First Screen - Hotpot
First Screen - Hotpot
First Screen - Hotpot
For each item, circle the most appropriate answer and make note of the (-1), (0), or (+1)
Part 2: Industry-Related Issues
Low Potential (-1) Moderate High
Potential (0) Potential
1. Number of competitors Many Few None
Explanation: Since this is a business
that have not got anyone created and
also the recently business that are
going to present are not choosing
this type. From that, we have none
competitors in this area of business.
4. Importance of industry’s products “Ambivalent” “Would like “Must have”
and/or services to customers to have”
Explanation: Due to different tastes
of food, to consume our products as
“Would like to have” due to the fact
of the cultural of different countries
to have a specific ingredients in their
own life style.
2. Ability to create “barriers to entry” Unable to create May or may Can create
for potential competitors not be able to
create +1
Explanation: Due to high start up
cost, that resulting the loss of rate of
return in the first month. However, as
going to the second month, the
business starting to gain back to
where it is supposed to be standing.
From that, this shows that this
business is going to have the power to
canteen over the time create this
problems to happen as the cycle.
4. Extent to which the proposed new Weak Moderate Strong
venture meets the founder or founders 0
personal goals and aspirations
Explanation: It is hard for our company
to make money rather than selling
3. Time to break even More than two years One to two Less than
years one year
Explanation: From the calculation, it +1
tells that in only two months, the
business is going to be able to have full
profit and paid the owe money of the
start-up investment.
Overall Potential
Each part has five items. Scores will range from -5 to +5 for each part. The score is a
guide—there is no established rule-of-thumb for the numerical score that equates to high
potential, moderate potential, or low potential for each part. The ranking is a judgment
Score Overall Potential of the Suggestions for
(-5 to +1) Business Idea Based on Improving the
Each Part Potential
Part 3: To focus on
Target Market and High potential improving different
Customer-Related 4 Moderate potential kinds of hot pot in
Issues Low potential order to drag in
more customers
Part 5: The business should
Financial Issues High potential think of another way
2 Moderate potential of making profit,
Low potential such as provide the
promoting and
dragging more
Maybe should
increase the selling
price a little bit
higher in order to
not having any loss
in the first month.
Overall Assessment
High potential
15 Moderate potential
Low potential
Summary— Our company has high potential in business idea and Target Market and
Customer-Related Issues, and it is the advantage of our company. However, we had to
improve our Target Market and Financial issues. Therefore, we should improve this
section by surveying other industries in order to improve our target market and promote
our company in order to improve our potential financial issues.
BizStats Has a variety of detailed financial data Parts 2 and Free
(http://www.bizstats on various retail categories. On the 5
.com) site, a user can type in the projected
income of a firm, by industry, and
receive a mock income statement in
Business & Access to information on the Parts 1 and Fee based;
Company Resource organization and structure of 2 typically free if
Center industries, current industry trends, and accessed through
(http://www.gale. other information. a university
com/BusinessRC) library Contains detailed information on cities, Part 3 Free
(http://www. including median resident age, median household income, ethnic mix of
residents, and aerial photos.
County Business Good resources for looking at business Parts 2 and Free
Patterns activity, including the number of 3
(http://www.census. competitors, at a city, county, or state
gov/ epcd/cbp/view/ level. For example, you can find the
cbpview.html) number of drycleaners (or any other
business) in a specific ZIP code or city.
Source Description Applicable Cost/Availability
Parts of
First Screen
Hoovers Online Brief histories and financial Parts 2, 3, Free; premium
(http://www. information on companies, industries, and 5 version available people, and products. Premium service on a fee basis or
provides access to detailed financial typically for free
information and 10-K reports for if accessed
publicly traded firms. through a
IBISWorld Detailed reports available on hundreds Parts 1, 2, 3, Fee based;
(http://www.ibiswor of industries, including industry stats, and 5 typically free if
ld. com) trends, buyer behavior, and expected accessed through
returns. a university
Lexis-Nexis Provides access to sales data for public Part 5 Fee-based;
Academic and private firms, which can be typically free if
(http://www. searched in a number of useful ways. accessed through Helps startups estimate the financial a university
performance of similar businesses. Go library
to “Business” and then “Company
Financial.” Search engine and directory for finding Parts 1, 2, 3, Free
(http://www.magpor online magazine articles. Helps 4, and 5 startups by providing access to
magazine articles about their product/
service and industry of interest. This
information may be helpful in all areas
of feasibility analysis.
Mergent Online Provides near instant access to Parts 2 and Fee based;
(http://www. financial data, including income 5 typically free if statements, balance sheets, and cash accessed through
flows, on more than 10,000 U.S. public a university
corporations. library
Mintel (http://www. Detailed reports available on hundreds Parts 1, 2, 3, Fee based; of industries, including industry stats, and 5 typically free if
trends, buyer behavior, and expected accessed through
returns. a university
Source Description Applicable Cost/Availability
Parts of
First Screen
ProQuest (no public Very robust search engine for Parts 1, 2, 3, Fee based;
Web site available) searching publications such as the Wall 4, and 5. typically free if
Street Journal and the New York accessed through
Times. Useful for all areas of feasibility a university
analysis. library
Source Description Applicable Cost/Availability
Parts of
First Screen
Yahoo! Industry Provides a directory of industries, Parts 2, 3, Free
Center (http://biz. along with a list of the companies in and 5 each industry, the latest
industry-related news, and
performance data on the top companies
in an industry.