CVT Lecture 01 1

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Complex Variable & Transform

Dr. Faisal Nawaz

Dawood University of Engineering & Technology

Date: 02-03-2024
Course Outline
Date Duration Topics Covered Evaluation Signature
18-05-2021 1 Introduction to Complex number
1 Properties of complex number,
1 Cartesian and Polar form of complex number,
1 Argand Diagram ,
1 De Moiré’s Theorem
1 Exponential Number of complex Number
1 Roots of Complex Number
1 Complex variables and Applications,
1 Functions of Complex variable
1 Representation of complex variables ( rectangular form and polar form)
1 Limits of complex variable
1 Continuity of complex variable
1 Derivatives of complex variable
1 Analytic Function
1 Necessary and sufficient conditions
1 Harmonic Functions
1 Contour Integration
1 Connection between real and complex line integral
1 Simple and multiple closed curve and regions
1 Green theorem, Cauchy integral theorem Assignment:1,
1 Cauchy integral formula Quiz:1
1 Convergence series of complex variable,
1 Taylors series
1 Residue Theorem
1 Laplace Integral and Transform
1 Laplace transform of some elementary functions
1 First translation or shifting theorem
1 Second translation or shifting theorem
1 Change of scale property
1 Laplace transform of nth order derivatives
1 Initial and final value theorem,
1 Laplace transform of integral
1 Laplace transform of function ‘t’ F(t) and F(t)/t
1 Laplace transform of periodic function
1 Evaluation of integrals
1 Definition of inverse Laplace transform and inverse transform
1 Convolution theorem
1 Solution of ordinary differential equations using Laplace transform
1 Fourier Series, Introduction to Fourier series
1 Fourier Series for arbitrary constant, Euler formula Assignment:2,
1 Fourier series of Even and odd Functions Quiz:2
1 Applications of Fourier series
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)

Course Learning CLO Statement PLO Taxonomy

Outcomes Level

CLO-1: Understand complex number, complex variable, complex functions, PLO-1 C2

recognize Transformation and inverse transformation

CLO-2: Analyze the Cauchy-Reimann equations, Contour integration, Laplace& PLO-2 C4

Fourier transformation. Solving solutions of ordinary differential and
partial differential equations using Laplace transform.

CLO-3: Application of integration as area under the curves. PLO-4 C5

Recommended Books:

1. Erwin Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, (10th

Edition), International Edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2009.

2. Schaum's Outline of Complex Variables, (2Ed.), Schaum's Outline

Series, 2009

3. H. K., Dass, & R. Verma, Higher Mathematical Physics, S. Chand

& Company Pvt. Ltd., Ramnagar, New Delhi, India, 2014.

4. Y. K. Kwok, Applied complex variables for scientists and

engineers. Cambridge University Press 2010.

5. Mathematical Methods---- Text Book by Dr, S. M, Yousuf

Introduction Complex Number

Definition: A number of the form is called a

complex number where a and b are real
numbers and
We call ‘a’ the real part and ‘b’ the imaginary
part of the complex number .
 If a = 0, the number is said to be purely
 If b = 0, the number a is real.
Properties of a complex Number
 A pair of complex number and are said to be
conjugate of each other.
 The sum and product of a complex number and
its conjugate complex are real i.e. Let be a
complex number and its conjugate complex,
Sum = )=2a (Real)
Product = )= (Real)
Note: A complex number can be denoted by z and
its conjugate is denoted by .

 Let and cd be two complex numbers. Then


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