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MT-223 Ordinary Differential Equations & Fourier Series

1st Order Differential Equations

Basic concept; Formation of differential equations and solution of differential equations by direct
integration and by separating the variables; Homogeneous equations and equations reducible to
homogeneous from; Linear differential equations of the order and equations reducible to the linear
form; Bernoulli's equations and orthogonal trajectories; Application in relevant Engineering.

2nd and Higher Orders Equations

Special types of IInd order differential equations with constant coefficients and their solutions; The
operator D; Inverse operator l/D; Solution of differential by operator D methods; Special cases,
Cauchy's differential equations; Simultaneous differential equations; simple application of
differential equations in relevant Engineering.

Partial Differential Equation

Basic concepts and formation of partial differential equations; Linear homogeneous partial
differential equations and relations to ordinary differential equations; Solution of first order linear
and special types of second and higher order differential equations; D’ Alembert's solution of the
wave equation and two dimensional wave equations; Lagrange's solution: Various standard forms.

Lap lace Integral & Transformation

Definition, Laplace transforms of some elementary functions, first translation or shifting theorem,
second translation or shifting theorem, change of scale property, Laplace transform of the nth order
derivative, initial and final value theorem Laplace transform of integrals. Laplace transform of
functions tn F(t) and F(t)/ t, Laplace transform of periodic function, evaluation of integrals,
definition of inverse Laplace transform and inverse transforms, convolution theorem, solutions of
ordinary differential using Laplace transform.

Fourier series
Periodic functions and expansion of periodic functions in Fourier series and Fourier coefficients;
Expansion of function with arbitrary periods. Odd and even functions and their Fourier series; Half
range expansions of Fourier series, “DFT and FFT, Fourier Spectrum".

Recommended Books
1. Advance Engineering Mathematics Erwin kreyszig Seven Edition
2. Differential Equation A modeling Perspective Robert L. Barrelli 1998
3. Introduction to Differential Equation J. Farlaw 1994
4. Differential Equation G. Zill

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