EXHIBITS 1-99 For July 17 2012 HSBC HearingUR7 PDF

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United States Senate


Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
Carl Levin, Chairman
Tom Coburn, Ranking Minority Member

Hearing On

U.S. Vulnerabilities to Money Laundering,

Drugs, and Terrorist Financing:
HSBC Case History

July 17, 2012

199 Russell Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C. 20510

United States Senate
Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
Carl Levin, Chairman
Tom Coburn, Ranking Minority Member

Hearing On
U.S. Vulnerabilities to Money Laundering, Drugs,
and Terrorist Financing: HSBC Case History
July 17, 2012

1. a. Matters Requiring Attention (MRAs) and Recommendations in OCC Supervisory

Letters for HSBC Bank USA, N.A., chart prepared by the Permanent Subcommittee on
b. HBMX Compliance Failures, chart prepared by the Permanent Subcommittee on
c. Disclosed v. Undisclosed Iranian U.S. Dollar Payments Sent by HSBC Foreign
Affiliates to U.S. Banks, Including HSBC Bank USA, chart prepared by the Permanent
Subcommittee on Investigations.
d. Excerpts from emails of David Bagley re HBUS awareness of Iranian transactions,
e. Ratings Used in OCC Report of Examinations, chart prepared by the Permanent
Subcommittee on Investigations.
f. 31 USC §5318(h) - Anti-Money Laundering Programs.

General Documents:

2. a. HSBC Group News, HSBC Group Chief Stuart Gulliver letter to all HSBC employees.
b. HSBC Group Circular Letters (GCL), GCL 120014 - HSBC Global Standards.
c. HSBC Group Standards Manual, Chapter 5 Legal, Compliance and Reputation.

3. HSBC internal email, dated September 2008, re: Kyc hires (...still grappling with some of
the grim realities of the present - the upcoming OCC exam in November being one of those
grim realities.). [HSBC OCC 0616352-356]

4. 30 Day Observations and Recommendations Report from AML Director (Extremely high
risk business model from AML perspective * * * AML Director has the responsibility for
AML compliance, but very little control over its success.). [HSBC-PSI-PROD-0065332-

5. HSBC internal email, dated October 2009, re: OFAC resources (...not good in that we don’t
get the staffing levels we need.). [OCC-PSI-00162661]

6. HSBC internal email, dated February 2010, re: Received a call from Kathy G this am (we
are in dire straights right know over backlogs, and decisions being made by those that
don’t understand the risks or consequences of their decisions!!!!). [OCC-PSI-00165898]

7. HSBC internal email, dated February 2010, re: Bco Nac Angola (We don’t appear to be on
the same page as to who owns the risk.). [OCC-PSI-00165932]

Documents Related to HBMX and HSBC Mexico:

8. HSBC internal email, dated July 2002, re: BITAL (There is no recognisable compliance or
money laundering function in Bital at present ....). [HSBC OCC 8877797-798]

9. HSBC internal email, dated August 2002, re: HIGH NOON, attaching copy of Group
Internal Audit, Due Diligence Review - Project High Noon). [HSBC OCC 8873843-855]

10. HSBC internal email, dated November 2002, re: Compliance Due Diligence Trip by John
Root, Bital (Mexico City),- 4-8NOV02. [HSBC OCC 8877800-807]

11. May 2004 Group Audit of HBMX (In our opinion, based upon the foregoing, the Direction
of Money Laundering Deterrence is operating with a BELOW STANDARD level of Control
Risk.). [HSBC OCC 8874376-381]

12. HSBC internal email, dated January 2005, re: COMPLIANCE EXCEPTION (...3 members
of the Compliance function within HBMX have alleged that senior persons within the
Compliance function fabricated records of certain mandatory anti-money laundering
meetings .... * * * There appears little doubt that the transaction is a breach of the relevant
OFAC sanction on the part of HBUS ....). [HSBC OCC 8873671]

13. HSBC internal email, dated December 2005, re: OFAC (Some Western authorities allege
more sinister purposes, e.g. the funding of terrorist Hizbollah activities ....).
[HSBC OCC 8876612-613]

14. HSBC internal email, dated March 2007, re: subject redacted by HSBC (There is a very
serious, and high profile, case which has potential reputational damage to the HSBC
Group, and must be given the highest priority.). [HSBC OCC 8874315-326]

15. HSBC internal email, dated March 2007, re: Travellers Cheques (...in the year through
3Q04, HBMX has sold over USD 110 million of travellers cheques, an amount that eclipses
that of HBEU here in the UK ....). [HSBC OCC 8876645-646]

16. HSBC internal email, dated April 2007, re: GROUP AUDIT COMMITTEE - APR 07 (Lack
of a compliance culture, evidenced (in the most seri[ous] way) by the number of staff
defalcations and (in a more widespread general negligence) in the number of fines we
receive from the regulators for avoidable errors ....). [HSBC OCC 8874328-330]

17. HSBC internal email, dated April 2007, re: Managerial Letter: HBMX (...process he
initiated over a month ago following the seizures of the arms and money from our
customers’s premises .... * * * Not a happy story.). [HSBC OCC 8875010-014]

18. a. HSBC Bank USA internal memorandum, dated May 1, 2007, re: Wall Street Journal
Article Regarding Wachovia (Sigue Corp. - A money service business that allegedly
processed $24.7 million in suspicious money remittances related to drug-trafficking
proceeds.). [OCC-PSI-01358514-517]
b. Excerpt from Sigue Corporation Deferred Prosecution Agreement, January 24, 2008.

19. HSBC internal email, dated July 2007, re: Weekly Compliance Report (It looks like the
business is still retaining unacceptable risks and the AML committee is going along after
some initial hemming and hawing.). [HSBC OCC 8875925-927]

20. HSBC internal email, dated July 2007, re: subject redacted by HSBC (The principal factor
here is that the quality of response from the CMB team has not been of the standard that
leads me to believe that they are on top of the compliance risks here.).
[HSBC OCC 8875132-135]

21. HSBC internal email, dated October 2007, re: CNBV Inspection (This is disturbing and
clearly we will need to look at the management structure and practices.).
[HSBC OCC 8873338-342]

22. HSBC internal email, dated November 2007, re: Mexico (...there are numerous cases of
accounts with multiple SARs (16 in one case!!) in Mexico that remain open.).
[HSBC OCC 8875423]

23. HSBC internal email, dated December 2007, re: Warren Learning HBMX DEC Visit Issues
(Sinaloa massive money-laundering scheme (+USD 100 million). [HSBC OCC 8875837]

24. 12/2007 audit of HBMX-Money Laundering Deterrence (MLD), Group Audit Mexico, Audit
Report Summary Schedule (Main control weaknesses identified during the audit ....).
[HSBC OCC 8876347]

25. HSBC internal email, dated January 2009, re: US Issues - Various (...if they were contacted
by US authorities then they should have thought to advise HBUS.).
[HSBC OCC 8873759]

26. HSBC internal email, dated December 2006, re: OFAC - wire payments blocked from
HSBC offshore entities - USD 32,000 (re: SDGT) and USD 2,538,939.33 (re Sudan) (How
is it that these payments continue to be processed by our affiliates in light of the GCLs?).
[HSBC OCC 3407608]

27. HSBC internal email, dated February 2008, re: CNBV (...Mexico is suffering a major
problem with drugs dealers and the Government is being very robust ....).

28. HSBC internal email, dated February 2008, re: subject redacted by HSBC (...in spite of the
seriousness of this case and the issues involved, CMB is proposing to retain this
relationship.). [HSBC OCC 8875139-141 and HSBC OCC 8875020-021]

29. HSBC internal email, dated February 2008, re: CONFIDENTIAL - CNBV/FIU Meeting
(This is most disturbing and we will need to have the most thorough of investigations.).
[HSBC OCC 8966014–020]

30. HSBC internal email, dated March 2008, re: HBMX (The comments made by Leopoldo are
quite concerning, and it would appear that he was more aware of the weaknesses, and the
concerns of the CNBV, than Ramon has indicated.). [HSBC OCC 8874821-825]

31. HSBC internal email, dated July 2008, re: HBMX Visit Update (The report...concluded that
KYC control was “below standard.” A sampling showed that 15% of the customers did not
even have a file. For the files that could be found, there were serious failures in following
Group procedures.). [HSBC OCC 8873487-489]

32. HSBC internal email, dated July 2008, re: HBMX - Cayman Accounts (...it appears that our
CAMP monitoring system identified significant USD remittances being made by a number
of customers to a US company alleged to have been involved in the supply of aircraft to
drugs [sic] cartels.). [HSBC OCC 8874829-833]

33. HSBC internal email, dated September 2008, re: Cayman Accounts (Account opening
documentation is generally poor or non-existent and there is a lot of work to do. Money-
laundering risk is consequently high.). [HSBC OCC 8876784-787]

34. HSBC internal email, dated November 2008, re: Seriously consider restricting the product
Dollars accounts in the zona frontera Product 63 Cuenta Maestra en Dolares P.F. (In the
same way we have already restricted new Caiman Island accounts from opening, due to the
massive misuse of them by organised crime ....). [HSBC OCC 8875736-738]

35. HSBC internal email, dated November 2008, re: Mexico (What I find most frustrating is the
way in which new issues constantly emerge however much time is spent with HBMX.).
[HSBC OCC 8875605-607]

36. HSBC internal email, dated December 2008, re: Mexico Visit (...significant backlog (3,659)
of accounts to be closed. ...675 accounts pending closure were order to be closed by the
CCC on suspicion that they are used for money laundering activity ... 16 accounts were
sent for closure in 2005). [HSBC-PSI-PROD-0197874-876]

37. a. HBUS Banksnotes NY - USD Bought from or Sold to Customers in Mexico: 3 Month
Period (Nov-06 to Feb-07). [OCC-PSI-00151506]
b. BANKNOTES-NY Selected Customers’ Activity Alerts & Traders’ Explanations for
USD Purchases & Sales from 2005-2009, prepared by OCC. [OCC-PSI-00005890-904]

38. OCC internal email, dated June 2010, re: HSBC (...this has the makings of potentially being
a major criminal case ....). [OCC-PSI-00928756-758]

39. HSBC Presentation, Conducting an Enhanced KYC for Grand Cayman Accountholders,
undated (almost no progress has been made in enhanced KYC completion ... success rate in
file completion is approximately 25%). [HSBC OCC 8874560-566]

Documents Related to HSBC Affiliates: Circumventing OFAC Prohibitions:

40. HSBC internal email, dated May 2001, re: BANK MELLI (I wish to be on the record as not
comfortable with this piece of business.). [HSBC-PSI-PROD-0096138-142]

41. HSBC internal email, dated July 2001, re: Bank Melli (With the amount of smoke coming
off this gun, remind me again why we think we should be supporting this business?).
[HSBC OCC 8876128-136]

42. HSBC internal email, dated October 2001, re: OFAC SANCTIONS (...bear in mind pending
US legislation which will in effect give the US extra-territorial authority over foreign
banks, particularly if we are unfortunate enough to process a payment which turns out to
be connected to terrorism.). [HSBC OCC 8873890-893]

43. HSBC internal email, dated October 2002, re: IRAN (Your already processing USD
payments from two existing accounts held in London.). [HSBC OCC 7687373-377]

44. HSBC internal email, dated January 2003, re: USD Payments from Iranian Banks (As you
may recall, it was agreed that our London/Middle East office would put together a business
case regarding plans for providing USD payment services to Iranian Banks ....).
[HSBC OCC 3407510-515]

45. HSBC internal email, dated February 2003, re: BUSINESS CASE - US PAYMENTS FROM
IRANIAN BANKS/ENTITIES (The business case includes a number of express references to
practices which may constitute a breach of US sanctions, including the OFAC provisions,
and could provide the basis for action against the HSBC Group ....).
[HSBC OCC 8876487-488]

46. HSBC internal email, dated October 2003, re: Iran - Strategy Discussion Paper (...there
remains serious political and reputational risks within the USA if they proceed with this
....). [HSBC OCC 8873941-947]

47. HSBC Document, Iran - Strategy Discussion Paper, undated, (The Iranian market offers
substantial untapped potential for the HSBC Group.). [HSBC OCC 8873949-956]

48. HSBC internal email, dated October 2003, re: USD Clearing - Iranian Banks (...HBEU
have been manually intervening in the processing of Iranian bank payment instructions by
removing the remitter’s name and country to prevent the probable trigger of a filter in the
US, and the subsequent declaration to OFAC (and possible freezing) of the funds.).
[HSBC OCC 8875217-218]

49. HSBC internal email, dated October 2003, re: Iran (The practice of amending instructions
is clearly a long standing one which has hitherto continued despite the RMs believing it
had ceased some years ago.). [HSBC OCC 8874660-663]

50. a. HSBC internal email, dated December 2003, re: COMPLIANCE - OFAC ISSUES IN
GENERAL AND SPECIFIC TO IRAN (I currently feel that we may be exposing
ourselves to unnecessary and unacceptable Reputational and Operational Risk when
we are handling payments originating from FIs domiciled in or who are a local branch
of an FI domiciled in an OFAC regulated country.). [HSBC OCC 3407517-522]
b. HSBC internal email, dated June 2004, re: PLC - Re “do not mention our name” (When
Funds Transfer staff noted the messages in the BBI field stating “do not mention our
name” they payment was rejected, per our policy, due to concerns about evasion issues
under the OFAC regulations.). [HSBC OCC 8873922-928]
c. HSBC internal email, dated May 2005, re: Wire Payments Suspended (Wire payments
suspended re “Iran” - USD 6,912,607.82). [HSBC OCC 8874710-712]
d. HSBC internal email, dated February 2008, re: Rami Makhlouf (Please be advised that
we currently maintain a relationship with Sellor, Mohamad Makhlouf in our capacity
as Trustee and the individual named in your search request (Rami Makhlouf) is
actually a beneficiary of the Trust ....). [HSBC-OCC-8878838]

51. HSBC internal email, dated March 2004, re: BankMarkazi Payment (...I remain extremely
uncomfortable with the practice of amending Iranian payment orders for whatever means.).
[HSBC OCC 8873979-982]

52. HSBC internal email, dated March 2004, re: Bank Markazi Payment (The complexity of the
OFAC regulations, and the fact that HBUS were unaware that any arrangements existed
with Iranian Banks, has made speedy resolution of this issue difficult.).
[HSBC OCC 8873985-986]

53. HSBC internal email, dated April 2004, re: Iran Correspondent Banking Services - OFAC
(...the most pressing issue to be resolved is that relating to the limited number of existing
relationships that we have (for two small Iranian Banks) where I suspect that HBUS are
not aware that payments may be passing through them.). [HSBC OCC 8873994-997]

54. HSBC internal email, dated June 2004, re: Iran (...there are very compelling reasons which
need to be borne in mind when making this decision, not least of which is the threat to the
Group’s position in and business with Iran over the medium term.). [HSBC OCC 8874001-

55. HSBC internal email, dated June 2004, re: Iran (...our interpretation was that we were
being asked to ‘fudge’ the nature of the payments to avoid the U.S. embargo and seizure
....). [HSBC OCC 8873999]

56. HSBC internal email, dated July 2004, re: HBEU Iranian Payments Business (...we are
being asked to amend instructions or, assume responsibility that the contents of the
payment message do not attract the fed’s attention and seize the payment ....).
[HSBC OCC 8876861-863]

57. HSBC internal email, dated November 2004, re: U-turns (...initially there were concerns
about potential intentional removal of wording “off limit payments” from these payments.).

58. HSBC internal email, dated December 2004, re: U-turns (Attached are the conditions under
which HBUS will accept U-Turn transactions.). [HSBC OCC 3407526-527]

59. HSBC internal email, dated June 2005, re: Iranian Payments (...HBME is currently seeking
to open a USD account with JP Morgan Chase as our first choice ... in order to process
Iranian related USD payments.). [HSBC OCC 8878026-029]

60. HSBC internal email, dated May 2006, re: TP Gateways (I would have thought the US
regulators would have taken a dim view of routing stuff around the US.).
[HSBC OCC 7687437-438]

61. HSBC internal email, dated May 2006, re: U Turns (I anticipate that you would prefer to
see Field 72 completed, but this will mean more hits in the filters even if they will then be
passed.). [HSBC OCC 3243782-787]

62. HSBC internal email, dated January 2007, re: Transactions with Iran/Cuba, etc (...let’s set
up a completely different Swift address to help avoid any problems with Cuba and Iran.).
[HSBC OCC 8876921–931]

63. HSBC internal email, dated June 2007, re: Iran (There are further complications
surrounding the process of closure with all Iranian banks as we have some USD 9m in
reimbursements due from Sepah, where we are running off trade lines ....).
[HSBC OCC 8878214-216]

64. HSBC internal email, dated June 2007, re: GROUP MESSAGING GATEWAY FOR LAM -
CLEAR CHOICE REPORT (We have not engaged with CI and Nassau as we have no
leadership responsibility for this geography.). [HSBC OCC 8874349-355]

65. HSBC internal email, dated June 2008, re: OFAC processing in GCS’s (...we’re strapped
and getting behind in investigations [on OFAC cases] and have some of our key managers
in the queues releasing items . . . I cannot hire first level staff unless it’s offshored ....)
[HSBC OCC 0616349-350]

66. HSBC internal email, dated December 2009, re: OFAC Payments (We could use 5 or 6
people for 10 days who can review payments to clear the 700 and building backlog of
payments that have been held over and need to be worked to process.).
[HSBC OCC 7688668-670]

67. HSBC internal email, dated August 2010, re: Project Topaz US Urgent Requirements (We
need to move quickly to reduce the AML alerts and the connected KYC issues as it is
impossible to plan the required capacity .... * * * Attached is a list of 121 international
banks that we can no longer support and need to exit. * * * the US requirements cut across
business lines and it is crucial that the strategies of PCM, TSC and FIG are aligned to
prevent this situation occurring in the future.). [HSBC OCC 8876104-106]

68. Excerpt from Deloitte Review of OFAC transactions, Results of the Transactions Review -
UK Gateway, March 29, 2012. [HSBC-PSI-PROD-0197919, 930-931, 940, 968-969, 976,

69. Excerpt from March 29, 2012 Presentation, prepared by Sullivan Cromwell LLP and Cahill
Gordon & Reindel LLP on OFAC compliance by HSBC Bank USA.
[HSBC OCC 8966113, 118, 143]

70. HSBC Group Circular Letters (GCL):

a. GCL 050047 - Compliance with sanctions (28/Jul/2005) [HSBC OCC 3407560-561];
b. GCL 060011 - US Dollar Payments (06/Apr/2006) [HSBC OCC 3407587];
c. GCL 060041 - US OFAC Sanctions against Iran - U-Turn Exemption (25/Oct/2006)
[HSBC OCC 3407606];
d. GCL 070049 - Sanctions Against Iran (24/Sep/2007). [OCC-PSI-00141530-531]

71. Documents related to other countries:

a. HSBC internal email, dated September 2005, re: OFAC sanctions (In particular regard
to the Sudanese payments, but also to a lesser extent, Cuban and Burmese, there are a
considerable number of USD denominated transactions.). [HSBC OCC 8877213-214]
b. Information Requested in Connection With: North Korea, Cuba, and Myanmar (We
were notified that there are relationships with Cuban and North Korean customers.),
HSBC document prepared May 2007. [HSBC OCC 8876093-095]
c. HSBC internal email, dated October 2005, re: GCL 050047 - Compliance with
Sanctions (I note HBMX continues to process USD payments involving Cuba. It is very
important this is stopped immediately as the regulators are getting very tough and the
cost to the Group could be considerable if a breach occurs, both in terms of the fine
and in the rectification work which is likely to be a pre-requisite to any settlement. If
this identifies further breaches, the cost could spiral.). [HSBC OCC 8874357-362]

d. Excerpt from Deloitte Transaction Review Progress and Results Reporting, 18th & 19th
October 2011 (Correspondent and other accounts ....). [HSBC-PSI-PROD-0096628,

Documents Related to Al Rajhi Bank: Disregarding Links to Terrorist Financing:

72. HSBC internal email, dated January 2005, re: Al Ra[jh]i Trading/Al Ra[jh]i Banking
(...Group Compliance has recommended that the US businesses sever ties with these clients
based on the current regulatory environment and the interest of US law enforcement.). [72]

73. HSBC internal email, dated March 2005, re: Al Ra[jh]i Guidance Clarified (Looks like
you’re fine to continue dealing with Al Rajhi. You’d better be making lots of money!.).
[HSBC OCC 3114022]

74. HSBC internal email, dated May 2005, re: Al Rajhi (After the OCC close out and that
chapter hopefully finished, could we re-visit Al Rajhi again. London compliance has taken
a more lenient view ....). [OCC-PSI_00144350]

75. HSBC internal email, dated August 2005, re: Al Rajhi (We’ve gotten push back from OCC
on Al Ra[jh]i Trading, which is less controversial than the bank.).

76. Excerpt from HBUS Global Banknotes - Purchases & Sales USD - 2008 vs 2009.
[HSBC OCC 5364770, 793, 794]

77. HSBC internal email, dated November 2006, re: Al Rajhi Banking (...the PCM Regional
Sales Manager at HBME in Bahrain ... has called to say that Al Rajhi has now run out of
patience waiting for us to re-start out banknote trading relationship ....).
[HSBC OCC 3280505]

78. HSBC internal email, dated November 2006, re: Al Rajhi Banking (At the end of the day,
its Compliance who’s the key.). [OCC-PSI-00150795]

79. HSBC internal email, dated November 2006, re: Alrahji [sic] (To cancel the Amanah
business is much bigger than not dealing with banknotes.). [OCC-PSI-00150798]

80. HSBC internal email, dated December 2006, re: Al Rajhi Bank (...the notion of ‘no smoke
without fire’ is one we must bear in mind and any business unit dealing with this entity
must acknowledge the associated risks.). [OCC-PSI-00150892]

81. HSBC internal email, dated July 2007, re: Al Rajhi Bank in Saudi Arabia (This article on Al
Rajhi Bank & TF was in the Wall Street Journal today.). [HSBC OCC 2830874-879]

82. HSBC internal email, dated November 2007, re: Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited (...the
money is there and we should go for this account.). [HSBC OCC 0739987-991]

83. HSBC internal email, dated November 2007, re: Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited -
Bangladesh (...the Al- Rajhi family has been associated with Islami Bank, Bangladesh
Limited, since its inception.). [OCC-PSI-00154139]

84. a. HSBC internal email, dated August 2009, re: EDD Report of Findings [redacted] Bank
Ltd in Bangladesh (BN-SP & PCM) (I support Hersel’s stance that this is such a large
bank hence malfeasance is expected.). [HSBC OCC 7688017-024]
b. HSBC internal email, dated September 2005, re: Report of Findings - [redacted] Bank -
FIG (Yes, corruption can be rampant in this bank ....). [HSBC OCC 7690024-032]

85. HSBC Know Your Customer Profile for Al Rajhi Banking & Investment Corp, October
2010. [HSBC-PSI-PROD-0102310-324]

86. HSBC Know Your Customer Profile for Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited, June 2011.

87. a. Islami Bank Bangladesh Ltd. responses to questions from the U.S. Senate Permanent
Subcommittee on Investigations, July 4, 2012. [PSI-IBBL-0001-003]
b. Social Islami Bank Ltd. responses to questions from the U.S. Senate Permanent
Subcommittee on Investigations, July 10, 2012. [PSI-SIBL-01-0001-004]

Documents Related to Hokuriku Bank: Cashing Bulk Travelers Checks:

88. HSBC internal email, September 2008, re: Hokuriku Bank Ltd - Compliance query
(Information from Hokuriku Bank regarding some of the car dealerships they do business
with that we questioned. Its very limited information that took us over a month to get.).

89. HSBC internal email, dated November 2008, re: Hokuriku Bank (The use of cash letter is
inappropriate and the Committee has concluded that PCM should no longer allow
Hokuriku to send traveler’s checks through cash letter.). [OCC-PSI-00808695]

90. HSBC internal email, dated December 2008, re: Hokuriku Bank - information needed (They
have been good enough to provide information so far but as you may understand from bank
secrecy view point, they should not or cannot disclosure customer information.).

91. HSBC internal email, dated December 2008, re: SK Trading (...we uncovered huge amounts
of [redacted] travelers’ checks (daily averages of $500M to $700M per day) being
processed by HSBC for their correspondent Hokuriku Bank in Japan.).

92. Hokuriku Bank, Ltd. responses to questions from the U.S. Senate Permanent Subcommittee
on Investigations, June 26 and 29, 2012. [PSI-HokurikuBank-01-0001-016 and

Documents Related to HBUS Private Bank Americas: Offering Bearer Share Accounts:

93. HSBC internal email, dated August 2007, re: Bearer Share Companies (The following is
our current policy for Bearer Share Corporations in NY ....). [OCC-PSI-00318438]

94. HSBC internal email, dated December 2007, re: Bearer Share Corporation Policy (IPB
Miami maintains existing accounts for 1,679 Bearer Share Corporations of which 126 are
considered High Risk.). [OCC-PSI-00226652]

95. Transcript of 4/25/2007 telephone conversation between HBUS Claude Mandel and
Mauricio Cohen (Mr. Cohen: But I can’t put that, otherwise I have to declare them in the
United States? I can’t do that, I don’t want to declare...otherwise, I have to close the
accounts with you and go to Geneva.). [HSBC-PSI-PROD-0024791-795]

96. a. HSBC internal email, dated June 2007, re: Waiver Request (The two accounts are
bearer shares. The client does not want neither to register nor custodize the shares,
and they do not want to sign the BOL.). [OCC-PSI-00214516]
b. HSBC internal email, dated June 2007, re: Waiver Request (I would do it without going
to Geneva but audit wrote up DPB on a similar situation.). [OCC-PSI-00214534]

97. Documents related to Peruvian Family:

a. HSBC internal email, dated June 2007, re: [redacted] Family (I spoke to Susan Wright,
Group Head of AML. She is reluctant to grant the exception but will consider it.).
b. HSBC internal email, dated June 2007, re: [redacted] Family (This is too important a
family in Peru for us not to want to do business with.). [OCC-PSI-00215211]

Documents Related to OCC: Exercising Ineffective AML Oversight:

98. HSBC internal email, dated February 2010, re: OCC Meeting (In light of the extent of our
alert backlogs, Sally indicated that they will shortly be issuing a Supervisory Letter ....).
[HSBC OCC 3405315-316]

99. HSBC internal email, dated June 2009, re: GMO business reviews - LATAM (The inherent
AML risk in Mexico is still very high ....). [HSBC OCC 8874895]

h hh
Matters Requiring Attention (MRAs) and Recommendations in OCC Supervisory Letters for HSBC Bank USA, N.A.
January 2005 - July 2009
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• Rec,,, ·
.~c l i";'~\'}.<;S;;- MRAs·
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1 1/26/2005 4Q04 USA Patriot Act Exam 5 0 , , , , 6
2 6/20/2005 lQOS Globa l Banknole Exam 6 0 , , , , , 12
3 B/9/200S Embassv Banking Exam 0 0 12
4 1/17/2006 3Q05 Foreign Corresp. Banking Exam 7 0 , , , , , 19
5 1/23/2006 3QOS Wire Transfer ElC am 5 0 , , , , , , 24
5 1/30/2006 4QOS Embassy Bankln ham 4 0 , , , 28
7 1/31/2006 3QOS Intn' l Private Banking Exam 7 0 , , , , , , 35
Provisio ns of the 2003 Written Agreement were term inated 216/2006 with the ab ove similar/systemic findings from the first seven BSA/AML exams.
8 4/12/2006 1006 Do mestic Private Banking ham 3 0 , , , 38
9 4/27/2006 1006 GIS Exam 0 1 , , 3B
10 6/14/2006 1006 Compliance Review Unit (CRU) Exam 4 0 , , , 42
, ,
7/13/2006 1006 Trade Services 0 eratio ns
9/26/2006 2006 London Global Ba·nknote ElCam
10/19/2006 Retail Services Compliance Exam
, ,
, , , 42
.,3 14 12/1/2006 MetriS Exam (Cred it Cards) 5 0 , , , 51
= 15 1/8/2007 Taxpayer Financial Services Compliance Exam 0 2 51
, , , , ,
15 3/8/2007 Corp orate and Institutional Banking Exam 4 1 55
M 17 3/19/2007 3Q06 GI S Exam 3 0 , , , 58
= , , ,

18 3/27/2007 3006 Reta il Banking Exam 3 7 61
"3e 19
3/29/2007 4006 CAMP Review
5/22/2007 OCC Visit to India
0 , 62
~ "
6/17/2007 CAMP FoUow·up
6/20/2007 1007 Corporate Trust Exam
e" 23 8/6/2007 2007 Internal Audit and CRU Follow·up Exam 0 1 , 62

'II:: =
8/21/2007 3007 london Banknote Follow·up Exam
8/21/2007 3007 GIS Follow·u p Exam
~ < 25 9/13/2007 Pouch Services and Middle Market ElC affi 5 0 , , , , , 67
, , ,
~ " 9/21/2007 Investment Banking bam 3 0
., 28 9/21/2007 Taxpayer Financial Services Follow-up Exam 1 0 , 70
e 29 10/1S/2OO7 Retail Services Compliance Exam 0 1 , 71
= 30 2/11/2008 Card Services Compllance Exam 0 3 , , 71

4/9/2008 lQ08 Aud it and CRU Exam
4/21/2008 4007 PC M Exam ,2
, , , , 73
6/212008 Singapofl!!/Hong Kong Banknotes Exam 0 2
34 7/10/2008 Taxpayer Financial Services Com liance Exam 1 0
, , , , , ,
35 9/4/2008 2008 and 3008 GIB Exam 2 0 79
36 1/20/2009 4008 OFAC Exam 0 1 , 79
37 1/22/2009 3008 Pouch Follow· up Exam 0 0 79
38 3/3/2009 4008 Correspondent Banking Exam 0 2 , 79
39 3/ 18/2009 4008 Priva te Banking ham 2 1 , , 81
40 3/18/2009 4008 PCM Exam 0 1 , 81
41 5/27/2009 Ta)Cpayer FInancial Services Compliance Exam 0 0 81
6/24/2009 2Q09 GI8 Follow-up Exam 1 , , , ,
"43 7/7/2009 Compliance Ma na ement Exam 1
0 , ,
TOTALS B3 30 10 19 13 B 2 21 11 9 1 1

Prepa red by the U.S. Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, July 2011.
Chapter 5 Legal, Compliance and Reputation Page 10f2

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Chapter 5 Legal. Compliance and Reputation

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Chapter 5 Legal, Compliance and Reputation


The Global legal Function is responsible for providing and managing legal services to members of the
HSBC Group, thereby facilitating its business and for protecting the Group from legal risk as well as its
integrity and reputation. The Group General Counsel maintains a close relationship with the Chief Risk
Officer (CRO).

The Global legal Function operates through individual legal departments in more than 50 countries.
Regional General Counsel for North America; latin America; Europe; Middle East; Asia Pacific; the Global
Head of Global Banking and Markets, legal; the Head of GBl lGA and the Chief Operating Officer, GBl
lGA together with the Group General Counsel form the Group legal Executive Committee . The Group
Legal Executive Committee has primary responsibility for providing leadership and guidance across the
function, while the responsibility for providing legal support to the business rests with the individual country

Legal risk is a combination of a variety of risks. In particular:

Contractual Risk is the risk that the rights and/or obligations of a Group member within a contractual
relationship are defective;
Dispute Risk is made up of the risks that a Group member is subject to when it is involved in or managing
a potential dispute or actual dispute;
Legislative Risk which is the risk that a Group member fails to adhere to the laws of the jurisdictions in
which it operates; and
Non-Contractual Rights Risk which is the risk that a Group member's assets are not properly owned or
are infringed by others or the infringement by a Group member of another party's rights.

For additional detail on legal risk and HSBC's policies to control such risk, please refer to the Legal and
Compliance FIM.


The stl"\Jcture of the Group's Compliance function is designed to fit closely with the structure of the
business and is divided according to geographic units (each country or jurisdiction is headed by an Area
Compliance Officerwho functionally reports to the relevant Regional Compliance Officer) and Global
Businesses (which are typically subject to oversight by a Global Business Compliance Officer).
Furthermore for major Group companies, typically those with a dedicated audit committee, a Global Head
of Compliance will exist to co-ordinate local Compliance Officers both within that company's domestic and
overseas offices.

Group Compliance in Group Headquarters is the centre of the Compliance function, setting Group-wide
policy and supporting the regional/product netviorks as well as advising Group executives on all regulatory
matters . The Head of Group Compliance reports to the Chief Risk Officer, but also has close association
with the Group General Counsel so a holistic view of risk across the Group's functions can be obtained.

Given the geographical spread of the Group and the number of financial markets in which it operates, the
breadth and depth of legislation and regulation to which the Group is subject is enormous. The penalties
for contravening rules and regulations are also increasing in severity. Compliance risk is closely bound
with reputational risk and the perception of the Group by customers and others can be readily damaged by I
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Chapter 5 Legal, Compliance and Reputation Page 2 of2

a failure to comply with relevant laws , Any wilful or negligent contravention by a Group operation will be
regarded very seriously.

For full details of the globally· applicable Compliance policies in place to safeguard the HSBC Group
against regulatory risk, refer to the Compliance section of the legal and Compliance FIM. In some cases,
such policies will be supplemented at Global Business level by the appropriate business FIM.

The following Compl iance Policy Statement was adopted by the Board of HSBC Holdings pic on
12MAR93 and is required to be adopted formally by all major operating subsidiaries within the Group:

"It is the policy of the HSBC Group (the Group) to observe high standards of integrity and fair dealing in
the conduct of its business and to act with due skill , care and diligence.

To those ends, Group members should:

• comply with both the letter and spirit of all relevant laws, codes, rules, regulations and standards of
good market practice in each jurisdiction around the world where they conduct business; and
• ensure tha t any irregularities which arise are promptly resolved in a manner which minimises
financial Joss and protects the good name and reputation of the Group."

Management at all levels must ensure they, or their executives with delegated managerial responsibilities,
are fully acquainted with the rules and regulations applying to the operations for which they have
responsibility and that arrangements for ensuring compliance with legal/regulatory requirements are an
integral part of the operational procedures of the business. Where managers become aware of breaches
of Jaws or regulations, they must advise their Local Compliance Officer.

Published: 27/Febf2012

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e HSBC Holdings pic, 2012. All Rights Reserved_

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exception. Sorry, I was in a rush to leave friday, I forgot to send my

- - ' " Hcd:Il'lcd In' Ih~ 1'l'''fTlan~'Il! ,

From: Jaime carvallo Suhcnn1:l:i:',t',' 011 !!l\Cq':::t:j":h i
Sent: 06/25/2007 01:48 p~, EDT
To: Marlon Young
Cc: Ter GarCla' Thomas Flory; Ana Da Silva
Subject: • • • •
Teresa Garcia must have given you heads up on the _ _ _ _ _ and the issue
regarding their holding companies having bearer sh~fact that they
will not sign the BDL.
I wi 11 see one of the family members tomorrow morni n~ ~is sti 11 seems to
have no resolution. This is too important a family ln~or us not to want
to do business with, and one that has taken a lot of my tlme and effort to
convince to start a relationship with us. Joao Luiz has met members of the
family as well. I would appreciate your involvement at this point, as this has
become extremely sensitive.
Thank you and regards,

page 6

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