List of Famous Gardens in The World

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List of Famous Gardens in the world

Birmingham Botanical Gardens - Edgbaston, Birmingham, England

Hanging Gardens of Babylon - one of seven ancient wonders of the world
Hawaii Tropical Botanical Garden - Papaikou, Hawaii, USA
Huntington Botanical Gardens - San Marino, California, USA
Arnold Arboretum located on 265 acres in Boston

Jerusalem Botanical Gardens - Jerusalem, Israel

Missouri Botanical Garden - St. Louis, Missouri, USA
United States National Arboretum - Washington, DC, USA
New Zealand Gardens - public and private gardens

New York Botanical Garden - Bronx, New York, USA

Renishaw Hall Gardens - Derbyshire, UK - the Gardens are Italian in design
Royal Botanical Gardens - Burlington, Ontario, Canada
Shanghai Botanic Garden - Shanghai, China
Univ. of California Botanical Garden - Strawberry Canyon, Berkeley, California, USA
Univ. of Washington Medicinal Herb Garden - Seattle, Washington, USA

San Francisco Botanical Garden, Philippines

Siit Arboretum Botanical Garden, Philippines

Botanical Gardens, Penang, Malaysia

Tropical Botanic Garden Kerala, India.

Atlanta Botanic Garden
Botanical Garden, Institute of Botany, Karl-Franzens-University of Graz, Austria
Botanischer Garten der Stadt Linz (Austria)
Botanic Garden of the Jozsef Attila University - Hungary
Ness Botanic Gardens- England
Botanical Garden of the University of Gent, Belgium
L'Observatoire du Monde des Plantes, LiËge (Belgium)

National Botanic Garden of Belgium
Brooklyn Botanic Garden
Chicago Botanic Garden
Christchurch Botanic Gardens - New Zealand
Community Gardening in Germany
Dawyck Botanic Gardens and Arboretum  - Scotland
Descanso--experience the wondrous beauty of colorful foliage.
Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection
Fairchild Tropical Garden - Florida
Filoli is located in Woodside, CA
Göttingen Botanical Garden - Germany
Hawaii Tropical Botanical Garden! This garden  is located  on the lush Hamakua Coast 
north of Hilo
Hawkstone Park
Hellbrunn--In 1612 the Prince-Archbishop of Salzburg,  commissioned the building of a
country estate
Het Loo Palace, in the woodland setting of Apeldoorn in the heart of the Netherlands
Huntington Botanical Gardens--150 acres of breathtaking gardens--one of the best--
Huntington Library
International Peace Garden--Straddling the U.S. Canadian border of North Dakota and
Botanic Garden of the Irkutsk State University - Russia
Japanese Garden list
Japanese Garden of Seattle
Lawai Garden of the National Tropical Botanical Garden - Hawaii
Harry P. Leu Gardens - Florida
Longwood Gardens was created by industrialist Pierre S. du Pont
Missouri Botanical Garden
Mitchell Park Horticultural Conservatory

Morton Arboretum--1,700 acres. More than 30,000 plants, representing 3,600 different
types of plants
Mount Vernon estate and gardens
National Garden
Old Westbury Gardens is the former home of John S. Phipps. Built in 1906 the
magnificent Charles II style mansion and carefully planned formal gardens and
landscaped grounds were the center of this family's life
Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
Saint-Gaudens National Historic Site--Cornish, New Hampshire
Sonnenberg Gardens- beautiful Victorian mansion and gardens, on Canandaigua Lake, in
Upstate New York.
Spetchley Gardens - England
St. Andrews Botanic Gardens - Scotland
The Birmingham Botanical Gardens were opened in 1832


 Australian National Botanic Gardens (ANBG)

 Brisbane Botanic Gardens - Brisbane, Australia.
 Alfred Nicholas Memorial Gardens – Sherbrooke
 Royal Botanic Gardens - Sydney
 Queens Gardens - Townsville
 Lindsay Pryor National Arboretum - Yarralumla
 Westbourne Woods - Yarralumla


 Botanical Garden, Institute of Botany, Karl-Franzens-University of Graz, Austria

 Botanischer Garten der Stadt Linz (Austria)


 Botanical Garden of the University of Gent, Belgium

 National Botanic Garden of Belgium


 Shanghai Botanic Garden, Shanghai, China.

 Yuan Ming Yuan - Garden of Centred Wisdom

Costa Rica

 Arenal Botanical Gardens, Costa Rica


 Botanical Garden of Zagreb, Croatia

 Botanical Gardens in Croatia

Czech Republic

 Zoologicka a Botanicka zahrada mesta Plzen (Zoological and Botanical Garden of

Plzen, Czech Republic)


 Botanic Garden at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark

 The Botanical Garden of KVL, Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University in
Copenhagen, Denmark


 Parque PedagÛgico Etnobot·nico Omaere, Puyo, Ecuador


 The Botanical Garden of Tartu University, Estonia

 Tallinn Botanic Garden, Estonia


 Botanical Garden, University of Helsinki, Finland


 The Botanical Garden of Nice (Nizza), France

 The Botanical Garden of Orchaise, France
 The Botanical Garden of the Villa Thuret (Antibes, France).


 Botanical Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin-Dahlem Information Server,

 Institute of Geobotany and Botanical Garden, University of Halle, Germany
 Institute of Systematic Botany and Botanic Garden, Johannes Gutenberg
University, Mainz, Germany
 International Phenological Gardens (Berlin, Germany). The idea of the IPG is to
obtain comparable phenological data across Europe, from plants not influenced by
different genetic conditions.


 The Dillon Garden, Dublin, Ireland

 National Botanic Gardens Glasnevin, Dublin, Ireland
 Talbot Botanic Garden, Malahide, Ireland
 Trinity College Botanic Garden, Dublin, Ireland


 Jerusalem Botanical Garden, Israel

 Tel Aviv University Botanic Gardens, Israel


 Alpine Botanical Garden (Gran Sasso), University of L'Aquila, Italy.

 Botanical Garden of the University of Modena - L'Orto Botanico dell'Universita'
di Modena, Italy
 Botanical Garden of Viterbo, Italy. L'Orto Botanico dell'Universit· della Tuscia.
 University of Lecce, Villa Tresca Botanical Garden, Italy.


 Fukuoka City Zoological and Botanical Gardens, Japan.

 Hakone: Full of Flowers and Dreams; Botanical Gardens and Parks, Japan
 Hiroshima Botanical Garden, Japan, from the town guide.
 Kyoto Prefectual Botanic Garden, Japan. In Japanese.
 Medicinal Plant Garden, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kumamoto
University, Japan
 Ochiai Park/Botanical Garden, Kasugai, Japan.
 Tama Forest Science Garden, Japan (in Japanese)
 Tsukuba Botanical Garden (Japan)


 Latvian Academy of Sciences, National Botanical Garden (Salaspils, Latvia)

 University of Latvia Botanical Gardens


 Botanical garden of Vilnius University, Lithuania

 Kaunas Botanical garden, University of Lithuania


 Parc Botanique et Zoologique de Tsimbazaza, Antananarivo, Madagascar


 Rimba llmuy Botanical Garden

The Netherlands

 The Botanical Garden of the University of Nijmegen, the Netherlands.


 Botanic Garden of the Irkutsk State University, Russia

 Petrozavodsk State University Botanic Garden (PSUBG), Karelia, Russia


 Singapore Botanic Gardens


 Botanical Garden of P. J. Saf·rik University (Kosice, Slovakia)


 Alpine Botanical Garden Juliana in Trenta Valley, Slovenia

 Botanical Garden of the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

South Africa

 Botanical Garden, University of Pretoria, South Africa

 Botanical Garden, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa
 Free State National Botanical Garden (Bloemfontein, South Africa)
 Harold Porter National Botanical Garden (Betty's Bay, Western Cape Province,
South Africa)
 Karoo National Botanical Garden (Worcester, Western Cape Province, South

 Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden (Cape Town, South Africa)
 Lowveld National Botanical Garden (Nelspruit, Mpumalanga Province, South
 Natal National Botanical Garden (Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal, South
 Pretoria National Botanical Garden (Pretoria, South Africa)


 Valencia Botanical Garden, University of Valencia, Spain.

St Vincent and the Grenadines

 St Vincent and the Grenadines Botanic Gardens, Kingstown


 The Linnaeus Garden (Uppsala, Sweden).

 Linnaeus Hammarby (Uppsala, Sweden). .
 Uppsala University Botanical Garden (Sweden).


 Botanical Garden, University of Fribourg, Switzerland

 Conservatoire & Botanical Garden of the City of Geneva, Switzerland.
 University of Z¸rich, Institute of Systematic Botany and Botanic Garden

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