2013 FINAL Sweet Water Mini-Grant RFP 9-18-2013
2013 FINAL Sweet Water Mini-Grant RFP 9-18-2013
2013 FINAL Sweet Water Mini-Grant RFP 9-18-2013
Mini-grants may be used for a single project or for an on-going program, but preference will be given to projects with the potential to make a direct impact on water quality and to offer a long-lasting impact to the community. Every project should include an education component. Requests intended for general budget operations will not be considered. Mini-grant award winners will be announced by January 31, 2014 and featured at Sweet Waters Clean Rivers, Clean Lake Conference May 1, 2014. Examples of projects that may be submitted to this RFP include, but are not limited to, the following (successful applicants will likely combine several of these elements in a single project): Rain barrel, rain garden, and native landscaping installations Riparian buffer or shoreline restoration efforts Planting of trees and other vegetation to reduce stormwater runoff Replacement of asphalt, concrete and conventional lawns with trees, plantings and gardens Educating the public about storm water pollution prevention options Engaging in activities which protect the rivers and lakes from pollution and habitat destruction Create a citizen education program about residential water quality and conservation measures
Sweet Waters Water Quality Mini-Grant Program 2013 Timeline Promote Sweet Waters mini-grant opportunity to community groups: August-October 2013 Mini-grant project submission deadline: November 15, 2013 Grant review, ranking and selection: December, 2013 Grant winners notified: January 31, 2014 Feature winners at Sweet Waters Clean Rivers, Clean Lake Conference: May 1, 2014 2013 mini-grant final reports due: December 31, 2014 As part of their award agreement, the Awardees commit to providing Sweet Water with: 1. A brief (1-2 page) written project report by December 31, 2014, or in advance of the Awardees subsequent mini-grant request, whichever date is earlier (Sweet Water has a template that can be used if preferred) 2. Photos of the project (both in process or as completed are encouraged) 3. Examples of promotional materials used or publicity gained from the project 4. Project updates and photos when requested by Sweet Water Awardees also agree to inform Sweet Water of any press or media related to the project. In addition, awardees agree to acknowledge Sweet Waters support in press or media stories and promotional materials. Please note failure to provide grant reports will require a return of mini-grant award funds and precludes the possibility of future Sweet Water support. In the event the Awardee experiences an unforeseen circumstance affecting the timely completion of their project, they should contact Sweet Water as soon as possible.
We thank the 2013 Mini-Grant Program funders for their support this year.
Sweet Water - the Southeastern Wisconsin Watersheds Trust, Inc. 2013 Water Quality Mini-Grant Program Application Form Applications must be received by November 15, 2013. NO LATE APPLICATIONS ACCEPTED. Name of Requesting Organization _________________________________________________________ Contact Person ________________________________________________________________________ Address ______________________________________________________________________________ City ___________________________________ State ________ Zip Code _______________________ Telephone- Office / Home Cell __________________________________ Email Address _________________________________________________________________________ PROJECT TITLE _______________________________________________________________________
1. Please briefly summarize the project including a description and project outcomes (limit of 100 words with spaces):
2. Please indicate which goal the project promotes (more than one may be selected): ___ Improves water quality/reduces storm water ___ Improves aquatic or shoreline habitat ___ Provides environmental education and / or outreach concerning water resources, water quality, or related issues ___ Builds partnerships for more effective water use, better water quality, and/or conservation 3. Please describe the project in three (3) pages or less, being sure to address each of the topics below in this order: a) How does the project address water quality issues or habitat restoration in the chosen watershed? b) What will be the lasting impacts of the project on the watershed and/or community? c) How will the project be promoted in your community? d) What is the timeline for the project? e) Identify your project partners and their potential roles in the project. 4. Grant amount requested from Sweet Water ______________ 5. Provide a budget for the entire project, including matching funds and valuation of in-kind time, if applicable. If other funding will be used, list the funding sources and note if those funds are secured. If they are not, describe the likelihood of securing those funds. Emailed applications are preferred to herriges@swwtwater.org with Mini-Grant Application in the subject line. If it is not possible to email your application and materials, send completed applications to: Sweet Water 600 E. Greenfield Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53204 Please call Sweet Water with any questions at (414) 382-1766 or via herriges@swwtwater.org.