
to the UN and its Agencies
International Organisation
New York (DPI/UN)
Mr Goran Radnović
General Conference Board
General Secretary
The General Conference possesses The Board implements the Association’s IAESTE A.s.b.l.
full power to take formal decisions policy and decisions approved by the P.O. Box 35-05
for the fulfilment of the Aims and General Conference, initiates activities 11120 Belgrade
approves the budget and regulations supporting the Association’s policy Serbia
of the Association. It is composed of in general and provides strategic
one delegate from each Full Member direction to the Association. The General
country. It elects the Board and the Secretary is responsible for the day-to-
General Secretary and meets every year day management of the Association. Geneva (UN)
in January. It is composed of the General Secretary Mr Günter Müller-Graetschel
and four elected members.
IAESTE Germany
General Secretary National Committee DAAD
Referat 225
The General Secretary is elected by National Committees represent the Kennedyallee 50
the Members to co-ordinate the daily Member countries and are composed
53175 Bonn
administration of the Association and is of persons representing Academic,
a Member of the Board. Industrial and Student interests. Germany
Vienna (UNIDO)
Mr Daniel Huppmann
IAESTE Austria
Taubstummengasse 7-9
1040 Wien
Paris (UNESCO)
Dr László Becker
IAESTE Hungary
Népszínház u. 8.
1081 Budapest
Report of the
This report is a summary of the exchange activities between IAESTE Members
and Co-operating Institutions during 2009. The details of these exchanges are
presented in the 2009 IAESTE Activity Report published in November 2009. The
exchange took place between 84 Members and Co-operating Institutions from 81
countries and 3 non-Member countries.
he 2009 IAESTE Activity Report Regional Exchange Academic Institutions who offered
contains the detail on the traineeships. A total of 3388 Industrial
bilateral exchanges, study The number of traineeships filled by Employers and 905 Academic
fields of trainees sent and students from non–European countries Institutions received students in 2009.
received by each Member accounted for 39% of the number IAESTE would like to acknowledge the
and Co-operating Institution, the of students sent, up 5% from 2008. continued support of all Employers and
number of participating Employers However figures show that there was an Educational Institutions in 2009.
and Institutions, training periods, increase in the number of students sent
age, nationality and gender of the from Asia. Numbers sent and received Multilateral Exchange
trainees and other useful comparative in North and South America declined in
information. It includes detail on 2009. The open international exchange
the exchange with non-Member As shown on figure 2 Europe is clearly illustrated by the number of
countries. The report also contains Figure 1: Total trainees sent
a summary of the administrative
procedures, reports from Members
and Co-operating Institutions on
activity as well as the names of the 4000
staff handling the exchange and the
addresses of the National Secretariats. 3000
Readers interested in this report may
order a copy from the IAESTE National 2000
Secretariat in their own country or
from the General Secretary. 1000
1 - 2 months
General Secretary Figure 4: Trainees sent and received by continent in 2009
Goran Radnović
General Secretary
Sent to 41-50 members;
l l
Sent to 31-40 members;
Sent to 21-30 members;
l 16%
l l
Figure 4. Training
Figure 7b: Training Specialities
Specialities basedbased on Trainees
on trainees received
received 2009
Work experience positions on
Science offer in 2009
Figure 5 indicates the training periods
for 2009 with 51.1% of trainees on a
6-8 week placement with 27.1% on
Figure 1: Total trainees sent
placements lasting between 8-12 weeks.
The number of trainees to benefit from
long-term placements represents 21% of
Architecture and other
5000 Applied Arts
total placements in 2009, a decrease from
10.7% 2008. can be seen on figure 6.
Engineering 4000 Most of the training takes place in the
period June to September and coincides
3000 Agriculture with the Northern Hemisphere vacation
2.7% period. In the Southern Hemisphere,
2000 Others opportunities are available between
5.1% October and April. 41Members and
Total trainees sent
1000 4838 4778 Co-operating Institutions
4745 4579 are now
a position to offer long term training
Study fields: In 2009 64.8% of Nationality: The majority of students opportunities while 23 offer training
trainees were students of Engineering participating1in the IAESTE exchange
2 throughout
3 the year.
4 5
and Technology
Figure as
8: shown
Major on
Engineering fields are citizens of IAESTE Member countries. The majority of the work placements
figure 4. The remaining 35% were Some are from non-Member countries are exchanged during the Annual
divided between the Sciences,Computer
17%; and are studying abroad at Educational Conference in January on a bilateral
Architecture and Applied Arts, 11%;16% Institutions co-operating with IAESTE. basis but thanks to the development
Agriculture, 2% and other fields of In 2009, 204 students with different of the IAESTE IntraWeb the exchange
study, 5%. Placements in Engineering, nationalities to the sendingCivilcountry can continue after this meeting. New
12% 2b: Training Periods for 2009
Science and Agriculture shows slight
decline while there was an increase of
Less than 3
2% in Architecture and Applied Arts months 3 - 6 months
placements in 2009. 27.1% 13.1%
In 2009 the largest of the Engineering 12%
Faculties was Mechanical Engineering
6 - 12 months
18%, followed by Computer
al 7.5%
Science 16%, Civil Engineering Chemical
12%, Electrical Engineering 12%, 8%
More than 12
Chemical Engineering 8%, Industrial
Industrial months
Engineering 5%, Electronic Engineering 5% 0.1%
3%, Environmental Engineering 3%,
nology Biotechnology Telecommunications Electronics Environmental Eng.
3% 3%, Biotechnology
3% 3% 3%
3%, Food Technology 2%, Mechatronics
2% and Aeronautical Engineering 2%.
1 - 2 months
Indeed there was significant increase 51.1%
in the number ofFigure 10: Majorand
Biotechnology Science fields
Environmental Engineering placements
and Automotive Engineering fared Biology/Microbiology Figure 5. Training Periods for 2009
better this year but the majority of
Chemistry 19%
24% traditional Engineering placements received places on the programme. and unused Offers can be put on the
decreased. Placements in Biology, Of theseFigure
19 were from the
3: Comparisonfollowing
15% of length of IntraWeb at any by
terms spent time by Members and
Material Science/Metallurgy, non-Member countries: Afghanistan, Co-operating Institutions and this ensures
Architectural and Media studies saw an Short term < 3 mths
Albania, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Long term > 3 mths
that IAESTE can accommodate students
increase in numbers in 2009. Cameroon, Cape Verde, Guatemala, Iraq, and employer Offers as they arise.
Sub-dividing the Engineering 2009
groups Liechtenstein, Moldova, New Zealand, Categories of Offers: IAESTE
gives us the breakdown between the Singapore and Turkmenistan. classify placements as Research and
major participating disciplines as shown Four IAESTE countries exchanged Development (D) indicating work of a
Material science
on Figure 7. 2008 students directly with non-Members laboratory nature; Professional (P) is used
Figure 8 shows major science countries that included, Cuba, for professional activities, practical design
disciplines in 2009. Netherlands, New Zealand. work and similar; Working environment
2007 Mathematics
Environmental Science 6%
84% Biochemistry REPORT Pharmacy
5% 5%
months Sent to 11-20 members;
0.1% 41%
Figure 5: Multilateral exchange
1 - 2 months
from his term as General Secretary and he Macedonia retired as Members of the
emphasised the most dramatic moments Board, having completed their terms of
of his own IAESTE experience. office. Dr László Becker, IAESTE Hungary
The General Secretary then gave her and Mr Daniel Huppmann, IAESTE Austria
report in which she thanked all members were elected for three years and one
of the Organising Committee for all the year respectively. Mrs Pauline Ferguson
preparation made for the Conference. completed her term as General Secretary
She highlighted the statistics of last year’s finishing her tenure of Office.
activities and summarised her six year’s Many social events enriched the
term of Office as General Secretary. In her busy Conference programme. At the
personal farewell she expressed cheerful Welcome Dinner guests were served
memories of her 21 years involvement traditional Swiss cuisine and were
in IAESTE emphasising the honour and able to experience traditional Swiss
privilege of being General Secretary. entertainment. Speeches were given
She concluded her speech with a to honour and thank the outgoing
presentation video as a tribute to all her General Secretary Mrs Pauline Ferguson
colleagues in IAESTE. for her hard work and dedication to the
The Master of Ceremony, Mrs Munton Association.
then thanked their Sponsors and The International evening was held at
supporters and the Opening Ceremony the Technopark on the Sunday evening.
concluded with a jazz orchestra In addition to the meal provided by
performance. IAESTE Switzerland, national food and
During the five day Conference as drinks from around the world were
well as the usual Plenary and Exchange enjoyed by everyone.
Sessions, participants were also
able to avail themselves of our
IntraWeb training, provided A total of 7049 Offers were
by members of the Internet
Development Team, a Meet and brought to the Exchange
Greet Session organised by the
Mentoring Co-ordinator, Dr Pulat Pulatov, Another evening was held at the ETH
IAESTE Tajikistan, enabling newcomers to Main Building where the guests enjoyed
meet some more experienced delegates the presentations and the hospitality
before the start of the Conference. provided by the ETH. Many also joined
For the first time ever a mini SID was the after-party organised by the Swiss
organised by the SID Co-ordinator, Mr Local Committees.
Gerhard Gevelmann. Members and A guided tour of Lucerne and a visit
Co-operating Institutions expressed to the important IAESTE Switzerland
enormous interest and participated in Employers Paul Scherrer Institute
several Workshops. PSI, Villigen, and Empa and Eawag,
The Plenary Sessions were busy affairs Dübendorf, were further highlights of the
where the Members discussed and week’s programme.
agreed upon changes to the Statutes The Farewell Dinner took participants
and By-Laws. The IAESTE Ombudsman, to the Uto Kulm Restaurant on Üetliberg
Professor Bernardo Herold, presented his which offered an amazing view over the
President, Mrs Pauline Ferguson, the Report to the Conference and stated that city and where guests were provided
General Secretary of IAESTE A.s.b.l. and in 2009 he had seen a slight decrease in with fine Swiss cuisine, live jazz music
Mrs Seraina Munton, National Secretary the number of student complaints which and dancing.
of IAESTE Switzerland. he had to deal with. 9 cases out of 4073 Ms Christina Vakomies, IAESTE UK
The Secretary of State Mr indicate a great success for the quality of made a presentation to Ms Ginny Arnold,
dell’Ambriogio praised the reputation the services which IAESTE offers. National Secretary IAESTE Canada and
and achievements of IAESTE in the field A total of 7049 Offers of internships Mr Günter Müller-Graetschel, IAESTE
of Higher Education and stressed the were brought to the Exchange Sessions, Germany thanked Professor Emmanouel
importance of Organisations like IAESTE 378 less than last year but still impressive Aftias, long standing National Secretary
and its Mission in today’s world. He given the prevailing economic climate of IAESTE Greece. Their presence at future
wished everyone an enjoyable stay in and some Members managed to Conferences will be sorely missed.
Zurich and a successful Conference. exchange with over 60 countries in the In his speech the new General
In his inspiring speech, Mr Köchle five days available. Secretary, Goran Radnović thanked
expressed his pleasure at being the As required under the IAESTE Statutes, IAESTE Switzerland for its excellent
Honorary Conference President. In a very Mr Thomas Faltner, IAESTE Austria and organisational work and hospitality
theatrical speech he highlighted events Ms Desanka Ichitrajkova, IAESTE F.Y.R. during the Annual Conference.
60 years of
IAESTE in Germany Günter Müller- Graetschel
National Secretary
rom the very beginning in August a few people stated at the time, that in the
1950, IAESTE in Germany was long run, IAESTE would have no future at all.
closely connected with the German But since then, IAESTE has grown
Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). tremendously worldwide, with 85 countries
This DAAD connection helped the now part of the IAESTE family.
Organization to flourish, because under The basic governing principles of IAESTE,
quite specific environmental conditions, good will, trust and mutual understanding
IAESTE Germany was able to set up a
system of Local Committees, to recruit
excellent personnel, to gain sufficient
financial support from the Government
and to obtain easy access to visas for
foreign students, who wanted to come for
work placements into German Companies
and Research Institutions.
Furthermore, these favourable conditions
soon led to IAESTE having a high reputation
within German industry and politics with
the consequence that very attractive Offers
could be allocated to foreign students. But On 1 January 1951
there were some more elements which Klaus Wyneken took over as National
helped IAESTE Germany become an Secretary. Very soon, already in the late
important player within the IAESTE family. fifties, Germany was the country with the
Since the 19th century, Germany has had highest exchange numbers within the
a strong tradition of vocational training, IAESTE family. In 1966 more than 2000
which combines theoretical instructions students came for practical training to
(at Schools) and practical training (within Germany. In total, the worldwide exchange
Companies). This so called dual system, in that year was 10.000. Over the years,
is a formula which is nowadays applied IAESTE Germany demonstrated quite a are still alive and create the platform for
worldwide, because it has proven that high degree of personal continuity. Klaus personal encounters at the Exchange
it can prepare the young generation Wyneken held the position of National Conference which always takes place in
perfectly to cope with the challenges of Secretary for 18 years, January. Meeting with people from the
Heinz Hessberger for 14 world-wide-IAESTE-network, exchanging
More than 100.000 students years and Günter Müller- Offers in face-to-face situations with country
representatives, whom you have known for
Graetschel has now been
benefited from IAESTE Germany serving for 15 years. The quite a long time, has turned out to be the
most efficient way, to provide the students
same applied to the staff
future technologies. Germany is a country of the National Office. at home with the most suitable placements
which relies heavily in its economy on Up to 2009, Germany had received in a foreign country.
export. Therefore, talented young people 66,425 student trainees from all over the IAESTE Germany is happy and proud
from all over the world, who would be world and sent 42,627 German students to to be part of this unique network and is
the future leaders of enterprises in their international placements. The beginning of looking forward to the decades to come.
home countries are highly welcome to the process of integration of the countries Thank you all for your co-operation over the
traineeships in Germany. of Europe created some threats for IAESTE last 60 years!
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National Secretary
turns forty!
What started out as a small group in 1970 has now grown to include a number
of Institutions and a great number of students. We are grateful to a number of
Institutions for supporting IAESTE Ghana
n 1970 Ghana joined the IAESTE trainees which started three years ago.
community with the Kwame Nkrumah The famous trips to the Crocodile Pond in
University of Science and Technology the north of the country and the Kakum
(KNUST) as the host University. In National Park in the south are designed to
that year, IAESTE Ghana sent out one give the trainees periods of relaxation.
student from KNUST and received six The National Committee and the
students from other IAESTE countries four Local Committees namely KNUST,
in exchange. The number of students University of Ghana, University of Mines and coming years. The Local Committees are
engaged in the Exchange Programme Technology (UMaT) and University of Cape making it possible for more Companies to
increased from time to time. The number Coast (UCC) have been very instrumental in benefit from IAESTE operations in Ghana.
of outgoing students increased from six in supporting IAESTE Ghana. The KNUST Local KNUST as an Institution provides Office
1970 to 35 in 1980 and further increased to Committee particularly serves as the parent accommodation for IAESTE Ghana and
56 in the year 2000. The number declined Local Committee and as such encourages all assists us with Staff and some stationery.
in the following years but this During these past 40 years
trend was reversed and in 2009,
34 qualified students from four A successful exchange in Africa IAESTE Ghana has relied so
much on the benevolence of
publicly-funded Universities KNUST.
were sent out for internship under the other Local Committees to work to promote We are particularly grateful to IAESTE
auspices of IAESTE Ghana. By the end of IAESTE Ghana. By dint of hard work, the Germany for being our major exchange
this year, about 42 students from the four members of the four Local Committees are partner, IAESTE Norway for sponsoring
Universities will be expected to go out for poised to extend the activities of IAESTE IAESTE Ghana at the 2010 Annual
practical training abroad. Ghana to cover other parts of the country. Conference in Zurich, KNUST for its unfailing
Similarly, the number of incoming Reports from our Employers indicate that support and all IAESTE Employers in Ghana
students increased from one in 1970 to 11 IAESTE is a sine qua non to the sustainability for accepting our incoming trainees as
in 1980 and further increased to 34 in the of their Institutions or Companies. For this well as our former National Secretaries and
year 2000. The figure declined thereafter reason, most of our Employers are prepared Administrative Secretaries for making IAESTE
but the trend was reversed and has been to receive more foreign trainees in the Ghana what it is today.
increasing since 2006. After 40 years of its
involvement in IAESTE, Ghana has sent out
over 890 students and received about 520
foreign interns. It must be emphasised here
that IAESTE Germany has been our major
exchange partner providing over 79% of
foreign trainees and accepting a similar
percentage of outgoing students from
Over the past 40 years the welfare of
trainees has been at the centre of our
operations and we hope to maintain our
free accommodation policy for incoming
30 Celebrating
our 30th
Maria Theodorou
National Secretary
Cyprus, a founding Member of IAESTE
A.s.b.l (2005), joined the IAESTE family
in 1980 through the Higher Technical
Institute, a Public Academic Institution
of Higher Education.
‘In Relation of
National Committee Population to
composed of Number of Students’
representatives of exchanged. IAESTE
Employers, other
Cyprus exchanges
placements with
representatives, Academics
20 countries. We
and Students was formed
concentrate on
and has since then been
providing quality
managing the activities of
training and great
IAESTE Cyprus. IAESTE Cyprus
is funded mainly by the cultural experiences
Government of Cyprus and to a lesser to incoming students being thankful
extent by private Organisations. Initially for having a number of dedicated
only students of the Higher Technical Employers who have participated in the
Institute and the Higher Hotel Institute Exchange Programme for 30 years.
were exchanged. Now students studying An unforgettable experience for
in all the recognised Universities and IAESTE Cyprus was the hosting of the
Higher Education Institutions of Cyprus 6th Extraordinary General Conference
may participate in the Exchange in Nicosia with around 200 participants.
Programme. Although not a student run situated at the crossroads of three The Conference started the same
Organisation, two Local Committees continents: Europe, Asia and Africa. Since day the Gulf War and is generally
of volunteer students are involved at 2004 Cyprus has been a Member State acknowledged as having been very
two different cities in supporting the of the European Union. Over the years successful in spite of the fact that many
incoming students. Cyprus has developed into a modern participants were unable to attend the
Cyprus is called the ‘Island of Love and country with a strong Economy and a Conference.
Beauty’ and ‘The Island of Aphrodite’. high Human Development Index. We strongly believe in the Mission and
It is the third largest Island in the We feel especially proud because in Aims of IAESTE and look forward to the
Mediterranean Sea, with an official spite of the size of the Island and the next 30 exciting years of participation,
population of around 860,000 people, size of its population IAESTE Cyprus has contribution and hard work.
Povilas Valiauga
National Secretary
IAESTE Lithuania
20 years later
IAESTE Lithuania was founded in 1990, just after the
independence of Lithuania was declared.
National Committee was Committee which is still run by Kaunas
established by a group of well University of Technology. Initially co-
known Lithuanian entrepreneurs ordinated by the International Office
as well as leading people from of the University, it has been run by
Kaunas University of Technology students, particularly the KTU Career
(KTU). They had an ambition to increase Centre, since 2003. Their energy and
the internationalisation of students and youthful drive helped to create a
local Companies as this kind of process good basis for IAESTE co-ordination in
was new in our country during that Lithuania and to make IAESTE’s name
period. IAESTE was chosen because of more and more
its great and long history in organising known to Lithuanian
internships for students. Moreover, the Companies. Interest
vision of our Constitutive Committee from Companies is
matched the values of IAESTE perfectly. increasing each year
Soon after the establishment of and it encourages
IAESTE Lithuania was announced, the us a lot to seek
first event was held, The Seminar on for higher rates in
IAESTE Development (SID) in 1991 in Student exchange.
Kaunas. A few years after, several more We are very grateful
Universities from Lithuania joined as to all the countries
Local Committees. However, for some that helped and
reason they were not very active and supported us during
unfortunately over time they left IAESTE. our journey in the
Currently IAESTE Lithuania has one IAESTE family.
Dr S. A. Hasan
National Secretary
IAESTE Pakistan
completes 20 years
Pakistan became a Member of IAESTE in 1990. In Pakistan, the activities of the
Association are carried out by IAESTE Pakistan
ore than 300 Training Scholarships been selected for internship in Austria. culture of Pakistan and the beauty of
have been received by IAESTE The Local Committee welcomed northern Pakistan.
Pakistan. Young Pakistani students Trainees from Syria, Iran and Oman. The students have been taken to places
are already benefiting from Trainees from other countries are yet to like Muree (Northern Pakistan), Peer
this Program. Since this is an come. The experience we are having with Suhawa, Faisal Mosque, Badshahi Mosque,
Exchange Program and the number of the incoming Students has developed Wahga Border and other different places.
training scholarships received by us for a sense of responsibility. The changing During the training period the students
sending young Pakistani students for views of the people towards Pakistan not only get involved in their work - in
training abroad, depend on how many are bringing a new hope and peace. It is fact they get to know the culture of the
International Students we receive, we can well said that the first impression is the country but also make friends, understand
be sponsored by Pakistani Organizations. last impression but we have changed the the language and in short they get to
This year IAESTE PAKISTAN welcomed minds of all incoming trainees. know a new world, a different culture. This
several students from different countries The Trainees have been given helps the students not just to understand
like Syria, Iran, Oman, Turkey, Japan, accommodation, food and transport by the culture of different countries; it helps
Germany and Austria. IAESTE Pakistan the hiring Institution. Apart from their them to find common features, compare
has two Local Committees, one in fieldwork we have also arranged different themselves and to see a positive side of
Karachi and the other in Islamabad. The gatherings, parties and visits to famous our country.
Local Committee in Islamabad has been places in Pakistan. We presented our daily IAESTE Pakistan intends to expand
working hard for the cause of IAESTE. life style and showed them the enriched IAESTE activities and bring in more
The Chair of the Local Companies to sign up for the
Committee in Islamabad Exchange Program in Pakistan.
is Dr Arshad Ali, Director IAESTE is a connection
General of The School of between different countries
Electrical Engineering and and their different ways of
Computer Science (SEECS) working in the same field.
a constituent School of IAESTE helps to encourage
The National University of and exchange ideas from
Sciences and Technology– the genius minds of different
NUST. NUST is among the countries.
world’s top 300 Universities. I would like to thank all the
Dr Arshad Ali has been participating Universities and
working really hard for Companies that are emerging
IAESTE. This year 8 students for the cause of IAESTE. I
have been given internships would also like to thank all
in NUST-SEECS. A delegation the other countries who have
of 6 students from Pakistan trusted Pakistan and sent their
has been registered for the trainees and have accepted
Motivation Seminar JUMP in out trainees to be a part of
Norway and one student has their Program.
A decade of
IAESTE in Belarus Victor Doronkevich
National Secretary
with a magnificent chance to realise
n the occasion of our 10th Anniversary remember. I DO and I UNDERSTAND.” This is their ambitions under the supervision
in IAESTE our thoughts go back to an algorithm for efficiency and the success of knowledgeable and highly-qualified
2000 when representatives from of a rather complicated and hard learning lecturers, researchers, specialists and
three Belarusian Institutions each and training process. Another valuable and professionals, reach their educational
participated in the IAESTE Conference precious benefit of training abroad is to pinnacles and finally achieve preparation
in 2000. The people then did not know
anything about IAESTE, its activities and did
not even know each other.
Presently the National Committee
is made up of the National Secretary
and representatives of the Belarusian
Universities, Enterprises and Companies,
which support and are involved in the
realisation of the IAESTE Student Exchange
It is really difficult to set up an
Organisation, but to maintain and to
develop it in an effective manner is even
harder. But by joining IAESTE we consider
ourselves as one of the Members of this
large family and we are very thankful to
the Management of the Association for
its practical assistance in all respects and
matters during this enjoyable but not very learn to work in the working environment for their professional life. We are sure of the
simple period of time. of another culture and also to improve fact that thanks to IAESTE our Graduates
In reality we have come to realise that language skills. Working in a multicultural are well prepared to assume a leadership
IAESTE is a wonderful Organisation for young environment and living abroad helps role in every national Enterprise, Company
people with a passion for international students develop their ability to cope with or Institution. According to the incoming
the requirements of the labour students’ reports visits to Belarus have made
“I hear and I forget. market in a way that mere
domestic training cannot
it possible for them to feel real hospitality
from the Belarusian people, to become
I see and I remember. provide.
Since 2000 the IAESTE
familiar with our culture and traditions. Real
life proves the fact that IAESTE performs its
I DO and I UNDERSTAND.” National Committee in global, honourable mission with real dignity.
We must sincerely admit that there are
Belarus has provided
knowledge of all kinds, because it provides expert advice and services to hundreds of many challenges facing us ten years later,
work placements and a environment for Belarusian and foreign students seeking but we clearly understand the following: if
students to develop their professional international career related experiences. we continue our IAESTE family collaboration,
knowledge and skills. It is a very important During its rather short history IAESTE Belarus if we follow the same principles of our vision
aspect that young people experience the has sent more then 200 students abroad, and at last if we feel the same responsibility
work place, where they face real professional received about the same and co-operated and excitement performing our activity
issues, not just hypothetical scenarios. with more than 20 countries in the world. then the next ten years will be even more
As the Chinese philosopher Confucius We are proud of the fact that nowadays we rewarding. So we look optimistically and
once said: “I hear and I forget. I see and I have stable relations with various IAESTE hopeful into the future.
Milan Vrućinić Ratka Trifunović
National Secretary National Secretary
2009-2010 2010-2011
W Celebrating 10th
hen the current active members of
IAESTE BiH shared some opinions
with experienced and alumni
members, we noticed that a lot of
year of Exchange
work within our teams had been
done in different ways ten or five years ago.
We have developed and become more
professional, although some things are still
the same and we do not want to change
them. We will always try to keep the same
enthusiasm, IAESTE spirit and summer fever Today, IAESTE BiH has more than 100 members and
in Bosnia and Herzegovina, friendship and
reasons to laugh. this number is increasing every year. We are Students -
After the Civil War in BiH, it was important
to give our students the opportunity to
volunteers, who work hard and want to open the door
go abroad, to gain practical experience of the world to all students from our Universities.
and broaden their horizons. As a group of
enthusiastic people who started to spread
the idea about the possibilities for our very similar way so we can share our doubts, the Employers and Students, as well as our
students to go abroad and improve their problems and successes. The EX Seminar is Volunteers, since it can improve the work of
knowledge, we made the first steps with the successfully organised each year in different all of us. A lot of foreign students have said
help of IAESTE Yugoslavia (nowadays IAESTE countries and we also participate in the CEC that internships in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Serbia). This idea started in Banja Luka which Seminar every year. changed their lives in a positive way and we
is the second biggest city in Bosnia and It was our honour to organise JUMP 2008 are really happy to hear that. Every year we
Herzegovina and the home of our National in Banja Luka, for the first time in Bosnia and eagerly expect the first student to come and
Committee. Herzegovina. Our volunteers made huge from that moment our summer adventure
On our first Annual Conference in efforts to be good hosts and to organise starts. We organise great weekends for our
Washington DC in 2000 we were accepted JUMP in the best possible way. trainees in order to show them the beautiful
as a Co-operating Institution and exchanged Last year an important step was made nature and cultural diversities of Bosnia and
our first 6 Offers. During the last 10 years we regarding job raising. For the first time The Herzegovina. One of our greatest weekends
have received 231 and sent 289 students Ministry of Education and Culture of Republic is camping and rafting on the Una river and
abroad. In 2004 we became an Associate of Srpska decided to support traineeships as it is an International event we also invite
Member at the General Conference in at the Higher Education Institutions (Public IAESTE Volunteers and trainees from our
Vienna. First, in 2005, we made a big step in Universities and Institutes) in the Republic of neighbouring countries.
Sarajevo, where our first Local Committee Srpska. Thanks to them this year we have 17 For all of our successes in the last ten
was opened and we have made a big Offers at these Institutions. We hope that this years we have to thank many people
effort to educate our colleagues and new co-operation will be extended and that the and Institutions, especially The Ministry
members using our previously gained Exchange will be supported by the Republic of Education and Culture, The Ministry
experience. Only a year later, we opened and State Governmental Institutions. of Family, Youth and Sports, The Ministry
Local Committees in Mostar and Doboj. We One of the most important events in our of Trade and Tourism of The Republic of
realised that there was more potential for summer programme is the International Srpska, The Ministry of Civil Affairs and
development and also more enthusiasm evening in Banja Luka, where we invite The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bosnia
from the young people, so we have helped all our IAESTE Volunteers, Trainees and and Herzegovina, The Government of the
and supported students from Bijeljina to Employers. This is also a unique opportunity Republic of Srpska, The Council of Ministers
open a Local Committee in their to make better social connections between of BiH, The Tourist Organisations of Banja
city. It was a great honour for us Luka and The Republic of Srpska, our
when we became a Full Member Employers and supporting Companies, our
of IAESTE A.s.b.l. in 2007 at the IAESTE partners and friends. Also a big thank
General conference in Lisbon. The you to The University of Banja Luka and The
first EX Seminar (Seminar of IAESTE City of Banja Luka which have always been
countries of EX Yugoslavia) was held with us and have supported us from the
in May 2005, in Banja Luka. IAESTE beginning.
BiH proposed this kind of event and You can find only honest and caring
countries that were part of former friends in Bosnia and Herzegovina as part
Yugoslavia saw the importance of EX of IAESTE Bosnia and Herzegovina and we
meetings as IAESTE is organized in a are honoured to be part of this great IAESTE
rom modest beginnings of only two
students exchanged in the year 2000,
our Exchange now ranges between
7-10 students each year. Since May 2009
with the Civil War being brought to a
close in our Island nation, it is expected that
these numbers will be on the increase in the
coming years. Elevation of our status from
being a Co-operating Institution could also
be possible if enthusiasm is shown from other
It will only be appropriate to conclude
by placing on record my appreciation to
the University of Moratuwa for formally
recognising IAESTE, the Employers/Supporters
without whom exchanges would not be
possible and last but not least my dedicated
band of students of the Local Committee that
gives me all the encouragement not to give
up on this Student Exchange Programme
even in times of great adversity.
Rana Kabbani
National Secretary
AESTE is a mirror image of the UAE’s
distinct multi-cultural population.
Every year the UAE holds an IAESTE Looking forward
to the future
day to connect with Students and
Companies to build a network
of opportunities and long lasting
IAESTE UAE has sent around 83 students
abroad and received 119 students and
co-operated with more than 30 countries.
In 2008 IAESTE UAE won the I-day Diploma The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has been part of the
for their impressive picture and video
celebrating the 60th Anniversary of IAESTE. IAESTE Association for over 10 years and was accepted
Numerous trips are arranged for the
IAESTE students and they include a variety
as an Associate Member in January 2007 at the Annual
of cultural events and a chance to really Conference in Lisbon, Portugal.
experience life in an Arabic society. Trips
include the desert safari, snorkeling, skiing,
and visits to great monuments like the
world’s tallest building Burj Khalifa.
We look forward and aim for an even
bigger future with the addition of new
delegates for years and generations to
IAESTE Development
The 25th Seminar on IAESTE Development was held in Rendsburg, Germany where
54 participants from 28 countries actively participated discussing ways to develop
our Association. First time ever we had all continents of the world represented.
espite the eruption of the in the evening, everybody was eager team this year´s SID became another
volcano Eyjafjallajökull in to participate in the development of very special event in our annual calendar.
Iceland which prevented some IAESTE A.s.b.l. The smooth course of events despite the
delegations attending, everyone Thanks to our great hosts, IAESTE flight limiting ashes even gave it a more
was highly motivated and the Germany, with the whole organisational memorable environment.
Organisers did their best to make this
SID run as smoothly as possible. The
event itself serves as a place to discuss,
develop and share ideas as well as
best practices from all our Members
and Co-operating Institutions. This
year, four major Working Groups were
offered: Administration, IPLUG Strategic
Marketing and Internal Affairs. In
about 13 hours of scheduled working
time many topics were presented,
discussed and worked on. The sharing
of information, experiences as well
as best practices once again was
very successful. An exchange of the
different points of view did not only
happen during the Group Fair on the
Saturday morning but actually all the
time. No matter if over lunch, dinner,
the cultural programme or over a drink
The participants of the Post Seminar
Tour to Hamburg and Berlin were
provided with even more insights of
Germany: the nightlife and the rich
culture in the capital city, a Reception
at the Foreign Office (the main sponsor
of IAESTE Germany), the Hafen-City-
University, the harbour of Hamburg, the
Reeperbahn etc.
The Team of student volunteers,
the Management of the University for
Applied Science Westküste and the
German National Committee who
organised the event together with the
SID Co-ordinator were delighted that
he participants joined four out Dinner and a classic International Evening how to fulfill your dreams and get the
of five Training Sessions which proved that IAESTE is more than the right motivation to work for IAESTE and
included "Administration", "Company exchange of job Offers. a Company visit to the world famous ski
Marketing and Fundraising", One of the major highlights was a maker ATOMIC.
"Job Raising", "Local Committee phenomenal presentation by Marcus The event was hosted by IAESTE Austria
Management" and "Student Marketing Orlovsky, who spoke about and co-ordinated by
and Membership Raising". Moreover for Stefan Neuwirth, who
the first time at JUMP, the Sessions began did a truly remarkable job
with an "Introductory Workshop" to give making JUMP 2009 an
an overview about IAESTE at National and unforgettable event. The
International level. event was sponsored by
All the participants visited various KAPSCH and PFANNER.
Information booths on the topics JUMP 2010 will be
of "Summer Reception", "Board of organised by IAESTE
Trustees", "Marketing Approaches" and Norway from
"i-Kariera - the job portal". Combined with 29 September - 3 October
IAESTE related games, sightseeing to an 2010 in Nannestad, close
astonishing alpine canyon and waterfalls at to Oslo. The objectives are
Lichtensteinklamm, The National (Austrian) to continuously improve
the quality of training and
our global outreach. The
schedule includes five
excellent Workshops led by experienced
people covering all aspects of IAESTE
activities. In addition JUMP 2010 will feature
Company speakers from DNV –a global
risk Management Company and Statoil –a
leading Energy Company; a motivational
lecture by Marcus Orlovsky from Bryanstone
Square Consulting; Oslo sightseeing; famous
Viking games and much more. DNV and
Statoil will sponsor JUMP 2010.
Keep on JUMPing!
23rd CEC Lenka Potučková
CEC Organizer
embers and Co-operating Tuheljske Toplice, Croatia on the initiative Republic, Hungary, Slovakia and Slovenia.
Institutions met together for of Thomas Haim, a former National Representatives of other countries
an occasion of the 23rd CEC Secretary of IAESTE Austria, and Mario regularly attend CEC as well: Bosnia and
which was held in Czech Kauzlaric, former National Secretary Herzegovina, Germany, Greece, F.Y.R.
Republic. During the weekend of IAESTE Croatia. Because of its great Macedonia, Norway, Poland, Romania,
participants were able to attend success, CEC is now held twice a year. Serbia, Switzerland and Turkey.
the following Working Groups: IT
Development, Summer Reception and
Alumni, Strategic Development, CEC
Development, Marketing & Fundraising
and IAESTE for Beginners. The aim of the
Working Groups was to share common
experiences, discuss current problems
and propose new ways of co-operation.
Moreover, the Organisers prepared
entertainment activities – the
traditional presentation of countries
on Friday evening, wine tasting and
the International evening on Saturday.
The Seminar ended with a summary
of results from theWorking Groups on
The 24th CEC will take place at
Lackenhof in Austria from 29-31 October
The Central European Convention
(CEC) was founded in May 1998 in
he work of the AIF was very
successful as delegates formed the
first informal group of IAESTE A.s.b.l.
in the Asian region.
The idea of creating such an
informal group was initiated back in
2007 by IAESTE Tajikistan. This idea was
supported by the General Secretary,
Pauline Ferguson and by almost all the
countries of the Asian continent during
the General Conference in 2008.
The objectives of the AIF were:
• To discuss common issues of IAESTE
in Asia and Asia-Pacific;
• To encourage an efficient
administration, carry out an effective
exchange, increase the number of develop IAESTE in the Asian region;
Employers and Sponsors, as well • AIF participants declared that Asian
as increase the number of student IAESTE countries will co-operate with
exchanges within Asia; each other, as well as with other IAESTE
• To introduce IAESTE to potential new Members and Co-operating Institutions;
countries in Asia and to provide training • The Asia IAESTE Forum invites
for new IAESTE Administrators via Students, Academics, Universities and
Mentoring Workshops; Employers to co-operate with IAESTE
• To involve new Asian countries in and to develop IAESTE in the Asian
IAESTE activities; region;
• To arrange an Annual Conference of The Plenary Session of the Forum
IAESTE A.s.b.l. included some Mentoring activities
The AIF adopted a resolution that which were organised by the General
provided for the following, among other Secretary and members of the Board.
matters: These proved to be very useful for the
• AIF participants support the idea majority of the new countries and new
of creating a permanent Forum and delegates. The 2nd AIF will be held in
consider that it is important to hold a Damascus, Syria from 13 - 16 November
meeting every year in the Autumn; 2010.
• AIF notifies other Members of IAESTE, IAESTE China did everything it could at
that it is a non-formal and constantly the highest possible level for the Forum
Working Group in IAESTE A.s.b.l; to be successful. All the delegates as
• AIF participants at the first Forum in well as The Board expressed their deep
November 2009 in Shanghai declared gratitude to IAESTE China and all their
that the primary objective of the AIF is to volunteers.
in memoriam
Lucien Seywert
n 4 February, Lucien Seywert died at 2010 but by that time he was already
the age of 65. Lucien had, for many unable to attend. So the Award was given
years, worked with and for IAESTE. posthumously to his wife.
He had been National Secretary Lucien was an ardent supporter of
of IAESTE Luxembourg since 1964 IAESTE, and, what is more, a dear friend
and President of our Association in 2005. to many of us. He loved travelling all
Before he had served as a Member of the over the globe, enjoyed the arts, music
Advisory Committee from 1987-1990, and laughter and good food and wine,
and from 1996-1999 and was a Member preferably in the company of his family
of the Board of IAESTE A.s.b.l. from and close friends. Until his last days, his
2005-2008. Besides his very successful house was a place of joyful hospitality.
career as a Manager in the Steel industry, Lucien was buried in a touching ceremony
Lucien volunteered for over four decades on 8 February in Howald, attended by
in different public, domestic and his wife Adrienne, his four children,
International Institutions. Within IAESTE grandchildren and many friends. In our
he became the synonym for procedural minds and hearts, he will live on.
matters. Without his outstanding
competence in International law, IAESTE
A.s.b.l. and its registration in Luxembourg
would not have come into fruition. He
retired only two years ago, but some of
us had the chance to meet him at SID in
Ghent, Belgium in Spring 2009.
In November 2009, the Board decided
that the IAESTE International Award
should be presented to Lucien at the
Annual Conference in Zurich in January
A Win-Win Relationship
an Employer's story
Good results from our job raising
activities are essential for the success
of ABIPE – “Associação Brasileira de
Intercâmbio Profissional e Estudantil”,
an NGO that manages the IAESTE
Paula Semer Prado
National Secretary programme in Brazil.
n order to provide around 300 talents is a real challenge for Companies
positions available for International nowadays. The possibility of having daily
students every season a constant contact with someone from a different
relationship programme is put in place culture is perceived as an additional come for internships to the laboratories
with existing and potential Employers benefit by Brazilian Employees. of UNESP. This will allow us to receive
– Companies from a variety of Industries Providing International cultural qualified students from countries with
and Universities from many different fields Exchange through the IAESTE Programme whom we still do not have established
of study. is a clear advantage pointed out by formal relations, which guarantees the
Job raising is done daily by ABIPE’s Employers and Students who take part exposure of UNESP as a potential partner
staff and the students involved in the in it. for future collaborations.”
programme. Employers are contacted and For Prof. José Celso Freire, Head For Prof. Freire, there are even
visited. Lectures and events are organised. of International Affairs at UNESP, more advantages for an educational
The same attention is given to a Company Universidade Estadual Paulista “Julio de Institution to receive foreign students.
which delivers one single Offer (but can Mesquita Filho”, an important partner of “The internationalisation process of the
recommend others!) to a University which IAESTE in Brazil, which contributes with University often leads people to think
signs an Agreement and contributes with 100 Offers as a part of a 5 year Agreement, of the fulfillment of a study/work period
a large number of Offers. with IAESTE programme as part of the abroad. Due to the associated costs, this
We understand that they have the global strategy of the Institution. Internationalisation channel cannot be
same goal: to enhance their activities “The IAESTE Programme represents an enjoyed by all students in the University.
(and lives!) through a unique multicultural important tool for the Internationalisation The reception of foreign students not only
experience. of the University in this year of 2010, since makes possible the exposure of UNESP
With intense competition a global it will allow around more than 50 UNESP research along with potential partners
outlook is essential for Companies who students to perform an internship abroad, though contacts established by students
are keen on developing their HR skills. but above all it will ensure that almost 90 during the exchange, but also guarantees
The IAESTE programme is seen as a students from more than 25 countries will that students from Universities that will
great opportunity for HR development
and also a tool of support in the process
of the Internationalisation of Brazilian
Educational Institutions which are
concerned about preparing people for
the professional market.
In Brazil (as elsewhere) Employees need
to be flexible, proactive, open minded,
fluent in as many languages as possible
and prepared to deal with diversity. These
are some of the skills which Companies
are looking for. This is what an IAESTE
experience provides! And no doubt that
an experience abroad makes a huge
difference to a candidate who is applying
for a work position.
Besides that, attracting and retaining
receive foreigners have contact with
different cultures and ways of life, which
provides the Internationalisation of UNESP
courses from “the inside to the outside”.
Brazilian students that have an
experience abroad are well recognised
when they are back home. “Besides the is thanking me for not eating English junk
natural personal growth, which already is food. Learning about 35% of Portuguese,
a priceless gain, in the globalised world a language I never heard before was at
in which we live today, to count on an first very difficult, but in only 2 and a half
International experience in the curriculum months and a lot of effort I can´t believe
makes a very big difference. Companies how much I understand and can speak!
see in the student that performed an It is a big reward to join in a conversation.
exchange abroad as someone capable this year abroad will greatly enhance my The people are some of the friendliest
of dealing with new challenges and professional career. I would like to thank people I have ever met and I would gladly
adapting to new situations in the IAESTE and Alstom for this opportunity live here. I have never felt lonely here. I
solution of problems. Besides this, the and I am glad to have taken on this will be taking back the warmth of "Gringa"
internship abroad offers to the student challenge.” (nick name for International people in
an acquaintance with the corporative The feedback received by International Brazil) to England with me.
culture of another country, which also is students motivate us even more in order The Company where I have
an appreciated factor by Companies that to provide them with great experiences worked was brilliant. I have been on
have deployments around the world”, in Brazil. Callie Starkey, a student from the 2 site visits, getting a peek into the
completes Prof. Freire. United Kingdom, is an example. She spent Pacaembu museum of Football and
As Brazil has been part of the IAESTE 3 months at “Mauro Munhoz Arquitetura”, Estudios Quantos (television studios)
programme for more than 20 years, it is an Architecture Office in São Paulo. “My in construction. After working in only a
quite common to hear of the win-win internship has been incredible. I chose small Company in England, this is a big
cases of success where Employers and Brazil because it is somewhere that not leap up the ladder. I have also visited Foz
Students are really glad about the results a lot of English people know too much de Iguaçu, Paraty and Ouro Preto. To me
of their cultural experience. Students about. I wanted to discover a totally new these are places in paradise and saving all
enhance their career opportunities environment to force myself to face the my money has been so worth it now that
and Employers are satisfied with the unknown to build my confidence in new I can keep these memories of a lifetime."
contribution given by extremely situations. Now I realise there is nothing A special thank you goes to all the
motivated trainees. too difficult or scary in this world to face. Employers who have supported us and
Heitor da Silva Mattos, a Brazilian São Paulo is fun and full of life and not as opened their doors to International
student from the Engenharia de Controle dangerous as my research suggested. My students every year and all the students
e Automação is one of these examples: biggest love is the food here. "Por kilo" who chose Brazil as their destination. You
“Currently I am enjoying one year at especially is so fresh and healthy, my body are all more than welcome!
Alstom in Switzerland organised through
IAESTE. Here in Alstom I have had the
chance to work on the fuel distribution
system of a gas turbine. At the start the
work was quite challenging but thanks
to the support of my colleagues and
manager I have been able to grow into it.
Such an internship is not only
recommended for the challenging
engineering work but also for the
opportunity to improve language skills
and meet people from all over the world. I
got to know most of my friends at work or
at social activities arranged by IAESTE.
In addition to the great experiences
here in Switzerland, I am convinced that
Lucy Everett
Programme Co-ordinator
IAESTE UK - Scotland
ore importantly for IAESTE, perhaps, through work in Arts, Education, Science, Seminar on IAESTE Development in
what does Scotland have to offer Governance and English. Glasgow. Seventy delegates from 35
in terms of industry? Scotland is The British Council is funded by the countries attended the conference,
famous for its traditional industries UK government in Westminster and the enough to draw attention to the
of coal-mining, textiles, steel, ship- office in London did a sterling job covering worldwide and dynamic programme that
building and fisheries. But, now, Scotland’s IAESTE all over UK. However, in 1999 the is IAESTE. The obvious question was: why
industries have grown and changed to Scottish Government was established and were more Scottish students not involved
encompass Oil and Gas, Renewable Energy, given devolved powers, meaning they in this?
ICT and Electronic Technologies, Life could make their own decisions about The next step was to arrange for a
Sciences…and we shouldn’t forget Whisky! funding for programmes like IAESTE. secondment – to send one member of
With so much to offer it is, maybe, This change made it impossible for the the London IAESTE UK team to work out
surprising that until 2006, Scotland only London office to properly represent Scottish of the Edinburgh office for a year. In that
hosted and sent around 30-40 IAESTE students, universities and employers. But it first year, the number of IAESTE trainees
students every year. also provided an opportunity to develop a going in and out of Scotland rose from 40
But in 2009-10, that number has local community of stakeholders with local to 100 and, the next year, reached 140. The
increased to over 190! How did that government support. Scottish Government was impressed and
happen? agreed a three year funding programme to
So what did Scotland do? support IAESTE in Scotland.
A bit of history… The first step was to host the 2006
IAESTE UK was one of the founding
members of IAESTE back in 1948 at
Imperial College, London. However, for
those of you not so familiar with the
structure of the United Kingdom, it is
made up of four countries: England, Wales,
Northern Ireland and Scotland.
The politics of the UK has had a big
influence on how IAESTE UK has been
run in recent years as the governments
of the different countries have become
increasingly devolved.
IAESTE UK is managed by the British
Council. Now over 75 years old, it’s main
purpose is to ‘build engagement and
trust for the UK through the exchange
of knowledge and ideas between
people worldwide’, which is achieved
Since then the programme has gone
from strength to strength in Scotland;
it now hosts over 95 placements out of
IAESTE UK’s total of around 240. Scotland
has only 10% of the UK’s population
(roughly 5 million) but now hosts 40% of
the IAESTE placements, which is a fantastic
Designsoft Ltd. School of Electrical Sciences, Karunya University Tarbiat Modarres University (TMU)
Euroil Ltd. School of Mechanical Sciences, Karunya Tehran-Boston Engineering Co. (TBE)
Participating Institutions Manipal Life Science Centre, Manipal Dublin Institute of Technology, Bolton Street
Budapest Technical College National Institute of Technology (NIT), Trichy Institute of Technology, Tallaght
Participating Employers
Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv Mawshour / Consultants American University of Beirut (AUB)
Municipality of Greater Amman Associated Consulting Engineers (ACE)
Italy National Electric Power Company Blacksmith Studios
Participating Employers
Panamà Ports Co.
Unión Fenosa
Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá
l l
Biuro Projektów DOMAR
Biuro Urbanistyczno Architektoniczne WMW
Projekt Ltd
Ably Biuro Uslug Projektowych Tomasz Nicer
Aker Solutions Well Service Participating Institutions bizONLINE
Atmel Norway Technological University of Panama BONDA.PL Sp. z o.o.
Apply Plasma Physics Universidad Santa María La Antigua BRUS LACHOWICZ - ARCHITEKCI
Brunvoll AS Universidad Latina de Panamà Buddex Sp. z o.o. - Firma budowlana
Det Norske Veritas Budem-Projekt
DnV proNavis Peru Bulanda Mucha Architekci
Dynea AS Buro Happold Polska Sp. z o.o.
Energos ASA Participating Employers casusBTL
ePocket Solutions AS Buenaventura Ingenieros Center for Molecular and Macromolecular
FAST Radio Observatorio de Jicamarca Studies PAS Department of Hetero Organic
Frank Mohn Fusa Compounds
Havforskningsinstituttet Participating Institutions Central Institute for Labour Protection - National
IAESTE Norway Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú Research Institute
IKM Testing AS Universidad Agraria La Molina Centrum Diagnostyki i Terapii Laserowej
Inspera AS Universidad de Piura Centrum Komputerowe ZETO S.A
ISS Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería Centrum Materiałów Polimerowych i
Kvaleberg AS Węglowych PAN
Linus AS Philippines Choreń Design & Consulting
Patentkontoret Curo COMARCH S.A.
Powel ASA Participating Employers COMMON Ltd.
Studentsamskipnaden i Trondheim (SiT) Interface Computer College - Cebu Compendium Centrum Edukacyjne Sp. z o.o.
Skattedirektoratet STI College - General Santos COPLAN Polska Sp. z o.o. Gdańsk division
StatoilHydro CPPIP “THERMEX”
Teknologisk Institutt Participating Institutions CryptoTech Sp. z o.o.
Universitetssykehuset i Nord-Norge (UNN) ABE International College of Business - Caloocan CYBORG IDEA
Vegdirektoratet, Tek-T Lyceum of the Philippines University - Batangas DACPOL Co.Ltd.
Vegvesenet, Region nord STI College - General Santos Danisco Biolacta Sp. z o.o.
Via Nova System AS DASTA S.C. Stanisław Łakota Stanisław Radwan
Poland Delphi Poland SA
Participating Institutions Design Office “MENOS”
HiB, Bergen University College Participating Employers Doradztwo Elżbieta Kucharz (kooperacja z
NTNU, The Norwegian University of Science and ABB Sp. z o.o. ezUniverse L.L.C.)
Technology, Trondheim AdRem Software sp. z o.o. DTW Sp z o.o.
UiB, University of Bergen Advanced Production System Sp. z o. o. EC Electronics
UiO, University of Oslo AGH University of Science and Technology EC Engineering Sp. z o.o.
UiT, University of Tromsø AIUT Sp. z o.o. EC1 Lodz Miasto Kultury
UMB, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Ås AMII SP. ZO.O. ELMAT Sp. z o. o.
APA Wojciechowski Sp. z o.o. EMED Tomasz Jakubik & Rafał Mazurek Sp.J.
Oman Emerson Process Management Power & Water
Archex Architectural Design Solutions Sp. z o.o.
Participating Employers Architecture Office CAD Ltd. ERM Polska sp. z.o.o
COWI-Larsen Joint Venture Architekci Grupa Grabowski Sp. z o.o. Evatronix IP Sp. z o. o.
Halliburton Worldwide Ltd Arhead Sp. z o.o. Firma RECORD Sp. z o.o.
Mashhoor Engineering Consultancy ARMATURA Ltd. Firma Uslugowo Handlowa INN SAT Marek
Muscat Electricity Distribution Company Art-Group Sp z o.o. Kubas
National Engineering Office ARTA Sp. z o. o. FLEXTRONICS Logistics
Nawras Telecommunications Company Artur Jasiński i Wspólnicy Biuro Architektoniczne Floppy Computer Systems Sp. z o.o.
Occidental Of Oman sp. z. o. o. FQS Poland Sp. z o.o. (LTD)
Oman Cement Company Automatic Systems Engineering Sp. z o.o. Future Processing Sp. z o.o.
Oman Electricity Transmission Company Automationstechnik Gdańsk University of Technology Chemical
Oman Refiners Petrochemicals Company Autorska Pracownia Architektoniczna Jacek Faculty
Omantel Telecommunications Company Bułat Gdańsk University of Technology Faculty of
Parsons International & Company Autorska Pracownia Architektury Kuryłowicz & Applied Physics and Mathematics
Petroleum Development Oman Associates Wrocław Sp. z o. o. Gdańsk University of Technology Faculty of Civil
Schlumberger Oilfield Services BAPS Architectural Design and Environmental Engineering
BASF Polska Sp. z o.o. Gdańsk University of Technology Faculty of
Participating Institution BB Studio Architektoniczno-budowlane Zremb Electronics Telecommunication and Informatics
Sultan Qaboos University BEST Construction Sp. z o.o. GENERAL ELECTRIC Sp z o.o.
BESTA Przedsiębiorstwo Budowlane sp. z o.o. GEOPARTNER Sp. z o.o. Sp. k.
Panama BIBUS MENOS Sp. z o.o. Geoprojekt Szczecin Sp. z o.o.
Bio-Tech Consulting Geotechnical Consulting Office Sp. z o.o.
Participating Employers Biprostal S.A. firma inżynieryjno - konsultingowa Gliwickie Biuro Projektów Budownictwa
Atlantic Pacific, S.A. (APSA) BIS Izomar Sp. z o.o. Przemysłowego PROJPRZEM S.A.
Empresa de Transmisiòn Elèctrica Biuro Architektoniczne “ARKAT” Sp.Z o.o. GridwiseTech
Fortuna Biuro Architektoniczne NOW Grupa 68 Architekci s.j.
INDRA Biuro Architektoniczne STUDIO FIKUS HARTBEX Przedsiebiorstwo Budowlane S.P. Z
MELO Biuro Budownictwa sp. z o.o. O.O.
Civil, I.P.
Participating Institutions Microsoft - Software para Microcomputadores, Participating Institutions
AGH University of Science and Technology Ajou University
Cracow University of Technilogy Printer Portuguesa, Indústria Gráfica, Lda. Bukyung University
Częstochowa University of Technology REN - Rede Eléctrica Nacional, S.A. Chingwah University
Gdańsk University of Technology SECIL - Companhia Geral de Cal e Cimento, S.A. Chosun University
Lublin University of Technology Universidade de Aveiro Handong University
Poznań University of Technology Hanyang University
- Centro de Estudos do Ambiente e do Mar
Poznań Academy of Fine Arts Honam University
Rzeszow University of Technology Hongik University
- Instituto de Engenharia Electrónica e
Silesian University of Technology KAIST(Korea Advanced Institute of Science and
Telemática de Aveiro (IEETA)
Technical University of Łódź Technology)
- Instituto de Telecomunicações - Aveiro (IT)
University of Łódź Korea University
Universidade da Beira Interior
University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn Myungji University
- Centro de Materiais e Tecnologias de
Warsaw University of Technology POSTECH(Pohang University of Science and
Construção (C-MADE)
West Pomeranian University of Technology Technology)
- Departamento de Ciências e Tecnologias
Wrocław University of Technology Sangmyung University
Seoul National University
- Departamento de Engenharia
Portugal Sookmyung University
Sungkunkwan University
- Departamento de Química
Participating Employers Ulsan University
Edifícios Saudáveis Consultores
Vortal - Comércio Electrónico University of Science and Technology
Edisoft - Empresa de Serviços e
Consultadoria e Multimédia, S.A. Yanbian University of Science and Technology
Desenvolvimento de Software, S.A. Yonsei University
EDP - Energias de Portugal, S.A.
Participating Institutions
Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia,
Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Keimyung University
Universidade de Coimbra
Universidade de Coimbra
Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia,
- Centro de Engenharia Mecânica da Participating Employers
Universidade de Coimbra (CEMUC) Universidade Nova de Lisboa Cheil Grinding Wheel Ind. Co. Ltd.
Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa
- Centro de Investigação de Engenharia de Infinitt Health Care
Faculdade de Engenharia, Universidade do
Processos Químicos (C.I.E.P.Q.P.F) Korea Advanced Institute of Science and
- Departamento de Química Porto Technology
Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade Técnica
Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Kyung Chang Ind. Corp.
Universidade Nova de Lisboa de Lisboa Newman Ind. Co. Ltd
Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL)
- Centro de Investigação em Ciência e WoonginCoway
Universidade de Aveiro
Engenharia Geológica (CICEGe)
Universidade da Beira Interior
- Rede de Química e Tecnologia - Centro de Participating Institutions
Química Fina e Biotecnologia (REQUIMTE Busan National University
- CQFB) Republic of Korea Chungbuk National University
- Unidade de I&D em Engenharia Mecânica Hanyang University
e Industrial (UNIDEMI) lobal Association of Training and
G Hongik University
Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Exchange (GATE) Keimyung University
Lisboa Korea University
- Centro de Química e Bioquímica (CQB) Participating Employers Kyungbook National University
Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do ActsOne Co. Ltd Myungji University
Porto Chungbuk National University Seoul National University of Technology
- Centro de Investigação em Geo- Chungnam National University Yonsei University
Ambiente e Recursos (CIGAR) Dankuk University YoungnamCollege of Science and Technology
- Instituto de Engenharia Biomédica (INEB) ETRI(Electronics, Telecommunication Research
Participating Employers
De La Cabeza
Celemin Energy, S.L.
Casa Gualda- Sociedad Cooperativa Ntra. Sra.
Excmo. Ayuntamiento De Alcoy
Exit Research Group- University Of Girona
Eyser, Estudios Y Servicios, S.A.
Arhitekturni studio Kalamar Centro De Electrónica Industrial- Universidad Farm Biocontrol, S.L.
Euroshipping d.o.o. Politécnica De Madrid Farmacia Berna-Quiles, C.B.
GDB d. o. o. Centro De Investigación Del Transporte-Upm Farmacia Clavel
IJS Etsi Caminos, Canales Y Puertos Farmacia Paloma Domínguez Pons
INEA d. o. o. Cinnamon Farma, S.L. Farmacia Susana Vicente Martínez
Inštitut za kovinske materiale in tehnologije Cleop, S.A. Farmacia Vta. Álvarez Cubells
Korona d.d. Codinachs Riera Arquitectos, S.L. Farmacia-Ignacio Cosín Ochaita
LEK Colegio De Ingenieros De Caminos, Canales Y Fermax Electrónica
Litostroj Power Puertos- Demarcación De Madrid Ferrovial Agromán, S.A.
McDonald’s Slovenija Color 77, S.A. Francesco Ducato
Savatech Color Y Diseño De Compuestos Gamesa, Innovation And Technology, S.L.
SCT Comsa, S.A. García Diéguez Consulting, S.L.
Confederación Hidrográfica Del Júcar General Electrics
Consell Comarcal Del Maresme G
estión Financiera Del Mediterraneo, S.A.
Participating Institutions
University of Ljubljana Construcciones Mecanicas Vela, S.L. Gh Electrotermia, S.A.
Telecomunicación, Dpto. Ingeniería Química Y F. Administración y Dirección de Empresas- Stockholm University
Química Inorgánica Universidad Politécnica de Valencia Uppsala University
Participating Employers
IAESTE l l l
Holcim Group Support Ltd
Holzer Kobler Architekturen GmbH
HSR University of Rapperswil
l l
Participating Institutions
Berner Fachhochschule BFH, Hochschule für
Technik und Informatik
AAT Huntsman Advanced Materials (Switzerland) Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne EPFL
ABB Schweiz AG, Antriebe GmbH Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich
ABB Schweiz AG, Corporate Research Institute for Applied Plant Biology ETHZ
ABB Schweiz AG, High Voltage Products Interact Consulting AG Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW
ABB Schweiz AG, HR-CSA John Deere International GmbH Fachhochschule Ostschweiz, Hochschule für
ABB Schweiz AG, Leistungselektronik Johnson Electric - Saia-Burgess Technik Rapperswil HSR
ABB Schweiz AG, Micafil Kabelwerke Brugg Fachhochschule Ostschweiz, Hochschule für
ABB Schweiz AG, Power Systems KCAP Architects&Planners Technik und Wirtschaft Chur
ABB Schweiz AG, Semiconductors Kinderhort Chugle Fachhochschule Ostschweiz, Interstaatliche
agps.architecture Kinderspital Zürich Hochschule für Technik Buchs NTB
Alcatel-Lucent Schweiz AG Kistler Instrumente AG Haute Ecole Spécialisée de Suisse occidentale
Alstom (Schweiz) AG Koepflipartner GmbH HES-SO, Ecole d’Ingénieurs et d’Architectes de
AREVA T&D Korea Business Center, Zurich
ARTORG Research Center, University of Bern Locher AG Zürich Haute Ecole Spécialisée de Suisse occidentale
Asyril SA Lüscher Bucher Theiler Architekten gmbh
HES-SO, Haute Ecole Valaisanne, Science de
Bachema AG Medos Codman ( Johnson & Johnson group)
l’Ingénier Sion
Baudepartment des Kantons Basel-Stadt MEI, Inc. Geneva Branch Haute Ecole Spécialisée de Suisse occidentale
Berner Fachhochschule Mepha AG
HES-SO, Haute Ecole ARC Ingénierie St.Imier
Binder Architektur AG Metso Endress+Hauser Technology AG Hochschule für Technik und Architektur Luzern
montena emc sa
Birchmeier Uhlmann Architekten GmbH Hochschule Liechtenstein
Müller Sigrist Architekten AG
Bruker Biospin AG Universität Basel
Neratec AG
Bühler AG Universität Fribourg
Nestec LTd, Nestlé Product Technology Centre
Bundesamt für Landestopografie swisstopo Universität Lausanne
Nestlé Suisse S.A.
Burckhardt Compression AG Universität Zürich
Nexus Telecom AG
Carrosserie HESS AG Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte
Nissen & Wentzlaff Architekten BSA SIA AG
Cementia Trading AG Wissenschaften ZHAW, Wädenswil
Noser Engineering AG
CERN Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte
Novartis AG
Christian Kerez ETH/SIA AG Wissenschaften ZHAW, Winterthur
Novartis Pharma AG
Clariant (Schweiz) AG
Novartis Research Foundation Friedrich
Clariant International AG Syria
Comerge AG
Miescher Institute
NTB, University of Applied Sciences of
CPS Creative Power Solutions AG Participating Employers
CREALOGIX E-Banking Solutions AG
Technology Buchs Al- Matin Group for Plastic Industry
NXP Semiconductors
CREDIT SUISSE Aleppo Water Establishment
Oliver Schwarz Architekten
croubalian delacoste neerman architectes Bakoor CO .for Nutriments
ON3 Architekten
Diener & Diener Architekten AG Banias Refinery Co.
oos ag
Dr. h. c. Robert Mathys Stiftung Baroudi EST. for Plastic and Metal Industry
Paul Scherrer Institut
drivetek ag Directorate of Animal Health
Psychiatrische Dienste Thurgau
DSM Nutritional Products AG General Commission of Water Resources
Rapp Arcoplan AG
e2a eckert eckert architekten ag General Company of Homs Refinery
Reflexion AG
Eawag / ETH General Establishment of Geology and Mineral
Rolic Technologies Ltgd
Elmiger Tschuppert Architekten Resources
Rothpletz, Lienhard + Cie AG, Projektierende
EM2N Architekten AG General Fertilizers Company
Bauingenieure SIA
Empa - Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Hama General Establishment of Drinking Water
SAM Architekten
Testing and Research Schindler Aufzüge AG and Drainage
EPFL, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Homs General Establishment of Drinking Water
Schneider Studer Primas GmbH
Lausanne Sika Technology AG and Drainage
EPFL, ESPLAB - Institute of Microtechnology SMA und Partner AG Oulabitex CO.
EPFL, STI IMX LMC ST- Ericsson SA Public Company for Electrical & Communication
ETH, Institut für Neuroinformatik der Universität St. Gallisch-Appenzellische Kraftwerke AG Works
ETH, Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Stadler Altenrhein AG Public Establishment for Distribution &
Zürich Syngenta Crop Protection AG Exploitation of Electrical Energy.
ETH, High Voltage Laboratory SYNICS AG Public Establishment for Generation and
ETH, IPE terra surveys ltd. Transmission of Electrical Energy.
ETH, SAM The Walt Disney Studios (Schweiz) GmbH Syria Sina Al Kawkab Petroleum Co.
F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG Tilla Theus und Partner AG Syrian Company for Storing and Distributing Oil
FHNW, University of Applied Sciences TRUMPF Maschinen AG Production
Northwestern Switzerland Universität Zürich, Institut für Informatik Syrian Petroleum Company (SPC)
Frostag Food-Centrum AG VitaPlant AG Syrian Telecommunication Establishment (STE)
GEOCOM Informatik AG Waldhauser Haustechnik AG Tartous Port Company
Georg Fischer Automotive AG Wärtsilä Schweiz AG Tartous Water Establishment
Gigon / Guyer Architekten weberbrunner architekten ag The General Organization of the Euphrates Dam
Google Switzerland GmbH WSL-Institut für Schnee-und Lawinenforschung Zouhier Ghreiwati and Sons Company “Syrian
Guscetti studio d’architettura SLF Modern Cables”
Hamilton Bonaduz AG ZHAW, Institute of Mechatronic Systems
Herzog & de Meuron Architekten AG ZHAW, Zurich University of Applied Sciences Participating Institutions
Hilti AG Technisches Zentrum Zulauf AG Al Ba’ath University
Hochstrasser Glaus & Partner Cons. AG Zweifel Pomy Chips Al Furat University
** Founding Member of IAESTE Ad Hoc (1948) and IAESTE A.s.b.l. (2005) * Founding Member of IAESTE A.s.b.l. (2005)
The International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience A.s.b.l.
P.O. Box 35-05, 11120 Belgrade, Serbia
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