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Avi3m3o1 - 20th Century Art Lesson 2 Cubism - Synthetic 2

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Lesson 2 - Synthetic Cubism 

Lesson Title:​ C
​ ontinuation of Cubism Activity - Synthetic ​ ​Grade:​ ​AVI3M - Grade 11 (University/College 
Preparation) ​ S​ ubject​: V
​ isual Arts ​ S
​ trand:​ ​A. Creating and Presenting, B. Reflecting, Responding, and 
Analysing & C. Foundations​ ​ Location:​ ​Classroom ​ Time: ​2 x 75 minute periods 

Lesson Plan Description 

This lesson ties into the previous lesson about Analytical Cubism. The first part of the students’ drawings that 
they had completed the previous day introduced them to Analytical Cubism in drawing. In this lesson, students 
will adapt their drawings to incorporate Synthetic Cubism. Synthetic Cubism is the advent of the collage 
technique. Referencing the style of Georges Braque and Pablo Picasso, students will cut up their previous 
Analytical drawing into ‘fractured’ pieces in which they will adapt it to the style of Synthetic Cubism. Using 
found textures and materials to re-attach these pieces into an interesting composition, students will 
understand the process that Cubist artists took in fracturing the tradition picture plane.  


Ontario Curriculum Overall Expectations 

A1. The Creative Process:​ apply the creative process to create a variety of art works, individually and or 
A2.​ T
​ he Elements and Principles of Design:​ apply the elements and principles of design to create art works 
for the purpose of self-expression and to communicate ideas, information, and/or messages. 
A3. Production and Presentation: ​produce art works, using a variety of media/materials and traditional and 
emerging technologies, tools, and techniques, and demonstrate an understanding of a variety of ways of 
presenting their works and the works of others. 
B1. The Critical Analysis Process: ​demonstrate an understanding of the critical analysis process by 
examining, interpreting, evaluating, and reflecting on various art works. 
B2. Art, Society, and Values:​ demonstrate an understanding of how art works reflect the society in which 
they were created, and of how they can affect both social and personal values. 
C1. Terminology: d ​ emonstrate an understanding of, and use correct terminology when referring to, elements, 
principles, and other components related to visual arts. 
C2. Conventions and Techniques:​ demonstrate an understanding of conventions and techniques used in the 
creation of visual art works. 

Ontario Curriculum Specific Expectations  

A1.1. U
​ se various strategies, individually and/or collaboratively, to generate, explore, and elaborate on ideas 
and to develop and revise detailed plans for the creation of art works that address a variety of creative 
A1.2. ​Apply the appropriate stages of the creative process to produce and revise two and three dimensional 
art works using a variety of traditional and contemporary media.  
A2.1.​ Explore how elements and principles of design can be used to convey emotion and enhance personal 
expression, and use a combination of these elements and principles to create two- and three-dimensional 
artworks that express personal feelings and communicate specific emotions to an audience. 
A3.2.​ Explore a range of traditional and current materials, technologies, techniques, and tools used by visual 
artists, and adapt and apply them to create original art works. 
B1.1.​ Analyse their initial response to art works. 
B1.2. ​Deconstruct the visual content and the use of elements and principles of design in their own art work 
and the work of others.  
B2.1.​ Analyse the function and social impact of different kinds of art works in both past and present societies. 
B2.2. E​ xplain, on the basis of research, ways in which various artworks are a response to and a reflection of 
the society in which they were created. 
C1.1.​ Demonstrate an understanding of the elements and principles of design, and use terminology related to 
these elements and principles correctly and appropriately when creating or analysing art works. 
C1.2.​ Explain terminology related to a variety of techniques, materials, and tools, and use this terminology 
correctly and appropriately when creating, analysing, and/or presenting art works. 
C2.1.​ Demonstrate an understanding of a wide variety of techniques that artists use to achieve a range of 
specific effects.  
C2.2.​ Demonstrate an understanding of a variety of conventions used in visual arts.  

Learning Goals  

Today I will learn… 

● How to gain an understanding and awareness for Cubism 
● About the two different styles of Cubism - Analytical and Synthetic 
● How to discern between Analytic and Synthetic Cubism  
● How to apply the collage process to a drawing 


Success Criteria 

I can: define Cubism and discern the differences between Synthetic and Analytical Cubism 
I can: explain the contribution of two major artists, Picasso and Braque, on the Cubist movement 
I can: analyze a work of art in terms of the artists’ use of line, shape, form, colour, value, and texture 
I can: create an artwork that incorporates both Synthetic and Analytical Cubism 


Achievement Chart Categories (highlight/circle the ones that apply): ​Knowledge and Understanding​; ​Thinking​; 
Communication; A
​ pplication 

Assessment For, As, Of Learning 

   Assessment Mode:  Assessment Strategy  Assessment Tool 
Written, Oral,  Specific task for  Instrument used to 
Performance  students  record data 

Assessment ​For  Oral  Questions based on  Class Discussion 

Learning  Powerpoint 

Assessment ​As  Performance  Work Period  Observation 


Assessment ​Of  Performance  Drawing  Rubric 



Prior Learning: Prior to this lesson, students will have 

● Knowledge of the Elements and Principles of Design 
● Introduction to abstract art throughout art history - impressionism, expressionism, fauvism 
● Explored ideas about how people see things differently, depending on where they stand; your 
perspective in relation to your subject changes when you move to a different spot in the room 
● Understanding of representing space in two dimensions 

Differentiation: Content, Process, Product, Assessment/Accommodations, Modifications 

- Students that require assistance in drawing the still life may be supported by teacher 
- Changes to the still life may be made for students who require an easier composition 
- Kinesthetic learners will be activated through the activity - creating their own drawings  
- Students may need two to three additional work periods to complete their work, depending upon the 
complexity of designs and the size of their finished work 
- Visual learners will be activated through the powerpoint presentation - analyzing artworks from the 
cubist movement (Picasso and Braque) 
- Auditory Learners will be activated through a video presented on Picasso’s experience with cubism 
- Students who require smaller pages and/or paper to allow for detailed work without unnecessary 

Learning Skills/Work Habits 

Highlight/circle ones that are​ addressed​: ​responsibility​, o ​ rganization​, independent work, ​collaboration​, 
initiative, self-regulation 
Highlight/circle ones that are a​ ssessed:​ ​responsibility​, ​organization​, i​ ndependent work​, collaboration, i​ nitiative​, 

Vocabulary ​- Cubism, Analytical Cubism, Synthetic Cubism, construction and deconstruction, perspective  

Resources and Materials /Technology Integration: 

● Computer and projector 
● Objects for still life display set-up 
● Example of Cubism Assignment 
● Powerpoint Presentation on Cubism 
● Rulers, paper, charcoal, scissors, and glue 
● Various materials to collage into the artwork: magazines, newspaper clippings, cardboard, tissue 
paper, wallpaper, coloured chalk, etc.  

Lesson – Day 1 
Minds on: 5
​ minutes   

Teacher will begin the class by re-introducing the students to the concepts of Synthetic Cubism.  
Teacher Prompts: How do you see colour represented in the images? What 2-dimensional found materials can 
you incorporate into your own work? 

Action: 7
​ 0 minute work period   

What Teachers Do:  What Students do: 

Students will apply the concepts learned in the Cubism   

presentation into their drawings. They can transfer their   
preliminary Analytical Cubism drawings (based on the   
still-life) to their new pages by tracing or cutting up their   
original image and reorganizing it onto the new page.    
Students will choose a color scheme based on the type of   
cubism that they are inspired by (although they are   
creating synthetic cubism drawings, they may use either   
colour scheme).Muted tones and gradients are more   
known with Analytical Cubism, or brighter, more saturated   
tones for Synthetic Cubism.    
Students will draw with coloured chalk and add clippings  Students will continue to work on executing 
of collage, working shape by shape on their final drawing.  their own drawings with the help of the teacher. 
They must incorporate the shapes and drawings that they  Students will use class time to incorporate 
made in the previous classes (the Analytical Drawings)  collage and colour into their drawings to simulate 
into their new synthetic drawings by “collage” process.   Synthetic Cubism.  

Lesson – Day 2 

Action: 6
​ 5 minute work period   

Students will continue to work on Synthetic Cubism Drawing.  

Wrap-up: ​10 minutes    

The students will participate in a group critique to discuss the successful elements of each finished piece and 
decide the predominant style influences, Analytic or Synthetic and where these characteristics are located in 
the artwork.  

Extension Activities/Next Steps   

Students will compare the styles of the Cubist artists with Surrealism and Art Deco in the next lessons.  


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