This document contains conversion factors for various units related to water treatment. It lists over 100 conversions between units for measurements like atmospheres, barrels, BTUs, calories, centimeters, cubic feet, gallons, grams, horsepower, inches, kilograms, kilometers, liters, meters, miles, ounces, parts per million, pounds, quarts, and tons. The conversions allow quantities expressed using one unit to be easily converted to an equivalent amount in an alternate unit.
This document contains conversion factors for various units related to water treatment. It lists over 100 conversions between units for measurements like atmospheres, barrels, BTUs, calories, centimeters, cubic feet, gallons, grams, horsepower, inches, kilograms, kilometers, liters, meters, miles, ounces, parts per million, pounds, quarts, and tons. The conversions allow quantities expressed using one unit to be easily converted to an equivalent amount in an alternate unit.
This document contains conversion factors for various units related to water treatment. It lists over 100 conversions between units for measurements like atmospheres, barrels, BTUs, calories, centimeters, cubic feet, gallons, grams, horsepower, inches, kilograms, kilometers, liters, meters, miles, ounces, parts per million, pounds, quarts, and tons. The conversions allow quantities expressed using one unit to be easily converted to an equivalent amount in an alternate unit.
This document contains conversion factors for various units related to water treatment. It lists over 100 conversions between units for measurements like atmospheres, barrels, BTUs, calories, centimeters, cubic feet, gallons, grams, horsepower, inches, kilograms, kilometers, liters, meters, miles, ounces, parts per million, pounds, quarts, and tons. The conversions allow quantities expressed using one unit to be easily converted to an equivalent amount in an alternate unit.
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