Bonus Act
Bonus Act
Bonus Act
Bonus is really a reward for good work or share of profit of the unit where the
employee is working. Often there were disputes between employer and
employees about bonus to be paid. It was thought that a legislation will solve
the problem and hence Bonus Act was passed. Unfortunately, in the process,
bonus has become almost as deferred wages due to provision of payment of
minimum 8.33% and maximum 20% bonus. Bonus Act has not in any way
reduced the disputes.
The Act is applicable to (a) any factory employing 10 or more persons where
any processing is carried out with aid of power (b) Other establishments
(established for purpose of profit) employing 20 or more persons. Minimum
bonus payable is 8.33% and maximum is 20%. Bonus is payable annually
within 8 months from close of accounting year. Bonus is payable to all
employees whose salary or wages do not exceed Rs 3,500 per month provided
they have worked for at least 30 days in the accounting year. However, for
calculation of bonus, maximum salary of Rs 2,500 is considered.
Establishments to which the Act is applicable - The Act applies to— (a) every
factory; and (b) every other establishment in which twenty or more persons
are employed on any day during an accounting year. [section 1(3)].
‘Factory’ has same meaning as per Factories Act. [section 2(17) of Bonus
The words used are ‘number of persons employed’. Hence, all persons
employed are to be considered, including those who are not eligible for
bonus. Thus, all employees including those, whose salary or wages exceed Rs
3,500 per annum will have to be considered for purpose of deciding eligibility.
Meaning of ‘establishment’ - The word ‘establishment’ is not defined in the
Act. Normally, ‘establishment’ is a permanently fixed place for business. The
term ‘establishment’ is much wider than ‘factory’. It covers any office or fixed
place where business is carried out.
Establishment in public sector covered only in certain cases - The Act applies
to establishment in public sector only if the establishment in public sector
sells the goods or renders services in competition with an establishment in
private sector, and the income from such sale or services or both is not less
than twenty per cent, of the gross income of the establishment in public
sector for that year. [section 20(1)]. In other cases, the provisions of this Act
do not apply to the employees employed by any establishment in public
sector. [section 20(2)]. As per section 32(v)(c), the Act does not apply to any
institution established not for purposes of profit.
Who are eligible for bonus - Employees drawing salary or wages upto Rs 3,500
per month are entitled to bonus, if he has worked for at least 30 working days
in an accounting year. Even a worker working in seasonal factory is eligible if
he has worked for at least 30 working days. Apprentices are not eligible for
Salary above Rs. 2,500 is not considered for calculation of Bonus. [section
12]. Employee drawing salary/wage exceeding Rs 3,500 is not entitled to any
bonus under the Act.
Thus, minimum bonus @ 8.33% will be Rs 2,500 and maximum @ 20% will be
Rs 6,000 for the year, when salary of employee exceeds Rs 2,500 but is less
than Rs 3,500.
Eligibility for bonus if worked for minimum 30 days - Every employee shall be
entitled to be paid be his employer in an accounting year, bonus, in
accordance with the provisions of this Act, provided he has worked in the
establishment for not less than thirty working days in that year. [section 8]
The first step is to calculate ‘Gross Profit’. As per section 4, the gross profit in
respect of any accounting year is required to be calculated as per First
Schedule to Act in case of banking company and as per second schedule in
case of other establishments. After calculation of ‘Gross Profit’ as per section
4, next step is to calculate ‘Available Surplus’. As per section 5, ‘available
surplus’ is calculated by deducting sums as specified in section 6 from ‘gross
profit’ arrived at as per section 6 and adding difference equal to income tax on
the bonus paid in the preceding year.
Thus, Available Surplus is equal to Gross Profit [as per section 4] less prior
charges allowable as deduction u/s 6 plus amount equal to income tax on
bonus portion calculated as per proviso (b) to section 5.
Set off and set on provisions - It may happen that in some years, the allocable
surplus is more than the amount paid to employees as bonus calculating it @
20%. Such excess ‘allocable surplus’ is carried forward to next year for
calculation purposes. This is called ‘carry forward for being set on in
succeeding years’. The ceiling on set on that is required to be carried forward
is 20% of total salary and wages of employees employed in the establishment.
In other words, even if actual excess is more than 20% of salary/wages, only
20% is required to be carried forward. The amount set on is carried forward
only upto and inclusive of the fourth accounting year. If the amount carried
forward is not utilised in that period, it lapses [section 15(1)].