Journal 2015
Journal 2015
Journal 2015
before,after a precipitate labor for which an episiotomy was performed, followed by the appearance of a rectovaginal fistula
with numerous attempts of reconstruction. Following biological graft interposition the rectovaginal fistula was cured.In this
case with multiple treatment attempts that led to major alterations in the vulvo-ano-perineal region we used the technique
of episyoproctotomy with sphincter reconstruction and interposition of acellular tissue graft. Favorable postoperative course
proved the method’s efficacy in this patient.Recurrent rectovaginal fistulas associated with sphincter muscle lesions can be
approached by episyoproctotomy technique, which allows the reconstruction of the ano-perineal region. Surgisis Bio Design
biological graft interposition is an alternative that can solve recurrent rectovaginal fistulas.
Introduction month after the delivery she observed the appearance of gas
The treatment of post-obstetrical rectovaginal fistulas repre- emissions and faeces leakage through the vagina. After two
sents a challenge in gynecologic surgery. The success rate for months the patient was operated vaginally. The excision of
the traditional techniques is reduced. the fistulous tract and suture of the vaginal and rectal defects
were practiced. After another two months the fistula reo-
Rectovaginal fistulas are abnormal communications through pened causing gas loss through the vagina and little unsteady
an epithelialized path between the rectum and the vagina. flow of faeces depending on the diet.
Passage of gas and faeces into the vagina causes profound
physical and psychological alteration that transforms a young In 2006 the patient decided to have another surgery. The sur-
woman into a disabled person excluded from social life and gical cure of the fistula by vaginal route vaginal was practiced.
family. After one month time interval the fistula reopened.
Rectovaginal fistulas are caused by obstetrical trauma in 88% In September 2013 the patient decided to get reoperated vag-
[1] of the cases. The incidence of post-obstetric rectovaginal inally. One month postoperative the fistula reopened and a
fistulas is low - 0.5-0.1% of all natural births [2][3]. Approxi- protection sigmoid iliac anus was practiced.
mately 5% of natural deliveries or 20% of births who under-
went episiotomy are complicated with anal sphincter or rectal After 6 months in April 2014 the reintegration in the normal
lesions [3]. In most cases rectovaginal fistulas are associated recto-sigmoid circuit was performed. At 3 days postoperative
with IV-th degree perineal lacerations or anal incontinence by the reopening of the fistula was found.
sphincter trauma [4][5]. Median episiotomy complicated with
IV-th degree perineal laceration predisposes to the occurrence The patient presented to our clinic after 6 months in Novem-
of rectovaginal fistulas [6]. ber 2014 and was reoperated.
has been identified by rectal instillation of 50ml methylene anal sphincter, 4.the bulbospongios muscle 5.the rectal wall,
blue solution and then 50 ml of air. By this maneuver we 6.the vaginal wall.
identified a fistulous opening, hidden in the mucous folds at
approximately 2cm of the hymeneal ring with a diameter of Obstetric fistulas are low fistulas and may have single or multi-
3-4mm. ple paths, the anal sphincter muscle may be interested or not,
or may be associated with varying degrees of perineal lacera-
The rectal extremity of the fistula was identified at 4cm from tions. [7]
the anus by inserting a metal grooved probe through the vag-
inal opening orifice. Anatomical changes can be evaluated clinically, the transanal
ultrasound being useful in some cases. External anal sphincter
Due to the history of repeated interventions we decided to rupture, for example, may be suggested by the disappearance
approach the fistula using the technique of episyoproctotomy. of perianal skin folds between 3 o’clock and 9 o’clock [5]. The
We excised the fistulous tract, then we dissected and mobi- disruption of the perineal body or the location of the fistula’s
lized approximately 2cm lateral the vaginal and rectal wall on anal extremity can be assessed by vaginal-anal bidigital exam-
the entire length of the initial incision. During dissection we ination.
found and excised another fistula which developed towards
the perineal skin without having a vaginal corresponding (fis- The treatment of rectovaginal fistulas depends on the cause,
tula in ano). In order to identify the external anal sphincter location and size of the fistula. Small obstetric fistulas are the
muscle’s ends we extended annularly, laterally on each side, only ones that can close spontaneously in 3-6 months [8]. In
the caudal extremity of the initial incision and we electrical- the treatment of rectovaginal fistulas the first operation is the
ly stimulated the visible muscular structures to distinguish the one that must solve fistula [9]. In case of relapse all other in-
sphincter muscle’s contraction. terventions will have less chance of success. Success rate af-
ter the first intervention is 85%, while after the second one it
We closed the rectal surgical wound in two plans with resorb- dropsto 55% [10].
able monofilament (PDS 3/0) until the mucocutaneous junc-
tion, then we interposed a rectangular fragment of 4/3cm of The optimal time for surgical treatment is dictated by the reso-
Surgisis Bio Design which we fixed with resorbable 3/0 sutures lution of edema, induration and infection at the level of fistula
at the corners. [11]. A time period of 3-6 months is accepted as necessary,
but if local phenomena stabilize the period can be reduced
We rebuilt the external anal sphincter using two “U” shaped [12]. In case of recurrent fistulas the operatory moment will be
sutures of PDS 3/0 and the perineal body using resorbable su- delayed longer compared to those treated per primam.
tures of Vicryl no.1. The vaginal surgical wound was closed
with interrupted continuous Vicryl 2/0 suture. The scarred teg- Choosing the best technical alternatives is difficult for recurred
ument was excised and the incision was closed using separate obstetric fistulas [13]. The principles that must be followed in
sutures. order to obtain a maximum rate of success are:
We continued the postoperative antibiotic treatment using ce- • Individual assessment of the surgical procedure for each
furoxime; we instituted fluid diet for two days and then hy- unique case,
poresidual diet for 7 days. The patient was hospitalized for 2 • Correct evaluation of the fistula (location, trajectory,
days and monitored by clinical examat 2,4,8 and 12 weeks sweeping),
without signs of recurrence. • Evaluation of the associated lesions involving the 6 ana-
tomical elements from the ano-perineal region that may
Figure 1 about here. Intraoperative aspect be secondarily involved,
• The transperineal approach (conservatory for the sphinc-
ter) or episyoproctotomy,
• Tissue interposition between the vagina and rectum for
the fistulas with increased risk.
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