Data Privacy Notice and Consent Form
Data Privacy Notice and Consent Form
Data Privacy Notice and Consent Form
CLIENT (the term CLIENT shall be used whether CLIENT is only one investments, and transactions with the Bank, which Information may
or numerous, and shall also mean “I”, “WE”, ME”, “MY”, or be referred to as confidential and/or disclosures of which are generally
“DEPOSITOR” and such other terms as may have been intended to prohibited under the relevant secrecy laws, including but not limited to
refer to CLIENT in the relevant document/s) understands that CTBC RA 1405 or “An Act Prohibiting Disclosure of or Inquiry into, Deposits
Bank Philippines Corp. (“BANK”) is committed to continuously With Any Banking Institution and Providing Penalty Therefore”, RA
improve its products and services, and pursue its business plans. To 6426 or “An Act Instituting a Foreign Currency Deposit System in the
achieve these, and to be able to perform its contractual obligations Philippines, and for Other Purposes”, the General Banking Law of
and comply with applicable law/s and/or regulatory issuance/s, the 2000, RA 7653 or “The New Central Bank Act”, and RA 9510 or
Bank shall have to disclose and to make available to its affiliates, “Credit Information System Act”, RA 10173 “The Data Privacy Act of
counterparties, service providers, and relevant third parties wherever 2012” and such amendatory laws, and under other relevant laws,
situated, on a confidential basis any information pertaining to rules, and regulations.
CLIENT’S banking relationship with the Bank such as but not limited
to deposit/s, investment/s, loan/s, service/s, broker customer CLIENT also acknowledges that he/she/they is/are aware that
account/s, and product/s including information that CLIENT had he/she/they and his/her/their Contacts are entitled to certain rights in
provided and may hereafter provide in connection with the above- relation to the Personal Data that may be collected from him/her/them
mentioned banking relationship, and other information relating to the (and by him/her/them from his/her/their Contacts), including the right
CLIENT and other persons, whose Personal Data were provided by to access, correction, and to object to the processing, as well as the
the CLIENT, such as but not limited to CLIENT’s relative(s), partner(s) right to lodge a complaint before the National Privacy Commission in
and beneficiaries (singly or collectively, “CLIENT’s Contacts”) and case of violation of his/her/their rights and his/her/their Contacts’
such information which Bank may have directly or indirectly gathered rights as data subject. CLIENT warrants that he/she/they has/have
and may hereafter gather through its own verification and validation, obtained the Consent of his/her/their Contacts for the Processing of
through the public domain, and/or through other legally permissible their Information for the above Purposes and disclosure to the
methods and means. Recipients. Furthermore, if CLIENT has any feedback or inquiries
relating to his/hers/their/its Information, CLIENT may send an email to
CLIENT hereby agrees, consents, and authorizes the Bank or any of
its agents to collect, use, disclose, transfer, store, obtain, record,
share, update, modify, monitor, and/or process (collectively, CLIENT undertakes to immediately inform the BANK should
“Process/Processing”) CLIENT’S confidential information, personal he/she/they have any updates or changes on his/her Information
information, and sensitive personal information, as defined under RA through the branch of account or call the BANK’s 24/7 customer care
10173 “The Data Privacy Act of 2012” and its implementing rules and hotline number +63 (2) 840-1234 or email at
regulations and any of its amendments, as well as other laws relevant The consent and authority herein
to the confidentiality of bank deposits and investments, and data given shall apply to such updates and/or changes in the Information.
privacy and protection (collectively, “Information”), whether manually
or in electronic or digital form, in relation to any and all information CLIENT understands that if he/she/they do not promptly provide
CLIENT provided in the BANK’s forms and/or documents such as Information which the BANK reasonably requested, or withdraw any
application forms, account opening forms, loan documents, written or consent to Information which the BANK is required to process, store,
electronic communications, and/or otherwise possessed, or collected update, disclose, or transfer for the above Purposes and recipients,
or gathered by the BANK through its own verification and validation, the BANK has the option and hereby reserves the right not to pursue
through the public domain, and/or through other legally permissible its relationship with CLIENT without any liability to CLIENT nor to any
methods and means, for one or more of the purposes, which in third party.
summary includes but are not limited to the following:
(a) processing of application for various services and products of CLIENT hereby agrees and acknowledges that the above consent
the BANK as well as services and products of its business partners shall remain valid, and that the Information will be retained in the
("third parties"); Company’s records upon opening of the Account and until ten (10)
(b) administering and/or managing relationship and/or account(s) years after closing of the Account or last transaction involving the
with the BANK; and Account, or termination of my/our relationship with the Bank in
(c) providing marketing, advertising, and promotional information of whatever manner, unless such consent is otherwise revoked in
various products/services that the BANK, its business partners, and writing, whichever comes earlier. However, if the Account becomes
related companies may offer (“Marketing purpose”) through short subject of investigation or litigation in court, or administrative body or
messages, voice/telephone or mobile calls, email messages, fax regulatory agency, the ten (10) year period shall be reckoned from the
messages, and /or postal mail; date of finality of judgment of the court or of the administrative or
(d) such agreement, consent, and authority to disclose and provide regulatory agency. CLIENT agrees that the Information will be
such Information shall include the following Recipients and deleted/destroyed by the Bank after this period in accordance with
Purposes: applicable laws and regulations.
(i) the Bank’s accredited service providers, the Bank’s affiliates,
including its Parent Bank, counterparties, and other third parties CLIENT agrees that the BANK shall not be liable to CLIENT, and that
whether situated within or outside the Philippines for purposes of CLIENT shall save the BANK free and harmless from, and indemnify
servicing the needs of CLIENT, and/or to enable the Bank to and reimburse the Bank and its Directors, Officers, Shareholders,
perform its contractual obligations. Employees, and Representatives for any and liabilities, claims,
(ii) regulatory authorities situated within or outside the Philippines assessment penalties, costs, and expenses of any kind whatsoever,
which disclosure may be necessary or incidental to the conduct that may be imposed and/or incurred by CLIENT relative to, or in
of business by the Bank, its Parent Bank, Bank’s affiliates, and/or connection with the consent and authority to Process, and/or to the
service providers, and/or counterparties; disclosure of such Information including those of the CLIENT’s
(iii) such other Recipients now existing and may hereafter exist, Contacts, documents, and/or records for the Purposes and to the
for the purpose of servicing the requirements of the CLIENT Recipients and such other persons and entities in connection with the
and/or to enable the Bank and/or its Parent Bank, its affiliates, account, and in connection with any discontinuance of the relationship
counterparties, and/or service providers, whether these between CLIENT and Bank regardless of which party initiated such
recipients are located within or outside the Philippines, to conduct discontinuance.
their businesses, perform their contractual obligations, and/or
comply with regulatory requirements (collectively the “Purposes”,
and the “Recipients”). _____________________________________
Client’s Signature over Printed Name
Accordingly, CLIENT hereby gives his/her/their consent and authority
to disclose to the Recipients and for the Purposes, any and all Date: ________________________
Information pertaining to CLIENT’s existing and future deposits,