Far Away Land - Cheat Sheets: Core Rule
Far Away Land - Cheat Sheets: Core Rule
Far Away Land - Cheat Sheets: Core Rule
1) Roll d6s equal to BRT, DEX or WIT plus appropriate Boon/minus Flaw if appropriate
If score is 0, roll only 1d3
2) Keep the highest single dice.
If more than one 6 is rolled, add +1 to the kept 6 for each extra 6
3) Compare result vs. Target Number (TN) or Opposed Roll
a) Target Number. Equal or higher is success.
Difficulty Rating TN
Simple 2-3
Easy 4
Tricky 5
Hard 6+
b) Opposed Roll. Highest result wins. Ties go to PCs. If two PCs are in contest, tie goes to
Spellcasting WIT + Arcane check vs. WIT + Arcane (if Opposed).
If unopposed (no TN or casting roll needed), spell is automatically cast.
Learning Spells Requires study for spell’s LVL in days.
Spell Duration Lasts caster’s LVL x spell duration type, e.g. Rounds, Days, etc.
Summoned Creatures Always obey caster. If summoner is killed so are their summoned creatures.
A killed summoned creature dematerialises.
Improvement XP Cost Improvement XP Cost
Increase Boon Boon x5 Gain a Boon 10
Increase Stat Stat x10 Increase Flaw 5
Gaining Levels Gain a Level whenever they reach an XP total equal to their current Level x
Level Gain Benefits +1 Luck, +1 HP, and +1 level of Severe Damage.
Every 5th Level: +1 Action.
Bluff Opposed WIT check. Success grants +1 die to attack rolls vs. the opponent for
rest of fight. Only use once per opponent, per encounter.
Defensive Position Give up all attacks/movement/actions, gain +1 die all defense checks for round
Disarm Opposed BRT + Melee check. Success with Margin of Success 3+ knocks
weapon 5’ away. Causes no damage
Grapple/Hold Opposed BRT + Melee check. Success holds opponent. Make a check each
round to maintain. Only use vs. opponents same size or smaller
Mounted Combat +1 die to melee attacks. Use Unstable Footing rules for ranged attacks
Control Scared Mount: Opposed DEX + Mounts vs. mount’s BRT (total Round)
Avoid Being Thrown: Opposed DEX + Mounts vs. mount’s BRT (total Round)
Cover -1 die to attack targets in partial cover.
Exhausted Tired: -1 die, Worn Out: -2 dice, Exhausted: -3 dice, Dead Tired: -4 dice
Once/day make BRT check vs TN 5 to use Second Wind each round to ignore.
High Wind -1 die to ranged and projectile attacks including appropriate spells.
Obscured Vision -1 die to melee attacks, -2 dice to ranged attacks beyond 15 ft.
Stunned No Actions for 1 round.
Unstable Footing DEX check (varied TN) each round or -1 die melee attacks/-2 dice ranged attacks.
Crafting Difficulty
Simple (3) Object requires little preparation and very few materials.
Easy (4) Object requires planning, few materials. Materials may/may not require preparation.
Tricky (5) Object requires planning, several materials and possibly work area/specific equipment.
Materials will need some preparation.
Hard (6+) Object requires a lot of planning, Object is complex, requires special tools and/or work
areas. May need to be created in various separate stages.
Crafting Time
Difficulty (TN) Typical Time Rush Jobs
Simple (3) A few hours It is possible to reduce time taken by taking a -2 die
A few hours to a day penalty for every 25% the time is reduced by.
Easy (4)
Tricky (5) 1-3 days
Hard (6+) 4 days to 2 weeks
Crafting Potions/Poisons/Antidotes
Effect LVL TN Antidote/Poison Potion
1-3 3 Costs poison’s LVL x 5gp in Requires spell scroll and 1d6 x 5gp of
4 ingredients. reagents.
Effect LVL is poison LVL. Effect LVL is spell’s LVL.
7-9 5
Creates 1 vial of poison or antidote. Creates 1d2 potions.
10 6 Failure: Ingredients ruin. Failure: scroll/reagents ruined.