Skripsi Lutfi Alawiyah 2017

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Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for the Bachelor Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd)
English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty
State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga








“Stop dreaming and start doing what you want to reach in your life”

-The Writer-

“It‟s nice to be important, but it‟s more important to be nice”

-John Cassis-


This graduating paper is dedicated to:

1. My beloved mother Nafisah and my father Masjidi Nawawi.

Thanks for your love, affection, and always pray, and motivate me.

I do love you.

2. My beloved husband Yusuf Prasetyo and my daughter

AndhiraMafaza. Thanks for always support me. I love you so


3. My beloved sister Khaya Makiyah, my brother Chayi, and my little

brother Alfa Ni‟am who always take care of me.

4. Mrs. Setia Rini, M. Pd who always guide and support in arrange

this paper.

5. All of my friends who always give support.


Assalamu’alaikumWr. Wb

Alhamdulillahirabil’aalamiin, firstly the writer says as praise and

thanksto Allah SWT, the most gracious and merciful. Because of Him, the

writer could finish this graduating paper as one of the requirement for the

Bachelor Degree of Educational Studies (S.Pd) at English Education

Department of StateInstitute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga in 2015.

Secondly, peace and salutation always be given to our Prophet

Muhammad SAW who has guided us from the darkness into the

lightness.However, this success would not be achieved without a support,

guidance, advice, help, and encouragement from individuals and

institutions. Thus, the writer would like to say thank to:

1. Dr. Rahmat Hariyadi, M.Pd. Rector of State Institute for

Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga.

2. Mr. Suwardi, M.Pd as the Dean of Teacher Training and

Education Faculty of State Institute for Islamic Studies


3. Mrs. Noor Malihah, Ph.D as the Head of English Education


4. Mrs. Setia Rini, M. Pd as my counselor who has guided,

directed, motivated, and advised me patiently in the process of

accomplishing this graduating paper.

5. All of my lecturers in IAIN Salatiga, thanks for teaching me

and given a lot of their worth knowledge to me along of my

study in this Institute.

6. All official staff of IAIN Salatiga.

7. My beloved mother (Nafisah), and my father (Masjidi

Nawawi). Thank you very much for everything. May Allah

keep you and give you happiness. I do love you.

8. My beloved husband (Yusuf Prasetyo), and my daughter

(Andhira Mafaza). Thanks for your support. I love you so


9. My beloved sister (Khaya Makiyah), my brother (Chayi), and

my little brother (Alfa Ni‟am). Thank you very much for your


10. My closest friends (Dian, Puji, Faza, Adin, Rizky). Thank you

for being my best friend.

11. The big family of “SENI MUSIK CLUB (SMC) SALATIGA”.

12. All of my friends TBI ‟11 especially D class. Thank you for

being my friends in happiness and sadness.

13. All of my friends at IAIN Salatiga that I cannot mention one by


Salatiga, March 9 , 2017

The Writer

Lutfi „Alawiyah

113 11 120


„Alawiyah, Lutfi. 2017. The Use of Repetition Drill to Improve Speaking

Skill on Descriptive Text of the Eighth Year Students of MTs N
Salatiga in the Academic Year 2016/2017. A Graduating
Paper. English Education Department of Teacher Training and
Education Faculty. State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN)
Salatiga. Counselor: SetiaRini, M. Pd.

Keywords:speaking, descriptive text, repetition drill

The aims of this research are (1) to find out whether the “repetition drill”
technique can improve speaking skill on descriptive text of the eighth year
students of MTs N Salatigain the academic year 2016/2017 (2) to find out
the extent of the use “repetition drill” technique improving the students
speaking skill on descriptive text. The research method that is used in this
research is classroom action research. The subject of the research was 36
students of the eighth year students of MTs N Salatiga. The researcher
uses two cycles; each cycle consists of planning, action, observation and
reflection. The implementation of repetition drill is effective and can
improve the students speaking skill.It shows through several data such as;
observation result which is shows students enthusiastic, actively
participated in learning process. The result of her research shows that there
is an improvement of the students speaking skill using “repetition drill”
technique. It can be seen from T-test calculation in cycle I is 2, 5 and cycle
II is 6, 58; T-table with N = 34 is 2, 032. Also the increasing students‟
mean score in percentage from cycle I to cycle II with the standardized
score (the minimum of passing criteria) is 72, in the cycle I is55, 5%
students and 82, 85% in the cycle II. The increasing of score in percentage
from cycle I to cycle II is 27, 35%.This indicates that by applying
“repetition drill” technique, the students speaking skill can be improved.


TITLE PAGE.............................................................................................................i


ATTENTIVES COUNSELOR NOTES............................................................iii

STATEMENT OF CERTIFICATION................................................................iv




TABLE OF CONTENTS.......................................................................................xi


A. Background of the Study..........................................................................1

B. Research Problems.....................................................................................4
C. Purposes of the Study................................................................................4
D. Benefits of the Study.................................................................................5
E. Definition of the Key Terms....................................................................6
F. Limitation of the Study.............................................................................7
G. Graduating Paper Organization..............................................................7

A. Review of Previous Researches ............................................. 9

B. Drill
1. Definition of Drill ...................................................... 10
2. Types of Drill ............................................................. 12
3. Repetition Drill .......................................................... 18
C. Speaking
1. Definition of Speaking ............................................... 20
2. Types of Speaking...................................................... 21
3. Elements of Speaking ................................................ 23
4. Aspects of Teaching Speaking Skill .......................... 25
5. The Meaning of Speaking Skill ................................. 27
6. The Importance of Speaking Skill ............................. 28
7. Characters of Successful Speaking ............................ 29
D. Descriptive Text
1. Definition of Descriptive Text ................................... 30
2. Generic Structure of Descriptive Text ....................... 31
3. Language Features of Descriptive Text ..................... 31

A. Setting of the Research .......................................................... 32

B. Subject of the Research .......................................................... 32

C. Type of the Research ............................................................. 34
D. Procedure of the Research ..................................................... 35
E. Technique of Collecting Data ................................................ 37
F. Technique of Analyzing Data ................................................ 38
G. Evaluation Criteria ................................................................ 41


A. Research Finding........................................................................................43
B. Discussion.....................................................................................................64


A. Conclusions..................................................................................................65
B. Suggestions...................................................................................................66




Table 3.1List of VIII G Class of MTs N Salatiga...........................................33

Table 3.2 Scoring Rubric........................................................................................41

Table 4.1Teachers‟ Observation Sheet Cycle I...............................................46

Table 4.2 Students‟ Observation Sheet..............................................................47

Table 4.3Score of Pre-test and Post-Test CycleI.............................................48

Table 4.4Teachers‟ Observation Sheet Cycle II..............................................56

Table 4.5 Students‟ Observation Sheet..............................................................57

Table 4.6Score of Pre-test and Post-Test Cycle II..........................................58

Table 4.7Mean of Students‟ Score......................................................................63

Table 4.8Mean of Students‟ Score in Percentage...........................................63



A. Background of the Study

In formal education, language is an absolute necessity that is

used to communicate with others. By using language students can

communicate each other.English is an international language and as

foreign language. The mastery of this language is very important.

Amberg and Vause (2010: 2) state that, language is foremost a means

of communication, and communication almost always takes place

within some sort of social context. As in everyday life, students always

use language in a variety of activities, therefore, language can be

regarded as a communication tools.

Consequently, every student is required to have good skill in

language so that they can communicate well. The communication is a

process of delivering thought, concept, idea, opinion, agreement, wish,

information about some events to others by using language. Moreover,

in learning English there are four language skills. Lotherington, H

(2004: 65) argues that the four basic language abilities are commonly

regarded as speaking, listening, reading, and writing. The first skill is

speaking, it controls to learn and to develop of an individual„s

personality. The second one is writing, it is a partial representation of

units of language expression. This is the chief means by which

thought, ideas and knowledge are preserved. The third is reading, it is

to grasp language patterns from their written representation. The fourth

is listening; through listening, we build knowledge by taking in new

information (Robert Lado, 1983: 143). One of the skills that must be

mastered by the students is speaking, because it has important role in


Speaking skill is one of the language skills that are very

essential to support further oral communication especially in English.

Bryne (1986: 8) states that speaking is oral communication between

listener and speaker that involves the productive skill and

understanding. Brown (2001: 250) states that speaking is an interactive

process of constructing meaning that involves producing and receiving

and processing information. Although speaking skill is very essential

to support further oral communication but it is the most difficult skill

to develop. Speaking needs practicing as often as possible.

Based on the researcher‟s observation in MTs N Salatiga, The

Minimum Achievement Criterion (KKM) of English subject of the

eighth year students of MTs N Salatiga is 72 in accordance with the

potential and the students ability in learning English, but some

students got low scores (under KKM) actually in speaking. The

students‟ problem in speaking appeared because of some factors. They

had difficulties in expressing ideas and opinions orally as they were

afraidof making mistakes and not confident to speak English. They

still had difficulties in pronounce certain English words. To be able to

speak, instead of pronunciation, the richness of vocabulary was also

important. However, most students lacked vocabulary mastery and

only few students in the classroom consulted a dictionary. Their

competencies in grammar were also poor.As the result the students

became passive in the classroom. It also caused them getting bored and

did not enjoy the lesson.This condition supports the teacher drew up

appropriate learning teaching. To develop English learning quality, it is

necessary to find good learning technique for the students‟ role.

To make the students have strong interest in teaching and

learning process especially in learning speaking, the teacher should use

appropriate technique in teaching of English language. Technique is

usedto make interaction between the teacher and students.

Furthermore, the teacher has to prepare interesting aid before the

teaching and learning process is done. In this case, the researcher used

suitable technique in teaching speaking. Repetition drill is an effective

way to improve the students‟ speaking skill in English. By using

suitable technique in speaking the teacher can improve the students‟

speaking skill.

In this study, the researcher uses repetition drill as a technique

to improve students‟speaking skill. Thus, the teacher has one way to

solve the problem above. For that the reason, the writer is interested in

writing a graduating paper entitled: THE USE OF REPETITION




B. Research Problem

1. How is the implementation of repetition drill to improve speaking

skill on descriptive text of the eighth year students of MTs N

Salatiga in the academic year 2016/2017?

2. To what extent is the use of repetition drill technique improving

speaking skill on descriptive text of the eighth year students of

MTs N Salatiga in the academic year 2016/2017?

C. Purposes of the Study

1. To describe the implementation of repetition drill to improve

speaking skill on descriptive text of the eighth year students of

MTs N Salatiga in the academic year 2016/2017.

2. To find out to what extentis the use of repetition drill technique in

improving speaking skill on descriptive text of the eighth year

students of MTs N Salatiga in the academic year 2016/2017.

D. Benefits of the Study

Through this classroom action research, the researcher hopes

that it can give advantages for:

1. The teacher

a. Improve the teacherto teach the student speaking skill with a

better technique.

b. Increaseyoung learner‟s teacher in learning process.

c. To help the teacher to decide the best technique for improving

speaking skill.

2. The students

a. To motivate the students in order to involve them in learning

process actively.

b. To develop students speaking skill.

c. To train students confidence.

3. The school

a. The positive result of this research can create the innovation for

the school to develop the teaching learning process with

interesting and appropriate learning technique in order to

improve students‟ speaking skill, especially.

b. The application of this technique can create good quality for

students output.

E. Definition of the Key Terms

There are several definitions of key terms based on the title:

1. Repetition

Brooks in Richards, J. C and Rodgers, T. S (1986: 54), the

student repeats an utterance aloud as soon as he has heard it.

He does this without looking at a printed text. The utterance

must be brief enough to be retained by the ear. Sound is as

important as form and order.


This is the seventh month. -This is the seventh month.

2. Drill

An activity that practice a particular skill and often

involves repeating the same thing several times.


3. Speaking skill

According to Tarigan (1990: 3-4) speaking is a language

skill developed in child life, which is produced by listening

skill and when the period speaking skill is learned. Thus,

speaking is the productive skill in the oral mode.

F. Limitation of the Study

In order to make focus in this research, the researcher will limit

the study as follows:

1. The research is limited in the application of repetition drill


2. The research is limited in speaking skill.

3. The research is limited in descriptive text.

4. The research is carried out to the students of the eighth year of

MTs N Salatiga in the academic year 2016/2017.

G. Graduating Paper Organization

To facilitate the reader in understanding this paper, the

researcher will describe the parts in this paper are:

Chapter I presents the introduction, consist of the background

of study,research problem, purpose of the study, benefits of the study,

the definitions of key terms, limitation of study,and graduating paper


Chapter II the writers present theoretical framework which

contains the theories that will relate and support the research.

Chapter III is the research methodology, consist of setting of

the research, subject of the research, type of the research, procedure

ofthe research, technique of collecting data, and technique of

analyzing data.

Chapter IV is data analysis, it consist of research finding and

analysis and discussion.

Chapter V is closure that consists of conclusion and suggestions.



A. Review of Previous Researches

In this graduating paper, the researcher takes two previous

researches comparison. The first research is done by Handayani, K.U

(2011), “Using a Chain Drill to Improve Students‟ Fluency in

Speaking English (The Case of Seventh Grade Students of “SMP N 5”

Sragen in the Academic Year of 2010/2011). In her thesis, she

analyzed the students‟ fluency improvement in speaking English using

chain drill. She used classroom action research (CAR). She also

showed the learning process. It shows that this technique effectively

help the students to improve their fluency in speaking English. In the

end of her research she said that there was significant result before and

after using chain drill to improve the students‟ speaking fluency.

The second research is done by Kartikasari, E (2014) entitled

“Improving Students‟ Speaking Ability Through Repetition Drill”. The

method used in her research was classroom action research (CAR). The

research was conducted in three cycles at the 7 grade students of SMP N

6 Ketapang in the academic year 2013/2014. In collecting

data, the researcher used performance test for assessing

students‟performance based on scoring table of rating scale of

speaking, observation, and test (pre-test and post-test).

The research findings show that the use of repetition drill could

improve the students‟ speaking skill in procedure text. The

improvement of classroom situation includes: the class is more alive

because the students participated actively during the speaking class,

the students were motivated to speak English, thestudents paid good

attention to the teacher‟s explanation.

The study conducted by the researcher for the graduating paper

was differentfrom the previous research. The researcher would cover

about the use of repetition drill to improve the students speaking skill.

The difference was showed of the usedof repetition drill anddescriptive

text to improve speaking skill, whereas the previous researcher used

chain drill and procedure text to improve the students‟ speaking skill.

B. Drill

1. Definition of Drill

A drill is a classroom technique used to practice new

language. It involves the teacher modeling a word or a sentence

and the learners repeating it. Hornby (1995: 355) states that drill is

trained or trains somebody thoroughly by means of regularly

repeated exercises.

Furthermore, drill is a technique that has been used in the

foreign language classroom for many years. It was a key feature of

audio-lingual method which placed emphasis on repeating

structural pattern through oral drill. Matthews, Spratt, and

Dangerfield (1991: 210) said that a drill is a type of highly

controlled oral practice in which the students respond to given cue.

The response varies according to the type of drill. Drills areused

usually at the controlled practice stage of language learning so that

students have the opportunity to accurately try out what they have

learned. Drills help students to develop quick, automatic responses

using a specific formulaic expression or structure, such as a tag

ending, verb form, or transformation.

According to Tice (2004), drilling remains a useful

technique in the classroom if it is used appropriately. For the

learners, drilling can:

1) Provide for a focus on accuracy. Increasing accuracy, fluency,

and complexity is a way where a learner‟s language improves

so there is a need to focus on accuracy at certain stages of the

lesson or during certain task types.

2) Provide learners with intensive practice in hearing and saying

particular word phrases. They can help learners get their

tongues around difficult sounds or help them imitate intonation

that may be rather different from that of their first language.

3) Provide a safe environment for learners to experiment with

producing the language. This may help build confidence

particularly among learners who are not risk-takers.

4) Help students notice the correct form or pronunciation of a

word or phrase. Noticing or consciousness rising of language is

an important stage in developing language competence.

5) Provide an opportunity for learners to get immediate feedback

on their accuracy in terms of teacher or peer-correction.

6) Help memorization and automation of common language

patterns and language chunks might be good for oral

communication learners.

7) Meet student expectations. The students may think drilling is

an essential feature of language classrooms.

2. Types of Drill

Richards, J. C (1986: 53) say that dialogues and drills form

are the basis of audio lingual classroom practices. In addition,

Brooks in Richards and Rodgers (1986: 54) states that the use of

drills and pattern practice is a distinctive feature of the audio-

lingual method. Various kinds of drills used include the following:

1) Repetition: The student repeats an utterance aloud as soon as

he has heard it. He does this without looking at a printed text.

The utterance must be brief enough to be retained by the ear.

2) Inflection: One word in an utterance appears in another form

when repeated.

3) Replacement: One word in an utterance is replaced by another.

4) Restatement: The student rephrases an utterance and addresses

it to someone else, according to instructions.

5) Completion: The student hears an utterance that is complete

except for one word, then repeats the utterance in complete


6) Transposition: A change in word order is necessary when a

word is added.

7) Expansion: When a word is added it takes a certain place in the


8) Contraction: A single word stands for a phrase or clause.

9) Transformation: A sentence is transformed by being made

negative or interrogative or through changes in tense, mood,

voice, aspect, or modality.

10) Integration: Two separate utterances are integrated into one.

11) Rejoinder: The student makes an appropriate rejoinder to a

given utterance.

12) Restoration: The student is given a sequence of words that have

been culled from a sentence but still bear its basic meaning.

In addition, Diane Larsen-Freeman (2000: 47-49) also

states that there are several kinds of drill techniques used in audio-

lingual method:

1) Dialog memorization

Dialog or short conversations between two people are

often used to begin a new lesson. Students memorize the dialog

through mimicry; students usually take the role of one person

in the dialogue, and the teacher the other. After the students

have learned the one person„s line, they switch roles and

memorize the other person„s part. Another way of practicing

the two roles is for half of the class to take one role and the

other to take the other. After the dialogue has been memorized,

pairs of individual students might perform the dialog for the

rest of the class. In the audio-lingual method, certain sentence

patterns and grammar points are included within the dialog.

These patterns and points are later practiced in drills based on

the lines of the dialog.

2) Backward build-up (expansion) drill

This drill is used when a long line of a dialogue is

giving students trouble. The teacher breaks down the line into

several parts. The students repeat a part of the sentence, usually

the last phrase of the line. Then, following the teacher„s cue,

the students develop what they are repeating part by part until

they are able to repeat the entire line. The teacher begins with

the part at the end of the sentence (and works backward from

there) to keep the intonation of the line as natural as possible.

This also directs more student attention to the end of the

sentence, where new information typically occurs.

3) Repetition drill

Students are asked to repeat the teacher„s model as

accurately and as quickly as possible.

4) Chain drill

A chain drill gets its name from the chain of

conversation that forms around the room as students, one by

one, ask, and answer questions of each other. The teacher

begins the chain by greeting a particular student, or asking him

a question. That student responds, and then turns to the student

sitting next to him. The first student greets or asks a question of

the second student and the chain continues. A chain drill also

gives the teacher an opportunity to check each student„s


5) Single-slot substitution drill

The teacher says a line, usually from the dialog. Next,

the teacher says a word or a phrase-called the cue. The students

repeat the line the teacher has given them, substituting the cue

into the line in its proper place. The major purpose of this drill

is to give the students practice in finding and filling in the slots

a sentence.

6) Multiple-slot substitution drill

This drill is similar to the single-slot substitution drill.

The difference is that the teacher gives cue phrases, one at a

time, which fit into different slots in the dialog line. The

students must recognize what part of speech each cue is, or at

least, where it fits into the sentence, and make any other

changes, such as subject-verb agreement. They then say the

line, fitting the cue phrase into the line where it belongs.

7) Transformation drill

The teacher gives students a certain kind of sentence

pattern, an affirmative sentence for example. Students are

asked to transform this sentence into a negative sentence. Other

examples of transformations to ask of students are changing a

statement into a question, an active sentence into a passive one,

or direct speech into reported speech.

8) Question-and-answer drill

This drill gives student practice with answering

questions. The students should answer the teacher„s questions

very quickly. Although we did not see it in our lesson here, it is

also possible for the teacher to cue the students to ask questions

as well. This gives students practice with the question pattern.

9) Use of minimal pairs

The teacher works with pairs of words which differ in

only one sound; for example, ship/sheep. Students are first

asked to perceive the difference between the two words and

later to be able to say the two words. The teacher selects the

sounds to work on after she has done a contrastive analysis, a

comparison between the student native language and the

language they are studying.

10) Complete dialog

Selected words are erased from a dialog students have

learned. Students complete the dialog by filling the blanks with

the missing words.

11) Grammar game

The games are designed to get students to practice a

grammar point within a context. Students are able to express

themselves, although it is rather limited in this game. Notice

there is also a lot of repetition in this game.

3. Repetition Drill

Repetition drills are used for familiarizing students quickly

with a specific structure formulaic expression (Doff 1990: 71).

Repetition drill is the simplest drill used in learning language

patterns. Language learners merely repeat what the teacher says or

the tape recorder produces. This may be used for the presentation

of new vocabulary and will be useful for pronunciation class.

Furthermore, at its simplest, drilling means listeningthe

model, provided by the teacher, or a tape or another student in the

classroom, and repeating what is heard. It is a repetition drill. In a

repetition drill, the teacher says the model (words and phrases) and

the students repeat it. (Tice, 2004)

Learning to speak a foreign language is like the other skills.

It is simply a question of correct habit formation. It is though that

repeating phrases correctly in lots of time would lead the learner to

master the language. Diane Larsen-Freeman (2000: 43) said:

“language learning is a process of habit formation. The more

often something repeated, the stringer the habit and the greater

learning. Learning a foreign language is the same as the acquisition

of the native language.”

According to Diane Larsen-Freeman (2000: 45) the role of

the teacher is like an orchestra leader, directing and controlling the

language behavior of the students, also responsible for providing

the students with a good model for imitation. The students are

imitators of the teacher‟s model or the tapes of model speakers.

They follow the teacher„s directions and respond as accurately and

as rapidly as possible.

In accordance with the idea, repeating or drilling models

plays a very important role in language learning. In audio-lingual,

drilling is needed to facilitate learning, although it is meaningless

and mechanical drill (Tice, 2004). In conclusion, repetition drill

enables the students to be aware of the relationship among form,

meaning, the use of language, and also helps the students to

memorize the words or phrases.

From the explanation above, it can be concluded that

drilling is a technique that has been used in foreign language

classrooms which emphasis on repeating structural pattern through

oral practice to demonstrate students‟ ability in using specific

language.The use of this technique not only to give the students

chance to speak in front of the class and practice their speaking,

but also their comprehension of the text can be reached through

this technique. In this research, the researcher chose “repetition

drill” as the technique using in classroom. Where, the teacher says

the model of the text, then the students repeated what the teacher

said as accurately as quickly as possible.

C. Speaking

1. Definition of Speaking

Speaking is an interactive process of constructing meaning

that involves producing, receiving and processing information. Its

form and meaning are depending on the context in which it occurs,

including the participants themselves, their experiences, the

physical environment, and the purposes for speaking. It is often

spontaneous, openended, and evolving (Brown, 1994; Burns &

Joyce, 1997).

As state by Chaney (1998: 13) which is quoted by

Kayi(2006) Speaking is the process of building and sharing

meaning through the use of verbal and non-verbal symbols, in a

variety of contexts.Speaking ismuch more complex. It involves

both a command of certain skills and several different types of


In other words, Burns and Joyce in Florez (1999: 1) defined

Speaking is an interactive process of constructing meaning that

involves producing, receiving, and processing information.Besides

that, speaking is one of the important skills that have to be

mastered by students in learning English. It is an essential tool for

communicating. Talking about speaking is talking about

communicating, express the ideas, feeling, opinions and others,

that will be change for one person to another.

Based on the definition speaking above, it can be concluded

that speaking is an important instrument of communication

included expressing ideas, sharing meaning, feeling or opinion

through verbal or non-verbal symbol.

2. Types of Speaking

Brown (2000: 271-274) argues that there are five basic types of

speaking as follows:

a. Imitative

The ability to simply imitate a word or phrase or possibly a

sentence. In this stage, the teacher focuses only on students‟

pronunciation than the ability to understand or convey


b. Intensive

The production of short stretches of oral language design to

demonstrate competence in a narrow band of grammatical,

phrasal, lexical, or phonological relationship.

c. Responsive

Interaction and test comprehension but at the somewhat limited

level very short conversation, standard greetings and small talk,

simple request and comments, and the like.

d. Transactional (dialogue)

It is carried out for the purpose of conveying or exchanging

specific information, is in extended form of responsive


e. Interpersonal (dialogue)

It is carried out more for the purpose of maintaining social

relationships than for the transmission of facts and information.

The forms of interpersonal speaking performance are

interview, role play, discussions, conversations, games and


f. Extensive

The oral production task includes speeches, oral presentation,

and storytelling, during which the opportunity for oral

interaction from listener is either highly limited.

Based on the theory above, a teacher should to know that

speaking is not only about the use of the right sounds but also the

choice of words so that someone can communicate with others.

The stage of students‟ performance also becomes part of

consideration to design English teaching activities. The goals of

our teaching will influence the activities in the class.

In this research, the researcher chose imitative as a type of

speaking use in the classroom. Where, the students as an imitator

just need to repeat a sentence their heard with the right

pronunciation before knowing the meaning of the text.When

students are speaking in English, they should be ableto pronounce

correctly. Pronunciation will be the way they produce and

articulate the words.

3. Elements of Speaking

The ability to speak fluency presupposes not only knowledge

of language features, but also the ability to process information and

language „on the spot‟. Those will be explained below (Harmer,

2001: 269-271):

a. Language features

1) Connected speech: connected speech is effective speakers

of English need to be able not only to produce the

individual phonemes of English but also the use of fluent

connected speech. In connected speech sounds are

modified, omitted, added or weakened.

2) Expressive device: native speaker of English change the

pitch and stress of particular part of utterance, vary volume

and speed, and show by other physical and nonverbal

means how they are feeling (especially in face to face


3) Lexis and grammar: teachers should therefore supply a

variety of phrase for different function such as agreeing or

disagreeing, expressing surprise, shock or approval.

4) Negotiation language: effective speaking benefits from the

negotiator language we use to seek clarification andshow

the structure of what we are saying. We often need to ask

for clarification when we are listening to someone else

talks and it is very crucial for students.

b. Mental/social processing

1) Language processing: effective speaker need to be able to

process language in their own heads and put it into coherent

order so that it comes out in forms that are not only

comprehensible, but also convey the meanings that are

intended. Language processing involves the retrieval of

words and their assembly into syntactically and

propositionally appropriate sequence.

2) Interacting with others: effective speaking also involves a

good deal of listening, and understanding of how the other

participants are feeling, and knowledge of how

linguistically to take turns of allow others to do so.

3) (On the spot) information processing: quite apart from our

response to others‟ feeling, we also need to be able to process

the information they tell us at the moment we get it.

From thoseelements mentioned above, it can be

concluded that to be a good speaker, he or she has to master

language elements. On the other hand, it is not enough to

have a lot of vocabulary without other knowledge. Speaker

who wishes to say anything has to consider two things.

First, the language feature by which people know the use of

language such as: how to modify the sound and how to use

appropriate expression. Second, people also should to know

how to arrange the words into the right order.

4. Aspects of Teaching Speaking Skill

Brown (2001: 8) state that teaching cannot be defined apart

from learning, because it is guiding and facilities of learning,

enabling the learner to learn and setting the condition for learning.

Speaking is a skill requiring the simultaneous use of member of

different abilities. There are five components in speaking skill:

a. Pronunciation

Pronunciation is the way for students to produce clearer

language when they speak. It deals with the phonological

process that determine how sounds vary and pattern in a


b. Grammar

Grammar is the rules for forming words and making

sentences. It is needed for students to arrange a correct

sentence in conversation, or the students‟ ability to manipulate

structure andto distinguish appropriate grammatical for in

appropriate ones. The utility of grammar is also to learn the

correct way to gain expertise in a language in oral and written


c. Vocabulary

One cannot communicate effectively or express their ideas both

oral and written form if they do not have sufficient vocabulary.

So, vocabulary means theappropriate diction which is used in

communication. Vocabulary is the total number of words that

make up a language.

d. Fluency

Fluency is quality or condition of person to speak a

language easily and well.

e. Comprehension

For oral communication certainly requires a subject to

respond to speech as well as to initiate it.

Based on the explanation above, when the students

speaking in English, they should be able to pronounce correctly.

Another aspect of speaking is grammar. Grammar refers to the

rules of language structure. Then, vocabulary, it refers to the total

number of words that make up a language. Then, fluency, it refers

to how well the speaker articulate the words; clear and

understandable. The last is comprehension. Itis defined as the

ability to understand something by a reasonable comprehension of

the subject or as the knowledge of what a situation is really like.

5. The Meaning of Speaking Skill

Speaking skill is the ability to perform the linguistic

knowledge in actual communication. Its function is to express

some idea, feeling, thought and needs orally. According to Hornby

(1995:318) speaking is makingof words in an ordinary voice,

uttering words, knowing and being able to use a language;

expressing one in words, making speech.

According to the Webster College Dictionary (2003:873),

to speak means to utter words with the voice; to utter by means of

words (speak the truth), to address a gathering, to mention in

speech or writing, to carry a meaning as if by speech, to make

anatural or characteristic sound, to use in talking. Speak may apply

to any articulated sounds ranging from the least to the most

coherent. Then, talk is less technical and less formal and implies a

listener and connected discourse or exchange thoughts. On the

other hand, speech means the communication or expression of

thoughts in spoken words.

While, skill is a present state of being able to make certain

response perform certain tastes, we say that a person has a skill to

do something, we mean that he can do right now. Skill is a power

in doing something, fitness for ability for being improved.

For that reason, both speaking and skill are combined and it

is means capability/skill to utter the articulation of sound to

express or deliver thought, wish to other people to do

communicative task.

Furthermore, speaking is more than justa message being

transmitted froma speaker to the listener. In this case, the speaker

is at the same time both subject of his own message.

6. The Importance of Speaking Skill

The capability of human to speak well and right are very

needed in sending wishes, thoughts, and others. In other that the

partner can understand what the speaker‟s talks about it. Refers to

the importance of speaking ability, Haryanto(1994: 26) says that

human delivers a message and it is accepted by the communicant,

so it had been occurred a communication between communicator

and communicant. If the communicant does not understand what

the message conveyed is about, it will be occurred

misunderstanding. The above opinion indicated that speaking skill

is very important to everyone, because speaking is an instrument of

social interaction.

Furthermore, the speaking is a work that constitutes a

complex problem and it is so important. Also, it cannot be

separated from practice every day in daily life. Speaking skill is

very important and need by everyone because it is multifunction.

To speak well, right, fluently, it needs more courses practice.

Actually, since a normal infant was born she or he had a potency

ofspeaking skill, it can be seen when the infant started to make


7. Characters of Successful Speaking

When the students choose to learn a language, they are

interested in learning to speak that language as fluently as possible.

There are the characteristics of successful speaking:

a. Learners talk a lot

As much as possible of the period of time allocated

to the activity is a fact occupied by learners talk.

b. Participation is even

Classroom discussion is not dominated by a

minority of talk active participants. It means that all

students get a chance to speak and participate in class.

c. Motivation is high

All students have enthusiasm to speak in class. As

Nunan (1991: 39) states that the successful in speaking is

measured through someone ability to carry out a

conversation in the language.

D. Descriptive Text

1. Definition of Descriptive Text

Descriptive text is a text which is used to describe

something like a particular place, certain person or thing from the

physical condition. The junior high school students are required to

understand the component of descriptive text genre, those are:

generic structure and language feature.

According to Hartmann and Blass (1999:63) descriptive

paragraph is a text which says what a person, animal or a thing is

like. Its purpose is to describe and reveal a particular person, place,

or thing.

2. The generic structure of descriptive text:

a. Identification is the part of the paragraph that introduces the

character. Usually, identifying the phenomenon to be described.

The part of the paragraph that introduces the character.

b. Description is the part of the paragraph that describes the

character. Describing the phenomenon in parts, qualities,

or/and characteristics.

3. The language features of descriptive text:

a. Focus on Specific Participant (Prambanan temple, Bali, My

Father, My Cat, My Mom)

b. Use Simple Present tense. (S+V1+O)

c. Describing features (use adjectives ; handsome, beautiful, tall,

small, big)

d. Using relating verbs (is)



A. Setting of the Research

The research was carried out in MTs N Salatiga. This school was

built on 1978 and located at Jl. Jodipati No. 1, Tegalrejo,Salatiga. This

location was strategic, because not too far from highway and located in

the middle of the town. In the academic year 2016/2017, this school

has twenty four classes. Every grade consists of eight classes.

The research take place at MTs N Salatiga based on the

consideration that the school is near the place of the researcher and the

institution has never conducted research about speaking descriptive

text using repetition drill technique. The research applied at the second

semester in the academic year of 2016/2017 and began in January until

February 2017.

B. Subject of the Research

The subject of this research is eighth year students of MTs N

Salatiga in the academic year of 2016/2017. The eighth year students

consist of eighth classes, but the researcher took VIII G class. This

class consists of 36 students, 16 male and 20 female.The researcher

performed as the teacher and her partner, Zulia PermataQurrota „Aini

as the observer of the action.

Table 3.1

The List of VIII G Class of

MTs NSalatiga in the academic year 2016/2017

No Name
1 Aditya Nur Alim
2 Ahmad Khadiq Alfarisi
3 Ahmad Rafi Zaidaan
4 Ahmad Syaiful Fajar
5 Anis Christinawati
6 Arina Rosyada Salsabila
7 Azarine Vastiti Razana
8 Chindy Rosiana Mawarti
9 Dwi Kurniawati
10 Dzaudan Naufal Faza
11 Edi Kurniawan
12 Evan Kresna Januar
13 Fella Sufah Zain
14 Hafizh Maullana
15 Helmi Candra Wijaya
16 Isna Alfian Safitri
17 Maylasari Ratnadila
18 Miranti Salfatia Anggi
19 Muhamad Muallimin

20 Muhamad Rodi
21 Muhammad Hasan Saifurrijal
22 Muhammad Irwan Muhlasin
23 Muhammad Shidqon Fathoni
24 Muhammad Zanuar Sugiharto
25 Naila Ayu Kharisma
26 Nailatul Zuhroh
27 Nasyith Aisya Nabila
28 Nuha Hanifa
29 Nur Laila Ariyanik
30 Priska Sefia Ningrum
31 Resa Adi Maulana
32 Risma Dewi Lestari
33 Rizky Agel Nurdiana
34 Safna Arija Ilma
35 Salsa Ivah Maulani
36 Sania Della Puspita

C. Type of the Research

The type of this research is Classroom Action Research (CAR).

Classroom Action Research means a research conducted in the

classroom to know the result of an action applied on a subject research

in the classroom. According to Arikunto (2006: 2-3) classroom action

research are coming from three words. They are research, action and

class. It can be describe as follows:

a. Research is an activity to find out accuracy some object using

methodology to get data or information which benefit to

improve something which interest and important for researcher.

b. Action is a movement activity, which is done deliberately with

a certain purpose.

c. Classroomis a group of students in same time and have same

lesson from teacher

Based on three of main words, Classroom Action Research

(CAR) means research which is done by the teacher in teaching

learning process to understand the situation and to improve the skill of

the students in learning process.

D. Procedure of the Research

This research appliedKemmisand Mc Taggart‟s model of

classroom action research‟s method. Arikunto (2010:137) informs that

the principal concept of CAR according to both of those experts

consists of four; they are planning, acting, observing, and reflecting.

The researcher uses two cycles in this research.According to Arikunto

(2010:138) each cycle consists of:

1) Planning

Planning explains about WH question; what, why, when,

where, who and how the action done (Arikunto (2010: 138). The

activities in the planning are:

a) Preparing materials, making lesson plan, and design the

step in doing the action

b) Preparing list of students‟ name and scoring

c) Preparing teaching-aids

d) Preparing sheets for students and teachers observation sheet

e) Preparing a test for pre-test and post-test (to know whether

students‟ speaking skill improve or not)

2) Acting

In accordance to Arikunto (2010: 139) acting is the

implementation of planning. The researcher spent two cycles to do

a classroom action research. Writer presents them in the following:

a) Giving pre-test

b) Teaching speaking by repetition drill.

c) Giving occasion to the students to ask any difficulties or


d) Giving post-test.

3) Observe

Observation is data gathering. In other word, observation is

the instrument to show how far the effect of the action.

Observation can be systematically used to observe and note the

phenomenon investigated likethe students‟ feeling, thinking, and

something they do in teaching learning process. Observations

focused on the implementation of the learning activities and write

something that happened in the classroom. In this research, the

researcher observes the learning process, notices all the activities

related with learning process use check list.

4) Reflection

In this part, Arikunto (2010: 140) stated thatresearcher and

observer discuss the result of learning process. It consists of

analyzing the action and doing intervention, clarification how the

researcher doing the research as the teacher, also the condition of

the class and the students.

As soon as the class ending, the teacher or researcher was

discussed with the observerabout the learning process. Whether the

device successful or not. Also, it was to find the weakness and the

advantage of the device then find out the appropriate solution.

E. Technique of Collecting Data

Data collecting is used to gather information, in this part

is about classroom action research. This research will use some

techniques to collect the data:

a. Observation

In conducting the observation, the researcher uses field

note and documentation. In accordance to Hopkins (1993: 104),

keeping field notes is a way of reporting observation, reflections

and reactions to classroom problem. Ideally, they should be written

as soon as possible after a lesson.

b. Test

Testing is a number measuring a person ability, knowledge,

or performance in a given domain (Brown, 2001: 3). In this

research, the researcher used pre-test and post-test with repetition

drill technique and without repetition drill technique

c. Videotape Recorder

The videotape recorder is increasingly being used by

teachers as a means of gathering general information about their

teaching. It allows the teacher to observe many facets of his or her

teaching quickly, and provides heuristic and accurate information

for diagnosis (Hopkins, 1993: 115).

F. Technique of Analyzing Data

The researcher conduct the classroom action research of teaching

speaking using repetition drill at the eighth year students‟ of MTs

Salatiga. In analyzing the data, the researcher uses the quantitative and

qualitative data analysis.

As stated by Creswell, John W (2012: 13)Quantitative research

collected numeric data from a large number of people using

instruments with preset questions and responses. Also analyzed trends,

comparing groups, orrelating variables using statistical analysis and

interpreting results by comparing themwith prior predictions and past


In the other hand, “Qualitative research collected data based on

words from a small number of individuals so that the participants‟

views are obtained and analyzed the data for description and themes

using text analysis and interpreting the larger meaning of the findings”.

As stated by Creswell, John W (2012: 16).

This study would be successful when there is increasing of

students‟ speaking skill. One of the indication is the students can

explore their ideas or thinks in English well. Before applying the

action, the students would be given pre -test and post-test in the end of

the action to know the progressing of students.

The proceeds of pre-test and post-test would be analyzed to

prove the hypothesis by t-test formula. The formula according Hadi

(1981: 246)as follow:

1. Mean

Mean is sum of all students score and divide it with total of

individual. The function of the formula is to find the average from

raw data.



M : Mean of the students‟ score

∑X: The sum of the students‟ score

N : The total number of the students

2. SD (Standard Deviation)

The function of the formula isto solve standard deviation

calculation from the data that arranged into distribution table.

SD=√ ( )


SD : Deviation Standard

D : Difference between pre-test post-

test N : Number of observation in sample

3. T-test

To be able to know whether there is a significant improvement

or not between pre-test and post-test,researcher using t-test after

calculate the SD. The formula is:

to = √


to : T-testfor the differences between pre-test and post-test

SD : Deviation Standard for one sample t-test

D : Different between pre-test and post-

test N : Number of observation in sample

G. Evaluation Criteria

In the oral test, the researcher used speaking assessment rubric in

the following table:

Table 3.2
Scoring Rubric

Name : 20-16 15-11 10-6 5-1

Score :
Fluency Able to keep Some Speech Not connected
flow of hesitation and disconnected speech
language short pauses not easy to
with an follow
Content Use all the Use most of Use a few of Use limited
sentence the sentence the sentence sentence
patterns patterns patterns patterns
Vocabulary Effective use Uses basic Limited Incomprehensib
a vocabulary and learned vocabulary le because
vocabulary insufficient
Grammar Effective use Meaning is Many Lack of use of
of structure conveyed, mistakes with structure
with few or some mistake basic structure
no mistakes

Pronunciation PronunciationPronunciation Pronunciation Frequent
and and and intonation problems with
intonation are
intonation are errors, pronunciation
almost clear usually clear sometime it and intonation
and accurate or accurate make difficult
with few to understand
problem by the students


In this chapter explains the result of each cycle of the research. It

describes activities from each step of the cycles. Several activities and

condition of each cycle are discussed and explained as a part of

implementation of repetition drill to improve students‟ speaking skill in

descriptive text.

A. Research Finding

The research consists of two cycles, each cycle consists of

planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. The whole steps of this

research would be explained in the description below:

1. Cycle I

a. Implementation on Cycle I

1) Planning

The researcher prepared several instruments, they are as


a. Lesson Plan

Lesson plan was used to control the teaching and

learning process in this research. The researcher used it as a

guidance to manage time and activities during teaching and

learning process in the class.

b. Material

Descriptive text (meaning, purpose, generic

structure, example, and language feature).

c. Teaching Aid

The researcher prepared some instruments. They are

board-marker, pictures, and handout for students. The

researcher also provided the material and tools to succeed

the action.

d. Observation sheet

Observation sheet was prepared in order to know

the students‟ activities during the teaching and learning


e. Pre-test and Post-test

The researcher used pre-test and post-test in her

action. Pre-test was done before using repetition drill to

know the competence of students in speaking descriptive

text. Then, the researcher used post-test. Post-test was done

after using repetition drill as a technique of language

teaching to see the result of the study before and after

usingrepetition drill.

2) Implementation of the action

The research was done on January, 12 until February, 01,

2017 in MTs N Salatiga. The action of cycle I was done on Jan

th th th
12 , 13 , and 18 . The researcher performed as a teacher and

her partner Zulia PermataQurrota „Ainy as the observer of the

On Thursday, January 12 before started the lesson, the

researcher informed to the students that for a few days later the

class would be taught by the researcher.

The teacher started the lesson by greeted

“Assalamualiakumwarahmatullahiwabarakaatuh” and said

hello to the students. The teachers‟ open the lesson, introduces

herself, conveyed the purpose of coming in the class, and

checked the students‟ attendance list. After checked the

attendance list, the teacher said that they would learn English

on a month especially about descriptive text. Before, began the

lesson, the teacher asked to the students‟ about what is

descriptive text. One of the students “Chindy” answered that

descriptive text is text that describes something. After giving a

little explanation about descriptive text, the teacher told that

they will do a pre-test. The teacher gave two pictures and asked

to the students to choose one and then described it. Then, gave

10 minutes before asked to the students to perform in front of

the class to do a pre-test about descriptive text. It was done on

one meeting. After the students finished the pre-test, the

teacher closed the lesson and said “hamdallah” together.

On Friday, 13 the teacher entered the class. Before

started the lesson, the teacher said basmallah together with the

students, then asked the students condition, and checked the

attendance list. After that, the teacher gave a handout to the

students. The teacher asked to some students to read about the

definition of descriptive text, the purpose, and the generic

structure of descriptive text. Then the teacher explained more

detail in bahasa in order to make the students understood about

the material.After explained it, the teachers gave an example of

descriptive text, then lead them to speak it by repetition drill

technique. But, before applied it to the students, the teacher

explained first about the definition and the procedure of

repetition drill technique.

After the teacher explained the procedure of repetition drill,

she gave an example of descriptive text. The teacher drill the

students how topronounce every sentence with pronunciation

and intonation correctly. Then, the teacher asked to some

students to perform the example of descriptive text in front of

the class. Finally, the researcher took a conclusion related with

the topic.

On Wednesday, January 18 , the researcher and observer

entered the class. The researcher informed to the students that

she would give a post-test. Before did a post-test, the

researcher gave a descriptive text about “Bongo the

Orangutan” and drilled the students about the text. Next, the

researcher asked to the students to perform one by one in front

of the class. After the students finished the test, the teacher

closed the meeting, said that they will meet next week and said

hamdallah together.

3) Observation

The researcher observed the learning process by asking the

observer to help her in monitoring the students‟ activity and

attention during the action in the classroom. This observation

was purposed to know how far the situation and enthusiasm of

the students during teaching and learning process. The

researcher used observation sheet that has given to her partner.

The purpose of this activity was to evaluate the teaching and

learning process, collecting data and monitor the class.

Table 4.1

Teachers‟ Observation Sheet


1 Teacher prepared the material  Good

2 Teacher conduct the classroom  Good


3 Teacher use the time effectively  Good

4 Teacher give evaluation after the  Good
lesson plan

5 Teacher ask the student‟s  Good


6 The teacher applies repetition

drill as the technique in teaching  Good
descriptive text

Table 4.2

Students‟ Observation Sheet


1 Students feel enthusiastic doing  Good

speaking test by using repetition
drill technique

2 Students give attention to  Good

teacher‟s explanation

3 Students active during learning  Students make noisy

process in the class, shy, and
feel not confident to
speak in English

4 Students understand the  Good

teacher‟s explanation

5 Students do the evaluation well  Good

4) Reflection

Based on the observation of the cycle I, there were some

reflections that should be given attentionto maximize the

ability of students inspeaking. The researcher found

someweaknesses that happened during the teaching and

learning process. The weaknesses were; more or less of a

quarter of VIII G students were still lack of vocabulary,

nervous, and less of confident. So they confused on how to

speak English well, the condition of the class was noisy during

teaching and learning process.

The researcher analyzes the data of pre-test and post-test.

The KKM (Kriteria Minimum Kelulusan) or passinggrade of

the test was 72, and the target of the passing grade was 80%.

b. Improvement on Cycle I

The calculation and result of pe-test and post test cycle I:

Table 4.3
Score of Pre-Test and Post-Test in Cycle I

Pre test Post test Post-

No Name I I Pre 2
(X) (Y) (D)

1 Aditya Nur Alim 40 50 10 100

2 Ahmad Khadiq Alfarisi 53 76 23 529
3 Ahmad Rafi Zaidaan 79 73 -6 -36
4 Ahmad Syaiful Fajar 35 75 40 1600
5 Anis Christinawati 78 86 8 64
6 Arina Rosyada Salsabila 76 78 2 4
7 Azarine Vastiti Razana 77 64 -13 -169
8 Chindy Rosiana Mawarti 80 90 10 100
9 Dwi Kurniawati 55 71 16 256
10 Dzaudan Naufal Faza 79 78 -1 -1
11 Edi Kurniawan 58 50 -8 -64

12 Evan Kresna Januar 75 78 3 9
13 Fella Sufah Zain 60 56 -4 -16
14 Hafizh Maullana 63 65 2 4
15 Helmi Candra Wijaya 71 57 -14 -196
16 Isna Alfian Safitri 58 78 20 400
17 Maylasari Ratnadila 79 56 -23 -259
18 Miranti Salfatia Anggi 67 58 -9 -81
19 Muhamad Muallimin 60 58 -2 -4
20 Muhamad Rodi 60 69 9 81
21 Muhammad Hasan Saifurrijal 50 53 3 9
22 Muhammad Irwan Muhlasin 60 64 4 16
23 Muhammad Shidqon Fathoni 77 78 1 1
24 Muhammad Zanuar Sugiharto 50 50 0 0
25 Naila Ayu Kharisma 75 79 4 16
26 Nailatul Zuhroh 52 75 23 529
27 Nasyith Aisya Nabila 59 78 19 361
28 Nuha Hanifa 70 71 1 1
29 Nur Laila Ariyanik 73 75 2 4
30 Priska Sefia Ningrum 50 58 8 64
31 Resa Adi Maulana 72 73 1 1
32 Risma Dewi Lestari 80 82 2 4
33 Rizky Agel Nurdiana 81 88 7 49
34 Safna Arija Ilma 76 78 2 4
35 Salsa Ivah Maulani 78 73 -5 -25
36 Sania Della Puspita - 90 - -
Total 2306 2531 135 3355

a. Mean of pre-test

I Mx =

Mx =

Mx = 65, 88

b. Mean of post-test I

My =

My =

My = 70, 30

c. SD of post-test and pre-test

From the data above, the teacher calculated SD pre-test and



=8, 99

d. T-test calculation

T =
( )

= √

= √

= 2, 5

T-test is 2, 5

a) Calculating Df

Degree of Freedom = (N-1)

= (35-1)

= 34

b) Approving the T-table distribution

With degree of freedom is 34, the value of T-Table with

the degree of significant 5% is 2, 032.

c) Comparing T-Test and T-Table

T-test is 2, 5

T-table is 2,032

Therefore T-test calculation is greater than T-table with

the level of degree of significant 5% (0, 05).

d) Conclusion

T-table < T-test calculation = 2, 032 < 2, 5

It shows that there is a significant influence between pre-test

and post-test in cycle I with level significant 5%, T-table is 2, 032.

It means that the use of repetition drill can help the students to

improve their skill in speaking English. e. Percentages scores

The calculation which shows the class percentage of

students who pass the KKM (the minimum of passing criteria)


P = x 100%
<72 = x 100%

= 44, 5%

P = x 100%
≥72 = x 100%

= 55, 5%

The score of the result above shows that students‟ score

increase from the pre-test to the post-test. The mean of pre-test is

65, 88 while the mean of post-test is 70, 30. There are 55, 5%

students who pass the standardized score (KKM) and44, 5%

students who are not pass the standardized score because the

standardized is 72.It indicates that the successful of cycle I should

be improved. So the research be continued to cycle II.

2. Cycle II

a. Implementation on Cycle II

1) Planning

The researcher prepared;

a. Lesson plan

The lesson plan was arranged based on the problem in the

result of cycle I

b. Material (language features of descriptive text and


c. Teaching aid (list of students name and scoring, handout for

students, text and pictures, board marker)

d. Pre-test and Post-test

e. Observation sheet

2) The implementation of the action

On Tuesday, 24 January 2017 the teacher entered the class

with the observer Zulia PermataQurrota „Ainy by greeting

“Assalamualaikumwarahmatullahiwabarakatuh” and asking

about the condition of the students by “how are you today?”,

the students answered “I‟m fine Mom, and you?”, then the

teacher answered, “I‟m very well too, thank you”. She

continued the lesson based on lesson plan arranged. Before

began the lesson, the teacher gave pre-test. She gave two

pictures with the text with the title “My Teacher” and “My

house”. Next, asked to the students to choose one picture has

given, and performed it in front of the class. On the other hand,

the partner observed the teaching learning process in the class.

After all of the students performed in front of the class with

their topic, the teacher closed the meeting by said hamdallah

and will be continued in the next meeting.

On 31 January, the teacher entered the class with her

partner and started the lesson as usual. Greeting the students by

“Assalamualaikumwarahmatullahiwabarakatuh”, asked about

the condition, and checked the students‟ attendance list. Before

start the lesson, the teacher review about the previous material.

She asked to the students “did you remember what we have

learned in the last meeting?”. The students answered that they

learned about descriptive text. Then, the teacher gave more

explanation about descriptive text and also added the material

about language feature of descriptive text. The teacher gave the

explanation in more detailed and gave an example every part of

language features. The first language feature is focus on

specific participant. The teacher mention some examples, then

asked to the students to mention the other example. The second

is use simple present tense, she asked about the formula of

simple present tense. The third is describing features or use

adjective. She gave some examples, then, asked to the students

to mention the other example of adjective. And the last is using

relating verb. In this part, the teacher asked to the students to

underline the words that using relating verb in the example of

descriptive text on handout. After explained the language

features, the teacher asked the students understanding and

explained one more time in more detail.

After gave more explanation to the students, the teacher

gave an example and guide the students to speak with the

technique repetition drill. The students followed what the

teacher said for twice. Then the teacher asked some students to

try performed in front of the class.

On 1 February the teacher entered the class. Greeted the

students, asked about the condition, and checked the attendance

list. Then, the teacher said that they would do a post-test. She

informed to the students that day would do a post-test but with

the same text when did a pre-test. Because, the teacher wanted

to know how the students improvement if used the same text.

The teacher drill the students first before asked to the students

perform in front of the class. She repeated the difficult words

for several times and gave an example how to pronounce the

words. After finished post-test, the teacher closed the meeting

and said thanks to the students for their good participation.

3) Observation

In cycle II, theresearcher also asked her partner to observe

the teaching and learning process in the class. Her partner as

collaborator also helped in monitoring the class.

Table 4.4

Teachers‟ Observation Sheet


1 Teacher prepared the material  Good

2 Teacher conduct the classroom  Good


3 Teacher use the time effectively  Good

4 Teacher give evaluation after the  Good
lesson plan

5 Teacher ask the student‟s  Good


6 The teacher applies repetition

drill as the technique in teaching  Good
descriptive text

Table 4.5

Students‟ Observation Sheet


1 Students feel enthusiastic doing  Good

speaking test by using repetition
drill technique

2 Students give attention to  Good

teacher‟s explanation

3 Students active during learning  Good


4 Students understand the  Good

teacher‟s explanation

5 Students do the evaluation well  Good

4) Reflecting

At this stage, the researcher and her partner made

conclusion after analyzing the data. The conclusion was made

by comparing the students‟ score between cycle I and cycle

II.The researcher analyzed the data of pre-test and post-test.

The KKM (Kriteria Minimum Kelulusan) or passinggrade of

the test was 72, and the target of the passing grade was 80%.

After analyzing the result during the implementation of

repetition drill technique in cycle II, most of the students were

more active in the learning process. They practiced the text

with more confidence and become enjoyed with the lesson. It

was meant that the technique given by the researcher

successfully improve the students self-confidence in speaking


b. Improvement on Cycle II

The following table is the final score of the students in cycle II.

Table 4.6

Score Pre-Test and Post-Test in Cycle II

Pre Test Post Test Post-

No Name II II Pre 2
(X) (Y) (D)
1 Aditya Nur Alim 50 50 0 0
2 Ahmad Khadiq Alfarisi 75 81 6 36
3 Ahmad Rafi Zaidaan 79 87 8 64
4 Ahmad Syaiful Fajar 63 73 10 100
5 Anis Christinawati 75 90 15 225
6 Arina Rosyada Salsabila 80 94 14 196
7 Azarine Vastiti Razana 78 95 17 289
8 Chindy Rosiana Mawarti 90 96 6 36

9 Dwi Kurniawati 75 74 -1 -1
10 Dzaudan Naufal Faza 68 85 17 289
11 Edi Kurniawan 60 50 -10 -100
12 Evan Kresna Januar 79 82 3 9
13 Fella Sufah Zain 56 61 5 25
14 Hafizh Maullana 71 74 3 9
15 Helmi Candra Wijaya 56 70 14 196
16 Isna Alfian Safitri 83 89 6 36
17 Maylasari Ratnadila 64 73 9 81
18 Miranti Salfatia Anggi 69 72 3 9
19 Muhamad Muallimin 61 64 3 9
20 Muhamad Rodi 50 75 25 625
21 Muhammad Hasan Saifurrijal 71 73 2 4
22 Muhammad Irwan Muhlasin 50 72 22 484
23 Muhammad Shidqon Fathoni 71 78 7 49
24 Muhammad Zanuar Sugiharto 50 50 0 0
25 Naila Ayu Kharisma 60 80 20 400
26 Nailatul Zuhroh 75 83 8 64
27 Nasyith Aisya Nabila 83 87 4 16
28 Nuha Hanifa 73 72 -1 -1
29 Nur Laila Ariyanik 79 88 9 81
30 Priska Sefia Ningrum 50 72 22 484
31 Resa Adi Maulana 75 81 6 36
32 Risma Dewi Lestari 85 88 3 9
33 Rizky Agel Nurdiana 90 96 6 36
34 Safna Arija Ilma 70 - - -
35 Salsa Ivah Maulani 78 88 10 100

36 Sania Della Puspita 88 96 8 64
Total 2530 2739 279 3959

a. Mean of Pre-test II

Mx =

Mx =

Mx = 70, 27

b. Mean of Post-test II

My =

My =

My = 78, 25

a. SD of Pre-Test and Post-Test

From the data above, the teacher calculate SD pre-test and

SD = √
= √
= √

= 7, 09

b. T-Test calculation

T =
(√ )



= 6, 58

T-test is 6, 58

a) Calculating Df

Degree of Freedom = (N-1)

= (35-1)

= 34

b) Approving the T-table distribution

With degree of freedom is 34, the value of T-Table with

the degree of significant 5% is 2, 032.

c) Comparing T-Test and T-Table

T-test is 6, 58

T-table is 2,032

Therefore T-test calculation is greater than T-table with

the level of degree of significant 5% (0, 05).

d) Conclusion

T-table < T-test calculation = 2, 032 < 6, 58

It shows that there is a significant influence between pre-

test and post-test in cycle II with level significant 5%, T-table is

2, 032. It means that the use of repetition drill can help the

students to improve their skill in speaking English.

f. Percentages scores

The calculation which shows the class percentage of

students who pass the KKM (the minimum of passing criteria)


P = x 100%
<72 = x 100%

= 17, 15

P = x 100%

≥72 = x 100%
= 82, 85%

The score of the result above shows that students‟ score

increase from the pre-test to the post-test. The mean of pre-test

is 70, 27 while the mean of post-test is 78, 25. There are 82,

85% students who pass the standardized score (KKM) and17,

15% students who are not pass the standardized score. It

concluded that the improvement of students‟ speaking skill

was better than cycle I.

B. Discussion

Based on the result of analyzes in cycle I and II, the researcher

analyzed the students improvement from each cycle. The improvement

as follow:

Table 4.7
Mean of Students‟ Score

No Analyze Cycle I Cycle II

1. Mean
 65, 88 70, 27
 70, 30 78, 25

2. T-table N=34 2,032 2, 032
3. T-test calculation 2,5 6, 58

Table 4.8

Mean of students‟ Score in Percentage

Category Cycle I Cycle II

<72 44, 5% 17, 15%
>72 55, 5% 82, 85%

From the table above, it shows that the mean of post-test is 70, 30

which is higher than mean of pre-test 65, 88 in cycle I. Meanwhile, the

mean of post-test in cycle II is 78, 25 which is higher than mean of

pre-test in score 70, 27.

Besides, there were 55, 5% students who pass the standardized

score (KKM) and 44, 5% students who did not pass on cycle I. In

cycle II, there were 82, 85% students who pass the standardized score,

and only 17, 15% students who did not pass on it. The result shows

that the mean of students percentages in cycle I and II is higher than

the standardized score (KKM) in score 72.

From the result above, it means that the use of repetition drill

technique gives positive effect for the students in improving speaking

skill. It can be seen from the result of pre-test, post-test and oral test

which have changed significantly from cycle I to cycle II.

In addition, the students look more confident and enjoy to speaking

English in the class. It is caused by the implementation of repetition

drill technique stimulates the atmosphere in the class being not too

formal so the students more free to speak and enjoy the speaking




A. Conclusions

The title of this research is “The Use of Repetition Drill to Improve

Speaking Skill on Descriptive Text of the Eighth Year Students of MTs

N Salatiga in the Academic Year 2016/2017”. The finding of the

research in MTs N Salatiga shows:

1. The implementation of using “repetition drill” technique can

improve the students speaking skill in teaching learning process. It

can be proved by the score of pre -test and post-test. The score of

post -test are greater than pre-test. The cycle I shows that the score

of pre-test is 65, 88 and the score of post-test is 70, 30. Meanwhile,

the cycle II shows that the score of pre-test is 70, 27 and the score

of post-test is 78, 25. It means that there is significant difference

mean between pre-test and post-test. This indicates that “repetition

drill” technique can improve the students speaking skill of the

eighth year students of MTs N Salatiga in the academic year


2. The extent of using “Repetition Drill” technique can be proved by

t-test calculation. T-test is formula to know the significant

differences between pre-test and post-test. The t-test from this

research is from 2, 5 in the first cycle become 6, 58 in the second

cycle. From the t-test, it can be seen that there is improvement

from the first cycle to the second cycle. Also the increasing

students mean score in percentage from cycle I to cycle II with the

standardized score (the minimum of passing criteria) is 72, at the

cycle I is 55, 5% students and 82, 85% in the cycle II.

Furthermore, the repetition drill technique make the students were

more active and cooperative during the speaking class. They were

interested in the material given. Their enthusiasm and motivation

to learn English especially improving speaking skill increased.

B. Suggestions

Based on the result, the successful of teaching speaking not

only depend on the lesson programs but also how the teachers present

the lesson and using various technique to manage the class and make

the class more enjoyable. Regarding to teaching speaking by repetition

drill technique, the researcher would like to suggest as follows: a. For

the Teachers

The result of this research can support the English teachers to

apply this technique in teaching. The teacher should be selective to

choose the technique in teaching learning process. They have to

put in self as facilitator, controller, and guide all students who need

help when they face theproblem in learning English. Teachers

should prepare materials well and they can create good atmosphere

with fun learning and make it more interesting. In teaching

learning process, teacher should make students more comfortable

to enjoy the activities. Theirinterest can rising their motivation in

learning then make them easier to learn.

b. For the Students

The students should take part actively in learning process, do

not shy and afraid to express idea especially in speaking. They

should be confident to speak English to the teacher or their friends

to improve their skill and add their vocabularies during learning

process. They also must pay attention, seriously when the teaching

learning is going on. The students have to develop their self-

motivation and minimize their anxiety of studying English.

c. For other Researcher

Based on the result that Repetition Drill technique can improve

the students speaking skill, the researcher suggests to the other

researchers to implement thistechnique in teaching speaking.

Furthermore, the result can be used as the reference for further

research in another topic discussion, in different English language

skills by the deeper investigation. It may also useful to have

research with different student condition like students motivation



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NamaSekolah : MTs N Salatiga

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas : VIII / 2
MateriPembelajaran : Descriptive text
Aspek : Speaking skill
AlokasiWaktu : 4x45 (2 kali pertemuan)


KI 1: Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya.

KI 2: Menghargai dan menghayati perilaku jujur, disiplin,

tanggungjawab, peduli (toleransi, gotongroyong), santun,
percayadiri, dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan
lingkungan social dan alam dalam jangkauan pergaulan dan
KI 3: Memahami dan menerapkan pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual,

danprosedural) berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu

pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya terkait fenomena dan
kejadian tampak mata.
KI 4: Mengolah, menyaji, dan menalar dalam ranah konkret

(menggunakan, mengurai, merangkai, memodifikasi,

danmembuat) dan ranah abstrak (menulis, membaca,
menghitung, menggambar, dan mengarang) sesuai dengan yang
dipelajari di sekolah dan sumber lain yang sama dalam sudut

Kompetensi Dasar

2.2Menunjukkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, percaya diri, dan bertanggung

jawab dalam melaksanakan komunikasi transaksional dengan
guru dan teman.

3.10 Menerapkan struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan untuk

melaksanakan fungsi sosial teksdeskriptif dengan menyatakan
dan menanyakan tentang deskripsi orang, binatang, dan benda,
pendek dan sederhana, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.

4.11 Menangkap makna dalam teks deskriptif lisan dan tulis, pendek dan


4.11.1 Siswa mampu menyebutkan nama,sifat, dan

tindakan dari atau terkait dengan orang, binatang,
benda yang semuanya sesuai dengan fungsi sosial
yang hendak dicapai.

4.11.2 Siswa mampu bertanya dan menjawab berbagai

informasi secaralisan dalam teks pendek berbentuk

4.11.3 Siswa mampu melakukan monolog pendek dalam

bentuk deskriptif.


1. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis nama, sifat, dan

tindakan dari atau terkait dengan orang, binatang, benda dan
nama bagian-bagiannya yang dipilih untuk dideskripsikan.

2. Siswa dapat bertanya dan menjawab berbagai informasi secara

lisan dalam teks pendek berbentuk deskriptif.

3. Siswa dapat melakukan monolog pendek dalam bentuk

D. MateriPembelajaran
 What is descriptive text?
 Descriptive text is a textthat describes the features of someone,
something, or a certain place.
 Purpose of descriptive text is to describe and reveal a particular
person, place, or thing.
 Generic structure :

 Identification is the part of the paragraph that introduces the

character. Usually, identifying the phenomenon to be described.
 Descriptionis the part of the paragraph that describes the
character. Describing the phenomenon in parts, qualities,
or/and characteristics.

 Example of descriptive text :

The Sea Eagle

There is an eagle nesting on the tree top near my
grandparent’s house in Pangandaran. It was a sea eagle.

The color of its feathers is light brown. It has a strong

and sharp yellowish beak. Its claws are very sharp. It hunts for
fish in the sea but sometimes it hunts chickens and small

Eagles have many sizes, shapes, and colors, but the sea
eagle is easy to recognize because it has a strong a
streamlined, sharp beak and a stream-line body.

Its forelimbs (or arms) serve as wings. This means that

they are of little use for anything except flying. It walks on two
legs and has a very flexible neck and strong beak to handle
foods, to care for its feathers, and for many other jobs that
non-flying animals do with paws, claws, or hands on their

E. Metode/TeknikPembelajaran:
Repetition drill

F. Mediadan Alat :Gambardantext descriptive

Whiteboard, boardmarker

G. Sumber Belajar :Buku English in Focus for grade VIII Junior High School
LKS Fokus

H. Langkah-langkah pembelajaran
A.Pertemuan Pertama

Langkah – langkah Kegiatan Waktu

A. Kegiatan Awal

Guru Siswa-Siswi

 Guru memberikansalam 1. Siswa menjawab

 Guru salam.
5 Menit
2. Siswa mengikuti
mulaipelajaran dengan khitmat
 Guru mengecek kehadiran 3. Siswa
siswa. mengiformasikan
 Guru menyampaikan kehadiran atau tidak.
4. Siswa mendengarkan

tujuan pembelajaran dengan baik
 Guru melakukan pre-test 5. Siswa melakukan
instruksi dari guru

B. Kegiatan Inti


Guru Siswa-Siswi

 Disajikan sebuah materi tentang 1. Siswa mengamati

deskriptif teks. contoh tertulis tentang
 Guru memberikan instruksi deskriptif teks.
mengenai teknik repetition drill 2. Siswa memperhatikan
yang akan digunakan. instruksi dari guru.
Procedure of repetition drill : 3. Siswa memahami

perintah guru.
a. Teacher says the model of 20
sentence to the students. menit
b. Students are asked to repeat

the teacher‘s model as

accurately and as quickly as
 Guru meminta siswa untuk

1. Descriptive text
2. Generic structure

dariteks deskriptif

5 menit
Guru Siswa-Siswi

 Guru mengarahkan siswa untuk  Siswa menanyakan

bertanya mengenai materi atau materi atau bahan
bahan ajar tentang struktur ajar tentang struktur
teks. teks.

Guru Siswa-Siswi

 Dengan bimbingan guru, 1. Siswa menirukan

siswa membacakan teks membaca teks
deskriptif yang sudah deskriptif.
dibawa dengan 20
pengucapan, tekanan kata 2. Siswa mengidentifikasi menit
dan intonasi yang tepat ciri-ciri dan sifat-sifat

 Dengan bimbingan guru orang, binatang, dan

benda berdasarkan
siswa mendiskusikan ciri-
teks yang diberikan
ciri dan sifat-sifat binatang,
orang, dan benda yang ada
pada teks.


Guru Siswa-Siswi

 Guru memberikan teks untuk 1. Siswa berlatih teks

berlatih siswa sesuai dengan yang diberikan guru
bimbingan guru. sesuai dengan waktu
 Guru memberikan waktu yang ditentukan. 30
kepada peserta didik 2. Siswa Menit

 Guru memberikan Post-test. mempresentasikan di

Siswa diminta untuk didepan kelas.
menceritakan teks deskriptif
yang telah didapatnya didepan
kelas satu persatu.


 Guru memberikan umpan balik atas Siswa mencatat hasil

kegiatan belajar yang dilakukan kegiatan belajar 5 menit

peserta didik.
 Guru memberikan tugas dirumah,
yaitu membaca teks deskriptif

C. Kegiatan Akhir

Guru Siswa-Siswi

 Guru menyampaikan; 1. Siswa memberikan

Good job. Thank you so much for jawaban atas
your participation. I’m very happy pertanyaan guru.
with your activity in the class. How 2. Siswa mendengarkan 5 Menit

about you, did you enjoy my class? informasi guru.

 3. Siswa menjawab
Menginformasikan rencana salam.
kegiatan pembelajaran untuk
pertemuan berikutnya
 Guru mengucapkan salam

I. Instrumensoal
Cycle 1

Pre-test : look at this picture, choose one, and describe it!

1.My mother

2. My cat

Post-test : retell this descriptive text in front of the class!

Bongo the Orangutan

There is an orangutan in the Bandung zoo. People call her

Bongo. She comes from a dense forest on the island of Kalimantan.

She has physical features similar to a human. Bongo has

brownish fur, and walks with two feet. Bongo is almost as big as a
human. She is a mammal, that means she gives birth to her children and
breast feeds them.

J. Penilaian
Jenispenilaian : Teslisan
Bentukpenilaian : Individu
Pedomanpenilaian :
1. Fluency : 20%
2. Content : 20%
3. Vocabulary : 20%
4. Grammar : 20%

5. Pronunciation : 20%

1. Bad : 1-5
2. Fair : 6-10
3. Good : 11-15

4. Excellent : 16-20

K.Rubric penilaian

Name : 20-16 15-11 10-6 5-1

Score :
Fluency Able to keep Some Speech Not connected
flow of hesitation and disconnected speech
language with short pauses not easy to
an occasional follow
Content Use all the Use most of Use a few of Use limited sentence
sentence the sentence the sentence patterns
patterns patterns patterns
Vocabulary Effective use a Uses basic Limited Incomprehensible
vocabulary and learned vocabulary because insufficient
vocabulary vocabulary
Grammar Effective use Meaning is Many Lack of use of
of structure conveyed, mistakes with structure
with few or some mistake basic
no mistakes structure
Pronunciation Pronunciation Pronunciation Pronunciation Frequent problems
and and and with pronunciation
intonation are intonation are intonation and intonation
almost clear usually clear errors,
and accurate or accurate sometime it
with few make difficult
problem areas to understand
by the
Note :

Salatiga, Desember 2016

Guru Pamong

NurKhamim, S.Pd.,M.Pd Lutfi „Alawiyah


NamaSekolah : MTs N Salatiga

Mata Pelajaran : BahasaInggris
Kelas : VIII / 2
MateriPembelajaran : Descriptive text
Aspek : Speaking skill
AlokasiWaktu : 4x45 (2 kali pertemuan)


KI 1 :Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya.

KI 2 :Menghargai dan menghayati perilaku jujur, disiplin,

tanggungjawab, peduli (toleransi, gotongroyong), santun,

percayadiri, dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan
lingkungan social dan alam dalam jangkauan pergaula dan
KI 3 :Memahami dan menerapkan pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual,

dan prosedural) berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu

pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya terkait fenomena dan
kejadian tampak mata.
KI 4 :Mengolah, menyaji, dan menalar dalam ranah konkret

(menggunakan, mengurai, merangkai, memodifikasi, dan

membuat) dan ranah abstrak (menulis, membaca, menghitung,
menggambar, dan mengarang) sesuai dengan yang dipelajari di
sekolah dan sumber lain yang sama dalam sudut pandang/teori.

Kompetensi Dasar

2.2Menunjukkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, percaya diri, dan bertanggung

jawab dalam melaksanakan komunikasi transaksional dengan
guru dan teman.

3.10 Menerapkan struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan untuk

melaksanakan fungsi sosial teksdeskriptif dengan menyatakan
dan menanyakan tentang deskripsi orang, binatang, dan benda,
pendek dan sederhana, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.

4.12 Menangkap makna dalam teks deskriptif lisan dan tulis, pendek dan


4.12.1Siswa mampu menyebutkan nama, sifat, dan tindakan dari atau

terkait dengan orang, binatang, benda yang semuanya
sesuai dengan fungsi sosial yang hendak dicapai.

4.12.2Siswa mampu bertanya dan menjawab berbagai informasi secara

lisan dalam teks pendek berbentuk deskriptif.

4.12.3Siswa mampu melakukan monolog pendek dalam bentuk



1. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis nama, sifat, dan

tindakan dari atau terkait dengan orang, binatang, benda dan
nama bagian-bagiannya yang dipilih untuk dideskripsikan.

2. Siswa dapat bertanya dan menjawab berbagai informasi secara

lisan dalam teks pendek berbentuk deskriptif.

3. Siswa dapat melakukan monolog pendek dalam bentuk


D. Materi Pembelajaran

Language Feature of descriptive text:

 Focus on Specific Participant (Prambanan temple, Bali, My Father,

My Cat, My Mom)
 Use Simple Present tense. (S+V1+O)

 Describing features (use adjectives ; handsome, beautiful, tall, small,

 Using relating verbs/kata penghubung (is=adalah)

Title My best friend

I have a special friend. She is
my classmate and sits beside me.
Her name is Rohmi. Rohmi is
Identification a quite girl and very simple on

the look. However, I really adore

her. She is not only kind but also

Rohmi comes from a very

simple family. Her father is a
pedicab driver and her mother has
passed away. She has a younger
brother. His name is Rahmat. In
Description order to help their father, Rohmi
and her brother work part-time to
earn some money. Rohmi sells
food during our class break, while
her brother sells newspapers and
magazines after school.

One thing that I always
admire about her is that she can
manage her time well, and she
always looks cheerful.

E. Metode/TeknikPembelajaran:
Repetition drill

F. Mediadan Alat : Gambardantext descriptive

Whiteboard, boardmarker

G. Sumber Belajar : LKS Fokus


H. Langkah-langkah pembelajaran
B.Pertemuan Pertama

Langkah – langkah Kegiatan Wakt


A. Kegiatan Awal

Guru Siswa-Siswi

 Guru memberikan salam 6. Siswa

 Guru memimpin doa menjawab
sebelum memulai salam. 5
pelajaran. 7. Siswa Menit
 Guru mengecek mengikuti
kehadiran siswa. dengan
 Guru menanyakan khitmat
kembali tentang materi 8. Siswa

yang telah didapat siswa mengiforma

pada pertemuan sikan
sebelumnya. kehadiran
 Guru menanyakan tugas atau tidak.
rumah yang telah 9. Siswa
disampaikan pada menyampaik
pertemuan sebelumnya. an materi
 Guru melakukan pre-test sebelumnya.
10. Siswa
11. Siswa
instruksi dari

B. Kegiatan Inti


Guru Siswa-Siswi

 Guru menjelaskan kelanjutan 4. Siswa

materi tentang deskriptif teks. mengamati
 penjelasan
Guru memberikan instruksi tentang
Mengenai teknik repetition deskriptif 20
drill yang akan digunakan. teks. menit
Procedure of repetition drill : 5. Siswa
a. Teacher says the model of memperhati

sentence to the students. kan instruksi

dari guru.
b. Students are asked to 6. Siswa
repeat the teacher‘s model as memahami
accurately and as quickly as perintah

possible. guru.
 Guru meminta siswa untuk

3. Descriptive text
4. Generic structure dari

teks deskriptif
5. Language feature dari

teks deskriptif


Guru Siswa-Siswi

 Guru mengarahkan siswa  Siswa

untuk bertanya mengenai menanyakan
materi atau bahan materi atau
ajar tentang struktur teks, bahan
dan unsure kebahasaan yang ajar tentang
terkait dengan materi yang struktur
meliputi; kosa kata, tata teks, dan
bahasa, ucapan, tekanan kata, unsur 5
ejaan, tanda baca yang bahasa yang menit
digunakan, dan kata sifat. terkait
kosa kata,
tata bahasa,
kata, ejaan,
tanda baca

dan kata

Guru Siswa-Siswi

 Dengan bimbingan guru, 3. Siswa

siswa membacakan teks menirukan
deskriptif yang sudah membaca
dibawa dengan teks
pengucapan, tekanan deskriptif.
kata dan intonasi yang
tepat 4. Siswa 20
 Dengan bimbingan guru mengidentifi menit
kasi ciri-ciri
siswa mendiskusikan ciri-
dan sifat-
ciri dan sifat-sifat
sifat orang,
binatang, orang, dan
benda yang ada pada
dan benda
teks yang


Guru Siswa-Siswi
 Guru memberikan gambar Siswa Menit
pada setiap siswa. mempresentasikan
 Guru memberikan waktu didepan kelas.
kepada peserta didik

 Guru memberikan Post-test
Siswa diminta untuk
menceritakan teks deskriptif
yang telah didapatnya didepan
kelas satu persatu.


 Guru memberikan umpan balik Siswa

terhadap keberhasilan siswa mendengarkan 5

dalam mengerjakan tugas. umpan balik dan menit

 Guru memberikan motivasi motivasi dari guru.
kepada siswa untuk lebih aktif
dalam pembelajaran berikutnya.

C. Kegiatan Akhir

Guru Siswa-Siswi

 Guru menyampaikan; 4. Siswa

Good job. Thank you so much for memberikan
your participation. I’m very happy jawaban
with your activity in the class. How atas
about you, did you enjoy my pertanyaan
class? guru. 5
5. Siswa Menit
 Guru membuat kesimpulan mendengark
tentang materi yang telah an
dipelajari. kesimpulan
 Guru menanyakan tentang tingkat
pemahaman siswa terhadap 6. Siswa
materi yang sudah disampaikan. menjawab

Guru mengucapkan salam pemahaman

materi yang
7. Siswa

I. Instrumensoal
Cycle 2

Pre-test : look at this picture, and describe it by your own words!

1.My teacher

2. My house

Post-test : retell this descriptive text in front of the class!

My Favorite teacher

My favorite teacher in junior high school is Mr. Hariyanto. He is

anEnglish teacher. He comes from Semarang and his age is about 43
years old.

Mr. Hariyantois tall and thin. He has square face, big nose, and
always wears glasses. He has short straight hair, brown skin color and
black eyes.

Many students think that he is “killer teacher”, but he is not. He

is just a serious person, but sometimes he makes a good joke. Everytime
we have a class with him, he always gives us homework. He is different
with another teacher. Mr. Hariyanto is really a good teacher.


Jenis penilaian : Tes lisan

Bentuk penilaian : Individu
Pedoman penilaian :
6. Fluency : 20%
7. Content : 20%
8. Vocabulary: 20%

9. Grammar: 20%

10. Pronunciation : 20%

Scores :
1. Bad : 1-5

2. Fair : 6-10
3. Good : 11-15

4. Excellent : 16-20

J.Rubric Penilaian

Name : 20-16 15-11 10-6 5-1

Score :
Fluency Able to keep Some Speech Not connected
flow of hesitation and disconnected speech
language with short pauses not easy to
an occasional follow
Content Use all the Use most of Use a few of the Use limited
sentence the sentence sentence sentence
patterns patterns patterns patterns
Vocabulary Effective use a Uses basic and Limited Incomprehensib
vocabulary learned vocabulary le because
vocabulary insufficient
Grammar Effective use of Meaning is Many mistakes Lack of use of
structure with conveyed, with basic structure
few or no some mistake structure
Pronunciation Pronunciation Pronunciation Pronunciation Frequent
and intonation and intonation and intonation problems with
are almost are usually errors, pronunciation
clear and clear or sometime it and intonation
accurate accurate with make difficult to
few problem understand by
areas the students
Note :

Salatiga, Desember2016

Guru Mata Pelajaran

NurKhamim, S.Pd.,M.Pd Lutfi „Alawiyah


Nama : Lutfi „Alawiyah

NIM :113-11-120

Jurusan/Progdi : TBI (TadrisBahasaInggris)

Dosen P.A : FaizalRisdianto, S.S., M.Hum

No NamaKegiatan Pelaksanaan Status Nilai

1 OPAK STAINSalatiga2011 20-22 Agustus Peserta 3
2 Achievement Motivation Training (AMT) 23 Agustus Peserta 3
3 OrientasiDasarKeislaman (ODK) STAINSalatiga 24 Agustus Peserta 2
4 Seminar EnterpreneurshipdanKoperasi 25 Agustus Peserta 2
5 BedahBuku “Super Teens Super Leader” 8 Oktober Peserta 2
6 Workshop Keaktoran 11 Juli 2012 Peserta 2
7 Workshop SOSIODRAMA 12 Juli 2012 Peserta 2
8 Practicum Program “Pronunciation and Intensive Course” 28 April 2012 Peserta 2
9 Practicum Program “Magazine Writing and Public 24 September Peserta 2
Speaking” 2012
10 Music In Campus “A Day with Music” 15 Oktober Panitia 3
11 PendidikanDasar (PEDAS) Music XIII dan Workshop 27 November- Panitia 3
PaduanSuaraMahasiswa (PSM) VII 4 Desember
12 EkspresidanKreasi Music In Campus Tribute to “IwanFals” 27 Desember Panitia 3
bersama Diplomat Mild 2012
13 Diklatsar IV “Proses 7-3 Januari Panitia 3
KebersamaandalamLoyalitasdanKedisiplinan (Fairplay, 2013
Solidarity, danPrestasi)”
14 Grand Launching Band Perform SMC 2013 13 Februari Panitia+Pes 3
2013 erta
15 Music In Campus (MIC) “Togetherness With Music” 6 Juli 2013 Panitia 3
16 TaarufSantriPondok Al Falah(TASPONA) 28 Juli 2013 Panitia 3
“MewujudkanSantriSejati yang
17 Sosialisasi&SilaturrahimNasional STAINSalatiga 2013 30 September Panitia 8
“Sosialisasi UU No.1 Tahun 2013, PeransertaFungsi OJK”. 2013
“PeranPemerintahdalamPengawasan LKM
18 Produksi PSM SMC STAIN Salatiga “Senandung Nada 19 Oktober Panitia 3
DalamWarna” 2013
19 SSC Cup III Futsal Competition 2013 Kategori 9-10 Panitia 3
SMA/SMK/MA Sederajat se-Salatiga “JadikanPemuda yang November
BerbangsadanBernegaradenganBerolahragaMenujuPemudaB 2013
erprestasi (Be A Sportman, Be Sportive)
20 SantunanAnakYatim Se-KecamatanTingkir 28 November Panitia 3
21 LombaKaryaTulisIlmiah (LKTI) 1 Desember Panitia 3
“Pengaruhlingkunganbermainterhadappembentukankarakter 2013
22 PendidikanDasar (PEDAS) Musik XIV dan Workshop 23-29 Panitia 3
PaduanSuaraMahasiswa (PSM) VIII Desember
23 Diklatsar V “MenumbuhkanJiwaKedisiplinan, Solidaritas, 17-26 Januari Panitia 3
sertaloyalitasdalamOrganisasidanOlarhraga” 2014
24 Kegiatan PORS VI 24-25 Maret Panitia 3
25 ZiarahWaliyullahPondokPesantren Al Falah 14-16 Juni Panitia 3
26 Pengajian Akbar danBaktiSosial 24 Agustus Panitia 3
“IbuKreatifMenciptaKeluargaBahagia” 2014
27 Choir Concert “Soulmisasi Indonesia” KonserProduksi 5 September Panitia 3
STAIN Music Club Salatiga 2014 2014
28 Music In Campus SMC Salatiga 1 November Panitia 3
29 GebyarSeniQur‟aniyy (GSQ) Umumke-VI se-Jawa Tengah 5 November Peserta 4
“AktualisasiMaknadanSyi‟ar Al Qur‟an 2014
30 SantunanAnakYatim Se-KecamatanTingkir 23 November Panitia 3
31 PeringatanMaulidNabi SAW PondokPesantren Al Falah 4 Januari 2015 Panitia 3
32 PeringatanIsro‟ Mi‟rojNabi Muhammad SAW 15 Mei 2015 Panitia 3
PondokPesantren Al Falah
33 KhotmilKutubRamadhan 1436 H PondokPesantren Al Falah 10 Juli 2015 Panitia 3
34 Ngabuburitdan Dialog Lintas Agama SalatigaBhineka 30 Juni 2015 Panitia 3
Tunggal Ika
35 TaarufSantriPondok Al Falah (TASPONA) 19 Juli 2015 Panitia 3
36 Halal BihalalSantriPondokPesantren Al Falah 30 Juli 2015 Panitia 3
37 Peringatan 1 Muharram 1437 H PondokPesantren Al Falah 14 Oktober Panitia 3
38 SantunanAnakYatim Se-KecamatanTingkir 8 November Panitia 3
39 ZiarahWaliyullahPondokPesantren Al Falah 15-16 Mei Panitia 3
40 Pengajian Akbar 22 Mei 2016 Panitia 3
41 PeranPartaiPolitik Islam 19 September Peserta 2
dalamPentasPolitikNasionaluntukMewujudkan Indonesia 2016
42 Santuananakyatim se-kecamatanTingkir 23 Oktober Panitia 3
43 PelatihanWirausahaBaruProduktif 21-23 Februari Peserta 2


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