Northern Plains RC&D Project Proposal Instructions
Northern Plains RC&D Project Proposal Instructions
Northern Plains RC&D Project Proposal Instructions
County or Area covered by Project: Where is the project located and who will
benefit from the project?
Contact Person: List an individual who can be contacted about the project
who will know the details of the project.
Description of Project: Briefly describe what the project is and any other
partners who will be assisting with the project, financially or through in-kind
donations of time, materials, etc.
Public Benefit Expected: How will the public benefit from the project?
The mission of the Northern Plains RC&D is to promote and develop the wise
use of the natural, cultural and human resources to improve the quality of life
in the area. The Council will promote, foster, and implement:
which will bring new dollars to the region and will enhance the quality of life
for the area’s residents. Projects proposals should fit somewhere within the
described guidelines in order to be considered for funding by the council.
Estimated Project Cost: This is the total amount of funds needed for the
project, including donations from other sources. If there are other partners
involved in the project or it is a large, complex project include a budget with
the project proposal.
Sponsor Contribution: This is the amount of money the local sponsor
(organization submitting the application) is contributing to the project.
RC&D funds can not be used for the purchase of food or beverages.