Conversion TDS

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Atmospheres Kg/M2 1.0333 Inches Millimeters 25.4

Atmospheres Lbs/Sq. In. 14.7 Inches Centimeters 2.540
Barrels (U.S. Liq.) Gallons 31.5 Kg/Cm2 Pounds/Sq. In. 14.223
Barrel U.S.A. (Petrol) Liters 159.- Kilograms Pounds 2.205
Barrels (Oil) Gallons (Oil) 42.0 Kilometers Feet 3.281
BTU Calories 0.2520 Kilogram Meters Foot Pound 7.233
BTU/Lb. Cal/Kg. 0.556 Kilograms/Mm2 Tons/Sq. In. 0.635
BTU/Sq. Ft. Fh Cal/M2 °C h 4.880 Kilometers Nautical Miles 0.54
Calories BTU 3.968 Kilometers Statute Miles 0.6214
Cal/M2 Ch BTU/Sq. Ft.° F H 0.205 Kilowatt C.V. Meters 1.360
Centigrade Fahrenheit (°C x 9/5) + Kilowatt HP 1.341
Centimeters Inches 32 Kilowatt Hour BTU 3413.-
Centimeters Meters 0.3937 Kilowatt Hour Calories 856.-
Cubic Centimeters Cubic Inches 0.01 Liters Quarts (Us) 1.057
Cubic Centimeters Cubic Meters 0.06102 Liters Gallons Imperial 0.2200
Cubic Inches Cubic Centimeter 10.-6 Liters Gallons USA 0.2642
Cubic Feet Cubic Inches 16.39 Meters Feet 3.281
Cubic Feet Cubic Meters 1.728 Meters Yards 1.094
Cubic Feet Gallons (U.S./Liq.) 0.02832 Meters/Sec. Feet/Min. 196.9
Cubic Feet Liters 7.48032 MicroMhos PPM (TDS) 0.7
Cubic Meter Cubic Feet 28.32 MicroSiemens PPM (TDS) 0.7
Cubic Meters/Hour Cubic Feet/Min 35.31 Miles Nautical Kilometers 1.853
Cubic Meters/Hour Gallons Imp/Min 0.589 Miles Statute Kilometers 1.609
Cubic Meters/Hour Gallons USA/Min 3.668 Millimeters Inches 0.0394
Cubic Feet /Min. Cubic Meters/H 4.403 Metric Tons Pounds 2205.-
C.V. Metrics HP 1.699 Metric Tons Tons 0.984
C.V. Metrics Kilowatt 0.986 Metric Tons USA Short Tons 1.102
C.V. Metrics Hour Calories 0.735 Ounces Grams 28.35
Fahrenheit Centigrade 632.- Ounces (Fluid) Liters 0.02957
Feet Meters (°F - 32) x 5/9 Parts/Million Grams/Us Gal. 0.0584
Feet Of Water Pounds/Sq. In. 0.3048 Pints (Liq.) Liters 0.4732
100 Feet/Min. Meter Sec. 0.4335 Pounds Of Water Gallons 0.1198
Foot Pounds Kilogram Meters 0.508 Pounds Kilograms 0.4536
Gallons Cubic Feet 0.1383 Pounds/Sq. In. Kg/Cm2 0.0703
Gallons (Liq. BR Gallons (U.S. Liq.) 1337 Pounds/Sq. In. Bar 14,5
Imp.) Gallons (Imp.) 1.20095 PPM (TDS) MicroMhos 1.42858
Gallons (Us) Pounds Of Water 0.83267 PPM (TDS) MicroSiemens 1.42858
Gallons Of Water Liters 8.337 Quarts (Liq.) Liters 0.9463
Gallons (Imperial) Cubic Meters/Hour 4.546 Square Centimeters Sq. Inches 0.1550
Gallons Imp. Min. Liters 0.2727 Sq. Feet Square Meters 0.0929
Gallons USA Cubic Meters/Hour 3.785 Sq. Inches Cm2 6.452
Gallons USA/Min. Milligrams 0.2271 Sq. Kilometers Sq. Miles 0.3861
Grains Grains 64.8 Sq. Meters Sq. Feet 10.76
Grams Ounces 15.43 Sq. Meters Sq. Yards 1.196
Grams Parts/Million 0.03527 Sq. Miles Km2 2.590
Grams/Gallons (Us) BTU 17.118 Sq. Yards M2 0.8361
HP Hour C.V. Metrics 2544.- Tons Kilograms 1116.-
HP Kilowatt 1.0139 Tons Sq. In. Kilograms Mm2 1.575
HP Kilograms 0.746 Tons (USA Short) Kilograms 907.-
Hundred Weights 50.848 Yards Meters 0.9144

Note: MicroSiemens is equal to MicroMhos; MicroMhos (inverse resistance) is 1/MicroOhms

PPM is equal to mg/l.

Vecom Marine is a joint venture of Vecom Group & Unimarine Group - Version 3.1 - Chapter 11 - Page 63

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