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Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirement for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd.)
in English Department of Education Faculty Institute Islamic of Studies



NIM. 113 12 010






"In The Name of Allah the Most Gracious and the Most Merciful"

Hereby the writer fully declares that the graduating paper is made by the

writer herself, and it is not containing materials written or has been published by

other people and other people’s ideas except the information from the references.

The writer is capable to account for this thesis, if in the future, it can be

proved of containing others’ ideas, or in fact, the writer imitates the others’

graduating paper.

Likewise, the declaration is made by the writer and she hopes that this

declaration can be understood.

Salatiga, September 1st 2016

The writer,

Aisyah Ambalika saraswati

113 12 010

Salatiga, September 1st 2016

Dr. H. Sa’adi, M.Ag

The Lecturer of Teacher Training and Education Faculty
State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga


Case : Aisyah Ambalika Saraswati’s Graduating Paper

Dean of Teacher Training and Education

Assalamu’alaikum, Wr. Wb.

After reading and correcting Aisyah Ambalika Saraswati’s graduating paper

PRINGAPUS IN THE ACADEMIC YEAR 2016/2017”, I have decided and
would like to propose that if it could be accepted by education faculty, I hope it
would be examined as soon as possible.

Wassalamu’alaikum, Wr. Wb.


Dr. H. Sa’adi, M.Ag

NIP. 19630420 199203 1003


Verily, after hardship comes relief.

After hardship comes relief.

(Q. S. Al Insyirah: 5-6)


The researcher dedicates this graduating paper for all people inside of my

heart ;

1. My family, father ( Rudi Agus Budiyanto, S.Pd ), mother ( Siti Askariyah,

S.Pd ), big brother ( Adam Pratama Ramadhan Adbdurrahman), young

sister ( Sekar Mega Islami) and young brother ( Yordi Alba Afreiza ). I

love you so much. You are my spirit and happiness thank for all your pray

and support.

2. All of my teachers and lecturers thank for your guidance.

3. All of big family SMPN 1 Pringapus, the head master (Mr. Adi

Kusyanto, S.Pd, M.Pd ) , english teacher ( Mrs. Wintarti, S.Pd ), and

students of VIII B. Thank for your cooperation.

4. All of my friends and especially my beloved best friends ( Afuza Shara

Zulfah, Muhamad Mustofa, Pipit Puspita Sari, Ulin Ni’am, Nur Hikmah

and Yuli Susanto). Thank you so much. I appreciate for our togetherness

and always together even after.


Assalamualikum Wr. Wb.

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

All praised be to Allah, Lord of the world, for the blessing given in

finishing the final graduating paper entitled “ Using Talking Stick Method

to Improve Students’ Reading Mastery at The Second Grade Students of

SMPN 1 Pringapus in The Academic Year 2016/2017 ” . Peace and

blessing be upon to the lovely prophet Muhammad SAW, his family, his

companion and his followers.

This final graduating paper is presented to The Faculty of Tarbiyah

and Teachers’ Training as partial fulfillment of the requirements for the

degree of S.Pdi in the Department of English Education.

However, this paper will not be finished without supports, advices,

help and encouragement from some people and institution. The writer says

thanks to:

1. Dr. Rahmat Hariyadi, M.Pd as the director of IAIN Salatiga, thanks

for the opportunities to study in IAIN Salatiga.

2. Noor Malihah, Ph. D., as the head of English Department of IAIN


3. Dr. H. Sa’adi, M.Ag as my thesis’ counselor, thanks for the guidance.

I learn a lot from you.

4. Wintarti S.Pd, as English teacher of SMPN 1 Pringapus, thanks for

your help and guidance in my research.

5. All of my teachers and lecturers that I can not mention their names one

by one. You add knowledge, experience, inspiration and value in my


6. My father, mother, brother, sister. You are my spirit and happiness

7. My best friends’ Afuza Shara Zulfah, Muhamad Mustofa, Pipit Puspita

Sari, Ulin Ni’am, Nur Hikmah and Yuli Susanto we are friend till


8. All of my friends in TBI-A ’12.

9. The big family of SMPN 1 Pringapus, especially VIIIB-class students.

10. Everybody who has contributed to finish my final paper.

Finally this thesis is expected to provide useful knowledge and

information to the teachers and other researchers. Moreover, the writer is

pleased to accept more suggestion and contribution for the betterment


Wassalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb.

Salatiga, September 1st 2016

The Writer,

Aisyah Ambalika Saraswati

NIM: 113 12 010


AISYAH AMBALIKA SARASWATI, 2016: Using Talking Stick Method to

Improve Students’ Reading Mastery at The Second Grade Students of SMPN 1
PRINGAPUS in The Academic Year of 2016/2017. Final Graduating Paper of
English Department of Education Faculty Institute Islamic of Studies (IAIN)

Key Words:
Key Words: Talking Stick Method, Reading Mastery

Students usually feel bored in reading lessons because they have not changed their
learning habits. In learning a foreign language, reading plays an important role.
The students should comprehend reading for certain purposes. Therefore, the
researcher takes a research about this case. This study is mainly aimed to identify
the improvement of student's reading mastery through talking stick method for
the second grade students of SMPN 1 Pringapus in the academic year of
2016/2017. This research is a classroom action research. The methods of
collecting data are observation, test instrument and field notes. Then, the
researcher analyzes them in statistical technique. This study takes two cycles.
Both in the cycle I and cycle II, score t-test is greater than score of t-table. The
first cycle is t-test 4,83> t table 2,03 , then in the second cycle is t-test 3,21> t-
table 2,03.These indicate that there is significant improvement of students’
reading mastery through talking stick method for the second grade students of
SMPN 1 Pringapus in the academic year of 2016 /2017.


TITLE ...................................................................................................... i

DECLARATION .................................................................................... ii

ATTENTIVE COUNSELOR NOTES ................................................... iii

MOTTO ................................................................................................. iv

DEDICATION ....................................................................................... v

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ...................................................................... vi

ABSTRACT ............................................................................................ viii

TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................ ix

LIST OF TABLE .................................................................................... xii


Background of the Study ........................................................................ 1

Problems of Study .................................................................................. 4

Objective of Study .................................................................................. 5

Significance of Study ............................................................................. 5

Definition of the Key Terms .................................................................. 6

Review of Previous Researcher ............................................................. 7

Organization of the Paper ....................................................................... 8


Talking Stick Method .............................................................................. 10

Concept of Talking Stick Method .......................................................... 10

Procedures of Talking Stick Method....................................................... 10

Strength and Weakness of Talking Stick Method ................................... 11

READING .............................................................................................. 12

Reading .................................................................................................. 12

Reading Technique.................................................................................. 14

Teaching Reading ................................................................................... 16

Types Classroom Reading Performance ................................................ 17


RESEARCH METHOD .......................................................................... 19

Method of Study .................................................................................... 19

Setting of Research ................................................................................ 19

Procedure of Research ............................................................................ 20

Technique of Collecting Data ................................................................ 21

Method of Data Analysis ....................................................................... 22

Technique of Data Analysis .................................................................... 31


Time and Place of the Research ............................................................. 33

Indentity of SMPN 1 Pringapus ............................................................ 33

Situation of Educational Facilities ........................................................ 34

Situation of Teacher and Staff ............................................................... 34

Subject of The Study ............................................................................... 35


IMPLEMENTATION OF THE STUDY ............................................... 36

Cycle 1 .................................................................................................... 36

Cycle 2 .................................................................................................... 42

DISCUSSION ......................................................................................... 48

Cycle 1 .................................................................................................... 48

Cycle 2 ................................................................................................... 51


CONCLUSIONS ..................................................................................... 53

SUGGESTIONS .................................................................................... 54




Table 4.1 The Result of Students’ Pre-test and Post-test cycle............... 39

Table 4.2 The Result of Students’ Pre-test and Post-test cycle 2............ 44

Table 4.3 The Analysis of Students’ Improvement ................................ 52



A. Background of Study

Language is a means of communication and we need it in social

relationship. Accroding to Diane’s statement, (2000:163), Language is

communication. English is an important language in the world. It is used

as a communicative tool among countries. Therefore, English language is

needed by students to learn in at school. Now days, English is important in

our daily lives. For example in science and technology such as video

rental, ATM, hand phone, computer, newspaper, film subtitle, on-line

articles, and announcement of job vacancy also use this language.

In Indonesia, English is learned as foreign language. It is formally

to students of Elementary school, Junior and Senior High School, and even

to university students. English is just learnt in the school with limit of

time. In line with The Implementation of The School-Based Curriculum

English is taught five hours in a week. Students need much time to master

English well.

However, every single languages has its own rules and uniqueness,

English does too. English has four basic language skills. They are

listening, speaking, writing, and reading. According to Jeremy Harmer

(1989 :199), Speaking and writing involve language production, so they

are regarded as productive skills. On the other hand, listening and reading

involve receiving message, so they are regarded as receptive skills.

According to Enar Ratriany Assa (2015 :74-80), An English

teacher has to know about strategies in order to get better result in

learning. Besides, she or he has to know about the method or model which

must be used to guide the students. The teacher who has important role to

guide and to motivate the students to be more creative in the classroom. If

the method is not suitable with the situation of the class, the teaching and

learning will not be successful.

Reading, as one of language skills, has a very important role. The

students should comprehend reading for certain purposes, however it

needs a practical and suitable method.

The idea is supported by the fact that reading now has a part of

daily life. Reading cannot be separated from daily activities. People read

many kinds written materials such as newspapers, magazines, novels,

academic books and so on. Through reading people can get a lot of

information, knowledge, enjoyment and even problem solution. Therefore,

the ability to read the text in any form will bring great advantages to the

readers. All those purposes need reading skill enough.

So that way, when people talk about reading, it might be

automatically related to comprehension or understanding. For instance, a

reader who understands what he has read can answer questions about it. It

means that understanding something is the main goal of reading.

Talking about reading activities, there are some techniques that can

be used by the English teachers. Absolutely, every teacher should choose

the appropriate one to reach their goals. For example in Indonesia, it is

known that most of the classes are big. These classes can consist of 34 up

to 45 students or more for each class. Consequently, it is hard for the

teacher to manage such big classes. It is difficult for the teacher to make

the contact to the student directly, moreover students at the back row. The

teachers will be difficult to control every students on by one. On the other

side, it is also difficult for the students to ask for and receive individual

attention. Moreover, if the teacher wants to actively engage the students in

the students in learning activities, it will take more time to do it.

According to Diane’s statement (2000:159), that good language learners

are who have a strong desire to communicate.

Reading becomes an important part of language teaching, and it

has complicated problem. To solve the problem, the researcher uses a

method to improve students’ reading skill. It is expected that The Talking

Stick Method can help the students to understand the text easily, and make

them active and creative in reading.

According to Imas Kurniasih and Berlin sani (2015:82-83), talking

stick method is a method in the learning process by a stick, student who

gets the stick must answer the question by the teacher. This method gives

an alternative manner to refresh and learning process in a more enjoyable

way. Talking stick method is a suitable method to be used in teaching

Junior High School students. First, the students feel happy, enjoy and

interest. As the result, teacher is easier to conduct the students in the

learning process. Second, the students become more active in doing

activities such as; answering teacher's questions, listening, speaking and

working together with their friends. So, they do not feel bored in their

study. Finally, they could improve their confidence in English class.

The talking stick method is also a kind of ways to makes the

teacher more creative and responsible. Teacher becomes more serious in

teaching and the learning process well prepared. This method creates an

ideal condition because teacher explains the materials by fun learning

activities in classes. Furthermore, there are feedback and interaction

between teacher and the students. Thus, the goals of education are reached


Based on the description above the writer intends to conduct a

study entitled, “Using Talking Stick Method to Improve Students’ Reading

Mastery at The Second Grade Students of SMPN 1 Pringapus in The

Academic Year of 2016/2017

B. Problems of Study

Based on the explanation in the background of study, the problems

statement in this research are:

1. How is the profile of students’ reading mastery at the second grade

students of SMPN 1 Pringapus ?

2. Can the talking stick improve students’ reading mastery through

talking stick method for the second grade students of SMPN 1

Pringapus ?

3. Is there any significant improvement of students’ reading mastery

through talking stick method?

C. Objective of Study

The objective of this research are;

1. To find the profile of students’ reading mastery at the second grade

students of SMPN 1 Pringapus in the academic year of 2016 /2017

before applying talking stick method.

2. To find the improvement of students’ reading mastery through talking

stick method for the second grade students of SMPN 1 Pringapus in

the academic year of 2016 /2017.

3. To find out the significant improvement of students’ reading mastery

through talking stick method for the second grade students of SMPN 1

Pringapus in the academic year of 2016 /2017.

D. Significance of Study

The findings of this study are expected to be advantages for the

students, teachers, the researcher, other researchers and English


1. For students, they get an enjoyable situation and fun learning activities

through talking stick method. The students also get a new atmosphere

to improve their reading.

2. For english teachers, talking stick method enriches teachers’ technique

to teach reading in the classroom. So, teacher expands the ability to

create innovation, effective strategies, and interesting teaching.

3. For researchers, this research adds the researchers’ knowledge and

experience in teaching reading especially in applying talking stick


4. For other researchers, the results of this research can be used as an

input by those who want to conduct related research about teaching

reading and talking stick method as reference.

5. For English Department, the result of this research could be useful

especially for students majoring in English Department in increasing

the quality of teaching English Lesson using talking stick method.

E. Definition of The Key Terms

1. Talking stick method

A definition of talking stick method carried from Imas Kurniasih

and Berlin Sani (2015: 82). They define that “Talking stick method is a

method in the learning process by a stick. The student who gets the

stick must answer the questions by the teacher after studying the


2. Reading

Reading activity is the way to get information and knowledge from

the text. According to Spratt, Pulverness, and William (2005: 21),

Reading as an activity in which the readers respond to and make sense

of a text being read connected to their prior knowledge.

F. Review of Previous Researcher

1. This research is supported by Romli’s final paper (UIN Jakarta, 2014)



Classroom Action Research of the Second Grade of MTs Tarbiyatul

Falah)” He explained that there is significant improvement by using

story mapping strategy in teaching reading comprehension of narrative

text .




OF 2012/2013.” By Kusriani (UNY Yogyakarta 2013). She also gives

some literatures in this final paper. Her minithesis indicated that jigsaw

technique, the students were involved in the reading class and they

were enthusiastic in joining the reading class. So, that teaching reading

by using jigsaw technique , the students’ reading comprehension skill

can be effectively improved.

3. Suryani’s minithesis (UNY Yogyakarta, 2015) entitled “IMPROVING



OF 2013/2014” She succeeds in improving students' reading skill by

using the mind map technique in her research.

4. This research is also supported by Aini's final paper ( UIN Malang,






SINGOSARI MALANG”. Her minithesis indicated that the talking

stick method can increase the students learning activities in Junior

High School 1 of Singosari Malang.

G. Organization of the Paper

This study contains five chapters.

Chapter I is introduction, consists of background of the study, statement of

the problems, purpose of the study, significance of the study, defintion of

key terms and the review of previous researcher. This chapter is a general

introduction to what the thesis all about. Then, Chapter II is theorical

framework. It discusses the literatures about the terms. This chapter talks

about talking stick method and reading mastery. Chapter III is

methodology of reseacrh. It consists of the research report and

methodology of the research. Research report describes about the object of

research. The methodology of the research explains about method of

collecting data and method of analyzing data. Next, Chapter IV is data

analysis. It explains about teaching implementation and discussion. In this

chapter, the researcher would like to explain about data analysis the result

of research then make analysis. Chapter V is closure. The last chapter

describes the conclusion and suggestions.




1. Concept of Talking Stick Method

Talking stick is a kind of methods in language teaching used to

invite all the people speak and extend their opinions in an ethnic group

meeting. For long times ago, Indian ethnics are used this method as a

good and wise facilitation without taking side each others. Talking

stick is used by the councils to decide who will have the right to speak

up. When the leader starts in the discussion, he must hold the stick.

Then, the stick moves to another person who wants to speak or

respond the topic. After all the people have the opportunities to convey

their opinions, the stick returnable to the leader.

( accessed on 2ndMay 2016).

2. Procedures of Talking Stick Method

According to Imas Kurniasih and Berlin Sani (2015:83-84), the

procedure of Talking Stick Method are :

a. The teacher prepares the materials and a stick.

b. The teacher explains the main topic. Then, the students read and

learn the materials for some minutes (10 minutes).

c. The teacher commands the students to close their books and takes a


d. The teacher gives the stick to a student.

e. The teacher sings a song or plays music while the stick moves one

student to another until the song or music stops.

f. The student who gets the stick must stands up and answers the

teacher's questions.

g. Then, the stick rolls on again until each student gets the stick and

takes part in the learning process.

h. Finally, the teacher gives the evaluation and makes conclusion.

3. Strength and Weakness of Talking Stick Method

The talking stick method is one of innovative strategies in order to

make the students speak up and express their idea confidently. Every

strategy and method has the strengths and weaknesses belong to the

talking stick method. Irfatul Aini (2010: 45) defines that the talking

stick method has strengths and weakness. This method gives the

advantages to attract the students’ preparation, so they become more

serious in learning. Next, the talking stick method trains the students to

comprehend and recall the materials vividly. However, there are some

weaknesses when applying this method. This method makes the

student be strained and afraid. Students stressed when he or she gets

the stick and must answers the teacher's question.

Based on the explanation above, talking stick method is one of

alternative strategy to help the students construct and improve their

reading mastery and create fun learning activities in the class.


1. Reading

According to Grabe (2009:5), reading is a process when readers

learn something from what they read and involve it in an academic

context as a part of education. In the classroom, some teachers often

use texts or books as media to deliver material of a subject.

Furthermore, the teacher asks the students to read the texts to grab

information in order that they could master the material.

Reading also engages human brain, emotions, and beliefs as

Weaver (2009:11) states that “ Reading is a process which is very

much determined by what the reader’s brain and emotions and beliefs

bring to the reading : the knowledge / information (or misinformation,

absence of information), strategies for processing text, moods, fears

and joys- all of it.”

Other expert define reading as an activity in which the readers

repons to and make sense of a text being read connected to their prior

knowladege (Spratt, Pulverness, and William : 2015 :21). The activity

is done by the readers as they want to get information and knowledge

from the text meanwhile the readers have their own background

knowledge. They automatically connect their knowledge with a new

knowledge from what they are reading. By doing this, sometimes, the

readers will get a new conclusion as a new knowledge for them.

Reading can be a means of consolidating and extending someone’s

knowledge of the language. Doing it, the reader can grab any

information and pleasure about the subject of the language. This

activity also gives some advantages for the readers. One of the

advantages is that the students can improve their knowledge by reading

a text without the teacher’s help because they can interpret by

themselves (Rivers, 1981: 260).

People know that reading always deals with a text which is written

books, newspapers, magazines, and websites. Furthermore, the written

text has many varieties. Brown (2000: 302) states there are two main

categories of the varieties of the written texts. The first is non-fiction

such as reports, editorials, letters, greeting cards, diaries, journals,

memos, messages, announcements, newspaper, journalese, academic

writings, forms, applications, questionnaires, directions, labels, signs,

recipes, bills, maps, manuals, menus, schedules, advertisements,

invitations, directories, articles, and dictionaries. The second is fiction

such as novels, short stories, and comic stripes or cartoons.

2. Reading Technique

Anthony in Brown (2000:14) defines technique as specific

activities manifested in the classroom that were consistent with a

method and therefore were in harmony with an approach as well.

These activities might be doing tasks or exercises to realize lesson

objectives. The activities help teacher and students in many subjects in

the classroom such as English. In the English subject, the teacher is

also able to use the activities in teaching and learning process to

improve four skills in English subject; listening, writing, speaking, and


Designing interactive reading is not easy. It needs techniques in

order to abridge into an easier way. There are principles for designing

interactive reading techniques. An expert named Brown (2000: 313-

316) says there are several techniques. Those techniques are in the


a. In an interactive curriculum, the teacher has to gives

priority to the importance of specific instruction in reading


b. The teacher has to use techniques which are intrinsically


c. Authenticity and readability in choosing texts should be


d. The teacher should encourage the development of reading


e. Both bottom-up and top-down techniques are include in the


f. The teacher should follow “SQ3R” sequence.

g. The teacher subdivides the techniques into pre-reading,

during-reading, and after-reading phases.

h. In the last, the teacher should build in some evaluative

aspect to the techniques.

1) Doing: the students respond physically to a


2) Choosing: the students select from alternative pose

orally or in writing

3) Transferring: the students summarize orally what is


4) Answering: the students answer questions about


5) Condensing: the students outline or take notes on a


6) Extending: the students provide an ending to a story

7) Duplicating: the students the message into a native

language or copy it

8) Modelling: the students put together a toy, for

example, after reading direction for assembly

9) Conversing: the students engage in a conversation

that indicates appropriate processing of information

3. Teaching Reading

Teaching is an activity in which the teacher guides and facilitates

learning, gives a chance for the learners to learn, and sets the condition

for learning (Brown, 2000: 7). The teacher cannot do those activities

without any guidance. The teacher needs to lead the students in gaining

any knowledge. Also, to make the students learn, the teacher should

make innovative ways, such as, unnatural orientation and unusual

treatment to what is being learned.

Other experts explained about the term of teaching reading which

may be further discussed here. Nuttal (1982: 21) states one of the

functions of teaching reading especially reading foreign language, such

as English, for students who are not native speaker, is to make them be

able to understand the text when they deal with the foreign language.

They will be capable to read in an appropriate speed, a silent way, and

adequate understanding.

4. Types Classroom Reading Performance

The variety of reading performance in classroom can be

determined by the variety of texts. It means that the teacher should

consider about the types of the text used in the teaching reading in

order to support the process. It is stated in Brown (2000: 312) that

there are two types of classroom reading performance. First is oral

reading. In the process of teaching and learning teaching in the

classroom, the teacher may ask the students to read orally. There are

some advantages in the oral reading done at beginning and

intermediate levels. The advantages of the oral reading are as an

evaluative check on bottom-up processing skills, a pronunciation

check, and an extra activity for students to help the teacher to highlight

a certain short segment of a reading passage.

Second is silent reading. It is subcategorized into intensive and

extensive reading. The intensive reading focuses on linguistic or

semantic detail of a passage. It is usually classroom-oriented activity.

The students are demanded to pay attention to grammatical forms,

discourse markers, and other surface details. To achieve general

understanding especially when the students are asked to read longer

text, such as books, magazines, novels, essays, and the like, extensive

reading is more compatible than intensive reading. It belongs to

outside of classroom activity. The extensive reading can also help the

students get away from their tendency to over analyse or look up

words they do not know, and read for understanding.




1. Method of Study

The researcher used a Classroom Action Research (CAR) in

this study. It is one of quantitative research. According to

V.Wiratna Sujarweni (2014:39), Quantitative research generally

involves collecting and converting data into numerical form, so

that statistical calculations can be made and conclusions drawn.

Data was collected by various means following a strict procedure

and prepared for statistical analysis to discover complex causal

relationships and to determine to what extent one variable

influences another.

2. The Setting of Research

This research was conducted at SMPN 1 Pringapus which

was located in Siswa Street , Wonoyoso, Pringapus. This research

has been done from July 2016 until August 2016. The object of

this research was the second grade students of SMPN 1 Pringapus

in the academic year 2016/2017.

3. Procedures of Research

This study was a classroom action research. According to

Valsa Koshy (2005:4), action research has the major steps of

planning, action, observation and reflection before revising the


a. Planning

Some activities in the planning step are preparing materials,

making lesson plan, preparing list of students’ name, preparing

teaching aid, preparing sheets for classroom research and

preparing a test.

b. Action

In the action step, the researcher gives pretest first, teaches

using talking stick method, gives occasion to the students to

ask any difficulties or problems, gives the students some

questions orally.

c. Observation

Observation is one of the instruments to know the students

feeling, thought and anything they do in the learning process.

d. Reflection

Based on the result of the observation, the reseacher makes

an evaluation to the students during teaching learning process.

4. Technique of Collecting Data

According to (V.Wiratna Sujarweni 2014:74), Data

collection techniques are ways to do research for the arrest or

capture the quantitative information of the respondents according

to the scope of the study. The researcher uses the observation, the

interview, test instrument and field notes to obtain the data.

The methods of collecting data are;

a. Observation

Observation is focused on activities to an object in the class.

This method gives monitor and record of the phenomena

systematically investigated. This method also uses in finding

concrete data easily an directly.

b. Test instrument

Test instrument plays an important role to collect data. In this

research, there are two kinds of test, pre test and post test. Pre-

test is used to know how far the students’ competences before

utilize talking stick method. Then, post-test is used to see how

far the students’ competences after using talking stick method.

c. Field note

Field note refers to various note recorded by researcher and

observer during or after their observation of a specific

phenomena they are studying.

5. Method of Data Analysis

In general, there are many Classroom Action Research

designed by some experts. This study was a classroom action

research. According to Valsa Koshy (2005:4), action research has

the major steps of planning, action, observation and reflection

before revising the plan. Teacher was possible to find a new

problemor the previous unfinished problems yet after applying first

cycle. If it happens, it was necessary to do same way to submit the

second cycle. Here are some explanations about each phase and

how it works.

1. Cycle 1

a) Planning

In this season, the research was conducted as a

real action. Its aim was to know what problems of

the students in learning English in terms of reading

lesson especially in mastering reading. So, the

English teacher would know what she should do.

Therefore, in this phase, there were many things

should be prepared to start the action. Firstly, lesson

plan was prepared to make a scenario of the

action.hen, choosing teaching materials, after that,

preparing all of media which needed, also preparing

evaluation sheet to measure the students’

achievement in the end of this cycle.

In this cycle, the researcher teaches about

descriptive text in reading skill. The researcher

becomes teacher. Before the research, the

instruments of research are prepared.

a. Lesson plan and the material

b. A stick, the stick is used by the researcher in

applying the talking stick method.

c. Sheets for Classroom Action Research

The researcher provides the observation sheets

for observer to take a note on teaching learning


d. Test instrument

The test instrument consists of pre-test and post-

test. The pre-test are the test given for the

students before applying the talking stick

method in teaching learning process. post-test

are test given for the students after applying the

talking stick method in teaching learning


b) Acting

In this phase, everything which was determined

on the lesson plan was done as on the scenario.

Firstly, The teacher asks the students about reading

and their difficulties in understanding the reading.

Then, the teacher explains the schematic structures

of reading and everything that can be found in

reading . After that, the teacher introduces and

explains what talking stick was with the strategy

used by students in learning reading.

Here, all the preparations and plans were

implemented. It was begun in 5th August 2016. In

the beginning of teaching learning process, the

researcher asked the students about descriptive text

and their difficulties in understanding the text,

because the teacher knew that this material has been

taught by the English teacher. After that, the

researcher asked the students to tell everything

about descriptive text that they knew. It may be

about the definition, purpose, and the generic

structures in descriptive text. After opening, the

researcher explained the definition, purpose and the

generic structures of descriptive texts. The

researcher told the students about what they should

find in descriptive text such as the orientation and

description. Next, the students were given the text

and some question based on the text. The researcher

commands the students read the text (10 minutes).

Then, researcher gives a stick for a student start in

the corner. Next, the researcher explains about the

role of talking stick method and plays this method.

The student who gets the stick answer the

researcher’s question. After most of the students get

the stick, the researcher gives explanation about

descriptive text clearly and discusses their


Then the students answer the post-test in the last

lesson and the researcher identifies the students’

difficulties. At last, the researcher gives the students

task or a homework.

c) Observing

In this phase, the teacher observes the process

worked andthe students’ response, participation,

achievement and everything which found during the

teaching and learning process. Also, it is necessary

to aks smoe students’ opinion about the process

teaching and learning reading using talking stick to

get feedback. When observing, the teacher should

notice all of activities in the classroom. It is done in

order to get accurate result in the end of the research

and to prepare for the next agenda.

Based on the activities in the cycle I, the

researcher gets data. The field notes show the

students’ interest in teaching learning process. The

students are curious and shy when they hold the

stick, but they still have enthusiastic to join the

learning. Some of them are confidence to answer

the question, but some students are silent when get

the stick. Overall, they enjoy with the talking stick

method and feel new atmosphere in learning


d) Reflecting

In this last phase, the teacher reflected the whole

action based on data that have been collected, and

then it is necessary to give some evaluation before

continue to the next cycle. This phase is carried out

collaboratively, that was to discuss some further

problems occur in the class with the students. Its

aim, the reflection was able to be determined after

implementing the action and observation outcomes.

If there were still some problems, so it is needed to

start the next cycle. By continuing to the next cycle,

it was expected that the unfinished problems yet can

be overcome and the target can be achieved. The

researcher tried to find some more interesting

stories, it is based on sarah’s suggestion in her book.

Sarah Philips (1993 : 46)

In analyzing the result of cycle I,the researcher

summarizes that it is very important for teacher to

be serious with the students’ reading mastery. Cycle

I also shows that the students can improve their

reading. The talking stick method helps the students

to be enjoyed and interest in the learning process.

Based on the result of previous cycle, the

research must be continued to the next cycle (Cycle

2) with doing some improvements, not only about

the students activities but also everything that

supported the teaching learning process.

2. Cycle 2

a) Planning

Cycle 2 begins from making new lesson plan

with some revised part. It is aimed to get better of

implementation the method. As the planning phase

in Cycle 1, Also the teacher makes preparation of

teaching aids. Evaluation and post test 2 are

prepared to know students' achievements in the end

of this cycle. The teacher also re-selects the topics

and teaching aids to motivate students, so that they

will get a better understanding of the texts.

The cycle I is continued by cycle II. This is the

next action to know the significance of the use

talking stick method in improving students’ reading

mastery. Before the research, the instruments of

research are prepared.

a. Lesson plan and the material

b. A stick, the stick is used by the researcher in

applying the talking stick method.

c. Sheets for Classroom Action Research

The researcher provides the observation sheets

for observer to take a note on teaching learning


d. Test instrument

The test instrument consists of pre-test and post-

test. The pre-test are the test given for the

students before applying the talking stick

method in teaching learning process. Post-test

are test given for the students after applying the

talking stick method in teaching learning


b) Acting

In this phase; the researcher applies the new

lesson plan. As the teacher, the researcher also

emphasizes and reviews schematic structures to the

students in order to make them getting better

understanding. In this phase, the students are taught

to describe about the researcher in a short

paraghraph, to make sure that the students

understand well about the concept.

It was begun in 9th August 2016. In the

beginning of the lesson the researcher brings the

students to review the material that has been

discussed in the first cycle. It was different with the

activity in the first cycle, here the researcher gives a

minutes and command to the students to describe

about the researcher in a short paraghraph. Then,

researcher gives a stick for a student start in the

corner. Next, the researcher explains about the role

of talking stick method and plays this method. The

student who gets the stick they must read loudly of

voice about descriptive text that they have made.

After all of the students get the stick, the researcher

gives explanation about descriptive text clearly and

also discusses the difficult words in the text. After

that the students answer the post-test. In the last

lesson the researcher identifies the students’

difficulties about the materials and gives the


c) Observing

The researcher observes students’ participation

and achievement in this phase. Here, the researcher

tries to make sure whether students improve their

understanding or not and differ their achievements

between cycle 1 and cycle 2.

According to activity in the cycle II, the data

show that the students have the improvement in the

English competence. The researcher and observer

see that the students enjoy this method and do not

afraid to speak in English.

The teacher found that in this second cycle,

students had a significant progress. They improved

their understanding the reading of descriptive text

significantly. Also they could do the task easier

faster than before.

d) Reflecting

The teacher discusses about the implementation

of the method also the result of the implementation

of the modified action and decides whether the

action should be continued or not.

In the second cycle, the researcher concludes

that using appropriate method in teaching reading is

very significant. The students are enthusiastic in

taking a part the learning process. They become

familiar with the talking stick method and enjoy the

fun learning activities. Moreover, they have

motivation and interest in learning English.

6. Technique of Data Analysis

According to V.Wiratna Sujarweni (2014:45-46), methods

of quantitative data analysis was conducted by the statistics,

analyzing the various statistical basis that was done by reading

tables, graphs or figures that have been provided and then do

some explanations or interpretations of these data.

Here several steps to be taken to get the data. There are

some numerical data to be processed.First, the researcher measured

the average or mean of students’ reading score per-action within

one cycle. It is used to know how the students’ reading skills were

improved. It used the formula as below. Sudjana, (2005 : 67)

Mx = 𝑛

Mx : mean or average.

∑x : total score of all students.

N : number of students..

The writer also uses the formula to know the improvement

of students. The formula is Anas Sudijono (2008 : 311) SD

(Standard Deviation) .

∑D2 ∑D 2
SD = √ −( )


SD : Deviasion Standart for one sample t-test

D : Different between pre-test post-test

N : Number of observation in sample

To be able to know whether there is significant

improvement or not between pre-test and post-test, researcher

using t-test. The formula is Anas Sudijono (2008 : 313)

t 0= ( N )
√N − 1


t0 : T-test for the differences of pre-test and post-test

SD : Deviation Standart for one sample t-test

D : Different between pre-test and post-test

N : Number of observation in sample


1. Time and Place of the Research

The research was conducted from July up to August 2016.

The research took place at SMPN 1 Pringapus which was located

at Jl. Siswa , Wonoyoso , Pringapus.

The classroom action research was conducted in SMPN 1

Pringapus. In these sections try to describe about the situation of

this school.

2. Identity of SMPN 1 Pringapus

Name of School : SMP Negeri 1 Pringapus

NPSN : 20320306

Address : Jl. Siswa , Wonoyoso , Pringapus

Province : Central Java

Postal Zip : 50553

Phone : (024) 6930191

Day school : Monday-Thursday (07.15-13.35)

: Friday (07.15-11.05)

: Saturday (07.15-12.25)

Headmaster : Adi Kusyanto, S.Pd, M.Pd

(Source:Administration Staff of SMPN1_Pringapus 25th July 2016)

3. Situation of Educational Facilities

The School has many infrastuctures; 24 classrooms, an

administration room, a teacher office, a headmaster room, an art

and culture room, an library, a meeting room, a laboratory, a

computer room, a counseling room, a health and care room, an

OSIS room, a living room, 16 toilets , 4 canteens , a mosque, 2

parking area, 2 sport field and a ceremony field, those are in a good


(Source:Administration Staff of SMPN1_Pringapus 25th July 2016)

4. Situation of Teacher and Staff

a) Teacher

The teacher of SMPN 1 Pringapus consist of 32 teachers, 4

teachers of Social studies, 4 teachers of Mathematical and Natural

Science, 1 Dressmaking teachers , 2 Sport teachers, 4 Indonesian

teachers, 2 Civics teachers, 4 English teachers, 2 art and culture

teachers, 3 mathematics, 2 teachers of Computer Science, 2

Guidance and Counseling teachers, and 2 javanese teachers.

(Source:Administration Staff of SMPN1_Pringapus 25th July 2016)

b) Staff

They are 6 staffs of SMPN 1 Pringapus.

(Source:Administration Staff of SMPN1_Pringapus 25th July 2016)

5. Subject of the Study

The writer was conducted this action research in SMPN 1

Pringapus and especially concerned in the second grade students of

class B. This class consists of 34 students, 8 males and 26 females.

(Source:Administration Staff of SMPN1_Pringapus 25th July 2016)



This study was a classroom action research. It using talking stick method

to improve the students’ reading mastery for the second grade students of SMPN

1 Pringapus in the academic year 2016/2017. Data analysis in this chapter will

answer problems of the research as mentioned in the chapter I.

A. Implementation of The Study

a. Cycle 1

1. Planning

In this cycle, the researcher teaches about descriptive text in

reading skill. The researcher becomes teacher. Before the

research, the instruments of research are prepared.

a) Lesson plan and the material

b) A stick, the stick is used by the researcher in applying the

talking stick method.

c) Sheets for Classroom Action Research

The researcher provides the observation sheets for

observers to take a note on teaching learning process.

d) Test instrument

The test instrument consists of pre-test and post-test. The

pre-test are the test given for the students before applying

the talking stick method in teaching learning process. Post-

test are test given for the students after applying the talking

stick method in teaching learning process.

2. Acting

The classroom action research done based on the lesson

plan and the material. The learning processes are mentioned;

Here, all the preparations and plans were implemented. It

was begun in 5th August 2016. In the beginning of teaching

learning process, the researcher asked the students about

descriptive text and their difficulties in understanding the text,

because the teacher knew that this material has been taught by

the English teacher. After that, the researcher asked the

students to tell everything about descriptive text that they

knew. It may be about the definition, purpose, and the generic

structures in descriptive text. After opening, the researcher

explained the definition, purpose and the generic structures of

descriptive texts. The researcher told the students about what

they should find in descriptive text such as the orientation and

description. Next, the students were given the text and some

question based on the text.The reseacher commands the

students read the text (10 minutes). Then, researcher gives a

stick for a student start in the corner. Next, the researcher

explains about the role of talking stick method and plays this

method. The student who gets the stick answer the researcher’s

question. After most of the students get the stick, the researcher

gives explanation about descriptive text clearly and discusses

their difficulties. Then the students answer the post-test in the

last lesson and the researcher identifies the students’

difficulties. At last, the reseacher gives the students task or a


3. Observing

Based on the activities in the cycle I, the researcher gets

data. The field notes show the students’ interest in teaching

learning process. The students are curious and shy when they

hold the stick, but they still have enthusiastic to join the

learning. Some of them are confidence to answer the question,

but some students are silent when get the stick. Overall, they

enjoy with the talking stick method and feel new atmosphere in

learning English.

Meanwhile, the test instruments show the improvement of

the students’ achievement in acquiring the reading with talking

stick method. It is the proof that they take a part and interest in

the learning process. In the final section, the students were

given a post action test 1

1. Result of Instruments test

Table 4.1

No Name X Y D D2

1 Asih Qoiru nisa 50 80 30 900

2 Andina Prasita W 70 100 30 900

3 Bunga Audila 100 80 -20 400

4 Deva radhitya P 80 100 20 400

5 Disky Melinda E 70 90 20 400

6 Eva Nur 70 80 10 100

7 Firda Oktavia 100 80 -20 400

8 Firdana Ningtyas 70 90 20 400

9 Fina Fitriyani 60 80 20 400

10 Heri Irawan 70 100 30 900

11 Ilham D.A 90 - 0 0

12 Indah Trio Destanti 60 80 20 400

13 Kurnia Dwi Fatmawati 100 90 -10 100

14 Luna Wike Vandiyana 70 100 30 900

15 Meyliana Rista Amalia 100 80 -20 400

16 Muhamad Solikin 80 100 20 400

17 Nadia Rista sari 80 100 20 400

18 Nerisa Dika Septiana 60 100 40 1600

19 Nurul Ifadah 70 100 30 900

20 Novi Dila 50 70 20 400

21 Oktavia Ira Ningtyas 80 100 20 400

22 Oktavia Putri A 70 80 10 100

23 Pradita Putri Oktavia 50 90 40 1600

24 Putri Dika Lestari 50 90 40 1600

25 Puput Putri Nuhayati 80 70 -10 100

26 Putri may Silfia 100 100 0 0

27 Qonik Istiyaningrum 50 90 40 1600

28 Ria wening Dyah Ayu 80 90 10 100

29 Reno Renaldi Setiawan 100 100 0 0

30 Sepna Ayu Bagita 100 100 0 0

31 Satrio Bagus Tegar 80 100 20 400

32 Vega Adhi S 70 100 30 900

33 Wisnu Yosa Adhi 100 100 0 0

34 Yeni 80 90 10 100

Total Score 2590 3000 500 17600

a. Mean of Pre-Test 1

Mx = N

Mx = 34

Mx = 76,17

b. Mean of Post Test 1

My = N

My = 34

My = 88,23

c. Standart Deviation

∑D2 ∑D 2
SD = √ −( )

17600 500 2
SD = √ −( )
34 34

SD = √517,64 − 216,09

SD = √301,55

SD = 17,36

d. T-Test Calculation

t 0= ( N )
√N − 1

t 0= ( 34 )
√34 − 1

t 0= ( )

t 0= ( )

t 0= 4,83

e. T-table

Df = N-1= 34- 1=33.

According to the Distribution Table-T, if df=33, the

value of t-table is 2,03. T- Calculation in cycle 1 was 3,05 ,

than T-Calculation > T-Table

From the calculation above, it shown that using

talking stick method in teaching reading skill in descriptive

text could improve the students’ reading mastery.

4. Reflecting

In analyzing the results of cycle I, the researcher

summarizes that it is very important for teacher to be serious

with the students’ reading mastery. Based on the result of

previous cycle, the research must be continued to the next cycle

(Cycle 2) with doing some improvements, not only about the

students activities but also everything that supported the

teaching learning process.

b. Cycle 2

The cycle I is continued by cycle II.

1. Planning

Before the research, the instruments of research are prepared.

a. Lesson plan and the material

b. A stick, the stick is used by the researcher in applying the

talking stick method.

c. Sheets for Classroom Action Research.

d. Test instrument.

2. Acting

This is the second cycle, the researcher emphasized and

reviewed generic structures of descriptive texts to the students

in order to make them getting better understanding and mastery

the reading. The learning processes are mentioned;

It was begun in 9th August 2016. In the beginning of the

lesson the researcher brings the students to review the material

that has been discussed in the first cycle. It was different with

the activity in the first cycle,here the researcher gives a minutes

and command to the students to describe about the reseacher in

a short paraghraph. Then, researcher gives a stick for a student

start in the corner. Next, the researcher explains about the role

of talking stick method and plays this method.The student who

gets the stick they must read loudly of voice about descriptive

text that they have made. After all of the students get the stick,

the researcher gives explanation about descriptive text clearly

and also discusses the difficult words in the text. After that the

students answer the post-test. In the last lesson the researcher

identifies the students’ difficulties about the materials and gives

the homework.

3. Observing

According to activity in the cycle II, the data show that the

students have the improvement in the English competence. The

researcher and observer see that the students enjoy this method

and do not afraid to speak in English.

The teacher found that in this second cycle, students had a

significant progress. They improved their understanding the

reading of descriptive text significantly. Also they could do the

task easier faster than before. In the end of this phase, the

students were given the second post action test. The following

was a result of students’ score of post-action test 2.

1. Result of Instruments Test

Table 4.2

No Name X Y D D2

1 Asih Qoiru nisa 70 90 20 400

2 Andina Prasita Wulandari 90 100 10 100

3 Bunga Audila 90 90 0 0

4 Deva radhitya P 100 100 0 0

5 Disky Melinda E 90 100 10 100

6 Eva Nur 90 100 10 100

7 Firda Oktavia 90 90 0 0

8 Firdana Ningtyas 70 90 20 400

9 Fina Fitriyani 90 100 10 100

10 Heri Irawan 100 100 0 0

11 Ilham D.A 90 90 0 0

12 Indah Trio Destanti 90 90 0 0

13 Kurnia Dwi Fatmawati 90 90 0 0

14 Luna Wike Vandiyana 90 90 0 0

15 Meyliana Rista Amalia 80 90 10 100

16 Muhamad Solikin 100 100 0 0

17 Nadia Rista sari 90 90 0 0

18 Nerisa Dika Septiana 90 100 10 100

19 Nurul Ifadah 90 90 0 0

20 Novi Dila 70 70 0 0

21 Oktavia Ira Ningtyas 100 90 -10 100

22 Oktavia Putri Andiayani 70 90 20 400

23 Pradita Putri Oktavia 90 90 0 0

24 Putri Dika Lestari 90 90 0 0

25 Puput Putri Nuhayati 60 80 20 400

26 Putri may Silfia 90 90 0 0

27 Qonik Istiyaningrum 80 80 0 0

28 Ria wening Dyah Ayu 90 100 10 100

29 Reno Renaldi Setiawan 100 100 0 0

30 Sepna Ayu Bagita 90 90 0 0

31 Satrio Bagus Tegar 90 90 0 0

32 Vega Adhi S 90 90 0 0

33 Wisnu Yosa Adhi 100 100 0 0

34 Yeni 90 90 0 0

Total Score 2990 3130 140 2400

a. Mean of Pre-Test 1

Mx =

Mx = 34

Mx = 87,94

b. Mean of Post Test 1

My = N

My = 34

My = 92,05

c. SD (Standar Deviation)

∑D2 ∑D 2
SD = √ −( )

2400 140 2
SD = √ −( )
34 34

SD = √70,58 − 16,89

SD = √53,69

SD = 7,32

d. T- Test Calculation

t 0= ( N )
√N − 1

t 0= ( 34 )
√34 − 1

t 0= ( )

t 0= ( )

t 0= 3,21

e. T-table

Df = N-1= 34- 1=33.

According to the Distribution Table-T, if df=33, the

value of t-table is 2,03. T- Calculation in cycle 2 was

3,21 , than T-Calculation > T-Table

In the second cycle, the researcher concludes that

using talking stick method in teaching English reading

in descriptive text was very significant. It shown that

between pre-test and post-test have significant

difference, where post-test score is greater than pre-test


4. Reflecting

In the second cycle, the researcher concludes that using

appropriate method in teaching reading is very significant. The

students are enthusiastic in taking a part the learning process.

They become familiar with the talking stick method and enjoy

the fun learning activities. Moreover, they have motivation and

interest in learning English.


In this section, the researcher would like to analyze all data from the

research. The data will describe the finding of this study generally.

1. Cycle 1

In this cycle, all preparation were done. Such as; making lesson

plan, making teaching materials, preparing post-action test form.

Entering the class, the students look surprising and afraid when the

reseacher bought the tape recorde and stick. In the action of applying

the method, most of the students take a part in the learning process.

According to Imas Kurniasih and Berlin Sani (2015:83), talking stick

method is a method in the learning process by a stick, student who gets

the stick must answers the question by the teacher. This method gives

an alternative manner to refresh and to made reading in a more

enjoyable way. The procedures of Talking Stick Method (Imas

Kurniasih and Berlin Sani 2015:83-84) are mentioned;

a. The teacher prepares the materials and a stick.

b. The teacher explains the main topic. Then, the students read

and learn the materials for some minutes (10 minutes).

c. The teacher commands the students to close their books and

takes a stick.

d. The teacher gives the stick to a student.

e. The teacher sings a song or plays music while the stick moves

one student to another until the song or music stops.

f. The student who gets the stick must stands up and answers the

teacher's questions.

g. Then, the stick rolls on again until each student gets the stick

and takes part in the learning process.

Finally, the teacher gives the evaluation and makes conclusion.

The researcher gives the rules to play the talking stick method. The

researcher plays music while the stick moves one student to another

until the song or music stops. The student who gets the stick must

stands up and answers the researcher's questions. Then, the stick rolls

on again until each student gets the stick and takes part in the learning


Several data are takes from the field notes. In cycle I, the

researcher summaries that students are interest with the talking stick

method. Although they feel afraid and surprises get the stick, they still

enjoy and participate in learning process. From cycle I, the researcher

analyzes the students’ activities as follow;

1. Talking stick method is first method applies to the students of

VIIIB class SMPN 1 pringapus.

2. Students feel comfort with the talking stick method.

3. Students feel afraid and curious when roll on the stick, get the

stick and nervous to answer and read the question.

4. Students take a part in the learning process because interests in

the talking stick method.

5. Most of students are not confidence to speak up English

The students could improve their score from pre-test to post-test

cycle 1. Based on the data that class average score in post-test was 88,23 ,

which score was higher than before (76,17). From the t-calculation, the

researcher analyzes that there is a significant difference between pretest

and post test. In cycle I, the result of t-test (4,83) is greater than t-table

(2,03). It means that there was a significance improvement. To make sure

about the effectiveness of the technique and to maximize the result, so it

was decided to continue to the second cycle.

2. Cycle 2

In this cycle, the researcher did what she did in the first cycle. In

second meeting, the students look more relax and enthusiastic than

first meeting. In this action, the researcher prepares the teaching well.

In the process of applying the method, most of the students participate

in the learning process. However, students are common with talking

stick method. They are happy when playing this method. Although

some of them wrong in arranging the sentence, all of them speak

English confidently. This phenomenon is the proof that they develop

their competence through talking stick method.

In cycle II, the field note also obtains data. The researcher

concludes that students are more interested with the talking stick

method. They are confidence to speak English and enjoy in learning


Based on the data , the test instrument also shows the development

of students’ achievement in the second cycle. The mean score of post-

test (92,05) are higher than score of pretest(87,94). It indicates there

was an improvement of students’ achievement of English class. Its

improvement was so significant, which in the the t-calculation, the

researcher analyzes that there is a significant difference between

pretest and post test. In the cycle II, the result of test (3,21) is greater

than t-table (2,03).In this case, there is significant improvement of the

use talking stick method.

After analyzing the data each cycle, the researcher identifies the

result of cycle I and cycle II. In order to understand the data easily, the

researcher makes the table as follow;

Table 4.3

No Analyze Cycle 1 Cycle 2

1 Mean

Pre-test 76,17 87,94

Post-test 88,23 92,05

2 Standart Deviation 17,36 7,32

3 T-test 4,83 3,21

T- Table 2,03 2,03




The title of this study is " Using Talking Stick Method to Improve

Students’ Reading Matery at the Second Grade Students of SMPN 1

Pringapus in the Academic Year of 2016 /2017". After describing the

previous chapter, the researcher summarizes that;

1. The implementation of using talking stick method to improve students’

reading mastery for the second grade students of SMPN 1 Pringapus in

the academic year of 2016/2017 applies well. Based on the data that

class everage score in pre-test cycle 1 was 76,17, post-test cycle 1 was

88,23 and class average score in pre-test cycle 2 was 87,23, post-test

cycle 2 was 92,05.

2. Score mean test of post test are greater than pre test. It indicates that

each cycle has different improvement of using talking stick method.

The result of mean in cycle 1 which post-test score (88,23) higher than

pre-test (76,17) it could be seen clearly in the students’ improvement

score of their achievement in cycle 1 and the result of mean in cycle 2

which post-test score (92,05) higher than pre-test (87,23) it could be

concluded that teaching reading by using talking stick method could be

effectively improved in cycle 2.

3. The finding of the t-calculation was the proof that students have

significant improvement in their competence. Both in the cycle I the t-

calculation was 4,83 and cycle II the t-calculation was 3,21. Score t-

calculation each cycle were higher than t-table (2, 03), It means that

there was significant improvement of students’ reading mastery

through talking stick method.


Buildings on the conclusions above, there are several suggestions

in applying the talking stick method.

The suggestions from the finding of this research are;

1. For the students

The students must develop their bravery in order to answer the

questions or ask the teachers’ instruction. They not only focus in

playing the method but also in mastering the English materials.

2. For the teacher

Teacher should prepare the materials and good scenario to create an

exciting teaching in the class. The teacher also applies the talking stick

method friendly so that the students do not frightened and stress.

3. For the researcher

The researcher must expand knowledge and experience in teaching

reading through the others method. The talking stick method is as an

inspiration to teach well next.

4. For other researchers

The result of this research can be used as input by those who want to

conduct research about teaching reading as reference.The talking stick

method also can apply in the other competences such us writing,

listening and speaking. Thus, they complete this research or make it


5. For English Department of FTIK IAIN Salatiga

The result of this research could be useful especially for students

majoring in English Department in increasing the quality of teaching

English Lesson using talking stick method.


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Practice). New York: Cambridge University Press.

Jeremy Harmer, 1989. The Practice of English Language Teaching, New York:

Kurniasih , Imas and Sani, Berlin, 2015. Ragam Pengembangan Model

Pembelajaran. Yogyakarta:Kata Pena

Koshy, valsa. 2005. Action Research For Improving Practice ( An Practical

Guide). London. Paul Chapman

Kimberly, Fujioka, September 1998. “The Talking Stick , An American Indian

Tradisition in ESL Classroom”. The internet TESL Journal. Volume:IV.
No:9, http// FujiokaTalkingstick.html 6th June 2016.

Nuttall, C. E. 1982. Teaching Reading Skills in A Foreign Language. London:
Heinemann Educational Books.

Philips, Sarah, 1993. Young Learners.New York: Oxford University Press

Rivers, Wilga M. 1981. Teaching Foreign Language Skills.United States: The

University of Chicago.

Spratt, M., A. Pulverness and M. Williams. 2005. The TKT (Teaching Knowledge
Test) Course. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Sukandarrumidi. 2004. Metodologi Penelitian. Yogyakarta : Gadjah Mada

University Press.

Sudjana. 2005. Metoda Statistika. Bandung: PT Tarsito.

Sudijono, Anas. 2008. Pengantar Statistik Pendidikan.Jakarta: PT Raja Grafindo


V.Wiratna Sujarweni. 2014. Metodologi penelitian. Yogyakarta : PT. Pustaka


Weaver, Constance. 2009. Reading Process: Brief Edition of Reeading Process

and Practice. Ohio: Miami University, Oxford., 2nd May 2016


Curriculum Vitae

Name : Aisyah Ambalika.S

Birth :Semarang, April 15th


Address :Soka Raya Street,

Wonoasri Rt04/08,

Pringapus, Semarang

Achievement : Entrepreneur

Hp : 085640794191


TK Mardisiwi Wonorejo 1997-1999

SDN Wonorejo 04 1999-2005

ITTC Darussalam Gontor For Girls 3,

East Java Ngawi 2006-2012

IAIN Salatiga, English Department 2013-2016

Lembar Konsultasi Skripsi

NAMA MAHASISWA : Aisyah Ambalika Saraswati

NIM : 113-12-010

NO Tanggal Isi Konsultasi Catatan Pembimbing Paraf


Dr. H. Sa’adi, M.Ag

NIP. 19630420 199203 1003



Fakultas/Jurusan : FTIK/PBI

NIM : 113-12-010

Dosen Pembimbing : Dr. H. Sa’adi, M.Ag

No. Nama Kegiatan Pelaksanaan Status Skor

Rabu 05-Jumat
1 07 September Peserta 3
(Progressifikasi Kaum Muda, Kunci
Perubahan Indonesia)
Sabtu-Minggu ,
2 08-09 Peserta 3
SALATIGA “Mewujudkan
September 2012
Gerakan Mahasiswa Tarbiyah
Sebagai Tonggak Kebangkitan
Pendidikan Indonesia”
10 September
3 “Membangun Karakter Keislaman Peserta 2
Bertaraf Internasional di Era
Globalisasi Bahasa”
Seminar Entreprenership dan
11 September
4 Perkoperasian 2012 (Explore Your Peserta 2
Entreprenership Talent)
Seminar Achievment Motivation
12 September
5 Training dengan AMT, Bangun Peserta 2
Karakter Raih Prestasi
Seminar UPT Perpustakaan
LIBRARY USER 13 September
6 peserta 2
EDUCATION(Pendidikan Pemakai 2012
Perpustakaan )
Seminar “Technology Era, The
12 Desember
7 Best Moment to Learn English” by Peserta 2
Seminar IPST ( Islamic Publick
8 Speaking Training) di Festifal 09 Juni 2014 Peserta 2
SHOLIHAH (DMS) Aktualisasi
9 Dakwah Dalam Membentuk 04 Mei 2015 Peserta 2
Generasi Yang Bertaqwa, Berilmu,
dan Berakhlak Mulia
10 Seminar Training Kepribadian di 19 Mei 2015 Peserta 2

IAIN Salatiga
Training Workshop IALF
11 Strategies in Using Authentic 27 May 2015 Peserta 2
Materials for SMP and SMA
Students” by IALF Bali Language
Seminar Nasional CEC
“Understanding the World By
12 04 June 2015 Peserta 8
Understanding the Language and
The Culture”
Talk Show “Ngabuburit dan Dialog
13 Lintas Agama Salatiga Bhineka 30 Juni 2015 Peserta 2
Tunggal Ika”
Seminar Training Makalah dan 12 September
14 Peserta 2
Motivasi (LDK) Fathir Ar-Rasyid 2015
Seminar Hari Hak untuk Tahu “Hak
22 September
15 untuk Tahu Sebagai Basis Peserta 6
Penguatan Masyarakat Sipil”
Seminar IMOT (Islamic Motivation
Training) Kementerian Riset,
Teknologi, dan Pendidikan Tinggai
27 September
16 Universitas Diponegoro Peserta 2
“Menginspirasi Lewat Karya” Oleh
UKM INSANI Universitas
Seminar Nasional 2015
“Epistemologi Tafsir Kontemporer; 30 September
17 Peserta 8
Integrasi Hermeneutika dalam 2015
Metode Penafsiran Al-Quran”
Seminar Upaya Pencegahan
Perkawinan Anak dalam Perin
18 19 Oktober 2015 Peserta 2
gatan World Sexual Health Day
2015 Di C3 Hotel, Ungaran
Dialog Interaktif dan Edukatif
dengan tema “Diaspora Pendidikan
02 November
19 Politik : Pancasila Sebagai landasan Peserta 2
Berpolitik, Berbangsa, dan
IAIN Salatiga Bersholawat dan
Orasi Kebangsaan “Menyemai
Nilai-Nilai Islam Indonesia Untuk 03 November
20 Peserta 2
Memperkokohkan NKRI dalam 2015
Mewujudkan Baldatun Toyyibatun
Warobbun Ghofur”

Seminar Nasional ”Revitalisasi
Pendidikan IPS dalam Rangka 07 November
21 Peserta 8
Membangun Karakter Bangsa” FIS 2015
(Fakultas Ilmu Sosial) UNNES
Seminar Pendidikan “Menciptakan
Metode Pendidikan Agama Islam
12 November
22 Yang Ideal Dalam Proses Peserta 2
Membebaskan Dan Memerdekakan
Manusia” HMJ PAI
Seminar Nasional “ENGLISH –
23 Peserta 8

Seminar Nasioal LDK Fathir Ar

Rasyid IAIN Salatiga dengan tema 29 November
24 Peserta 8
“ Muslimah Sejati Bertabur 2015
Seminar Nasional “Musik, Islam & O5 Desember
24 Peserta 8
Nusantara” 2015
Seminar Nasional “memperkuat
peran pemuda dalam meningkatkan
25 Ekonomi Nasional Melalui 26 April 2016 Peserta 8
Kewirausahaan” KOPMA
Seminar Nasional “PENGUATAN
26 WAWASAN KEBANGSAAN 28 April 2016 Peserta 8
Seminar Nasional “ Nasionalisme
sebagai Benteng dalam
27 Menghadapi Proxy War di 16 Mei 2016 Peserta 8
Indoneisa” oleh MENWA Yon 953-
Seminar Nasional “ Metodologi
Penafsiran Kontemporer ; Al-
28 23 Mei 2016 Peserta 8
Qur’an dalam Problematika

Salatiga, 22 Agustus 2016


Wakil Dekan 3

Bidang Kemahasiswaan dan


(Achmad Maimun, M. Ag.)

NIP : 19700510 199803 1 003



NAMA SEKOLAH : SMP Negeri 1 Pringapus

TAHUN PELAJARAN : 2016 / 2017

MATA PELAJARAN : Bahasa Inggris
PB / Sub PB : Decriptive
WAKTU : 2 X 40 menit

5. Memahami makna teks tulis fungsional dan esei pendek sederhana
descriptive dan recount yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan sekitar
5.3 Merespon makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei pendek sederhana secara
akurat, lancar dan berterima yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan sekitar dalam
teks berbentuk decriptive
Pada akhir pembelajaran diharapkan siswa dapat;
1. Merespon makna dalam esei pendek sederhana berbentuk descriptive
2. Membaca teks deskripsi dengan rasa ingin tahu
3. Menjawab pertanyaan tentang informasi yang terdapat pada teks
dengan baik dan benar
4. Mengetahui langkah retorika dalam membuat esei pendek ederhana
berbentuk descriptive
Karakter yang diharapkan ; Cakap, kreatif, toleransi, demokratis,
bersahabatdan disiplin

D. Materi Pembelajaran
1. Grammar practice
a. Internet
tujuan-struktur-ciri-dan.html )
b. Penjelasan tentang simple present tense
2. Communication practice

a. Internet(
oh-dan-soal-deskriptif-teks-lengkap-dan-terbaru.html )
b. Text monolog berbentuk descriptive
c. Kosa kata yang terkait dalam text descriptive
d. Generic structure of descriptive text
3. Teacher made materials
a. Example of descriptive text
b. Exercises of pretest

E. Metode Pembelajaran
Discussion and practice

F. Langkah-langkah Kegiatan
Kegiatan Pendahuluan ( 5 Menit)
1. Salam dan tegur sapa
2. Apersepsi : Tanya jawab tentang materi descriptive text, menebak dan
merespon ucapan guru
3. Motivasi : Menjelaskan pentingnya materi yang akan dipelajari berikut
kompetensi yang harus dikuasai siswa

Kegiatan Inti ( Eksplorasi, elaborasi dan konfirmasi )

1. Guru menjelaskan materi tentang deskriptive text yang sudah disiapkan

oleh guru
2. Guru dan siswa bersama-sama membahas teks deskripsi yang sudah
disiapkan oleh guru
3. Guru dan siswa bersama-sama menggali kosa kata yang sulit yang terdapat
pada bacaan
4. Siswa mencoba membaca teks deskripsi yang sudah diberikan oleh guru
dengan suara yang lantang dan jelas
5. Guru dan siswa melakukan diskusi tentang materi
6. Guru memberikan reward kepada keberhasilan siswa

7. Guru memberikan pre test untuk siswa
8. Guru memfasilitasi siswa melakukan refleksi untuk memperoleh
pengalaman belajar yang telah dilakukan dan bermakna dalam mencapai
kompetensi dasar

Kegiatan Penutup (15 Menit)

Dalam kegiatan penutup, guru:
1. bersama-sama dengan peserta didik dan/atau sendiri membuat
rangkuman / simpulan pelajaran;
2. melakukan penilaian dan/atau refleksi terhadap kegiatan yang sudah
dilaksanakan secara konsisten dan terprogram;
3. memberikan umpan balik terhadap proses dan hasil pembelajaran;
4. Guru memberikan siswa kesempatan bertanya
5. menyampaikan rencana pembelajaran pada pertemuan berikutnya

G. Sumber belajar
a. Buku English In Focus
b. Internet (
H. Penilaian

Indikator Pencapaian Teknik Bentuk

Instrumen/ Soal
Kompetensi Penilaian Instrumen
1. Merespon makna dalam Tes Test 1. Read teh text carefully and
esei pendek sederhana tertulis Answer the question below
berbentuk descriptive based on the text !
2. Menjawab pertanyaan
tentang informasi yang
terdapat pada teks
dengan baik dan benar
3. Mengetahui langkah-
langkah retorika dalam

membuat esei pendek
sederhana berbentuk

a. Instrumen:
1. Petunjuk:
Read the text carefully and answer the question based on the text!
My best friend
I have a special friend. She is my classmate and sits besides me. Her name is
Rohmi. Rohmi is a quite girl and very simple on the look. However, I really adore
her. She is not only kind but also tough.
Rohmi comes from a very simple family. Her father is a pedicab driver and
her mother has passed away. She has a younger brother. His name is Rahmat. In
order to help their father, Rohmi and her brother work part-time to earn some
money. Rohmi sells food during our class break, while her brother sells
newpapers and magazines after school.
One thing that I always admire about her is that she can manage her time well,
and she always looks cheerful.

b. Pedoman Penilaian:
Jumlah skor maksimal keseluruhan 100

1. Rubrik Penilaian Test Tertulis

No Aspek Skor

1 s.d. 10 Setiap jawaban yang 10

benar 0
Setiap jawaban yang
tidak benar

Nilai siswa = Skor perolehan x 10

Nilai maksimal 100

Mengetahui Pringapus, 02 Agustus 2016

Guru Mata Pelajaran Mahasiswa

Wintarti, SPd Aisyah Ambalika


Nim: 113 12 010


1. Read the text carefully and answer the question based on the text!

My best friend

I have a special friend. She is my classmate and sits besides me. Her name
is Rohmi. Rohmi is a quite girl and very simple on the look. However, I really
adore her. She is not only kind but also tough.

Rohmi comes from a very simple family. Her father is a pedicab driver and
her mother has passed away. She has a younger brother. His name is Rahmat. In
order to help their father, Rohmi and her brother work part-time to earn some
money. Rohmi sells food during our class break, while her brother sells
newpapers and magazines after school.

One thing that I always admire about her is that she can manage her time well,
and she always looks cheerful.

Answer the question below ! (choose the correct answer!)

1. who is sits besides the writer ?
a. She is Rahmat
b. She is Rohmi
c. She is Ratih
d. She is Rafael

2. Rahmat is ....?
a. Rohmi’s brother
b. Rohmi’s uncle
c. Rohmi’s father
d. Rohmi’s nephew

3. Which of the following statement is not true about Rohmi?

a. Rohmi sells food during our class break
b. Rohmi comes from a rich family
c. Rohmi and her brother work part-time to earn some money
d. Rohmi is a quite girl and very simple on the look

4. According to the passage, we know that Rohmi is ….

a. A quite girl and very simple on the look
b. A lazy girl and very simple on the look

c. A stupid girl and very simple on the look
d. A busy girl and very simple on the look

5. It is the true statement that ….

a. Her father is a pedicab driver and her mother has passed away
b. Rohmi never help her father
c. Rohmi is lazy girl
d. her brother sells books after school

6. From the text, we may conclude that….

a. Many people do not like Rohmi.
b. Rohmi comes from a very simple family
c. Rohmi is a rich peole.
d. Rohmi never help her father

7. What is the chapter of the text about?

a. My best friend
b. My family
c. My daily life
d. My classmate

8. ” I have a special friend. She is my classmate and sits besides me”

The underlined word refers to ….
a. Rahmat
b. Ratih
c. Rohmi
d. The writer
9. Rohmi father is a pedicab driver and her mother has passed away.”
The underlined word means that Rohmi is ….
a. Motherless child
b. Fatherless child
c. Orphan

d. Single parent

10. “One thing that I always admire about her is that she can manage her time
and she always looks cheerful.”
The underlined means …
a. She is beautiful girl
b. She is always looks happy
c. She is bad girl
d. She is kind



NAMA SEKOLAH : SMP Negeri 1 Pringapus

TAHUN PELAJARAN : 2016 / 2017
MATA PELAJARAN : Bahasa Inggris
PB / Sub PB : Decriptive

WAKTU : 2 X 40 menit

5. Memahami makna teks tulis fungsional dan esei pendek sederhana
descriptive dan recount yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan sekitar
5.3 Merespon makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei pendek sederhana secara
akurat, lancar dan berterima yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan sekitar
dalam teks berbentuk decriptive
Pada akhir pembelajaran diharapkan siswa dapat;
1. Merespon makna dalam esei pendek sederhana berbentuk descriptive
2. Membaca teks deskripsi dengan rasa ingin tahu
3. Menjawab pertanyaan tentang informasi yang terdapat pada teks
dengan baik dan benar
4. Mengetahui langkah retorika dalam membuat esei pendek ederhana
berbentuk descriptive
Karakter yang diharapkan ; Cakap, kreatif, toleransi, demokratis,
bersahabat dan disiplin

D. Materi Pembelajaran
1. Grammar practice
a. Internet(
an-tujuan-struktur-ciri-dan.html )
b. Penjelasan tentang simple present tense
2. Communication practice
a. Internet(

b. Text monolog berbentuk descriptive
c. Kosa kata yang terkait dalam text descriptive
d. Generic structure of descriptive text
3. Teacher made materials
a. Example of descriptive text
b. Exercises of posttest

E. Metode Pembelajaran
Talking Stick Method
F. Langkah-langkah Kegiatan
Kegiatan Pendahuluan ( 5 Menit)
1. Salam dan tegur sapa
2. Apersepsi : Tanya jawab tentang materi descriptive text, menebak dan
merespon ucapan guru
3. Motivasi : Menjelaskan pentingnya materi yang akan dipelajari berikut
kompetensi yang harus dikuasai siswa

Kegiatan Inti ( Eksplorasi, elaborasi dan konfirmasi )

4. Guru menjelaskan kembali materi tentang deskriptive text.

5. Guru dan siswa bersama-sama membahas teks deskripsi yang sudah
disiapkan oleh guru
6. Guru dan siswa bersama-sama menggali kosa kata yang sulit yang
terdapat pada bacaan
7. Siswa mencoba membaca text deskripsi dan menjawab pertanyaan yang
diberikan oleh guru dengan bantuaan metode talking stick
a. Guru menyiapkan materi dan tongkat.
b. Guru menjelaskan tentang topic utama berupa descriptive text
Kemudian siswa membaca dan memahami topic yang diberikan
c. Guru menyuruh siswa menutup buku dan mengambil sebuah tongkat.
d. Tongkat diberikan pada seorang siswa.

e. Guru memainkan music/menyanyikan lagu sementara tongkat
berpindah dari siswa satu ke siswa yang lain secara berurutan sampai
music/lagu berhenti.
f. Siswa yang terakhir kali memegang tongkat harus berdiri dan menjawab
pertanyaan dari guru.
g. Kemudian tongkat berputar lagi sampai sebagian besar siswa
berpartisipasi dalam pembelajaran.
h. Guru memberikan evaluasi dan kesimpulan dari metode yang
8. Guru dan siswa melakukan diskusi tentang materi
9. Guru memberikan reward kepada keberhasilan siswa
10. Guru memberikan post test untuk siswa
11. Guru memfasilitasi siswa melakukan refleksi untuk memperoleh
pengalaman belajar yang telah dilakukan dan bermakna dalam
mencapai kompetensi dasar

Kegiatan Penutup (15 Menit)

Dalam kegiatan penutup, guru:
1. bersama-sama dengan peserta didik dan/atau sendiri membuat
rangkuman / simpulan
2. melakukan penilaian dan/atau refleksi terhadap kegiatan yang sudah
dilaksanakan secara konsisten dan terprogram;
3. memberikan umpan balik terhadap proses dan hasil pembelajaran;
4. Guru memberikan siswa kesempatan bertanya
5. menyampaikan rencana pembelajaran pada pertemuan berikutnya

G. Sumber belajar
a. Buku English In Focus
b. Internet(

H. Penilaian

Indikator Pencapaian Teknik Bentuk

Instrumen/ Soal
Kompetensi Penilaian Instrumen
1. Merespon makna dalam Tes tertulis Test 2. Read teh text
esei pendek sederhana carefully and
berbentuk descriptive Answer the
2. Menjawab pertanyaan question below
tentang informasi yang based on the
terdapat pada teks dengan text !
baik dan benar
3. Mengetahui langkah
retorika dalam membuat
esei pendek ederhana
berbentuk descriptive

c. Instrumen:
1. petunjuk:
Read the text carefully and answer the question based on the text!

I like Elephants

I like elephants. Elephants are the biggest land animals in the world. The
African elephant is found on the continent of Africa and the Indian
elephant is found in Asia. Elephants are mammals as well as herbivores,
meaning they only eat plants rather than meat.

I know that there are two main types of elephants; the African elephant
and the Indian elephant. The African elephant is bigger than the Indian
elephant. It has larger ears too. Both the males and females have tusks.
The African elephant has wrinkly gray

skin, a swayed back, and two tips at the end of its trunk that it can use like
fingers to pick stuff up. The tusk make elephant look really cool.

The Indian, or Asian, elephant is smaller than the African elephant and has
smaller ears. They have more of a humped back and only one fingerlike tip
at the end of their trunk. Also, their skin tends to be less wrinkly than the
African elephant. Next time go to the zoo. I want to ride an elephant.

d. Pedoman Penilaian:
Jumlah skor maksimal keseluruhan 100
1. Rubrik Penilaian Test Tertulis

No Aspek Skor

1 s.d. 10 Setiap jawaban yang 10

benar 0
Setiap jawaban yang
tidak benar

Nilai siswa = Skor perolehan x 10

Nilai maksimal 100

Mengetahui pringapus, 05 Agustus 2016

Guru Mata Pelajaran Mahasiswa

Wintarti, SPd Aisyah Ambalika


Nim: 113 12 010

Kepala Sekolah SMP N 1 Pringapus

Adi Kusyanto, S.Pd, M.Pd

NIP: 19691102 199512 1 002

Post-test 1

Name :

Class :

Read the text carefully and answer the question below based on the text!

I like Elephants

I like elephants. Elephants are the biggest land animals in the

world. The African elephant is found on the continent of Africa and the

Indian elephant is found in Asia. Elephants are mammals as well as
herbivores, meaning they only eat plants rather than meat.

I know that there are two main types of elephants; the African
elephant and the Indian elephant. The African elephant is bigger than the
Indian elephant. It has larger ears too. Both the males and females have
tusks. The African elephant has wrinkly gray skin, a swayed back, and two
tips at the end of its trunk that it can use like fingers to pick stuff up. The
tusk make elephant look really cool.

The Indian, or Asian, elephant is smaller than the African elephant

and has smaller ears. They have more of a humped back and only one
fingerlike tip at the end of their trunk. Also, their skin tends to be less
wrinkly than the African elephant. Next time go to the zoo. I want to ride
an elephant.

1. What is the communicative purpose of the text?

a. to describe two main types of elephants
b. to share an amusing incident with others
c. to present two poins of view about an issue
d. to inform the readers about the beauty of animal

2. What kind of the text is the text above?

a. Narrative
b. Recount
c. Descriptive
d. Report

3. How many type of elephants?

a. One
b. Two
c. Three
d. Four

4. It is the true statement that ....
a. The African elephant is smaller than the Indian elephant
b. The African elephant is found on the continent of Africa and the Indian
elephant is found in America
c. The Indian, or Asian, elephant is smaller than the African elephant and has
smaller ears
d. The tusk make elephant look really bad

5. What does the African elephant look like ?

a. It is shorter than the Indian elephant and It has larger ears too
b. It is smaller than the Indian elephant and It has larger ears too
c. It is longer than the Indian elephant and it has larger ears too
d. It is bigger than the Indian elephant and It has larger ears too

6. What does The Indian or Asian elephant look like ?

a. They have more of a humped back and only two fingerlike tip at the end of
their trunk
b. They have more of a humped back and only four fingerlike tip at the end of
their trunk
c. They have more of a humped back and only one fingerlike tip at the end of
their trunk
d. They have more of a humped back and only five fingerlike tip at the end of
their trunk

7. Their skin tends to be less wrinkly

The underlined word refers to ....
a. Indian and Asian elephant
b. African and Indian elephant
c. Asian and African elephant
d. Indian, Asian and African elephant

8. According to the passage, we know that the African elephant has ….
a. wrinkly gray skin, a swayed back and one tips at the end of its trunk
b. wrinkly gray skin, a swayed back and two tips at the end of its trunk
c. wrinkly black skin, a swayed back and one tips at the end of its trunk
d. wrinkly blak skin, a swayed back and two tips at the end of its trunk

9. According to the passage, we know that the Indian and Asian elephant has ….
a. bigger ears
b. smaller ears
c. bright ears
d. dark ears

10. It is the true statement that ….

a. Elephants are mammals as well as carnivores
b. Elephants are mammals as well as herbivores
c. Elephants are the smallest land animals in the world
d. The African elephant is found on the continent of Africa and the Indian
elephant is found in America



NAMA SEKOLAH : SMP Negeri 1 Pringapus

TAHUN PELAJARAN : 2016 / 2017


MATA PELAJARAN : Bahasa Inggris

PB / Sub PB : Descriptive text


WAKTU : 2 X 40 menit

5.Memahami makna teks tulis fungsional dan esei pendek sederhana
berbentuk descriptive dan recount yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan
5.3 Merespon makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei pendek sederhana
akurat, lancar dan berterima yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan sekitar
dalam teks berbentuk decriptive
Pada akhir pembelajaran diharapkan siswa dapat;
1. Merespon makna dalam esei pendek sederhana berbentuk
2. Membaca teks deskripsi dengan rasa ingin tahu
3. Menjawab pertanyaan tentang informasi yang terdapat pada
teks dengan baik dan benar
4. Mengetahui langkah retorika dalam membuat esei pendek
ederhana berbentuk descriptive
Karakter yang diharapkan ; Cakap, kreatif, toleransi, demokratis,
bersahabat dan disiplin
D. Materi Pembelajaran
1. Grammar practice
a. Internet
tujuan-struktur-ciri-dan.html )
b. Penjelasan tentang simple present tense
2. Communication practice
a. Internet(
examples.html )

b. Text monolog berbentuk descriptive
c. Kosa kata yang terkait dalam text descriptive
d. Generic structure of descriptive text
3. Teacher made materials
a. Example of descriptive text
b. Exercises of pretest

E. Metode Pembelajaran
Discussion and Practice

F. Langkah-langkah Kegiatan
Kegiatan Pendahuluan ( 5 Menit)
1. Salam dan tegur sapa
2. Apersepsi : Tanya jawab tentang materi descriptive text, menebak dan
merespon ucapan guru
3. Motivasi : Menjelaskan pentingnya materi yang akan dipelajari
berikut kompetensi yang harus dikuasai siswa

Kegiatan Inti ( Eksplorasi, elaborasi dan konfirmasi ) (60 Menit)

4. Guru menjelaskan materi tentang deskriptive text yang sudah

disiapkan oleh guru
5. Guru dan siswa bersama-sama membahas teks deskripsi yang sudah
disiapkan oleh guru
6. Guru dan siswa bersama-sama menggali kosa kata yang sulit yang
terdapat pada bacaan
7. Siswa mencoba membaca teks deskripsi yang sudah diberikan oleh
guru dengan suara yang lantang dan jelas
8. Guru dan siswa melakukan diskusi tentang materi
9. Guru memberikan reward kepada keberhasilan siswa
10. Guru memberikan pre test untuk siswa

11. Guru memfasilitasi siswa melakukan refleksi untuk memperoleh
pengalaman belajar yang telah dilakukan dan bermakna dalam
mencapai kompetensi dasar

Kegiatan Penutup (15 Menit)

Dalam kegiatan penutup, guru:
1. bersama-sama dengan peserta didik dan/atau sendiri membuat
rangkuman/ kesimpulan pelajaran;
2. melakukan penilaian dan/atau refleksi terhadap kegiatan yang sudah
dilaksanakan secara konsisten dan terprogram;
3. memberikan umpan balik terhadap proses dan hasil pembelajaran;
4. Guru memberikan siswa kesempatan bertanya
5. menyampaikan rencana pembelajaran pada pertemuan berikutnya.

G. Sumber belajar
a. Buku English In Focus
b. Internet(
text examples.html )

H. Penilaian

Teknik Bentuk
Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi Instrumen/ Soal
Penilaian Instrumen

1. Merespon Tes Test 3. Answer the question

makna dalam tertulis below based on the
esei pendek sederhana text !
berbentuk descriptive (True – False)
2. Membaca teks Question.
deskripsi dengan
rasa ingin tahu
3. Menjawab pertanyaan

tentang informasi
yang terdapat
pada teks dengan baik
dan benar
4. Mengetahui langkah
retorika dalam
membuat esei pendek
ederhana berbentuk

a. Instrumen:
1. petunjuk:
Read the text, “The Small House” carefully and answer the question based
on the text! (True- False question)
1. Read the text carefully and answer the question based on the text!
My Small House
I live in a small house. It has five rooms; there are two bedrooms, a
living room, a bathroom, and a kitchen. Indeed it is a small house; but
I like living in here for wasting my spare time.
When the door is open, I can see the living room. It is so small with
only three chairs and a table, nothing else. I prefer reading a novel in
this room.
My bedroom is in the left side of the living room. In this room there is
a night table next to the bed, a TV, a radio, and a computer, when
being bored of reading, I usually play online games, chat with my
friends via facebook and so on.
Next to my bedroom is my mother’s. I do not know what is inside
because I never come in to see it. In the right side of the living room
there is the kitchen. In the kitchen I have everything I need when I get

hungry. It is very pleasure when my mother cooks, the smell fills my
whole house.
I know it is a very small house, but it is the best place I have never

b. Pedoman Penilaian:
Jumlah skor maksimal keseluruhan 100
1. Rubrik Penilaian Test Tertulis

No Aspek Skor

1 s.d. 10 Setiap jawaban yang 10

benar 0
Setiap jawaban yang
tidak benar

Nilai siswa = Skor perolehan x 10

Nilai maksimal 100

Mengetahui Pringapus, 06 Agustus 2016

Guru Mata Pelajaran Mahasiswa

Wintarti, SPd Aisyah Ambalika


Nim: 113 12 010

Kepala Sekolah SMP N 1 Pringapus

Adi Kusyanto, S.Pd, M.Pd

NIP: 19691102 199512 1 002

Pre- Test 2

My Small House
I live in a small house. It has five rooms; there are two bedrooms, a
living room, a bathroom, and a kitchen. Indeed it is a small house; but
I like living in here for wasting my spare time.
When the door is open, I can see the living room. It is so small with
only three chairs and a table, nothing else. I prefer reading a novel in
this room.
My bedroom is in the left side of the living room. In this room there is
a night table next to the bed, a TV, a radio, and a computer, when
being bored of reading, I usually play online games, chat with my
friends via facebook and so on.
Next to my bedroom is my mother’s. I do not know what is inside
because I never come in to see it. In the right side of the living room

there is the kitchen. In the kitchen I have everything I need when I get
hungry. It is very pleasure when my mother cooks, the smell fills my
whole house.
I know it is a very small house, but it is the best place I have never

Answer the question below based on the text !

( True – False Question )

1 My small house has five rooms : there are two bedrooms, a
living room, a dinning room, a kitchen.
2 I do not like living in a small haouse.
3 My living room is so small.
4 I prefer reading a novel in the living room.
5 My bedroom is in the right side of the living room.
6 In my bedroom there is a TV.
7 I usually play online games when I feel bored.
8 In the right side of the living room there is a kitchen.
9 It is unpleasure when my mother cook.
10 I know it is a very small, but it is not the best place I have
never seen.


NAMA SEKOLAH : SMP Negeri 1 Pringapus

TAHUN PELAJARAN : 2016 / 2017


MATA PELAJARAN : Bahasa Inggris

PB / Sub PB : Descriptive text


WAKTU : 2 X 40 menit


5. Memahami makna teks tulis fungsional dan esei pendek sederhana
berbentuk descriptive dan recount yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan
5.3 Merespon makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei pendek sederhana
akurat, lancar dan berterima yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan sekitar
dalam teks berbentuk decriptive
Pada akhir pembelajaran diharapkan siswa dapat;
1. Merespon makna dalam esei pendek sederhana berbentuk
2. Membaca teks deskripsi dengan rasa ingin tahu
3. Menjawab pertanyaan tentang informasi yang terdapat pada teks
dengan baik dan benar
4. Mengetahui langkah retorika dalam membuat esei pendek ederhana
berbentuk descriptive
Karakter yang diharapkan ; Cakap, kreatif, toleransi, demokratis,
dan disiplin

D. Materi Pembelajaran
1. Grammar practice
a. Internet(
ertian-tujuan-struktur-ciri-dan.html )
b. Penjelasan tentang simple present tense
2. Communication practice
a. Internet (
b. Text monolog berbentuk descriptive
c. Kosa kata yang terkait dalam text descriptive

d. Generic structure of descriptive text
e. Teacher made materials
f. Example of descriptive text
g. Exercises posttest

E. Metode Pembelajaran
Talking Stick Method

F. Langkah-langkah Kegiatan
Kegiatan Pendahuluan ( 5 Menit)
1. Salam dan tegur sapa
2. Apersepsi : Tanya jawab tentang materi descriptive text, menebak dan
merespon ucapan guru
3. Motivasi : Menjelaskan pentingnya materi yang akan dipelajari
berikut kompetensi yang harus dikuasai siswa
Kegiatan Inti ( Eksplorasi, elaborasi dan konfirmasi ) (60 Menit)

1. Guru menjelaskan kembali materi tentang descriptive text

2. Guru dan siswa bersama-sama membahas teks deskripsi yang sudah
disiapkan oleh guru
3. Guru dan siswa bersama-sama menggali kosa kata yang sulit yang
terdapat pada bacaan
4. Siswa mencoba membuat teks deskripsi dan membaca sekaligus
menjawab pertanyaan yang diberikan oleh guru dengan bantuaan
metode talking stick
a. Guru menyiapkan tongkat.
b. Guru menyuruh siswa untuk membuat teks deskripsi sederhana
yaitu dengan mendeskripsikan guru pengajar bahasa inggris dalam
waktu 10menit.
c. Guru menyuruh siswa berhenti menulis dan mengambil sebuah
d. Tongkat diberikan pada seorang siswa.

e. Guru memainkan music/menyanyikan lagu sementara tongkat
berpindah dari siswa satu ke siswa yang lain secara berurutan
sampai music/lagu berhenti.
f. Siswa yang terakhir kali memegang tongkat harus berdiri
menjawab pertanyaan dari guru dan membaca teks deskripsi yang
telah mereka buat.
g. Kemudian tongkat berputar lagi sampai sebagian besar siswa
berpartisipasi dalam pembelajaran.
h. Guru memberikan evaluasi dan kesimpulan dari metode yang
i. Guru dan siswa melakukan diskusi tentang materi
j. Guru memberikan reward kepada keberhasilan siswa
k. Guru memberikan post test untuk siswa
l. Guru memfasilitasi siswa melakukan refleksi untuk memperoleh
pengalaman belajar yang telah dilakukan dan bermakna dalam
mencapai kompetensi dasar

Kegiatan Penutup (15 Menit)

Dalam kegiatan penutup, guru:
1. bersama-sama dengan peserta didik dan/atau sendiri membuat
rangkuman/simpulan pelajaran;
2. melakukan penilaian dan/atau refleksi terhadap kegiatan yang sudah
dilaksanakan secara konsisten dan terprogram;
3. memberikan umpan balik terhadap proses dan hasil pembelajaran;
4. Guru memberikan siswa kesempatan bertanya
5. menyampaikan rencana pembelajaran pada pertemuan berikutnya.

G. Sumber belajar
a. Buku English In Focus
b. Internet(

H. Penilaian

Teknik Bentuk
Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi Instrumen/ Soal
Penilaian Instrumen
1. Merespon makna dalam esei Tes Test 1. Read the the
pendek sederhana berbentuk terlutis text carefully!
descriptive And Answer
2. Menjawab pertanyaan tentang the question
informasi yang terdapat pada teks below based
dengan baik dan benar on the test!
3. Mengetahui langkah retorika
dalam membuat esei pendek
ederhana berbentuk descriptive

a. Instrumen:
1. petunjuk:
Read the text carefully and answer the question below based on the text!
Text 1

My Pet

I have a pet. It is a dog and I call it Dolgy. Dolgy is a Chinese breed. It is

small, fluffy, and cute. It has got thick black fur. When I cuddle it, the fur
feels soft. Dolgy does not like bones. Every day it eats soft food like
steamed rice, fish, or bread. Every morning I give him milk and bread.
When I am at school, Dolgy plays with my rabbit. They get along well,
and never fight maybe because Dolgy does not bark a lot. It treats the
other animals in our house gently, and it never eats shoes. Dolgy is really
sweet and friendly animal

Text 2


Paris is the capital city of France. It is also one of the most beautiful and
famous city in the world.

Paris is called as the city of light. It is also an international fashion center.

What stylish women are wearing in Paris will be worn by women all over the
world. Paris is also famous for its world center of education. For instance, it is the
headquarters of UNESCO, the United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural

There are other many other famous places in Paris, such as the famous
museum the louvre as well as the cathedral of Notre Dame. However, the most
famous landmark in this city must be the Eiffel Tower.

Paris is named after a group of people called the Parisii. They built a small
village on an island in the middle of the Seine River about two thousand years
ago. This island is called Ile de la Cite. It is where Notre Dame located. Today
around eight million people live in the Paris area.

b. Pedoman Penilaian:
Jumlah skor maksimal keseluruhan 100
1. Rubrik Penilaian Test Tertulis

No Aspek Skor

1 s.d. 10 Setiap jawaban yang 1

benar 0
Setiap jawaban yang
tidak benar

Nilai siswa = Skor perolehan x 10

Nilai maksimal 100

Mengetahui Pringapus, 09 Agustus 2016

Guru Mata Pelajaran Mahasiswa

Wintarti, SPd Aisyah Ambalika


Nim: 113 12 010

Kepala Sekolah SMP N 1 Pringapus

Adi Kusyanto, S.Pd, M.Pd

NIP: 19691102 199512 1 002

Post Test 2

Name :

Class :

Read the text carefully and answer the question below based on the text!

Text 1

My Pet

I have a pet. It is a dog and I call it Dolgy. Dolgy is a Chinese breed. It is

small, fluffy, and cute. It has got thick black fur. When I cuddle it, the fur feels
soft. Dolgy does not like bones. Every day it eats soft food like steamed rice, fish,
or bread. Every morning I give him milk and bread. When I am at school, Dolgy
plays with my rabbit. They get along well, and never fight maybe because Dolgy
does not bark a lot. It treats the other animals in our house gently, and it never eats
shoes. Dolgy is really sweet and friendly animal.

1. The communicative purpose of this text is…..

a. to describe a particular pet

b. to share an amusing incident with others

c. to present two poins of view about an issue
d. to inform the readers about the beauty of animal
2. How does Dolgy look like?

a. big, fierce, and cute

b. big, fluffly, and fierce
c. small, fierce, and stink
d. small, fluffy, and cute.
3. Whom Dolgy plays with when the writer goes to school?

a. the witer’s sister

b. the writer’s mother
c. the writer’s rabbit
d. the writer’s other dog
4. When I am at school, Dolgy plays with my rabbit.

The underlined word refers to ….

a. The writer
b. The rabbit
c. The Dolgy
d. The other pet
5. Wht does Dolgy eat every morning?

a. fish and rice

b. bread and milk
c. bone and milk
d. rice and bone
6. According to the passage, we know that Dolgy is ….
a. Really sweet and friendly animal
b. Really sweet and wild animal
c. Really sweet and tame animal
d. Really sweet and naughty animal

Text 2


Paris is the capital city of France. It is also one of the most beautiful and
famous city in the world.

Paris is called as the city of light. It is also an international fashion center.

What stylish women are wearing in Paris will be worn by women all over the
world. Paris is also famous for its world center of education. For instance, it is the
headquarters of UNESCO, the United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural

There are other many other famous places in Paris, such as the famous
museum the louvre as well as the cathedral of Notre Dame. However, the most
famous landmark in this city must be the Eiffel Tower.

Paris is named after a group of people called the Parisii. They built a small
village on an island in the middle of the Seine River about two thousand years
ago. This island is called Ile de la Cite. It is where Notre Dame located. Today
around eight million people live in the Paris area.

7. What is the communicative purpose of the text?

a. to present two points of views about Paris
b. to explain Paris, the capital city of France
c. to describe Paris
d. to retell Paris, the capital of France
8. It is the true statement that ….

a. Paris is called as the city of dark
b. Paris is named after a group of people called the Parisai
c. They built a big village on an island in the corner of the Seine River
about two thousand years ago
d. Today around eight million people live in the Paris area.
9. What are famous places in Paris?
a. Pisa Tower and The louvre museum
b. The cathedral of Notre Dame and Pisa Tower
c. The louvre museum, Eiffel Tower, and Pisa Tower
d. The louvre museum, Eiffel Tower, and the cathedral of Notre Dame
10. How many people live in Paris?
a. eight million people
b. seven million people
c. six million people
d. five million people

Observational Checklist for Teacher Cycle 1

Observer : Muhamad Mustofa

No Teacher’s activities Yes No

1 Greeting students before the lesson begins

2 Praying before the lesson begins

3 Checking students attendant

4 Reminding previous materials

5 Preparing and giving of the materials

6 Giving opportunity for asking question

7 Giving explanation of the materials

8 Guiding the students activity

9 Giving feedback after the lesson

10 Giving motivation for students

Observational Checklist for Students Cycle 1

Observer : Muhamad Mustofa

No Students’ activities Yes No

1 Giving attention to the explanation

2 Giving question about Descriptive text

3 Personal responding to the material ( Descriptive text)

4 Doing the test

Pringapus, 5 Agustus 2016


Muhamad Mustofa

Observational Checklist for Teacher Cycle 2

Observer : Muhamad Mustofa

No Teacher’s activities Yes No

1 Greeting students before the lesson begins

2 Praying before the lesson begins

3 Checking students attendant

4 Reminding previous materials

5 Preparing and giving of the materials

6 Giving opportunity for asking question

7 Giving explanation of the materials

8 Guiding the students activity

9 Giving feedback after the lesson

10 Giving motivation for students

Observational Checklist for Students Cycle 2

Observer : Muhamad Mustofa

No Students’ activities Yes No

1 Giving attention to the explanation

2 Giving question about Descriptive text

3 Personal responding to the material ( Descriptive text)

4 Doing the test

Pringapus, 9 Agustus 2016


Muhammad Mustofa

Classroom Observation Sheets Post-test Cycle 1

School : SMP N 1 Pringapus

No The aspect being observed yes No

1 Do students look interested and entusiastic in

learning reading mastery ?

2 Do all students understand about talking stick


3 Do all students involve actively in learning

reading mastery talking stick method?

4 Is talking stick method can improve reading

mastery of the students?

5 Is talking stick method can motivate the students

to increase their reading?

Classroom Observation Sheets Post-test Cycle 2

School : SMP N 1 Pringapus

No The aspect being observed yes No

1 Do students look interested and entusiastic in

learning reading mastery ?

2 Do all students understand about talking stick


3 Do all students involve actively in learning

reading mastery talking stick method?

4 Is talking stick method can improve reading

mastery of the students?

5 Is talking stick method can motivate the students

to increase their reading?

The Score of Students’ Reading Mastery SMPN 1 Pringapus

No Name Pre-test Post-test Pre-test Post-test

1 Asih Qoiru Nisa 50 80 70 90
2 Andina Prasita Wulandari 70 100 90 100
3 Bunga Audila 100 80 90 90
4 Deva radhitya P 80 100 100 100
5 Disky Melinda E 70 90 90 100
6 Eva Nur 70 80 90 100
7 Firda Oktafia 100 80 90 90
8 Firdana Ningtyas 70 90 70 90
9 Fina Fitriyani 60 80 90 100
10 Heri Irawan 70 100 100 100
11 Ilham D.A 90 - 90 90
12 Indah Trio Destanti 60 80 90 90
13 Kurnia Dwi Fatmawati 100 90 90 90
14 Luna Wike Vandiyana 70 100 90 90
15 Meyliana Rista Amalia 100 80 80 90
16 Muhamad Solikin 80 100 100 100
17 Nadia Rista sari 80 100 90 90
18 Nerisa Dika Septiana 60 100 90 100
19 Nurul Ifadah 70 100 90 90
20 Novi Dila 50 70 70 70
21 Oktavia Ira Ningtyas 80 100 100 90
22 Oktavia Putri Andiayani 70 80 70 90
23 Pradita Putri Oktavia 50 90 90 90
24 Putri Dika Lestari 50 90 90 90
25 Puput Putri Nuhayati 80 70 60 80
26 Putri Mai Silfia 100 100 90 90
27 Qonik Istiyaningrum 50 90 80 80
28 Ria Wening Dyah Ayu 80 90 90 100
29 Reno Renaldi Setiawan 100 100 100 100
30 Sepna Ayu Bagita 100 100 90 90
31 Satrio Bagus Tegar 80 100 90 90
32 Vega Adhi S 70 100 90 90
33 Wisnu Yosa Adhi 100 100 100 100
34 Yeni 80 90 90 90
Total Score 2.590 3.000 2.990 3.130

Picture.1 Picture.2

With Mrs. Wintarti, S.Pd With Mr. Adi Kusyanto, S.Pd, M.Pd

The English Teacher VIIIB The Head Master of SMPN 1 Pringapus


The students of class VIII B


Pre-action Test

Picture. 5

Post Test 1

The Teacher bought the tape recorder and stick to apply talking stick method


Post Test 1


Post Test 2 apply the Talking stick method


Post Test 2


Post Test 2


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