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Conversion Table

Engineering Terms

Imperial to Metric Standard Metric to Imperial Standard

To convert into multiply by To convert into multiply by

Length Length
inches mm 25.4 mm inches 0.03937
inches cm 2.54 cm inches 0.3937
inches meters 0.0254 meters inches 39.37
feet meters 0.3048 meters feet 3.281
yards km 914.4 meters yards 1.0936
yards meters 0.9144 km yards 1093.6
miles km 1.609 km miles 0.6214
Surface Surface
in² cm² 6.452 cm² in² 0.155
in² m² 0.0929 m² ft² 10.764
Sq Yard m² 0.8361 Sq Yards 1.196
Sq Miles km² 2.59 km² Sq Miles 0.3861
Acres hectares 0.4047 Hectares acres 2.471
Volume Volume
in³ cm³ 16.387 cm³ in³ 0.06102
in³ litres 0.016387 cm³ liquid oz 0.03381
ft³ m³ 0.028317 m³ ft³ 35.314
ft³ litres 28.317 m³ yards³ 1.308
yards³ m³ 0.7646 litres US Gal 264.2
liquid oz cm³ 29.57 litres in³ 61.023
US Gal m³ 0.003785 litres ft³ 0.03531
US Gal litres 3.785 litres US Gal 0.2642
Weight Weight
grains grams 0.0648 grams grains 15.432
ounces grams 28.35 grams ounces 0.03527
ounces kg 0.02835 kg ounces 35.27
lbs kg 0.4536 kg lbs 2.2046
lbs Tons 0.000454 kg US Tons 0.001102
US Tons kg 907.2 kg Tons Long 0.000984
US Tons Tons 0.9072 Tons lbs 2204.6
kg 1016.0 Tons US Tons 1.1203
Tons 1.0160 Tons Tons Long 0.9842
Conversion Table
Engineering Terms

Imperial Measure Metric Measure

0.3048 meter 3.2809 feet per
1 foot per second = 1 meter per second =
per second second
0.3048 meter per 3.2809 feet per
1 foot per minute = 1 meter per minute =
minute minute
1.6093 km per 0.6214 mile per
1 mile per hour = 1 hm per hour =
hour hour
1.48819 kilo per 0.67196 lb per
1 lb per foot = 1 kilo per meter =
meter foot
0.49606 kilo per 2.01587 lbs per
1 lb per yard = 1 kilo per meter =
meter yard
0.07031 kilo per
1 lb per in² = 1 kilo per cm² = 14.22282
4.88261 kils per
1 lb per ft² = 1 kilo per m² = 0.20481

10.93804 metric 0.63495 ton per
1 ton per in² = 1 kilo per mm² =
tons per m² in²
0.09143 ton per
1 metric ton per m² =

Miscellaneous Conversions

Imperial Gallon = 1.200 US Gallons = 4.5435 litres

1 US Gallon = 0.833 Imperial Gallons = 3.7854 litre
1 litre = 0.220 Imperial Gallons = 0.2642 US Gallons
1 Nautical mile = 1.152 miles = 1.8532 meters
1 FBM (foot board) = 1/12 cu feet = 1' x 1' x 1"

Pressure Conversion Table

mm H20
PSI In. H20 In. Hg mm Hg ATM mbar Kgf/cm2
1 27.73 2.0369 704.49 51.71 0.06804 69.07 0.0703
0.03605 1 0.0734 25.4 1.8627 0.00245 2.491 0.002539
0.49116 13.623 1 346.02 25.4 0.03342 33.9349 0.03453
0.00142 0.03937 0.00289 1 0.07341 0.0000966 0.098070 0.0001
0.01934 0.5632 0.03937 13.623 1 0.001316 1.33597 0.001395
14.696 407.61 29.921 10.199 760 1 1015.357 0.997
0.0145 0.402 0.02949 10.199 0.74866 0.00098499 1 0.001971
14.22 393.70 28.95 10.00 735.56 0.9675 982.17 1
Conversion Table
Engineering Terms

mmH2O kg/m2 m3/min CFM CFM m3/hr

1 1 1 35.3 1 1.6892

Flow Conversion Table

CFM L/Sec cm/Sec Meter/Minute

1 0.47195 0.02832 1.6990
2.1189 1 0.60 3.6
35.314 16.666 1 60
0.58861 0.27778 0.01667 1

Velocity Conversion Table

Feet/Second Feet/Minute cm/Sec Meter/Sec Meter/min

1 60 3048 0.3048 18.29
0.01667 1 10.508 0.0005080 0.3048
0.03281 1.9685 1 0.01 0.60
3.281 196.85 100 1 60
0.0547 3.281 1.667 0.01667 1

Pressure & Flow Terms

Velocity = Distance/Time or Flow/Area

Flow = Volume rate per period of time
Standard cubic feet per minute
Temp = 68 deg F
Altitude = Sea level
Air density = 0.075 lb/ft³
FPM = Feet per minute
MPH = Miles per hour
KPH = Kilometers per hour
Density = Weight per volume of air Standard Air = 0.075 lb/ft³
= Density ratio relative to air Standard Air SG = 1.0 Methane SG = 0.55
Gravity (SG)

IWG = Inches of water gauge

PSIG = Pounds per square inch gauge

MM of Water = Millimeter of water gauge

IHG = Inches of mercury gauge

mbar = Millibar gauge

PSIA = Pounds per square inch absolute

= 0 PSIG = 14.7 PSIA
Conversion Table
Engineering Terms

Pressure & Flow Conversions

1 MPH = 88 FPM 1 PSIG = 27.7 IWG

1 MPH = 26.82 meters/hr 1 PSIG = 703.58 mm water
1 MPH = 1.609 Km/hr 1 PSIG = 2.036 IHG
1 m³/min = 35.3 SCFM 1 PSIG = 0.069 bars
1 L/sec = 2.199 SCFM 1 PSIG = 69 mbars

Conversion Table

SCFM x 1.6992 = m³/min m³/min x .5886 = SCFM

In. H20 x .5886 = PSI In.H20 x .074 = In. Hg
In. H20 x 1.868 = mm Hg In. H20 x 2.491 = mbar
mbar x .402 = In H20 PSI x 27.66 = "H20
In. Hg x 13.584 = In H20

Conversion Formula

Atmospheres x 76.0 = Cms of Mercury

Atmospheres x 29.92 = In. Mercury
Atmospheres x 33.90 = Feet of Water
Atmospheres x 10.333 = Kgs/In²
Atmospheres x 1.013 x 10 to 5th = Pascals
Atmospheres x 14.70 = PSI
Atmospheres x 760 = Tons

Bars x 0.9869 = Atmospheres

Bars x 1 x 10 to 6th = Dynes/cm²
Bars x 1.020 x 10 to 4th = Kgs/m²
Bars x 14.50 = PSI

BTU x 0.2520 = Kilogram-Calories

BTU x 777.5 = Foot pounds
3.927 x 10 to
BTU x = Horsepower/Hour
BTU x 1054 = Joules
BTU x 107.5 = Kilogram Meters
BTU x 2.982 x 10 -4th = Kilowatt Hours

cm Mercury x 0.01316 = Atmosphere

cm Mercury x 0.4461 = Feet of Water
cm Mercury x 136.0 = Kgs/m²
cm Mercury x 0.1934 = PSI
cm per second x 1.969 = Feet per minute
cm per second x 0.6 = Meters per minute

cm³ x 3.531 x 10 -5th = ft³

cm³ x 6.102 x 10 to -2 = in³
cm³ x 10 to -6th = m³
cm³ x 10 to -3 = Liters
Conversion Table
Engineering Terms

Conversion Formula (cont’d)

ft³ x 2.832 x 10 to 4th = cm³

ft³ x 1728 = in³
ft³ x 0.02832 = m³
ft³ x 0.03704 = Yard³
ft³ x 7.481 = Gallons
ft³ x 28.32 = Liters
ft³/minute x 472.0 = cm³/minute
ft³/minute x 0.4820 = Liters per second
ft³/minute x 62.4 = Lbs H20/minute
H20³ 60° F x 62.37 = Pounds
Hp x 42.44 = BTU/minute
Hp x 33.0 = Ft lbs/minute
Hp x 10.79 = Kg-Calories/minute
Hp x 745.7 = Watts
Hp x 2547 ll = BTU
Inches x l 2.540 = cm
Inches x 10 ll = mils
cm x l .3937 l = Inches
Fathom x ll 6.0 = Feet
Rods x ll 5.5 = Yards
In Hg x ll 0.03342 = Atmospheres
In Hg x 13.60 = In H20
In Hg x 345.3 = Kgs/m²
In Hg x 25.40 = mm Hg
In Hg x 0.4912 = PSI
In H20 xll 0.002458 = Atmosphere
In H20 x ll 0.07355 = In Hg
In H20 x 25.40 = Kgs/m²
In H20 x 5.204 = Lbs/ft²
In H20 x ll 0.03613 = Lbs/in²
Kgs/m³ x 0.06243 = Lbs/ft³
km x 3281 ll = Feet
kw x ll 6.92 = BTU/minute
kw x ll 737.6 = Ft/lb per second
kw x 1,341 ll = HP
kw x i 14.34 i = Kg-Calories per minute
kwh x 3415 = BTU
Liter x 10³ = cm³
Liter x ll .02 = in³
Liter x 10 to -3 = m³
m x 100 l = cm
m x ll 3.2808 = Feet
Conversion Table
Engineering Terms

Conversion Formula (cont’d)

m x ll 3.2808 = Feet
m x 39.37 = Yard
m x 10 to -3 ll = km
Mile x 5280 = Feet
Mile x -- 1,667 lll = km
Mile x 1760 = Yards
MPH x lll 4.70 lll = cm/second
MPH x 88 = Feet/minute
MPH x 1,467 = Feet/second
mm Hg x 26.82 ll = In Hg
1.3595 = Kgs/cm²
mm Hg x
to -3
mm Hg x 0.01934 ll = PSI
Pints (liquid) x 28.87 ll = in³
Pints (US liquid) x 473,179 ll = cm³
Pints (US liquid) x 16 ll = oz (US fluid)
Pounds x 444,823 = Dynes
Pounds x 453.6 = Grams
Pounds x 16 ll = oz
Lbs H20 x 27.68 -- = in³
Lbs H20 x 0.1198 = Gallon
Lbs ft³ x 16.02 - = Kgs/m³
Lbs ft² x 4,882 = Kgs/m²
Lbs in² x 0.06804 ll = Atmospheres
Lbs in² x 27.7 ll = Inches H20
Lbs in² x 2.036 ll = In Hg
Lbs in² x 703.1 ll = Kgs/m²
Lbs in² x 6.895 x 10³ ll = Pascals
Lbs in² x 51.715 ll = mm Hg 0ºC
cm² x 1.973 x 10 to 5th = Circulare mills
cm² x 076 x 10 to -3 = Ft 2
cm² x .1550 = in²

Ft² x 929.0 = cm²

Ft² x .09290 = cm²

in² x 1.273 x 10 to 6th = Circular mils

in² x 6,452 = cm²

in² x 6,944 x 10 to -3 = ft²

in² x 10 to 6th = mils²

in² x 645.2 = mm²
km² x 10.76 x 10 to 6th = ft²
km² x 10 to 6th = m²
km² x 1.196 x 10 to 6th = Yard²
m² x 10.764 = ft²
m² x 1.196 = Yard²
Conversion Table
Engineering Terms

Conversion Formula (cont’d)

in² x 6,944 x 10 to -3 = ft²

Temperature (ºC) + 287 x 1 = Absolute temperature ºC
Temperature (ºC) + 17.8 x 1.8 = Temperature ºF
Temperature (ºF) + 460 x 1 = Absolute temperature ºF
Temperature (ºF) -32 x 0.0555 = Temperature ºC
Watts x 0.05692 = BTU per minute
Watts x 10 to 7th = Ergs/Second
Watts x 44.26 = Ft lbs per minute
Watts x 1.341 x 10 to -3 = HP
Watts x 0.01434 = Kg-Calories per minute
Watts x 10 to -3 = kW
Watts-Hour x 3.415 = BTU
Watts-Hour x 1.341 x 10 to -3 = HP per hour
Watts-Hour x 10 = kW hours
lb/in² (psi) x 2.036 = In Mercury
lb/in² (psi) x 27.684 = In H20
lb/in² (psi) x 5.17 = cm Mercury
lb/in² (psi) x 70.317 = cm H20
lb/in² (psi) x 0.0703 = kg/cm²
lb/in² (psi) x 703.09 = kg/m²
lb/in² (psi) x 6.84 = kilo-pascals
oz/in² x 1.732 = In H20
oz/in² x 0.127 = In Hg
oz/in² x 0.323 = cm Hg
oz/in² x 4.394 = cm H20
H20 x 0.576 = oz/in²
H20 x 2.5 = cm H20
mm H20 x 1 = kg/m²
mm Hg x 7.855 = oz/in²
mm Hg x 0.491 = lb/in²
mm Hg x 13.58 = In H20
mm Hg x 2.54 = cm Hg
mm Hg x 345.3 = kg/m²
gal H20 x 8.33 = lb
gal x 0.1337 = ft³
ft³ x 7.48 = gal
ft³ x 0.0283 = m³
HP x 746 = watts
m³/minute x 35.3 = CFM
CFM x 1.6992 = m³/minute

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