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Sadakathullah Appa College
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Now a days the consumer buying behaviour is changing day by day. The ultimate decision of
whether (or) not to purchase a product (or) service and from whom to buy has always been
vested in the hands of the final consumers. In this article I discussed about the various
sections and types of sarees sold in Pothys textile and Guinness record saree and also in this
study provide on consumer behavior towards Pothys textile.
Consumer, Buying Behaviour, Product, & Pothys.
Cite This Article: Dr. A.Hamil, and M.Kothai Natchiar, “A STUDY ON CONSUMER
Journal of Research – Granthaalayah, Vol. 4, No. 4: SE (2016): 21-28.
Right from the time there has been exchange of goods and services between the buyer and the
seller. The ultimate success of all the economic activities has primarily depends on the producer
manufacturing and selling goods and services desired by the target consumers. There is always
as to attempt on the part of the marketer to understand and study consumer behavior. This can be
referred to as an attempt to understand and predict human actions in the buying role. The study
of the consumer behavior is comparatively a new research field. Consumer behavioural studies
held all those bodies of knowledge concerned with human behaviour Economics, Psychology,
Sociology cultural anthropology and Socio-Psychology.
In the present study an attempt has been made to understand various dimensions of consumer
behaviour understanding the buyer behaviour will provide in right to the marketing manager on
how to go about planning and implementing their various marketing programmes. India has a
rich and varied Heritage. It will be interesting to understand the nature and characteristics of
Indian consumer, whose buying decisions will be based on the influence of values, beliefs,
customs and practices and behaviour of the particular society of which they are a part.
A Textile is a flexible material comprised of a network of natural (or) artificial fibers often
referred to as thread (or) yarn. Yarn is produced by spinning raw wood fibers, Cotton (or) other
material on a spinning wheel to produce long stands known as yarn. Textile is framed by
weaving, knitting, crocheting, knotting (or) processing fibers together.
The words fabric and cloth are commonly used textile assembly trades (such as tailoring and
dress making) as Synonyms for textile. However there are subtle differences in these terms.
Textile refers to any material made of interlacing fibers. Textile has an assortment of uses, the
most common of which are for clothing and containers such as bags and baskets. The basic needs
of human being are food, clothing & shelter. In these basic needs we are going to see about
Fashion designers commonly rely on textile design to set their fashion collection a port from
1. Pothys – Silk
2. Textiles – Shirting & Suiting
3. Fabrics – Sarees, Voil Sarees
4. Moopanars – Blouse material, Gada Pothys
5. Garments – Children’s, Gents, Ladies.
1. Samudrika Pattu.
2. Parmpara Pattu.
3. Subamangala Silks
4. Vastrakala Pattu.
5. Kancheepuram Silks.
6. Party wear Sarees.
7. Printed Silks.
8. Handloom Silks.
9. Silk Cotton.
10. Embroidery Sarees.
11. Kutty Sarees.
The motits that adorn the saree were first created on canvas before being woven in pure gold zari
on the saree. The images recreated on this saree historically trace India’s progress beginning with
glimpses from the Mohan jadaro Harappa Civilization, Rama era, Krishna era, Budha Mahavera,
Maurya, Chera, Pandiyas, Rajputs, Moghulas and culminating with the nation’s freedom
struggle. A part from this it also features images of India’s map, the Globe and Movements of
national importance.The cultural and social diversity of India has also found a place on this
silken canvas with images depicting folk dances, festivals and cultural attire. Images of some of
our great peoples like Mahatma Gandhi, Thiruvalluvar and Swami Vivekananda.
Hon’ble Thiru. Surjeet singh Barnala, Governor of Tamil Nadu was gracious enough to formally
launch this saree at a function in Raj Bhavan, Chennai. Thegovernor praised the efforts that have
gone into creating the saree and launched the distinction achieved by Pothys.
The record saree was unveiled for public viewing by Dr. Nally Kuppusamy Chettiar in the
presence of Mrs. Y.G. Parthasarathy – theveducationist, Mrs. Padma Subramanian – a well
known Bharathanatiyam dancer, Mrs. Sudha Ragunathan the popular Carnatic singer. Dr. Nalli
Kuppusamy Hettiar also honoured the weavers and the articians involved in the project.
Consumer behaviour is the study of when, why, where, what and how people do (or) do not buy
products. It blends elements from Psychology, Sociology, Social Psychology, anthropology and
economics. It attempts to understand the buyer decision making process, both individually and in
groups. It studies characteristics of individual consumer such as demographics and behavioural
variables in an attempt to understand people’s wants. It also tries to assess influences on the
consumer from groups such as family, friends, reference groups, and society in general.
Belch & Belch defines consumer behaviour as “The process and activities people engage in
when searching for selecting, purchasing, using evaluating, and disporing of products and
services so as to satisfy their needs and desires”.
A study on consumer preference towards Pothys in Tirunelveli District was selected as problem
area. The survey was conducted among the consumers of Tirunelveli City.
3. To study about the opinion of consumers about quality of textile sold in Pothys.
4. To know the consumers opinion about the customer service in Pothys.
Present study was conducted among different groups of consumers according to the age group,
Occupational, status and income.
The primary and secondary data are collected for the purpose of the study. Primary data are those
which are collected for the first time and they are original in character. Secondary data are those
data which are already collected by same agency for some other purpose.
For this study we have collected 50 sample respondents from the people who came as customers
to Pothys Textile at Tirunelveli Town, by supplying questionnaires and by personal interview
From the above table we come to know that many respondents are belonging in the age group of
20 – 30 years this will be explanted the following multiple bar diagram.
15 No of Respondents
10 Percentage
Below 20 20-30 30-40 40-50 Above 50
years years years years years
From the above table it is clear that 16 (32%) respondents are belonging to the income ranging
from Rs.10000 – 20000 & they form major part this will be explained in the following simple pie
No of Respondents
Below 5000
5000 - 10000
10000 - 20000
Above 20000
3. Table showing the Different level of Age group respondents and Customer service in Pothys
Table 3:
Age Customer service Total
Excellent Good Satisfactory Poor Very Poor
Below 20 2 1 3 1 0 7
20 – 30 3 2 2 4 0 11
30 – 40 4 3 2 3 1 13
40 – 50 2 1 3 4 1 11
Above 1 1 1 1 4 8
Total 12 8 11 13 6 50
Let us take the null hypothesis that the Age and Customer service level are independent.
The table showing the Expected Frequency
Table 4:
Below 20 1.68 1.12 1.54 1.82 0.84 7
20 – 30 2.64 1.76 2.42 2.86 1.32 11
30 – 40 3.12 2.08 2.86 3.38 1.56 13
40 – 50 2.64 1.76 2.42 2.86 1.32 11
Above 50 1.92 1.28 1.76 2.08 0.96 8
Total 12 8 11 13 6 50
0 E (O-E)2 (O-E)2/E
2 1.68 0.102 0.06
3 2.64 0.129 0.04
4 3.12 0.774 0.24
2 2.64 0.409 0.15
1 1.92 0.846 0.44
1 1.12 0.014 0.11
2 1.76 0.057 0.23
3 2.08 0.846 0.91
1 1.76 0.577 0.75
1 1.28 0.078 0.27
3 1.54. 2.131 1.38
2 2.42 0.176 0.41
2 2.86 0.739 0.85
3 2.42 0.336 0.57
1 1.76 0.577 0.32
1 1.82 0.672 0.81
4 2.86 1.299 1.13
3 3.38 0.144 0.37
The table value for 16 d.f at 5% level of significance is 26.29. The calculated value is less than
the table value. The null hypothesis is accepted. Hence the age and customer service are
1. It is advised that if the prices of the textile are reduced. The sales volume can be further
2. Delay in billing section should be avoided.
3. The quality should be further improved.
4. The salesmen in Pothys should show varieties of material without hesitation.
5. The Pothys can arrange some refreshment to satisfy the customers’ needs.
Consumer is a complex entity, so consumer behaviours research studies are gaining importance
today. The consumer behaviour process is being studied for various angles, comprising of
Psychology, Social Psychology, cultural anthropology and economics.
However, this is going to be continuous process and can only conclude by saying that with most
of the firms involved in such intensive probing into the complex consumer behaviour, Probably
in the days to come, marketing managers may be able to understand the consumer behaviour
better than he is today.The history of the Pothys says it has its own Royal customers. Majority of
people in Tirunelveli go for Vadaku Radha Vethi for their purchase. The well placed customer
service has its own group of people for their purchase in Pothys. The Royal customers are well
attached to the Sentimental feel over there.
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